protected void CheckLadders(float _inputDirection) { if (isClimbing && isEnabled) { float topBuffer = 0.1f; bool isOnTopOfLadder = (controller.GravityScaleMultiplier() > 0.0f) ? !(boxCollider.bounds.min.y < activeLadderTopCrestPosition - topBuffer) : !(boxCollider.bounds.max.y > activeLadderBottomCrestPosition + topBuffer); if (!isOnTopOfLadder) //You're not on top of the ladder { isTouching = true; } } if (!isEnabled && isClimbing) { Drop(); } if (!isEnabled || controller.framesSinceDrop < 10) { return; } if (isTouching) { if (_inputDirection == 1.0f && !IsLockedForAttack(Attack.ActionType.Climbing) && !controller.isKnockbackActive && !controller.isStunned && !isClimbing && IsHorizontallyCenteredOnLadder()) //Mount a ladder { Begin(); controller.slots.physicsObject.SetVelocityX(0.0f); isClimbing = true; willAllowDirectionChange = false; } else if (controller.slots.input && controller.slots.input.isJumpButtonDownThisFrame && isClimbing) { Drop(); } else if (_inputDirection == -1.0f && controller.slots.physicsObject.IsOnSurface() && isClimbing) //Dismounting by climbing to the floor { End(); } } else { if (!controller.isKnockbackActive) //On top of a ladder; going down { if (_inputDirection == -1.0f && !IsLockedForAttack(Attack.ActionType.Climbing)) { if (RaycastHelper.IsOnSurface("Ladder", (Direction.Vertical)(-1.0f * controller.GravityScaleMultiplier()), boxCollider)) { Collider2D col = RaycastHelper.GetColliderForSurface("Ladder", (Direction.Vertical)(-1.0f * controller.GravityScaleMultiplier()), boxCollider); SetLadderValues(col); if (!IsHorizontallyCenteredOnLadder()) { return; } Vector2(activeLadderXPosition, transform.position.y)); controller.slots.physicsObject.SetVelocityX(0); isClimbing = true; willAllowDirectionChange = false; Begin(); controller.slots.physicsObject.SetVelocityX(0.0f); Vector2(transform.position.x, transform.position.y - (0.25f * controller.GravityScaleMultiplier()))); } } } } }