コード例 #1
ファイル: MainWindow.xaml.cs プロジェクト: ien646/RVI
 // Adds a rectangle shape to the current frame
 public void DrawRect(RVIVector2 pos, float width, float height)
     if (_currentFrame != null)
         RVIShape rect = RVIShape.CreateRect(new RVIRectangle(pos.x, pos.y, width, height), _currentColorRGBA);
         lock (_framesLock)
コード例 #2
ファイル: MainWindow.xaml.cs プロジェクト: ien646/RVI
 // Adds a line shape to the current frame
 public void DrawLine(RVIVector2 posA, RVIVector2 posB)
     if (_currentFrame != null)
         RVIShape line = RVIShape.CreateLine(posA, posB, _currentColorRGBA);
         lock (_framesLock)
コード例 #3
ファイル: MainWindow.xaml.cs プロジェクト: ien646/RVI
        private void openGLControl_OpenGLDraw(object sender, SharpGL.SceneGraph.OpenGLEventArgs args)
            // Shape count to show on the corner
            int shapeCount = 0;

            // Vertex count to show on the corner
            int vertexCount = 0;

            // Get the openGL object from the args
            OpenGL gl = args.OpenGL;

            // Clear color buffer and depth buffer
            gl.Clear(OpenGL.GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | OpenGL.GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT);

            // Clear matrix modifications

            // GL.Begin on line drawing mode

            // Lock the frame dictionary lock to read from it
            lock (_framesLock)
                // Iterate through every frame
                for (int frameIdx = 0; frameIdx < _frames.Count; frameIdx++)
                    // Get the frame for the current index
                    List <RVIShape> frame = _frames.ElementAt(frameIdx).Value;

                    // Iterate through every shape in the current frame
                    for (int shapeIdx = 0; shapeIdx < frame.Count; shapeIdx++)
                        // Get the shape for the current index
                        RVIShape shape = frame[shapeIdx];

                        // Get the color of the shape
                        byte r = (byte)(shape.Color32 >> 24);
                        byte g = (byte)(shape.Color32 >> 16);
                        byte b = (byte)(shape.Color32 >> 8);
                        byte a = (byte)(shape.Color32 >> 0);

                        // Set the openGL color to the shape color
                        gl.Color(r, g, b, a);

                        // Iterate through every vertex in the shape
                        for (int vertexIdx = 0; vertexIdx < shape.VertexList.Count; vertexIdx++)
                            // Set the openGL vertex for the current vertex index
                            gl.Vertex(shape.VertexList[vertexIdx].x, shape.VertexList[vertexIdx].y);

                        // Increment the shape count
            // End drawing lines

            // Flush any remaining openGL commands

            // Draw vertex and shape count
            DrawTextGL(gl, "Shape count  = " + shapeCount.ToString(), new RVIVector2(5, 20), .50f, .2f, 1f, "Courier New", 1.0f);
            DrawTextGL(gl, "Vertex count = " + vertexCount.ToString(), new RVIVector2(5, 35), .50f, .2f, 1f, "Courier New", 1.0f);