Inheritance: MonoBehaviour
コード例 #1
ファイル: EnemyRangedAI.cs プロジェクト: milllilitre/Endure
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     this.player   = PlayerController.instance;
     this.rb2d     = this.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D> ();
     this.ranged   = this.GetComponent <RangedAttacker> ();
     this.animator = this.GetComponent <Animator> ();
コード例 #2
     * Spawns a unit and places it on the right side of the screen.
     * The unit itself determines when it is deleted. It is not based off of the delay time here.
     * Can mess around with the transform.position as desired.
     * Note: for funny 3d way of facing target, use:
     * attackerObject.transform.LookAt(targetObject.transform);
     * @source
    private void SpawnAttacker()
        GameObject attackerObject = Instantiate(rangedAttackerPrefab);
        GameObject targetObject   = Instantiate(markerPrefab);

        activeAttacker = attackerObject.GetComponent <RangedAttacker>();
        activeTarget   = targetObject.GetComponent <RangedAttacker>();
        attackerObject.transform.position = new Vector2(screenBounds.x - 1, screenBounds.y - 1);
        activeAttacker.lifespan           = attackDelay;
        targetObject.transform.position   = new Vector3(attackPoint.x, attackPoint.y, targetObject.transform.position.z);
        activeTarget.lifespan             = attackDelay;
        // check if this attacker wants to align horizontally with its target
        if (activeAttacker.alignsWithTargetHorizontally)
            attackerObject.transform.position =
                new Vector2(attackerObject.transform.position.x, targetObject.transform.position.y);

        // check if this attacker wants to align vertically with its target
        if (activeAttacker.alignsWithTargetVertically)
            attackerObject.transform.position =
                new Vector2(targetObject.transform.position.x, attackerObject.transform.position.y);
コード例 #3
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        this.rb2d           = this.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D> ();
        this.animator       = this.GetComponent <Animator> ();
        this.meleeAttacker  = this.GetComponent <MeleeAttacker> ();
        this.rangedAttacker = this.GetComponent <RangedAttacker> ();
        this.toolUser       = this.GetComponent <ToolUser> ();

        // Give player starting items
        // this.inventory.Add("sword");
コード例 #4
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        this.rb2d           = this.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D> ();
        this.animator       = this.GetComponent <Animator> ();
        this.meleeAttacker  = this.GetComponent <MeleeAttacker> ();
        this.rangedAttacker = this.GetComponent <RangedAttacker> ();
        this.toolUser       = this.GetComponent <ToolUser> ();

        this.sword      = gameObject.AddComponent <AudioSource> ();
        this.sword.clip = Resources.Load("Sounds/SwordSwing1") as AudioClip;

        // Give player starting items
コード例 #5
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        this.rb2d = this.GetComponent<Rigidbody2D> ();
        this.animator = this.GetComponent<Animator> ();
        this.meleeAttacker = this.GetComponent<MeleeAttacker> ();
        this.rangedAttacker = this.GetComponent<RangedAttacker> ();
        this.toolUser = this.GetComponent<ToolUser> ();

        StartCoroutine (StartAnimations());
        // Give player starting items
        // this.inventory.Add("sword");
コード例 #6
ファイル: EnemyFullAI.cs プロジェクト: Endure-Game/Endure
 public void setWeapon(RangedAttacker rangedWep)
     this.rangedWeapon = rangedWep;
コード例 #7
 public void setWeapon(RangedAttacker rangedWep)
     this.rangedWeapon = rangedWep;
コード例 #8
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        this.rb2d = this.GetComponent<Rigidbody2D> ();
        this.animator = this.GetComponent<Animator> ();
        this.meleeAttacker = this.GetComponent<MeleeAttacker> ();
        this.rangedAttacker = this.GetComponent<RangedAttacker> ();
        this.toolUser = this.GetComponent<ToolUser> ();

        this.sword = gameObject.AddComponent<AudioSource> ();
        this.sword.clip = Resources.Load ("Sounds/SwordSwing1") as AudioClip;
        print (this.sword);

        // Give player starting items
コード例 #9
    protected override void Update()

        is_aimed = false;

        Vector3 position       = RangedAttacker.BarrelTip;
        Vector3 displacement   = Target.Position - position;
        Vector3 direction      = displacement.normalized;
        Vector3 flat_up        = new Vector3(0, 1, 0);
        Vector3 flat_direction = direction.InPlane(flat_up).normalized;
        Vector3 surface_normal = Scene.Main.World.Asteroid.GetSurfaceNormal(position);

        float flat_angle;

        if (!(RangedAttacker is ProjectileAttacker))
            flat_angle = Mathf.Atan(flat_up.Dot(direction) / flat_direction.Dot(direction));
            ProjectileAttacker projectile_attacker = RangedAttacker as ProjectileAttacker;

            float squared_velocity    = Mathf.Pow(projectile_attacker.ProjectileVelocity, 2);
            float horizontal_distance = displacement.Dot(flat_direction);
            float vertical_distance   = Target.Position.y - position.y;
            float gravity             = Scene.Main.World.Asteroid.SurfaceGravity;

            float root = squared_velocity * squared_velocity -
                         gravity * (gravity * Mathf.Pow(horizontal_distance, 2) +
                                    2 * vertical_distance * squared_velocity);
            if (root < 0)
                RangedAttacker.FiringAngle = Mathf.PI / 4;
            root = Mathf.Sqrt(root);
            if (!projectile_attacker.UseHighFiringAngle)
                root *= -1;

            flat_angle = Mathf.Atan((squared_velocity + root) / (gravity * horizontal_distance));

        Vector3 target_firing_direction = GetFiringDirection(flat_direction, flat_up, flat_angle);
        Vector3 target_forward          = target_firing_direction.InPlane(surface_normal).normalized;
        float   target_angle            = target_firing_direction.AngleBetween(target_forward);

        if (target_firing_direction.y < target_forward.y)
            target_angle *= -1;

        target_angle = Mathf.Max(target_angle, RangedAttacker.ShallowestFiringAngle);
        target_angle = Mathf.Min(target_angle, RangedAttacker.SteepestFiringAngle);

        if (RangedAttacker.HasComponent <Motile>())
            RangedAttacker.GetComponent <Motile>().Turn(target_forward);

        RangedAttacker.FiringAngle = target_angle;

        if (target_firing_direction.Dot(RangedAttacker.FiringDirection) > 0.9999f)
            is_aimed = true;