public ActionResult ReadBooksAdd(int ReaderId) { var brViewModel = new BRViewModel(); using (var booksListContext = new BooksListContext()) { var reader = booksListContext.Readers.SingleOrDefault(p => p.ReaderId == ReaderId); var readerViewModel = new ReaderViewModel() { ReaderId = ReaderId, Name = reader.Name, }; brViewModel.Readers = readerViewModel; var booksRead = booksListContext.BooksRead.Where(p => p.ReaderId == ReaderId).ToList(); var allbooks = booksListContext.Books.ToList(); var Result = allbooks.Where(item => !booksRead.Any(item2 => item2.BookId == item.BookId)); ViewBag.BooksRead = Result.Select(c => new SelectListItem { Value = c.BookId.ToString(), Text = c.Title }).ToList(); } return(View("AddEditBooksRead", brViewModel)); }
public async Task<ActionResult> ReaderLogin(ReaderViewModel reader) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { using (MounbDbContext _db = new MounbDbContext()) { // поиск Читателя int readerId = await (from r in _db.Readers .Where(r => r.LibraryCardId.Value == reader.LibraryCardId && r.DOB.Day == reader.DOB.Day && r.DOB.Month == reader.DOB.Month && r.DOB.Year == reader.DOB.Year) select r.Id).FirstOrDefaultAsync(); if (readerId != 0) { FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(reader.LibraryCardId.ToString(), true); ViewBag.readerId = readerId; return PartialView("Success"); } else { ModelState.AddModelError("", "Пользователь не найден"); } } } return View(reader); } // Конец метода
public EditReaderView() { InitializeComponent(); ReaderViewModel readerViewModel = (ReaderViewModel)DataContext; readerViewModel.MessageBoxShowDelegate = text => MessageBox.Show(text, "Information", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information); }
public ActionResult Index(ReaderViewModel model) { model.CountryOptions = defaultListItem; model.StateOptions = defaultListItem; model.CityOptions = defaultListItem; model.CategoryOptions = defaultListItem; model.SubCategoryOptions = defaultListItem; EditorRepository repo = new EditorRepository(); repo.AddAssistData(model); CategoryRepository catRepo = new CategoryRepository(); ReaderRepository repoReader = new ReaderRepository(); //CategoryRepository catRepo = new CategoryRepository(); //ReaderViewModel models = new ReaderViewModel(); model.CountryOptions = repoReader.GetCountry(); model.CategoryOptions = catRepo.GetCategory(); model.SubCategoryOptions = catRepo.GetSubCategory(); = true; model.information[0].Description = ""; return(View(model)); }
public void AddReaderPopUpWasShownTest() { ReaderViewModel vm = new ReaderViewModel(); ReaderListViewModel _vm = new ReaderListViewModel(); int _boxShowCount = 0; vm.MessageBoxShowDelegate = (messageBoxText) => { _boxShowCount++; Assert.AreEqual("Reader Added", messageBoxText); }; vm.ActionText = "Reader Added"; vm.FName = "Test"; vm.LName = "Test"; Assert.IsTrue(vm.AddReaderCommand.CanExecute(null)); Assert.IsTrue(_vm.RefreshReadersCommand.CanExecute(null)); Assert.IsTrue(_vm.DeleteReaderCommand.CanExecute(null)); vm.AddReaderCommand.Execute(null); Assert.AreEqual(1, _boxShowCount); _vm.RefreshReadersCommand.Execute(null); Thread.Sleep(3000); Assert.IsTrue(_vm.Readers.Count() > 5); _vm.CurrentReader = _vm.Readers.LastOrDefault(); Assert.IsNotNull(_vm.CurrentReader); _vm.DeleteReaderCommand.Execute(null); }
public IHttpActionResult UpdateReader(ReaderViewModel itemViewModel) { var item = Mapper.Map <Reader>(itemViewModel); readerBL.UpdateReader(item); return(Ok()); }
public ActionResult Index(ReaderViewModel model) { // Call service and insert records var repo = new EditorRepository(); repo.CreateInfo(model); return(View(model)); }
public ReaderViewModel AddReader(ReaderViewModel readerRequest) { var reader = _mapper.Map <Reader>(readerRequest); var addedReader = _readerRepository.Add(reader); return(_mapper.Map <ReaderViewModel>(addedReader)); }
public async Task <ActionResult> Index() { var subscriptions = await readerDataService.GetSubscriptionsAsync(User.Identity.Name); var readerViewModel = new ReaderViewModel(subscriptions); return(View(readerViewModel)); }
public IActionResult AfisareCititori() { var readers = new ReaderViewModel { CITITORs = repository.GetAllReadersAsync().Result.ToList() }; return(View(readers)); }
public ActionResult <ReaderViewModel> Update([FromBody] ReaderViewModel reader) { var currentReader = userService.GetCurrentUser()?.Reader; repoReader.Update(mapper.Map <ReaderViewModel, Reader>(reader, currentReader)); return(mapper .Map <Reader, ReaderViewModel>(currentReader)); }
public IActionResult TakeABook() { var readerViewModel = new ReaderViewModel() { Readers = _readerService.GetAllReaders(), Records = _readerService.GetAllRecords(), Books = _readerService.GetAllBooks() }; return(View("TakeABook", readerViewModel)); }
public MainViewModel() { this.BookViewModel = new BookViewModel(); this.TextViewModel = new TextViewModel(); this.PersonViewModel = new PersonViewModel(); this.SerieViewModel = new SerieViewModel(); this.SearchViewModel = new SearchViewModel(); this.ReaderViewModel = new ReaderViewModel(); this.AboutCommand = new RelayCommand(this.OnAboutExecuted); }
public void TestCreateReaderWithParametres() { int count = rlvm.Users.Count(); ReaderViewModel rvm = new ReaderViewModel(300, "Eliza", "Lech"); rvm.AddUser(); Assert.AreEqual(count, rlvm.Users.Count()); Assert.AreEqual(300, rvm.ID1); Assert.AreEqual("Eliza", rvm.name1); }
public void CreateInfo(ReaderViewModel model) { HttpClient client = new HttpClient(); Dictionary <string, string> output = null; client.BaseAddress = new Uri(BaseAddress + "/api/Create"); using (client) { var response = client.PostAsJsonAsync <ReaderViewModel>("", model); var resilt = response.Result; } }
public LogViewModel LogDBModelToViewById(int logId) { var _log = _dataManager.Logs.GetLogById(logId, true); ReaderViewModel _reader = _readerService.ReaderDBModelToViewModelById(_log.Reader.Id); BookViewModel _book = _bookService.BookDBToViewModelById(_log.Book.Id); return(new LogViewModel() { Log = _log, Reader = _reader, Book = _book }); }
public void TestCreateReader() { int count = rlvm.Users.Count(); ReaderViewModel rvm = new ReaderViewModel(); rvm.name1 = "Lidia"; rvm.surname1 = "Opala"; rvm.AddUser(); Assert.IsNotNull(rlvm.Users); Assert.AreEqual(count, rlvm.Users.Count()); }
public void TestEditUser() { int count = rlvm.Users.Count(); ReaderViewModel rvm = new ReaderViewModel(301, "Chelena", "Kórcewiczuwna"); rvm.AddUser(); rvm.name1 = "Helena"; rvm.surname1 = "Kurcewiczówna"; rvm.EditUser(); Assert.AreEqual("Helena", rvm.name1); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Login(ReaderViewModel reader) { _http.BaseAddress = new Uri(apiUrl + "Reader/ReaderLogin"); var postTask = await _http.PostAsJsonAsync <ReaderViewModel>("ReaderLogin", reader); ViewBag.message = postTask.StatusCode; if (postTask.IsSuccessStatusCode) { return(RedirectToAction("ReaderArticles")); // Looks like it will use the actual method name if it can't find the method with the desired path } ViewBag.type = "Reader"; return(View("ErrorLogin")); }
public IActionResult TakeABook(string readerId, string bookId) { _readerService.AddBookToReader(int.Parse(readerId), int.Parse(bookId)); var readerViewModel = new ReaderViewModel() { Readers = _readerService.GetAllReaders(), Records = _readerService.GetAllRecords(), Books = _readerService.GetAllBooks() }; return(View("TakeABook", readerViewModel)); }
public IActionResult AddOrEdit(ReaderViewModel readerViewModel) { if (readerViewModel.Id == Guid.Empty) { _readerService.AddReader(readerViewModel); } else { _readerService.EditReader(readerViewModel); } return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
//call API public void AddAssistData(ReaderViewModel model) { //call API HttpClient client = new HttpClient(); Dictionary <string, string> output = null; //client.BaseAddress = new Uri(BaseAddress + "/api/Insert?Country=" + model.Country + "&State=" + model.State + "&City=" + model.City + "&Category=" + model.Category + "&SubCategory=" + model.SubCategory + "&Description=" + model.information[0].Description + "&Likes=" + model.information[0].Id + "&PostDate=" + model.information[0].PostDate); client.BaseAddress = new Uri(BaseAddress + "/api/Create"); using (client) { var response = client.PostAsJsonAsync <ReaderViewModel>("", model); var resilt = response.Result; } }
public ActionResult Index(ReaderViewModel model) { var repoReader = new ReaderRepository(); CategoryRepository catRepo = new CategoryRepository(); model.CountryOptions = repoReader.GetCountry(); model.StateOptions = (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.Country)) ? repoReader.GetStates(model.Country) : defaultListItem; model.CityOptions = (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.State)) ? repoReader.GetCity(model.State) : defaultListItem; model.CategoryOptions = catRepo.GetCategory(); model.SubCategoryOptions = defaultListItem; model.information = repoReader.GetRecords(model); return(View(model)); }
// GET: Reader public ActionResult Index() { ReaderRepository repo = new ReaderRepository(); CategoryRepository catRepo = new CategoryRepository(); ReaderViewModel model = new ReaderViewModel(); model.CountryOptions = repo.GetCountry(); model.StateOptions = defaultListItem; model.CityOptions = defaultListItem; model.CategoryOptions = catRepo.GetCategory(); model.SubCategoryOptions = catRepo.GetSubCategory(); return(View(model)); }
// GET: Search public ActionResult Index() { var repo = new GeoRepository(); var model = new ReaderViewModel() { CountryOptions = repo.GetCountries(), StateOptions = defaultListItem, CityOptions = defaultListItem, CategoryOptions = repo.GetCategory(), SubCategoryOptions = defaultListItem }; return(View(model)); }
public List <Information> GetRecords(ReaderViewModel readerViewModel) { HttpClient client = new HttpClient(); List <Information> output = new List <Information>(); client.BaseAddress = new Uri(BaseAddress + "/api/Read?Country=" + readerViewModel.Country + "&State=" + readerViewModel.State + "&City=" + readerViewModel.City + "&Category=" + readerViewModel.Category + "&SubCategory=" + readerViewModel.SubCategory); using (client) { var response = client.GetAsync("").Result; output = response.Content.ReadAsAsync <List <Information> >().Result; } return(output); }
public IActionResult Confirm(ReaderViewModel model) { _http.BaseAddress = new Uri(apiUrl + "Reader/CreateReader"); var postTask = _http.PostAsJsonAsync <ReaderViewModel>("CreateReader", model); postTask.Wait(); var result = postTask.Result; ViewBag.message = result.StatusCode; if (result.IsSuccessStatusCode) { return(RedirectToAction("get")); } ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, "Server Error. Please contact administrator."); return(View("signup")); }
public void TestAddEvent() { BookViewModel bvm = new BookViewModel(200, "Ogniem i mieczem", "Henryk Sienkiewicz", "KWE", 1884); bvm.AddBook(); ReaderViewModel rvm = new ReaderViewModel(2137, "Jan", "Pawłowski"); rvm.AddUser(); EventViewModel evm = new EventViewModel(); evm.book1 = 200; evm.reader1 = 2137; Assert.AreEqual(200, evm.book1); Assert.AreEqual(2137, evm.reader1); }
public void CreatorTestMethodAddEditView() { ReaderViewModel vm = new ReaderViewModel(); Assert.IsNull(vm.FName); Assert.IsNull(vm.LName); Assert.IsNull(vm.Id); Assert.IsTrue(String.IsNullOrEmpty(vm.ActionText)); Assert.IsNotNull(vm.MessageBoxShowDelegate); Assert.IsNotNull(vm.AddReaderCommand); Assert.IsNotNull(vm.EditReaderCommand); Assert.IsTrue(vm.AddReaderCommand.CanExecute(null)); Assert.IsTrue(vm.EditReaderCommand.CanExecute(null)); }
public void Read <T>(Chapter chapter) where T : System.Windows.Controls.Page { var readerModel = new ReaderViewModel { Hq = _detailsViewModel.Hq, ActualChapter = chapter, ActualChapterIndex = _detailsViewModel.Hq.Chapters.IndexOf(chapter) }; var next = readerModel.ActualChapterIndex + 1; if (next < readerModel.Hq.Chapters.Count) { readerModel.NextChapter = readerModel.Hq.Chapters[next]; } if (readerModel.ActualChapterIndex > 0) { readerModel.PreviousChapter = readerModel.Hq.Chapters[readerModel.ActualChapterIndex - 1]; } _navigationManager.Navigate <T>("Reader", readerModel); }