private static TimeSpan maxWaitTimeForFirstEvent = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 10); // 10 seconds /// <summary> /// Saves all data from all partitions of an eventhub consumer group /// </summary> /// <param name="ehNsConnectionString">Connection string for the EventHub Namespace</param> /// <param name="ehName">Name of the EventHub</param> /// <param name="ehConsumerGroup">The consumer group of the EventHub</param> /// <param name="outputFilename">The x dimension size to crop the picture. The default is 0 indicating no cropping is required.</param> static async Task Main(string ehNsConnectionString, string ehName, string ehConsumerGroup, FileInfo outputFilename) { Console.WriteLine($"EH-Name {ehName}"); Console.WriteLine($"EH-Consumer Group {ehConsumerGroup}"); EventHubConsumerClient ehClient = new EventHubConsumerClient(ehConsumerGroup, ehNsConnectionString, ehName); var ehPartitions = await ehClient.GetPartitionIdsAsync(); Console.WriteLine($"Reading data from {ehPartitions.Length} partitions"); // configure data retrieval var readOptions = new ReadEventOptions(); readOptions.MaximumWaitTime = maxWaitTimeForFirstEvent; var ehEvents = ehClient.ReadEventsAsync(readOptions); // delete target file if it exists if (outputFilename.Exists) { outputFilename.Delete(); } // grab data using (var outStream = new FileStream(outputFilename.FullName, FileMode.Append)) { await foreach (PartitionEvent ehEvent in ehEvents) { byte[] data = ehEvent.Data.Body.ToArray(); Console.WriteLine($"Retrieved {data.Length} bytes"); outStream.Write(data, 0, data.Length); } } }
public async Task ReadPartitionTrackLastEnqueued() { await using var scope = await EventHubScope.CreateAsync(1); #region Snippet:EventHubs_Sample05_ReadPartitionTrackLastEnqueued var connectionString = "<< CONNECTION STRING FOR THE EVENT HUBS NAMESPACE >>"; var eventHubName = "<< NAME OF THE EVENT HUB >>"; var consumerGroup = EventHubConsumerClient.DefaultConsumerGroupName; /*@@*/ /*@@*/ connectionString = EventHubsTestEnvironment.Instance.EventHubsConnectionString; /*@@*/ eventHubName = scope.EventHubName; var consumer = new EventHubConsumerClient( consumerGroup, connectionString, eventHubName); try { using CancellationTokenSource cancellationSource = new CancellationTokenSource(); cancellationSource.CancelAfter(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30)); string firstPartition = (await consumer.GetPartitionIdsAsync(cancellationSource.Token)).First(); EventPosition startingPosition = EventPosition.Earliest; var options = new ReadEventOptions { TrackLastEnqueuedEventProperties = true }; await foreach (PartitionEvent partitionEvent in consumer.ReadEventsFromPartitionAsync( firstPartition, startingPosition, options, cancellationSource.Token)) { LastEnqueuedEventProperties properties = partitionEvent.Partition.ReadLastEnqueuedEventProperties(); Debug.WriteLine($"Partition: { partitionEvent.Partition.PartitionId }"); Debug.WriteLine($"\tThe last sequence number is: { properties.SequenceNumber }"); Debug.WriteLine($"\tThe last offset is: { properties.Offset }"); Debug.WriteLine($"\tThe last enqueued time is: { properties.EnqueuedTime }, in UTC."); Debug.WriteLine($"\tThe information was updated at: { properties.LastReceivedTime }, in UTC."); } } catch (TaskCanceledException) { // This is expected if the cancellation token is // signaled. } finally { await consumer.CloseAsync(); } #endregion }
public async Task ReadAllPartitionsWaitTime() { await using var scope = await EventHubScope.CreateAsync(1); #region Snippet:EventHubs_Sample05_ReadAllPartitionsWaitTime #if SNIPPET var connectionString = "<< CONNECTION STRING FOR THE EVENT HUBS NAMESPACE >>"; var eventHubName = "<< NAME OF THE EVENT HUB >>"; #else var connectionString = EventHubsTestEnvironment.Instance.EventHubsConnectionString; var eventHubName = scope.EventHubName; #endif var consumerGroup = EventHubConsumerClient.DefaultConsumerGroupName; var consumer = new EventHubConsumerClient( consumerGroup, connectionString, eventHubName); try { int loopTicks = 0; int maximumTicks = 10; var options = new ReadEventOptions { MaximumWaitTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1) }; await foreach (PartitionEvent partitionEvent in consumer.ReadEventsAsync(options)) { if (partitionEvent.Data != null) { string readFromPartition = partitionEvent.Partition.PartitionId; byte[] eventBodyBytes = partitionEvent.Data.EventBody.ToArray(); Debug.WriteLine($"Read event of length { eventBodyBytes.Length } from { readFromPartition }"); } else { Debug.WriteLine("Wait time elapsed; no event was available."); } loopTicks++; if (loopTicks >= maximumTicks) { break; } } } finally { await consumer.CloseAsync(); } #endregion }
public void CloneProducesACopy() { var options = new ReadEventOptions { OwnerLevel = 99, TrackLastEnqueuedEventProperties = false, MaximumWaitTime = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(65) }; ReadEventOptions clone = options.Clone(); Assert.That(clone, Is.Not.Null, "The clone should not be null."); Assert.That(clone.OwnerLevel, Is.EqualTo(options.OwnerLevel), "The owner level of the clone should match."); Assert.That(clone.TrackLastEnqueuedEventProperties, Is.EqualTo(options.TrackLastEnqueuedEventProperties), "The tracking of last event information of the clone should match."); Assert.That(clone.MaximumWaitTime, Is.EqualTo(options.MaximumWaitTime), "The default maximum wait time of the clone should match."); }
public async Task StartListeningAsync(int maxBatchSize, TimeSpan waitTimeout, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { var readOptions = new ReadEventOptions { MaximumWaitTime = waitTimeout, }; await using var client = new EventHubConsumerClient(consumerGroup: "$default", connectionString: connectionString); await foreach (var receivedEvent in client.ReadEventsAsync(startReadingAtEarliestEvent:false, readOptions, cancellationToken)) { if (receivedEvent.Data == null) { // timeout. Yield and try again. await Task.Yield(); continue; } await ProcessAsync(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(receivedEvent.Data.Body.ToArray()), cancellationToken); } }
public void CloneProducesACopy() { var options = new ReadEventOptions { OwnerLevel = 99, TrackLastEnqueuedEventProperties = false, MaximumWaitTime = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(65), CacheEventCount = 1, PrefetchCount = 0, PrefetchSizeInBytes = 0 }; ReadEventOptions clone = options.Clone(); Assert.That(clone, Is.Not.Null, "The clone should not be null."); Assert.That(clone.OwnerLevel, Is.EqualTo(options.OwnerLevel), "The owner level of the clone should match."); Assert.That(clone.TrackLastEnqueuedEventProperties, Is.EqualTo(options.TrackLastEnqueuedEventProperties), "The tracking of last event information of the clone should match."); Assert.That(clone.MaximumWaitTime, Is.EqualTo(options.MaximumWaitTime), "The maximum wait time of the clone should match."); Assert.That(clone.CacheEventCount, Is.EqualTo(options.CacheEventCount), "The event cache count of the clone should match."); Assert.That(clone.PrefetchCount, Is.EqualTo(options.PrefetchCount), "The prefetch count of the clone should match."); Assert.That(clone.PrefetchSizeInBytes, Is.EqualTo(options.PrefetchSizeInBytes), "The prefetch size of the clone should match."); }
//Read all events based on partitionId public async Task ConsumerReadEventPartitionEvent(string consumerGroup, string partitionId) { try { CancellationTokenSource cancellationSource = new CancellationTokenSource(); cancellationSource.CancelAfter(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30)); EventHubConsumerClient eventConsumer = new EventHubConsumerClient(consumerGroup, connectionString, eventHubName); ReadEventOptions readEventOptions = new ReadEventOptions() { MaximumWaitTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30) }; await foreach (PartitionEvent partitionEvent in eventConsumer.ReadEventsFromPartitionAsync(partitionId, EventPosition.Latest, readEventOptions, cancellationSource.Token)) { Console.WriteLine("---Execution from ConsumerReadEventPartitionEvent method---"); Console.WriteLine("------"); if (partitionEvent.Data != null) { Console.WriteLine("Event Data recieved {0} ", Encoding.UTF8.GetString(partitionEvent.Data.Body.ToArray())); if (partitionEvent.Data.Properties != null) { foreach (var keyValue in partitionEvent.Data.Properties) { Console.WriteLine("Event data key = {0}, Event data value = {1}", keyValue.Key, keyValue.Value); } } } } await Task.CompletedTask; } catch (Exception exp) { Console.WriteLine("Error occruied {0}. Try again later", exp.Message); } }
public void MaximumWaitTimeAllowsNull() { var options = new ReadEventOptions(); Assert.That(() => options.MaximumWaitTime = null, Throws.Nothing); }
public async Task ReadPartitionWaitTime() { await using var scope = await EventHubScope.CreateAsync(1); #region Snippet:EventHubs_Sample05_ReadPartitionWaitTime var connectionString = "<< CONNECTION STRING FOR THE EVENT HUBS NAMESPACE >>"; var eventHubName = "<< NAME OF THE EVENT HUB >>"; var consumerGroup = EventHubConsumerClient.DefaultConsumerGroupName; /*@@*/ /*@@*/ connectionString = EventHubsTestEnvironment.Instance.EventHubsConnectionString; /*@@*/ eventHubName = scope.EventHubName; var consumer = new EventHubConsumerClient( consumerGroup, connectionString, eventHubName); try { using CancellationTokenSource cancellationSource = new CancellationTokenSource(); cancellationSource.CancelAfter(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30)); string firstPartition = (await consumer.GetPartitionIdsAsync(cancellationSource.Token)).First(); EventPosition startingPosition = EventPosition.Earliest; int loopTicks = 0; int maximumTicks = 10; var options = new ReadEventOptions { MaximumWaitTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1) }; await foreach (PartitionEvent partitionEvent in consumer.ReadEventsFromPartitionAsync( firstPartition, startingPosition, options)) { if (partitionEvent.Data != null) { string readFromPartition = partitionEvent.Partition.PartitionId; byte[] eventBodyBytes = partitionEvent.Data.EventBody.ToArray(); Debug.WriteLine($"Read event of length { eventBodyBytes.Length } from { readFromPartition }"); } else { Debug.WriteLine("Wait time elapsed; no event was available."); } loopTicks++; if (loopTicks >= maximumTicks) { break; } } } catch (TaskCanceledException) { // This is expected if the cancellation token is // signaled. } finally { await consumer.CloseAsync(); } #endregion }
/// <summary> /// Runs the sample using the specified Event Hubs connection information. /// </summary> /// /// <param name="connectionString">The connection string for the Event Hubs namespace that the sample should target.</param> /// <param name="eventHubName">The name of the Event Hub, sometimes known as its path, that she sample should run against.</param> /// public async Task RunAsync(string connectionString, string eventHubName) { // In this example, our consumer will read from the latest position instead of the earliest. As a result, it won't see events that // have previously been published. Before we can publish the events and have them observed, we will need to ask the consumer // to perform a read operation in order for it to begin observing the Event Hub partitions. // // Each partition of an Event Hub represents potentially infinite stream of events. When a consumer is reading, there is no definitive // point where it can assess that all events have been read and no more will be available. As a result, when the consumer reaches the end of // the available events for a partition, it will continue to wait for new events to arrive so that it can surface them to be processed. During this // time, the iterator will block. // // In order to prevent the consumer from waiting forever for events, and blocking other code, there are two methods available for developers to // control this behavior. First, signaling the cancellation token passed when reading will cause the consumer to stop waiting and end iteration // immediately. This is desirable when you have decided that you are done reading and do not wish to continue. It is not ideal, however, when // you would like control returned to your code momentarily to perform some action and then to continue reading. // // In that scenario, you may specify a maximum wait time which is applied to each iteration of the enumerator. If that interval passes without an // event being available to read, the enumerator will emit an empty event in order to return control to the loop body. This allows you to take action, // such as sending a heartbeat, emitting telemetry, or simply exiting the loop. // // For our loop, we'll specify a small wait time when we begin reading, which will allow control to return to our code so that we may publish // the events after we ensure the consumer is observing the partition. await using (var consumerClient = new EventHubConsumerClient(EventHubConsumerClient.DefaultConsumerGroupName, connectionString, eventHubName)) { bool wereEventsPublished = false; int eventBatchCount = 0; List <EventData> receivedEvents = new List <EventData>(); // Each time the consumer looks to read events, we'll ask that it waits only a short time before emitting // an empty event, so that our code has the chance to run without indefinite blocking. ReadEventOptions readOptions = new ReadEventOptions { MaximumWaitTime = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(150) }; // As a preventative measure, we'll also specify that cancellation should occur after 2 minutes, so that we don't iterate indefinitely // in the event of a service error where the events we've published cannot be read. using CancellationTokenSource cancellationSource = new CancellationTokenSource(); cancellationSource.CancelAfter(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(2)); // The reading of all events will default to the earliest events available in each partition; in order to begin reading at the // latest event, we'll need to specify that reading should not start at earliest. await foreach (PartitionEvent currentEvent in consumerClient.ReadEventsAsync(startReadingAtEarliestEvent: false, readOptions, cancellationSource.Token)) { if (!wereEventsPublished) { await using (var producerClient = new EventHubProducerClient(connectionString, eventHubName)) { using EventDataBatch eventBatch = await producerClient.CreateBatchAsync(); eventBatch.TryAdd(new EventData(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Hello, Event Hubs!"))); eventBatch.TryAdd(new EventData(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Goodbye, Event Hubs!"))); await producerClient.SendAsync(eventBatch); wereEventsPublished = true; eventBatchCount = eventBatch.Count; await Task.Delay(250); Console.WriteLine("The event batch has been published."); } // Since we know that there was no event to observe for this iteration, // we'll just skip to the next one. continue; } // Because publishing and receiving events is asynchronous, the events that we published may not // be immediately available for our consumer to see, so we'll have to guard against an empty event being sent // if our wait time interval has elapsed before the consumer observed the events that we published. if (currentEvent.Data != null) { receivedEvents.Add(currentEvent.Data); if (receivedEvents.Count >= eventBatchCount) { break; } } } // Print out the events that we received; the body is an encoded string; we'll recover the message by reversing the encoding process. Console.WriteLine(); foreach (EventData currentEvent in receivedEvents) { string message = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(currentEvent.Body.ToArray()); Console.WriteLine($"\tEvent Message: \"{ message }\""); } } // At this point, our clients have passed their "using" scope and have safely been disposed of. We // have no further obligations. Console.WriteLine(); }
/// <summary> /// Runs the sample using the specified Event Hubs connection information. /// </summary> /// /// <param name="fullyQualifiedNamespace">The fully qualified Event Hubs namespace. This is likely to be similar to <c>{yournamespace}</param> /// <param name="eventHubName">The name of the Event Hub, sometimes known as its path, that the sample should run against</param> /// <param name="tenantId">The Azure Active Directory tenant that holds the service principal</param> /// <param name="clientId">The Azure Active Directory client identifier of the service principal</param> /// <param name="secret">The Azure Active Directory secret of the service principal</param> /// public async Task RunAsync(string fullyQualifiedNamespace, string eventHubName, string tenantId, string clientId, string secret) { // Service principal authentication is a means for applications to authenticate // against Azure Active Directory and consume Azure services. This is advantageous compared // to signing in using fully privileged users as it allows to enforce role-based authorization // from the portal. // // Service principal authentication differs from managed identity authentication also because the principal to be used // will be able to authenticate with the portal without the need for the code to run within the portal. // The authentication between the Event Hubs client and the portal is performed through OAuth 2.0. // (see: // ClientSecretCredential allows performing service principal authentication passing // tenantId, clientId and clientSecret directly from the constructor. // (see: var credentials = new ClientSecretCredential(tenantId, clientId, secret); // EventHubProducerClient takes ClientSecretCredential from its constructor and tries to issue a token from Azure Active Directory. await using (EventHubProducerClient client = new EventHubProducerClient(fullyQualifiedNamespace, eventHubName, credentials)) { // It will then use that token to authenticate on the portal and enquiry the Hub properties. Console.WriteLine($"Contacting the hub using the token issued from client credentials."); var properties = await client.GetEventHubPropertiesAsync(); Console.WriteLine($"Event Hub \"{ properties.Name }\" reached successfully."); } // The instances of "EventHubProducerClient" and "EventHubProducerClient" will be created // passing in "ClientSecretCredential" instead of the connection string. In this way, two things will happen: // // 1. An OAuth 2.0 token will be created by authenticating against Azure Active Directory using the tenant, client and the secret passed in // 2. Role-based authorization will be performed and the "Azure Event Hubs Data Owner" role will be needed to produce and consume events // // (see: // (see: await using (var consumerClient = new EventHubConsumerClient(EventHubConsumerClient.DefaultConsumerGroupName, fullyQualifiedNamespace, eventHubName, credentials)) { string firstPartition = (await consumerClient.GetPartitionIdsAsync()).First(); PartitionEvent receivedEvent; ReadEventOptions readOptions = new ReadEventOptions { MaximumWaitTime = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(150) }; Stopwatch watch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); bool wereEventsPublished = false; CancellationTokenSource cancellationSource = new CancellationTokenSource(); cancellationSource.CancelAfter(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30)); await foreach (PartitionEvent currentEvent in consumerClient.ReadEventsFromPartitionAsync(firstPartition, EventPosition.Latest, readOptions, cancellationSource.Token)) { if (!wereEventsPublished) { await using (var producerClient = new EventHubProducerClient(fullyQualifiedNamespace, eventHubName, credentials)) { using EventDataBatch eventBatch = await producerClient.CreateBatchAsync(new CreateBatchOptions { PartitionId = firstPartition }); eventBatch.TryAdd(new EventData(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Hello, Event Hubs!"))); await producerClient.SendAsync(eventBatch); wereEventsPublished = true; Console.WriteLine("The event batch has been published."); } } if (currentEvent.Data != null) { receivedEvent = currentEvent; watch.Stop(); break; } } Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine($"The following event was consumed in { watch.ElapsedMilliseconds } milliseconds:"); string message = (receivedEvent.Data == null) ? "No event was received." : Encoding.UTF8.GetString(receivedEvent.Data.Body.ToArray()); Console.WriteLine($"\tMessage: \"{ message }\""); } Console.WriteLine(); }
/// <summary> /// Runs the sample using the specified Event Hubs connection information. /// </summary> /// /// <param name="connectionString">The connection string for the Event Hubs namespace that the sample should target.</param> /// <param name="eventHubName">The name of the Event Hub, sometimes known as its path, that she sample should run against.</param> /// public async Task RunAsync(string connectionString, string eventHubName) { // In this example, we'll make use of multiple clients in order to publish an event that we will then read back and use as the starting point // for reading events in the partition. Our initial consumer will begin watching for new events published to the first partition in our Event // Hub. Before we can publish events and have them observed, we will need to ask the consumer to perform an operation for it to begin observing // the partition. // // Each event that a consumer reads will have attributes set that describe the event's location in the partition, such as its offset, sequence // number, and the date/time that it was enqueued. These attributes can be used to create a new consumer that begins consuming at a known position. // // With Event Hubs, it is the responsibility of an application consuming events to keep track of those that it has processed, // and to manage where in the partition the consumer begins reading events. This is done by using the position information to track // state, commonly known as "creating a checkpoint." // // The goal is to preserve the position of an event in some form of durable state, such as writing it to a database, so that if the // consuming application crashes or is otherwise restarted, it can retrieve that checkpoint information and use it to create a consumer that // begins reading at the position where it left off. // // It is important to note that there is potential for a consumer to process an event and be unable to preserve the checkpoint. A well-designed // consumer must be able to deal with processing the same event multiple times without it causing data corruption or otherwise creating issues. // Event Hubs, like most event streaming systems, guarantees "at least once" delivery; even in cases where the consumer does not experience a restart, // there is a small possibility that the service will return an event multiple times. // // To demonstrate, we will publish a batch of events to be read by an initial consumer. The third event that is read will be captured // and another consumer will use its attributes to start reading the event that follows, reading the set of events that we published skipping over // the first three. string firstPartition; EventData thirdEvent; int eventBatchSize = 50; await using (var initialConsumerClient = new EventHubConsumerClient(EventHubConsumerClient.DefaultConsumerGroupName, connectionString, eventHubName)) { // We will start by using the consumer client inspect the Event Hub and select the first partition to operate against. firstPartition = (await initialConsumerClient.GetPartitionIdsAsync()).First(); // Each time the consumer looks to read events, we'll ask that it waits only a short time before emitting // an empty event, so that our code has the chance to run without indefinite blocking. ReadEventOptions readOptions = new ReadEventOptions { MaximumWaitTime = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(150) }; // As a preventative measure, we'll also specify that cancellation should occur after 30 seconds, so that we don't iterate indefinitely // in the event of a service error where the events we've published cannot be read. using CancellationTokenSource cancellationSource = new CancellationTokenSource(); cancellationSource.CancelAfter(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30)); List <EventData> receivedEvents = new List <EventData>(); bool wereEventsPublished = false; await foreach (PartitionEvent currentEvent in initialConsumerClient.ReadEventsFromPartitionAsync(firstPartition, EventPosition.Latest, readOptions, cancellationSource.Token)) { if (!wereEventsPublished) { await using (var producerClient = new EventHubProducerClient(connectionString, eventHubName)) { // When we publish the event batch, we'll specify the partition to ensure that our consumer and producer clients are // operating against the same partition. using EventDataBatch eventBatch = await producerClient.CreateBatchAsync(new CreateBatchOptions { PartitionId = firstPartition }); for (int index = 0; index < eventBatchSize; ++index) { eventBatch.TryAdd(new EventData(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes($"I am event #{ index }"))); } await producerClient.SendAsync(eventBatch); wereEventsPublished = true; await Task.Delay(250); Console.WriteLine($"The event batch with { eventBatchSize } events has been published."); } // Since we know that there was no event to observe for this iteration, // we'll just skip to the next one. continue; } // Because publishing and reading events is asynchronous, the events that we published may not // be immediately available for our consumer to see, so we'll have to guard against an empty event being sent as // punctuation if our actual event is not available within the waiting time period. if (currentEvent.Data != null) { receivedEvents.Add(currentEvent.Data); if (receivedEvents.Count >= eventBatchSize) { break; } } } // Print out the events that we read, which will be the entire set that // we had published. Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine($"The initial consumer processed { receivedEvents.Count } events of the { eventBatchSize } that were published. { eventBatchSize } were expected."); foreach (EventData eventData in receivedEvents) { // The body of our event was an encoded string; we'll recover the // message by reversing the encoding process. string message = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(eventData.Body.ToArray()); Console.WriteLine($"\tEvent Message: \"{ message }\""); } // Remember the third event that was consumed. thirdEvent = receivedEvents[2]; } // At this point, our initial consumer client has passed its "using" scope and has been safely disposed of. // // Create a new consumer for the partition, specifying the sequence number of the third event as the location to begin reading. Because sequence numbers are non-inclusive // by default, the consumer will read the next available event following that sequence number, allowing it to read the set of published events beginning with the fourth one. // // Because our second consumer will begin watching the partition at a specific event, there is no need to ask for an initial operation to set our place; when // we begin iterating, the consumer will locate the proper place in the partition to read from. await using (var newConsumerClient = new EventHubConsumerClient(EventHubConsumerClient.DefaultConsumerGroupName, connectionString, eventHubName)) { // We will consume the events using the new consumer until all of the published events have been received. using CancellationTokenSource cancellationSource = new CancellationTokenSource(); cancellationSource.CancelAfter(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30)); List <EventData> receivedEvents = new List <EventData>(); int expectedCount = (eventBatchSize - 3); EventPosition startingPosition = EventPosition.FromSequenceNumber(thirdEvent.SequenceNumber.Value); await foreach (PartitionEvent currentEvent in newConsumerClient.ReadEventsFromPartitionAsync(firstPartition, startingPosition, cancellationSource.Token)) { receivedEvents.Add(currentEvent.Data); if (receivedEvents.Count >= expectedCount) { break; } } // Print out the events that we received. Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine($"The new consumer processed { receivedEvents.Count } events of the { eventBatchSize } that were published. { expectedCount } were expected."); foreach (EventData eventData in receivedEvents) { // The body of our event was an encoded string; we'll recover the // message by reversing the encoding process. string message = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(eventData.Body.ToArray()); Console.WriteLine($"\tEvent Message: \"{ message }\""); } } // At this point, our clients and connection have passed their "using" scope and have safely been disposed of. We // have no further obligations. Console.WriteLine(); }
/// <summary> /// Starts running a task responsible for receiving and processing events in the context of a specified partition. /// </summary> /// /// <param name="partitionId">The identifier of the Event Hub partition the task is associated with. Events will be read only from this partition.</param> /// <param name="startingPosition">The position within the partition where the task should begin reading events.</param> /// <param name="maximumReceiveWaitTime">The maximum amount of time to wait to for an event to be available before emitting an empty item; if <c>null</c>, empty items will not be published.</param> /// <param name="retryOptions">The set of options to use for determining whether a failed operation should be retried and, if so, the amount of time to wait between retry attempts.</param> /// <param name="trackLastEnqueuedEventProperties">Indicates whether or not the task should request information on the last enqueued event on the partition associated with a given event, and track that information as events are received.</param> /// <param name="cancellationToken">An optional <see cref="CancellationToken"/> instance to signal the request to cancel the operation.</param> /// /// <returns>The running task that is currently receiving and processing events in the context of the specified partition.</returns> /// protected virtual Task RunPartitionProcessingAsync(string partitionId, EventPosition startingPosition, TimeSpan?maximumReceiveWaitTime, EventHubsRetryOptions retryOptions, bool trackLastEnqueuedEventProperties, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) { // TODO: should the retry options used here be the same for the abstract RetryPolicy property? Argument.AssertNotNullOrEmpty(partitionId, nameof(partitionId)); Argument.AssertNotNull(retryOptions, nameof(retryOptions)); return(Task.Run(async() => { // TODO: should we double check if a previous run already exists and close it? We have a race condition. Maybe we should throw in case another task exists. var cancellationSource = CancellationTokenSource.CreateLinkedTokenSource(cancellationToken); var taskCancellationToken = cancellationSource.Token; ActivePartitionProcessorTokenSources[partitionId] = cancellationSource; // Context is set to default if operation fails. This shouldn't fail unless the user tries processing // a partition they don't own. PartitionContexts.TryGetValue(partitionId, out var context); var clientOptions = new EventHubConsumerClientOptions { RetryOptions = retryOptions }; var readOptions = new ReadEventOptions { MaximumWaitTime = maximumReceiveWaitTime, TrackLastEnqueuedEventProperties = trackLastEnqueuedEventProperties }; await using var connection = CreateConnection(); await using (var consumer = new EventHubConsumerClient(ConsumerGroup, connection, clientOptions)) { await foreach (var partitionEvent in consumer.ReadEventsFromPartitionAsync(partitionId, startingPosition, readOptions, taskCancellationToken)) { using DiagnosticScope diagnosticScope = EventDataInstrumentation.ClientDiagnostics.CreateScope(DiagnosticProperty.EventProcessorProcessingActivityName); diagnosticScope.AddAttribute("kind", "server"); if (diagnosticScope.IsEnabled && partitionEvent.Data != null && EventDataInstrumentation.TryExtractDiagnosticId(partitionEvent.Data, out string diagnosticId)) { diagnosticScope.AddLink(diagnosticId); } diagnosticScope.Start(); try { await ProcessEventAsync(partitionEvent, context).ConfigureAwait(false); } catch (Exception eventProcessingException) { diagnosticScope.Failed(eventProcessingException); throw; } } } })); }
public async Task Receive(string connectionString, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { // In here, our consumer will read from the latest position instead of the earliest. As a result, it won't see events that // have previously been published. // // Each partition of an Event Hub represents a potentially infinite stream of events. When a consumer is reading, there is no definitive // point where it can assess that all events have been read and no more will be available. As a result, when the consumer reaches the end of // the available events for a partition, it will continue to wait for new events to arrive so that it can surface them to be processed. During this // time, the iterator will block. // // In order to prevent the consumer from waiting forever for events, and blocking other code, there is a method available for developers to // control this behavior. It's signaling the cancellation token passed when reading will cause the consumer to stop waiting and end iteration // immediately. This is desirable when you have decided that you are done reading and do not wish to continue. await using (var consumerClient = new EventHubConsumerClient(EventHubConsumerClient.DefaultConsumerGroupName, connectionString)) { Console.WriteLine("The application will now start to listen for incoming message."); // Each time the consumer looks to read events, we'll ask that it waits only a short time before emitting // an empty event, so that our code has the chance to run without indefinite blocking. ReadEventOptions readOptions = new ReadEventOptions { MaximumWaitTime = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(500) }; using (var csvOutput = File.CreateText("./result.csv")) { csvOutput.WriteLine("EventCount,BatchCount,BatchFrom,BatchTo,MinLatency,MaxLatency,AvgLatency"); try { // The client is safe and intended to be long-lived. await foreach (PartitionEvent currentEvent in consumerClient.ReadEventsAsync(readOptions, cancellationToken)) { var eventData = currentEvent.Data; // Because publishing and receiving events is asynchronous, the events that published may not // be immediately available for our consumer to see, so we'll have to guard against an empty event being sent if (eventData == null) { continue; } int eventCount = 0; var listTimeSpan = new List <TimeSpan>(); var listDateTime = new List <DateTimeOffset>(); var eventBody = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(eventData.Body.ToArray()).Split('\n'); foreach (var bodyInfo in eventBody) { try { var message = JsonSerializer.Deserialize <Dictionary <string, object> >(bodyInfo); eventCount++; var timeCreated = DateTime.Parse(message["createdAt"].ToString()); var timeIn = DateTime.Parse(message["EventEnqueuedUtcTime"].ToString()); var timeProcessed = DateTime.Parse(message["EventProcessedUtcTime"].ToString()); var timeAsaProcessed = DateTime.Parse(message["ASAProcessedUtcTime"].ToString()); var timeOut = eventData.EnqueuedTime.UtcDateTime.ToLocalTime(); listDateTime.Add(timeIn); var elapsed = timeOut - timeIn; listTimeSpan.Add(elapsed); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Error while parsing event body."); Console.WriteLine("Error:" + ex.Message); Console.WriteLine("Message:" + bodyInfo); } } var batchFrom = listDateTime.Min(); var batchTo = listDateTime.Min(); var minLatency = listTimeSpan.Min().TotalMilliseconds; var maxLatency = listTimeSpan.Max().TotalMilliseconds; var avgLatency = Math.Round(listTimeSpan.Average(ts => ts.TotalMilliseconds), 0); Console.Write($"Received {eventCount} events."); Console.Write($"\tBatch (From/To): {batchFrom.ToString("HH:mm:ss.ffffff")}/{batchTo.ToString("HH:mm:ss.ffffff")}"); Console.Write($"\tElapsed msec (Min/Max/Avg): {minLatency}/{maxLatency}/{avgLatency}"); Console.WriteLine(); csvOutput.WriteLine($"{eventCount},{eventCount},{batchFrom.ToString("o")},{batchTo.ToString("o")},{minLatency},{maxLatency},{avgLatency}"); } } catch (TaskCanceledException) { // This is okay because the task was cancelled. } } } // At this point, our clients have passed their "using" scope and have safely been disposed of. We // have no further obligations. }
static async Task <int> Main(string[] args) { var app = new CommandLineApplication(); app.FullName = "Event Hubs Consumer"; app.Description = "Event Hubs Consumer Sample"; app.HelpOption("-h|-?|--help"); var hubName = String.Empty; var connectionString = app.Option("-cs", "Specify ConnectionString", CommandOptionType.SingleValue, true); var group = app.Option("-cg", "Specify Consumer Group", CommandOptionType.SingleValue); var hub = app.Option("-hub", "Specify Event Hub", CommandOptionType.SingleValue); var allEvents = app.Option("-all", "Read all events", CommandOptionType.NoValue); app.Execute(args); if (!connectionString.HasValue() || string.IsNullOrEmpty(connectionString.Value())) { ShowHelp(); return(0); } var csValue = connectionString.Value().Replace("\"", "").Trim(); var csValueItems = csValue.Split(";"); foreach (var csValueItem in csValueItems) { var valuePair = csValueItem.Split("="); if (valuePair[0].ToLower() == "entitypath") { hubName = valuePair[1]; break; } } if (hubName == String.Empty) { if (!hub.HasValue() || string.IsNullOrEmpty(hub.Value())) { ShowHelp(); return(0); } else { hubName = hub.Value().Replace("\"", "").Trim(); } } // // // Select Consumer Group // string consumerGroup; if (group.HasValue() && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(group.Value())) { consumerGroup = group.Value().Replace("\"", "").Trim(); } else { consumerGroup = EventHubConsumerClient.DefaultConsumerGroupName; } Console.WriteLine("Connection String : {0}....", connectionString.Value().Replace("\"", "").Trim().Substring(0, 50)); Console.WriteLine($"Event Hub : {hubName}"); Console.WriteLine($"Consumer Group : {consumerGroup}"); Console.WriteLine($"Read all events : {allEvents.HasValue()}"); Console.WriteLine($"Timeout : {readTimetoutSeconds} seconds"); EventHubConsumerClient consumer = new EventHubConsumerClient(consumerGroup, connectionString.Value().Replace("\"", "").Trim(), hubName); var part = await consumer.GetPartitionIdsAsync(); var part_prop = await consumer.GetPartitionPropertiesAsync(part[0]); var hub_prop = await consumer.GetEventHubPropertiesAsync(); using CancellationTokenSource cancellationSource = new CancellationTokenSource(); cancellationSource.CancelAfter(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(readTimetoutSeconds)); // // // // Timeout 10 Min // ReadEventOptions readOptions = new ReadEventOptions { MaximumWaitTime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(600) }; try { Console.WriteLine($"Read Start : {DateTime.Now.ToString()}"); Console.WriteLine("Waiting for events. CTRL+C to exit"); // // If this is IoT Hub Eventhub Compatible Endpoint, device id is in ev.Data.SystemProperties["iothub-connection-device-id"] // await foreach (PartitionEvent ev in consumer.ReadEventsAsync(startReadingAtEarliestEvent: allEvents.HasValue(), readOptions, cancellationSource.Token)) { Console.WriteLine("Enqueue at {0:yyyy/MM/dd H:mm:ss:fff} | Seq # {1:D4} | Partition {2} | Offset : {3:D6} | {4}", ev.Data.EnqueuedTime, ev.Data.SequenceNumber, ev.Partition.PartitionId, ev.Data.Offset, Encoding.UTF8.GetString(ev.Data.Body.ToArray()) ); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine($"Exception : {ex.Message}"); } Console.WriteLine($"Read Exit : {DateTime.Now.ToString()}"); return(1); }
/// <summary> /// Runs the sample using the specified Event Hubs connection information. /// </summary> /// /// <param name="connectionString">The connection string for the Event Hubs namespace that the sample should target.</param> /// <param name="eventHubName">The name of the Event Hub, sometimes known as its path, that she sample should run against.</param> /// public async Task RunAsync(string connectionString, string eventHubName) { // An Event Hub consumer is associated with a specific Event Hub and consumer group. The consumer group is // a label that identifies one or more consumers as a set. Often, consumer groups are named after the responsibility // of the consumer in an application, such as "Telemetry" or "OrderProcessing". When an Event Hub is created, a default // consumer group is created with it, called "$Default." // // Each consumer has a unique view of the events in a partition that it reads from, meaning that events are available to all // consumers and are not removed from the partition when a consumer reads them. This allows for one or more consumers to read and // process events from the partition at different speeds and beginning with different events without interfering with // one another. // // When events are published, they will continue to exist in the partition and be available for consuming until they // reach an age where they are older than the retention period. // (see: // // Because events are not removed from the partition when consuming, a consumer must specify where in the partition it // would like to begin reading events. For example, this may be starting from the very beginning of the stream, at an // offset from the beginning, the next event available after a specific point in time, or at a specific event. // // In this example, we will create our consumer client using the default consumer group that is created with an Event Hub. // Our consumer will begin watching the partition at the very end, reading only new events that we will publish for it. await using (var consumerClient = new EventHubConsumerClient(EventHubConsumerClient.DefaultConsumerGroupName, connectionString, eventHubName)) { // We will start by using the consumer client inspect the Event Hub and select a partition to operate against to ensure that events are being // published and read from the same partition. string firstPartition = (await consumerClient.GetPartitionIdsAsync()).First(); // Because our consumer is reading from the latest position, it won't see events that have previously // been published. Before we can publish the events and have them observed, we will need to ask the consumer // to perform an operation, because it opens its connection only when it needs to. // // When a maximum wait time is specified, the iteration will ensure that it returns control after that time has elapsed, // whether or not an event is available in the partition. If no event was available a null value will be emitted instead. // This is intended to return control to the loop and avoid blocking for an indeterminate period of time to allow event // processors to verify that the iterator is still consuming the partition and to make decisions on whether or not to continue // if events are not arriving. // // We'll begin to iterate on the partition using a small wait time, so that control will return to our loop even when // no event is available. For the first call, we'll publish so that we can receive them. // // For this example, we will specify a maximum wait time, and won't exit the loop until we've received at least one more // event than we published, which is expected to be a null value triggered by exceeding the wait time. // // To be sure that we do not block forever waiting on an event that is not published, we will request cancellation after a // fairly long interval. CancellationTokenSource cancellationSource = new CancellationTokenSource(); cancellationSource.CancelAfter(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30)); ReadEventOptions readOptions = new ReadEventOptions { MaximumWaitTime = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(250) }; bool wereEventsPublished = false; int eventBatchCount = 0; List <EventData> receivedEvents = new List <EventData>(); Stopwatch watch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); await foreach (PartitionEvent currentEvent in consumerClient.ReadEventsFromPartitionAsync(firstPartition, EventPosition.Latest, readOptions, cancellationSource.Token)) { if (!wereEventsPublished) { await using (var producerClient = new EventHubProducerClient(connectionString, eventHubName)) { using EventDataBatch eventBatch = await producerClient.CreateBatchAsync(new CreateBatchOptions { PartitionId = firstPartition }); eventBatch.TryAdd(new EventData(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Hello, Event Hubs!"))); eventBatch.TryAdd(new EventData(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Goodbye, Event Hubs!"))); await producerClient.SendAsync(eventBatch); wereEventsPublished = true; eventBatchCount = eventBatch.Count; await Task.Delay(250); Console.WriteLine("The event batch has been published."); } } else { receivedEvents.Add(currentEvent.Data); if (receivedEvents.Count > eventBatchCount) { watch.Stop(); break; } } } // Print out the events that we received. Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine($"The following events were consumed in { watch.ElapsedMilliseconds } milliseconds:"); foreach (EventData eventData in receivedEvents) { // The body of our event was an encoded string; we'll recover the // message by reversing the encoding process. string message = (eventData == null) ? "<< This was a null event >>" : Encoding.UTF8.GetString(eventData.Body.ToArray()); Console.WriteLine($"\tMessage: \"{ message }\""); } } // At this point, our clients have passed their "using" scope and have safely been disposed of. We // have no further obligations. Console.WriteLine(); }