public JsonResult Upload(int OrgID, System.Web.HttpPostedFileBase UplXl) { string Msg = "Uploaded Successfully"; if (OrgID <= 0) { return(Json(new { msg = "Select Organization First" })); } if (UplXl == null) { return(Json(new { msg = "Upload Excel File First" })); } try { var userInfo = Request.Cookies["UserInfo"]; var EntryBy = int.Parse(userInfo["UserCode"]); UplXl.SaveAs(System.IO.Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/Image/"), UplXl.FileName)); var DT = ReadExl.ReadExcelFileDT("~/Image/" + UplXl.FileName); if (DT.Rows.Count > 0) { HG_OrganizationDetails ObjOrg = new HG_OrganizationDetails().GetOne(OrgID); List <HG_Category> ListCategory = new HG_Category().GetAll(ObjOrg.OrgID); List <HG_Items> ListItem = new HG_Items().GetAll(ObjOrg.OrgID); for (int i = 1; i < DT.Rows.Count; i++) { string CategoryName = (DT.Rows[i][0] == null ? "" : DT.Rows[i][0].ToString()); string ItmName = (DT.Rows[i][1] == null ? "" : DT.Rows[i][1].ToString().Trim()); string ItmMode = (DT.Rows[i][2] == null ? "1" : DT.Rows[i][2].ToString().Replace(" ", "")); string Discriptn = (DT.Rows[i][3] == null ? "" : DT.Rows[i][3].ToString()); string CostPriceStr = (DT.Rows[i][4] == null ? "0.0" : DT.Rows[i][4].ToString().Replace(" ", "")); string Taxstr = (DT.Rows[i][5] == null ? "0.0" : DT.Rows[i][5].ToString().Replace(" ", "")); double CostPrice = double.Parse(CostPriceStr); double Tax = double.Parse(Taxstr); double TaxAmt = (CostPrice * Tax) / 100; double price = CostPrice + TaxAmt; if (ItmMode.ToUpper() == "VEG") { ItmMode = "1"; } else if (ItmMode.ToUpper() == "NON-VEG") { ItmMode = "2"; } HG_Category ObjCategory = ListCategory.Find(x => x.Category.ToUpper() == CategoryName.ToUpper()); if (ObjCategory == null && CategoryName.Replace(" ", "") != "") { ObjCategory = new HG_Category() { Category = CategoryName, OrgID = ObjOrg.OrgID, CategoryID = 0, CategoryType = 1, EntryBy = EntryBy }; ObjCategory.Save(); ListCategory.Add(ObjCategory); } HG_Items ObjItem = ListItem.Find(x => x.Items.ToUpper() == ItmName.ToUpper()); if (ObjItem == null && ItmName.Replace(" ", "") != "" && ObjCategory != null) { ObjItem = new HG_Items() { ItemID = 0, CategoryID = ObjCategory.CategoryID, Items = ItmName, ItemMode = ItmMode, ItemDiscription = Discriptn, CostPrice = CostPrice, Tax = Tax, Price = price, ApplyAddOn = 1, Image = "" , EntryBy = EntryBy, OrgID = OrgID, Qty = "", Type = 1, Status = true }; ObjItem.Save(); ListItem.Add(ObjItem); } else if (ObjItem != null && ItmName.Replace(" ", "") != "" && ObjCategory != null) { ObjItem.Items = ItmName; ObjItem.ItemMode = ItmMode; if ((ObjItem.CostPrice != CostPrice) || (ObjItem.Tax != Tax)) { ObjItem.CostPrice = CostPrice; ObjItem.Tax = Tax; ObjItem.Price = price; } ObjItem.ItemDiscription = Discriptn; ObjItem.Save(); ListItem.Add(ObjItem); } else if (ItmName.Replace(" ", "") == "" || ObjCategory == null) { Msg = "Uploaded Successfully With Some Data Missing"; } } } else { return(Json(new { msg = "No Any Row Founds" })); } } catch (Exception e) { return(Json(new { msg = "Error " + e.Message })); } return(Json(new { msg = Msg }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
public JsonResult Upload(int OrgID, System.Web.HttpPostedFileBase UplXl) { string msg = "Uploaded Succesfully"; if (OrgID <= 0) { return(Json(new { msg = "Select Organization First" })); } if (UplXl == null) { return(Json(new { msg = "Upload Excel File First" })); } try { UplXl.SaveAs(System.IO.Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/Image/"), UplXl.FileName)); var DT = ReadExl.ReadExcelFileDT("~/Image/" + UplXl.FileName); if (DT.Rows.Count > 0) { HG_OrganizationDetails ObjOrg = new HG_OrganizationDetails().GetOne(OrgID); int OrgType = int.Parse(ObjOrg.OrgTypes); List <HG_Tables_or_Sheat> ListTorS = new HG_Tables_or_Sheat().GetAll(OrgType, OrgID); List <HG_Floor_or_ScreenMaster> ListFlrScr = new HG_Floor_or_ScreenMaster().GetAll(OrgType, OrgID); List <HG_FloorSide_or_RowName> ListFsideorRowName = new HG_FloorSide_or_RowName().GetAll(OrgType, OrgID); for (int i = 1; i < DT.Rows.Count; i++) { string TableorSheatName = (DT.Rows[i][0] == null ? "" : DT.Rows[i][0].ToString()); string FlrOrScrName = (DT.Rows[i][1] == null?"": DT.Rows[i][1].ToString()); string FlrSideOrRowName = (DT.Rows[i][2] == null ? "" : DT.Rows[i][2].ToString()); string QrCode = (DT.Rows[i][3] == null ? "" : DT.Rows[i][3].ToString().Replace(" ", "")); string QrCodeOld = QrCode; if (QrCode == "" || QrCode.Trim() == "" || QrCode == "0") { QrCode = "0"; } else { HG_Tables_or_Sheat TorSAlreadyObj = new HG_Tables_or_Sheat().GetOne(QrOcde: QrCode); if (TorSAlreadyObj != null && TorSAlreadyObj.QrCode != "0" && TorSAlreadyObj.QrCode != "" && TorSAlreadyObj.Table_or_RowID > 0) { QrCode = "0"; } } var ObjFlrScr = ListFlrScr.Find(x => x.Name.ToUpper() == FlrOrScrName.ToUpper()); var ObjFsideOrRoName = ListFsideorRowName.Find(x => x.FloorSide_or_RowName.ToUpper() == FlrSideOrRowName.ToUpper()); if (ObjFlrScr == null && FlrOrScrName.Replace(" ", "") != "") { ObjFlrScr = new HG_Floor_or_ScreenMaster(); ObjFlrScr.Name = FlrOrScrName; ObjFlrScr.Type = ObjOrg.OrgTypes; ObjFlrScr.OrgID = OrgID;; ListFlrScr.Add(ObjFlrScr); } if (ObjFsideOrRoName == null && FlrSideOrRowName.Replace(" ", "") != "") { ObjFsideOrRoName = new HG_FloorSide_or_RowName(); ObjFsideOrRoName.FloorSide_or_RowName = FlrSideOrRowName; ObjFsideOrRoName.OrgID = OrgID; ObjFsideOrRoName.Type = ObjOrg.OrgTypes;; ListFsideorRowName.Add(ObjFsideOrRoName); } if (ObjFsideOrRoName != null && ObjFlrScr != null) { var ObjTblOrShtExit = ListTorS.Find(x => x.Table_or_SheetName.ToUpper() == TableorSheatName.ToUpper() && (x.Floor_or_ScreenId == ObjFlrScr.Floor_or_ScreenID) && (x.FloorSide_or_RowNoID == ObjFsideOrRoName.ID)); if (ObjTblOrShtExit == null && TableorSheatName.Replace(" ", "") != "") { HG_Tables_or_Sheat hG_Tables_Or_Sheat = new HG_Tables_or_Sheat(); hG_Tables_Or_Sheat.OrgId = OrgID; hG_Tables_Or_Sheat.Type = ObjOrg.OrgTypes; hG_Tables_Or_Sheat.Table_or_SheetName = TableorSheatName; hG_Tables_Or_Sheat.QrCode = QrCode; hG_Tables_Or_Sheat.Floor_or_ScreenId = ObjFlrScr.Floor_or_ScreenID; hG_Tables_Or_Sheat.FloorSide_or_RowNoID = ObjFsideOrRoName.ID;; ListTorS.Add(hG_Tables_Or_Sheat); } else if (ObjTblOrShtExit != null && (ObjTblOrShtExit.QrCode != QrCodeOld) && (QrCode != "")) { ObjTblOrShtExit.QrCode = QrCode;; } } else { msg = "Uploaded Succesfully. With Some Data Missing"; } } } else { return(Json(new { msg = "No Any Row Founds" })); } } catch (Exception e) { return(Json(new { msg = "Error " + e.Message })); } return(Json(new { msg = msg }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }