コード例 #1
        private void raid_leave_impl(Context ctx, RaidHandle handle, Entry e)
            //Remove from the raid
            RaidManager.RemoveRaider(handle, e);

            //Return success
                                $"You were removed from the roster."
コード例 #2
        private void raid_kick_impl(Context ctx, RaidHandle handle, Entry e)
            //Grab the data from the raid
            var data = RaidManager.GetRaidData(handle);

            //Check that it's valid
            Precondition.Assert(data.HasValue, "There was an error processing the raid.");

            //Get the owner
            var owner_id = data.Value.owner_id;

            //Check that the user is the owner
            Precondition.Assert(ctx.message.Author.Id == owner_id, "You are not the owner of the raid!");

            //Remove from the raid
            RaidManager.RemoveRaider(handle, e);

            //Return success
                                $"They were removed from the roster."