コード例 #1
        public override int GetTypeAttr(IntPtr ppTypeAttr)
            var hr = _target_ITypeInfo.GetTypeAttr(ppTypeAttr);

            if (ComHelper.HRESULT_FAILED(hr))

            var pTypeAttr = StructHelper.ReadStructureUnsafe <IntPtr>(ppTypeAttr);
            var typeAttr  = StructHelper.ReadStructureUnsafe <ComTypes.TYPEATTR>(pTypeAttr);

            typeAttr.typekind = PatchTypeKind((TYPEKIND_VBE)typeAttr.typekind);

            // A proper type library would not have any variables defined in the modules.
            // However, a VBA module can have those and that can trip up CLR's parser. To
            // work around this, we lie to any ComTypes.ITypeInfo consumer that there's no
            // variables. If we need for VBA-specific work, we need to consult
            // ITypeInfoWrapper.Vars instead.
            if (typeAttr.typekind == ComTypes.TYPEKIND.TKIND_MODULE && typeAttr.cVars > 0)
                typeAttr.cVars = (short)Consts.Count;

            RdMarshal.StructureToPtr <ComTypes.TYPEATTR>(typeAttr, pTypeAttr, true);
コード例 #2
        public override int GetLibAttr(IntPtr ppTLibAttr)
            var output = RdMarshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(ComTypes.TYPELIBATTR)));

            RdMarshal.StructureToPtr(_libAttribs, output, false);
            RdMarshal.WriteIntPtr(ppTLibAttr, output);
コード例 #3
        public override int GetVarDesc(int index, IntPtr ppVarDesc)
            var safeIndex = _consts != null && _consts.Count > 0
                ? _consts.MappedIndex(index)
                : index;

            var hr = _target_ITypeInfo.GetVarDesc(safeIndex, ppVarDesc);

            if (ComHelper.HRESULT_FAILED(hr))

            var pVarDesc = StructHelper.ReadStructureUnsafe <IntPtr>(ppVarDesc);
            var varDesc  = StructHelper.ReadStructureUnsafe <ComTypes.VARDESC>(pVarDesc);

            if (varDesc.memid == (int)KnownDispatchMemberIDs.MEMBERID_NIL)
                // constants are not reported correctly in VBA type infos.  They all have MEMBERID_NIL set.
                // we will provide fake DispIds and names to satisfy parsers.  Shit but works for now.
                varDesc.memid = (int)(_ourConstantsDispatchMemberIDRangeStart + safeIndex);
                RdMarshal.StructureToPtr(varDesc, pVarDesc, true);
                // Unlike GetFuncDesc, we can't get the wVarFlags for fields from the alternative VBA ITypeInfo
                // because GetVarDesc() hard crashes on the alternative typeinfo

                 *  if (target_ITypeInfoAlternate != null)
                 *  {
                 *      using (var varDescPtr2 = AddressableVariables.CreatePtrTo<ComTypes.VARDESC>())
                 *      {
                 *          var hr2 = target_ITypeInfoAlternate.GetVarDesc(index, varDescPtr2.Address);
                 *          var varDesc2 = varDescPtr2.Value.Value; // dereference the ptr, then the content
                 *          VarDesc.wVarFlags = varDesc2.wVarFlags;
                 *          RdMarshal.StructureToPtr(VarDesc, pVarDesc, false);
                 *      }
                 * }
コード例 #4
        public override int GetFuncDesc(int index, IntPtr ppFuncDesc)
            var hr = _target_ITypeInfo.GetFuncDesc(index, ppFuncDesc);

            if (ComHelper.HRESULT_FAILED(hr))

            if (_target_ITypeInfoAlternate != null)
                var pFuncDesc = StructHelper.ReadStructureUnsafe <IntPtr>(ppFuncDesc);
                var funcDesc  = StructHelper.ReadStructureUnsafe <ComTypes.FUNCDESC>(pFuncDesc);

                // Populate wFuncFlags from the alternative typeinfo provided by VBA
                // The alternative typeinfo is not as useful as the main typeinfo for most things, but does expose wFuncFlags
                // The list of functions appears to be in the same order as the main typeinfo.
                using (var funcDescAlternatePtr = AddressableVariables.CreatePtrTo <ComTypes.FUNCDESC>())
                    var hr2 = _target_ITypeInfoAlternate.GetFuncDesc(index, funcDescAlternatePtr.Address);
                    if (!ComHelper.HRESULT_FAILED(hr2))
                        var funcDescAlternate = funcDescAlternatePtr.Value.Value;    // dereference the ptr, then the content

                        //sanity check
                        if (funcDescAlternate.memid == funcDesc.memid)
                            funcDesc.wFuncFlags = funcDescAlternate.wFuncFlags;
                            Debug.Assert(false, $"The sanity check failed; {nameof(funcDesc.memid)}: {funcDesc.memid} and {nameof(funcDescAlternate.memid)}: {funcDescAlternate.memid}");

                        RdMarshal.StructureToPtr(funcDesc, pFuncDesc, true);
