public RandomExamSubject GetRandomExamSubject(int RandomExamSubjectId) { RandomExamSubject Paper; Database db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase(); string sqlCommand = "USP_Random_Exam_Subject_G"; DbCommand dbCommand = db.GetStoredProcCommand(sqlCommand); db.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "p_Random_Exam_Subject_id", DbType.Int32, RandomExamSubjectId); using (IDataReader dataReader = db.ExecuteReader(dbCommand)) { if (dataReader.Read()) { Paper = SubjectNamelObject(dataReader); } else { Paper = new RandomExamSubject(); } } return(Paper); }
private void DeleteData(int nBookID) { RandomExamSubjectBLL paperStrategySubjectBLL = new RandomExamSubjectBLL(); RandomExamSubject paperStrategySubject = paperStrategySubjectBLL.GetRandomExamSubject(int.Parse(Request.QueryString.Get("id"))); if (paperStrategySubject != null) { RandomExamResultBLL reBll = new RandomExamResultBLL(); IList <RailExam.Model.RandomExamResult> examResults = reBll.GetRandomExamResultByExamID(paperStrategySubject.RandomExamId); if (Pub.HasPaper(Convert.ToInt32(paperStrategySubject.RandomExamId))) { SessionSet.PageMessage = "该考试已生成试卷,取题范围不能被删除!"; return; } if (examResults.Count > 0) { SessionSet.PageMessage = "已有考生参加考试,取题范围不能被删除!"; return; } } RandomExamStrategyBLL paperStrategyBookChapterBLL = new RandomExamStrategyBLL(); paperStrategyBookChapterBLL.DeleteRandomExamStrategy(nBookID); OracleAccess db = new OracleAccess(); string strSql = "delete from Random_Exam_Strategy where Is_Mother_Item=1 and Mother_ID=" + nBookID; db.ExecuteNonQuery(strSql); strSql = "delete from Random_Exam_Item_Select where RANDOM_EXAM_STRATEGY_ID=" + nBookID; db.ExecuteNonQuery(strSql); }
public IList <RandomExamSubject> GetRandomExamSubjectByRandomExamId(int RandomExamId) { IList <RandomExamSubject> Papers = new List <RandomExamSubject>(); Database db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase(); string sqlCommand = "USP_Random_Exam_SUBJECT_Q"; DbCommand dbCommand = db.GetStoredProcCommand(sqlCommand); db.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "p_Random_Exam_Id", DbType.Int32, RandomExamId); using (IDataReader dataReader = db.ExecuteReader(dbCommand)) { while (dataReader.Read()) { RandomExamSubject Paper = SubjectNamelObject(dataReader); Papers.Add(Paper); } } return(Papers); }
public int AddRandomExamSubject(RandomExamSubject Paper) { int i = 0; Database db = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase(); string sqlCommand = "USP_random_exam_subject_I"; DbCommand dbCommand = db.GetStoredProcCommand(sqlCommand); db.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "p_random_exam_ID", DbType.Int32, Paper.RandomExamId); db.AddOutParameter(dbCommand, "p_random_exam_Subject_Id", DbType.Int32, Paper.RandomExamSubjectId); db.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "p_Order_Index", DbType.String, Paper.OrderIndex); db.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "p_Item_Count", DbType.Int32, Paper.ItemCount); db.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "p_Item_Type_Id", DbType.Int32, Paper.ItemTypeId); db.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "p_Remark", DbType.String, Paper.Remark); db.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "p_Subject_Name", DbType.String, Paper.SubjectName); db.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "p_Total_Score", DbType.Decimal, Paper.TotalScore); db.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "p_Unit_Score", DbType.Decimal, Paper.UnitScore); db.AddInParameter(dbCommand, "p_memo", DbType.String, Paper.Memo); DbConnection connection = db.CreateConnection(); connection.Open(); DbTransaction transaction = connection.BeginTransaction(); try { db.ExecuteNonQuery(dbCommand, transaction); i = (int)db.GetParameterValue(dbCommand, "p_random_exam_subject_Id"); transaction.Commit(); } catch (System.SystemException ex) { transaction.Rollback(); throw ex; } connection.Close(); return(i); }
protected void FillPaper() { // QueryString id stands for EXAM_RESULT_ID string strId = Request.QueryString.Get("id"); string orgid = Request.QueryString.Get("orgid"); // Not pass id if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strId)) { SessionSet.PageMessage = "参数错误!"; return; } RandomExamResultBLL randomExamResultBLL = new RandomExamResultBLL(); RandomExamResult randomExamResult = new RandomExamResult(); randomExamResult = randomExamResultBLL.GetRandomExamResultStation(int.Parse(strId)); int RandomExamId = randomExamResult.RandomExamId; int randomExamResultId = int.Parse(strId); RandomExamBLL objBll = new RandomExamBLL(); int year = objBll.GetExam(RandomExamId).BeginTime.Year; RandomExamItemBLL randomItemBLL = new RandomExamItemBLL(); RandomExamSubjectBLL subjectBLL = new RandomExamSubjectBLL(); IList <RandomExamSubject> randomExamSubjects = subjectBLL.GetRandomExamSubjectByRandomExamId(RandomExamId); //RandomExamResultAnswerBLL randomExamResultAnswerBLL = new RandomExamResultAnswerBLL(); //IList<RandomExamResultAnswer> examResultAnswers = new List<RandomExamResultAnswer>(); //if (ViewState["NowOrgID"].ToString() != orgid) //{ // examResultAnswers = randomExamResultAnswerBLL.GetExamResultAnswersStation(randomExamResultId); //} //else //{ // examResultAnswers = randomExamResultAnswerBLL.GetExamResultAnswers(randomExamResultId); //} IList <RandomExamItem> TotalItems = new List <RandomExamItem>(); //按年取出每张试卷的Random_Exam_Item_Year 表中的记录 if (ViewState["NowOrgID"].ToString() != orgid) { TotalItems = randomItemBLL.GetItemsStation(0, randomExamResultId, year); } else { TotalItems = randomItemBLL.GetItems(0, randomExamResultId, year); } OracleAccess db = new OracleAccess(); //按考试取出每张试卷的完形填空子题 string strSql = "select * from Random_Exam_Item_" + year + " where Type_ID=" + PrjPub.ITEMTYPE_FILLBLANKDETAIL + " and Random_Exam_ID=" + RandomExamId; DataTable dtDetail = db.RunSqlDataSet(strSql).Tables[0]; //按考试取出每张试卷的完形填空主题 //strSql = "select * from Random_Exam_Item_" + year + " where Type_ID="+ PrjPub.ITEMTYPE_FILLBLANK +" and Random_Exam_ID=" + RandomExamId; //DataTable dt= db.RunSqlDataSet(strSql).Tables[0]; int z = 1; int hasyear = 0; if (randomExamSubjects != null) { for (int i = 0; i < randomExamSubjects.Count; i++) { RandomExamSubject paperSubject = randomExamSubjects[i]; IList <RandomExamItem> PaperItems = new List <RandomExamItem>(); PaperItems = GetSubjectItems(TotalItems, paperSubject.RandomExamSubjectId); if (ViewState["NowOrgID"].ToString() != orgid) { //PaperItems = randomItemBLL.GetItemsStation(paperSubject.RandomExamSubjectId, randomExamResultId, year); hasyear = 1; } else { //PaperItems = randomItemBLL.GetItems(paperSubject.RandomExamSubjectId, randomExamResultId, year); hasyear = 0; } Response.Write("<table width='100%'>"); Response.Write(" <tr > <td class='ExamBigTitle' >"); Response.Write(" " + GetNo(i) + ""); Response.Write(". " + paperSubject.SubjectName + ""); Response.Write(" (共" + paperSubject.ItemCount + "题,共" + System.String.Format("{0:0.##}", paperSubject.ItemCount * paperSubject.UnitScore) + "分)</td></tr >"); if (PaperItems != null) { int x = 1; for (int j = 0; j < PaperItems.Count; j++) { RandomExamItem paperItem = PaperItems[j]; int k = j + 1; if (paperItem.TypeId != 5) { if (paperItem.TypeId == 4) { k = x; x++; } z = 1; Response.Write("<tr > <td class='ExamResultItem'><a name='Test" + i + j + "' id='Test" + i + j + "'></a> " + k + ". " + paperItem.Content + " (" + System.String.Format("{0:0.##}", paperSubject.UnitScore) + "分)</td></tr >"); } else { //string strSql = "select * from Random_Exam_Item_" + year + " where Item_ID='" + // paperItem.ItemId + "' and Random_Exam_ID=" + RandomExamId; //DataRow dr = db.RunSqlDataSet(strSql).Tables[0].Rows[0]; //IList<RandomExamItem> randomExamItems = randomItemBLL.GetItemsByParentItemID(Convert.ToInt32(dr["Parent_Item_ID"]), RandomExamId, year); //查找当前完型子题的主题ID DataRow[] drsDetail = dtDetail.Select("Item_ID=" + paperItem.ItemId); int detailCount = 0; if (drsDetail.Length > 0) { //通过完形填空的主题ID查找完形填空的子题个数,为计算每个子题分数做准备 DataRow[] drs = dtDetail.Select("Parent_Item_ID=" + drsDetail[0]["Parent_Item_ID"]); detailCount = drs.Length; } Response.Write("<tr > <td class='ExamResultItem'><a name='Test" + i + j + "' id='Test" + i + j + "'></a> "//+ z + "). " + paperItem.Content + " (" + System.String.Format("{0:0.##}", (decimal)paperSubject.UnitScore / (decimal)detailCount) + "分)</td></tr >"); z++; } string[] strUserAnswers = new string[0]; string strUserAnswer = string.Empty; // 组织用户答案 //RandomExamResultAnswer theExamResultAnswer = null; //foreach (RandomExamResultAnswer resultAnswer in examResultAnswers) //{ // if (resultAnswer.RandomExamItemId == paperItem.RandomExamItemId) // { // theExamResultAnswer = resultAnswer; // break; // } //} //// 若子表无记录,结束页面输出 //if (theExamResultAnswer == null) //{ // SessionSet.PageMessage = "数据错误!"; //} //// 否则组织考生答案 //if (theExamResultAnswer.Answer != null || theExamResultAnswer.Answer == string.Empty) //{ // strUserAnswers = theExamResultAnswer.Answer.Split(new char[] { '|' }); //} if (paperItem.Answer == null) { SessionSet.PageMessage = "数据错误!"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(paperItem.Answer)) { strUserAnswers = paperItem.Answer.Split(new char[] { '|' }); } for (int n = 0; n < strUserAnswers.Length; n++) { string strN = intToString(int.Parse(strUserAnswers[n]) + 1); if (n == 0) { strUserAnswer += strN; } else { strUserAnswer += "," + strN; } } //多选 if (paperSubject.ItemTypeId == PrjPub.ITEMTYPE_MULTICHOOSE) { string[] strAnswer = paperItem.SelectAnswer.Split(new char[] { '|' }); for (int n = 0; n < strAnswer.Length; n++) { string strN = intToString(n + 1); string strij = "-" + paperItem.RandomExamItemId + "-" + i.ToString() + "-" + j.ToString() + "-" + n.ToString(); string strName = i.ToString() + j.ToString(); Response.Write(" <tr ><td class='ExamItemAnswer'> " + strN + "." + strAnswer[n] + "</td></tr >"); } } else if (paperSubject.ItemTypeId == PrjPub.ITEMTYPE_JUDGE || paperSubject.ItemTypeId == PrjPub.ITEMTYPE_SINGLECHOOSE || paperItem.TypeId == 5) { //单选 string[] strAnswer = paperItem.SelectAnswer.Split(new char[] { '|' }); for (int n = 0; n < strAnswer.Length; n++) { string strN = intToString(n + 1); Response.Write("<tr > <td class='ExamItemAnswer'> " + strN + "." + strAnswer[n] + "</td></tr >"); } } if (paperSubject.ItemTypeId == 1 || paperSubject.ItemTypeId == 2 || paperSubject.ItemTypeId == 3 || paperItem.TypeId == 5) { // 组织正确答案 string[] strRightAnswers = paperItem.StandardAnswer.Split(new char[] { '|' }); string strRightAnswer = ""; for (int n = 0; n < strRightAnswers.Length; n++) { string strN = intToString(int.Parse(strRightAnswers[n]) + 1); if (n == 0) { strRightAnswer += strN; } else { strRightAnswer += "," + strN; } } string strScore = "0"; string couldScore = "0"; if (paperItem.TypeId == 5) { if (strRightAnswer == strUserAnswer) { strScore = System.String.Format("{0:0.##}", paperItem.Score); } couldScore = paperItem.Score.ToString(); } else { if (strRightAnswer == strUserAnswer) { strScore = System.String.Format("{0:0.##}", paperSubject.UnitScore); } couldScore = paperSubject.UnitScore.ToString(); } if (strScore == "0") { if (hfLoginEmployeeID.Value == "0") { string strFirst = @""""; Response.Write(" <tr><td id='span-" + paperItem.RandomExamItemId + "' class='ExamAnswerZero'> ★标准答案:" + "<span id='span-" + paperItem.RandomExamItemId + "-0' name='span-" + paperItem.RandomExamItemId + "'>" + strRightAnswer + "</span> 考生答案:" + "<span id='span-" + paperItem.RandomExamItemId + "-1' name='span-" + paperItem.RandomExamItemId + "'>" + strUserAnswer + "</span> 得分:" + "<span id='span-" + paperItem.RandomExamItemId + "-2'>" + strScore + "</span>" + " <a id='a-" + paperItem.RandomExamItemId + "' onclick=" + strFirst + "updateScore(" + randomExamResultId + "," + paperItem.RandomExamItemId + "," + couldScore + ",'" + paperItem.StandardAnswer + "'," + hasyear + ")" + strFirst + " href='#Test" + i + j + "' style='cursor: hand;'>更改考生答案</a></td></tr>"); } else { Response.Write(" <tr><td class='ExamAnswerZero'> ★标准答案:" + "<span id='span-" + paperItem.RandomExamItemId + "-0' name='span-" + paperItem.RandomExamItemId + "'>" + strRightAnswer + "</span> 考生答案:" + "<span id='span-" + paperItem.RandomExamItemId + "-1' name='span-" + paperItem.RandomExamItemId + "'>" + strUserAnswer + "</span> 得分:" + "<span id='span-" + paperItem.RandomExamItemId + "-2'>" + strScore + "</span></td></tr>"); } } else { Response.Write(" <tr><td class='ExamAnswer'> ★标准答案:" + "<span id='span-" + paperItem.RandomExamItemId + "-0' name='span-" + paperItem.RandomExamItemId + "'>" + strRightAnswer + "</span> 考生答案:" + "<span id='span-" + paperItem.RandomExamItemId + "-1' name='span-" + paperItem.RandomExamItemId + "'>" + strUserAnswer + "</span> 得分:" + strScore + "</td></tr>"); } } } } Response.Write(" </table> "); } } else { SessionSet.PageMessage = "数据错误!"; return; } }
protected void FillPaper() { string strId = Request.QueryString.Get("id"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strId)) { SessionSet.PageMessage = "缺少参数!"; return; } RandomExamItemBLL randomItemBLL = new RandomExamItemBLL(); RandomExamSubjectBLL subjectBLL = new RandomExamSubjectBLL(); RandomExamStrategyBLL strategyBLL = new RandomExamStrategyBLL(); IList <RandomExamSubject> randomExamSubjects = subjectBLL.GetRandomExamSubjectByRandomExamId(int.Parse(strId)); if (randomExamSubjects != null) { Hashtable hashTableItemIds = new Hashtable(); for (int i = 0; i < randomExamSubjects.Count; i++) { RandomExamSubject paperSubject = randomExamSubjects[i]; int nSubjectId = paperSubject.RandomExamSubjectId; // int nItemCount = paperSubject.ItemCount; Hashtable htSubjectItemIds = new Hashtable(); IList <RandomExamStrategy> strategys = strategyBLL.GetRandomExamStrategys(nSubjectId); for (int j = 0; j < strategys.Count; j++) { int nStrategyId = strategys[j].RandomExamStrategyId; int nItemCount = strategys[j].ItemCount; IList <RandomExamItem> itemList = randomItemBLL.GetItemsByStrategyId(nStrategyId, Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["Year"].ToString())); // IList<RandomExamItem> itemList = randomItemBLL.GetItemsBySubjectId(nSubjectId); Random ObjRandom = new Random(); Hashtable hashTable = new Hashtable(); Hashtable hashTableCount = new Hashtable(); while (hashTable.Count < nItemCount) { int k = ObjRandom.Next(itemList.Count); hashTableCount[k] = k; int itemID = itemList[k].ItemId; int examItemID = itemList[k].RandomExamItemId; if (!hashTableItemIds.ContainsKey(itemID)) { hashTable[examItemID] = examItemID; hashTableItemIds[itemID] = itemID; htSubjectItemIds[examItemID] = examItemID; } if (hashTableCount.Count == itemList.Count && hashTable.Count < nItemCount) { SessionSet.PageMessage = "随机考试在设定的取题范围内的试题量不够,请重新设置取题范围!"; return; } } } IList <RandomExamItem> paperItems = new List <RandomExamItem>(); foreach (int key in htSubjectItemIds.Keys) { string strItemId = htSubjectItemIds[key].ToString(); RandomExamItem item = randomItemBLL.GetRandomExamItem(int.Parse(strItemId), Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["Year"].ToString())); paperItems.Add(item); } Response.Write("<table width='95%' class='ExamContent'>"); Response.Write(" <tr> <td class='ExamBigTitle' >"); Response.Write(" " + GetNo(i) + ""); Response.Write("、" + paperSubject.SubjectName + ""); Response.Write(" (共" + paperItems.Count + "题,共" + paperItems.Count * paperSubject.UnitScore + "分)</td></tr >"); if (paperItems != null) { int y = 1; for (int j = 0; j < paperItems.Count; j++) { RandomExamItem paperItem = paperItems[j]; int k = j + 1; if (paperItem.TypeId == PrjPub.ITEMTYPE_FILLBLANK) { k = y; y++; } else if (paperItem.TypeId == PrjPub.ITEMTYPE_FILLBLANKDETAIL) { continue; } Response.Write("<tr><td class='ExamItem'> " + k + ". " + paperItem.Content + " (" + paperSubject.UnitScore + "分)</td></tr >"); if (paperSubject.ItemTypeId == PrjPub.ITEMTYPE_MULTICHOOSE) //多选 { string[] strAnswer = paperItem.SelectAnswer.Split(new char[] { '|' }); for (int n = 0; n < strAnswer.Length; n++) { string strN = intToString(n + 1); string strij = "-" + paperItem.RandomExamItemId + "-" + i.ToString() + "-" + j.ToString() + "-" + n.ToString(); string strName = i.ToString() + j.ToString(); Response.Write( "<tr><td class='ExamItemAnswer'> <input type='checkbox' id='Answer" + strij + "' name='Answer" + strName + "'> " + strN + "." + strAnswer[n] + "</td></tr>"); } } else if (paperSubject.ItemTypeId == PrjPub.ITEMTYPE_SINGLECHOOSE || paperSubject.ItemTypeId == PrjPub.ITEMTYPE_JUDGE) //单选 { string[] strAnswer = paperItem.SelectAnswer.Split(new char[] { '|' }); for (int n = 0; n < strAnswer.Length; n++) { string strN = intToString(n + 1); string strij = "-" + paperItem.RandomExamItemId + "-" + i.ToString() + "-" + j.ToString() + "-" + n.ToString(); string strName = i.ToString() + j.ToString(); Response.Write( "<tr><td class='ExamItemAnswer'> <input type='Radio' id='RAnswer" + strij + "' name='RAnswer" + strName + "'> " + strN + "." + strAnswer[n] + "</td></tr>"); } } else if (paperSubject.ItemTypeId == PrjPub.ITEMTYPE_FILLBLANK) { IList <RandomExamItem> randomExamItems = randomItemBLL.GetItemsByParentItemID(paperItem.ItemId, Convert.ToInt32(strId), Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["Year"].ToString())); int z = 1; foreach (RandomExamItem randomExamItem in randomExamItems) { Response.Write("<tr><td class='ExamItem'> (" + z + "). " + randomExamItem.Content + " (" + System.String.Format("{0:0.##}", (decimal)paperSubject.UnitScore / (decimal)randomExamItems.Count) + "分)</td></tr >"); string[] strAnswer = randomExamItem.SelectAnswer.Split(new char[] { '|' }); for (int n = 0; n < strAnswer.Length; n++) { string strN = intToString(n + 1); string strij = "-" + randomExamItem.RandomExamItemId + "-" + i.ToString() + "-" + j.ToString() + "-" + n.ToString() + "-" + z.ToString(); string strName = i.ToString() + j.ToString() + z.ToString(); Response.Write( "<tr><td class='ExamItemAnswer'> <input type='Radio' id='RAnswer" + strij + "' name='RAnswer" + strName + "'> " + strN + "." + strAnswer[n] + "</td></tr>"); } z++; } } else { Response.Write( "<tr><td class='ExamItemAnswer'> <textarea id='" + paperItem.RandomExamItemId + "' rows='5' cols='120' ></textarea></td></tr>"); } } } Response.Write("</table>"); } Response.Write(" <div class='ExamButton'><input id='btnClose' class='button' name='btnClose' type='button' value='关闭' onclick='Save()' /></div>"); } else { SessionSet.PageMessage = "未找到记录!"; } }
private void GetPaper() { // 根据 ProgressBar.htm 显示进度条界面 string templateFileName = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("."), "ProgressBar.htm"); StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(@templateFileName, System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("gb2312")); string html = reader.ReadToEnd(); reader.Close(); Response.Write(html); Response.Flush(); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(200); string jsBlock; ViewState["BeginTime"] = DateTime.Now.ToString(); string strId = Request.QueryString.Get("RandomExamID"); //获取当前考试的生成试卷的状态和次数 RandomExamBLL objBll = new RandomExamBLL(); RailExam.Model.RandomExam obj = objBll.GetExam(Convert.ToInt32(strId)); int year = obj.BeginTime.Year; int ExamCount = obj.MaxExamTimes; RandomExamArrangeBLL eaBll = new RandomExamArrangeBLL(); IList <RailExam.Model.RandomExamArrange> ExamArranges = eaBll.GetRandomExamArranges(int.Parse(strId)); string strChooseID = ""; OracleAccess db = new OracleAccess(); OracleAccess dbCenter = new OracleAccess(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["OracleCenter"].ConnectionString); string strSql; if (ExamArranges.Count > 0) { strSql = "select a.* from Random_Exam_Arrange_Detail a " + " inner join Computer_Room b on a.Computer_Room_ID=b.Computer_Room_ID" + " inner join Computer_Server c on c.Computer_server_ID=b.Computer_Server_ID" + " where c.Computer_Server_No='" + PrjPub.ServerNo + "' " + " and Random_Exam_ID=" + strId; DataSet ds = db.RunSqlDataSet(strSql); foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strChooseID)) { strChooseID += dr["User_Ids"].ToString(); } else { strChooseID += "," + dr["User_Ids"]; } } } else { strChooseID = ""; } if (strChooseID == "") { Response.Write("<script>top.returnValue='本场考试未在本单位安排考生!';window.close();</script>"); return; } if (db.GetCount("RANDOM_EXAM_ITEM_TEMP_" + year, "TABLE") == 0) { strSql = "create table RANDOM_EXAM_ITEM_TEMP_" + year + " as select * from RANDOM_EXAM_ITEM_" + year + " where 1=2 "; db.ExecuteNonQuery(strSql); } strSql = "insert into RANDOM_EXAM_ITEM_TEMP_" + year + " select * from RANDOM_EXAM_ITEM_" + year + " where Random_Exam_ID=" + strId; db.ExecuteNonQuery(strSql); if (!PrjPub.IsServerCenter) { if (dbCenter.GetCount("RANDOM_EXAM_ITEM_TEMP_" + year, "TABLE") == 0) { strSql = "create table RANDOM_EXAM_ITEM_TEMP_" + year + " as select * from RANDOM_EXAM_ITEM_" + year + " where 1=2 "; dbCenter.ExecuteNonQuery(strSql); } strSql = "insert into RANDOM_EXAM_ITEM_TEMP_" + year + " select * from RANDOM_EXAM_ITEM_" + year + " where Random_Exam_ID=" + strId; dbCenter.ExecuteNonQuery(strSql); } System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(10); jsBlock = "<script>SetPorgressBar('正在计算生成试卷数量,请等待......','" + ((1 * 100) / ((double)2) + "'); </script>"); Response.Write(jsBlock); Response.Flush(); //每次生成试卷之前删除已生成的考试试卷 RandomExamResultCurrentBLL randomExamResultBLL = new RandomExamResultCurrentBLL(); randomExamResultBLL.DelRandomExamResultCurrent(Convert.ToInt32(strId)); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(10); jsBlock = "<script>SetPorgressBar('正在计算生成试卷数量,请等待......','" + ((2 * 100) / ((double)2) + "'); </script>"); Response.Write(jsBlock); Response.Flush(); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(200); jsBlock = string.Empty; string[] str = strChooseID.Split(','); RandomExamResultAnswerCurrentBLL randomExamResultAnswerBLL = new RandomExamResultAnswerCurrentBLL(); //定义全局答卷对象List IList <RandomExamResultAnswerCurrent> randomExamResultAnswersCurrentAll = new List <RandomExamResultAnswerCurrent>(); //定义一个考生一次答卷对象List IList <RandomExamResultAnswerCurrent> randomExamResultAnswers = null; int progressNum = 1; for (int n = 1; n <= ExamCount; n++) { for (int m = 0; m < str.Length; m++) { RandomExamResultCurrent randomExamResult = new RandomExamResultCurrent(); randomExamResult.RandomExamId = int.Parse(strId); randomExamResult.AutoScore = 0; randomExamResult.BeginDateTime = DateTime.Parse(ViewState["BeginTime"].ToString()); randomExamResult.CurrentDateTime = DateTime.Parse(ViewState["BeginTime"].ToString()); randomExamResult.ExamTime = 0; randomExamResult.EndDateTime = DateTime.Parse(ViewState["BeginTime"].ToString()); randomExamResult.Score = 0; randomExamResult.OrganizationId = int.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["StationID"]); randomExamResult.Memo = ""; randomExamResult.StatusId = 0; randomExamResult.AutoScore = 0; randomExamResult.CorrectRate = 0; randomExamResult.ExamineeId = int.Parse(str[m]); randomExamResult.ExamSeqNo = n; int nRandomExamResultPK = randomExamResultBLL.AddRandomExamResultCurrent(randomExamResult); ViewState["RandomExamResultPK"] = nRandomExamResultPK; strSql = "select a.* from Random_Exam_Arrange_Detail a " + " where ','||User_Ids||',' like '%," + str[m] + ",%' " + " and Random_Exam_ID=" + strId; DataRow dr = db.RunSqlDataSet(strSql).Tables[0].Rows[0]; //strSql = "insert into Random_Exam_Result_Detail(Random_Exam_Result_Detail_ID," // + "Random_Exam_Result_ID,Random_Exam_ID,Employee_ID,Computer_Room_SEAT,Computer_Room_ID) " // + "values(Random_Exam_Result_Detail_SEQ.NextVal," // + nRandomExamResultPK + "," // + randomExamResult.RandomExamId + "," // + randomExamResult.ExamineeId + "," // + "0," + dr["Computer_Room_ID"] + ") "; //db.ExecuteNonQuery(strSql); strSql = "insert into Random_Exam_Result_Detail_Temp(Random_Exam_Result_Detail_ID," + "Random_Exam_Result_ID,Random_Exam_ID,Employee_ID,Computer_Room_SEAT,Computer_Room_ID,Is_Remove) " + "values(Random_Exam_Result_Detail_SEQ.NextVal," + nRandomExamResultPK + "," + randomExamResult.RandomExamId + "," + randomExamResult.ExamineeId + "," + "0," + dr["Computer_Room_ID"] + ",0) "; db.ExecuteNonQuery(strSql); RandomExamItemBLL randomItemBLL = new RandomExamItemBLL(); RandomExamSubjectBLL subjectBLL = new RandomExamSubjectBLL(); RandomExamStrategyBLL strategyBLL = new RandomExamStrategyBLL(); IList <RandomExamSubject> randomExamSubjects = subjectBLL.GetRandomExamSubjectByRandomExamId(int.Parse(strId)); if (randomExamSubjects != null) { Hashtable hashTableItemIds = new Hashtable(); Hashtable htSubjectItemIds = new Hashtable(); for (int i = 0; i < randomExamSubjects.Count; i++) { RandomExamSubject paperSubject = randomExamSubjects[i]; int nSubjectId = paperSubject.RandomExamSubjectId; // int nItemCount = paperSubject.ItemCount; IList <RandomExamStrategy> strategys = strategyBLL.GetRandomExamStrategys(nSubjectId); for (int j = 0; j < strategys.Count; j++) { int nStrategyId = strategys[j].RandomExamStrategyId; int nItemCount = strategys[j].ItemCount; IList <RandomExamItem> itemList = randomItemBLL.GetItemsByStrategyId(nStrategyId, year); // IList<RandomExamItem> itemList = randomItemBLL.GetItemsBySubjectId(nSubjectId); Random ObjRandom = new Random(); Hashtable hashTable = new Hashtable(); Hashtable hashTableCount = new Hashtable(); int index = 0; while (hashTable.Count < nItemCount) { int k = ObjRandom.Next(itemList.Count); hashTableCount[index] = k; index = index + 1; int itemID = itemList[k].ItemId; int examItemID = itemList[k].RandomExamItemId; if (!hashTableItemIds.ContainsKey(itemID)) { hashTable[examItemID] = examItemID; hashTableItemIds[itemID] = itemID; htSubjectItemIds[examItemID] = examItemID; } //if (hashTableCount.Count == itemList.Count && hashTable.Count < nItemCount) //{ // SessionSet.PageMessage = "随机考试在设定的取题范围内的试题量不够,请重新设置取题范围!"; // return; //} } } } foreach (int key in htSubjectItemIds.Keys) { string strItemId = htSubjectItemIds[key].ToString(); RandomExamItem item = randomItemBLL.GetRandomExamItem(Convert.ToInt32(strItemId), year); string nowSelectAnswer = string.Empty; string nowStandardAnswer = string.Empty; if (item.TypeId != PrjPub.ITEMTYPE_FILLBLANK) { Pub.GetNowAnswer(item, out nowSelectAnswer, out nowStandardAnswer); } RandomExamResultAnswerCurrent randomExamResultAnswer = new RandomExamResultAnswerCurrent(); randomExamResultAnswer.RandomExamResultId = nRandomExamResultPK; randomExamResultAnswer.RandomExamItemId = int.Parse(strItemId); randomExamResultAnswer.JudgeStatusId = 0; randomExamResultAnswer.JudgeRemark = string.Empty; randomExamResultAnswer.ExamTime = 0; randomExamResultAnswer.Answer = string.Empty; randomExamResultAnswer.SelectAnswer = nowSelectAnswer; randomExamResultAnswer.StandardAnswer = nowStandardAnswer; randomExamResultAnswerBLL.AddExamResultAnswerCurrent(randomExamResultAnswer); //完型填空子题 IList <RandomExamItem> randomExamItems = randomItemBLL.GetItemsByParentItemID(item.ItemId, obj.RandomExamId, year); foreach (RandomExamItem randomExamItem in randomExamItems) { Pub.GetNowAnswer(randomExamItem, out nowSelectAnswer, out nowStandardAnswer); randomExamResultAnswer = new RandomExamResultAnswerCurrent(); randomExamResultAnswer.RandomExamResultId = nRandomExamResultPK; randomExamResultAnswer.RandomExamItemId = randomExamItem.RandomExamItemId; randomExamResultAnswer.JudgeStatusId = 0; randomExamResultAnswer.JudgeRemark = string.Empty; randomExamResultAnswer.ExamTime = 0; randomExamResultAnswer.Answer = string.Empty; randomExamResultAnswer.SelectAnswer = nowSelectAnswer; randomExamResultAnswer.StandardAnswer = nowStandardAnswer; randomExamResultAnswerBLL.AddExamResultAnswerCurrent(randomExamResultAnswer); } System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(10); jsBlock = "<script>SetPorgressBar('正在生成试卷,请等待......','" + ((progressNum * 100) / ((double)ExamCount * str.Length * htSubjectItemIds.Count)).ToString("0.00") + "'); </script>"; Response.Write(jsBlock); Response.Flush(); progressNum++; } } else { SessionSet.PageMessage = "未找到记录!"; } } } bool isRefresh = true; try { objBll.UpdateHasPaper(Convert.ToInt32(strId), PrjPub.ServerNo, true); } catch { strSql = @" update Random_Exam_Computer_Server set has_paper=1 where random_exam_id=" + strId + @" and Computer_server_no='" + PrjPub.ServerNo + @"'"; dbCenter.ExecuteNonQuery(strSql); strSql = @"select count(*) from Random_Exam_Computer_Server where has_paper=1 and random_exam_id=" + strId; int count = Convert.ToInt32(dbCenter.RunSqlDataSet(strSql).Tables[0].Rows[0][0]); if (count > 0) { strSql = @"update Random_Exam set has_paper=1 where random_exam_id=" + strId; dbCenter.ExecuteNonQuery(strSql); } else { strSql = @"update Random_Exam set has_paper=0 where random_exam_id=" + strId; dbCenter.ExecuteNonQuery(strSql); } } //如果考试是随到随考,考试状态自动变为正在进行 if (obj.StartMode == 1) { try { objBll.UpdateIsStart(Convert.ToInt32(strId), PrjPub.ServerNo, 1); isRefresh = false; } catch { strSql = @" update Random_Exam_Computer_Server set Is_Start=1 where random_exam_id=" + strId + @" and Computer_server_no='" + PrjPub.ServerNo + @"'"; dbCenter.ExecuteNonQuery(strSql); strSql = @"select count(*) from Random_Exam_Computer_Server where random_exam_id=" + strId; int totalcount = Convert.ToInt32(dbCenter.RunSqlDataSet(strSql).Tables[0].Rows[0][0]); strSql = @"select count(*) from Random_Exam_Computer_Server where Is_Start=0 and random_exam_id=" + strId; int count = Convert.ToInt32(dbCenter.RunSqlDataSet(strSql).Tables[0].Rows[0][0]); if (totalcount == count) { strSql = @"update Random_Exam set Is_Start=0 where random_exam_id=" + strId; dbCenter.ExecuteNonQuery(strSql); } else { strSql = @"select count(*) from Random_Exam_Computer_Server where Is_Start=1 and random_exam_id=" + strId; count = Convert.ToInt32(dbCenter.RunSqlDataSet(strSql).Tables[0].Rows[0][0]); if (count > 0) { strSql = @"update Random_Exam set Is_Start=1 where random_exam_id=" + strId; dbCenter.ExecuteNonQuery(strSql); } else { strSql = @"select count(*) from Random_Exam_Computer_Server where Is_Start=2 and random_exam_id=" + strId; count = Convert.ToInt32(dbCenter.RunSqlDataSet(strSql).Tables[0].Rows[0][0]); if (count == totalcount) { strSql = @"update Random_Exam set Is_Start=2 where random_exam_id=" + strId; dbCenter.ExecuteNonQuery(strSql); } } } } } else { isRefresh = false; } if (isRefresh) { objBll.RandomExamRefresh(); } SystemLogBLL objLogBll = new SystemLogBLL(); objLogBll.WriteLog("“" + obj.ExamName + "”生成所有考试试卷"); Response.Write("<script>top.returnValue='true';top.close();</script>"); }
private void GetPaperAfter() { // 根据 ProgressBar.htm 显示进度条界面 string templateFileName = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("."), "ProgressBar.htm"); StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(@templateFileName, System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("gb2312")); string html = reader.ReadToEnd(); reader.Close(); Response.Write(html); Response.Flush(); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(200); ViewState["BeginTime"] = DateTime.Now.ToString(); string strId = Request.QueryString.Get("RandomExamID"); //获取当前考试的生成试卷的状态和次数 RandomExamBLL objBll = new RandomExamBLL(); RailExam.Model.RandomExam obj = objBll.GetExam(Convert.ToInt32(strId)); int year = obj.BeginTime.Year; int ExamCount = obj.MaxExamTimes; System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(10); string jsBlock = "<script>SetPorgressBar('正在计算生成试卷数量,请等待......','" + ((1 * 100) / ((double)1) + "'); </script>"); Response.Write(jsBlock); Response.Flush(); if (!PrjPub.IsServerCenter) { RandomExamArrangeBLL objArrangeBll = new RandomExamArrangeBLL(); objArrangeBll.RefreshRandomExamArrange(); } //RandomExamArrangeBLL eaBll = new RandomExamArrangeBLL(); //IList<RailExam.Model.RandomExamArrange> ExamArranges = eaBll.GetRandomExamArranges(int.Parse(strId)); //string strChooseID = ""; //if (ExamArranges.Count > 0) //{ // strChooseID = ExamArranges[0].UserIds; //} //else //{ // strChooseID = ""; //} //RandomExamResultCurrentBLL objResultCurrentBll = new RandomExamResultCurrentBLL(); //IList<RandomExamResultCurrent> examResults = objResultCurrentBll.GetRandomExamResultInfo(Convert.ToInt32(strId)); //for (int i = 0; i < examResults.Count; i++) //{ // strChooseID = ("," + strChooseID + ",").Replace("," + examResults[i].ExamineeId + ",", ","); //} //strChooseID = strChooseID.TrimStart(',').TrimEnd(','); string strChooseID = Request.QueryString.Get("addIds"); if (strChooseID == string.Empty) { return; } string[] str = strChooseID.Split('|'); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(10); jsBlock = "<script>SetPorgressBar('正在计算生成试卷数量,请等待......','" + ((2 * 100) / ((double)2) + "'); </script>"); Response.Write(jsBlock); Response.Flush(); OracleAccess db = new OracleAccess(); string strSql; RandomExamResultAnswerCurrentBLL randomExamResultAnswerBLL = new RandomExamResultAnswerCurrentBLL(); //定义全局答卷对象List IList <RandomExamResultAnswerCurrent> randomExamResultAnswersCurrentAll = new List <RandomExamResultAnswerCurrent>(); //定义一个考生一次答卷对象List IList <RandomExamResultAnswerCurrent> randomExamResultAnswers = null; System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(200); jsBlock = string.Empty; int progressNum = 1; for (int n = 1; n <= ExamCount; n++) { for (int m = 0; m < str.Length; m++) { RandomExamResultCurrentBLL randomExamResultBLL = new RandomExamResultCurrentBLL(); RandomExamResultCurrent randomExamResult = new RandomExamResultCurrent(); randomExamResult.RandomExamId = int.Parse(strId); randomExamResult.AutoScore = 0; randomExamResult.BeginDateTime = DateTime.Parse(ViewState["BeginTime"].ToString()); randomExamResult.CurrentDateTime = DateTime.Parse(ViewState["BeginTime"].ToString()); randomExamResult.ExamTime = 0; randomExamResult.EndDateTime = DateTime.Parse(ViewState["BeginTime"].ToString()); randomExamResult.Score = 0; randomExamResult.OrganizationId = int.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["StationID"]); randomExamResult.Memo = ""; randomExamResult.StatusId = 0; randomExamResult.AutoScore = 0; randomExamResult.CorrectRate = 0; randomExamResult.ExamineeId = int.Parse(str[m]); randomExamResult.ExamSeqNo = n; int nRandomExamResultPK = randomExamResultBLL.AddRandomExamResultCurrent(randomExamResult); ViewState["RandomExamResultPK"] = nRandomExamResultPK; strSql = "select a.* from Random_Exam_Arrange_Detail a " + " where ','||User_Ids||',' like '%," + str[m] + ",%' " + " and Random_Exam_ID=" + strId; DataRow dr = db.RunSqlDataSet(strSql).Tables[0].Rows[0]; //strSql = "insert into Random_Exam_Result_Detail(Random_Exam_Result_Detail_ID," // + "Random_Exam_Result_ID,Random_Exam_ID,Employee_ID,Computer_Room_SEAT,Computer_Room_ID) " // + "values(Random_Exam_Result_Detail_SEQ.NextVal," // + nRandomExamResultPK + "," // + randomExamResult.RandomExamId + "," // + randomExamResult.ExamineeId + "," // + "0," + dr["Computer_Room_ID"] + ") "; //db.ExecuteNonQuery(strSql); strSql = "insert into Random_Exam_Result_Detail_Temp(Random_Exam_Result_Detail_ID," + "Random_Exam_Result_ID,Random_Exam_ID,Employee_ID,Computer_Room_SEAT,Computer_Room_ID,Is_Remove) " + "values(Random_Exam_Result_Detail_SEQ.NextVal," + nRandomExamResultPK + "," + randomExamResult.RandomExamId + "," + randomExamResult.ExamineeId + "," + "0," + dr["Computer_Room_ID"] + ",0) "; db.ExecuteNonQuery(strSql); RandomExamItemBLL randomItemBLL = new RandomExamItemBLL(); RandomExamSubjectBLL subjectBLL = new RandomExamSubjectBLL(); RandomExamStrategyBLL strategyBLL = new RandomExamStrategyBLL(); IList <RandomExamSubject> randomExamSubjects = subjectBLL.GetRandomExamSubjectByRandomExamId(int.Parse(strId)); if (randomExamSubjects != null) { Hashtable hashTableItemIds = new Hashtable(); Hashtable htSubjectItemIds = new Hashtable(); for (int i = 0; i < randomExamSubjects.Count; i++) { RandomExamSubject paperSubject = randomExamSubjects[i]; int nSubjectId = paperSubject.RandomExamSubjectId; // int nItemCount = paperSubject.ItemCount; IList <RandomExamStrategy> strategys = strategyBLL.GetRandomExamStrategys(nSubjectId); for (int j = 0; j < strategys.Count; j++) { int nStrategyId = strategys[j].RandomExamStrategyId; int nItemCount = strategys[j].ItemCount; IList <RandomExamItem> itemList = randomItemBLL.GetItemsByStrategyId(nStrategyId, year); // IList<RandomExamItem> itemList = randomItemBLL.GetItemsBySubjectId(nSubjectId); Random ObjRandom = new Random(); Hashtable hashTable = new Hashtable(); Hashtable hashTableCount = new Hashtable(); int index = 0; while (hashTable.Count < nItemCount) { int k = ObjRandom.Next(itemList.Count); hashTableCount[index] = k; index = index + 1; int itemID = itemList[k].ItemId; int examItemID = itemList[k].RandomExamItemId; if (!hashTableItemIds.ContainsKey(itemID)) { hashTable[examItemID] = examItemID; hashTableItemIds[itemID] = itemID; htSubjectItemIds[examItemID] = examItemID; } //if (hashTableCount.Count == itemList.Count && hashTable.Count < nItemCount) //{ // SessionSet.PageMessage = "随机考试在设定的取题范围内的试题量不够,请重新设置取题范围!"; // return; //} } } } randomExamResultAnswers = new List <RandomExamResultAnswerCurrent>(); foreach (int key in htSubjectItemIds.Keys) { string strItemId = htSubjectItemIds[key].ToString(); RandomExamItem item = randomItemBLL.GetRandomExamItem(Convert.ToInt32(strItemId), year); string nowSelectAnswer = string.Empty; string nowStandardAnswer = string.Empty; if (item.TypeId != PrjPub.ITEMTYPE_FILLBLANK) { Pub.GetNowAnswer(item, out nowSelectAnswer, out nowStandardAnswer); } RandomExamResultAnswerCurrent randomExamResultAnswer = new RandomExamResultAnswerCurrent(); randomExamResultAnswer.RandomExamResultId = nRandomExamResultPK; randomExamResultAnswer.RandomExamItemId = int.Parse(strItemId); randomExamResultAnswer.JudgeStatusId = 0; randomExamResultAnswer.JudgeRemark = string.Empty; randomExamResultAnswer.ExamTime = 0; randomExamResultAnswer.Answer = string.Empty; randomExamResultAnswer.SelectAnswer = nowSelectAnswer; randomExamResultAnswer.StandardAnswer = nowStandardAnswer; randomExamResultAnswerBLL.AddExamResultAnswerCurrent(randomExamResultAnswer); //完型填空子题 IList <RandomExamItem> randomExamItems = randomItemBLL.GetItemsByParentItemID(item.ItemId, obj.RandomExamId, year); foreach (RandomExamItem randomExamItem in randomExamItems) { Pub.GetNowAnswer(randomExamItem, out nowSelectAnswer, out nowStandardAnswer); randomExamResultAnswer = new RandomExamResultAnswerCurrent(); randomExamResultAnswer.RandomExamResultId = nRandomExamResultPK; randomExamResultAnswer.RandomExamItemId = randomExamItem.RandomExamItemId; randomExamResultAnswer.JudgeStatusId = 0; randomExamResultAnswer.JudgeRemark = string.Empty; randomExamResultAnswer.ExamTime = 0; randomExamResultAnswer.Answer = string.Empty; randomExamResultAnswer.SelectAnswer = nowSelectAnswer; randomExamResultAnswer.StandardAnswer = nowStandardAnswer; randomExamResultAnswerBLL.AddExamResultAnswerCurrent(randomExamResultAnswer); } System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(10); jsBlock = "<script>SetPorgressBar('正在生成试卷,请等待......','" + ((progressNum * 100) / ((double)ExamCount * str.Length * htSubjectItemIds.Count)).ToString("0.00") + "'); </script>"; Response.Write(jsBlock); Response.Flush(); progressNum++; } } else { SessionSet.PageMessage = "未找到记录!"; } } } //临时添加考生无需更改考试状态,因为考试状态肯定是正在进行和生成试卷 //objBll.UpdateHasPaper(Convert.ToInt32(strId), PrjPub.ServerNo, true); ////如果考试是随到随考,考试状态自动变为正在进行 //if (obj.StartMode == 1) //{ // objBll.UpdateIsStart(Convert.ToInt32(strId), PrjPub.ServerNo, 1); //} SystemLogBLL objLogBll = new SystemLogBLL(); objLogBll.WriteLog("“" + obj.ExamName + "”生成新增考生试卷"); Response.Write("<script>top.returnValue='true';top.close();</script>"); }
protected void btnInput_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (lbType.SelectedIndex < 0) { SessionSet.PageMessage = "请先选题型!"; return; } string strId = Request.QueryString.Get("id"); RandomExamSubjectBLL paperStrategySubjectBLL = new RandomExamSubjectBLL(); decimal totalScore = 0; IList <RandomExamSubject> paperStrategySubjects = new List <RandomExamSubject>(); for (int i = 0; i < Grid1.Rows.Count; i++) { string strPaperStrategySubjectId = ((HiddenField)Grid1.Rows[i].FindControl("hfPaperStrategySubjectId")).Value; string strItemTypeId = ((HiddenField)Grid1.Rows[i].FindControl("hfItemTypeId")).Value; string strSubjectName = ((TextBox)Grid1.Rows[i].FindControl("txtSubjectName")).Text; string strUnitScore = ((TextBox)Grid1.Rows[i].FindControl("txtUnitScore")).Text; string strItemCount = ((TextBox)Grid1.Rows[i].FindControl("txtItemCount")).Text; if (strUnitScore == "") { strUnitScore = "0"; } if (strItemCount == "") { strItemCount = "0"; } totalScore += Convert.ToDecimal(strUnitScore); RandomExamSubject paperStrategySubject = new RandomExamSubject(); paperStrategySubject.RandomExamSubjectId = int.Parse(strPaperStrategySubjectId); paperStrategySubject.RandomExamId = int.Parse(strId); paperStrategySubject.ItemCount = int.Parse(strItemCount); paperStrategySubject.ItemTypeId = int.Parse(strItemTypeId); paperStrategySubject.OrderIndex = 0; paperStrategySubject.Remark = ""; paperStrategySubject.SubjectName = strSubjectName; paperStrategySubject.UnitScore = Convert.ToDecimal(strUnitScore); paperStrategySubject.TotalScore = Convert.ToDecimal(strUnitScore); paperStrategySubject.Memo = ""; paperStrategySubjects.Add(paperStrategySubject); } if (paperStrategySubjects.Count > 0) { paperStrategySubjectBLL.UpdateRandomExamSubject(paperStrategySubjects); } RandomExamSubject RandomStrategySubject = new RandomExamSubject(); RandomStrategySubject.RandomExamId = int.Parse(strId); RandomStrategySubject.RandomExamSubjectId = Grid1.Rows.Count + 1; RandomStrategySubject.ItemTypeId = int.Parse(lbType.SelectedValue); RandomStrategySubject.TypeName = lbType.SelectedItem.Text; RandomStrategySubject.SubjectName = lbType.SelectedItem.Text; RandomStrategySubject.UnitScore = 0; RandomStrategySubject.TotalScore = 0; RandomStrategySubject.Memo = ""; RandomStrategySubject.ItemCount = 10; RandomStrategySubject.OrderIndex = 0; RandomStrategySubject.Remark = ""; paperStrategySubjectBLL.AddRandomExamSubject(RandomStrategySubject); Grid1.DataBind(); }
protected void btnSaveAndNext_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e) { string strId = Request.QueryString.Get("id"); string strMode = ViewState["mode"].ToString(); string strStartMode = ViewState["startmode"].ToString(); if (strMode != "ReadOnly") { if (Pub.HasPaper(Convert.ToInt32(strId))) { Response.Write("<script>alert('该考试已生成试卷,不能被编辑!');window.close();</script>"); return; } if (Grid1.Rows.Count == 0) { SessionSet.PageMessage = "请选择大题!"; return; } decimal totalScore = 0; IList <RandomExamSubject> paperStrategySubjects = new List <RandomExamSubject>(); int zeroCount = 0; int zeroItemCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < Grid1.Rows.Count; i++) { string strPaperStrategySubjectId = ((HiddenField)Grid1.Rows[i].FindControl("hfPaperStrategySubjectId")).Value; string strItemTypeId = ((HiddenField)Grid1.Rows[i].FindControl("hfItemTypeId")).Value; string strSubjectName = ((TextBox)Grid1.Rows[i].FindControl("txtSubjectName")).Text; string strUnitScore = ((TextBox)Grid1.Rows[i].FindControl("txtUnitScore")).Text; string strItemCount = ((TextBox)Grid1.Rows[i].FindControl("txtItemCount")).Text; if (strUnitScore == "") { strUnitScore = "0"; } if (strItemCount == "") { strItemCount = "0"; } totalScore += Convert.ToDecimal(strUnitScore); RandomExamSubject paperStrategySubject = new RandomExamSubject(); paperStrategySubject.RandomExamSubjectId = int.Parse(strPaperStrategySubjectId); paperStrategySubject.RandomExamId = int.Parse(strId); paperStrategySubject.ItemCount = int.Parse(strItemCount); paperStrategySubject.ItemTypeId = int.Parse(strItemTypeId); paperStrategySubject.OrderIndex = 0; paperStrategySubject.Remark = ""; paperStrategySubject.SubjectName = strSubjectName; paperStrategySubject.UnitScore = Convert.ToDecimal(strUnitScore); paperStrategySubject.TotalScore = Convert.ToDecimal(strUnitScore); paperStrategySubject.Memo = ""; if (strUnitScore == "0") { zeroCount++; } if (strItemCount == "0") { zeroItemCount++; } paperStrategySubjects.Add(paperStrategySubject); } if (zeroCount > 0) { SessionSet.PageMessage = "不能设置每题为0分的大题,请输入每题分数!"; return; } if (zeroItemCount > 0) { SessionSet.PageMessage = "不能设置题目数为0的大题,请输入大题题数!"; return; } RandomExamSubjectBLL paperStrategySubjectBLL = new RandomExamSubjectBLL(); paperStrategySubjectBLL.UpdateRandomExamSubject(paperStrategySubjects); } Response.Redirect("RandomExamManageThird.aspx?startmode=" + strStartMode + "&mode=" + strMode + "&id=" + strId); }
public void UpdateRandomExamSubject(RandomExamSubject RandomExamSubject) { dal.UpdateRandomExamSubject(RandomExamSubject); }
protected void FillPaper() { // QueryString id stands for EXAM_RESULT_ID string strId = Request.QueryString.Get("id"); string orgid = Request.QueryString.Get("orgid"); // Not pass id if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strId)) { SessionSet.PageMessage = "参数错误!"; return; } RandomExamResultCurrentBLL randomExamResultBLL = new RandomExamResultCurrentBLL(); RandomExamResultCurrent randomExamResult = new RandomExamResultCurrent(); randomExamResult = randomExamResultBLL.GetRandomExamResult(int.Parse(strId)); int RandomExamId = randomExamResult.RandomExamId; int randomExamResultId = int.Parse(strId); RandomExamBLL objBll = new RandomExamBLL(); int year = objBll.GetExam(RandomExamId).BeginTime.Year; RandomExamItemBLL randomItemBLL = new RandomExamItemBLL(); RandomExamSubjectBLL subjectBLL = new RandomExamSubjectBLL(); RandomExamResultAnswerCurrentBLL randomExamResultAnswerBLL = new RandomExamResultAnswerCurrentBLL(); IList <RandomExamSubject> randomExamSubjects = subjectBLL.GetRandomExamSubjectByRandomExamId(RandomExamId); IList <RandomExamResultAnswerCurrent> examResultAnswers = new List <RandomExamResultAnswerCurrent>(); examResultAnswers = randomExamResultAnswerBLL.GetExamResultAnswersCurrent(randomExamResultId); if (randomExamSubjects != null) { for (int i = 0; i < randomExamSubjects.Count; i++) { RandomExamSubject paperSubject = randomExamSubjects[i]; IList <RandomExamItem> PaperItems = new List <RandomExamItem>(); PaperItems = randomItemBLL.GetItemsCurrent(paperSubject.RandomExamSubjectId, randomExamResultId, year); Response.Write("<table width='100%'>"); Response.Write(" <tr > <td class='ExamBigTitle' >"); Response.Write(" " + GetNo(i) + ""); Response.Write(". " + paperSubject.SubjectName + ""); Response.Write(" (共" + paperSubject.ItemCount + "题,共" + System.String.Format("{0:0.##}", paperSubject.ItemCount * paperSubject.UnitScore) + "分)</td></tr >"); if (PaperItems != null) { for (int j = 0; j < PaperItems.Count; j++) { RandomExamItem paperItem = PaperItems[j]; int k = j + 1; Response.Write("<tr > <td class='ExamResultItem'> " + k + ". " + paperItem.Content + " (" + System.String.Format("{0:0.##}", paperSubject.UnitScore) + "分)</td></tr >"); // 组织用户答案 RandomExamResultAnswerCurrent theExamResultAnswer = null; string[] strUserAnswers = new string[0]; string strUserAnswer = string.Empty; foreach (RandomExamResultAnswerCurrent resultAnswer in examResultAnswers) { if (resultAnswer.RandomExamItemId == paperItem.RandomExamItemId) { theExamResultAnswer = resultAnswer; break; } } // 若子表无记录,结束页面输出 if (theExamResultAnswer == null) { SessionSet.PageMessage = "数据错误!"; } // 否则组织考生答案 if (theExamResultAnswer.Answer != null || theExamResultAnswer.Answer == string.Empty) { strUserAnswers = theExamResultAnswer.Answer.Split(new char[] { '|' }); } for (int n = 0; n < strUserAnswers.Length; n++) { string strN = intToString(int.Parse(strUserAnswers[n]) + 1); if (n == 0) { strUserAnswer += strN; } else { strUserAnswer += "," + strN; } } //多选 if (paperSubject.ItemTypeId == 2) { string[] strAnswer = paperItem.SelectAnswer.Split(new char[] { '|' }); for (int n = 0; n < strAnswer.Length; n++) { string strN = intToString(n + 1); string strij = "-" + paperItem.RandomExamItemId + "-" + i.ToString() + "-" + j.ToString() + "-" + n.ToString(); string strName = i.ToString() + j.ToString(); Response.Write(" <tr ><td class='ExamItemAnswer'> " + strN + "." + strAnswer[n] + "</td></tr >"); } } else { //单选 string[] strAnswer = paperItem.SelectAnswer.Split(new char[] { '|' }); for (int n = 0; n < strAnswer.Length; n++) { string strN = intToString(n + 1); string strij = "-" + paperItem.RandomExamItemId + "-" + i.ToString() + "-" + j.ToString() + "-" + n.ToString(); string strName = i.ToString() + j.ToString(); Response.Write("<tr > <td class='ExamItemAnswer'> " + strN + "." + strAnswer[n] + "</td></tr >"); } } // 组织正确答案 string[] strRightAnswers = paperItem.StandardAnswer.Split(new char[] { '|' }); string strRightAnswer = ""; for (int n = 0; n < strRightAnswers.Length; n++) { string strN = intToString(int.Parse(strRightAnswers[n]) + 1); if (n == 0) { strRightAnswer += strN; } else { strRightAnswer += "," + strN; } } string strScore = "0"; if (strRightAnswer == strUserAnswer) { strScore = System.String.Format("{0:0.##}", paperSubject.UnitScore); } Response.Write(" <tr><td class='ExamAnswer'> ★标准答案:" + "<span id='span-" + paperItem.RandomExamItemId + "-0' name='span-" + paperItem.RandomExamItemId + "'>" + strRightAnswer + "</span> 考生答案:" + "<span id='span-" + paperItem.RandomExamItemId + "-1' name='span-" + paperItem.RandomExamItemId + "'>" + strUserAnswer + "</span> 得分:" + strScore + "</td></tr>"); } } Response.Write(" </table> "); } } else { SessionSet.PageMessage = "数据错误!"; return; } }
protected void btnSaveAndNext_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e) { string strId = Request.QueryString.Get("id"); string strMode = ViewState["mode"].ToString(); string strStartMode = ViewState["startmode"].ToString(); string strItemType = ""; if (strMode != "ReadOnly") { if (Grid1.Rows.Count == 0) { SessionSet.PageMessage = "请选择大题!"; return; } decimal totalScore = 0; IList <RandomExamSubject> paperStrategySubjects = new List <RandomExamSubject>(); for (int i = 0; i < Grid1.Rows.Count; i++) { string strPaperStrategySubjectId = ((HiddenField)Grid1.Rows[i].FindControl("hfPaperStrategySubjectId")).Value; string strItemTypeId = ((HiddenField)Grid1.Rows[i].FindControl("hfItemTypeId")).Value; string strSubjectName = ((TextBox)Grid1.Rows[i].FindControl("txtSubjectName")).Text; string strUnitScore = ((TextBox)Grid1.Rows[i].FindControl("txtUnitScore")).Text; string strItemCount = ((TextBox)Grid1.Rows[i].FindControl("txtItemCount")).Text; if (strUnitScore == "") { strUnitScore = "0"; } if (strItemCount == "") { strItemCount = "0"; } totalScore += Convert.ToDecimal(strUnitScore); RandomExamSubject paperStrategySubject = new RandomExamSubject(); paperStrategySubject.RandomExamSubjectId = int.Parse(strPaperStrategySubjectId); paperStrategySubject.RandomExamId = int.Parse(strId); paperStrategySubject.ItemCount = int.Parse(strItemCount); paperStrategySubject.ItemTypeId = int.Parse(strItemTypeId); paperStrategySubject.OrderIndex = 0; paperStrategySubject.Remark = ""; paperStrategySubject.SubjectName = strSubjectName; paperStrategySubject.UnitScore = Convert.ToDecimal(strUnitScore); paperStrategySubject.TotalScore = Convert.ToDecimal(strUnitScore); paperStrategySubject.Memo = ""; if (i == 0) { strItemType = strItemTypeId; } else { strItemType = strItemType + "|" + strItemTypeId; } paperStrategySubjects.Add(paperStrategySubject); } RandomExamSubjectBLL paperStrategySubjectBLL = new RandomExamSubjectBLL(); paperStrategySubjectBLL.UpdateRandomExamSubject(paperStrategySubjects); } Response.Redirect("RandomExamStrategyInfo.aspx?startmode=" + strStartMode + "&mode=" + strMode + "&itemType=" + strItemType + "&id=" + strId); }
public void FillPaper() { string strId = Request.QueryString.Get("id"); RandomExamBLL randomExamBLL = new RandomExamBLL(); RailExam.Model.RandomExam randomExam = randomExamBLL.GetExam(int.Parse(strId)); ViewState["Year"] = randomExam.BeginTime.Year.ToString(); RandomExamResultCurrentBLL objResultCurrentBll = new RandomExamResultCurrentBLL(); RailExam.Model.RandomExamResultCurrent randomExamResult = objResultCurrentBll.GetNowRandomExamResultInfo(Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString.Get("employeeID")), Convert.ToInt32(strId)); int RandomExamId = Convert.ToInt32(strId); int randomExamResultId = randomExamResult.RandomExamResultId; RandomExamItemBLL randomItemBLL = new RandomExamItemBLL(); RandomExamSubjectBLL subjectBLL = new RandomExamSubjectBLL(); IList <RandomExamSubject> randomExamSubjects = subjectBLL.GetRandomExamSubjectByRandomExamId(RandomExamId); RandomExamResultAnswerCurrentBLL randomExamResultAnswerBLL = new RandomExamResultAnswerCurrentBLL(); IList <RandomExamResultAnswerCurrent> examResultAnswers = new List <RandomExamResultAnswerCurrent>(); examResultAnswers = randomExamResultAnswerBLL.GetExamResultAnswersCurrent(randomExamResultId); OracleAccess db = new OracleAccess(); if (randomExamSubjects != null) { for (int i = 0; i < randomExamSubjects.Count; i++) { RandomExamSubject paperSubject = randomExamSubjects[i]; IList <RandomExamItem> PaperItems = new List <RandomExamItem>(); PaperItems = randomItemBLL.GetItemsCurrent(paperSubject.RandomExamSubjectId, randomExamResultId, Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["Year"].ToString())); Response.Write("<br>"); Response.Write("<span class='StudentLeftInfo'><b> 第" + GetNo(i) + "大题:" + paperSubject.SubjectName + "</b></span>"); Response.Write("<br>"); if (PaperItems != null) { Response.Write("<table width='100%' border='1'>"); int z = 1; int tempK = 0; int count = 1; for (int j = 0; j < PaperItems.Count; j++) { RandomExamItem paperItem = PaperItems[j]; int k = j + 1; if (paperItem.TypeId != PrjPub.ITEMTYPE_FILLBLANKDETAIL && paperItem.TypeId != PrjPub.ITEMTYPE_FILLBLANK) { z = 1; if (k % 5 == 1) { Response.Write("</tr >"); Response.Write("<tr><td class='StudentTableInfo' id='Item" + i + j + "' >" + "<a href='AttendExamNew.aspx?id=" + strId + "&employeeID=" + Request.QueryString.Get("employeeID") + "#Test" + i + j + "' target='ifExamInfo' style='cursor: hand;'><b>" + k + "</b></a></td>"); } else { Response.Write("<td class='StudentTableInfo' id='Item" + i + j + "' >" + "<a href='AttendExamNew.aspx?id=" + strId + "&employeeID=" + Request.QueryString.Get("employeeID") + "#Test" + i + j + "' target='ifExamInfo' style='cursor: hand;'><b>" + k + "</b></a></td>"); } } else { if (paperItem.TypeId == PrjPub.ITEMTYPE_FILLBLANK) { z = 1; tempK++; } if (count % 3 == 1) { Response.Write("</tr >"); Response.Write("<tr><td class='StudentTableInfo' id='Item" + i + j + "' >" + "<a href='AttendExamNew.aspx?id=" + strId + "&employeeID=" + Request.QueryString.Get("employeeID") + "#Test" + i + j + "' target='ifExamInfo' style='cursor: hand;'><b>" + tempK + "-(" + z + ")</b></a></td>"); } else { Response.Write("<td class='StudentTableInfo' id='Item" + i + j + "' >" + "<a href='AttendExamNew.aspx?id=" + strId + "&employeeID=" + Request.QueryString.Get("employeeID") + "#Test" + i + j + "' target='ifExamInfo' style='cursor: hand;'><b>" + tempK + "-(" + z + ")</b></a></td>"); } z++; count++; } } Response.Write("</tr >"); Response.Write("</table>"); } } //ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(GetType(), "StartStyle", "<script>StartStyle()</script>"); } else { SessionSet.PageMessage = "未找到记录!"; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { string strID = Request.QueryString.Get("id"); ViewState["mode"] = Request.QueryString.Get("mode"); hfItemType.Value = Request.QueryString.Get("itemTypeID"); ddlType.SelectedValue = hfItemType.Value; if (ViewState["mode"].ToString() == "Insert") { string subjectId = Request.QueryString.Get("subjectid"); hfSubjectId.Value = subjectId; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(subjectId)) { RandomExamSubjectBLL paperStrategySubjectBLL = new RandomExamSubjectBLL(); RandomExamSubject paperStrategySubject = paperStrategySubjectBLL.GetRandomExamSubject(int.Parse(subjectId)); if (paperStrategySubject != null) { hfExamID.Value = paperStrategySubject.RandomExamId.ToString(); txtSubjectName.Text = paperStrategySubject.SubjectName; ddlType.SelectedValue = paperStrategySubject.ItemTypeId.ToString(); labelTotalCount.Text = paperStrategySubject.ItemCount.ToString(); RandomExamStrategyBLL randomExamStrategyBLL = new RandomExamStrategyBLL(); IList <RailExam.Model.RandomExamStrategy> RandomExamStrategys = randomExamStrategyBLL.GetRandomExamStrategys(paperStrategySubject.RandomExamSubjectId); int hasCount = 0; foreach (RailExam.Model.RandomExamStrategy randomExamStrategy in RandomExamStrategys) { hasCount += randomExamStrategy.ItemCount; } labelLeaveCount.Text = (paperStrategySubject.ItemCount - hasCount).ToString(); txtNDR.Text = labelLeaveCount.Text; RandomExamResultBLL reBll = new RandomExamResultBLL(); IList <RailExam.Model.RandomExamResult> examResults = reBll.GetRandomExamResultByExamID(paperStrategySubject.RandomExamId); if (examResults.Count > 0) { SaveButton.Visible = false; } } hfSubjectId.Value = subjectId; mother1.Visible = false; mother2.Visible = false; } OracleAccess db = new OracleAccess(); string strSql = "select RANDOM_EXAM_STRATEGY_SEQ.nextval from dual"; DataRow dr = db.RunSqlDataSet(strSql).Tables[0].Rows[0]; hfKeyID.Value = dr[0].ToString(); } else { hfKeyID.Value = strID; FillPage(int.Parse(strID)); } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(HfChapterId.Value)) { if (HfRangeType.Value == "4") { BookChapterBLL chapterBll = new BookChapterBLL(); BookChapter chapter = chapterBll.GetBookChapter(Convert.ToInt32(HfChapterId.Value)); txtChapterName.Text = chapter.ChapterName; } else { BookBLL bookBll = new BookBLL(); RailExam.Model.Book book = bookBll.GetBook(Convert.ToInt32(HfChapterId.Value)); txtChapterName.Text = book.bookName; } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(HfExCludeChaptersId.Value)) { string strSql = "select * from Book_Chapter where Chapter_ID in (" + HfExCludeChaptersId.Value + ")"; OracleAccess db = new OracleAccess(); DataSet ds = db.RunSqlDataSet(strSql); string strName = string.Empty; foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows) { if (strName == string.Empty) { strName += dr["Chapter_Name"].ToString(); } else { strName += "," + dr["Chapter_Name"].ToString(); } } txtExCludeChapters.Text = strName; } }
private void FillPage(int nID) { RandomExamStrategyBLL paperStrategyBookChapterBLL = new RandomExamStrategyBLL(); RandomExamStrategy paperStrategyBookChapter = paperStrategyBookChapterBLL.GetRandomExamStrategy(nID); if (paperStrategyBookChapter != null) { txtMemo.Text = paperStrategyBookChapter.Memo; txtChapterName.Text = paperStrategyBookChapter.RangeName; HfRangeName.Value = paperStrategyBookChapter.RangeName; hfSubjectId.Value = paperStrategyBookChapter.SubjectId.ToString(); HfRangeType.Value = paperStrategyBookChapter.RangeType.ToString(); HfChapterId.Value = paperStrategyBookChapter.RangeId.ToString(); ddlType.SelectedValue = paperStrategyBookChapter.ItemTypeId.ToString(); txtNDR.Text = paperStrategyBookChapter.ItemCount.ToString(); RandomExamSubjectBLL paperStrategySubjectBLL = new RandomExamSubjectBLL(); RandomExamSubject paperStrategySubject = paperStrategySubjectBLL.GetRandomExamSubject(int.Parse(hfSubjectId.Value)); if (paperStrategySubject != null) { hfExamID.Value = paperStrategySubject.RandomExamId.ToString(); txtSubjectName.Text = paperStrategySubject.SubjectName; labelTotalCount.Text = paperStrategySubject.ItemCount.ToString(); IList <RailExam.Model.RandomExamStrategy> RandomExamStrategys = paperStrategyBookChapterBLL.GetRandomExamStrategys(paperStrategySubject.RandomExamSubjectId); int hasCount = 0; foreach (RailExam.Model.RandomExamStrategy randomExamStrategy in RandomExamStrategys) { if (randomExamStrategy.RandomExamStrategyId != nID) { hasCount += randomExamStrategy.ItemCount; } } labelLeaveCount.Text = (paperStrategySubject.ItemCount - hasCount).ToString(); RandomExamResultBLL reBll = new RandomExamResultBLL(); IList <RailExam.Model.RandomExamResult> examResults = reBll.GetRandomExamResultByExamID(paperStrategySubject.RandomExamId); if (examResults.Count > 0) { ViewState["mode"] = "ReadOnly"; } } string strSql = "select a.random_exam_strategy_id as RandomExamStrategyId,a.Item_Count as ItemCount," + "GetBookChapterName(b.Chapter_ID) ChapterName, b.Chapter_ID as ChapterId,b.ID_Path as IDPath " + "from random_exam_strategy a" + " inner join Book_Chapter b on a.Range_ID=b.Chapter_ID " + " where a.Is_Mother_Item=1 and a.Mother_ID=" + nID; OracleAccess db = new OracleAccess(); DataSet ds = db.RunSqlDataSet(strSql); if (paperStrategyBookChapter.RangeType == 3 && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0) { txtExCludeChapters.Text = paperStrategyBookChapter.ExcludeChapterId; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(paperStrategyBookChapter.ExcludeChapterId) == false) { FillExcludeCategorysID(paperStrategyBookChapter.ExcludeChapterId); } } int sumTotalCount = 0; ItemBLL itembll = new ItemBLL(); if (HfRangeType.Value == "3") { sumTotalCount = itembll.GetItemsByBookID(Convert.ToInt32(HfChapterId.Value), Convert.ToInt32(hfItemType.Value)); } else { BookChapterBLL bookChapterBll = new BookChapterBLL(); BookChapter bookChapter = bookChapterBll.GetBookChapter(Convert.ToInt32(HfChapterId.Value)); sumTotalCount = itembll.GetItemsByBookChapterIdPath(bookChapter.IdPath, Convert.ToInt32(hfItemType.Value)); } if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0) { mother1.Visible = false; mother2.Visible = false; } else { mother1.Visible = true; mother2.Visible = true; DataColumn dc1 = ds.Tables[0].Columns.Add("MaxItemCount"); ItemBLL item = new ItemBLL(); int sumCount = 0; int sumMaxCount = 0; foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows) { dr["MaxItemCount"] = item.GetItemsByBookChapterIdPath(dr["IDPath"].ToString(), Convert.ToInt32(hfItemType.Value)); sumCount += Convert.ToInt32(dr["ItemCount"].ToString()); sumMaxCount += Convert.ToInt32(dr["MaxItemCount"].ToString()); } txtNDR.Text = (paperStrategyBookChapter.ItemCount + sumCount).ToString(); Grid1.DataSource = ds; Grid1.DataBind(); lblMotherInfo.Text = "其中子题最大题数:" + (sumTotalCount - sumMaxCount) + ";母题最大题数:" + sumMaxCount; } strSql = "select * from Item a inner join Book_Chapter b on a.Chapter_ID=b.Chapter_ID " + GetSelectSql(); lblTotalCount.Text = db.RunSqlDataSet(strSql).Tables[0].Rows.Count.ToString(); strSql = " select * from Random_Exam_Item_Select where RANDOM_EXAM_STRATEGY_ID=" + nID; lblSelectCount.Text = db.RunSqlDataSet(strSql).Tables[0].Rows.Count.ToString(); } if (ViewState["mode"].ToString() == "ReadOnly") { SaveButton.Visible = false; CancelButton.Visible = true; ddlType.Enabled = false; txtMemo.Enabled = false; } }
protected void FillPaper() { // QueryString id stands for EXAM_RESULT_ID string strId = Request.QueryString.Get("id"); string orgid = Request.QueryString.Get("orgid"); // Not pass id if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strId)) { SessionSet.PageMessage = "参数错误!"; return; } RandomExamResultBLL randomExamResultBLL = new RandomExamResultBLL(); RandomExamResult randomExamResult = new RandomExamResult(); if (ViewState["NowOrgID"].ToString() != orgid) { randomExamResult = randomExamResultBLL.GetRandomExamResultByOrgID(int.Parse(strId), int.Parse(orgid)); } else { randomExamResult = randomExamResultBLL.GetRandomExamResultTemp(int.Parse(strId)); } int RandomExamId = randomExamResult.RandomExamId; int randomExamResultId = int.Parse(strId); OracleAccess db = new OracleAccess(); RandomExamBLL objBll = new RandomExamBLL(); int year = objBll.GetExam(RandomExamId).BeginTime.Year; RandomExamItemBLL randomItemBLL = new RandomExamItemBLL(); RandomExamSubjectBLL subjectBLL = new RandomExamSubjectBLL(); RandomExamResultAnswerBLL randomExamResultAnswerBLL = new RandomExamResultAnswerBLL(); IList <RandomExamSubject> randomExamSubjects = subjectBLL.GetRandomExamSubjectByRandomExamId(RandomExamId); IList <RandomExamResultAnswer> examResultAnswers = new List <RandomExamResultAnswer>(); if (ViewState["NowOrgID"].ToString() != orgid) { examResultAnswers = randomExamResultAnswerBLL.GetExamResultAnswersByOrgID(int.Parse(strId), int.Parse(orgid)); } else { examResultAnswers = randomExamResultAnswerBLL.GetExamResultAnswers(randomExamResultId); } int z = 1; if (randomExamSubjects != null) { for (int i = 0; i < randomExamSubjects.Count; i++) { RandomExamSubject paperSubject = randomExamSubjects[i]; IList <RandomExamItem> PaperItems = new List <RandomExamItem>(); if (ViewState["NowOrgID"].ToString() != orgid) { PaperItems = randomItemBLL.GetItemsByOrgID(paperSubject.RandomExamSubjectId, randomExamResultId, int.Parse(orgid), year); } else { PaperItems = randomItemBLL.GetItems(paperSubject.RandomExamSubjectId, randomExamResultId, year); } Response.Write("<table width='100%'>"); Response.Write(" <tr > <td class='ExamBigTitle' >"); Response.Write(" " + GetNo(i) + ""); Response.Write(". " + paperSubject.SubjectName + ""); Response.Write(" (共" + paperSubject.ItemCount + "题,共" + System.String.Format("{0:0.##}", paperSubject.ItemCount * paperSubject.UnitScore) + "分)</td></tr >"); if (PaperItems != null) { for (int j = 0; j < PaperItems.Count; j++) { RandomExamItem paperItem = PaperItems[j]; int k = j + 1; if (paperItem.TypeId != 5) { z = 1; Response.Write("<tr > <td class='ExamResultItem'> " + k + ". " + paperItem.Content + " (" + System.String.Format("{0:0.##}", paperSubject.UnitScore) + "分)</td></tr >"); } else { string strSql = "select * from Random_Exam_Item_" + year + " where Item_ID='" + paperItem.ItemId + "' and Random_Exam_ID=" + RandomExamId; DataRow dr = db.RunSqlDataSet(strSql).Tables[0].Rows[0]; IList <RandomExamItem> randomExamItems = randomItemBLL.GetItemsByParentItemID(Convert.ToInt32(dr["Parent_Item_ID"]), RandomExamId, year); Response.Write("<tr > <td class='ExamResultItem'> (" + z + "). " + paperItem.Content + " (" + System.String.Format("{0:0.##}", (decimal)paperSubject.UnitScore / (decimal)randomExamItems.Count) + "分)</td></tr >"); z++; } // 组织用户答案 RandomExamResultAnswer theExamResultAnswer = null; string[] strUserAnswers = new string[0]; string strUserAnswer = string.Empty; foreach (RandomExamResultAnswer resultAnswer in examResultAnswers) { if (resultAnswer.RandomExamItemId == paperItem.RandomExamItemId) { theExamResultAnswer = resultAnswer; break; } } // 若子表无记录,结束页面输出 if (theExamResultAnswer == null) { SessionSet.PageMessage = "数据错误!"; } // 否则组织考生答案 if (theExamResultAnswer.Answer != null || theExamResultAnswer.Answer == string.Empty) { strUserAnswers = theExamResultAnswer.Answer.Split(new char[] { '|' }); } for (int n = 0; n < strUserAnswers.Length; n++) { string strN = intToString(int.Parse(strUserAnswers[n]) + 1); if (n == 0) { strUserAnswer += strN; } else { strUserAnswer += "," + strN; } } //多选 if (paperSubject.ItemTypeId == 2) { string[] strAnswer = paperItem.SelectAnswer.Split(new char[] { '|' }); for (int n = 0; n < strAnswer.Length; n++) { string strN = intToString(n + 1); Response.Write(" <tr ><td class='ExamItemAnswer'> " + strN + "." + strAnswer[n] + "</td></tr >"); } } else if (paperSubject.ItemTypeId == 1 || paperSubject.ItemTypeId == 3 || paperItem.TypeId == 5) { //单选 string[] strAnswer = paperItem.SelectAnswer.Split(new char[] { '|' }); for (int n = 0; n < strAnswer.Length; n++) { string strN = intToString(n + 1); Response.Write("<tr > <td class='ExamItemAnswer'> " + strN + "." + strAnswer[n] + "</td></tr >"); } } if (paperSubject.ItemTypeId == 1 || paperSubject.ItemTypeId == 2 || paperSubject.ItemTypeId == 3 || paperItem.TypeId == 5) { // 组织正确答案 string[] strRightAnswers = paperItem.StandardAnswer.Split(new char[] { '|' }); string strRightAnswer = ""; for (int n = 0; n < strRightAnswers.Length; n++) { string strN = intToString(int.Parse(strRightAnswers[n]) + 1); if (n == 0) { strRightAnswer += strN; } else { strRightAnswer += "," + strN; } } string strScore = "0"; if (paperItem.TypeId == 5) { if (strRightAnswer == strUserAnswer) { strScore = System.String.Format("{0:0.##}", paperItem.Score); } } else { if (strRightAnswer == strUserAnswer) { strScore = System.String.Format("{0:0.##}", paperSubject.UnitScore); } } if (strScore == "0") { Response.Write(" <tr><td class='ExamAnswerZero'> ★标准答案:" + "<span id='span-" + paperItem.RandomExamItemId + "-0' name='span-" + paperItem.RandomExamItemId + "'>" + strRightAnswer + "</span> 考生答案:" + "<span id='span-" + paperItem.RandomExamItemId + "-1' name='span-" + paperItem.RandomExamItemId + "'>" + strUserAnswer + "</span> 得分:" + strScore + "</td></tr>"); } else { Response.Write(" <tr><td class='ExamAnswer'> ★标准答案:" + "<span id='span-" + paperItem.RandomExamItemId + "-0' name='span-" + paperItem.RandomExamItemId + "'>" + strRightAnswer + "</span> 考生答案:" + "<span id='span-" + paperItem.RandomExamItemId + "-1' name='span-" + paperItem.RandomExamItemId + "'>" + strUserAnswer + "</span> 得分:" + strScore + "</td></tr>"); } } } } Response.Write(" </table> "); } } else { SessionSet.PageMessage = "数据错误!"; return; } }
protected void FillPaper() { string strId = Request.QueryString.Get("id"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strId)) { SessionSet.PageMessage = "缺少参数!"; return; } int RandomExamId = Convert.ToInt32(strId); int randomExamResultId = Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["RandomExamResultID"]); RandomExamItemBLL randomItemBLL = new RandomExamItemBLL(); RandomExamSubjectBLL subjectBLL = new RandomExamSubjectBLL(); IList <RandomExamSubject> randomExamSubjects = subjectBLL.GetRandomExamSubjectByRandomExamId(RandomExamId); //RandomExamResultAnswerCurrentBLL randomExamResultAnswerBLL = new RandomExamResultAnswerCurrentBLL(); //IList<RandomExamResultAnswerCurrent> examResultAnswers = new List<RandomExamResultAnswerCurrent>(); //examResultAnswers = randomExamResultAnswerBLL.GetExamResultAnswersCurrent(randomExamResultId); IList <RandomExamItem> totalItems = randomItemBLL.GetItemsCurrent(0, randomExamResultId, Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["Year"].ToString())); if (randomExamSubjects != null) { for (int i = 0; i < randomExamSubjects.Count; i++) { RandomExamSubject paperSubject = randomExamSubjects[i]; IList <RandomExamItem> PaperItems = new List <RandomExamItem>(); //PaperItems = randomItemBLL.GetItemsCurrent(paperSubject.RandomExamSubjectId, randomExamResultId, Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["Year"].ToString())); PaperItems = GetSubjectItems(totalItems, paperSubject.RandomExamSubjectId); int itemCount = 0; if (paperSubject.ItemTypeId == PrjPub.ITEMTYPE_FILLBLANK) { foreach (RandomExamItem randomExamItem in PaperItems) { if (randomExamItem.TypeId == PrjPub.ITEMTYPE_FILLBLANK) { itemCount++; } } } else { itemCount = PaperItems.Count; } Response.Write("<table width='95%' class='ExamContent'>"); Response.Write(" <tr> <td class='ExamBigTitle' colspan='3'>"); Response.Write(" " + GetNo(i) + ""); Response.Write("、" + paperSubject.SubjectName + ""); Response.Write(" (共" + itemCount + "题,共" + System.String.Format("{0:0.##}", itemCount * paperSubject.UnitScore) + "分)</td></tr >"); if (PaperItems != null) { int z = 1; int x = 1; for (int j = 0; j < PaperItems.Count; j++) { RandomExamItem paperItem = PaperItems[j]; int k = j + 1; if (paperItem.TypeId != PrjPub.ITEMTYPE_FILLBLANKDETAIL) { z = 1; if (paperItem.TypeId == PrjPub.ITEMTYPE_FILLBLANK) { k = x; x++; IList <RandomExamItem> randomExamItems = randomItemBLL.GetItemsByParentItemID(paperItem.ItemId, RandomExamId, Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["Year"].ToString())); Response.Write("<tr><td id='Item" + i + j + "' class='ExamItem' colspan='3'><a name='Test" + i + j + "' id='Test" + i + j + "'></a> " + k + ". " + paperItem.Content + " (共" + System.String.Format("{0:0.##}", paperSubject.UnitScore) + "分,其中" + "每题" + System.String.Format("{0:0.##}", (randomExamItems.Count != 0 ? (decimal)paperSubject.UnitScore / (decimal)randomExamItems.Count : 0)) + "分)" + "</td></tr >"); } else { Response.Write("<tr><td id='Item" + i + j + "' class='ExamItem' colspan='3'><a name='Test" + i + j + "' id='Test" + i + j + "'></a> " + k + ". " + paperItem.Content + " (" + System.String.Format("{0:0.##}", paperSubject.UnitScore) + "分) " + "<a href='#Test" + i + j + "' id='Empty" + i + j + "' onclick='clickEmpty(this)'style='cursor: hand;' title='清空选择'>" + "<img src='../images/clear.png' style='border:0'/></a>" + "</td></tr >"); } } //else //{ // string strSql = "select * from Random_Exam_Item_" + ViewState["Year"] + " where Item_ID='" + // paperItem.ItemId + "' and Random_Exam_ID=" + strId; // DataRow dr = db.RunSqlDataSet(strSql).Tables[0].Rows[0]; // IList<RandomExamItem> randomExamItems = randomItemBLL.GetItemsByParentItemID(Convert.ToInt32(dr["Parent_Item_ID"]),RandomExamId,Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["Year"].ToString())); // Response.Write("<tr><td id='Item" + i + j + "' class='ExamItem' colspan='2'><a name='Test" + i + j + "' id='Test" + i + j + "'></a>" // +" (" + z + "). " + paperItem.Content + // " (" + System.String.Format("{0:0.##}", (decimal)paperSubject.UnitScore / (decimal)randomExamItems.Count) + "分) " // + "<a href='#Test" + i + j + "' id='Empty" + i + j + "' onclick='clickEmpty(this)'style='cursor: hand;' title='清空选择'>" // + "<img src='../images/clear.png' style='border:0'/></a>" // +"</td></tr >"); // z++; //} // 组织用户答案 string[] strUserAnswers = new string[0]; string strUserAnswer = string.Empty; //RandomExamResultAnswerCurrent theExamResultAnswer = null; //foreach (RandomExamResultAnswerCurrent resultAnswer in examResultAnswers) //{ // if (resultAnswer.RandomExamItemId == paperItem.RandomExamItemId) // { // theExamResultAnswer = resultAnswer; // break; // } //} // 若子表无记录,结束页面输出 //if (theExamResultAnswer == null) //{ // SessionSet.PageMessage = "数据错误!"; //} //// 否则组织考生答案 //if (theExamResultAnswer.Answer != null || theExamResultAnswer.Answer == string.Empty) //{ // strUserAnswers = theExamResultAnswer.Answer.Split(new char[] { '|' }); //} if (paperItem.Answer == null) { SessionSet.PageMessage = "数据错误!"; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(paperItem.Answer)) { strUserAnswers = paperItem.Answer.Split(new char[] { '|' }); } for (int n = 0; n < strUserAnswers.Length; n++) { string strN = intToString(int.Parse(strUserAnswers[n]) + 1); if (n == 0) { strUserAnswer += strN; } else { strUserAnswer += "," + strN; } } if (paperSubject.ItemTypeId == PrjPub.ITEMTYPE_MULTICHOOSE) //多选 { string[] strAnswer = paperItem.SelectAnswer.Split(new char[] { '|' }); for (int n = 0; n < strAnswer.Length; n++) { string strN = intToString(n + 1); string strij = "-" + paperItem.RandomExamItemId + "-" + i.ToString() + "-" + j.ToString() + "-" + n.ToString(); string strName = i.ToString() + j.ToString(); if (("," + strUserAnswer + ",").IndexOf("," + strN + ",") != -1) { Response.Write( "<tr><td class='ExamItemAnswer' colspan='3'> <input onclick='CheckStyle(this)' type='checkbox' checked='checked' id='Answer" + strij + "' name='Answer" + strName + "'><label for='Answer" + strij + "'> " + strN + "." + strAnswer[n] + "</label></td></tr>"); } else { Response.Write( "<tr><td class='ExamItemAnswer' colspan='3'> <input onclick='CheckStyle(this)' type='checkbox' id='Answer" + strij + "' name='Answer" + strName + "'><label for='Answer" + strij + "'> " + strN + "." + strAnswer[n] + "</label></td></tr>"); } } } else if (paperSubject.ItemTypeId == PrjPub.ITEMTYPE_SINGLECHOOSE || paperSubject.ItemTypeId == PrjPub.ITEMTYPE_JUDGE) //单选 { string[] strAnswer = paperItem.SelectAnswer.Split(new char[] { '|' }); for (int n = 0; n < strAnswer.Length; n++) { string strN = intToString(n + 1); string strij = "-" + paperItem.RandomExamItemId + "-" + i.ToString() + "-" + j.ToString() + "-" + n.ToString(); string strName = i.ToString() + j.ToString(); if (strUserAnswer == strN) { Response.Write( "<tr><td class='ExamItemAnswer' colspan='3'> <input onclick='CheckStyle(this)' type='Radio' checked='checked' id='RAnswer" + strij + "' name='RAnswer" + strName + "'> <label for='RAnswer" + strij + "' >" + strN + "." + strAnswer[n] + "</label></td></tr>"); } else { Response.Write( "<tr><td class='ExamItemAnswer' colspan='3'> <input onclick='CheckStyle(this)' type='Radio' id='RAnswer" + strij + "' name='RAnswer" + strName + "'> <label for='RAnswer" + strij + "' >" + strN + "." + strAnswer[n] + "</label></td></tr>"); } } } else if (paperItem.TypeId == PrjPub.ITEMTYPE_FILLBLANKDETAIL) { string[] strAnswer = paperItem.SelectAnswer.Split(new char[] { '|' }); for (int n = 0; n < strAnswer.Length; n++) { string strN = intToString(n + 1); string strij = "-" + paperItem.RandomExamItemId + "-" + i.ToString() + "-" + j.ToString() + "-" + n.ToString(); string strName = i.ToString() + j.ToString(); if (n == 0) { int row = strAnswer.Length % 2 == 0 ? strAnswer.Length / 2 : strAnswer.Length / 2 + 1; Response.Write("<tr><td id='Item" + i + j + "' class='ExamItem' style='width:10%;vertical-align: top' RowSpan='" + row + "'><a name='Test" + i + j + "' id='Test" + i + j + "'></a>" + " (" + z + "). " + "<a href='#Test" + i + j + "' id='Empty" + i + j + "' onclick='clickEmpty(this)'style='cursor: hand;' title='清空选择'>" + "<img src='../images/clear.png' style='border:0'/></a>" + "</td>"); } if (n % 2 == 0 && n != 0) { Response.Write("<tr>"); } if (strUserAnswer == strN) { Response.Write( "<td class='ExamItemAnswer'> <input onclick='CheckStyle(this)' type='Radio' checked='checked' id='RAnswer" + strij + "' name='RAnswer" + strName + "'><label for='RsAnswer" + strij + "'>" + strN + "." + strAnswer[n] + "</label></td>"); } else { Response.Write( "<td class='ExamItemAnswer'> <input onclick='CheckStyle(this)' type='Radio' id='RAnswer" + strij + "' name='RAnswer" + strName + "'><label for='RAnswer" + strij + "'> " + strN + "." + strAnswer[n] + "</label></td>"); } if (n % 2 == 1) { Response.Write("</tr>"); } } z++; } } } Response.Write("</table>"); } //<input id='btnEmpty' class='buttonLong' name='btnEmpty' type='button' value='标记未做试题' onclick='CheckEmpty()'/> Response.Write(" <div class='ExamButton'><input id='btnClose' class='button' name='btnSave' type='button' value='提交答卷' onclick='SaveRecord()'/> </div><br><br><br><br><br><br>"); ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(GetType(), "StartStyle", "<script>StartStyle()</script>"); } else { SessionSet.PageMessage = "未找到记录!"; } }
public int AddRandomExamSubject(RandomExamSubject RandomExamSubject) { return(dal.AddRandomExamSubject(RandomExamSubject)); }