public void GetCheckpoints_Success_Test() { // Arrange R_Checkpoint checkpoint = SampleCheckpoint(1); IList <R_Checkpoint> list = new List <R_Checkpoint>(); list.Add(checkpoint); // create mock for repository var mock = new Mock <ICheckpointRepository>(); mock.Setup(s => s.GetCheckpoints()).Returns(list); // service CheckpointService checkpointService = new CheckpointService(); CheckpointService.Repository = mock.Object; // Act var resultList = checkpointService.GetCheckpoints(); CheckpointDTO result = resultList.FirstOrDefault(); // Assert Assert.IsNotNull(result); Assert.AreEqual(1, result.CheckpointId); }
public CheckpointDTO GetCheckpoint(int checkpointId) { try { //Requires.NotNegative("checkpointId", checkpointId); log.Debug("checkpointId: " + checkpointId + " "); // get R_Checkpoint t = Repository.GetCheckpoint(checkpointId); CheckpointDTO dto = new CheckpointDTO(t); log.Debug(CheckpointDTO.FormatCheckpointDTO(dto)); return(dto); } catch (System.Exception e) { // error log.Error(e.ToString()); throw; } }
public static R_Checkpoint ConvertDTOtoEntity(CheckpointDTO dto) { R_Checkpoint checkpoint = new R_Checkpoint(); checkpoint.CheckpointId = dto.CheckpointId; checkpoint.PlannedRouteId = dto.PlannedRouteId; checkpoint.Name = dto.Name; checkpoint.OrderNumber = dto.OrderNumber; checkpoint.Latitude = dto.Latitude; checkpoint.Longitude = dto.Longitude; checkpoint.AddressId = dto.AddressId; checkpoint.EstimatedTimeArrival = dto.EstimatedTimeArrival; checkpoint.MinimumTime = dto.MinimumTime; checkpoint.MaximumTime = dto.MaximumTime; checkpoint.NucleoId = dto.NucleoId; checkpoint.SupplierId = dto.SupplierId; checkpoint.Active = dto.Active; checkpoint.IsDeleted = dto.IsDeleted; checkpoint.CreateBy = dto.CreateBy; checkpoint.CreateOn = dto.CreateOn; checkpoint.UpdateBy = dto.UpdateBy; checkpoint.UpdateOn = dto.UpdateOn; return(checkpoint); }
public void UpdateCheckpoint(R_Checkpoint t) { //Requires.NotNull(t); //Requires.PropertyNotNegative(t, "CheckpointId"); t.Update(); }
public int AddCheckpoint(CheckpointDTO dto) { int id = 0; try { log.Debug(CheckpointDTO.FormatCheckpointDTO(dto)); R_Checkpoint t = CheckpointDTO.ConvertDTOtoEntity(dto); // add id = Repository.AddCheckpoint(t); dto.CheckpointId = id; log.Debug("result: 'success', id: " + id); } catch (System.Exception e) { // error log.Error(e.ToString()); throw; } return(id); }
public R_Checkpoint GetCheckpoint(int checkpointId) { //Requires.NotNegative("checkpointId", checkpointId); R_Checkpoint t = R_Checkpoint.SingleOrDefault(checkpointId); return(t); }
public IEnumerable <R_Checkpoint> GetCheckpointListByPlannedRouteId(int itemId) { IEnumerable <R_Checkpoint> results = null; var sql = PetaPoco.Sql.Builder .Select("*") .From("R_Checkpoint") .Where("IsDeleted = 0 and PlannedRouteId = @0", itemId) ; results = R_Checkpoint.Query(sql); return(results); }
public IEnumerable <R_Checkpoint> GetCheckpoints() { IEnumerable <R_Checkpoint> results = null; var sql = PetaPoco.Sql.Builder .Select("*") .From("R_Checkpoint") .Where("IsDeleted = 0") ; results = R_Checkpoint.Query(sql); return(results); }
public IList <R_Checkpoint> GetCheckpoints(string searchTerm, int pageIndex, int pageSize) { IList <R_Checkpoint> results = null; var sql = PetaPoco.Sql.Builder .Select("*") .From("R_Checkpoint") .Where("IsDeleted = 0") .Where( "Name like '%" + searchTerm + "%'" ) ; results = R_Checkpoint.Fetch(pageIndex, pageSize, sql); return(results); }
public IEnumerable <R_Checkpoint> GetCheckpointListAdvancedSearch( int?plannedRouteId , string name , int?orderNumber , double?latitude , double?longitude , int?addressId , int?estimatedTimeArrival , System.DateTime?minimumTimeFrom , System.DateTime?minimumTimeTo , System.DateTime?maximumTimeFrom , System.DateTime?maximumTimeTo , int?nucleoId , int?supplierId , bool?active ) { IEnumerable <R_Checkpoint> results = null; var sql = PetaPoco.Sql.Builder .Select("*") .From("R_Checkpoint") .Where("IsDeleted = 0" + (plannedRouteId != null ? " and PlannedRouteId = " + plannedRouteId : "") + (name != null ? " and Name like '%" + name + "%'" : "") + (orderNumber != null ? " and OrderNumber = " + orderNumber : "") + (latitude != null ? " and Latitude like '%" + latitude + "%'" : "") + (longitude != null ? " and Longitude like '%" + longitude + "%'" : "") + (addressId != null ? " and AddressId like '%" + addressId + "%'" : "") + (estimatedTimeArrival != null ? " and EstimatedTimeArrival = " + estimatedTimeArrival : "") + (minimumTimeFrom != null ? " and MinimumTime >= '" + minimumTimeFrom.Value.ToShortDateString() + "'" : "") + (minimumTimeTo != null ? " and MinimumTime <= '" + minimumTimeTo.Value.ToShortDateString() + "'" : "") + (maximumTimeFrom != null ? " and MaximumTime >= '" + maximumTimeFrom.Value.ToShortDateString() + "'" : "") + (maximumTimeTo != null ? " and MaximumTime <= '" + maximumTimeTo.Value.ToShortDateString() + "'" : "") + (nucleoId != null ? " and NucleoId like '%" + nucleoId + "%'" : "") + (supplierId != null ? " and SupplierId like '%" + supplierId + "%'" : "") + (active != null ? " and Active = " + (active == true ? "1" : "0") : "") ) ; results = R_Checkpoint.Query(sql); return(results); }
// example data public static R_Checkpoint SampleCheckpoint(int id = 1) { R_Checkpoint checkpoint = new R_Checkpoint(); // int checkpoint.CheckpointId = id; // int checkpoint.PlannedRouteId = 1; // string checkpoint.Name = "NameTestValue"; // int checkpoint.OrderNumber = 1; // double? checkpoint.Latitude = 1; // double? checkpoint.Longitude = 1; // int? checkpoint.AddressId = 1; // int checkpoint.EstimatedTimeArrival = 1; // System.DateTime? checkpoint.MinimumTime = new System.DateTime(); // System.DateTime? checkpoint.MaximumTime = new System.DateTime(); // int? checkpoint.NucleoId = 1; // int? checkpoint.SupplierId = 1; // bool checkpoint.Active = false; // bool checkpoint.IsDeleted = false; // int? checkpoint.CreateBy = 1; // System.DateTime? checkpoint.CreateOn = new System.DateTime(); // int? checkpoint.UpdateBy = 1; // System.DateTime? checkpoint.UpdateOn = new System.DateTime(); return(checkpoint); }
public CheckpointDTO(R_Checkpoint checkpoint) { CheckpointId = checkpoint.CheckpointId; PlannedRouteId = checkpoint.PlannedRouteId; Name = checkpoint.Name; OrderNumber = checkpoint.OrderNumber; Latitude = checkpoint.Latitude; Longitude = checkpoint.Longitude; AddressId = checkpoint.AddressId; EstimatedTimeArrival = checkpoint.EstimatedTimeArrival; MinimumTime = checkpoint.MinimumTime; MaximumTime = checkpoint.MaximumTime; NucleoId = checkpoint.NucleoId; SupplierId = checkpoint.SupplierId; Active = checkpoint.Active; IsDeleted = checkpoint.IsDeleted; CreateBy = checkpoint.CreateBy; CreateOn = checkpoint.CreateOn; UpdateBy = checkpoint.UpdateBy; UpdateOn = checkpoint.UpdateOn; }
public void DeleteCheckpoint(CheckpointDTO dto) { try { log.Debug(CheckpointDTO.FormatCheckpointDTO(dto)); R_Checkpoint t = CheckpointDTO.ConvertDTOtoEntity(dto); // delete Repository.DeleteCheckpoint(t); dto.IsDeleted = t.IsDeleted; log.Debug("result: 'success'"); } catch (System.Exception e) { // error log.Error(e.ToString()); throw; } }
public void GetCheckpoint_Success_Test() { // Arrange int id = 1; R_Checkpoint checkpoint = SampleCheckpoint(id); // create mock for repository var mock = new Mock <ICheckpointRepository>(); mock.Setup(s => s.GetCheckpoint(Moq.It.IsAny <int>())).Returns(checkpoint); // service CheckpointService checkpointService = new CheckpointService(); CheckpointService.Repository = mock.Object; // Act CheckpointDTO result = checkpointService.GetCheckpoint(id); // Assert Assert.IsNotNull(result); Assert.AreEqual(1, result.CheckpointId); }
public void UpdateCheckpoint(CheckpointDTO dto) { try { //Requires.NotNull(t); //Requires.PropertyNotNegative(t, "CheckpointId"); log.Debug(CheckpointDTO.FormatCheckpointDTO(dto)); R_Checkpoint t = CheckpointDTO.ConvertDTOtoEntity(dto); // update Repository.UpdateCheckpoint(t); log.Debug("result: 'success'"); } catch (System.Exception e) { // error log.Error(e.ToString()); throw; } }
public int AddCheckpoint(R_Checkpoint t) { int id = (int)t.Insert(); return(id); }
public void DeleteCheckpoint(R_Checkpoint t) { t.IsDeleted = true; t.Update(); }