コード例 #1
ファイル: DESuite.cs プロジェクト: mattcolefla/SwarmOps
        /// <summary>
        /// Perform one optimization run and return the best found solution.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parameters">Control parameters for the optimizer.</param>
        public override Result Optimize(double[] parameters)
            Debug.Assert(parameters != null && parameters.Length == Dimensionality);

            // Signal beginning of optimization run.

            // Retrieve parameters specific to DE method.
            int    numAgents = GetNumAgents(parameters);
            double CR        = GetCR(parameters);
            double F         = GetF(parameters);
            double FMid      = GetFMid(parameters);
            double FRange    = GetFRange(parameters);

            Debug.Assert(numAgents > 0);

            // Get problem-context.
            double[] lowerBound = Problem.LowerBound;
            double[] upperBound = Problem.UpperBound;
            double[] lowerInit  = Problem.LowerInit;
            double[] upperInit  = Problem.UpperInit;
            int      n          = Problem.Dimensionality;

            // Allocate agent positions and associated fitnesses.
            double[][] agentsX   = Tools.NewMatrix(numAgents, n);
            double[][] agentsY   = Tools.NewMatrix(numAgents, n);
            double[]   fitnessX  = new double[numAgents];
            double[]   fitnessY  = new double[numAgents];
            bool[]     feasibleX = new bool[numAgents];
            bool[]     feasibleY = new bool[numAgents];

            // Allocate differential weight vector.
            double[] w = new double[n];

            // Initialize differential weight vector, if no dithering is wanted.
            if (_dither == DitherVariant.None)
                // Initialize crossover-weight vector.
                // Same value for all elements, vectors, and generations.
                Tools.Initialize(ref w, F);

            // Random set for picking distinct agents.
            RandomOps.Set randomSet = new RandomOps.Set(Globals.Random, numAgents);

            // Iteration variables.
            int i, j;

            // Fitness variables.
            double[] g         = null;
            double   gFitness  = Problem.MaxFitness;
            bool     gFeasible = false;

            // Initialize all agents. (Non-parallel)
            for (j = 0; j < numAgents; j++)
                // Initialize agent-position in search-space.
                Tools.InitializeUniform(ref agentsX[j], lowerInit, upperInit);

                // Enforce constraints and evaluate feasibility.
                feasibleX[j] = Problem.EnforceConstraints(ref agentsX[j]);

            // This counts as iterations below.
            // Compute fitness of initial position.
            System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel.For(0, numAgents, Globals.ParallelOptions, (jPar) =>
                fitnessX[jPar] = Problem.Fitness(agentsX[jPar], feasibleX[jPar]);

            // Update best found position. (Non-parallel)
            for (j = 0; j < numAgents; j++)
                if (Tools.BetterFeasibleFitness(gFeasible, feasibleX[j], gFitness, fitnessX[j]))
                    g         = agentsX[j];
                    gFitness  = fitnessX[j];
                    gFeasible = feasibleX[j];

                // Trace fitness of best found solution.
                Trace(j, gFitness, gFeasible);

            for (i = numAgents; Problem.Continue(i, gFitness, gFeasible);)
                // Perform dithering of differential weight, depending on dither variant wanted.
                if (_dither == DitherVariant.Generation)
                    // Initialize differential-weight vector. Generation-based.
                    Tools.Initialize(ref w, Globals.Random.Uniform(FMid - FRange, FMid + FRange));

                // Update agent positions. (Non-parallel)
                for (j = 0; j < numAgents; j++)
                    // Perform dithering of differential weight, depending on dither variant wanted.
                    if (_dither == DitherVariant.Vector)
                        // Initialize differential-weight vector. Vector-based.
                        Tools.Initialize(ref w, Globals.Random.Uniform(FMid - FRange, FMid + FRange));
                    else if (_dither == DitherVariant.Element)
                        // Initialize differential-weight vector. Element-based.
                        Tools.InitializeUniform(ref w, FMid - FRange, FMid + FRange);

                    // Reset the random-set used for picking distinct agents.
                    // Exclude the j'th agent (also referred to as x).

                    // Perform crossover.
                    DECrossover.DoCrossover(_crossover, CR, n, w, agentsX[j], ref agentsY[j], g, agentsX, randomSet);

                // Compute new fitness. (Parallel)
                System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel.For(0, numAgents, Globals.ParallelOptions, (jPar) =>
                    // Enforce constraints and evaluate feasibility.
                    feasibleY[jPar] = Problem.EnforceConstraints(ref agentsY[jPar]);

                    // Compute fitness if feasibility (constraint satisfaction) is same or better.
                    if (Tools.BetterFeasible(feasibleX[jPar], feasibleY[jPar]))
                        fitnessY[jPar] = Problem.Fitness(agentsY[jPar], fitnessX[jPar], feasibleX[jPar], feasibleY[jPar]);

                // Update agent positions. (Non-parallel)
                for (j = 0; j < numAgents; j++, i++)
                    // Update agent in case feasibility is same or better and fitness is improvement.
                    if (Tools.BetterFeasibleFitness(feasibleX[j], feasibleY[j], fitnessX[j], fitnessY[j]))
                        // Update agent's position.
                        agentsY[j].CopyTo(agentsX[j], 0);

                        // Update agent's fitness.
                        fitnessX[j] = fitnessY[j];

                        // Update agent's feasibility.
                        feasibleX[j] = feasibleY[j];

                        // Update swarm's best known position.
                        if (Tools.BetterFeasibleFitness(gFeasible, feasibleX[j], gFitness, fitnessX[j]))
                            g         = agentsX[j];
                            gFitness  = fitnessX[j];
                            gFeasible = feasibleX[j];

                    // Trace fitness of best found solution.
                    Trace(i, gFitness, gFeasible);

            // Signal end of optimization run.

            // Return best-found solution and fitness.
            return(new Result(g, gFitness, gFeasible, i));
コード例 #2
ファイル: DESuite.cs プロジェクト: DanWBR/dwsim3
        /// <summary>
        /// Perform one optimization run and return the best found solution.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parameters">Control parameters for the optimizer.</param>
        public override Result Optimize(double[] parameters)
            Debug.Assert(parameters != null && parameters.Length == Dimensionality);

            // Signal beginning of optimization run.

            // Retrieve parameters specific to DE method.
            int numAgents = GetNumAgents(parameters);
            double CR = GetCR(parameters);
            double F = GetF(parameters);
            double FMid = GetFMid(parameters);
            double FRange = GetFRange(parameters);

            Debug.Assert(numAgents > 0);

            // Get problem-context.
            double[] lowerBound = Problem.LowerBound;
            double[] upperBound = Problem.UpperBound;
            double[] lowerInit = Problem.LowerInit;
            double[] upperInit = Problem.UpperInit;
            int n = Problem.Dimensionality;

            // Allocate agent positions and associated fitnesses.
            double[][] agentsX = Tools.NewMatrix(numAgents, n);
            double[][] agentsY = Tools.NewMatrix(numAgents, n);
            double[] fitnessX = new double[numAgents];
            double[] fitnessY = new double[numAgents];
            bool[] feasibleX = new bool[numAgents];
            bool[] feasibleY = new bool[numAgents];

            // Allocate differential weight vector.
            double[] w = new double[n];

            // Initialize differential weight vector, if no dithering is wanted.
            if (_dither == DitherVariant.None)
                // Initialize crossover-weight vector.
                // Same value for all elements, vectors, and generations.
                Tools.Initialize(ref w, F);

            // Random set for picking distinct agents.
            RandomOps.Set randomSet = new RandomOps.Set(Globals.Random, numAgents);

            // Iteration variables.
            int i, j;

            // Fitness variables.
            double[] g = null;
            double gFitness = Problem.MaxFitness;
            bool gFeasible = false;

            // Initialize all agents. (Non-parallel)
            for (j = 0; j < numAgents; j++)
                // Initialize agent-position in search-space.
                Tools.InitializeUniform(ref agentsX[j], lowerInit, upperInit);

                // Enforce constraints and evaluate feasibility.
                feasibleX[j] = Problem.EnforceConstraints(ref agentsX[j]);

            // This counts as iterations below.
            // Compute fitness of initial position.
            System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel.For(0, numAgents, Globals.ParallelOptions, (jPar) =>
                fitnessX[jPar] = Problem.Fitness(agentsX[jPar], feasibleX[jPar]);

            // Update best found position. (Non-parallel)
            for (j = 0; j < numAgents; j++)
                if (Tools.BetterFeasibleFitness(gFeasible, feasibleX[j], gFitness, fitnessX[j]))
                    g = agentsX[j];
                    gFitness = fitnessX[j];
                    gFeasible = feasibleX[j];

                // Trace fitness of best found solution.
                Trace(j, gFitness, gFeasible);

            for (i = numAgents; Problem.Continue(i, gFitness, gFeasible); )
                // Perform dithering of differential weight, depending on dither variant wanted.
                if (_dither == DitherVariant.Generation)
                    // Initialize differential-weight vector. Generation-based.
                    Tools.Initialize(ref w, Globals.Random.Uniform(FMid - FRange, FMid + FRange));

                // Update agent positions. (Non-parallel)
                for (j = 0; j < numAgents; j++)
                    // Perform dithering of differential weight, depending on dither variant wanted.
                    if (_dither == DitherVariant.Vector)
                        // Initialize differential-weight vector. Vector-based.
                        Tools.Initialize(ref w, Globals.Random.Uniform(FMid - FRange, FMid + FRange));
                    else if (_dither == DitherVariant.Element)
                        // Initialize differential-weight vector. Element-based.
                        Tools.InitializeUniform(ref w, FMid - FRange, FMid + FRange);

                    // Reset the random-set used for picking distinct agents.
                    // Exclude the j'th agent (also referred to as x).

                    // Perform crossover.
                    DECrossover.DoCrossover(_crossover, CR, n, w, agentsX[j], ref agentsY[j], g, agentsX, randomSet);

                // Compute new fitness. (Parallel)
                System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel.For(0, numAgents, Globals.ParallelOptions, (jPar) =>
                    // Enforce constraints and evaluate feasibility.
                    feasibleY[jPar] = Problem.EnforceConstraints(ref agentsY[jPar]);

                    // Compute fitness if feasibility (constraint satisfaction) is same or better.
                    if (Tools.BetterFeasible(feasibleX[jPar], feasibleY[jPar]))
                        fitnessY[jPar] = Problem.Fitness(agentsY[jPar], fitnessX[jPar], feasibleX[jPar], feasibleY[jPar]);

                // Update agent positions. (Non-parallel)
                for (j = 0; j < numAgents; j++, i++)
                    // Update agent in case feasibility is same or better and fitness is improvement.
                    if (Tools.BetterFeasibleFitness(feasibleX[j], feasibleY[j], fitnessX[j], fitnessY[j]))
                        // Update agent's position.
                        agentsY[j].CopyTo(agentsX[j], 0);

                        // Update agent's fitness.
                        fitnessX[j] = fitnessY[j];

                        // Update agent's feasibility.
                        feasibleX[j] = feasibleY[j];

                        // Update swarm's best known position.
                        if (Tools.BetterFeasibleFitness(gFeasible, feasibleX[j], gFitness, fitnessX[j]))
                            g = agentsX[j];
                            gFitness = fitnessX[j];
                            gFeasible = feasibleX[j];

                    // Trace fitness of best found solution.
                    Trace(i, gFitness, gFeasible);

            // Signal end of optimization run.

            // Return best-found solution and fitness.
            return new Result(g, gFitness, gFeasible, i);
コード例 #3
ファイル: Program.cs プロジェクト: firestrand/SwarmOps
        static void DoTest(RandomOps.Random Rand)
            int i;

            Console.WriteLine("RNG name: {0}", Rand.Name);

            if (TestByte)
                int[] ByteCounts = new int[Byte.MaxValue + 1];
                for (i = 0; i < ByteIterations; i++)
                    ByteCounts[Rand.Byte()] += 1;

            Console.WriteLine("Bytes({0})", NumBytes);
            byte[] byteArr = Rand.Bytes(NumBytes);
            for (i = 0; i < NumBytes; i++)

            for (i = 0; i < NumIterations; i++)

            Console.WriteLine("Uniform(-3, -1)");
            for (i = 0; i < NumIterations; i++)
                Console.WriteLine(Rand.Uniform(-3, -1));

            Console.WriteLine("Uniform(-2, 2)");
            for (i = 0; i < NumIterations; i++)
                Console.WriteLine(Rand.Uniform(-2, 2));

            Console.WriteLine("Uniform(3, 5)");
            for (i = 0; i < NumIterations; i++)
                Console.WriteLine(Rand.Uniform(3, 5));

            Console.WriteLine("Gauss({0}, {1})", GaussMean, GaussDeviation);
            for (i = 0; i < NumIterations; i++)
                Console.WriteLine(Rand.Gauss(GaussMean, GaussDeviation));

            double sum = 0;
            for (i = 0; i < MeanIterations; i++)
                sum += Rand.Uniform();
            Console.WriteLine("Mean of {0} x Uniform(): {1:0.0000}", MeanIterations, sum / MeanIterations);

            sum = 0;
            for (i = 0; i < MeanIterations; i++)
                sum += Rand.Gauss(0, 1);
            Console.WriteLine("Mean of {0} x Gauss(0, 1): {1:0.0000}", MeanIterations, sum / MeanIterations);





            Console.WriteLine("Sphere({0}, {1})", SphereDim, SphereRadius);
            PrintPoint(Rand.Sphere(SphereDim, SphereRadius));

            if (TestBool)
                int countTrue = 0;
                int countFalse = 0;
                for (i = 0; i < BoolIterations; i++)
                    if (Rand.Bool())
                Console.WriteLine("True: {0}", countTrue);
                Console.WriteLine("False: {0}", countFalse);

            Console.WriteLine("Index({0})", MaxIndex);
            for (i = 0; i < IndexIterations; i++)
                int idx = Rand.Index(MaxIndex);

                IndexCounts[idx] += 1;

            Console.WriteLine("Index2({0}, ...)", MaxIndex);
            for (i = 0; i < IndexIterations; i++)
                int idx1, idx2;

                Rand.Index2(MaxIndex, out idx1, out idx2);

                Debug.Assert(idx1 != idx2);

                IndexCounts[idx1] += 1;
                IndexCounts[idx2] += 1;

            RandomOps.Set RandSet = new RandomOps.Set(Rand, RandSetSize);


            Console.WriteLine("RandSet.Draw() with set of size {0} and {1} iterations", RandSetSize, SetIterations / 2);
            for (i = 0; i < SetIterations / 2; i++)

            Console.WriteLine("RandSet.Draw() with set of size {0}", RandSetSize);
            for (i = 0; i < SetIterations; i++)

            //RandSet.Draw(); // Assertion fails.

            Console.WriteLine("RandSet.ResetExclude({0})", RandSetExclude);
            Console.WriteLine("RandSet.Draw() with set of size {0}", RandSetSize);
            for (i = 0; i < SetIterations - 1; i++)

            //RandSet.Draw(); // Assertion fails.

            Console.WriteLine("RandSet.Draw() with set of size {0}", RandSetSize);
            for (i = 0; i < SetIterations2; i++)

                while (RandSet.Size > 0)
                    int idx = RandSet.Draw();

                    SetCounts[idx] += 1;


            Console.WriteLine("Rand.Index() with probability distribution");
            for (i = 0; i < IndexDistributionIterations; i++)
                int idx = Rand.Index(IndexProbabilities);

                IndexDistributionCounts[idx] += 1;

            RandomOps.IndexDistribution IndexDistribution = new RandomOps.IndexDistribution(Rand, IndexProbabilities);

            for (i = 0; i < IndexDistributionIterations; i++)
                int idx = IndexDistribution.DrawLinearSearch();

                IndexDistributionCounts[idx] += 1;

            for (i = 0; i < IndexDistributionIterations; i++)
                int idx = IndexDistribution.DrawBinarySearch();

                IndexDistributionCounts[idx] += 1;
コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Perform DE crossover.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="crossover">Crossover variant to be performed.</param>
        /// <param name="CR">Crossover probability.</param>
        /// <param name="n">Dimensionality for problem.</param>
        /// <param name="w">Differential weight (vector).</param>
        /// <param name="x">Current agent position.</param>
        /// <param name="y">Potentially new agent position.</param>
        /// <param name="g">Population's best known position.</param>
        /// <param name="agents">Entire population.</param>
        /// <param name="randomSet">Random-set used for drawing distinct agents.</param>
        public static void DoCrossover(Variant crossover, double CR, int n, double[] w, double[] x, ref double[] y, double[] g, double[][] agents, RandomOps.Set randomSet)
            // Agents used in crossover.
            double[] a, b, c;

            switch (crossover)
            case Variant.Best1Bin:
                // The first agent used in crossover is g.
                a = g;

                // Pick random and distinct agent-indices.
                // Also distinct from agent x.
                int R1 = randomSet.Draw();
                int R2 = randomSet.Draw();

                b = agents[R1];
                c = agents[R2];

            case Variant.Rand1Bin:
                // Pick random and distinct agent-indices.
                // Also distinct from agent x.
                int R1 = randomSet.Draw();
                int R2 = randomSet.Draw();
                int R3 = randomSet.Draw();

                // Refer to the randomly picked agents as a and b.
                a = agents[R1];
                b = agents[R2];
                c = agents[R3];

            // Pick a random dimension.
            int R = Globals.Random.Index(n);

            // Compute potentially new position.
            for (int k = 0; k < n; k++)
                if (k == R || Globals.Random.Bool(CR))
                    y[k] = a[k] + w[k] * (b[k] - c[k]);
                    y[k] = x[k];
コード例 #5
ファイル: DESuite.cs プロジェクト: firestrand/SwarmOps
        /// <summary>
        /// Perform one optimization run and return the best found solution.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parameters">Control parameters for the optimizer.</param>
        public override Result Optimize(double[] parameters)
            Debug.Assert(parameters != null && parameters.Length == Dimensionality);

            // Retrieve parameters specific to DE method.
            int numAgents = GetNumAgents(parameters);
            double CR = GetCR(parameters);
            double F = GetF(parameters);
            double FMid = GetFMid(parameters);
            double FRange = GetFRange(parameters);

            // Get problem-context.
            double[] lowerBound = Problem.LowerBound;
            double[] upperBound = Problem.UpperBound;
            double[] lowerInit = Problem.LowerInit;
            double[] upperInit = Problem.UpperInit;
            int n = Problem.Dimensionality;

            // Allocate agent positions and associated fitnesses.
            double[][] agents = Tools.NewMatrix(numAgents, n);
            double[] agentFitness = new double[numAgents];
            double[] t = new double[n];

            // Allocate differential weight vector.
            double[] w = new double[n];

            // Initialize differential weight vector, if no dithering is wanted.
            if (_dither == DitherVariant.None)
                // Initialize crossover-weight vector.
                // Same value for all elements, vectors, and generations.
                Tools.Initialize(ref w, F);

            // Random set for picking distinct agents.
            RandomOps.Set randomSet = new RandomOps.Set(Globals.Random, numAgents);

            // Iteration variables.
            int i, j;

            // Fitness variables.
            double gFitness = Problem.MaxFitness;
            double[] g = null;

            // Initialize all agents.
            // This counts as iterations below.
            for (j = 0; j < numAgents && Problem.RunCondition.Continue(j, gFitness); j++)
                // Refer to the j'th agent as x.
                double[] x = agents[j];

                // Initialize agent-position in search-space.
                Tools.InitializeUniform(ref x, lowerInit, upperInit);

                // Compute fitness of initial position.
                agentFitness[j] = Problem.Fitness(x);

                // Update swarm's best known position.
                if (g == null || agentFitness[j] < gFitness)
                    g = x;
                    gFitness = agentFitness[j];

                // Trace fitness of best found solution.
                Trace(j, gFitness);

            for (i = numAgents; Problem.RunCondition.Continue(i, gFitness);)
                Debug.Assert(numAgents > 0);

                // Perform dithering of differential weight, depending on dither variant wanted.
                if (_dither == DitherVariant.Generation)
                    // Initialize differential-weight vector. Generation-based.
                    Tools.Initialize(ref w, Globals.Random.Uniform(FMid - FRange, FMid + FRange));

                for (j = 0; j < numAgents && Problem.RunCondition.Continue(i, gFitness); j++, i++)
                    // Perform dithering of differential weight, depending on dither variant wanted.
                    if (_dither == DitherVariant.Vector)
                        // Initialize differential-weight vector. Vector-based.
                        Tools.Initialize(ref w, Globals.Random.Uniform(FMid - FRange, FMid + FRange));
                    else if (_dither == DitherVariant.Element)
                        // Initialize differential-weight vector. Element-based.
                        Tools.InitializeUniform(ref w, FMid - FRange, FMid + FRange);

                    // Reset the random-set used for picking distinct agents.
                    // Exclude the j'th agent (also referred to as x).

                    // Refer to the j'th agent as x.
                    double[] x = agents[j];

                    // Store old position of agent x.
                    x.CopyTo(t, 0);

                    // Perform crossover.
                    DECrossover.DoCrossover(_crossover, CR, n, w, ref x, g, agents, randomSet);

                    // Enforce bounds before computing new fitness.
                    Tools.Bound(ref x, lowerBound, upperBound);

                    // Compute new fitness.
                    double newFitness = Problem.Fitness(x, agentFitness[j]);

                    // Update agent in case of fitness improvement.
                    if (newFitness < agentFitness[j])
                        // Update agent's fitness. Position is already updated.
                        agentFitness[j] = newFitness;

                        // Update swarm's best known position.
                        if (newFitness < gFitness)
                            g = x;
                            gFitness = newFitness;
                    else // Fitness was not an improvement.
                        // Restore old position.
                        t.CopyTo(x, 0);

                    // Trace fitness of best found solution.
                    Trace(i, gFitness);

            // Return best-found solution and fitness.
            return new Result(g, gFitness, i);
コード例 #6
ファイル: JDE.cs プロジェクト: chemscobra/dwsim4-1
        /// <summary>
        /// Perform one optimization run and return the best found solution.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parameters">Control parameters for the optimizer.</param>
        public override Result Optimize(double[] parameters)
            Debug.Assert(parameters != null && parameters.Length == Dimensionality);

            // Signal beginning of optimization run.

            // Retrieve parameters specific to JDE method.
            int numAgents = GetNumAgents(parameters);

            double FInit = GetFInit(parameters);
            double Fl    = GetFl(parameters);
            double Fu    = GetFu(parameters);
            double tauF  = GetTauF(parameters);

            double CRInit = GetCRInit(parameters);
            double CRl    = GetCRl(parameters);
            double CRu    = GetCRu(parameters);
            double tauCR  = GetTauCR(parameters);

            // Adjust CR parameters to remain within [0,1]
            if (CRl + CRu > 1)
                CRu = 1 - CRl;

            // Get problem-context.
            double[] lowerInit = Problem.LowerInit;
            double[] upperInit = Problem.UpperInit;
            int      n         = Problem.Dimensionality;

            // Allocate agent positions and associated fitnesses.
            double[][] agents   = Tools.NewMatrix(numAgents, n);
            double[]   fitness  = new double[numAgents];
            bool[]     feasible = new bool[numAgents];
            double[]   y        = new double[n];
            double[]   w        = new double[n];
            double[]   F        = new double[numAgents];
            double[]   CR       = new double[numAgents];

            // Initialize 'self-adaptive' parameters.
            Tools.Initialize(ref F, FInit);
            Tools.Initialize(ref CR, CRInit);

            // Random set for picking distinct agents.
            RandomOps.Set randomSet = new RandomOps.Set(Globals.Random, numAgents);

            // Iteration variables.
            int i, j;

            // Fitness variables.
            double[] g         = null;
            double   gFitness  = Problem.MaxFitness;
            bool     gFeasible = false;

            // Initialize all agents.
            // This counts as iterations below.
            for (j = 0; j < numAgents && Problem.Continue(j, gFitness, gFeasible); j++)
                // Refer to the j'th agent as x.
                double[] x = agents[j];

                // Initialize agent-position in search-space.
                Tools.InitializeUniform(ref x, lowerInit, upperInit);

                // Enforce constraints and evaluate feasibility.
                feasible[j] = Problem.EnforceConstraints(ref x);

                // Compute fitness of initial position.
                fitness[j] = Problem.Fitness(x, feasible[j]);

                // Update population's best known position if it either does not exist or,
                // if feasibility is same or better and fitness is an improvement.
                if (Tools.BetterFeasibleFitness(gFeasible, feasible[j], gFitness, fitness[j]))
                    g         = agents[j];
                    gFitness  = fitness[j];
                    gFeasible = feasible[j];

                // Trace fitness of best found solution.
                Trace(j, gFitness, gFeasible);

            for (i = numAgents; Problem.Continue(i, gFitness, gFeasible);)
                Debug.Assert(numAgents > 0);

                for (j = 0; j < numAgents && Problem.Continue(i, gFitness, gFeasible); j++, i++)
                    // Reset the random-set used for picking distinct agents.
                    // Exclude the j'th agent (also referred to as x).

                    // Refer to the j'th agent as x.
                    double[] x = agents[j];

                    // JDE 'Self-adaptive' parameters.
                    double newF  = (Globals.Random.Bool(tauF)) ? (Globals.Random.Uniform(Fl, Fl + Fu)) : (F[j]);
                    double newCR = (Globals.Random.Bool(tauCR)) ? (Globals.Random.Uniform(CRl, CRl + CRu)) : (CR[j]);

                    // Initialize crossover-weight vector.
                    Tools.Initialize(ref w, newF);

                    // Perform crossover.
                    DECrossover.DoCrossover(_crossover, newCR, n, w, x, ref y, g, agents, randomSet);

                    // Enforce constraints and evaluate feasibility.
                    bool newFeasible = Problem.EnforceConstraints(ref y);

                    // Compute fitness if feasibility (constraint satisfaction) is same or better.
                    if (Tools.BetterFeasible(feasible[j], newFeasible))
                        // Compute new fitness.
                        double newFitness = Problem.Fitness(y, fitness[j], feasible[j], newFeasible);

                        // Update agent in case of fitness improvement.
                        if (Tools.BetterFeasibleFitness(feasible[j], newFeasible, fitness[j], newFitness))
                            // Update agent's position.
                            y.CopyTo(agents[j], 0);

                            // Update agent's fitness.
                            fitness[j] = newFitness;

                            // Update agent's feasibility.
                            feasible[j] = newFeasible;

                            // Update population's best known position,
                            // if feasibility is same or better and fitness is an improvement.
                            if (Tools.BetterFeasibleFitness(gFeasible, newFeasible, gFitness, newFitness))
                                g         = agents[j];
                                gFitness  = newFitness;
                                gFeasible = newFeasible;

                            // JDE 'Self-adaptive' parameters.
                            // Keep the new parameters because they led to fitness improvement.
                            F[j]  = newF;
                            CR[j] = newCR;

                    // Trace fitness of best found solution.
                    Trace(i, gFitness, gFeasible);

            // Signal end of optimization run.

            // Return best-found solution and fitness.
            return(new Result(g, gFitness, gFeasible, i));
コード例 #7
ファイル: JDE.cs プロジェクト: DanWBR/dwsim3
        /// <summary>
        /// Perform one optimization run and return the best found solution.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parameters">Control parameters for the optimizer.</param>
        public override Result Optimize(double[] parameters)
            Debug.Assert(parameters != null && parameters.Length == Dimensionality);

            // Signal beginning of optimization run.

            // Retrieve parameters specific to JDE method.
            int numAgents = GetNumAgents(parameters);

            double FInit = GetFInit(parameters);
            double Fl = GetFl(parameters);
            double Fu = GetFu(parameters);
            double tauF = GetTauF(parameters);

            double CRInit = GetCRInit(parameters);
            double CRl = GetCRl(parameters);
            double CRu = GetCRu(parameters);
            double tauCR = GetTauCR(parameters);

            // Adjust CR parameters to remain within [0,1]
            if (CRl + CRu > 1)
                CRu = 1 - CRl;

            // Get problem-context.
            double[] lowerInit = Problem.LowerInit;
            double[] upperInit = Problem.UpperInit;
            int n = Problem.Dimensionality;

            // Allocate agent positions and associated fitnesses.
            double[][] agents = Tools.NewMatrix(numAgents, n);
            double[] fitness = new double[numAgents];
            bool[] feasible = new bool[numAgents];
            double[] y = new double[n];
            double[] w = new double[n];
            double[] F = new double[numAgents];
            double[] CR = new double[numAgents];

            // Initialize 'self-adaptive' parameters.
            Tools.Initialize(ref F, FInit);
            Tools.Initialize(ref CR, CRInit);

            // Random set for picking distinct agents.
            RandomOps.Set randomSet = new RandomOps.Set(Globals.Random, numAgents);

            // Iteration variables.
            int i, j;

            // Fitness variables.
            double[] g = null;
            double gFitness = Problem.MaxFitness;
            bool gFeasible = false;

            // Initialize all agents.
            // This counts as iterations below.
            for (j = 0; j < numAgents && Problem.Continue(j, gFitness, gFeasible); j++)
                // Refer to the j'th agent as x.
                double[] x = agents[j];

                // Initialize agent-position in search-space.
                Tools.InitializeUniform(ref x, lowerInit, upperInit);

                // Enforce constraints and evaluate feasibility.
                feasible[j] = Problem.EnforceConstraints(ref x);

                // Compute fitness of initial position.
                fitness[j] = Problem.Fitness(x, feasible[j]);

                // Update population's best known position if it either does not exist or,
                // if feasibility is same or better and fitness is an improvement.
                if (Tools.BetterFeasibleFitness(gFeasible, feasible[j], gFitness, fitness[j]))
                    g = agents[j];
                    gFitness = fitness[j];
                    gFeasible = feasible[j];

                // Trace fitness of best found solution.
                Trace(j, gFitness, gFeasible);

            for (i = numAgents; Problem.Continue(i, gFitness, gFeasible); )
                Debug.Assert(numAgents > 0);

                for (j = 0; j < numAgents && Problem.Continue(i, gFitness, gFeasible); j++, i++)
                    // Reset the random-set used for picking distinct agents.
                    // Exclude the j'th agent (also referred to as x).

                    // Refer to the j'th agent as x.
                    double[] x = agents[j];

                    // JDE 'Self-adaptive' parameters.
                    double newF = (Globals.Random.Bool(tauF)) ? (Globals.Random.Uniform(Fl, Fl + Fu)) : (F[j]);
                    double newCR = (Globals.Random.Bool(tauCR)) ? (Globals.Random.Uniform(CRl, CRl + CRu)) : (CR[j]);

                    // Initialize crossover-weight vector.
                    Tools.Initialize(ref w, newF);

                    // Perform crossover.
                    DECrossover.DoCrossover(_crossover, newCR, n, w, x, ref y, g, agents, randomSet);

                    // Enforce constraints and evaluate feasibility.
                    bool newFeasible = Problem.EnforceConstraints(ref y);

                    // Compute fitness if feasibility (constraint satisfaction) is same or better.
                    if (Tools.BetterFeasible(feasible[j], newFeasible))
                        // Compute new fitness.
                        double newFitness = Problem.Fitness(y, fitness[j], feasible[j], newFeasible);

                        // Update agent in case of fitness improvement.
                        if (Tools.BetterFeasibleFitness(feasible[j], newFeasible, fitness[j], newFitness))
                            // Update agent's position.
                            y.CopyTo(agents[j], 0);

                            // Update agent's fitness.
                            fitness[j] = newFitness;

                            // Update agent's feasibility.
                            feasible[j] = newFeasible;

                            // Update population's best known position,
                            // if feasibility is same or better and fitness is an improvement.
                            if (Tools.BetterFeasibleFitness(gFeasible, newFeasible, gFitness, newFitness))
                                g = agents[j];
                                gFitness = newFitness;
                                gFeasible = newFeasible;

                            // JDE 'Self-adaptive' parameters.
                            // Keep the new parameters because they led to fitness improvement.
                            F[j] = newF;
                            CR[j] = newCR;

                    // Trace fitness of best found solution.
                    Trace(i, gFitness, gFeasible);

            // Signal end of optimization run.

            // Return best-found solution and fitness.
            return new Result(g, gFitness, gFeasible, i);
コード例 #8
ファイル: JDE.cs プロジェクト: firestrand/SwarmOps
        /// <summary>
        /// Perform one optimization run and return the best found solution.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parameters">Control parameters for the optimizer.</param>
        public override Result Optimize(double[] parameters)
            Debug.Assert(parameters != null && parameters.Length == Dimensionality);

            // Retrieve parameters specific to JDE method.
            int numAgents = GetNumAgents(parameters);

            double FInit = GetFInit(parameters);
            double Fl = GetFl(parameters);
            double Fu = GetFu(parameters);
            double tauF = GetTauF(parameters);

            double CRInit = GetCRInit(parameters);
            double CRl = GetCRl(parameters);
            double CRu = GetCRu(parameters);
            double tauCR = GetTauCR(parameters);

            // Adjust CR parameters to remain within [0,1]
            if (CRl + CRu > 1)
                CRu = 1 - CRl;

            // Get problem-context.
            double[] lowerBound = Problem.LowerBound;
            double[] upperBound = Problem.UpperBound;
            double[] lowerInit = Problem.LowerInit;
            double[] upperInit = Problem.UpperInit;
            int n = Problem.Dimensionality;

            // Allocate agent positions and associated fitnesses.
            double[][] agents = Tools.NewMatrix(numAgents, n);
            double[] agentFitness = new double[numAgents];
            double[] t = new double[n];
            double[] w = new double[n];
            double[] F = new double[numAgents];
            double[] CR = new double[numAgents];

            // Initialize 'self-adaptive' parameters.
            Tools.Initialize(ref F, FInit);
            Tools.Initialize(ref CR, CRInit);

            // Random set for picking distinct agents.
            RandomOps.Set randomSet = new RandomOps.Set(Globals.Random, numAgents);

            // Iteration variables.
            int i, j;

            // Fitness variables.
            double gFitness = Problem.MaxFitness;
            double[] g = null;

            // Initialize all agents.
            // This counts as iterations below.
            for (j = 0; j < numAgents && Problem.RunCondition.Continue(j, gFitness); j++)
                // Refer to the j'th agent as x.
                double[] x = agents[j];

                // Initialize agent-position in search-space.
                Tools.InitializeUniform(ref x, lowerInit, upperInit);

                // Compute fitness of initial position.
                agentFitness[j] = Problem.Fitness(x);

                // Update swarm's best known position.
                if (g == null || agentFitness[j] < gFitness)
                    g = x;
                    gFitness = agentFitness[j];

                // Trace fitness of best found solution.
                Trace(j, gFitness);

            for (i = numAgents; Problem.RunCondition.Continue(i, gFitness);)
                Debug.Assert(numAgents > 0);

                for (j = 0; j < numAgents && Problem.RunCondition.Continue(i, gFitness); j++, i++)
                    // Reset the random-set used for picking distinct agents.
                    // Exclude the j'th agent (also referred to as x).

                    // Refer to the j'th agent as x.
                    double[] x = agents[j];

                    // Store old position of agent x.
                    x.CopyTo(t, 0);

                    // JDE 'Self-adaptive' parameters.
                    double newF = (Globals.Random.Bool(tauF)) ? (Globals.Random.Uniform(Fl, Fl + Fu)) : (F[j]);
                    double newCR = (Globals.Random.Bool(tauCR)) ? (Globals.Random.Uniform(CRl, CRl + CRu)) : (CR[j]);

                    // Initialize crossover-weight vector.
                    Tools.Initialize(ref w, newF);

                    // Perform crossover.
                    DECrossover.DoCrossover(_crossover, newCR, n, w, ref x, g, agents, randomSet);

                    // Enforce bounds before computing new fitness.
                    Tools.Bound(ref x, lowerBound, upperBound);

                    // Compute new fitness.
                    double newFitness = Problem.Fitness(x, agentFitness[j]);

                    // Update agent in case of fitness improvement.
                    if (newFitness < agentFitness[j])
                        // Update agent's fitness. Position is already updated.
                        agentFitness[j] = newFitness;

                        // Update swarm's best known position.
                        if (newFitness < gFitness)
                            g = x;
                            gFitness = newFitness;

                        // JDE 'Self-adaptive' parameters.
                        // Keep the new parameters because they led to fitness improvement.
                        F[j] = newF;
                        CR[j] = newCR;
                    else // Fitness was not an improvement.
                        // Restore old position.
                        t.CopyTo(x, 0);

                    // Trace fitness of best found solution.
                    Trace(i, gFitness);

            // Return best-found solution and fitness.
            return new Result(g, gFitness, i);
コード例 #9
ファイル: Program.cs プロジェクト: mattcolefla/SwarmOps
        static void DoTest(RandomOps.Random Rand)
            int i;

            Console.WriteLine("RNG name: {0}", Rand.Name);

            if (TestByte)
                int[] ByteCounts = new int[Byte.MaxValue + 1];
                for (i = 0; i < ByteIterations; i++)
                    ByteCounts[Rand.Byte()] += 1;

            Console.WriteLine("Bytes({0})", NumBytes);
            byte[] byteArr = Rand.Bytes(NumBytes);
            for (i = 0; i < NumBytes; i++)

            for (i = 0; i < NumIterations; i++)

            Console.WriteLine("Uniform(-3, -1)");
            for (i = 0; i < NumIterations; i++)
                Console.WriteLine(Rand.Uniform(-3, -1));

            Console.WriteLine("Uniform(-2, 2)");
            for (i = 0; i < NumIterations; i++)
                Console.WriteLine(Rand.Uniform(-2, 2));

            Console.WriteLine("Uniform(3, 5)");
            for (i = 0; i < NumIterations; i++)
                Console.WriteLine(Rand.Uniform(3, 5));

            Console.WriteLine("Gauss({0}, {1})", GaussMean, GaussDeviation);
            for (i = 0; i < NumIterations; i++)
                Console.WriteLine(Rand.Gauss(GaussMean, GaussDeviation));

            double sum = 0;

            for (i = 0; i < MeanIterations; i++)
                sum += Rand.Uniform();
            Console.WriteLine("Mean of {0} x Uniform(): {1:0.0000}", MeanIterations, sum / MeanIterations);

            sum = 0;
            for (i = 0; i < MeanIterations; i++)
                sum += Rand.Gauss(0, 1);
            Console.WriteLine("Mean of {0} x Gauss(0, 1): {1:0.0000}", MeanIterations, sum / MeanIterations);





            Console.WriteLine("Sphere({0}, {1})", SphereDim, SphereRadius);
            PrintPoint(Rand.Sphere(SphereDim, SphereRadius));

            if (TestBool)
                int countTrue  = 0;
                int countFalse = 0;
                for (i = 0; i < BoolIterations; i++)
                    if (Rand.Bool())
                Console.WriteLine("True: {0}", countTrue);
                Console.WriteLine("False: {0}", countFalse);

            Console.WriteLine("Index({0})", MaxIndex);
            for (i = 0; i < IndexIterations; i++)
                int idx = Rand.Index(MaxIndex);

                IndexCounts[idx] += 1;

            Console.WriteLine("Index2({0}, ...)", MaxIndex);
            for (i = 0; i < IndexIterations; i++)
                int idx1, idx2;

                Rand.Index2(MaxIndex, out idx1, out idx2);

                Debug.Assert(idx1 != idx2);

                IndexCounts[idx1] += 1;
                IndexCounts[idx2] += 1;

            RandomOps.Set RandSet = new RandomOps.Set(Rand, RandSetSize);


            Console.WriteLine("RandSet.Draw() with set of size {0} and {1} iterations", RandSetSize, SetIterations / 2);
            for (i = 0; i < SetIterations / 2; i++)

            Console.WriteLine("RandSet.Draw() with set of size {0}", RandSetSize);
            for (i = 0; i < SetIterations; i++)

            //RandSet.Draw(); // Assertion fails.

            Console.WriteLine("RandSet.ResetExclude({0})", RandSetExclude);
            Console.WriteLine("RandSet.Draw() with set of size {0}", RandSetSize);
            for (i = 0; i < SetIterations - 1; i++)

            //RandSet.Draw(); // Assertion fails.

            Console.WriteLine("RandSet.Draw() with set of size {0}", RandSetSize);
            for (i = 0; i < SetIterations2; i++)

                while (RandSet.Size > 0)
                    int idx = RandSet.Draw();

                    SetCounts[idx] += 1;


            Console.WriteLine("Rand.Index() with probability distribution");
            for (i = 0; i < IndexDistributionIterations; i++)
                int idx = Rand.Index(IndexProbabilities);

                IndexDistributionCounts[idx] += 1;

            RandomOps.IndexDistribution IndexDistribution = new RandomOps.IndexDistribution(Rand, IndexProbabilities);

            for (i = 0; i < IndexDistributionIterations; i++)
                int idx = IndexDistribution.DrawLinearSearch();

                IndexDistributionCounts[idx] += 1;

            for (i = 0; i < IndexDistributionIterations; i++)
                int idx = IndexDistribution.DrawBinarySearch();

                IndexDistributionCounts[idx] += 1;