コード例 #1
ファイル: GeyserShooter.cs プロジェクト: mguzdial3/Assets
    public override void shoot(GameObject beam, RageHandler rageHandler, Vector3 moveDirection, bool raging)
        if (!audio.isPlaying)

        Vector3 difference    = Vector3.right * Random.Range(0f, 0.15f) + Vector3.up * Random.Range(-0.5f, 0.5f);
        float   bulletSizeMax = 5.0f;

        Bullet b = (Instantiate(beam, gameObject.GetComponent <CuttlefishMovement>().beamPosition.transform.position + difference, transform.rotation) as GameObject).GetComponent <Bullet>();

        if (raging)
            b.transform.localScale *= (10f);

            b.particleSystem.startSize *= (3f);
            b.transform.localScale     *= (1 + rageHandler.getRatio() * bulletSizeMax);
            b.transform.parent          = transform.parent;
            b.particleSystem.startSize *= (1 + rageHandler.getRatio());

        b.origPosition = gameObject.GetComponent <CuttlefishMovement>().beamPosition.transform.position;
        float xVal = Random.Range(0f, 1f);
        float yVal = Random.Range(-0.5f, 4f);

        b.mvmntVector = new Vector3(xVal, yVal, 0);
コード例 #2
ファイル: CuttlefishShooter.cs プロジェクト: mguzdial3/Assets
    //Called when the player wants to shoot
    public virtual void shoot(GameObject beam, RageHandler rageHandler, Vector3 moveDirection, bool raging)
        if (!audio.isPlaying)

        Vector3 difference = Vector3.right * Random.Range(-0.15f, 0.15f) + Vector3.up * Random.Range(-0.15f, 0.15f);

        float  bulletSizeMax = 5.0f;
        Bullet b             = (Instantiate(beam, gameObject.GetComponent <CuttlefishMovement>().beamPosition.transform.position + difference, transform.rotation) as GameObject).GetComponent <Bullet>();

        if (raging)
            b.transform.localScale *= (10f);

            b.particleSystem.startSize *= (3f);

        b.origPosition = gameObject.GetComponent <CuttlefishMovement>().beamPosition.transform.position;
コード例 #3
 void Start()
     rageHandler = GameObject.Find("Admin").GetComponent <RageHandler>();
コード例 #4
    //shoots a single radial burst of bullets
    public override void shoot(GameObject beam, RageHandler rageHandler, Vector3 moveDirection, bool raging)
        if (!audio.isPlaying)

        maxAmtBullets = (5) + (int)(5 * (rageHandler.getRatio()));

        numOfBulletsInCircle = Random.Range(minAmtBullets, (int)(maxAmtBullets));
        Vector3 difference    = Vector3.right * Random.Range(-0.15f, 0.15f) + Vector3.up * Random.Range(-0.15f, 0.15f);
        float   bulletSizeMax = 5.0f;

        divisibleBullets = numOfBulletsInCircle;
        while (divisibleBullets % 4 != 0)

        int quad1 = divisibleBullets / 4;
        int quad2 = quad1 * 2;
        int quad3 = quad1 * 3;
        int quad4 = quad1 * 4;

        for (int x = 0; x < numOfBulletsInCircle; x++)
            Bullet b = (Instantiate(beam, gameObject.GetComponent <CuttlefishMovement>().beamPosition.transform.position + difference, transform.rotation) as GameObject).GetComponent <Bullet>();
            //	b.transform.localScale*= bulletSizeMax;

            b.transform.parent = transform.parent;
            b.origPosition     = gameObject.GetComponent <CuttlefishMovement>().beamPosition.transform.position;

            float xVal;
            float yVal;

            if (x < quad1 || x == quad1)
                xVal = (float)(quad1 - x) / quad1;
                yVal = (float)x / quad1;
            else if (x < quad2 || x == quad2)
                xVal = (float)(quad1 - x) / quad1;
                yVal = (float)(quad2 - x) / quad1;
            else if (x < quad3 || x == quad3)
                xVal = (float)(x - quad3) / quad1;
                yVal = (float)(quad2 - x) / quad1;
                xVal = (float)(x - quad3) / quad1;
                yVal = (float)(x - quad4) / quad1;

            xVal *= Random.Range(-4f, 4f);
            yVal *= Random.Range(-4f, 4f);

            if (raging)
                b.transform.localScale *= (10f);

                b.particleSystem.startSize *= (3f);

            b.mvmntVector = new Vector3(xVal, yVal, 0);
コード例 #5
 void setRageHandler(RageHandler rageH)
     rageHandler = rageH;