コード例 #1
        public override bool MeetRequirements()
            // stop checking when requirements are met
            if (!meet_requirements)
                ProgressTracking progress = ProgressTracking.Instance;
                if (progress == null)
                int known = 0;
                foreach (var body_progress in progress.celestialBodyNodes)
                    known += body_progress.flyBy != null && body_progress.flyBy.IsComplete ? 1 : 0;
                bool end_game = known > FlightGlobals.Bodies.Count / 2;

                meet_requirements =
                    Features.Radiation &&                                                     // radiation is enabled
                    end_game &&                                                               // entered SOI of half the bodies
                    Radiation.Info(FlightGlobals.Bodies[0]).model.has_pause &&                // there is an actual heliopause
                    !DB.landmarks.heliopause_crossing;                                        // heliopause never crossed before
コード例 #2
        public void Analyze(CelestialBody body, double altitude_mult, bool sunlight)
            // shortcuts
            CelestialBody sun = FlightGlobals.Bodies[0];

            this.body   = body;
            altitude    = body.Radius * altitude_mult;
            landed      = altitude <= double.Epsilon;
            breathable  = Sim.Breathable(body) && landed;
            atmo_factor = Sim.AtmosphereFactor(body, 0.7071);
            sun_dist    = Sim.Apoapsis(Lib.PlanetarySystem(body)) - sun.Radius - body.Radius;
            Vector3d sun_dir = (sun.position - body.position).normalized;

            solar_flux     = sunlight ? Sim.SolarFlux(sun_dist) * (landed ? atmo_factor : 1.0) : 0.0;
            albedo_flux    = sunlight ? Sim.AlbedoFlux(body, body.position + sun_dir * (body.Radius + altitude)) : 0.0;
            body_flux      = Sim.BodyFlux(body, altitude);
            total_flux     = solar_flux + albedo_flux + body_flux + Sim.BackgroundFlux();
            temperature    = !landed || !body.atmosphere ? Sim.BlackBodyTemperature(total_flux) : body.GetTemperature(0.0);
            temp_diff      = Sim.TempDiff(temperature, body, landed);
            orbital_period = Sim.OrbitalPeriod(body, altitude);
            shadow_period  = Sim.ShadowPeriod(body, altitude);
            shadow_time    = shadow_period / orbital_period;
            zerog          = !landed && (!body.atmosphere || body.atmosphereDepth < altitude);

            RadiationBody rb     = Radiation.Info(body);
            RadiationBody sun_rb = Radiation.Info(sun);

            gamma_transparency = Sim.GammaTransparency(body, 0.0);
            extern_rad         = PreferencesStorm.Instance.ExternRadiation;
            heliopause_rad     = extern_rad + sun_rb.radiation_pause;
            magnetopause_rad   = heliopause_rad + rb.radiation_pause;
            inner_rad          = magnetopause_rad + rb.radiation_inner;
            outer_rad          = magnetopause_rad + rb.radiation_outer;
            surface_rad        = magnetopause_rad * gamma_transparency;
            storm_rad          = heliopause_rad + PreferencesStorm.Instance.StormRadiation * (solar_flux > double.Epsilon ? 1.0 : 0.0);
コード例 #3
ファイル: Planner.cs プロジェクト: tinygrox/Kerbalism
        ///<summary> Add radiation sub-panel, including tooltips </summary>
        private static void AddSubPanelRadiation(Panel p)
            // get first radiation rule
            // - guaranteed to exist, as this panel is not rendered if it doesn't
            // - even without crew, it is safe to evaluate the modifiers that use it
            Rule rule = Profile.rules.Find(k => k.modifiers.Contains("radiation"));

            // detect if it use shielding
            bool use_shielding = rule.modifiers.Contains("shielding");

            // calculate various radiation levels
            double[] levels = new[]
                Math.Max(Radiation.Nominal, (env_analyzer.surface_rad + vessel_analyzer.emitted)),                        // surface
                Math.Max(Radiation.Nominal, (env_analyzer.magnetopause_rad + vessel_analyzer.emitted)),                   // inside magnetopause
                Math.Max(Radiation.Nominal, (env_analyzer.inner_rad + vessel_analyzer.emitted)),                          // inside inner belt
                Math.Max(Radiation.Nominal, (env_analyzer.outer_rad + vessel_analyzer.emitted)),                          // inside outer belt
                Math.Max(Radiation.Nominal, (env_analyzer.heliopause_rad + vessel_analyzer.emitted)),                     // interplanetary
                Math.Max(Radiation.Nominal, (env_analyzer.extern_rad + vessel_analyzer.emitted)),                         // interstellar
                Math.Max(Radiation.Nominal, (env_analyzer.storm_rad + vessel_analyzer.emitted))                           // storm

            // evaluate modifiers (except radiation)
            List <string> modifiers_except_radiation = new List <string>();

            foreach (string s in rule.modifiers)
                if (s != "radiation")
            double mod = Modifiers.Evaluate(env_analyzer, vessel_analyzer, resource_sim, modifiers_except_radiation);

            // calculate life expectancy at various radiation levels
            double[] estimates = new double[7];
            for (int i = 0; i < 7; ++i)
                estimates[i] = rule.fatal_threshold / (rule.degeneration * mod * levels[i]);

            // generate tooltip
            RadiationModel mf      = Radiation.Info(env_analyzer.body).model;
            string         tooltip = Lib.BuildString
                "<align=left />",
                String.Format("{0,-20}\t<b>{1}</b>\n", Local.Planner_surface, Lib.HumanReadableDuration(estimates[0])),                          //"surface"
                mf.has_pause ? String.Format("{0,-20}\t<b>{1}</b>\n", Local.Planner_magnetopause, Lib.HumanReadableDuration(estimates[1])) : "", //"magnetopause"
                mf.has_inner ? String.Format("{0,-20}\t<b>{1}</b>\n", Local.Planner_innerbelt, Lib.HumanReadableDuration(estimates[2])) : "",    //"inner belt"
                mf.has_outer ? String.Format("{0,-20}\t<b>{1}</b>\n", Local.Planner_outerbelt, Lib.HumanReadableDuration(estimates[3])) : "",    //"outer belt"
                String.Format("{0,-20}\t<b>{1}</b>\n", Local.Planner_interplanetary, Lib.HumanReadableDuration(estimates[4])),                   //"interplanetary"
                String.Format("{0,-20}\t<b>{1}</b>\n", Local.Planner_interstellar, Lib.HumanReadableDuration(estimates[5])),                     //"interstellar"
                String.Format("{0,-20}\t<b>{1}</b>", Local.Planner_storm, Lib.HumanReadableDuration(estimates[6]))                               //"storm"

            // render the panel
            p.AddSection(Local.Planner_RADIATION, string.Empty,            //"RADIATION"
                         () => { p.Prev(ref special_index, panel_special.Count); enforceUpdate = true; },
                         () => { p.Next(ref special_index, panel_special.Count); enforceUpdate = true; });
            p.AddContent(Local.Planner_surface, Lib.HumanReadableRadiation(env_analyzer.surface_rad + vessel_analyzer.emitted), tooltip); //"surface"
            p.AddContent(Local.Planner_orbit, Lib.HumanReadableRadiation(env_analyzer.magnetopause_rad), tooltip);                        //"orbit"
            if (vessel_analyzer.emitted >= 0.0)
                p.AddContent(Local.Planner_emission, Lib.HumanReadableRadiation(vessel_analyzer.emitted), tooltip);                //"emission"
                p.AddContent(Local.Planner_activeshielding, Lib.HumanReadableRadiation(-vessel_analyzer.emitted), tooltip);                                        //"active shielding"
            p.AddContent(Local.Planner_shielding, rule.modifiers.Contains("shielding") ? Habitat.Shielding_to_string(vessel_analyzer.shielding) : "N/A", tooltip); //"shielding"
コード例 #4
        public void Analyze(CelestialBody body, double altitude_mult, Planner.SunlightState sunlight)
            this.body = body;
            CelestialBody mainSun;
            Vector3d      sun_dir;

            solar_flux     = Sim.SolarFluxAtBody(body, true, out mainSun, out sun_dir, out sun_dist);
            altitude       = body.Radius * altitude_mult;
            landed         = altitude <= double.Epsilon;
            atmo_factor    = Sim.AtmosphereFactor(body, 0.7071);
            solar_flux     = sunlight == Planner.SunlightState.Shadow ? 0.0 : solar_flux * (landed ? atmo_factor : 1.0);
            breathable     = Sim.Breathable(body) && landed;
            albedo_flux    = sunlight == Planner.SunlightState.Shadow ? 0.0 : Sim.AlbedoFlux(body, body.position + sun_dir * (body.Radius + altitude));
            body_flux      = Sim.BodyFlux(body, altitude);
            total_flux     = solar_flux + albedo_flux + body_flux + Sim.BackgroundFlux();
            temperature    = !landed || !body.atmosphere ? Sim.BlackBodyTemperature(total_flux) : body.GetTemperature(0.0);
            temp_diff      = Sim.TempDiff(temperature, body, landed);
            orbital_period = Sim.OrbitalPeriod(body, altitude);
            shadow_period  = Sim.ShadowPeriod(body, altitude);
            shadow_time    = shadow_period / orbital_period;
            zerog          = !landed && (!body.atmosphere || body.atmosphereDepth < altitude);

            RadiationBody rb     = Radiation.Info(body);
            RadiationBody sun_rb = Radiation.Info(mainSun); // TODO Kopernicus support: not sure if/how this work with multiple suns/stars

            gamma_transparency = Sim.GammaTransparency(body, 0.0);

            // add gamma radiation emitted by body and its sun
            var gamma_radiation = Radiation.DistanceRadiation(rb.radiation_r0, altitude) / 3600.0;

            Lib.Log("Planner/EA: " + body + " sun " + mainSun + " alt " + altitude + " sol flux " + solar_flux + " aalbedo flux " + albedo_flux + " body flux " + body_flux + " total flux " + total_flux);
            Lib.Log("Planner/EA: body surface radiation " + Lib.HumanReadableRadiation(gamma_radiation, false));

            var b = body;
            while (b != null && b.orbit != null && b != mainSun)
                if (b == b.referenceBody)
                var dist = b.orbit.semiMajorAxis;
                b = b.referenceBody;

                gamma_radiation += Radiation.DistanceRadiation(Radiation.Info(b).radiation_r0, dist) / 3600.0;
                Lib.Log("Planner/EA: with gamma radiation from " + b + " " + Lib.HumanReadableRadiation(gamma_radiation, false));
                Lib.Log("Planner/EA: semi major axis " + dist);

            extern_rad       = Settings.ExternRadiation / 3600.0;
            heliopause_rad   = gamma_radiation + extern_rad + sun_rb.radiation_pause;
            magnetopause_rad = gamma_radiation + heliopause_rad + rb.radiation_pause;
            inner_rad        = gamma_radiation + magnetopause_rad + rb.radiation_inner;
            outer_rad        = gamma_radiation + magnetopause_rad + rb.radiation_outer;
            surface_rad      = magnetopause_rad * gamma_transparency + rb.radiation_surface / 3600.0;
            storm_rad        = heliopause_rad + PreferencesRadiation.Instance.StormRadiation * (solar_flux > double.Epsilon ? 1.0 : 0.0);

            Lib.Log("Planner/EA: extern_rad " + Lib.HumanReadableRadiation(extern_rad, false));
            Lib.Log("Planner/EA: heliopause_rad " + Lib.HumanReadableRadiation(heliopause_rad, false));
            Lib.Log("Planner/EA: magnetopause_rad " + Lib.HumanReadableRadiation(magnetopause_rad, false));
            Lib.Log("Planner/EA: inner_rad " + Lib.HumanReadableRadiation(inner_rad, false));
            Lib.Log("Planner/EA: outer_rad " + Lib.HumanReadableRadiation(outer_rad, false));
            Lib.Log("Planner/EA: surface_rad " + Lib.HumanReadableRadiation(surface_rad, false));
            Lib.Log("Planner/EA: storm_rad " + Lib.HumanReadableRadiation(storm_rad, false));