private void FrmManagerCommand_FormClosed(object sender, FormClosedEventArgs e) { RealTimeEnvironment.ResetCommand(); if (IsChangeOrder) { this.DialogResult = DialogResult.Yes; } }
private void bbtnQuanLyTamLenhModule_ItemClick(object sender, ItemClickEventArgs e) { using (var item = new FrmCommandModule()) { item.ShowDialog(); if (item.IsChangeCommand) { RealTimeEnvironment.ResetCommand(); panelTopHelp.Controls.Clear(); GetHelpCommand(); } } }
private void FrmTestRealTimeGridView_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { RealTimeEnvironment.IniRealTime(); dienThoaiGridView1.FuncGetTimerServer = CommonBL.GetTimeServer; dienThoaiGridView1.FuncGetAll = CuocGoi.G5_DIENTHOAI_LayAllCuocGoi; dienThoaiGridView1.FuncGetNew = CuocGoi.G5_DIENTHOAI_LayDSCuocGoiMoi_FT; dienThoaiGridView1.FuncGetUpdate = CuocGoi.G5_DIENTHOAI_LayDSCuocGoiThayDoiByTongDai; dienThoaiGridView1.FuncGetDelete = (Line, LsKeys) => CuocGoi.G5_DIENTHOAI_LayCacIDCuocGoiKetThucByTongDai(LsKeys, Line); dienThoaiGridView1.LoadAll(); dienThoaiGridView1.ActionPopUp += dienThoaiGridView1_ActionPopUp; dienThoaiGridView1.EventActionStep += dienThoaiGridView1_EventActionStep; dienThoaiGridView1.StartRealTime(); dienThoaiGridView2.FuncGetTimerServer = CommonBL.GetTimeServer; dienThoaiGridView2.FuncGetAll = CuocGoi.G5_DIENTHOAI_LayAllCuocGoi; dienThoaiGridView2.FuncGetNew = CuocGoi.G5_DIENTHOAI_LayDSCuocGoiMoi_FT; dienThoaiGridView2.FuncGetUpdate = CuocGoi.G5_DIENTHOAI_LayDSCuocGoiThayDoiByTongDai; dienThoaiGridView2.FuncGetDelete = (Line, LsKeys) => CuocGoi.G5_DIENTHOAI_LayCacIDCuocGoiKetThucByTongDai(LsKeys, Line); dienThoaiGridView2.LoadAll(); var testdb = RealTimeEnvironment.DicCommand; //for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) //{ #region ===Gen label command=== List <G5Command> lst = testdb; int rowCount = 4; if (lst.Count > 0) { int mod = lst.Count % rowCount; int indexCMD = 0; int columnCount = mod == 0 ? lst.Count / rowCount : lst.Count / rowCount + 1; DataTable dt = new DataTable(); for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) { dt.Columns.Add(i.ToString(), typeof(string)); } for (int i = 0; i < rowCount; i++) { DataRow dr = dt.NewRow(); dt.Rows.Add(dr); } for (int j = 0; j < columnCount; j++) { for (int i = 0; i < rowCount; i++) { if (indexCMD + i > lst.Count) { break; } dt.Rows[i][j] = string.Format("Phím {0}\t: {1}", (char)lst[indexCMD].Shortcuts, lst[indexCMD].Command); indexCMD++; if (indexCMD >= lst.Count) { break; } } } grvCommand.DataSource = dt; grvCommand.Visible = true; grvCommand.Width = grvCommand.Columns.GetColumnsWidth(DataGridViewElementStates.Visible); Screen scr = Screen.PrimaryScreen; grvCommand.Left = (scr.WorkingArea.Width - this.Width) / 2 + this.Width - grvCommand.Width; grvCommand.Top = (scr.WorkingArea.Height - this.Height) / 2 + this.Height - grvCommand.Height; // grvCommand.Location = new Point(this.Width = grvCommand.Width,ribbonControl1.Width- grvCommand.Height); grvCommand.Rows[0].Cells[0].Selected = false; } else { grvCommand.Visible = false; } #endregion var start = DateTime.Now; int row = 0; int col = 0; int height = 1; int with = 10; int withMax = 0; for (int i1 = 0; i1 < testdb.Count; i1++) { if (row > 3) { row = 0; col = col + 1; with = with + withMax + 3; withMax = 0; } var cmd = testdb[i1]; var lbl = new Label(); lbl.Text = string.Format("Phím {0}\t : {1}", cmd.Shortcuts, cmd.Command); panelHelpCommand.Controls.Add(lbl); lbl.Location = new Point(with, (lbl.Height + height) * row + height); if (lbl.Width > withMax) { withMax = lbl.Width; } row++; } panelHelpCommand.Width = with + withMax; }
private void FormMainRibbon_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (DieuHanhTaxi.CheckConnection()) { // Lưu ý:Làm hàm Load tối giản lại càng tốt RealTimeEnvironment.IniRealTime(); PingApp = new BackgroundWorker(); PingApp.DoWork += PingApp_DoWork; using (var PingWcf = new BackgroundWorker()) { PingWcf.DoWork += (sender1, e1) => Service_Common.PingWcf(); PingWcf.RunWorkerAsync(); } if (Config_Common.DienThoai_KhungDiaChi == KhungDiaChi.Duoi) { PanelThongTinDiaChi.Dock = DockStyle.Bottom; } else { PanelThongTinDiaChi.Dock = DockStyle.Top; } if (Config_Common.GridConfig != 1) { btnAnHien.PerformClick(); btnAnHien.Visible = false; } #region ==== GridControl ==== // RealTimeEnvironment.LineVung = "124;179"; // Lấy cấu hình. #region === Ini Data === grvChoGiaiQuyet.FuncGetTimerServer = () => RealTimeEnvironment.TimeServer; grvChoGiaiQuyet.FuncGetAll = CuocGoi.G5_DIENTHOAI_LayAllCuocGoi; grvChoGiaiQuyet.FuncGetNew = CuocGoi.G5_DIENTHOAI_LayDSCuocGoiMoi_FT; grvChoGiaiQuyet.FuncGetUpdate = CuocGoi.G5_DIENTHOAI_LayDSCuocGoiThayDoiByTongDai; grvChoGiaiQuyet.FuncGetDelete = (Line, LsKeys) => CuocGoi.G5_DIENTHOAI_LayCacIDCuocGoiKetThucByTongDai(LsKeys, Line); grvChoGiaiQuyet.ActionPopUp += grvChoGiaiQuyet_ActionPopUp; grvChoGiaiQuyet.EventActionStep += grvChoGiaiQuyet_EventActionStep; grvCuocKhachLineKhac.FuncGetTimerServer = () => RealTimeEnvironment.TimeServer; grvCuocKhachLineKhac.FuncGetAll = CuocGoi.DIENTHOAI_LayAllCuocGoi_Khac; grvCuocKhachLineKhac.FuncGetNew = CuocGoi.DIENTHOAI_LayDSCuocGoiMoi_V3_Khac; grvCuocKhachLineKhac.FuncGetUpdate = CuocGoi.DIENTHOAI_LayDSCuocGoiThayDoiByTongDai_V3_Khac; grvCuocKhachLineKhac.FuncGetDelete = (Line, LsKeys) => CuocGoi.DIENTHOAI_LayCacIDCuocGoiKetThuc_Khac(LsKeys, Line); #endregion grvCuocKhachLineKhac.LoadAll(); grvChoGiaiQuyet.LoadAll(); grvChoGiaiQuyet.StartRealTime(); #endregion #region === Form Input === formInput = new frmDienThoaiInputDataNew_V3(RealTimeEnvironment.ListDataAutoComplete, false, RealTimeEnvironment.DMVung_GPS); formInput.OKCloseFormEvent += SaveData_Click; formInput.HienThiCuocMoiEvent += g_frmInput_HienThiCuocMoiEvent; formInput.GetTimeServerEvent += g_frmInput_GetTimeServerEvent; formInput.EventCallOut += g_frmInput_EventCallOut; #endregion IsShowCommandHelp = GetHelpCommand(); panelTopHelp.Visible = IsShowCommandHelp; if (!CheckIn()) { Application.Exit(); } } else { MessageBox.Show(this, "Có lỗi kết nối máy chủ, cần liên lạc với quản trị.", "Thông báo lỗi", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); Application.Exit(); } }