internal new Rdl.Render.GenericRender Render(Rdl.Render.Container box, Rdl.Runtime.Context parentContext) { Rdl.Runtime.Context context = new Rdl.Runtime.Context( parentContext, null, null, null, null); // Initialize the data sets. // Initialized in RunTimeBase //_dataSets.Initialize(); _dataSets.Reset(); // Set the default DataSet for the report if (_dataSchema != null) { _reportDataSet = _dataSets[_dataSchema]; } else { _reportDataSet = _dataSets.FirstDataSet; } // Set up the default data context. if (parentContext != null) { parentContext = parentContext.FindContextByDS(_reportDataSet); } context = new Rdl.Runtime.Context( parentContext, _reportDataSet, null, null, null); Rdl.Render.GenericRender render; if (box == null) { render = new Rdl.Render.GenericRender(this, context); box = render.BodyContainer; } else { render = box.Render; } if (_pageHeader != null) { _pageHeader.Render(render.PageHeaderContainer, context); } if (_pageFooter != null) { _pageFooter.Render(render.PageFooterContainer, context); } // Render the report. _body.Render(box, context); context.LinkToggles(); return(render); }
internal override void Render(Rdl.Render.Container box, Rdl.Runtime.Context context) { bool hidden = false; context = new Rdl.Runtime.Context( context, null, null, _grouping, _sortBy); TextBox tb = FindToggleItem(_visibility); if (_visibility != null && _visibility.ToggleItem == null) { hidden = _visibility.IsHidden(context); } ; // Loop through all of the rows in the data context decimal top = 0; while (true) { if (_grouping == null && context.CurrentRow == null) { break; } if (_grouping != null && context.GroupIndex >= context.GroupCount) { break; } foreach (Row tr in _tableRows) { Rdl.Render.FixedContainer rowBox = null; if (box != null && !hidden) { rowBox = box.AddFixedContainer(this, Style, context); rowBox.Name = "RowBox"; rowBox.Top = top; rowBox.Width = box.Width; rowBox.ContextBase = true; if (tb != null) { tb.LinkedToggles.Add(new Toggle(rowBox, tb)); } } tr.Render(rowBox, context); if (box != null && !hidden) { top += rowBox.Height; box.Height = top; } } context.LinkToggles(); if (_grouping == null) { context.MoveNext(); } else { context.NextGroup(); } } }
internal override void Render(Rdl.Render.Container box, Rdl.Runtime.Context context) { Rdl.Runtime.Context context1 = context.GetChildContext( null, null, _grouping, _sorting); base.Render(box, context1); bool hidden = false; if (_visibility != null && _visibility.ToggleItem == null) { hidden = _visibility.IsHidden(context1); } if (!hidden) { TextBox tb = Report.FindToggleItem(_visibility); Rdl.Render.FlowContainer dynamicRowsBox = null; if (box != null) { // The dynamic rows box is a top down box holding all of the rows // in the matrix including the total row. dynamicRowsBox = box.AddFlowContainer(this, Style, context, Rdl.Render.FlowContainer.FlowDirectionEnum.TopDown); dynamicRowsBox.MatchParentWidth = true; dynamicRowsBox.Name = "DynamicRows"; } if ((_subtotal != null && _subtotal.Position == Subtotal.PositionEnum.Before) || (tb != null && _subtotal == null)) { RenderSubtotal(dynamicRowsBox, context, hidden, (_subtotal == null) ? tb : null); } while (context1.GroupIndex < context1.GroupCount) { Rdl.Render.FlowContainer rowGroupBox = dynamicRowsBox.AddFlowContainer(this, Style, context1, Rdl.Render.FlowContainer.FlowDirectionEnum.LeftToRight); rowGroupBox.Name = "DynamicRow"; if (tb != null) { tb.LinkedToggles.Add(new Toggle(rowGroupBox, tb)); } Rdl.Render.FixedContainer rowGroupHeader = rowGroupBox.AddFixedContainer(this, Style, context1); rowGroupHeader.Name = "DynamicRowHeader"; rowGroupHeader.Width = Width.points; rowGroupHeader.MatchParentHeight = true; //rowGroupHeader.Height = FindMatrix(this).Rows.Height; rowGroupHeader.CanGrowHorizonally = false; _reportItems.Render(rowGroupHeader, context1); if (RenderNext != null) { if (RenderNext is RowGrouping) { //Rdl.Render.FlowContainer contentBox = rowGroupBox.AddFlowContainer(this, Style, context1, Rdl.Render.FlowContainer.FlowDirectionEnum.TopDown); //contentBox.Name = "DynamicRowContent"; ((RowGrouping)RenderNext).Render(rowGroupBox, context1); } else if (RenderNext is ColumnGrouping) { ((ColumnGrouping)RenderNext).Render(rowGroupBox, FindMatrix(this).Context, context1, 0); } else { RenderNext.Render(rowGroupBox, context1); } //// Intersect the rows in the current column grouping with the rows in the //// row grouping and if there is anything left then render the //// MatrixRows. //Rdl.Runtime.Context tmpContext = context1.Intersect(columnContext); } context1.LinkToggles(); context1.NextGroup(); } if (_subtotal != null && _subtotal.Position == Subtotal.PositionEnum.After) { RenderSubtotal(box, context, hidden, null); } } }
internal override void Render(Rdl.Render.Container box, Rdl.Runtime.Context context) { Rdl.Render.FlowContainer headerBox = null; Rdl.Render.FlowContainer detailsBox = null; Rdl.Render.FlowContainer footerBox = null; Rdl.Render.FlowContainer groupRow = null; context = new Rdl.Runtime.Context( context, null, null, _grouping, _sortBy); TextBox tb = Report.FindToggleItem(_visibility); if (box != null && !_visibility.IsHidden(context)) { _box = box.AddFlowContainer(this, Style, context, Rdl.Render.FlowContainer.FlowDirectionEnum.TopDown); _box.Width = box.Width; _box.Name = "TableGroup"; if (tb != null) { tb.LinkedToggles.Add(new Toggle(_box, tb)); } } // Render the header decimal groupTop = 0; while (context.GroupIndex < context.GroupCount) { if (_box != null) { groupRow = _box.AddFlowContainer(this, Style, context, Rdl.Render.FlowContainer.FlowDirectionEnum.TopDown); groupRow.Width = _box.Width; groupRow.Top = groupTop; groupRow.Name = "GroupRrow"; groupRow.ContextBase = true; groupRow.PageBreakBefore = _grouping.PageBreakAtStart; // Don't break page on last group item. groupRow.PageBreakAfter = (context.GroupIndex + 1 < context.GroupCount) ? _grouping.PageBreakAtEnd : false; } if (_header != null) { if (_box != null) { headerBox = groupRow.AddFlowContainer(this, _header.Style, context, Rdl.Render.FlowContainer.FlowDirectionEnum.TopDown); headerBox.Top = 0; headerBox.Width = groupRow.Width; headerBox.Name = "GroupHeader"; } _header.Render(headerBox, context); } // Create a box to hold the details and tie that // box to any repeat lists referencing these details. if (_details != null && groupRow != null) { detailsBox = groupRow.AddFlowContainer(this, _details.Style, context, Rdl.Render.FlowContainer.FlowDirectionEnum.TopDown); detailsBox.Top = (headerBox == null) ? 0 : headerBox.Height; detailsBox.Width = groupRow.Width; detailsBox.Name = "GroupDetails"; // If the header or footer are repeated, then add them to the repeat list of the details. if (_header != null && _header.RepeatOnNewPage) { detailsBox.RepeatList.Add(headerBox); } if (_footer != null && _footer.RepeatOnNewPage) { detailsBox.RepeatList.Add(footerBox); } } // Render the details. if (_details != null) { _details.Render(detailsBox, context); } // Render the footer. if (_footer != null) { if (groupRow != null) { footerBox = groupRow.AddFlowContainer(this, _footer.Style, context, Rdl.Render.FlowContainer.FlowDirectionEnum.TopDown); footerBox.Name = "GroupFooter"; footerBox.Top = ((headerBox == null) ? 0 : headerBox.Height) + ((detailsBox == null) ? 0 : detailsBox.Height); footerBox.Width = _box.Width; } context.RowIndex = 0; _footer.Render(footerBox, context); } if (groupRow != null) { groupTop += groupRow.Height; } context.LinkToggles(); context.NextGroup(); } }
internal override int RenderHeader(Rdl.Render.Container box, Rdl.Runtime.Context context, int column) { Rdl.Runtime.Context context1 = context.GetChildContext( null, null, _grouping, _sorting); bool hidden = false; if (_visibility != null && _visibility.ToggleItem == null) { hidden = _visibility.IsHidden(context1); } TextBox tb = Report.FindToggleItem(_visibility); if ((_subtotal != null && _subtotal.Position == Subtotal.PositionEnum.Before) || (tb != null && _subtotal == null)) { column = RenderSubTotalHeader(box, context, hidden, (_subtotal == null) ? tb : null, column); } while (context1.GroupIndex < context1.GroupCount && !hidden) { Rdl.Render.FlowContainer cell = box.AddFlowContainer(this, Style, context1, Rdl.Render.FlowContainer.FlowDirectionEnum.TopDown); cell.Name = "DynamicColumnHeader"; cell.MatchParentHeight = true; Rdl.Render.FixedContainer contentBox = cell.AddFixedContainer(this, Style, context1); contentBox.Name = "DynamicColumnContent"; contentBox.Width = FindMatrix(this).ColumnWidth; contentBox.Height = _height.points; contentBox.MatchParentHeight = true; _reportItems.Render(contentBox, context1); if (tb != null) { tb.LinkedToggles.Add(new Toggle(cell, tb)); } // Save the text elements so we can link toggles in Render foreach (TextBox tb2 in context1.TextBoxes.Values) { if (!_headerTextElements.ContainsKey(column)) { _headerTextElements[column] = new List <Rdl.Render.TextElement>(); } _headerTextElements[column].Add(tb2.TextElement); } if (RenderNext != null && RenderNext is ColumnGrouping) { Rdl.Render.FlowContainer columnHeader = cell.AddFlowContainer(this, Style, context1, Rdl.Render.FlowContainer.FlowDirectionEnum.LeftToRight); columnHeader.Name = "ColumnGrouping"; columnHeader.ContextBase = true; column = ((ColumnGrouping)RenderNext).RenderHeader(columnHeader, context1, column); } else { contentBox.MatchParentHeight = true; column++; } context1.LinkToggles(); context1.NextGroup(); } if (_subtotal != null && _subtotal.Position == Subtotal.PositionEnum.After) { column = RenderSubTotalHeader(box, context, hidden, tb, column); } return(column); }
internal override int Render(Rdl.Render.Container box, Rdl.Runtime.Context context, Rdl.Runtime.Context rowContext, int column) { Rdl.Runtime.Context context1 = context.GetChildContext(null, null, _grouping, _sorting); bool hidden = false; if (_visibility != null && _visibility.ToggleItem == null) { hidden = _visibility.IsHidden(context1); } if (!hidden) { TextBox tb = Report.FindToggleItem(_visibility); if ((_subtotal != null && _subtotal.Position == Subtotal.PositionEnum.Before) || (tb != null && _subtotal == null)) { column = RenderSubtotal(box, context.Intersect(rowContext), hidden, (_subtotal == null) ? tb : null, column); } Rdl.Render.FlowContainer groupBox = null; if (box != null) { groupBox = box.AddFlowContainer(this, Style, context1, Rdl.Render.FlowContainer.FlowDirectionEnum.LeftToRight); groupBox.Name = "DynamicColumnGroup"; groupBox.MatchParentHeight = true; } while (context1.GroupIndex < context1.GroupCount) { Rdl.Render.FixedContainer groupEntryBox = null; if (groupBox != null) { groupEntryBox = groupBox.AddFixedContainer(this, Style, context1); groupEntryBox.MatchParentHeight = true; if (tb != null) { tb.LinkedToggles.Add(new Toggle(groupEntryBox, tb)); } } // Put the column header text boxes into the column context and // set the text element for any textboxes in the header of the column so that // cells toggled on the header columns link to the correct boxes. if (_headerTextElements.ContainsKey(column)) { foreach (Rdl.Render.TextElement te in _headerTextElements[column]) { context1.TextBoxes[((TextBox)te.ReportElement).Name] = (TextBox)te.ReportElement; ((TextBox)te.ReportElement).Box = te; } } // Render the details. if (RenderNext != null) { if (RenderNext is ColumnGrouping) { column = ((ColumnGrouping)RenderNext).Render(groupEntryBox, context1, rowContext, column); } else { groupBox.Height = FindMatrix(this).Rows.Height; RenderNext.Render(groupEntryBox, context1.Intersect(rowContext)); column++; } } // Link the toggles at this context level with the linked elements contained. context1.LinkToggles(); context1.NextGroup(); } if (_subtotal != null && _subtotal.Position == Subtotal.PositionEnum.After) { column = RenderSubtotal(box, context.Intersect(rowContext), hidden, null, column); } } return(column); }