コード例 #1
        public MovieExtendsBox(MovieMetadataBox inParent, List <IsochronousTrackInfo> trackInfos) : this(inParent)
            MovieExtendsHeaderBox = new MovieExtendsHeaderBox((uint)0); // initial duration should be zero. prev: trackInfos[0].MovieDuration);
            this.Size            += MovieExtendsHeaderBox.Size;

            if (TrackExtendBoxes == null)
                TrackExtendBoxes = new TrackExtendsBox[trackInfos.Count];
            //TrackBox[] tracks = parent.TrackBoxes;
            int i = 0;
            foreach (IsochronousTrackInfo tri in trackInfos)
                if (tri.GetType() == typeof(RawAudioTrackInfo))
                    RawAudioTrackInfo rati = (RawAudioTrackInfo)tri;
                    TrackExtendBoxes[i] = new TrackExtendsBox((uint)(i + 1), 1, 0, 0, 0); // trackID for audio is 1, sample description index within audio track is 1
                    this.Size          += TrackExtendBoxes[i].Size;
                else if (tri.GetType() == typeof(RawVideoTrackInfo))
                    RawVideoTrackInfo rvti = (RawVideoTrackInfo)tri;
                    TrackExtendBoxes[i] = new TrackExtendsBox((uint)(i + 1), 1, 0, 0, 0); // trackID for video is 2, sample description index within video track is 1
                    this.Size          += TrackExtendBoxes[i].Size;
コード例 #2
        public MediaBox(IsochronousTrackInfo trackInfo)
            : this()
            ulong scaledDuration = (ulong)TimeArithmetic.ConvertToTimeScale(trackInfo.TimeScale, trackInfo.DurationIn100NanoSecs);

            MediaHeaderBox = new MediaHeaderBox(this, scaledDuration, trackInfo.TimeScale);
            this.Size     += MediaHeaderBox.Size;
            Codec codec = null;

            if (trackInfo.GetType() == typeof(RawAudioTrackInfo))
                RawAudioTrackInfo audioInfo = (RawAudioTrackInfo)trackInfo;
                codec = new Codec(CodecTypes.Audio);
                codec.PrivateCodecData = audioInfo.CodecPrivateData;
            else if (trackInfo.GetType() == typeof(RawVideoTrackInfo))
                RawVideoTrackInfo videoInfo = (RawVideoTrackInfo)trackInfo;
                codec = new Codec(CodecTypes.Video);
                codec.PrivateCodecData = videoInfo.CodecPrivateData;
            HandlerReferenceBox = new HandlerReferenceBox(this, codec);
            this.Size          += HandlerReferenceBox.Size;
            MediaInformationBox = new MediaInformationBox(this, trackInfo);
            // MediaInformationBox.Size is indeterminate at this time; it is determined only during SampleTableBox.FinalizeBox
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// InitializeForWriting
        /// Setup moov boxes, except ctts, stco, stsc, stss, stsz, and stts boxes
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tracksInfo">input media tracks</param>
        public override void InitializeForWriting(List <IsochronousTrackInfo> mediaTracksInfo)
            string[] brands;
            if (mediaTracksInfo[0].Brands != null)
                brands = mediaTracksInfo[0].Brands.Split(',');
                brands    = new string[3];
                brands[0] = "mp42";
                brands[1] = "isom";
                brands[2] = "mp42";
            this.ftb = new FileTypeBox(brands);

            uint[] matrix = new uint[9];
            matrix[0] = 0x10000;    // 1.0
            matrix[4] = 0x10000;    // 1.0
            matrix[8] = 0x40000000; // 1.0 (see description of RenderMatrix class)

            RawVideoTrackInfo rvti = (RawVideoTrackInfo)mediaTracksInfo.FirstOrDefault(ti => ti is RawVideoTrackInfo);

            //RawVideoTrackInfo rvti = (RawVideoTrackInfo)tracksInfo.First(info => info.HandlerType == "Video");
            this.mmb = new MovieMetadataBox(mediaTracksInfo, 1.0f, 1.0f, matrix);

            if (rvti != null)
                if (rvti.ObjectDescriptor != null)
                    this.mmb.ObjectDescriptorBox = new ObjectDescriptorBox(rvti.ObjectDescriptor);
                if (rvti.UserData != null)
                    this.mmb.UserDataBox = new UserDataBox(rvti.UserData);

            if (!IsMediaStreamFragmented)
                CreateTracksForWriting <MP4TrackFormat>(mediaTracksInfo);

            state = WriteState.MoovReady;

コード例 #4
 /// <summary>
 /// InitializeForWriting
 /// What we do here is initialize a couple of properties.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="mediaTracks">This is with the item type of whatever is the source media stream.</param>
 public virtual void InitializeForWriting(List <IsochronousTrackInfo> mediaTracks)
     this.SourceTrackInfo = mediaTracks;
     if (this.SourceTrackInfo.Any(rbt => rbt.HandlerType == "Video"))
         RawVideoTrackInfo rvt = (RawVideoTrackInfo)mediaTracks.First(rbt => rbt.HandlerType == "Video");
         this.DurationIn100NanoSecs = rvt.MovieDurationIn100NanoSecs;
         this.Hints.StreamTimeScale = rvt.MovieTimeScale;
     else if (this.SourceTrackInfo.Any(rbt => rbt.HandlerType == "Audio"))
         RawAudioTrackInfo rati = (RawAudioTrackInfo)mediaTracks.First(rbt => rbt.HandlerType == "Audio");
         this.DurationIn100NanoSecs = rati.MovieDurationIn100NanoSecs;
         this.Hints.StreamTimeScale = rati.MovieTimeScale;
     if (CachingEnabled)
コード例 #5
ファイル: TrackBox.cs プロジェクト: Genteure/GPUCyclops
        public TrackBox(IsochronousTrackInfo trackInfo)
            : this()
            float height = 0.0f;
            float width  = 0.0f;

            if (trackInfo is RawVideoTrackInfo)
                // set the TRACK width, which may differ from SampleDescription width and height, depending on Aspect Ratio
                RawVideoTrackInfo rvti = (RawVideoTrackInfo)trackInfo;
                height = rvti.Height;
                width  = rvti.Width * ((float)rvti.AspectRatioX / (float)rvti.AspectRatioY);
            ulong scaledDuration = (ulong)TimeArithmetic.ConvertToTimeScale(trackInfo.MovieTimeScale, trackInfo.DurationIn100NanoSecs);

            TrackHeaderBox = new TrackHeaderBox((uint)trackInfo.TrackID, scaledDuration, height, width);
            // TrackHeaderBox = new TrackHeaderBox((uint)trackInfo.TrackID, (trackInfo.Duration * oneSecondTicks) / trackInfo.TimeScale, height, width);
            this.Size += TrackHeaderBox.Size;

            // skip the TrackReferenceBox for now
            //TrackReferenceBox = new TrackReferenceBox((uint)trackInfo.TrackID);
            //this.Size += TrackReferenceBox.Size;

            EdtsBox = (EdtsBox)trackInfo.GetEdtsBox();
            if (EdtsBox != null)
                this.Size += EdtsBox.Size;
                EdtsBox.ScaleToTarget(trackInfo.MovieTimeScale, trackInfo.TimeScale);

            MediaBox = new MediaBox(trackInfo);
            // MediaBox.Size can only be determined during FinalizeBox
            // NOTE: NO Esds Box
コード例 #6
        public VisualSampleEntry(BoxType inType, RawVideoTrackInfo trackInfo)
            : base(inType)
            Width = (ushort)trackInfo.Width;
              Height = (ushort)trackInfo.Height;
              HorizResolution = (uint)0x00480000; // 72 dpi
              VertResolution = (uint)0x00480000;
              FrameCount = (ushort)1;

              this.Size += 34UL;

              CompressorName = ""; // "Orions Digital MP4 Recoding";
              Depth = (ushort)0x18; // images in color with no alpha

              this.Size += 36UL; // compressor name is 30 bytes plus 2 for length, 2 for depth, 2 for reserved

              if (trackInfo.PayloadType == VideoPayloadType.avc1)
            AvcCBox = new AvcCBox();
            AvcCBox.CodecPrivateData = trackInfo.CodecPrivateData;
            this.Size += AvcCBox.Size;
              else if (trackInfo.PayloadType == VideoPayloadType.vc1)
            PrivDataBox = new AnyPrivBox(BoxTypes.Dvc1, trackInfo.CodecPrivateData); // MS ISMV
            this.Size += PrivDataBox.Size;
              else if (trackInfo.PayloadType == VideoPayloadType.mp4v)
            //CleanApertureBox = new CleanApertureBox();  // We won't be putting a CleanApertureBox for now

            PrivDataFullBox = new AnyPrivFullBox(BoxTypes.Esds, trackInfo.CodecPrivateData); // 3gp mp4v --> esds
            this.Size += PrivDataFullBox.Size;

              if (trackInfo.AspectRatioX != trackInfo.AspectRatioY)
            PixelAspectRatioBox = new PixelAspectRatioBox();
            PixelAspectRatioBox.hSpacing = (uint)trackInfo.AspectRatioX;
            PixelAspectRatioBox.vSpacing = (uint)trackInfo.AspectRatioY;
            this.Size += PixelAspectRatioBox.Size;