public IEnumerable <ValidationResult> Validate(ValidationContext validationContext) { street_address = RPValidations.Capitalize(street_address, true); city = RPValidations.Capitalize(city, true); postal_code = RPValidations.FormatPostalCode(postal_code); yield return(ValidationResult.Success); }
public IEnumerable <ValidationResult> Validate(ValidationContext validationContext) { publisher_name = RPValidations.Capitalize(publisher_name, true); contact_name = RPValidations.Capitalize(contact_name, true); contact_phone = RPValidations.FormatPhoneNumber(contact_phone); yield return(ValidationResult.Success); }
public IEnumerable <ValidationResult> Validate(ValidationContext validationContext) { first_name = RPValidations.Capitalize(first_name, true); last_name = RPValidations.Capitalize(last_name, true); gender = RPValidations.Capitalize(gender, false); phone = RPValidations.FormatPhoneNumber(phone); yield return(ValidationResult.Success); }
public IEnumerable <ValidationResult> Validate(ValidationContext validationContext) { genre_name = RPValidations.Capitalize(genre_name, true); if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(description)) { description = RPValidations.CapitalizeSentences(description); } yield return(ValidationResult.Success); }
public IEnumerable <ValidationResult> Validate(ValidationContext validationContext) { first_name = RPValidations.Capitalize(first_name, true); last_name = RPValidations.Capitalize(last_name, true); gender = RPValidations.Capitalize(gender, false); phone = RPValidations.FormatPhoneNumber(phone); if (date_joined == DateTime.Parse("0001-01-01")) { date_joined = DateTime.Today; } yield return(ValidationResult.Success); }
public IEnumerable <ValidationResult> Validate(ValidationContext validationContext) { developer_name = RPValidations.Capitalize(developer_name, true); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(contact_name)) { contact_name = RPValidations.Capitalize(contact_name, true); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(contact_phone)) { contact_phone = RPValidations.FormatPhoneNumber(contact_phone); } yield return(ValidationResult.Success); }
// This test is responsible for checking the Description validation (value in lowercase characters) public void GameTest_Validation_DescriptionLowerCase_ShouldCapitalizeFirstLetterOfEachSentence() { // Arrange Genre genre = new Genre(); string description = RPValidations.CapitalizeSentences("a genre characterized by action. this genre is often dominated by movie spinoff games."); string expected = "A genre characterized by action. This genre is often dominated by movie spinoff games."; // Act genre.description = description; // Assert string actual = genre.description; Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); }
// This test is responsible for checking the Phone Number validation (value including dash delimiters) public void PublisherTest_Validation_PhoneNumberWithDashes_ShouldRemoveDashes() { // Arrange Publisher publisher = new Publisher(); string phone = RPValidations.FormatPhoneNumber("000-000-0000"); string expected = "0000000000"; // Act publisher.contact_phone = phone; // Assert string actual = publisher.contact_phone; Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); }
// This test is responsible for checking the Contact Name validation (value in lowercase characters) public void PublisherTest_Validation_ContactNameLowerCase_ShouldCapitalizeFirstLetterOfEachWord() { // Arrange Publisher publisher = new Publisher(); string contactName = RPValidations.Capitalize("frank sinatra", true); string expected = "Frank Sinatra"; // Act publisher.contact_name = contactName; // Assert string actual = publisher.contact_name; Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); }
// This test is responsible for checking the Description validation on sentences containing a single word (value in uppercase characters) public void Store_EventTest_Validation_DescriptionUpperCase_ShouldCapitalizeFirstLetterOfEachSentenceEvenSingleWordSentences() { // Arrange Store_Event storeEvent = new Store_Event(); string description = RPValidations.CapitalizeSentences("BIGGEST. BIGGEST SALE. EVER"); string expected = "Biggest. Biggest sale. Ever."; // Act storeEvent.description = description; // Assert string actual = storeEvent.description; Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); }
// This test is responsible for checking the Description validation (value in uppercase characters) public void Store_EventTest_Validation_DescriptionUpperCase_ShouldCapitalizeFirstLetterOfEachSentence() { // Arrange Store_Event storeEvent = new Store_Event(); string description = RPValidations.CapitalizeSentences("A SALE FOR ALL OF OUR CUSTOMERS. IT'S OUR CHANCE TO PAY YOU BACK FOR YOUR LOYALTY."); string expected = "A sale for all of our customers. It's our chance to pay you back for your loyalty."; // Act storeEvent.description = description; // Assert string actual = storeEvent.description; Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); }
// This test is responsible for checking the Genre Name validation (value in lowercase characters) public void GenreTest_Validation_NameLowerCase_ShouldCapitalizeFirstLetters() { // Arrange Genre genre = new Genre(); string genreName = RPValidations.Capitalize("action", true); string expected = "Action"; // Act genre.genre_name = genreName; // Assert string actual = genre.genre_name; Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); }
// This test is responsible for checking the Postal Code validation (value in lowercase characters) public void AddressTest_Validation_PostalCodeWithLowerCase_ShouldMakeUpperCase() { // Arrange Address address = new Address(); string postalCode = RPValidations.FormatPostalCode("l0l0l0"); string expected = "L0L0L0"; // Act address.postal_code = postalCode; // Assert string actual = address.postal_code; Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); }
// This test is responsible for checking the Description validation on sentences containing a single word (value in uppercase characters) public void GameTest_Validation_DescriptionUpperCase_ShouldCapitalizeFirstLetterOfEachSentenceEvenSingleWordSentences() { // Arrange Game game = new Game(); string description = RPValidations.CapitalizeSentences("SOMETHING. SOMETHING ZELDA. ZELDA."); string expected = "Something. Something zelda. Zelda."; // Act game.description = description; // Assert string actual = game.description; Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); }
// This test is responsible for checking the Description validation (value in uppercase characters) public void GameTest_Validation_DescriptionUpperCase_ShouldCapitalizeFirstLetterOfEachSentence() { // Arrange Game game = new Game(); string description = RPValidations.CapitalizeSentences("A GAME ABOUT A MYSTERIOUS ADVENTURER WHO WEARS GREEN. HE'S ON A MISSION TO SAVE PRINCESS ZELDA."); string expected = "A game about a mysterious adventurer who wears green. He's on a mission to save princess zelda."; // Act game.description = description; // Assert string actual = game.description; Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); }
// This test is responsible for checking the Description validation (value in lowercase characters) public void GameTest_Validation_DescriptionLowerCase_ShouldCapitalizeFirstLetterOfEachSentence() { // Arrange Game game = new Game(); string description = RPValidations.CapitalizeSentences("a game about a mysterious adventurer who wears green. he's on a mission to save princess zelda."); string expected = "A game about a mysterious adventurer who wears green. He's on a mission to save princess zelda."; // Act game.description = description; // Assert string actual = game.description; Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); }
// This test is responsible for checking the Game Name validation (value in lowercase characters) public void GameTest_Validation_NameLowerCase_ShouldCapitalizeFirstLetters() { // Arrange Game game = new Game(); string gameName = RPValidations.Capitalize("the legend of zelda", true); string expected = "The Legend Of Zelda"; // Act game.game_name = gameName; // Assert string actual = game.game_name; Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); }
// This test is responsible for checking the Description validation (value in lowercase characters) public void GameTest_Validation_DescriptionUpperCase_ShouldCapitalizeFirstLetterOfEachSentence() { // Arrange Genre genre = new Genre(); string description = RPValidations.CapitalizeSentences("A GENRE CHARACTERIZED BY ACTION. THIS GENRE IS OFTEN DOMINATED BY MOVIE SPINOFF GAMES."); string expected = "A genre characterized by action. This genre is often dominated by movie spinoff games."; // Act genre.description = description; // Assert string actual = genre.description; Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); }
// This test is responsible for checking the Store Event Name validation (value in lowercase characters) public void Store_EventTest_Validation_NameLowerCase_ShouldCapitalizeFirstLetters() { // Arrange Store_Event storeEvent = new Store_Event(); string eventName = RPValidations.Capitalize("best sale ever", true); string expected = "Best Sale Ever"; // Act storeEvent.store_event_name = eventName; // Assert string actual = storeEvent.store_event_name; Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); }
// This test is responsible for checking the Description validation on sentences containing a single word (value in uppercase characters) public void GenreTest_Validation_DescriptionUpperCase_ShouldCapitalizeFirstLetterOfEachSentenceEvenSingleWordSentences() { // Arrange Genre genre = new Genre(); string description = RPValidations.CapitalizeSentences("ACTION. ACTION AND ADVENTURE. PLATFORM."); string expected = "Action. Action and adventure. Platform."; // Act genre.description = description; // Assert string actual = genre.description; Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); }
// This test is responsible for checking the Last Name validation (value in lowercase characters) public void UserTest_Validation_LastNameLowerCase_ShouldCapitalizeFirstLetter() { // Arrange User user = new User(); string lastName = RPValidations.Capitalize("jenkins", false); string expected = "Jenkins"; // Act user.last_name = lastName; // Assert string actual = user.last_name; Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); }
// This test is responsible for checking the Contact Name validation (value in lowercase characters) public void DeveloperTest_Validation_ContactNameLowerCase_ShouldCapitalizeFirstLetterOfEachWord() { // Arrange Developer developer = new Developer(); string contactName = RPValidations.Capitalize("homer simpson", true); string expected = "Homer Simpson"; // Act developer.contact_name = contactName; // Assert string actual = developer.contact_name; Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); }
// This test is responsible for checking the Street Address validation (value in lowercase characters) public void AddressTest_Validation_AddressWithLowerCase_ShouldMakeFirstLetterOfEachWord() { // Arrange Address address = new Address(); string address1 = RPValidations.Capitalize("202 hello hello st", true); string expected = "202 Hello Hello St"; // Act address.street_address = address1; // Assert string actual = address.street_address; Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); }
// This test is responsible for checking the Description validation (value in lowercase characters) public void Store_EventTest_Validation_DescriptionLowerCase_ShouldCapitalizeFirstLetterOfEachSentence() { // Arrange Store_Event storeEvent = new Store_Event(); string description = RPValidations.CapitalizeSentences("a sale for all of our customers. it's our chance to pay you back for your loyalty."); string expected = "A sale for all of our customers. It's our chance to pay you back for your loyalty."; // Act storeEvent.description = description; // Assert string actual = storeEvent.description; Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); }
// This test is responsible for checking the First Name validation (value in lowercase characters) public void UserTest_Validation_FirstNameLowerCase_ShouldCapitalizeFirstLetter() { // Arrange User user = new User(); string firstName = RPValidations.Capitalize("leroy", false); string expected = "Leroy"; // Act user.first_name = firstName; // Assert string actual = user.first_name; Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); }
public IEnumerable <ValidationResult> Validate(ValidationContext validationContext) { game_name = RPValidations.Capitalize(game_name, true); description = RPValidations.CapitalizeSentences(description); yield return(ValidationResult.Success); }