private static void DrawHeaderAndFooterToPage(RadFixedPage page, int pageNumber, int numberOfPages) { FixedContentEditor pageEditor = new FixedContentEditor(page); Block header = new Block(); ImageSource imageSource = ImportImage(InputLogoFile); Size imageSize = new Size(168, 50); header.InsertImage(imageSource, imageSize); header.Measure(); double headerOffsetX = (page.Size.Width / 2) - (header.DesiredSize.Width / 2); double headerOffsetY = 50; pageEditor.Position.Translate(headerOffsetX, headerOffsetY); pageEditor.DrawBlock(header); Block footer = new Block(); footer.InsertText(String.Format("Page {0} of {1}", pageNumber, numberOfPages)); footer.Measure(); double footerOffsetX = (page.Size.Width / 2) - (footer.DesiredSize.Width / 2); double fotterOffsetY = page.Size.Height - 50 - footer.DesiredSize.Height; pageEditor.Position.Translate(footerOffsetX, fotterOffsetY); pageEditor.DrawBlock(footer); }
private void AddPageWithImage(string description, ImageSource imageSource) { RadFixedPage page = this.document.Pages.AddPage(); page.Size = PageSize; FixedContentEditor editor = new FixedContentEditor(page); editor.GraphicProperties.StrokeThickness = 0; editor.GraphicProperties.IsStroked = false; editor.GraphicProperties.FillColor = new RgbColor(200, 200, 200); editor.DrawRectangle(new Rect(0, 0, PageSize.Width, PageSize.Height)); editor.Position.Translate(Margins.Left, Margins.Top); Block block = new Block(); block.HorizontalAlignment = Telerik.Windows.Documents.Fixed.Model.Editing.Flow.HorizontalAlignment.Center; block.TextProperties.FontSize = 22; block.InsertText(description); Size blockSize = block.Measure(RemainingPageSize); editor.DrawBlock(block, RemainingPageSize); editor.Position.Translate(Margins.Left, blockSize.Height + Margins.Top + 20); Block imageBlock = new Block(); imageBlock.HorizontalAlignment = Telerik.Windows.Documents.Fixed.Model.Editing.Flow.HorizontalAlignment.Center; imageBlock.InsertImage(imageSource); editor.DrawBlock(imageBlock, RemainingPageSize); }
private void AddContentElement(ContentElementBase contentElement) { #region radpdfprocessing-model-radfixedpage_1 RadFixedPage page = new RadFixedPage(); page.Content.Add(contentElement); #endregion }
private void CreateLinkToAction(Action action, RadFixedPage page) { #region radpdfprocessing-model-annotations-and-destinations_1 Link linkWithAction = new Link(action); page.Annotations.Add(linkWithAction); #endregion }
private void OnRowEditEndedExecuted(object obj) { GridViewRowEditEndedEventArgs e = obj as GridViewRowEditEndedEventArgs; BookmarkViewModel bookmarkViewModel = e.NewData as BookmarkViewModel; if (e.EditAction == GridViewEditAction.Cancel) { return; } else if (e.EditOperationType == GridViewEditOperationType.Insert) { RadFixedPage page = this.document.Pages[bookmarkViewModel.PageNumber - 1]; bookmarkViewModel.UpdateBookmarkItem(page); this.document.Bookmarks.Add(bookmarkViewModel.BookmarkItem); } else if (e.EditOperationType == GridViewEditOperationType.Edit) { RadFixedPage page = this.document.Pages[bookmarkViewModel.PageNumber - 1]; BookmarkViewModel viewModel = e.EditedItem as BookmarkViewModel; viewModel.UpdateBookmarkItem(page); } }
internal void UpdateBookmarkItem(RadFixedPage page) { if (this.BookmarkItem == null) { this.BookmarkItem = new BookmarkItem(this.Title, new Location()); } BookmarkItem currentBookmark = this.BookmarkItem; byte red = Convert.ToByte(this.TextColorR); byte green = Convert.ToByte(this.TextColorG); byte blue = Convert.ToByte(this.TextColorB); currentBookmark.TextColor = new RgbColor(red, green, blue); currentBookmark.Title = this.Title; currentBookmark.IsExpanded = this.IsExpanded; currentBookmark.TextStyle = this.TextStyle; Location destination = (Location)currentBookmark.Destination; destination.Top = this.Top; destination.Left = this.Left; destination.Zoom = this.Zoom; destination.Page = page; }
private void CreatePageWithImage(RadFixedDocument document, string imageExtension, EncodedImageData imageData) { RadFixedPage page = document.Pages.AddPage(); page.Size = PageSize; FixedContentEditor editor = new FixedContentEditor(page); editor.Position.Translate(Margins.Left, Margins.Top); Block block = new Block(); block.HorizontalAlignment = Telerik.Windows.Documents.Fixed.Model.Editing.Flow.HorizontalAlignment.Center; block.TextProperties.FontSize = 22; block.InsertText(string.Format("This is {0} image in {1} color space encoded with {2} filter.", imageExtension, imageData.ColorSpace, imageData.Filters.FirstOrDefault() ?? "None")); Size blockSize = block.Measure(RemainingPageSize); editor.DrawBlock(block, RemainingPageSize); editor.Position.Translate(Margins.Left, blockSize.Height + Margins.Top + 50); Block imageBlock = new Block(); imageBlock.HorizontalAlignment = Telerik.Windows.Documents.Fixed.Model.Editing.Flow.HorizontalAlignment.Center; imageBlock.InsertImage(new ImageSource(imageData), new Size(imageData.Width, imageData.Height)); editor.DrawBlock(imageBlock, RemainingPageSize); }
public RadFixedDocument CreateDocument() { RadFixedDocument document = new RadFixedDocument(); RadFixedPage page = document.Pages.AddPage(); page.Size = new Size(600, 800); this.editor = new FixedContentEditor(page); this.editor.Position.Translate(40, 50); using (Stream stream = this.resourceService.GetResourceStream("banner.jpg")) { this.editor.DrawImage(stream, new Size(530, 80)); } this.editor.Position.Translate(ExampleDocumentSizes.DefaultLeftIndent, 160); double maxWidth = page.Size.Width - ExampleDocumentSizes.DefaultLeftIndent * 2; this.DrawDescription(maxWidth); using (this.editor.SaveProperties()) { using (this.editor.SavePosition()) { this.DrawFunnelFigure(); } } return(document); }
private void SubmitChangesAndRemoveTextBox(object sender) { TextBox textBox = (TextBox)sender; textBox.LostFocus -= this.TextBox_LostFocus; textBox.KeyDown -= this.TextBox_KeyDown; this.canvas.Children.Remove(textBox); string text = textBox.Text; RadFixedPage page = this.context.Page; FixedContentEditor editor = new FixedContentEditor(page); editor.Position.Translate(this.mouseLocation.X, this.mouseLocation.Y); editor.DrawText(text); RadPdfViewer viewer = this.context.Presenter.Owner as RadPdfViewer; if (viewer != null) { viewer.InvalidatePageUI(page); } this.hasActiveTextBox = false; }
private void AddAnnotation(Annotation annotation) { #region radpdfprocessing-model-radfixedpage_2 RadFixedPage page = new RadFixedPage(); page.Annotations.Add(annotation); #endregion }
private void CreateAndAddPagesToFixedDocument(RadFixedDocument document) { #region radpdfprocessing-model-radfixeddocument_2 RadFixedPage page = new RadFixedPage(); document.Pages.Add(page); #endregion }
private void AddPageWithImage() { RadFixedPage page = this.document.Pages.AddPage(); page.Size = PageSize; FixedContentEditor editor = new FixedContentEditor(page); editor.GraphicProperties.StrokeThickness = 0; editor.GraphicProperties.IsStroked = false; editor.GraphicProperties.FillColor = new RgbColor(200, 200, 200); editor.DrawRectangle(new Rect(0, 0, PageSize.Width, PageSize.Height)); Margins margins = new Margins(); editor.Position.Translate(margins.Left, margins.Top); Block block = new Block(); block.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center; block.TextProperties.FontSize = 22; block.InsertText("Image converted from PNG to JPG"); block.InsertLineBreak(); block.InsertText(string.Format("when ImageQuality set to {0}", this.imageQuality)); Size blockSize = block.Measure(RemainingPageSize); editor.DrawBlock(block, RemainingPageSize); editor.Position.Translate(margins.Left, blockSize.Height + margins.Top + 20); Block imageBlock = new Block(); imageBlock.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center; imageBlock.InsertImage(this.imageSource); editor.DrawBlock(imageBlock, RemainingPageSize); }
private void CreateRadFixedPage() { #region radpdfprocessing-model-radfixedpage_0 RadFixedDocument document = new RadFixedDocument(); RadFixedPage page = new RadFixedPage(); document.Pages.Add(page); #endregion }
private void ModifyProperties() { #region radpdfprocessing-model-radfixedpage_3 RadFixedPage page = new RadFixedPage(); page.Rotation = Rotation.Rotate270; page.Size = new Size(792, 1128); #endregion }
public SinglePageInfo(double topOffsetInPresenter, double bottomPositionInView, bool intersectsHorizontally, bool intersectsVertically, RadFixedPage page, Rect positionInView, GeneralTransform transformations) : base(page, positionInView, transformations) { this.topOffsetInPresenter = topOffsetInPresenter; this.bottomPositionInView = bottomPositionInView; this.intersectsWithViewportVertically = intersectsVertically; this.intersectsWithViewportHorizontally = intersectsHorizontally; }
private RadFixedPage CreatePage(System.Windows.Controls.Border element) { RadFixedPage page = new RadFixedPage(); page.Size = new Size(1000, 1000); FixedContentEditor editor = new FixedContentEditor(page, Telerik.Windows.Documents.Fixed.Model.Data.MatrixPosition.Default); ExportHelper.ExportToPdf(element, editor); return page; }
private RadFixedDocument CreateDocument(RadPivotGrid element) { RadFixedDocument document = new RadFixedDocument(); RadFixedPage page = this.CreatePage(element); document.Pages.Add(page); return(document); }
public static RadFixedDocument CreateDocument(FrameworkElement element) { RadFixedDocument document = new RadFixedDocument(); RadFixedPage page = CreatePage(element); document.Pages.Add(page); return(document); }
static void Main() { RadFixedDocument document = Program.ImportDocument("BlueTemplate.pdf"); RadFixedPage page = document.Pages.First(); Program.DeleteTextFragment(page, "This is the blue template!"); Program.AddWatermarkText(page, "Watermark text!", 100); Program.ExportAndViewPdf(document, "testWatermarks.pdf"); }
private RadFixedDocument CreateDocument(System.Windows.Controls.Border element) { RadFixedDocument document = new RadFixedDocument(); RadFixedPage page = this.CreatePage(element); document.Pages.Add(page); return(document); }
public static void DrawHeaderAndFooterToDocument() { int numberOfPages = document.Pages.Count; for (int pageIndex = 0; pageIndex < numberOfPages; pageIndex++) { int pageNumber = pageIndex + 1; RadFixedPage currentPage = document.Pages[pageIndex]; DrawHeaderAndFooterToPage(currentPage, pageNumber, numberOfPages); } }
private RadFixedPage CreatePage(System.Windows.Controls.Border element) { RadFixedPage page = new RadFixedPage(); page.Size = new Size(1000, 1000); FixedContentEditor editor = new FixedContentEditor(page, Telerik.Windows.Documents.Fixed.Model.Data.MatrixPosition.Default); ExportHelper.ExportToPdf(element, editor); return(page); }
public EditorInfo(RadFixedPage page, IPosition position, RadDiagramItem element, Rect bounds, Brush stroke, double angle) { this.Page = page; this.Position = position; this.Background = element.Background; this.StrokeThickness = element.StrokeThickness; this.StrokeDashArray = element.StrokeDashArray; this.Opacity = element.Opacity; this.Stroke = stroke; this.Bounds = bounds; this.Angle = angle; }
private void CreateLinearGradient(RadFixedPage container) { #region radpdfprocessing-concepts-colors-and-color-spaces_1 FixedContentEditor containerEditor = new FixedContentEditor(container); LinearGradient linearGradient = new LinearGradient(new Point(0, 0), new Point(30, 30)); linearGradient.GradientStops.Add(new GradientStop(new RgbColor(0, 207, 0), 0)); linearGradient.GradientStops.Add(new GradientStop(new RgbColor(0, 102, 204), 0)); containerEditor.GraphicProperties.FillColor = linearGradient; containerEditor.DrawRectangle(new Rect(10, 10, 48, 29)); #endregion }
private void CreateLocation(RadFixedPage secondPage, RadFixedPage firstPage) { #region radpdfprocessing-model-annotations-and-destinations_2 Location location = new Location(); location.Left = 225; location.Top = 500; location.Zoom = 4; location.Page = secondPage; var link = firstPage.Annotations.AddLink(location); link.Rect = new Rect(10, 10, 50, 50); #endregion }
private static RadFixedPage GenerateBackgroundImageContent(string watermarkImage) { using (Stream imageStream = File.OpenRead(watermarkImage)) { ImageSource image = new ImageSource(imageStream); RadFixedPage backgroundContentOwner = new RadFixedPage(); backgroundContentOwner.Size = new Size(image.Width, image.Height); FixedContentEditor imagePageEditor = new FixedContentEditor(backgroundContentOwner); imagePageEditor.DrawImage(image); return(backgroundContentOwner); } }
public bool GetLocationFromViewPoint(Point viewPoint, Size viewport, out RadFixedPage page, out Point location) { location = new Point(); page = null; if (this.ContentSize.Width == 0 || this.ContentSize.Height == 0 || this.pageLayoutInfos == null || this.pageLayoutInfos.Count == 0) { return(false); } SinglePageInfo pageInfo = this.visiblePage; if (pageInfo == null || !pageInfo.FixedPage.HasContent) { return(false); } page = pageInfo.FixedPage; double verticalScrollOffset = this.Presenter.Owner.VerticalScrollOffset; if (pageInfo.IntersectsWithViewportVertically) { if (verticalScrollOffset < pageInfo.PositionInView.Y) { viewPoint.Y += pageInfo.PositionInView.Y - verticalScrollOffset; } else if (verticalScrollOffset + viewport.Height > pageInfo.BottomPositionInView) { viewPoint.Y -= verticalScrollOffset + viewport.Height - pageInfo.BottomPositionInView; } } else { if (verticalScrollOffset + pageInfo.VerticalOffset > pageInfo.PositionInView.Y) { viewPoint.Y -= verticalScrollOffset + pageInfo.VerticalOffset - pageInfo.PositionInView.Y; } else if (verticalScrollOffset + pageInfo.VerticalOffset < pageInfo.PositionInView.Y) { viewPoint.Y += pageInfo.PositionInView.Y - (verticalScrollOffset + pageInfo.VerticalOffset); } } location = new Point(viewPoint.X - pageInfo.PositionInView.X, viewPoint.Y - pageInfo.PositionInView.Y); if (pageInfo.InverseTransformations != null) { location = pageInfo.InverseTransformations.Transform(location); } return(true); }
public static RadFixedPage CreatePage(FrameworkElement element) { //RadFixedPage page = new RadFixedPage { Size = new Size(1000, 1000) }; RadFixedPage page = new RadFixedPage() { Size = new Size(element.ActualWidth, element.ActualHeight) }; FixedContentEditor editor = new FixedContentEditor(page, MatrixPosition.Default); ExportHelper.ExportToPdf(element, editor); return(page); }
private static void DeleteTextFragment(RadFixedPage page, string text) { ContentElementBase fragment = page.Content.FirstOrDefault((element) => { TextFragment textElement = element as TextFragment; return(textElement != null && textElement.Text == text); }); if (fragment != null) { page.Content.Remove(fragment); } }
public bool GetLocationFromViewPoint(Point viewPoint, Size viewport, out RadFixedPage page, out Point location) { location = new Point(); page = null; if (this.ContentSize.Width == 0 || this.ContentSize.Height == 0 || this.pageLayoutInfos == null || this.pageLayoutInfos.Count == 0) { return false; } SinglePageInfo pageInfo = this.visiblePage; if (pageInfo == null || !pageInfo.FixedPage.HasContent == null) { return false; } page = pageInfo.FixedPage; double verticalScrollOffset = this.Presenter.Owner.VerticalScrollOffset; if (pageInfo.IntersectsWithViewportVertically) { if (verticalScrollOffset < pageInfo.PositionInView.Y) { viewPoint.Y += pageInfo.PositionInView.Y - verticalScrollOffset; } else if (verticalScrollOffset + viewport.Height > pageInfo.BottomPositionInView) { viewPoint.Y -= verticalScrollOffset + viewport.Height - pageInfo.BottomPositionInView; } } else { if (verticalScrollOffset + pageInfo.VerticalOffset > pageInfo.PositionInView.Y) { viewPoint.Y -= verticalScrollOffset + pageInfo.VerticalOffset - pageInfo.PositionInView.Y; } else if (verticalScrollOffset + pageInfo.VerticalOffset < pageInfo.PositionInView.Y) { viewPoint.Y += pageInfo.PositionInView.Y - (verticalScrollOffset + pageInfo.VerticalOffset); } } location = new Point(viewPoint.X - pageInfo.PositionInView.X, viewPoint.Y - pageInfo.PositionInView.Y); if (pageInfo.InverseTransformations != null) { location = pageInfo.InverseTransformations.Transform(location); } return true; }
private void UsingFixedContentEditor() { #region radpdfprocessing-editing-table_9 Table table = GenerateSampleTable(); RadFixedDocument document = new RadFixedDocument(); RadFixedPage page = document.Pages.AddPage(); FixedContentEditor editor = new FixedContentEditor(page, new SimplePosition()); editor.Position.Translate(10, 100); editor.Position.Rotate(-45); editor.DrawTable(table); #endregion }
private static void ExportShape(RadDiagramShape shape, Rect enclosingBounds, RadFixedPage page) { var bounds = new Rect(shape.Bounds.X - enclosingBounds.X, shape.Bounds.Y - enclosingBounds.Y, shape.Bounds.Width, shape.Bounds.Height); var pathGeometry = shape.Geometry as PathGeometry; var transformGroup = new TransformGroup(); #if WPF if (pathGeometry == null) { var streamGeometry = shape.Geometry as StreamGeometry; if (streamGeometry != null) { pathGeometry = streamGeometry.AsPathGeometry(); } } #endif var geometrySize = shape.Geometry.Bounds.ToSize(); if (IsValidSize(geometrySize) && (geometrySize.Width != bounds.Width || geometrySize.Width != bounds.Width)) { transformGroup.Children.Add(new ScaleTransform() { ScaleX = bounds.Width / geometrySize.Width, ScaleY = bounds.Height / geometrySize.Height }); } transformGroup.Children.Add(new RotateTransform() { Angle = shape.RotationAngle, CenterX = bounds.Width / 2, CenterY = bounds.Height / 2 }); transformGroup.Children.Add(new TranslateTransform() { X = bounds.X, Y = bounds.Y }); var position = new MatrixPosition(transformGroup.Value); EditorInfo info = new EditorInfo(page, position, shape, bounds, shape.BorderBrush, shape.RotationAngle); FixedContentEditor editor = CreateEditor(info, false); FixedContentEditor filledEditor = CreateEditor(info, true); ExportGeometry(editor, filledEditor, pathGeometry); if (shape.Content != null) { var center = bounds.Center(); ExportContent(shape, bounds, shape.RotationAngle, page, (s) => { return(new Point(center.X - s.Width / 2, center.Y - s.Height / 2)); }); } }
private void CreateTiling(RadFixedPage container) { #region radpdfprocessing-concepts-colors-and-color-spaces_2 FixedContentEditor containerEditor = new FixedContentEditor(container); Tiling tiling = new Tiling(new Rect(0, 0, 10, 10)); FixedContentEditor tilingEditor = new FixedContentEditor(tiling); tilingEditor.GraphicProperties.IsStroked = false; tilingEditor.GraphicProperties.FillColor = new RgbColor(128, 28, 43); tilingEditor.DrawRectangle(new Rect(2, 2, 5, 7)); containerEditor.GraphicProperties.FillColor = tiling; containerEditor.DrawCircle(new Point(30, 30), 20); #endregion }
private static void ExportTextShape(RadDiagramTextShape shape, Rect enclosingBounds, RadFixedPage page) { var bounds = new Rect(shape.Bounds.X - enclosingBounds.X, shape.Bounds.Y - enclosingBounds.Y, shape.Bounds.Width, shape.Bounds.Height); var transformGroup = new TransformGroup(); transformGroup.Children.Add(new RotateTransform() { Angle = shape.RotationAngle, CenterX = bounds.Width / 2, CenterY = bounds.Height / 2 }); transformGroup.Children.Add(new TranslateTransform() { X = bounds.X, Y = bounds.Y }); var position = new MatrixPosition(transformGroup.Value); FixedContentEditor containerEditor = CreateEditor(new EditorInfo(page, position, shape, bounds, shape.BorderBrush, shape.RotationAngle), true); containerEditor.DrawRectangle(new Rect(new Point(), bounds.ToSize())); if (shape.Content != null) { var center = bounds.Center(); ExportContent(shape, bounds, shape.RotationAngle, page, (s) => { return new Point(bounds.Center().X - s.Width / 2, center.Y - s.Height / 2); }); } }
public static RadFixedPage ExportDiagram(RadDiagram diagram, Rect pageSize) { RadFixedPage page = new RadFixedPage(); page.Size = pageSize.ToSize(); var orderedContainers = diagram.Items.Select(i => diagram.ContainerGenerator.ContainerFromItem(i)).OrderBy(c => c.ZIndex); foreach (var container in orderedContainers) { if (container.Visibility != Visibility.Visible) continue; var shape = container as RadDiagramShape; if (shape != null) { ExportShape(shape, pageSize, page); continue; } var textShape = container as RadDiagramTextShape; if (textShape != null) { ExportTextShape(textShape, pageSize, page); continue; } var containerShape = container as RadDiagramContainerShape; if (containerShape != null) { ExportContainerShape(containerShape, pageSize, page); continue; } var connection = container as RadDiagramConnection; if (connection != null) { ExportConnection(connection, pageSize, page); continue; } } return page; }
private static void ExportConnection(RadDiagramConnection connection, Rect enclosingBounds, RadFixedPage page) { var bounds = new Rect(connection.Bounds.X - enclosingBounds.X, connection.Bounds.Y - enclosingBounds.Y, connection.Bounds.Width, connection.Bounds.Height); var pathGeometry = connection.Geometry as PathGeometry; var pathBounds = connection.ConnectionType == ConnectionType.Bezier ? pathGeometry.Bounds : new Rect(); var transformGroup = new TransformGroup(); transformGroup.Children.Add(new TranslateTransform() { X = bounds.X - pathBounds.X, Y = bounds.Y - pathBounds.Y }); var position = new MatrixPosition(transformGroup.Value); EditorInfo info = new EditorInfo(page, position, connection, bounds, connection.Stroke, 0); FixedContentEditor editor = CreateEditor(info, false); FixedContentEditor filledEditor = CreateEditor(info, true); ExportGeometry(editor, filledEditor, pathGeometry, true); if (connection.Content != null) { var center = bounds.Center(); ExportContent(connection, bounds, 0, page, (s) => { return new Point(bounds.Center().X - s.Width / 2, center.Y - s.Height / 2); }); } }
public override bool GetLocationFromViewPoint(Point positionInView, out RadFixedPage page, out Point location) { return this.pagesLayoutManager.GetLocationFromViewPoint(positionInView, this.ViewportSize, out page, out location); }
private static void ExportContainerShape(RadDiagramContainerShape container, Rect enclosingBounds, RadFixedPage page) { var bounds = new Rect(container.Bounds.X - enclosingBounds.X, container.Bounds.Y - enclosingBounds.Y, container.Bounds.Width, container.Bounds.Height); var transformGroup = new TransformGroup(); transformGroup.Children.Add(new RotateTransform() { Angle = container.RotationAngle, CenterX = bounds.Width / 2, CenterY = bounds.Height / 2 }); transformGroup.Children.Add(new TranslateTransform() { X = bounds.X, Y = bounds.Y }); var position = new MatrixPosition(transformGroup.Value); FixedContentEditor containerEditor = CreateEditor(new EditorInfo(page, position, container, bounds, container.BorderBrush, container.RotationAngle), true); containerEditor.DrawRectangle(new Rect(new Point(), bounds.ToSize())); containerEditor.GraphicProperties.StrokeThickness = 0.5; var headerHeight = container.ContentBounds.Y - container.Bounds.Y - DiagramConstants.ContainerMargin; containerEditor.DrawRectangle(new Rect(new Point(0, headerHeight), new Size(bounds.Width, 0.5))); if (container.IsCollapsible) { var buttonTop = headerHeight / 2 - 2.5; var buttonLeft = bounds.Width - 20; if (container.IsCollapsed) { containerEditor.DrawLine(new Point(buttonLeft, buttonTop), new Point(buttonLeft + 4, buttonTop + 4)); containerEditor.DrawLine(new Point(buttonLeft + 4, buttonTop + 4), new Point(buttonLeft + 8, buttonTop)); if (container.CollapsedContent != null) { var contentHeight = container.ActualHeight - headerHeight; ExportContent(container, bounds, container.RotationAngle, page, (s) => { return new Point(bounds.Center().X - s.Width / 2, bounds.Bottom - contentHeight / 2 - s.Height / 2); }, container.CollapsedContent.ToString()); } } else { containerEditor.DrawLine(new Point(buttonLeft, buttonTop + 4), new Point(buttonLeft + 4, buttonTop)); containerEditor.DrawLine(new Point(buttonLeft + 4, buttonTop), new Point(buttonLeft + 8, buttonTop + 4)); } } if (container.Content != null) { ExportContent(container, bounds, container.RotationAngle, page, (s) => { return new Point(bounds.Center().X - s.Width / 2, bounds.Top + headerHeight / 2 - s.Height / 2); }); } }
private static void ExportContent(ContentControl control, Rect bounds, double angle, RadFixedPage page, Func<Size, Point> positionFunc, string contentString = null) { string text = contentString ?? control.Content.ToString(); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(text)) return; FixedContentEditor textEditor = new FixedContentEditor(page); var block = new Block(); // Set the text and graphic properties. block.TextProperties.FontSize = control.FontSize; block.TextProperties.RenderingMode = RenderingMode.Fill; block.TextProperties.TrySetFont(control.FontFamily, control.FontStyle, control.FontWeight); block.GraphicProperties.FillColor = ColorHelper.GetColor(control.Foreground, control.Opacity, bounds); block.GraphicProperties.StrokeColor = block.GraphicProperties.FillColor; // Measure the text. block.InsertText(text); var boundsSize = bounds.ToSize(); var availableSize = new Size(boundsSize.Width - control.Padding.Left - control.Padding.Right, boundsSize.Width - control.Padding.Top - control.Padding.Bottom); var textSize = block.Measure(availableSize); var position = positionFunc(textSize); var textGroup = new TransformGroup(); textGroup.Children.Add(new RotateTransform() { Angle = angle, CenterX = textSize.Width / 2, CenterY = textSize.Height / 2 }); textGroup.Children.Add(new TranslateTransform() { X = position.X, Y = position.Y }); textEditor.Position = new MatrixPosition(textGroup.Value); textEditor.DrawBlock(block, availableSize); }
private static void ExportShape(RadDiagramShape shape, Rect enclosingBounds, RadFixedPage page) { var bounds = new Rect(shape.Bounds.X - enclosingBounds.X, shape.Bounds.Y - enclosingBounds.Y, shape.Bounds.Width, shape.Bounds.Height); var pathGeometry = shape.Geometry as PathGeometry; var transformGroup = new TransformGroup(); #if WPF if (pathGeometry == null) { var streamGeometry = shape.Geometry as StreamGeometry; if (streamGeometry != null) pathGeometry = streamGeometry.AsPathGeometry(); } #endif var geometrySize = shape.Geometry.Bounds.ToSize(); if (IsValidSize(geometrySize) && (geometrySize.Width != bounds.Width || geometrySize.Width != bounds.Width)) transformGroup.Children.Add(new ScaleTransform() { ScaleX = bounds.Width / geometrySize.Width, ScaleY = bounds.Height / geometrySize.Height }); transformGroup.Children.Add(new RotateTransform() { Angle = shape.RotationAngle, CenterX = bounds.Width / 2, CenterY = bounds.Height / 2 }); transformGroup.Children.Add(new TranslateTransform() { X = bounds.X, Y = bounds.Y }); var position = new MatrixPosition(transformGroup.Value); EditorInfo info = new EditorInfo(page, position, shape, bounds, shape.BorderBrush, shape.RotationAngle); FixedContentEditor editor = CreateEditor(info, false); FixedContentEditor filledEditor = CreateEditor(info, true); ExportGeometry(editor, filledEditor, pathGeometry); if (shape.Content != null) { var center = bounds.Center(); ExportContent(shape, bounds, shape.RotationAngle, page, (s) => { return new Point(center.X - s.Width / 2, center.Y - s.Height / 2); }); } }