コード例 #1
    public static EmptyGrid ProcessMap(EmptyGrid map, RandomSizeRoomGridSettings settings)
        RoomWithCenteredDoors[,] roomGrid = new RoomWithCenteredDoors[settings.gridWidth, settings.gridHeight];
        List <Coordinate> rooms = new List <Coordinate>(settings.gridWidth * settings.gridHeight);

        // Random Generator
        Random.State initialState = Random.state;

        // fill the grid
        if (settings.randomizeRoomPositions)
            for (int z = 0; z < settings.gridHeight; z++)
                for (int x = 0; x < settings.gridWidth; x++)
                    roomGrid[x, z] = new RoomWithCenteredDoors(new Coordinate(x, 0, z), RoomType.Empty);
                    rooms.Add(roomGrid[x, z].positionInGrid);

            // set initial room
            roomGrid[settings.initialRoomSpawnPoint.x, settings.initialRoomSpawnPoint.z] = new RoomWithCenteredDoors(settings.initialRoomSpawnPoint, RoomType.Initial);
            int        totalRoomCount = 1;
            Coordinate currentCoord   = settings.initialRoomSpawnPoint;
            rooms.Remove(roomGrid[settings.initialRoomSpawnPoint.x, settings.initialRoomSpawnPoint.z].positionInGrid);

            while (totalRoomCount < settings.roomCount)
                int roomIndex = Random.Range(0, rooms.Count);
                currentCoord = rooms[roomIndex];
                roomGrid[currentCoord.x, currentCoord.z] = new RoomWithCenteredDoors(currentCoord, RoomType.Ordinary);
            for (int z = 0; z < settings.gridHeight; z++)
                for (int x = 0; x < settings.gridWidth; x++)
                    roomGrid[x, z] = new RoomWithCenteredDoors(new Coordinate(x, 0, z), RoomType.Empty);

            // set initial room
            roomGrid[settings.initialRoomSpawnPoint.x, settings.initialRoomSpawnPoint.z] = new RoomWithCenteredDoors(settings.initialRoomSpawnPoint, RoomType.Initial);
            int        totalRoomCount = 1;
            Coordinate currentCoord   = settings.initialRoomSpawnPoint;

            rooms.Add(roomGrid[settings.initialRoomSpawnPoint.x, settings.initialRoomSpawnPoint.z].positionInGrid);

            while (totalRoomCount < settings.roomCount)
                int roomIndex = Random.Range(0, rooms.Count);
                currentCoord = rooms[roomIndex];

                if (!roomGrid[currentCoord.x, currentCoord.z].HasNeighbours())

                Direction direction = RandomDirection();

                Coordinate stepTo    = Coordinate.GetOffset(direction);
                Coordinate nextCoord = currentCoord + stepTo;

                bool isOutsideGrid = (nextCoord.x < 0) || (nextCoord.z < 0) || (nextCoord.x >= settings.gridWidth) || (nextCoord.z >= settings.gridHeight);

                // WARNING: check if is inside the range BEFORE accessing room type
                if (!isOutsideGrid && roomGrid[nextCoord.x, nextCoord.z].type == RoomType.Empty)
                    currentCoord = nextCoord;
                    roomGrid[currentCoord.x, currentCoord.z] = new RoomWithCenteredDoors(currentCoord, RoomType.Ordinary);
                    roomGrid[currentCoord.x, currentCoord.z].CheckDirection(direction);

        //set all rooms
        for (int z = 0; z < settings.gridHeight; z++)
            for (int x = 0; x < settings.gridWidth; x++)
                Coordinate pos = roomGrid[x, z].positionInGrid;

                pos.x = pos.x * settings.roomMaxWidth;
                pos.z = pos.z * settings.roomMaxHeight;

                int currentRoomWidth  = settings.roomMaxWidth;
                int currentRoomHeight = settings.roomMaxHeight;

                //Randomize room sizes, accordingly to that fix position
                if (roomGrid[x, z].type != RoomType.Empty)
                    if (settings.isSquareShaped)
                        currentRoomWidth  = Random.Range(settings.roomMinWidth, currentRoomWidth + 1);
                        currentRoomHeight = currentRoomWidth;
                        currentRoomWidth  = Random.Range(settings.roomMinWidth, currentRoomWidth + 1);
                        currentRoomHeight = Random.Range(settings.roomMinHeight, currentRoomHeight + 1);

                    pos.x = pos.x + Random.Range(0, settings.roomMaxWidth - currentRoomWidth + 1);
                    pos.z = pos.z + Random.Range(0, settings.roomMaxHeight - currentRoomHeight + 1);

                for (int zz = 0; zz < currentRoomHeight; zz++)
                    for (int xx = 0; xx < currentRoomWidth; xx++)
                        map.values[pos.x + xx, pos.z + zz] = new Cell(true, CellType.Floor, Color.grey, '=');

                switch (roomGrid[x, z].type)
                case RoomType.Initial:
                    for (int zz = 0; zz < currentRoomHeight; zz++)
                        map.values[pos.x, pos.z + zz] = new Cell(false, CellType.Wall, Color.red, '#');
                        map.values[pos.x + currentRoomWidth - 1, pos.z + zz] = new Cell(false, CellType.Wall, Color.red, '#');
                    for (int xx = 0; xx < currentRoomWidth; xx++)
                        map.values[pos.x + xx, pos.z] = new Cell(false, CellType.Wall, Color.red, '#');
                        map.values[pos.x + xx, pos.z + currentRoomHeight - 1] = new Cell(false, CellType.Wall, Color.red, '#');
                    int roomWidthCenter = Mathf.FloorToInt((currentRoomWidth - 1) * 0.5f), roomHeightCenter = Mathf.FloorToInt((currentRoomHeight - 1) * 0.5f);
                    map.values[pos.x + roomWidthCenter, pos.z + roomHeightCenter] = new Cell(false, CellType.OuterWall, Color.blue, '#');

                case RoomType.Ordinary:
                    for (int zz = 0; zz < currentRoomHeight; zz++)
                        map.values[pos.x, pos.z + zz] = new Cell(false, CellType.Wall, Color.red, '#');
                        map.values[pos.x + currentRoomWidth - 1, pos.z + zz] = new Cell(false, CellType.Wall, Color.red, '#');
                    for (int xx = 0; xx < currentRoomWidth; xx++)
                        map.values[pos.x + xx, pos.z] = new Cell(false, CellType.Wall, Color.red, '#');
                        map.values[pos.x + xx, pos.z + currentRoomHeight - 1] = new Cell(false, CellType.Wall, Color.red, '#');

        Random.state = initialState;
コード例 #2
    public static TileMapSettings PreprocessMap(TileMapSettings mapSettings, RandomSizeRoomGridSettings settings)
        if (settings.gridWidth < 1)
            settings.gridWidth = 1;
        if (settings.gridHeight < 1)
            settings.gridHeight = 1;

        int maxRoomsCount = settings.gridWidth * settings.gridHeight;

        if (settings.roomCount > maxRoomsCount)
            settings.roomCount = maxRoomsCount;
        else if (settings.roomCount <= 0)
            settings.roomCount = 1;

        bool isSpawnPointOutsideGrid = (settings.initialRoomSpawnPoint.x < 0) || (settings.initialRoomSpawnPoint.z < 0) ||
                                       (settings.initialRoomSpawnPoint.x >= settings.gridWidth) || (settings.initialRoomSpawnPoint.z >= settings.gridHeight);

        if (isSpawnPointOutsideGrid || settings.isSpawnPointCentered)
            settings.initialRoomSpawnPoint.x = Mathf.FloorToInt((settings.gridWidth - 1) * 0.5f);
            settings.initialRoomSpawnPoint.z = Mathf.FloorToInt((settings.gridHeight - 1) * 0.5f);

        if (settings.roomMaxWidth < 3)
            settings.roomMaxWidth = 3;
        if (settings.roomMaxHeight < 3)
            settings.roomMaxHeight = 3;

        if (settings.isSquareShaped)
            settings.roomMaxWidth  = settings.roomMaxWidth > settings.roomMaxHeight ? settings.roomMaxWidth : settings.roomMaxHeight;
            settings.roomMaxHeight = settings.roomMaxWidth;

        int mapWidth  = settings.roomMaxWidth * settings.gridWidth;
        int mapHeight = settings.roomMaxHeight * settings.gridHeight;

        mapSettings.mapWidth  = mapWidth;
        mapSettings.mapHeight = mapHeight;

        if (settings.roomMinWidth < 3)
            settings.roomMinWidth = 3;
        if (settings.roomMinHeight < 3)
            settings.roomMinHeight = 3;

        if (settings.roomMinWidth > settings.roomMaxWidth)
            settings.roomMinWidth = settings.roomMaxWidth;
        if (settings.roomMinHeight > settings.roomMaxHeight)
            settings.roomMinHeight = settings.roomMaxHeight;

        if (settings.isSquareShaped)
            settings.roomMinWidth  = settings.roomMinWidth < settings.roomMinHeight ? settings.roomMinWidth : settings.roomMinHeight;
            settings.roomMinHeight = settings.roomMinWidth;
