private void OnGUI() { if (visible) { = Gui.Skin; Width = Mathf.Clamp(Camera.main.pixelWidth / 2, 700, Camera.main.pixelWidth); MenuRect = new Rect(10, 10, Mathf.Clamp(Camera.main.pixelWidth / 2, 700, Camera.main.pixelWidth), Height); // apply label style if not existing if (labelStyle == null) { labelStyle = new GUIStyle(; labelStyle.fontSize = 12; } GUI.Box(MenuRect, "",; CurrentTab = GUI.Toolbar(new Rect(MenuRect.xMin, MenuRect.yMin, MenuRect.width, ToolbarHeight), CurrentTab, new GUIContent[] { new GUIContent("Cheats"), new GUIContent("Environment"), new GUIContent("Player"), new GUIContent("Spawn"), new GUIContent("Inventory"), new GUIContent("Coop"), new GUIContent("Dev"), new GUIContent("Game") },"Tabs")); Y = MenuRect.yMin + ToolbarHeight; //+ Padding switch (CurrentTab) { case 0: // Cheats { ScrollPosition = GUI.BeginScrollView(new Rect(MenuRect.xMin, Y, Width, Height - ToolbarHeight - 5), ScrollPosition, new Rect(0, 0, Width - 24, this.scroller)); Y = Padding; UI.AddCheckBox(ref Cheat.GodMode, "God Mode"); if (UI.AddButton("Set Anchor")) { _Raft.AddAnchor(_Raft.transform, false, null); } IncreaseY(-30); if (UI.AddButton("Remove Anchor", 220)) { _Raft.RemoveAnchor(_Raft.transform); } this.scroller = Y + 15; GUI.EndScrollView(); break; } case 1: //Environment { ScrollPosition = GUI.BeginScrollView(new Rect(MenuRect.xMin, Y, Width, Height - ToolbarHeight - 5), ScrollPosition, new Rect(0, 0, Width - 24, this.scroller)); Y = Padding; UI.AddLabel("Time"); UI.AddCheckBox(ref Cheat.fixTimeScale, "Pause"); if (_AzureSkyController) { if (UI.AddButton("+1h")) { float at = _AzureSkyController.Azure_Timeline; at += 1f; if (at >= 24f) { at -= 24f; } _AzureSkyController.AzureSetTime(at, _AzureSkyController.Azure_DayCycle); } IncreaseY(-30); if (UI.AddButton("-1h", 220)) { float at = _AzureSkyController.Azure_Timeline; at -= 1f; if (at <= 0f) { at += 24f; } _AzureSkyController.AzureSetTime(at, _AzureSkyController.Azure_DayCycle); } UI.AddSlider(ref _AzureSkyController.Azure_FogDistance, 50, 5000, "Fog Distance"); } UI.AddLabel("Weather"); foreach (var weather in Cheat._WeatherConnection) { if (UI.AddButton( { _WeatherManager.SetWeather(, true); } } this.scroller = Y + 15; GUI.EndScrollView(); break; } case 2: //Player { ScrollPosition = GUI.BeginScrollView(new Rect(MenuRect.xMin, Y, Width, Height - ToolbarHeight - 5), ScrollPosition, new Rect(0, 0, Width - 24, this.scroller)); Y = Padding; UI.AddSlider(ref Cheat.SpeedMultiplier, 1, 20, "Player Speed"); if (UI.AddButton("Add Durability to HotSlot", 20, 300)) { _Network_Player.Inventory.RemoveDurabillityFromHotSlot(-100); } this.scroller = Y + 15; GUI.EndScrollView(); break; } case 3: //Spawn { break; } case 4: //Inventory { ScrollPosition = GUI.BeginScrollView(new Rect(MenuRect.xMin, Y, Width, Height - ToolbarHeight - 5), ScrollPosition, new Rect(0, 0, Width - 24, this.scroller)); Y = Padding; var items = ItemManager.GetAllItems(); foreach (Item_Base current in items) { UnityEngine.GUI.Label(new Rect(20f, Y, 270f, 20f), current.UniqueName + " [" + current.UniqueIndex + "]", labelStyle); if (UnityEngine.GUI.Button(new Rect(290f, Y, 40f, 20f), "+1")) { _Network_Player.Inventory.AddItem(current.UniqueName, 1); } if (UnityEngine.GUI.Button(new Rect(340f, Y, 40f, 20f), "+20")) { _Network_Player.Inventory.AddItem(current.UniqueName, 20); } Y += 30f; } this.scroller = Y + 15; GUI.EndScrollView(); break; } case 5: //Coop { break; } case 6: //Dev { break; } case 7: //Game { ScrollPosition = GUI.BeginScrollView(new Rect(MenuRect.xMin, Y, Width, Height - ToolbarHeight - 5), ScrollPosition, new Rect(0, 0, Width - 24, this.scroller)); Y = Padding; if (UI.AddButton("Go to Raft", 20, 300)) { _Player.transform.position = _Raft.transform.position + (Vector3.up * 2); } this.scroller = Y + 15; GUI.EndScrollView(); break; } } } }
private void OnGUI() { if (visible) { = Interface.Skin; Width = Mathf.Clamp(Camera.main.pixelWidth / 2, 700, Camera.main.pixelWidth); MenuRect = new Rect(10, 10, Mathf.Clamp(Camera.main.pixelWidth / 2, 700, Camera.main.pixelWidth), Height); // apply label style if not existing if (labelStyle == null) { labelStyle = new GUIStyle(; labelStyle.fontSize = 12; } GUI.Box(MenuRect, "",; CurrentTab = GUI.Toolbar(new Rect(MenuRect.xMin, MenuRect.yMin, MenuRect.width, ToolbarHeight), CurrentTab, new GUIContent[] { new GUIContent("Cheats"), new GUIContent("Environment"), new GUIContent("Player"), new GUIContent("Spawn"), new GUIContent("Inventory"), new GUIContent("Coop"), new GUIContent("Dev"), new GUIContent("Game") },"Tabs")); Y = MenuRect.yMin + ToolbarHeight; //+ Padding switch (CurrentTab) { case 0: // Cheats { ScrollPosition = GUI.BeginScrollView(new Rect(MenuRect.xMin, Y, Width, Height - ToolbarHeight - 5), ScrollPosition, new Rect(0, 0, Width - 24, this.scroller)); Y = Padding; UI.AddCheckBox(ref Cheat.GodMode, "God Mode"); if (UI.AddButton("Set Anchor")) { _Raft.AddAnchor(false); } IncreaseY(-30); if (UI.AddButton("Remove Anchor", 220)) { _Raft.RemoveAnchor(1); } this.scroller = Y + 15; GUI.EndScrollView(); break; } case 1: //Environment { ScrollPosition = GUI.BeginScrollView(new Rect(MenuRect.xMin, Y, Width, Height - ToolbarHeight - 5), ScrollPosition, new Rect(0, 0, Width - 24, this.scroller)); Y = Padding; UI.AddLabel("Time"); UI.AddCheckBox(ref Cheat.fixTimeScale, "Pause"); if (_AzureSkyController) { if (UI.AddButton("+1h")) { _AzureSkyController.timeOfDay.hour += 1f; if (_AzureSkyController.timeOfDay.hour >= 24f) { _AzureSkyController.timeOfDay.StartNextDay(_AzureSkyController.options.repeatMode); } } IncreaseY(-30); if (UI.AddButton("-1h", 220)) { _AzureSkyController.timeOfDay.hour -= 1f; if (_AzureSkyController.timeOfDay.hour <= 0f) { _AzureSkyController.timeOfDay.hour = 23f; } } UI.AddSlider(ref Cheat.fogDistance, 50, 5000, "Fog Distance"); if (UI.AddButton("Set")) { Shader.SetGlobalFloat(Shader.PropertyToID("_Azure_FogDistance"), Cheat.fogDistance); } } UI.AddLabel("Weather"); if (Cheat._weatherPools.ContainsItems <WeatherPool>()) { using (System.Collections.Generic.List <WeatherPool> .Enumerator enumerator = Cheat._weatherPools.GetEnumerator()) { while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { Weather[] allItems = enumerator.Current.randomizer.GetAllItems <Weather>(); if (allItems.ContainsItems()) { Weather[] array = allItems; for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) { Weather weather = array[i]; if (UI.AddButton( { _WeatherManager.SetWeather(, true); } } } } } } this.scroller = Y + 15; GUI.EndScrollView(); break; } case 2: //Player { ScrollPosition = GUI.BeginScrollView(new Rect(MenuRect.xMin, Y, Width, Height - ToolbarHeight - 5), ScrollPosition, new Rect(0, 0, Width - 24, this.scroller)); Y = Padding; UI.AddSlider(ref Cheat.SpeedMultiplier, 1, 20, "Player Speed"); if (UI.AddButton("Add Durability to HotSlot", 20, 300)) { _Network_Player.Inventory.RemoveDurabillityFromHotSlot(-100); } this.scroller = Y + 15; GUI.EndScrollView(); break; } case 3: //Spawn { break; } case 4: //Inventory { ScrollPosition = GUI.BeginScrollView(new Rect(MenuRect.xMin, Y, Width, Height - ToolbarHeight - 5), ScrollPosition, new Rect(0, 0, Width - 24, this.scroller)); Y = Padding; var items = ItemManager.GetAllItems(); foreach (Item_Base current in items) { UnityEngine.GUI.Label(new Rect(20f, Y, 270f, 20f), current.UniqueName + " [" + current.UniqueIndex + "]", labelStyle); if (UnityEngine.GUI.Button(new Rect(290f, Y, 40f, 20f), "+1")) { _Network_Player.Inventory.AddItem(current.UniqueName, 1); } if (UnityEngine.GUI.Button(new Rect(340f, Y, 40f, 20f), "+20")) { _Network_Player.Inventory.AddItem(current.UniqueName, 20); } Y += 30f; } this.scroller = Y + 15; GUI.EndScrollView(); break; } case 5: //Coop { break; } case 6: //Dev { break; } case 7: //Game { ScrollPosition = GUI.BeginScrollView(new Rect(MenuRect.xMin, Y, Width, Height - ToolbarHeight - 5), ScrollPosition, new Rect(0, 0, Width - 24, this.scroller)); Y = Padding; if (UI.AddButton("Go to Raft", 20, 300)) { _Player.transform.position = _Raft.transform.position + (Vector3.up * 2); } this.scroller = Y + 15; GUI.EndScrollView(); break; } } } }