コード例 #1
        public bool OpenFolder(NSMenuItem item)
            NSOpenPanel dialog = new NSOpenPanel();

            dialog.Title                   = "Select File";
            dialog.CanChooseFiles          = true;
            dialog.CanCreateDirectories    = false;
            dialog.CanChooseDirectories    = false;
            dialog.AllowsMultipleSelection = false;

            nint results = dialog.RunModal();


            if (results == 1)
                NSError err = null;
                //NSUrl[] dir = NSFileManager.DefaultManager.GetDirectoryContent( dialog.Url, null,
                //	NSDirectoryEnumerationOptions.SkipsHiddenFiles | NSDirectoryEnumerationOptions.SkipsSubdirectoryDescendants,
                //	out err );

                // use a string based Password to generate the actual key
                byte[] key = StrongKeyMaker.Make32BitKey(AppDelegate.DefaultPassword, AppDelegate.Salt);

                RayXFile fe = new RayXFile(key);

                // is it already encrypted
                if (dialog.Url.PathExtension.Equals(RayXFile.Extension, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                    if (!RayXFile.Sniff(dialog.Url.Path))

                    FileInfo fi = fe.DecryptFile(dialog.Url.Path);
                else                 // decrypt
                    // need to check the size of the file since there is a limit we can handle for now
                    FileInfo ecPath = fe.EncryptFile(dialog.Url.Path);

コード例 #2
        /// <summary></summary>
        private void EncryptDecrypt()
            // use a string based Password to generate the actual key
            byte[] key = StrongKeyMaker.Make32BitKey("Password1", salt, 9999);

            // path to the test file
            string path = $"{RayXFile.DesktopPath}/PROS.jpeg";

            // encrypt file handler
            RayXFile fe = new RayXFile(key);

            // encrypt the file
            FileInfo ecPath = fe.EncryptFile(path);

            Console.WriteLine($"File Encrypted to {ecPath}");

            // decrypt the file
            FileInfo dePath = fe.DecryptFile(ecPath.FullName);

            Console.WriteLine($"File Decrypted to {dePath}");