コード例 #1
    /// <summary>
    /// Used for initialization
    /// </summary>
    private void Start()
        //ROS checks
        if (roscore == null)
            Debug.LogWarning("[TheoraSubscriber] " + name + " does not have a roscore specified! Will try to find one!");
            roscore = FindObjectOfType <ROSCore>();
        if (roscore == null)
            Debug.LogError("[TheoraSubscriber] " + name + " can not find an instance of ROSCore! Turning off ImageSub!");
            enabled = false;
        nh = roscore.getNodeHandle();
        if (nh == null)
            Debug.LogError("[TheoraSubscriber] Ros Node handle is null! Turning off ImageSub!");
            enabled = false;

        imageSub = nh.subscribe <ti.Packet>(Topic, 0, ImageCb);

        granpos         = 0;
        width           = 0;
        height          = 0;
        bytes_per_pixel = 3;

        texture = new Texture2D(0, 0, TextureFormat.RGB24, false); //This texture format seems to be BGR not RGB