private void TakeControlOverTargetAi() { _controlledAi?.WithdrawControl(this); // Not a fan of using the Gun's CreateRay here, as it's not related to the gun. Ray ray = gun.CreateRay(); bool hitSomething = RayCaster.CastRay(ray, float.MaxValue, out RaycastHit hit); if (!hitSomething) { return; } var aiController = hit.transform.GetComponent <BaseAiController>(); if (aiController == null) { return; } _controlledAi = aiController; Logging.Log($"Gotcha, {}!"); _controlledAi.TakeControl(this); }
private void CreateVisualizerAtTargetPosition() { // Not a fan of using the Gun's CreateRay here, as it's not related to the gun. Ray ray = gun.CreateRay(); bool hitSomething = RayCaster.CastRay(ray, float.MaxValue, out RaycastHit hit); if (!hitSomething) { return; } Vector3 hitPoint = hit.point; const float yDistAboveGround = 5; hitPoint.y += yDistAboveGround; VisualizerBase visualizer = Instantiate(testVisualizer, hitPoint, Quaternion.identity); Transform visualizerTransform = visualizer.transform; visualizerTransform.LookAt(transform); Vector3 currRot = visualizerTransform.rotation.eulerAngles; visualizer.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, currRot.y, 0); if (_controlledAi == null) { return; } _controlledAi.ForceRequestPathTo(hit.point); }
private bool CanSeeTarget(Entity target) { var vector = target.Location - Location; var maxDistance = (int)Math.Min(vector.Length, 500); var result = RayCaster.CastRay(Services.Game.Level, Location, vector, CollisionCheckType.BlocksProjectiles, maxDistance); return(!result.Hit); }
public Tuple <IInteractable, RaycastHit> GetInteractableFromRay(Ray ray, float range) { if (!RayCaster.CastRay(ray, range, out RaycastHit hit)) { return(null); } var interactable = hit.transform.GetComponent <IInteractable>(); return(interactable == null ? null : new Tuple <IInteractable, RaycastHit>(interactable, hit)); }
private static bool CheckIfCollidingOnX(Vector3 pos, float dist) { var ray = new Ray(pos, dist > 0 ? Vector3.right : Vector3.left); return(RayCaster.CastRay(ray, Mathf.Abs(dist))); }
private static bool CheckIfCollidingOnZ(Vector3 pos, float dist) { var ray = new Ray(pos, dist > 0 ? Vector3.forward : Vector3.back); return(RayCaster.CastRay(ray, Mathf.Abs(dist))); }
private static bool CheckIfCollidingVertical(Vector3 pos, float dist) { var ray = new Ray(pos, dist > 0 ? Vector3.up : Vector3.down); return(RayCaster.CastRay(ray, Mathf.Abs(dist))); }