コード例 #1
        public static void JulianDay()
            var rnd = new RandomSystem(123);

            TestDate(new DateTime(2019, 3, 5, 12, 0, 0, 0));
            TestDate(new DateTime(2019, 3, 5, 12, 1, 0, 0));
            TestDate(new DateTime(2019, 3, 5, 11, 59, 0, 0));

            // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julian_day
            // 00:30:00.0 UT January 1, 2013, is 2 456 293.520 833
            var test2 = new DateTime(2013, 1, 1, 0, 30, 0);


            for (int i = 0; i < 10000000; i++)
                var lg = rnd.UniformLong();
                if (lg > DateTime.MaxValue.Ticks || lg < DateTime.MinValue.Ticks)

                var dt = new DateTime(lg);


            Report.Line("Times: (NOTE benchmark meaningless, measurement of first algorithm will always have x3 time)");
            Report.Line("GetDatePart: {0}ms", sw0.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds);
            Report.Line("ComputeJulianDayNREL: {0}ms", sw1.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds);
            Report.Line("ComputeJulianDayInt2: {0}ms", sw2.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds);
            Report.Line("ComputeJulianDayMeeus: {0}ms", sw3.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds);
            Report.Line("ComputeJulianDayInt: {0}ms", sw4.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds);
            Report.Line("ComputeJulianDayRaw: {0}ms", sw5.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds);
コード例 #2
        public void DetailedSortTests(int arrayCount, int minimalCount, double countFactor)
            // re-order this array to see certain results first
            var arrayCreators = new Func <long, SortArray>[]
                c => new SortArray <int>(c, i => (int)i, ICmp),
                c => new SortArray <long>(c, i => i, LCmp),
                c => new SortArray <float>(c, i => i, FCmp),
                c => new SortArray <double>(c, i => i, DCmp),
                c => new FunSortArray <V2d>(c, i => new V2d(0, i), V2dCmp),
                c => new FunSortArray <V3d>(c, i => new V3d(0, 0, i), V3dCmp),

                c => new PermSortArray <int, int>(c, i => (int)i, i => i, i => (int)i, ICmp),
                c => new PermSortArray <int, long>(c, i => (int)i, i => i, i => i, LCmp),
                c => new PermSortArray <int, float>(c, i => (int)i, i => i, i => i, FCmp),
                c => new PermSortArray <int, double>(c, i => (int)i, i => i, i => i, DCmp),
                c => new PermFunSortArray <int, V2d>(c, i => (int)i, i => i, i => new V2d(0, i), V2dCmp),
                c => new PermFunSortArray <int, V3d>(c, i => (int)i, i => i, i => new V3d(0, 0, i), V3dCmp),

                c => new PermSortArray <long, int>(c, i => i, i => i, i => (int)i, ICmp),
                c => new PermSortArray <long, long>(c, i => i, i => i, i => i, LCmp),
                c => new PermSortArray <long, float>(c, i => i, i => i, i => i, FCmp),
                c => new PermSortArray <long, double>(c, i => i, i => i, i => i, DCmp),
                c => new PermFunSortArray <long, V2d>(c, i => i, i => i, i => new V2d(0, i), V2dCmp),
                c => new PermFunSortArray <long, V3d>(c, i => i, i => i, i => new V3d(0, 0, i), V3dCmp),

            const int seed = 19680713;

            Action <long[], long, long, long, double> randomFraction = (a, count, repeat, total, fraction) =>
                var rc  = (long)(count * fraction);
                var rnd = new RandomSystem(seed);
                for (long s = 0; s < total; s += count)
                    for (long r = rc; r > 0; r--)
                        long i = -1; do
                            i = s + rnd.UniformLong(count);
                        } while (a[i] < 0);
                        long j = -1; do
                            j = s + rnd.UniformLong(count);
                        } while (j == i);
                        var aj = a[j]; if (aj >= 0)
                            --r; aj = -1 - aj;
                        var ai = -1 - a[i]; a[i] = aj; a[j] = ai;
                a.Apply(v => v < 0 ? -1 - v : v);

            // re-order this array to see certain results first
            var initializers = new Initializer[]
                new Initializer("randomized", (a, c, r, t) =>
                                { a.SetByIndexLong(t, i => i); new RandomSystem(seed).Randomize(a, t); }),
                new Initializer("sorted", (a, c, r, t) => a.SetByIndexLong(t, i => i)),
                new Initializer("sorted, 1% random", (a, c, r, t) =>
                                { a.SetByIndexLong(t, i => i); randomFraction(a, c, r, t, 0.01); }),
                new Initializer("sorted, 10% random", (a, c, r, t) =>
                                { a.SetByIndexLong(t, i => i); randomFraction(a, c, r, t, 0.1); }),
                new Initializer("sorted, 30% random", (a, c, r, t) =>
                                { a.SetByIndexLong(t, i => i); randomFraction(a, c, r, t, 0.3); }),
                new Initializer("reversed", (a, c, r, t) => a.SetByIndexLong(t, i => t - 1 - i)),
                new Initializer("reversed, 1% random", (a, c, r, t) =>
                                { a.SetByIndexLong(t, i => t - 1 - i); randomFraction(a, c, r, t, 0.01); }),
                new Initializer("reversed, 10% random", (a, c, r, t) =>
                                { a.SetByIndexLong(t, i => t - 1 - i); randomFraction(a, c, r, t, 0.1); }),
                new Initializer("reversed, 30% random", (a, c, r, t) =>
                                { a.SetByIndexLong(t, i => t - 1 - i); randomFraction(a, c, r, t, 0.3); }),
                new Initializer("all equal", (a, c, r, t) => a.Set(t, 0)),

            var sortNames = new Symbol[] { HeapSort, QuickSort, SmoothSort, TimSort };
            var sorters   = new Sorter[]
                new SimpleSorter <int>       (HeapSort, SortingExtensions.HeapSortAscending),
                new SimpleSorter <long>      (HeapSort, SortingExtensions.HeapSortAscending),
                new SimpleSorter <float>     (HeapSort, SortingExtensions.HeapSortAscending),
                new SimpleSorter <double>    (HeapSort, SortingExtensions.HeapSortAscending),
                new FunSorter <V2d>          (HeapSort, SortingExtensions.HeapSort),
                new FunSorter <V3d>          (HeapSort, SortingExtensions.HeapSort),

                new PermSorter <int, int>        (HeapSort, SortingExtensions.PermutationHeapSortAscending),
                new PermSorter <int, long>       (HeapSort, SortingExtensions.PermutationHeapSortAscending),
                new PermSorter <int, float>      (HeapSort, SortingExtensions.PermutationHeapSortAscending),
                new PermSorter <int, double>     (HeapSort, SortingExtensions.PermutationHeapSortAscending),
                new PermFunSorter <int, V2d>     (HeapSort, SortingExtensions.PermutationHeapSort),
                new PermFunSorter <int, V3d>     (HeapSort, SortingExtensions.PermutationHeapSort),

                new PermSorter <long, int>       (HeapSort, SortingExtensions.PermutationHeapSortAscending),
                new PermSorter <long, long>      (HeapSort, SortingExtensions.PermutationHeapSortAscending),
                new PermSorter <long, float>     (HeapSort, SortingExtensions.PermutationHeapSortAscending),
                new PermSorter <long, double>    (HeapSort, SortingExtensions.PermutationHeapSortAscending),
                new PermFunSorter <long, V2d>    (HeapSort, SortingExtensions.PermutationHeapSort),
                new PermFunSorter <long, V3d>    (HeapSort, SortingExtensions.PermutationHeapSort),

                new SimpleSorter <int>       (QuickSort, SortingExtensions.QuickSortAscending),
                new SimpleSorter <long>      (QuickSort, SortingExtensions.QuickSortAscending),
                new SimpleSorter <float>     (QuickSort, SortingExtensions.QuickSortAscending),
                new SimpleSorter <double>    (QuickSort, SortingExtensions.QuickSortAscending),
                new FunSorter <V2d>          (QuickSort, SortingExtensions.QuickSort),
                new FunSorter <V3d>          (QuickSort, SortingExtensions.QuickSort),

                new PermSorter <int, int>        (QuickSort, SortingExtensions.PermutationQuickSortAscending),
                new PermSorter <int, long>       (QuickSort, SortingExtensions.PermutationQuickSortAscending),
                new PermSorter <int, float>      (QuickSort, SortingExtensions.PermutationQuickSortAscending),
                new PermSorter <int, double>     (QuickSort, SortingExtensions.PermutationQuickSortAscending),
                new PermFunSorter <int, V2d>     (QuickSort, SortingExtensions.PermutationQuickSort),
                new PermFunSorter <int, V3d>     (QuickSort, SortingExtensions.PermutationQuickSort),

                new PermSorter <long, int>       (QuickSort, SortingExtensions.PermutationQuickSortAscending),
                new PermSorter <long, long>      (QuickSort, SortingExtensions.PermutationQuickSortAscending),
                new PermSorter <long, float>     (QuickSort, SortingExtensions.PermutationQuickSortAscending),
                new PermSorter <long, double>    (QuickSort, SortingExtensions.PermutationQuickSortAscending),
                new PermFunSorter <long, V2d>    (QuickSort, SortingExtensions.PermutationQuickSort),
                new PermFunSorter <long, V3d>    (QuickSort, SortingExtensions.PermutationQuickSort),

                new SimpleSorter <int>       (SmoothSort, SortingExtensions.SmoothSortAscending),
                new SimpleSorter <long>      (SmoothSort, SortingExtensions.SmoothSortAscending),
                new SimpleSorter <float>     (SmoothSort, SortingExtensions.SmoothSortAscending),
                new SimpleSorter <double>    (SmoothSort, SortingExtensions.SmoothSortAscending),
                new FunSorter <V2d>          (SmoothSort, SortingExtensions.SmoothSort),
                new FunSorter <V3d>          (SmoothSort, SortingExtensions.SmoothSort),

                new PermSorter <int, int>        (SmoothSort, SortingExtensions.PermutationSmoothSortAscending),
                new PermSorter <int, long>       (SmoothSort, SortingExtensions.PermutationSmoothSortAscending),
                new PermSorter <int, float>      (SmoothSort, SortingExtensions.PermutationSmoothSortAscending),
                new PermSorter <int, double>     (SmoothSort, SortingExtensions.PermutationSmoothSortAscending),
                new PermFunSorter <int, V2d>     (SmoothSort, SortingExtensions.PermutationSmoothSort),
                new PermFunSorter <int, V3d>     (SmoothSort, SortingExtensions.PermutationSmoothSort),

                new PermSorter <long, int>       (SmoothSort, SortingExtensions.PermutationSmoothSortAscending),
                new PermSorter <long, long>      (SmoothSort, SortingExtensions.PermutationSmoothSortAscending),
                new PermSorter <long, float>     (SmoothSort, SortingExtensions.PermutationSmoothSortAscending),
                new PermSorter <long, double>    (SmoothSort, SortingExtensions.PermutationSmoothSortAscending),
                new PermFunSorter <long, V2d>    (SmoothSort, SortingExtensions.PermutationSmoothSort),
                new PermFunSorter <long, V3d>    (SmoothSort, SortingExtensions.PermutationSmoothSort),

                new SimpleSorter <int>       (TimSort, SortingExtensions.TimSortAscending),
                new SimpleSorter <long>      (TimSort, SortingExtensions.TimSortAscending),
                new SimpleSorter <float>     (TimSort, SortingExtensions.TimSortAscending),
                new SimpleSorter <double>    (TimSort, SortingExtensions.TimSortAscending),
                new FunSorter <V2d>          (TimSort, SortingExtensions.TimSort),
                new FunSorter <V3d>          (TimSort, SortingExtensions.TimSort),

                new PermSorter <int, int>        (TimSort, SortingExtensions.PermutationTimSortAscending),
                new PermSorter <int, long>       (TimSort, SortingExtensions.PermutationTimSortAscending),
                new PermSorter <int, float>      (TimSort, SortingExtensions.PermutationTimSortAscending),
                new PermSorter <int, double>     (TimSort, SortingExtensions.PermutationTimSortAscending),
                new PermFunSorter <int, V2d>     (TimSort, SortingExtensions.PermutationTimSort),
                new PermFunSorter <int, V3d>     (TimSort, SortingExtensions.PermutationTimSort),

                new PermSorter <long, int>       (TimSort, SortingExtensions.PermutationTimSortAscending),
                new PermSorter <long, long>      (TimSort, SortingExtensions.PermutationTimSortAscending),
                new PermSorter <long, float>     (TimSort, SortingExtensions.PermutationTimSortAscending),
                new PermSorter <long, double>    (TimSort, SortingExtensions.PermutationTimSortAscending),
                new PermFunSorter <long, V2d>    (TimSort, SortingExtensions.PermutationTimSort),
                new PermFunSorter <long, V3d>    (TimSort, SortingExtensions.PermutationTimSort),

            var trialCounts = new List <long>();

            for (double doubleCount = minimalCount; doubleCount < 0.5 + arrayCount; doubleCount *= countFactor)

            var sorterMap = new Dict <(Symbol, Type, Type, bool), Sorter>(
                from s in sorters select KeyValuePairs.Create((s.Name, s.PermType, s.Type, s.UseCmp), s));

            var master = new long[arrayCount];

            foreach (var creator in arrayCreators)
                var sortArray = creator(arrayCount);
                var type      = sortArray.Type;
                var permType  = sortArray.PermType;
                var useCmp    = sortArray.UseCmp;
                foreach (var initializer in initializers)
                    string permText    = permType == null ? "" : String.Format("{0} permuted ", permType.Name);
                    string sectionText = String.Format("{0}{1} {2}s", permText, initializer.Name, type.Name);
                    var results = new Tup <long, double> [sortNames.Length, trialCounts.Count];
                    trialCounts.ForEach((trialCount, tci) =>
                        Test.Begin("array size {0}", trialCount);
                        var trialRepeat = arrayCount / trialCount;
                        var totalCount  = trialRepeat * trialCount;
                        initializer.Init(master, trialCount, trialRepeat, totalCount);
                        for (int si = 0; si < sortNames.Length; si++)
                            for (int i = 0; i < sortNames.Length; i++)
                                var sni    = (si + i) % sortNames.Length;
                                var sorter = sorterMap[(sortNames[sni], permType, type, useCmp)];
                                sortArray.CopyFrom(master, totalCount);
                                Report.BeginTimed("{0} sorting {1}x {2} {3}s",
                                                  sorter.Name, trialRepeat, trialCount, type.Name);
                                sortArray.Sort(sorter.SortFunction, trialCount, trialRepeat);
                                var time              = Report.End();
                                results[sni, tci].E0 += totalCount;
                                results[sni, tci].E1 += time;
                                sortArray.Test(Test.IsTrue, trialCount, trialRepeat);
                        Test.End(" [{0}x]", sortNames.LongLength * trialRepeat);