コード例 #1
        public void RenderPoint(Canvas canvas, DataPoint dataPoint)
            RadRect slot  = dataPoint.LayoutSlot;
            Paint   paint = this.CreatePaint(dataPoint);

            canvas.DrawRect((float)slot.GetX(), (float)slot.GetY(), (float)slot.Right, (float)slot.Bottom, paint);
コード例 #2
        private void RenderLabel(Canvas canvas, RadRect dataPointSlot, string labelText, StaticLayout textBounds)
            // TODO - Rotate the canvas on the center before drawing label
            //canvas.Rotate(90, (float)canvas.Width / 2, (float)canvas.Height / 2);

            RectF labelBounds = new RectF();
            float height      = textBounds.Height + labelPadding * 2;

            // Calculate the middle of the bar
            var barY        = (float)dataPointSlot.GetY();
            var barHeight   = canvas.Height - barY;
            var middlePoint = barHeight / 2;
            var labelY      = canvas.Height - middlePoint;

            // Calculate left and right padding around the label
            var barX     = (float)dataPointSlot.GetX();
            var barRight = (float)dataPointSlot.Right;
            var barWidth = barRight - barX;
            var padding  = barWidth / 10;

            // Calculate the Rect bounds
            var rectLeft   = barX + padding;
            var rectTop    = labelY;
            var rectRight  = barRight - padding;
            var rectBottom = rectTop + height;

            // Set's the label's position on the Chart's canvas
            labelBounds.Set(rectLeft, rectTop, rectRight, rectBottom);

            // Draws Rect's fill and stroke color
            canvas.DrawRect(labelBounds.Left, labelBounds.Top, labelBounds.Right, labelBounds.Bottom, fillPaint);
            canvas.DrawRect(labelBounds.Left, labelBounds.Top, labelBounds.Right, labelBounds.Bottom, strokePaint);

            // Draws the Text on the canvas
                (float)dataPointSlot.GetX() + (float)(dataPointSlot.Width / 2.0) - textBounds.GetLineWidth(0) / 2.0f,
                labelBounds.CenterY() + textBounds.GetLineBottom(0) - textBounds.GetLineBaseline(0),

            // TODO Undo rotation after drawing label
            //canvas.Rotate(-90, (float)canvas.Width / 2, (float)canvas.Height / 2);