コード例 #1
        private void ShowLastUpdateValue()
            dLastUSDValue = 0;
            // Load latest USD Exchange Rate
            string xSQL = "declare @xMaxFecha Date=(select MAX(FECHA) Fecha from FORTALEZA_PRD.dbo.CF_VALOR_DOLAR); \n" +
                          "select @xMaxFecha dMaxFecha, VALOR fUSD from FORTALEZA_PRD.dbo.CF_VALOR_DOLAR where FECHA=@xMaxFecha; \n";

            if (RSLib_ODBC.ReadSQL(xSQL, false))
                if (!DateTime.TryParse(RSLib_ODBC.GlobalReturnValue[0], out xLastUpdate))
                    xLastUpdate = new DateTime(2012, 1, 1);
                dLastUSDValue         = RSLib_String.AToF(RSLib_ODBC.GlobalReturnValue[1]);
                lblLastUpdate.Text    = "$" + dLastUSDValue.ToString("#,##0.0000") + "  al " + xLastUpdate.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy");
                lblLastUpdate.Visible = true;
                RSLib_CriticalError.CriticalErrorHandler("Form Load on RS DOF ExchangeRate",
                                                         "Err-xxx", "Failure Reading last Update Rate",
                                                         "Falla leyendo el último Tipo de Cambio", "RS DOF ExhangeRate", xSQL);
コード例 #2
        private void UpdateFromDOF()
            string      xProvider = "http://dof.gob.mx/indicadores.xml";
            WebRequest  SendReq   = HttpWebRequest.Create(xProvider);
            WebResponse GetRes    = SendReq.GetResponse();

            System.IO.Stream StreamRes  = GetRes.GetResponseStream();
            StreamReader     ResStrmRdr = new StreamReader(StreamRes, Encoding.UTF8);

            string xDOFOriginal = ResStrmRdr.ReadToEnd();


            string xDOF = RSLib_String.MyStringProvider(xDOFOriginal, "<title>DOLAR</title>", "</item>");

            xDOF = xDOF.Replace("\n", "");
            xDOF = xDOF.Replace("\t", "");
            xDOF = xDOF.Replace(" ", "");
            string   xValue      = RSLib_String.MyStringProvider(xDOF, "<description>", "</description>");
            string   xDate       = RSLib_String.MyStringProvider(xDOF, "<valueDate>", "</valueDate>");
            double   fValue      = RSLib_String.AToF(xValue);
            DateTime xLocalClock = DateTime.Now;
            string   xSQL        = "";

            if (!DateTime.TryParse(xDate, out xLocalClock) || fValue == 0)
                xLocalClock = DateTime.Now;
                xSQL        = "select distinct CONVERT(date,FECHA_FESTIVO) Festivo \n" +
                              "from FORTALEZA_PRD.dbo.CF_DIAS_FESTIVOS \n" +
                              "where FECHA_FESTIVO='" + xLocalClock.ToString(WhatIsDateFormat) + "' \n" +
                              "; \n";
                if (!RSLib_ODBC.ReadSQL(xSQL, false))
                    if (xLocalClock.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Saturday || xLocalClock.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Sunday)
                        // IT is Saturday or Sunday - Nothing 2 save, then use the latest
                        fValue      = dLastUSDValue;
                        xLocalClock = DateTime.Now;
                        // No Es feriado: Ignore
                        RSLib_CriticalError.CriticalErrorHandler("Form UpdateFromDOF on RS DOF ExchangeRate",
                                                                 "Err-xxx", "Failure Getting Update Rate from DOF",
                                                                 "Falla leyendo el WebService", "RS DOF ExhangeRate", xDOFOriginal);
                    // IT is feriado - Nothing 2 save, then use the latest
                    fValue      = dLastUSDValue;
                    xLocalClock = DateTime.Now;
            xSQL = "insert into FORTALEZA_PRD.dbo.CF_VALOR_DOLAR (COD_EMPRESA,FECHA,VALOR) VALUES('00030','" + xLocalClock.ToString(WhatIsDateFormat) +
                   "','" + fValue.ToString() + "'); \n";
            if (!RSLib_ODBC.RunSQL(xSQL))
                RSLib_CriticalError.CriticalErrorHandler("Form UpdateFromDOF on RS DOF ExchangeRate",
                                                         "Err-xxx", "Failure Updating Table",
                                                         "Falla actualizando tabla", "RS DOF ExhangeRate", xSQL);
                // Show
                // Send eMail Notificaciones
                string xMessage =
                    "Fecha: \t" + xLocalClock.ToString(WhatIsDateFormat) + "\n" +
                    "Valor Tipo de Cambio: \t" + fValue.ToString("#,##0.0000") + "\n";

                RSLib_ODBC.RunLOG("PLD-001", "Exchange Rate Updated -> " + xMessage.Replace("\n", " ").Replace("\t", "-"));

                string xBody = RSFormaTable(xMessage, "Tipo de Cambio - Sistema PLD", true, true, false, true, true);

                if (!RSLib_SendMail.SendMailMessage(RSLib_SendMail.SMTP_From, "Oficial.Cumplimiento" + WhatIsDomain, "", "Help.Desk" + WhatIsDomain, "[Tipo de Cambio] " + xLocalClock.ToString(WhatIsDateFormat), xBody, true))
                    RSLib_CriticalError.CriticalErrorHandler("Form UpdateFromDOF on RS DOF ExchangeRate",
                                                             "Err-xxx", "Failure sending email Notificacion",
                                                             "Falla enviando correo de notificacion", "RS DOF ExhangeRate", "");