コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Given an XML Node creates the relevant RDF/XML Events for it and recurses as necessary
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">Parser Context</param>
        /// <param name="node">The Node to create Event(s) from</param>
        /// <param name="parent">The Parent Node of the given Node</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private ElementEvent GenerateEvents(RdfXmlParserContext context, XmlNode node, IRdfXmlEvent parent)
            // Get the Base Uri
            String baseUri = String.Empty;

            if (parent is ElementEvent)
                baseUri = ((ElementEvent)parent).BaseUri;
            // Create an ElementEvent for the Node
            ElementEvent element = new ElementEvent(node.LocalName, node.Prefix, baseUri, node.OuterXml);

            // Set the initial Language from the Parent
            ElementEvent parentEl = (ElementEvent)parent;

            element.Language = parentEl.Language;

            #region Attribute Processing

            // Iterate over Attributes
            bool parseTypeLiteral = false;
            foreach (XmlAttribute attr in node.Attributes)
                // Watch out for special attributes
                if (attr.Name == "xml:lang")
                    // Set Language
                    element.Language = attr.Value;
                else if (attr.Name == "xml:base")
                    // Set Base Uri

                    if (RdfXmlSpecsHelper.IsAbsoluteURI(attr.Value))
                        // Absolute Uri
                        element.BaseUri = attr.Value;
                    else if (!element.BaseUri.Equals(String.Empty))
                        // Relative Uri with a Base Uri to resolve against
                        // element.BaseUri += attr.Value;
                        element.BaseUri = Tools.ResolveUri(attr.Value, element.BaseUri);
                        // Relative Uri with no Base Uri
                        throw new RdfParseException("Cannot resolve a Relative Base URI since there is no in-scope Base URI");
                else if (attr.Prefix == "xmlns")
                    // Register a Namespace
                    String uri;
                    if (attr.Value.StartsWith("http://"))
                        // Absolute Uri
                        uri = attr.Value;
                    else if (!element.BaseUri.Equals(String.Empty))
                        // Relative Uri with a Base Uri to resolve against
                        // uri = element.BaseUri + attr.Value;
                        uri = Tools.ResolveUri(attr.Value, element.BaseUri);
                        // Relative Uri with no Base Uri
                        throw new RdfParseException("Cannot resolve a Relative Namespace URI since there is no in-scope Base URI");
                    NamespaceAttributeEvent ns = new NamespaceAttributeEvent(attr.LocalName, uri, attr.OuterXml);
                else if (attr.Prefix == String.Empty && attr.Name == "xmlns")
                    // Register a Default Namespace (Empty Prefix)
                    String uri;

                    if (attr.Value.StartsWith("http://"))
                        // Absolute Uri
                        uri = attr.Value;
                    else if (!element.BaseUri.Equals(String.Empty))
                        // Relative Uri with a Base Uri to resolve against
                        // uri = element.BaseUri + attr.Value;
                        uri = Tools.ResolveUri(attr.Value, element.BaseUri);
                        // Relative Uri with no Base Uri
                        throw new RdfParseException("Cannot resolve a Relative Namespace URI since there is no in-scope Base URI");
                    NamespaceAttributeEvent ns = new NamespaceAttributeEvent(String.Empty, uri, attr.OuterXml);
                else if (attr.Prefix == "xml" || (attr.Prefix == String.Empty && attr.LocalName.StartsWith("xml")))
                    // Ignore other Reserved XML Names
                else if (attr.Name == "rdf:parseType" && attr.Value == "Literal")
                    // Literal Parse Type
                    parseTypeLiteral = true;

                    // Create the Attribute
                    AttributeEvent attrEvent = new AttributeEvent(attr.LocalName, attr.Prefix, attr.Value, attr.OuterXml);

                    // Set ParseType property correctly
                    element.ParseType = RdfXmlParseType.Literal;
                else if (attr.Name == "rdf:parseType")
                    // Some other Parse Type

                    // Create the Attribute
                    AttributeEvent attrEvent = new AttributeEvent(attr.LocalName, attr.Prefix, attr.Value, attr.OuterXml);

                    // Set the ParseType property correctly
                    if (attr.Value == "Resource")
                        element.ParseType = RdfXmlParseType.Resource;
                    else if (attr.Value == "Collection")
                        element.ParseType = RdfXmlParseType.Collection;
                        // Have to assume Literal
                        element.ParseType = RdfXmlParseType.Literal;
                        parseTypeLiteral  = true;

                        // Replace the Parse Type attribute with one saying it is Literal
                        attrEvent = new AttributeEvent(attr.LocalName, attr.Prefix, "Literal", attr.OuterXml);
                    // Normal Attribute which we generate an Event from
                    AttributeEvent attrEvent = new AttributeEvent(attr.LocalName, attr.Prefix, attr.Value, attr.OuterXml);

            // Validate generated Attributes for Namespace Confusion and URIRef encoding
            foreach (AttributeEvent a in element.Attributes)
                // Namespace Confusion should only apply to Attributes without a Namespace specified
                if (a.Namespace.Equals(String.Empty))
                    if (RdfXmlSpecsHelper.IsAmbigiousAttributeName(a.LocalName))
                        // Can't use any of the RDF terms that mandate the rdf: prefix without it
                        throw ParserHelper.Error("An Attribute with an ambigious name '" + a.LocalName + "' was encountered.  The following attribute names MUST have the rdf: prefix - about, aboutEach, ID, bagID, type, resource, parseType", element);

                // URIRef encoding check
                if (!RdfXmlSpecsHelper.IsValidUriRefEncoding(a.Value))
                    throw ParserHelper.Error("An Attribute with an incorrectly encoded URIRef was encountered, URIRef's must be encoded in Unicode Normal Form C", a);


            // Don't proceed if Literal Parse Type is on
            if (parseTypeLiteral)
                // Generate an XMLLiteral from its Inner Xml (if any)
                TypedLiteralEvent lit = new TypedLiteralEvent(node.InnerXml.Normalize(), RdfSpecsHelper.RdfXmlLiteral, node.InnerXml);

            // Are there Child Nodes?
            if (node.HasChildNodes)
                // Take different actions depending on the Number and Type of Child Nodes
                if (node.ChildNodes.Count > 1)
                    // Multiple Child Nodes

                    // Iterate over Child Nodes
                    foreach (XmlNode child in node.ChildNodes)
                        // Ignore Irrelevant Node Types
                        if (IsIgnorableNode(child))

                        // Generate an Event for the Child Node
                        ElementEvent childEvent = GenerateEvents(context, child, element);
                else if (node.ChildNodes[0].NodeType == XmlNodeType.Text)
                    // Single Child which is a Text Node

                    // Generate a Text Event
                    TextEvent text = new TextEvent(node.InnerText.Normalize(), node.OuterXml);
                else if (node.ChildNodes[0].NodeType == XmlNodeType.CDATA)
                    // Single Child which is a CData Node

                    TextEvent text = new TextEvent(node.InnerXml.Normalize(), node.OuterXml);
                    // Single Child which is not a Text Node

                    // Recurse on the single Child Node
                    if (!IsIgnorableNode(node.ChildNodes[0]))
                        ElementEvent childEvent = GenerateEvents(context, node.ChildNodes[0], element);

コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Given an XML Node that is the Root of the RDF/XML section of the Document Tree creates the RootEvent and generates the rest of the Event Tree by recursive calls to the <see cref="GenerateEvents">GenerateEvents</see> method
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">Parser Context</param>
        /// <param name="docEl">XML Node that is the Root of the RDF/XML section of the Document Tree</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private RootEvent GenerateEventTree(RdfXmlParserContext context, XmlNode docEl)
            // Get the Document Element
            // XmlNode docEl = document.DocumentElement;

            // Generate a Root Event and Element Event from it
            RootEvent root = new RootEvent(docEl.BaseURI, docEl.OuterXml);

            if (docEl.BaseURI.Equals(String.Empty))
                if (context.BaseUri != null)
                    root.BaseUri = context.BaseUri.AbsoluteUri;
            ElementEvent element = new ElementEvent(docEl.LocalName, docEl.Prefix, root.BaseUri, docEl.OuterXml);

            // Initialise Language Settings
            root.Language    = String.Empty;
            element.Language = root.Language;

            // Set as Document Element and add as only Child
            root.DocumentElement = element;

            #region Attribute Processing

            // Go through attributes looking for XML Namespace Declarations
            foreach (XmlAttribute attr in docEl.Attributes)
                if (attr.Prefix.Equals("xmlns") || attr.Name == "xmlns")
                    // Define a Namespace
                    String prefix = attr.LocalName;
                    if (prefix.Equals("xmlns"))
                        prefix = String.Empty;
                    String uri;
                    if (attr.Value.StartsWith("http://"))
                        // Absolute Uri
                        uri = attr.Value;
                    else if (!root.BaseUri.Equals(String.Empty))
                        // Relative Uri with a Base Uri to resolve against
                        // uri = root.BaseUri + attr.Value;
                        uri = Tools.ResolveUri(attr.Value, root.BaseUri);
                        // Relative Uri with no Base Uri
                        throw new RdfParseException("Cannot resolve a Relative Namespace URI since there is no in-scope Base URI");
                    context.Namespaces.AddNamespace(prefix, UriFactory.Create(uri));
                else if (attr.Name == "xml:base")
                    // Set the Base Uri
                    String baseUri = attr.Value;

                    if (RdfXmlSpecsHelper.IsAbsoluteURI(baseUri))
                        // Absolute Uri
                        root.BaseUri = baseUri;
                    else if (!element.BaseUri.Equals(String.Empty))
                        // Relative Uri with a Base Uri to resolve against
                        // root.BaseUri += baseUri;
                        root.BaseUri = Tools.ResolveUri(baseUri, root.BaseUri);
                        // Relative Uri with no Base Uri
                        throw new RdfParseException("Cannot resolve a Relative Base URI since there is no in-scope Base URI");
                    element.BaseUri = root.BaseUri;


            // Iterate over Children
            foreach (XmlNode child in docEl.ChildNodes)
                // Ignore Irrelevant Node Types
                if (IsIgnorableNode(child))

                // Generate an Event for the Child Node
                ElementEvent childEvent = GenerateEvents(context, child, element);

            // Return the Root Event