コード例 #1
ファイル: ValueMapper.cs プロジェクト: hljlishen/Utilities
        public double MapToValue2(double value1)
            var value1Dis = Range1.NumericDistanceToMin(value1);
            var value2Dis = value1Dis * Value2ToValue1Rato;

            if (reverseMap)
                return(Range2.Max - value2Dis);
                return(value2Dis + Range2.Min);
コード例 #2
 private void NoFilter_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     dt.DefaultView.RowFilter = string.Empty;
     dt = cp.GetDataTable();
     data.DataSource     = dt;
     cbFilter.Visible    = false;
     labelFilter.Visible = false;
     labelRange.Visible  = false;
     labelTo.Visible     = false;
     Range1.Visible      = false;
     Range2.Visible      = false;
     FilterRange.Visible = false;
コード例 #3
            public OceanSeismicMultithreaded(int n, int m)
                // Create new output cube
                SeismicCube       outputCube = SeismicCube.NullObject;
                SeismicCollection coll       = SeismicCollection.NullObject;
                SeismicRoot       seisRoot;

                seisRoot = SeismicRoot.Get(PetrelProject.PrimaryProject);
                if (!seisRoot.HasSeismicProject)
                    using (ITransaction tr = DataManager.NewTransaction())
                SeismicProject proj = seisRoot.SeismicProject;

                using (ITransaction tr = DataManager.NewTransaction())
                    coll = proj.CreateSeismicCollection("Test Survey Async " + n.ToString() + "x" + m.ToString());
                    Index3  size             = new Index3(n, n, m);
                    Point3  origin           = new Point3(13579.75, 24680.08, 0.0);
                    Vector3 iSpacing         = new Vector3(100.0, 0.0, 0.000);
                    Vector3 jSpacing         = new Vector3(0.0, 100.0, 0.000);
                    Vector3 kSpacing         = new Vector3(0.0, 0.0, -100.0);
                    Index2  annotationOrigin = new Index2(0, 0);
                    Index2  annotationInc    = new Index2(1, 1);
                    if (coll.CanCreateSeismicCube(size, origin, iSpacing, jSpacing, kSpacing))
                        Type     dataType = typeof(float);
                        Domain   vDomain  = Domain.ELEVATION_DEPTH;
                        Template tmpl     = PetrelProject.WellKnownTemplates
                        Range1 <double> r = new Range1 <double>(0.0, 140.0);
                        _cube = coll.CreateSeismicCube(size, origin, iSpacing, jSpacing, kSpacing, annotationOrigin, annotationInc, dataType, vDomain, tmpl, r);
                    if (_cube.IsWritable)
コード例 #4
        IVariableArray IVariableArray.ReplaceRanges(Dictionary <Range, Range> rangeReplacements, Dictionary <IModelExpression, IModelExpression> expressionReplacements, bool deepCopy)
            // must do this replacement first, since it will influence how we replace the itemPrototype
            Range newRange0     = Range0.Replace(rangeReplacements, expressionReplacements);
            Range newRange1     = Range1.Replace(rangeReplacements, expressionReplacements);
            Range newRange2     = Range2.Replace(rangeReplacements, expressionReplacements);
            TItem itemPrototype = (TItem)((IVariableJaggedArray)this).ItemPrototype;

            if (itemPrototype is IVariableArray)
                IVariable result = ((IVariableArray)itemPrototype).ReplaceRanges(rangeReplacements, expressionReplacements, deepCopy);
                itemPrototype = (TItem)result;
            else if (deepCopy)
                itemPrototype            = (TItem)itemPrototype.Clone();
                itemPrototype.containers = StatementBlock.GetOpenBlocks();
            return(new VariableArray3D <TItem, TArray>(itemPrototype, newRange0, newRange1, newRange2));
コード例 #5
        public void workingFunction()
            maincomboIndex = 0;
            SeismicRoot    seismicRoot = SeismicRoot.Get(PetrelProject.PrimaryProject);
            SeismicProject proj        = seismicRoot.SeismicProject;

            float[, ,] phi2 = new float[cubeDensity.NumSamplesIJK.I, cubeDensity.NumSamplesIJK.J, cubeDensity.NumSamplesIJK.K];
            float[, ,] S2   = new float[cubeDensity.NumSamplesIJK.I, cubeDensity.NumSamplesIJK.J, cubeDensity.NumSamplesIJK.K];
            float[, ,] C2   = new float[cubeDensity.NumSamplesIJK.I, cubeDensity.NumSamplesIJK.J, cubeDensity.NumSamplesIJK.K];
            float minphi2 = 1.0f;
            float maxphi2 = 0.0f;
            float minC2   = 1.0f;
            float maxC2   = 0.0f;
            float minS2   = 1.0f;
            float maxS2   = 0.0f;

            using (ITransaction txn = DataManager.NewTransaction())
                    using (IProgress i1 = PetrelLogger.NewProgress(1, cubeDensity.NumSamplesIJK.J))
                        for (int p = 0; p < cubeDensity.NumSamplesIJK.I; p++)
                            for (int q = 0; q < cubeDensity.NumSamplesIJK.J; q++)
                                ITrace trace1 = cubeDensity.GetTrace(p, q);
                                ITrace trace2 = cubeSonic.GetTrace(p, q);
                                //ITrace tracePor = PHI_CUBE.GetTrace(p, q);
                                //ITrace traceSw = SW_CUBE.GetTrace(p, q);
                                //ITrace traceVSh = VSHALE_CUBE.GetTrace(p, q);
                                for (int k = 0; k < trace1.Length; k++)
                                    double sample1 = trace1[k];
                                    double sample2 = trace2[k];
                                    float  rho     = (float)sample1;
                                    float  Vinv    = (float)(1.0 / sample2);
                                    float  ac_imp  = rho * Vinv;
                                    float  error1  = 100e30f;

                                    for (float phi = (float)minPor; phi <= (float)(maxPor + 0.1); phi += 0.1f)
                                        for (float S = (float)minWater; S <= (float)(maxWater + 0.1); S += 0.1f)
                                            for (float C = (float)minClay; C <= (float)(maxClay + 0.1); C += 0.1f)
                                                double error = dfunc(ac_imp, rho, Vinv, C, S, phi);
                                                if (error1 > (float)error)
                                                    C2[p, q, k]   = C;
                                                    S2[p, q, k]   = S;
                                                    phi2[p, q, k] = phi;
                                                    error1        = (float)error;
                                    updateVals(ac_imp, rho, Vinv, ref C2[p, q, k], ref S2[p, q, k], ref phi2[p, q, k]);
                                    if (phi2[p, q, k] < minphi2)
                                        minphi2 = phi2[p, q, k];
                                    if (phi2[p, q, k] > maxphi2)
                                        maxphi2 = phi2[p, q, k];
                                    if (C2[p, q, k] < minC2)
                                        minC2 = C2[p, q, k];
                                    if (C2[p, q, k] > maxC2)
                                        maxC2 = C2[p, q, k];
                                    if (S2[p, q, k] < minS2)
                                        minS2 = S2[p, q, k];
                                    if (S2[p, q, k] > maxS2)
                                        maxS2 = S2[p, q, k];
                            i1.ProgressStatus = p + 1;
                    Index3       size      = new Index3(cubeDensity.NumSamplesIJK.I, cubeDensity.NumSamplesIJK.J, cubeDensity.NumSamplesIJK.K);
                    IndexDouble3 tempindex = new IndexDouble3(0, 0, 0);
                    Point3       origin    = cubeDensity.PositionAtIndex(tempindex);

                    double d1, d2, d3;

                    d1 = cubeDensity.PositionAtIndex(new IndexDouble3(1, 0, 0)).X - origin.X;
                    d2 = cubeDensity.PositionAtIndex(new IndexDouble3(1, 0, 0)).Y - origin.Y;
                    d3 = cubeDensity.PositionAtIndex(new IndexDouble3(1, 0, 0)).Z - origin.Z;
                    Vector3 iVec = new Vector3(d1, d2, d3);

                    d1 = cubeDensity.PositionAtIndex(new IndexDouble3(0, 1, 0)).X - origin.X;
                    d2 = cubeDensity.PositionAtIndex(new IndexDouble3(0, 1, 0)).Y - origin.Y;
                    d3 = cubeDensity.PositionAtIndex(new IndexDouble3(0, 1, 0)).Z - origin.Z;
                    Vector3 jVec = new Vector3(d1, d2, d3);

                    d1 = cubeDensity.PositionAtIndex(new IndexDouble3(0, 0, 1)).X - origin.X;
                    d2 = cubeDensity.PositionAtIndex(new IndexDouble3(0, 0, 1)).Y - origin.Y;
                    d3 = cubeDensity.PositionAtIndex(new IndexDouble3(0, 0, 1)).Z - origin.Z;
                    Vector3 kVec = new Vector3(d1, d2, d3);

                    /*double inlineI = (cubeDensity.Lattice.Single.SpacingI) * Math.Sin(cubeDensity.Lattice.Single.RotationJ);
                     * double inlineJ = (cubeDensity.Lattice.Single.SpacingI) * Math.Cos(cubeDensity.Lattice.Single.RotationJ);
                     * double crosslineI = (cubeDensity.Lattice.Single.SpacingJ) * Math.Sin(cubeDensity.Lattice.Single.RotationJ);
                     * double crosslineJ = (cubeDensity.Lattice.Single.SpacingJ) * -Math.Cos(cubeDensity.Lattice.Single.RotationJ);
                     * Vector3 iSpacing = new Vector3(inlineJ, inlineI, 0.0);
                     * Vector3 jSpacing = new Vector3(crosslineI, crosslineJ, 0.0);
                     * Vector3 kSpacing = new Vector3(0.0, 0.0, 3.048);
                    if (scol.CanCreateSeismicCube(size, origin, iVec, jVec, kVec))
                        Type   dataType              = typeof(float);
                        Domain vDomain               = cubeDensity.Domain;
                        IPropertyVersionService pvs  = PetrelSystem.PropertyVersionService;
                        ILogTemplate            glob = pvs.FindTemplateByMnemonics("Seismic");
                        PropertyVersion         pv   = pvs.FindOrCreate(glob);
                        //PropertyVersion pv = cubeDensity.PropertyVersion;
                        Range1 <double> r1 = new Range1 <double>(minphi2, maxphi2);
                        Range1 <double> r2 = new Range1 <double>(minS2, maxS2);
                        Range1 <double> r3 = new Range1 <double>(minC2, maxC2);
                        PetrelLogger.InfoOutputWindow("OUTPUT TEMPLATE UNDER PROCESS");
                            PHI_CUBE    = scol.CreateSeismicCube(size, origin, iVec, jVec, kVec, dataType, vDomain, pv, r1);
                            SW_CUBE     = scol.CreateSeismicCube(size, origin, iVec, jVec, kVec, dataType, vDomain, pv, r2);
                            VSHALE_CUBE = scol.CreateSeismicCube(size, origin, iVec, jVec, kVec, dataType, vDomain, pv, r3);
                        catch (System.InvalidOperationException e)
                        catch (System.ArgumentNullException e)

                    PHI_CUBE.Name    = porCube;
                    SW_CUBE.Name     = waterCube;
                    VSHALE_CUBE.Name = clayCube;

                    if (PHI_CUBE.IsWritable)
                        using (ITransaction txn1 = DataManager.NewTransaction())
                            PetrelLogger.InfoOutputWindow("Writing Data in the Porosity cube");
                            Index3   start = new Index3(0, 0, 0);
                            Index3   end   = new Index3(cubeDensity.NumSamplesIJK.I - 1, cubeDensity.NumSamplesIJK.J - 1, cubeDensity.NumSamplesIJK.K - 1);
                            ISubCube to    = cubeDensity.GetSubCube(start, end);
                    if (SW_CUBE.IsWritable)
                        using (ITransaction txn1 = DataManager.NewTransaction())
                            PetrelLogger.InfoOutputWindow("Writing Data in the Water Saturation cube");
                            Index3   start = new Index3(0, 0, 0);
                            Index3   end   = new Index3(cubeDensity.NumSamplesIJK.I - 1, cubeDensity.NumSamplesIJK.J - 1, cubeDensity.NumSamplesIJK.K - 1);
                            ISubCube to    = cubeDensity.GetSubCube(start, end);
                    if (VSHALE_CUBE.IsWritable)
                        using (ITransaction txn1 = DataManager.NewTransaction())
                            PetrelLogger.InfoOutputWindow("Writing Data in the Shale Volume cube");
                            Index3   start = new Index3(0, 0, 0);
                            Index3   end   = new Index3(cubeDensity.NumSamplesIJK.I - 1, cubeDensity.NumSamplesIJK.J - 1, cubeDensity.NumSamplesIJK.K - 1);
                            ISubCube to    = cubeDensity.GetSubCube(start, end);
                    PetrelLogger.InfoOutputWindow("OUTPUT CUBES' Construction completed");

                catch (ArgumentNullException e)
                    PetrelLogger.ErrorBox("Seismic cube name or propertyVersion can not be blank (null)" + e.Message);
コード例 #6
ファイル: Day16.cs プロジェクト: gambrose/adventofcode-2020
 public bool Test(int number)
     return(Range1.Test(number) || Range2.Test(number));
コード例 #7
 public bool IsInRange(int input)
     return(Range1.IsInRange(input) || Range2.IsInRange(input));
コード例 #8
        private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            PetrelLogger.InfoOutputWindow("Generating array for edited cube");
            float[, ,] newVal = new float[scube.NumSamplesIJK.I, scube.NumSamplesIJK.J, scube.NumSamplesIJK.K];
            double min_newVal = 10e+16;
            double max_newVal = 10e-16;

            using (IProgress i1 = PetrelLogger.NewProgress(1, scube.NumSamplesIJK.I))
                for (int ii = 0; ii < scube.NumSamplesIJK.I; ii++)
                    for (int jj = 0; jj < scube.NumSamplesIJK.J; jj++)
                        for (int kk = 0; kk < scube.NumSamplesIJK.K; kk++)
                            newVal[ii, jj, kk] = (float)sr.Function(ii, jj, kk, vals[ii, jj, kk]);
                            if (newVal[ii, jj, kk] < min_newVal)
                                min_newVal = (double)newVal[ii, jj, kk];
                            if (newVal[ii, jj, kk] > max_newVal)
                                max_newVal = (double)newVal[ii, jj, kk];
                    i1.ProgressStatus = ii + 1;
            using (ITransaction txn = DataManager.NewTransaction())
                    Index3       size      = new Index3(scube.NumSamplesIJK.I, scube.NumSamplesIJK.J, scube.NumSamplesIJK.K);
                    IndexDouble3 tempindex = new IndexDouble3(0, 0, 0);
                    Point3       origin    = scube.PositionAtIndex(tempindex);

                    double d1, d2, d3;

                    d1 = scube.PositionAtIndex(new IndexDouble3(1, 0, 0)).X - origin.X;
                    d2 = scube.PositionAtIndex(new IndexDouble3(1, 0, 0)).Y - origin.Y;
                    d3 = scube.PositionAtIndex(new IndexDouble3(1, 0, 0)).Z - origin.Z;
                    Vector3 iVec = new Vector3(d1, d2, d3);

                    d1 = scube.PositionAtIndex(new IndexDouble3(0, 1, 0)).X - origin.X;
                    d2 = scube.PositionAtIndex(new IndexDouble3(0, 1, 0)).Y - origin.Y;
                    d3 = scube.PositionAtIndex(new IndexDouble3(0, 1, 0)).Z - origin.Z;
                    Vector3 jVec = new Vector3(d1, d2, d3);

                    d1 = scube.PositionAtIndex(new IndexDouble3(0, 0, 1)).X - origin.X;
                    d2 = scube.PositionAtIndex(new IndexDouble3(0, 0, 1)).Y - origin.Y;
                    d3 = scube.PositionAtIndex(new IndexDouble3(0, 0, 1)).Z - origin.Z;
                    Vector3 kVec = new Vector3(d1, d2, d3);

                    if (scube.SeismicCollection.CanCreateSeismicCube(size, origin, iVec, jVec, kVec))
                        Type   dataType              = typeof(float);
                        Domain vDomain               = scube.Domain;
                        IPropertyVersionService pvs  = PetrelSystem.PropertyVersionService;
                        ILogTemplate            glob = pvs.FindTemplateByMnemonics("Seismic");
                        PropertyVersion         pv   = pvs.FindOrCreate(glob);
                        Range1 <double>         r    = new Range1 <double>(min_newVal, max_newVal);
                        PetrelLogger.InfoOutputWindow("OUTPUT TEMPLATE UNDER PROCESS");
                            newCube = scube.SeismicCollection.CreateSeismicCube(size, origin, iVec, jVec, kVec, dataType, vDomain, pv, r);
                            PetrelLogger.InfoOutputWindow("OUTPUT CUBE  TEMPLATE Construction completed");
                        catch (System.InvalidOperationException e1)
                        catch (System.ArgumentNullException e1)
                    newCube.Name = cubename.Text;
                    if (newCube.IsWritable)
                        PetrelLogger.InfoOutputWindow("Writing Data in the new cube");
                        Index3   start = new Index3(0, 0, 0);
                        Index3   end   = new Index3(newCube.NumSamplesIJK.I - 1, newCube.NumSamplesIJK.J - 1, newCube.NumSamplesIJK.K - 1);
                        ISubCube to    = newCube.GetSubCube(start, end);
                catch (ArgumentNullException e2)
                    PetrelLogger.ErrorBox("Seismic cube name or propertyVersion can not be blank (null)" + e2.Message);