public bool SearchDuplication(Meeting meeting) { bool result = false; using (IDbConnection connection = _dbConnection.SqlConnection) { try { connection.Open(); result = connection.Query( from m in new SQLinq <Meeting>() where m.MeetingDate == meeting.MeetingDate && m.CountryId == meeting.CountryId && m.RaceCourseId == meeting.RaceCourseId select m).Any(); } catch (Exception error) { RdLogger.Error("Error during execute SearchDuplication type:" + this.GetType(), error); } finally { connection.Close(); } } return(result); }
public List <DTORaceType2> GetAllDto(int countryId) { List <DTORaceType2> result = null; var sql = "SELECT rt.Id ,rt.Name, rt.CountryId, c.Name AS CountryName, rt.isGroup FROM [dbo].[RaceType] rt LEFT JOIN Country c ON rt.CountryId = c.Id WHERE rt.CountryId=" + countryId; using (IDbConnection connection = _dbConnection.SqlConnection) { try { connection.Open(); result = connection.Query <DTORaceType2>(sql).ToList(); } catch (Exception error) { RdLogger.Error("Error during execute GetAllDto type:" + this.GetType(), error); } finally { connection.Close(); } } return(result); }
public List <vwvJockey> GetByCountryId(int?countryId) { List <vwvJockey> result = null; using (IDbConnection connection = _dbConnection.SqlConnection) { try { connection.Open(); result = connection.Query(from jockey in new SQLinq <vwvJockey>() where jockey.CountryOfRegistrationId == countryId orderby jockey.Fullname select jockey).ToList(); } catch (Exception error) { RdLogger.Error("Error during execute GetByCountryId type:" + this.GetType(), error); } finally { connection.Close(); } } return(result); }
public List <RaceCourse> GetByCountry(int?countryId) { List <RaceCourse> result = null; using (IDbConnection connection = _dbConnection.SqlConnection) { try { connection.Open(); result = connection.Query(from p in new SQLinq <RaceCourse>() orderby p.Name where p.CountryId == countryId select p).ToList(); } catch (Exception error) { RdLogger.Error("Error during execute GetByCountry type:" + this.GetType(), error); } finally { connection.Close(); } } return(result); }
public override List <Jockey> GetAll() { List <Jockey> result = null; using (IDbConnection connection = _dbConnection.SqlConnection) { try { connection.Open(); result = connection.Query(from jockey in new SQLinq <Jockey>() orderby jockey.Fullname select jockey) .ToList(); } catch (Exception error) { RdLogger.Error("Error during execute GetAll type:" + this.GetType(), error); } finally { connection.Close(); } } return(result); }
public List <vwvHorse> GetByCountryFromView(int?countryId) { List <vwvHorse> result = null; using (IDbConnection connection = _dbConnection.SqlConnection) { try { connection.Open(); result = connection.Query(from h in new SQLinq <vwvHorse>() where h.CountryOfRegistrationId == countryId orderby h.Name select h).ToList(); } catch (Exception error) { RdLogger.Error("Error during execute GetByCountryFromView type:" + this.GetType(), error); } finally { connection.Close(); } } return(result); }
public List <Distance> GetByRaceCourse(int?rcId) { List <Distance> result = null; using (IDbConnection connection = _dbConnection.SqlConnection) { try { connection.Open(); result = connection.Query(from d in new SQLinq <Distance>() where d.RaceCourseID == rcId select d) .ToList(); } catch (Exception error) { RdLogger.Error("Error during execute GetByRaceCourse type:" + this.GetType(), error); } finally { connection.Close(); } } return(result); }
public T GetById(int?id) { T result = null; if (id != null) { using (IDbConnection connection = _dbConnection.SqlConnection) { try { connection.Open(); result = connection.Get <T>(id); } catch (Exception error) { RdLogger.Error("Error during execute GetById type:" + typeof(T).ToString(), error); } finally { connection.Close(); } } } return(result); }
public override bool Insert(Race newEntity) { int result = 0; using (IDbConnection connection = _dbConnection.SqlConnection) { connection.Open(); var sql = "INSERT INTO [dbo].[Race] ([MeetingId],[RaceNumber],[RaceName],[RaceTypeId],[DistanceId],[RaceJumpTimeLocal],[HK_RaceIndex],[RaceWinningTime],[RaceGoingId],[isTurf],[NumberOfRunners],[isDone],[isStarted])" + " VALUES (@MeetingId,@RaceNumber,@RaceName,@RaceTypeId,@DistanceId,@RaceJumpTimeLocal,@HK_RaceIndex,@RaceWinningTime,@RaceGoingId,@isTurf,@NumberOfRunners,@isDone,@isStarted)"; try { result = connection.Execute(sql, new { newEntity.MeetingId, newEntity.RaceNumber, newEntity.RaceName, RaceTypeId = newEntity.RaceTypeId == 0 ? null : newEntity.RaceTypeId, DistanceId = newEntity.DistanceId == 0 ? null : newEntity.DistanceId, newEntity.RaceJumpDateTimeUTC, newEntity.HK_RaceIndex, RaceWinningTime = newEntity.RaceWinningTime.ToString(), newEntity.RaceGoingId, newEntity.isTurf, NumberOfRunners = newEntity.NumberOfRunners, newEntity.isDone, newEntity.isStarted }); } catch (Exception error) { RdLogger.Error("Error during execute Insert type:" + this.GetType(), error); } finally { connection.Close(); } } return(result > 0); }
public override bool Update(Race entity) { int result = 0; using (IDbConnection connection = _dbConnection.SqlConnection) { connection.Open(); var sql = "UPDATE [dbo].[Race] SET [MeetingId] = @MeetingId, [RaceNumber] = @RaceNumber, [RaceName] = @RaceName, [RaceTypeId] = @RaceTypeId " + ",[DistanceId] = @DistanceId,[RaceJumpDateTimeUTC] = @RaceJumpDateTimeUTC,[HK_RaceIndex] = @HK_RaceIndex,[RaceWinningTime] = @RaceWinningTime " + ",[RaceGoingId] = @RaceGoingId,[isTurf] = @isTurf,[NumberOfRunners] = @NumberOfRunners,[isDone] = @isDone, [isStarted] = @isStarted WHERE Id=@Id"; try { result = connection.Execute(sql, new { entity.Id, entity.MeetingId, entity.RaceNumber, entity.RaceName, RaceTypeId = entity.RaceTypeId == 0 ? null : entity.RaceTypeId, DistanceId = entity.DistanceId == 0 ? null : entity.DistanceId, entity.RaceJumpDateTimeUTC, entity.HK_RaceIndex, RaceWinningTime = entity.RaceWinningTime.ToString(), entity.RaceGoingId, entity.isTurf, NumberOfRunners = entity.NumberOfRunners, entity.isDone, entity.isStarted }); } catch (Exception error) { RdLogger.Error("Error during execute Update type:" + this.GetType(), error); } finally { connection.Close(); } } return(result > 0); }
public override List <RaceType> GetAll() { using (IDbConnection connection = _dbConnection.SqlConnection) { List <RaceType> result = null; try { connection.Open(); result = connection.Query(from rt in new SQLinq <RaceType>() orderby rt.Name select rt).ToList(); } catch (Exception error) { RdLogger.Error("Error during execute GetAll type:" + this.GetType(), error); } finally { connection.Close(); } return(result); } }
public List <HorseOdd> GetByRaceId(int?raceId) { List <HorseOdd> result = null; using (IDbConnection connection = _dbConnection.SqlConnection) { try { connection.Open(); result = connection.Query(from h in new SQLinq <HorseOdd>() where h.RaceId == raceId select h).ToList(); } catch (Exception error) { RdLogger.Error("Error during execute GetByRaceId type:" + this.GetType(), error); } finally { connection.Close(); } } return(result); }
public virtual bool Update(T entity) { bool result = false; using (IDbConnection connection = _dbConnection.SqlConnection) { try { connection.Open(); result = connection.Update(entity); } catch (Exception error) { RdLogger.Error("Error during execute Update type:" + typeof(T).ToString(), error); } finally { connection.Close(); } } return(result); }
public virtual bool Insert(T newEntity) { int result = -1; using (IDbConnection connection = _dbConnection.SqlConnection) { try { connection.Open(); result = connection.Insert(newEntity); } catch (Exception error) { RdLogger.Error("Error during execute Insert type:" + typeof(T).ToString(), error); } finally { connection.Close(); } } return(result > 0); }
public virtual List <T> GetAll() { List <T> result = null; using (IDbConnection connection = _dbConnection.SqlConnection) { try { connection.Open(); result = connection.Query(from p in new SQLinq <T>() select p).ToList(); } catch (Exception error) { RdLogger.Error("Error during execute GetAll type:" + typeof(T).ToString(), error); } finally { connection.Close(); } } return(result); }
public List <DtoMeeting> SearchMeetings(int?countryId, string racecourse, DateTime?startDate, DateTime?endDate) { var sql = "SELECT m.[Id],ISNULL(c.Code,'') AS CountryCode,[MeetingDate],ISNULL(rc.Name,'') AS RaceCourseName,[WeatherId],[DefaultGoingId],[NumberOfRaces]" + ",[HK_isNightMeet],[CourseVariantId],[Z_MeetingCode],[isAbandoned],m.[MeetingCode] FROM [dbo].[Meeting] m " + " LEFT JOIN Country c ON m.CountryId = c.Id LEFT JOIN RaceCourse rc ON m.RaceCourseId = rc.Id WHERE m.CountryId=" + countryId + " AND RaceCourseId=" + racecourse; if (startDate != null && startDate != DateTime.MinValue) { sql += " AND MeetingDate>='" + startDate.Value.ToString(CultureInfo.InstalledUICulture.DateTimeFormat) + "'"; } if (endDate != null && endDate != DateTime.MinValue) { sql += " AND MeetingDate<='" + endDate.Value.ToString(CultureInfo.InstalledUICulture.DateTimeFormat) + "'"; } using (IDbConnection connection = _dbConnection.SqlConnection) { List <DtoMeeting> meetings = null; try { connection.Open(); meetings = connection.Query <DtoMeeting>(sql).ToList(); } catch (Exception error) { RdLogger.Error("Error during execute SearchMeetings type:" + this.GetType(), error); } finally { connection.Close(); } return(meetings); } }
public List <Race> GetByMeetingId(int?meetingId) { List <Race> result = null; using (IDbConnection connection = _dbConnection.SqlConnection) { try { connection.Open(); result = connection.Query(from r in new SQLinq <Race>() where r.MeetingId == meetingId select r).ToList(); } catch (Exception error) { RdLogger.Error("Error during execute GetByMeetingId type:" + this.GetType(), error); } finally { connection.Close(); } } return(result); }
public int GetCountryIdByName(string countryName) { Country result = null; using (IDbConnection connection = _dbConnection.SqlConnection) { try { connection.Open(); result = connection.Query(from c in new SQLinq <Country>() where c.Name == countryName select c) .FirstOrDefault(); } catch (Exception error) { RdLogger.Error("Error during execute GetCountryIdByName type:" + this.GetType(), error); } finally { connection.Close(); } } return(result == null ? -1 : result.Id); }