public EnemyData(EnemyData other) { name =; raceId = new RaceID(other.raceId); aiParams = new AiParameters(other.aiParams); items = new List <ItemData>(other.items); }
public override void TileProc(int aX, int aY, ref bool refContinue) { NWField f = Field; Step(aX, aY); if (f.IsBarrier(aX, aY)) { refContinue = false; } else { NWCreature c = (NWCreature)f.FindCreature(aX, aY); if (c != null && c.HasAffect(EffectID.eid_Death)) { RaceID race = c.Entry.Race; if (race == RaceID.crDefault || race == RaceID.crHuman) { if (c.IsPlayer) { c.Death(BaseLocale.GetStr(RS.rs_KilledByDeathRay), null); } else { c.Death(BaseLocale.Format(RS.rs_TheXIsDestroyed, new object[] { c.Name }), null); } } } } }
public void CorrectInvalidData() { if (raceId == null) { Debug.LogWarning("Race ID is null, changing to \"Human\""); raceId = new RaceID("Human"); } }
private void PrepareEnemy() { try { NWCreature self = (NWCreature)fSelf; // search nearest enemy NWCreature enemy = self.FindEnemy(); if (enemy != null) { if (IsShipSail) { PrepareChase(enemy, AttackRisk.Wary, false); return; } AttackRisk ar; RaceID race = self.Entry.Race; if (GlobalVars.Debug_Fury || race == RaceID.crAesir || race == RaceID.crEvilGod || race == RaceID.crDaemon) { ar = AttackRisk.Immediately; } else { bool vent = self.Effects.FindEffectByID(EffectID.eid_Ventriloquism) != null; if (vent) { ar = AttackRisk.Wait; } else { float arVal = self.GetAttackRate(enemy, Kinsfolks.Count); ar = GetRiskKind(arVal); } } switch (ar) { case AttackRisk.RunAway: case AttackRisk.Evade: PrepareEvade(enemy, ar, true); break; case AttackRisk.Wait: // dummy break; case AttackRisk.Wary: case AttackRisk.Immediately: PrepareChase(enemy, ar, true); break; } } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Write("BeastBrain.prepareEnemy(): " + ex.Message); } }
public virtual void CreateCharacter(RaceID race) { UpdateDefence(DefenceID.ArmorClass); UpdateDefence(DefenceID.Fortitude); UpdateDefence(DefenceID.Reflex); UpdateDefence(DefenceID.Will); UpdateMaxHealth(); _currentHealth = _maxHealth; return; }
public override void TileProc(int aX, int aY, ref bool aContinue) { NWField fld = Field; NWTile tile = (NWTile)fld.GetTile(aX, aY); Step(aX, aY); if (tile == null) { aContinue = false; } else { int fgp = tile.ForeBase; switch (fgp) { case PlaceID.pid_Undefined: break; case PlaceID.pid_Mountain: case PlaceID.pid_Vulcan: aContinue = false; break; case PlaceID.pid_Vortex: case PlaceID.pid_StairsDown: case PlaceID.pid_StairsUp: case PlaceID.pid_GStairsDown: case PlaceID.pid_GStairsUp: case PlaceID.pid_HoleDown: case PlaceID.pid_HoleUp: break; default: tile.Foreground = PlaceID.pid_Rubble; break; } NWCreature c = (NWCreature)fld.FindCreature(aX, aY); if (c != null) { RaceID race = c.Entry.Race; if (race == RaceID.crDefault || race == RaceID.crHuman) { c.Death("", null); } } } }
public void CreateNewHero(string name, RaceID raceId) { if (CurrentHeroData != null && !CurrentHeroData.IsEmpty) { ErrorHandler.ReportError("Cannot create a new hero - slot already taken"); return; } if (Main.StaticData.Game.Races.GetValue(raceId) == null) { ErrorHandler.ReportError("Cannot create a new hero - invalid race ID"); return; } heroes[currentHeroId] = new HeroData(name, raceId); HeroChangedEvent?.Invoke(); }
public HeroData(HeroData other) { isEmpty = other.isEmpty; characterName = other.characterName; raceId = other.raceId; xp = other.xp; level = other.level; rankPoints = other.rankPoints; totalAttributePoints = other.totalAttributePoints; spentAttributePoints = other.spentAttributePoints; skillTreeSlots = other.skillTreeSlots.DeepCopy(); skills = other.skills.DeepCopy(); primarySkill = new SkillID(other.primarySkill); secondarySkills = other.secondarySkills.DeepCopy(); unitData = new UnitData(other.unitData); teleportData = new TeleportData(other.teleportData); }
public void Init(string name, RaceID raceId) { isEmpty = false; characterName = name; this.raceId = raceId; xp = 0; level = 1; rankPoints = 0; Utils.InitWithNew(ref skillTreeSlots, StartingSkillSlotsCount); unitData = Main.StaticData.Game.Races.GetValue(raceId).BaseStats; skills = unitData.Skills; primarySkill = unitData.MainAttack; secondarySkills = new List <SkillID>(StartingSecondarySkillsCount); teleportData = new TeleportData(); }
private Collider FindExistingCollider() { Collider result = null; result = unit.GetComponent <Collider>(); if (result != null) { return(result); } RaceID raceId = new RaceID(unit.UnitData.RaceName); result = Main.StaticData.Game.Races.GetValue(raceId).Graphics.Collider; if (result != null) { return(gameObject.AddCopyOfComponent(result)); } //the collider must be in the same gameObject as the rigidbody, so if we find one in a child object, we move it up Collider childCollider = unit.GetComponentInChildren <Collider>(); if (childCollider is BoxCollider) { result = gameObject.AddCopyOfComponent(childCollider as BoxCollider); } if (childCollider is SphereCollider) { result = gameObject.AddCopyOfComponent(childCollider as SphereCollider); } if (childCollider is CapsuleCollider) { result = gameObject.AddCopyOfComponent(childCollider as CapsuleCollider); } if (childCollider is MeshCollider) { result = gameObject.AddCopyOfComponent(childCollider as MeshCollider); } Destroy(childCollider); return(result); }
public override void TileProc(int aX, int aY, ref bool aContinue) { NWField f = Field; Step(aX, aY); if (f.IsBarrier(aX, aY)) { aContinue = false; } else { NWCreature c = (NWCreature)f.FindCreature(aX, aY); if (c != null) { RaceID race = c.Entry.Race; if (race == RaceID.crDefault || race == RaceID.crHuman) { c.ClearAbilities(); c.ClearSkills(); } } } }
public override void Execute() { NWCreature self = (NWCreature)Self; NWCreature enemy = (NWCreature)Enemy; bool ex = ((NWField)self.CurrentMap).Creatures.IndexOf(enemy) >= 0; RaceID race = self.Entry.Race; bool los = (race == RaceID.crDefault || race == RaceID.crHuman); IsComplete = (!ex || enemy.State == CreatureState.csDead || !self.IsAvailable(enemy, los)); if (!IsComplete) { if (!CanMove) { Brain.Attack(enemy, true); } else { Brain.Attack(enemy, Risk == AttackRisk.ar_Wary); } IsComplete = (enemy.State == CreatureState.csDead); } }
public Race GetRace(RaceID raceId) { return(GetRace(raceId.Name)); }
public override void LoadXML(XmlNode element, FileVersion version) { try { base.LoadXML(element, version); Race = (RaceID)Enum.Parse(typeof(RaceID), ReadElement(element, "Race")); Gfx = ReadElement(element, "gfx"); Sfx = ReadElement(element, "sfx"); string signs = ReadElement(element, "Signs"); Flags = new CreatureFlags(signs); if (!signs.Equals(Flags.Signature)) { throw new Exception("CreatureSigns not equals " + Convert.ToString(GUID)); } MinHP = Convert.ToInt16(ReadElement(element, "minHP")); MaxHP = Convert.ToInt16(ReadElement(element, "maxHP")); AC = Convert.ToInt16(ReadElement(element, "AC")); Speed = Convert.ToSByte(ReadElement(element, "Speed")); ToHit = Convert.ToInt16(ReadElement(element, "ToHit")); Attacks = Convert.ToSByte(ReadElement(element, "Attacks")); Constitution = Convert.ToInt16(ReadElement(element, "Constitution")); Strength = Convert.ToInt16(ReadElement(element, "Strength")); MinDB = Convert.ToInt16(ReadElement(element, "minDB")); MaxDB = Convert.ToInt16(ReadElement(element, "maxDB")); Survey = Convert.ToByte(ReadElement(element, "Survey")); Level = Convert.ToSByte(ReadElement(element, "Level")); Alignment = (Alignment)Enum.Parse(typeof(Alignment), ReadElement(element, "Alignment")); Weight = (float)ConvertHelper.ParseFloat(ReadElement(element, "Weight"), 0.0f, true); Sex = StaticData.GetSexBySign(ReadElement(element, "Sex")); FleshEffect = Convert.ToInt32(ReadElement(element, "FleshEffect")); FleshSatiety = Convert.ToInt16(ReadElement(element, "FleshSatiety")); string sym = ReadElement(element, "Symbol"); Symbol = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sym) ? '?' : sym[0]); Extinctable = Convert.ToBoolean(ReadElement(element, "Extinctable")); Dexterity = Convert.ToUInt16(ReadElement(element, "Dexterity")); Hear = Convert.ToByte(ReadElement(element, "Hear")); Smell = Convert.ToByte(ReadElement(element, "Smell")); FramesCount = Convert.ToByte(ReadElement(element, "FramesCount")); XmlNodeList nl = element.SelectSingleNode("Lands").ChildNodes; Lands = new string[nl.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < nl.Count; i++) { XmlNode n = nl[i]; Lands[i] = n.Attributes["ID"].InnerText; } nl = element.SelectSingleNode("Abilities").ChildNodes; for (int i = 0; i < nl.Count; i++) { XmlNode n = nl[i]; AbilityID ab = (AbilityID)Enum.Parse(typeof(AbilityID), n.Attributes["ID"].InnerText); int val = Convert.ToInt32(n.Attributes["Value"].InnerText); Abilities.Add((int)ab, val); } nl = element.SelectSingleNode("Skills").ChildNodes; for (int i = 0; i < nl.Count; i++) { XmlNode n = nl[i]; SkillID sk = (SkillID)Enum.Parse(typeof(SkillID), n.Attributes["ID"].InnerText); int val = Convert.ToInt32(n.Attributes["Value"].InnerText); Skills.Add((int)sk, val); } nl = element.SelectSingleNode("Inventory").ChildNodes; Inventory = new InventoryEntry[nl.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < nl.Count; i++) { XmlNode n = nl[i]; InventoryEntry invEntry = new InventoryEntry(); Inventory[i] = invEntry; invEntry.ItemSign = n.Attributes["ID"].InnerText; invEntry.CountMin = Convert.ToInt32(n.Attributes["CountMin"].InnerText); invEntry.CountMax = Convert.ToInt32(n.Attributes["CountMax"].InnerText); XmlAttribute stat = n.Attributes["Status"]; if (stat != null) { ParseStatus(invEntry, stat.InnerText); } } XmlNodeList dnl = element.SelectNodes("Dialog"); if (dnl.Count > 0) { XmlNode dialogXmlNode = (XmlNode)dnl[0]; Dialog.LoadXML(dialogXmlNode, version, true); } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Write("CreatureEntry.loadXML(): " + ex.Message); throw ex; } }
public HeroData(string name, RaceID raceId) { Init(name, raceId); }
public RaceSkillConditionalFeat SaveRaceSkillConditionalFeat() { SqlDataReader result; DatabaseConnection dbconn = new DatabaseConnection(); SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(); SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(dbconn.SQLSEVERConnString); try { connection.Open(); command.Connection = connection; command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; command.CommandText = "InsertUpdate_RaceSkillConditionalFeat"; command.Parameters.Add(dbconn.GenerateParameterObj("@RaceID", SqlDbType.Int, RaceID.ToString(), 0)); command.Parameters.Add(dbconn.GenerateParameterObj("@SkillID", SqlDbType.Int, SkillID.ToString(), 0)); command.Parameters.Add(dbconn.GenerateParameterObj("@ConditionalFeatID", SqlDbType.Int, ConditionalFeatID.ToString(), 0)); result = command.ExecuteReader(); result.Read(); SetReaderToObject(ref result); } catch { Exception e = new Exception(); this._insertUpdateOK = false; this._insertUpdateMessage.Append(e.Message.ToString()); throw e; } finally { command.Dispose(); connection.Close(); } return(this); }
/// <summary> /// Saves the force power descriptor. /// </summary> /// <returns>Race Object</returns> public Race SaveRace() { SqlDataReader result; DatabaseConnection dbconn = new DatabaseConnection(); SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(); SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(dbconn.SQLSEVERConnString); try { connection.Open(); command.Connection = connection; command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; command.CommandText = "InsertUpdate_Race"; command.Parameters.Add(dbconn.GenerateParameterObj("@RaceID", SqlDbType.Int, RaceID.ToString(), 0)); command.Parameters.Add(dbconn.GenerateParameterObj("@RaceName", SqlDbType.VarChar, RaceName.ToString(), 50)); command.Parameters.Add(dbconn.GenerateParameterObj("@RaceDescription", SqlDbType.VarChar, RaceDescription.ToString(), 1000)); command.Parameters.Add(dbconn.GenerateParameterObj("@OtherDescription", SqlDbType.VarChar, OtherDescription.ToString(), 1000)); command.Parameters.Add(dbconn.GenerateParameterObj("@SizeID", SqlDbType.Int, SizeID.ToString(), 0)); command.Parameters.Add(dbconn.GenerateParameterObj("@Sex", SqlDbType.Char, Sex.ToString(), 1)); command.Parameters.Add(dbconn.GenerateParameterObj("@RageAbility", SqlDbType.Bit, RageAbility.ToString(), 0)); command.Parameters.Add(dbconn.GenerateParameterObj("@ShapeShiftAbility", SqlDbType.Bit, ShapeShiftAbility.ToString(), 0)); command.Parameters.Add(dbconn.GenerateParameterObj("@Primitive", SqlDbType.Bit, Primitive.ToString(), 0)); command.Parameters.Add(dbconn.GenerateParameterObj("@BonusSkill", SqlDbType.Bit, BonusSkill.ToString(), 0)); command.Parameters.Add(dbconn.GenerateParameterObj("@BonusFeat", SqlDbType.Bit, BonusFeat.ToString(), 0)); command.Parameters.Add(dbconn.GenerateParameterObj("@AverageHeight", SqlDbType.Decimal, AverageHeight.ToString(), 0)); command.Parameters.Add(dbconn.GenerateParameterObj("@AverageWeight", SqlDbType.Decimal, AverageWeight.ToString(), 0)); command.Parameters.Add(dbconn.GenerateParameterObj("@SpeedID", SqlDbType.Int, SpeedID.ToString(), 0)); result = command.ExecuteReader(); result.Read(); SetReaderToObject(ref result); } catch { Exception e = new Exception(); this._insertUpdateOK = false; this._insertUpdateMessage.Append(e.Message + " Inner Exception= " + e.InnerException); throw e; } finally { command.Dispose(); connection.Close(); } return(this); }
/// <summary> /// Deletes the extra class item. /// </summary> /// <returns>Boolean</returns> public bool DeleteRace() { SqlDataReader result; DatabaseConnection dbconn = new DatabaseConnection(); SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(); SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(dbconn.SQLSEVERConnString); try { connection.Open(); command.Connection = connection; command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; command.CommandText = "Delete_Race"; command.Parameters.Add(dbconn.GenerateParameterObj("@RaceID", SqlDbType.Int, RaceID.ToString(), 0)); result = command.ExecuteReader(); } catch { Exception e = new Exception(); this._deleteOK = false; this._deletionMessage.Append(e.Message + " Inner Exception= " + e.InnerException); throw e; } finally { command.Dispose(); connection.Close(); } return(this.DeleteOK); }
public string GetModelId() { return(RaceID.ToString()); }
public override void CreateCharacter(RaceID race) { _characterName = "Lost Vagabond"; //Ability Scores int[] stats = { -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 }; int[] values = { 16, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10 }; int tempNum = 0; int roundKill = 0; int trained1 = -1, trained2 = -1, trained3 = -1; for (int i = 0; i < 6;) { tempNum = Random.Range(0, 6); if (System.Array.Exists(stats, stat => stat == tempNum) == false) { stats[i] = tempNum; i++; } roundKill++; if (roundKill >= 500) { Debug.LogError("BAD RNG, KILLED"); break; } } for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { SetAbilityScore((AbilityID)stats[i], values[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < 3;) { switch (i) { case 0: trained1 = Random.Range(1, 17); i++; break; case 1: trained2 = Random.Range(1, 17); if (trained2 == trained1) { trained2 = -1; } else { i++; } break; case 2: trained3 = Random.Range(1, 17); if (trained3 == trained1 || trained3 == trained2) { trained3 = -1; } else { i++; } break; } } _trainedSkills[trained1] = true; _trainedSkills[trained2] = true; _trainedSkills[trained3] = true; _trainedSkills[0] = true; base.CreateCharacter(race); }