//private SystemScript systemScr; void Start() { sysScr = gameObject.GetComponent <SystemScript> (); gridPos = sysScr.GridPos; GameObject _ship = transform.parent.parent.parent.parent.gameObject; pwrMngr = _ship.GetComponent <ShipPowerMngr> (); hScr = gameObject.GetComponent <HealthScript> (); originReactorScr = GetOriginReactor(); originReactorScr.fullCapacity += componentCapacity; if (this == originReactorScr) { isOrigin = true; } //ReactorSetup (); //if !inEditor if (CasheScript.Instance.GameMode != 0) { pwrMngr.PowerSetup(systemType, componentCapacity); if (isOrigin) { pwrMngr.AddToSysScrList(systemType, sysScr); } } }
public void HideMoves() { foreach (GameObject card in cardMoves) { card.GetComponent <CardScript>().GlowOff(); } foreach (GameObject card in cardMatches) { card.GetComponent <CardScript>().GlowOff(); } foreach (GameObject card in foundationMoves) { card.GetComponent <FoundationScript>().GlowOff(); } if (reactorMove != null) { ReactorScript reactorMoveScript = reactorMove.GetComponent <ReactorScript>(); // re-enable the top cards hitbox because it was disabled for the reactors hitbox to be on top // the top card can normally be clicked and dragged to match with other cards if (reactorMoveScript.cardList.Count != 0) { reactorMoveScript.cardList[0].GetComponent <BoxCollider2D>().enabled = true; } reactorMoveScript.GlowOff(); } }
// Use this for initialization void Awake() { //myCam = GameObject.Find("Main Camera"); myTransform = transform; myCamera = Camera.main; ScriptRef = gameObject.GetComponent<ReactorScript>(); PlayerRef = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player"); MaxHealth = ScriptRef.StartingHealth; }
void Awake() { engineGO = GameObject.Find("Engines"); lifeSupportGO = GameObject.Find("Life Support"); reactorGO = GameObject.Find("Reactor"); repairTextGO = GameObject.Find("IsRepairing"); engineWorkArea = GameObject.Find("EngineWorkArea").GetComponent<RepairTrigger>(); lifeSupportWorkArea = GameObject.Find("LifeSupportWorkArea").GetComponent<RepairTrigger>(); reactorWorkArea = GameObject.Find("ReactorWorkArea").GetComponent<RepairTrigger>(); lifeSupport = lifeSupportGO.GetComponent<LifeSupportScript>(); engines = engineGO.GetComponent<EnginesScript>(); reactor = reactorGO.GetComponent<ReactorScript>(); }
public void ShowMoves(GameObject selectedCard) { cardMoves.Clear(); cardMatches.Clear(); foundationMoves.Clear(); reactorMove = null; FindMoves(selectedCard); foreach (GameObject card in cardMoves) { card.GetComponent <CardScript>().GlowOn(false); } foreach (GameObject card in cardMatches) { card.GetComponent <CardScript>().GlowOn(true); } foreach (GameObject card in foundationMoves) { card.GetComponent <FoundationScript>().GlowOn(); } if (reactorMove != null) { ReactorScript reactorMoveScript = reactorMove.GetComponent <ReactorScript>(); // disable the top cards hitbox for the reactors hitbox to be on top // the top card can normally be clicked and dragged to match with other cards if (reactorMoveScript.cardList.Count != 0) { reactorMoveScript.cardList[0].GetComponent <BoxCollider2D>().enabled = false; } // if moving the card into the reactor will lose us the game if (reactorMoveScript.CountReactorCard() + selectedCard.GetComponent <CardScript>().cardVal >= Config.config.maxReactorVal) { reactorMoveScript.GlowOn(2); } else { reactorMoveScript.GlowOn(1); } } }
public void LoadReactorScripts() { foreach (var scripttemplate in ServerContext.GlobalReactorCache.Select(i => i.Value)) { ReactorScript scp = ScriptManager.Load <ReactorScript>(scripttemplate.ScriptKey, scripttemplate); if (scp != null && scp.Reactor != null) { if (LastKey != scripttemplate.ScriptKey && scripttemplate.CallerType != ReactorQualifer.Reactor) { LastKey = scripttemplate.ScriptKey; scp.Reactor.Decorator = scp; Scripts.Add(scp); } else { var post = ServerContext.GlobalReactorCache .FirstOrDefault(i => i.Value.ScriptKey == LastKey); if (post.Value != null) { var ps = ScriptManager.Load <ReactorScript>(post.Value.CallBackScriptKey, scp.Reactor); var parent = Scripts.Find(i => i.Reactor.ScriptKey == scp.Reactor.CallingReactor); if (parent != null) { scp.Reactor.Decorator = scp; parent.Reactor.PostScript = ps; Scripts.Add(scp); } } } } } ServerContext.Info?.Info("[{0}] Reactor Scripts Loaded: {1}", Client.Aisling.Username, Scripts.Count); }
private ReactorScript GetOriginReactor() { ReactorScript _reactScr = sysScr.GetOriginObj().GetComponent <ReactorScript> (); return(_reactScr); }