/// <summary> /// Initializes ROS /// </summary> public void InitROS() { if (!ROS.initialized) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(rosUri)) { UnityEngine.Debug.LogError("ROS Master URI is empty. This must be populated with the Master address of your target roscore instance."); return; } ROS.Init(new string[] { "__master:=" + rosUri }, primaryNodeName); NodeHandle nodeHandle = new NodeHandle(); // Setup publishers pubVector3 = nodeHandle.advertise <Messages.geometry_msgs.Vector3>(pubVector3Topic, 1, false); // Setup subscribers subVector3 = nodeHandle.subscribe <Messages.geometry_msgs.Vector3>(pubVector3Topic, 1, OnReceiveVector3); subCustomNode = nodeHandle.subscribe <Messages.stanford_msgs.ExampleCustom>(subCustomNodeTopic, 1, OnReceiveCustomNodeData); } else { Debug.LogError("ROS can only be initialized once per application launch. To re-initialize ROS you must close and re-launch the application."); } }
private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { ROS.ROS_MASTER_URI = ""; ROS.ROS_HOSTNAME = ""; ROS.Init(new string[0], NODE_NAME); nodeHandle = new NodeHandle(); //server = nodeHandle.advertiseService<Messages.roscpp_tutorials.TwoInts, Messages.roscpp_tutorials.TwoInts.Request, Messages.roscpp_tutorials.TwoInts.Response>("/add_two_ints", addition); client = nodeHandle.serviceClient <Messages.roscpp_tutorials.TwoInts.Request, Messages.roscpp_tutorials.TwoInts.Response>("/add_two_ints"); new Thread(new ThreadStart(() => { Random r = new Random(); while (!ROS.shutting_down) { TwoInts.Request req = new TwoInts.Request() { a = r.Next(100), b = r.Next(100) }; TwoInts.Response resp = new TwoInts.Response(); if (client.call(req, ref resp)) { Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => { math.Content = "" + req.a + " + " + req.b + " = " + resp.sum; })); } Thread.Sleep(500); } })).Start(); }
public MainWindow() { InitializeComponent(); string[] sParam = new string[1]; //sParam[0] = "__hostname:="; sParam[0] = "__master:="; ROS.Init(sParam, "wpf_talker"); nh = new NodeHandle(); pub = nh.advertise <Messages.std_msgs.String>("/chatter", 1, true); pubthread = new Thread(() => { int i = 0; Messages.std_msgs.String msg; while (ROS.ok && !closing) { msg = new Messages.std_msgs.String("foo " + (i++)); pub.publish(msg); Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => { l.Content = "Sending: " + msg.data; }), new TimeSpan(0, 0, 1)); Thread.Sleep(100); } }); pubthread.Start(); }
public MainWindow() { InitializeComponent(); ROS.Init(new string[0], "simplePublisher"); nh = new NodeHandle(); pub = nh.advertise <Messages.tf.tfMessage>("/tf_test", 1000, true); new Thread(() => { int i = 0; while (ROS.ok) { Messages.tf.tfMessage msg = new Messages.tf.tfMessage(); msg.transforms = new Messages.geometry_msgs.TransformStamped[1]; msg.transforms[0] = new Messages.geometry_msgs.TransformStamped(); msg.transforms[0].header.seq = (uint)i++; pub.publish(msg); Thread.Sleep(100); Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => { l.Content = "Sending: " + msg.transforms[0].header.seq; })); } }).Start(); }
public RosFixture() { Console.WriteLine("Init ROS"); ROS.ROS_MASTER_URI = "http://localhost:11311"; ROS.ROS_IP = ""; ROS.Init(new string[0], "RosFixture"); }
public MainWindow() { InitializeComponent(); ROS.Init(new string[0], "wpf_talker"); nh = new NodeHandle(); pub = nh.advertise <Messages.std_msgs.String>("/chatter", 1, false); pubthread = new Thread(() => { int i = 0; Messages.std_msgs.String msg; while (ROS.ok && !closing) { msg = new Messages.std_msgs.String("foo " + (i++)); pub.publish(msg); Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => { l.Content = "Sending: " + msg.data; }), new TimeSpan(0, 0, 1)); Thread.Sleep(100); } }); pubthread.Start(); }
private static void Main(string[] args) { ROS.Init(args, "Listener"); NodeHandle node = new NodeHandle(); Subscriber <m.String> Subscriber = node.subscribe <m.String>("/chatter", 1, chatterCallback); ROS.waitForShutdown(); }
/// <summary> /// The main entry point for the application. /// </summary> static void Main(string[] args) { ROS.Init(args, "xna_game"); using (TheGame game = new TheGame()) { game.Run(); } }
private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { ROS.Init(new string[0], NODE_NAME); nodeHandle = new NodeHandle(); server = nodeHandle.advertiseService <TwoInts.Request, TwoInts.Response>("/add_two_ints", addition); }
private void StartRos(int runNumber) { Logger.LogInformation($"Start ROS #{runNumber}"); ROS.Init(new string[] { }, "PubSubTestbed"); spinner = new AsyncSpinner(); spinner.Start(); Logger.LogInformation("Started"); }
void doConnect() { //开启键盘控制节点 ROS.Init(new string[0], "tele_key"); nh = new NodeHandle(); pub = nh.advertise <Messages.geometry_msgs.Twist>("/cmd_vel", 1, false); }
private void StartRos(int runNumber) { ROS.Info()($"Start ROS #{runNumber}"); ROS.Init(new string[] { }, "PubSubTestbed"); spinner = new AsyncSpinner(); spinner.Start(); ROS.Info()("Started"); }
private void StartRos(int runNumber) { Logger.LogInformation($"Start ROS #{runNumber}"); ROS.ROS_MASTER_URI = "http://localhost:11311"; ROS.Init(new string[] { }, "PubSubTestbed"); spinner = new AsyncSpinner(); spinner.Start(); Logger.LogInformation("Started"); }
public MainWindow() { InitializeComponent(); ROS.Init(new string[0], "wpf_listener"); nh = new NodeHandle(); sub = nh.subscribe <Messages.std_msgs.String>("/chatter", 10, subCallback); }
static void Main(string[] args) { string NODE_NAME = "ServiceClientTest"; try { ROS.Init(ref args, NODE_NAME + DateTime.Now.Ticks); var spinner = new AsyncSpinner(); spinner.Start(); } catch (RosException e) { ROS.Critical()("ROS.Init failed, shutting down: {0}", e.Message); ROS.shutdown(); ROS.waitForShutdown(); return; } try { var nodeHandle = new NodeHandle(); while (ROS.ok) { Random r = new Random(); TwoInts.Request req = new TwoInts.Request() { a = r.Next(100), b = r.Next(100) }; TwoInts.Response resp = new TwoInts.Response(); DateTime before = DateTime.Now; bool res = nodeHandle.serviceClient <TwoInts.Request, TwoInts.Response>("/add_two_ints").call(req, ref resp); TimeSpan dif = DateTime.Now.Subtract(before); string str = ""; if (res) { str = "" + req.a + " + " + req.b + " = " + resp.sum + "\n"; } else { str = "call failed after "; } str += Math.Round(dif.TotalMilliseconds, 2) + " ms"; ROS.Info()(str); Thread.Sleep(1000); } } catch (RosException e) { ROS.Critical()("Shutting down: {0}", e.Message); } ROS.shutdown(); ROS.waitForShutdown(); }
private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { new Thread(() => { // ROS stuff ROS.ROS_MASTER_URI = ""; ROS.Init(new string[0], "The_IMU_Tester_" + System.Environment.MachineName.Replace("-", "__")); nh = new NodeHandle(); }).Start(); }
public RosoutDebug(int verboseLevel, string[] args) { this.verboseLevel = verboseLevel; ROS.Init(args, "RosoutDebug"); var asyncSpinner = new AsyncSpinner(); asyncSpinner.Start(); nodeHandle = new NodeHandle(); Init(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { ROS.Init(args, "MoveitTest"); NodeHandle node = new NodeHandle(); gm.PoseStamped result = SetPose(-0.1, 0.1, 0.2, 0.0, 180.0, 0.0, ""); Console.WriteLine("result"); Console.WriteLine(result); GetIK(node, result, "endeffector"); ROS.waitForShutdown(); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { setROS_HOST(); string[] dummy = { "" }; ROS.Init(dummy, "unity"); //TODO:set your own node name n = new NodeHandle(); tf = new Transformer(false /* do Interprate ?*/); /* for TF lookup*/ tf_pub = n.advertise <Messages.tf.tfMessage>("/tf", 100); /* for TF broad cast */ Debug.LogError("ROS my HostIP :" + ROS.ROS_IP + "\nMASTER_URI" + ROS.ROS_MASTER_URI); }
private static void Main(string[] args) { Trace.Listeners.Add(new TextWriterTraceListener(Console.Out)); ROS.Init(args, "Listener"); var spinner = new AsyncSpinner(); spinner.Start(); NodeHandle node = new NodeHandle(); Subscriber Subscriber = node.subscribe <std_msgs.String>("/chatter", 1, chatterCallback); ROS.waitForShutdown(); }
private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { string[] sParam = new string[1]; //sParam[0] = "__hostname:="; sParam[0] = "__master:="; ROS.Init(sParam, "Image_Test2"); nh = new NodeHandle(); VoicePlay.EasyPlayer_Init(); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { ROS.ROS_MASTER_URI = ""; string[] args = new string[0]; ROS.Init(args, "Talker"); node = new NodeHandle(); Talker = node.advertise <m.String>("/chatter", 1000); sub = node.subscribe <Messages.std_msgs.String>("/chatter_to_unity", 10, subCallback); StartCoroutine(Coro()); }
public MainWindow() { before = DateTime.Now; InitializeComponent(); ROS.ROS_MASTER_URI = ""; ROS.ROS_HOSTNAME = ""; ROS.Init(new string[0], "simpleSubscriber"); nh = new NodeHandle(); sub = nh.subscribe <Messages.std_msgs.String>("/my_topic", 10, subCallback); }
static void Main(string[] args) { #if (DEBUG) Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("ROS_MASTER_URI", "http://localhost:11311/"); #endif Console.WriteLine("Start ROS"); ROS.Init(ref args, "ActionServerClientSlowDummy"); ICallbackQueue callbackQueue = new CallbackQueue(); var asyncSpinner = new AsyncSpinner(callbackQueue); asyncSpinner.Start(); NodeHandle nodeHandle = new NodeHandle(callbackQueue); ActionClient <Messages.actionlib.TestGoal, Messages.actionlib.TestResult, Messages.actionlib.TestFeedback> actionClient = null; // setup action server start Console.WriteLine("Create server"); var actionServer = new ActionServer <Messages.actionlib.TestGoal, Messages.actionlib.TestResult, Messages.actionlib.TestFeedback>(nodeHandle, "test_action"); Param.Set("status_list_timeout", 999.9); actionServer.RegisterGoalCallback((sgoalHandle) => { Thread thread = new Thread(() => serverGoalCallback(sgoalHandle, actionServer, actionClient)); thread.Start(); }); Console.WriteLine("Start Server"); actionServer.Start(); Console.WriteLine("Server Started"); // setup action server finish // setup client actionClient = new ActionClient <Messages.actionlib.TestGoal, Messages.actionlib.TestResult, Messages.actionlib.TestFeedback>("test_action_slow", nodeHandle); // send action request to serverslowdummy Console.WriteLine("Wait for client and server to negotiate connection"); bool started = actionClient.WaitForActionServerToStart(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 3)); if (!started) { Console.WriteLine("Negotiation with server failed!"); } Console.ReadLine(); actionServer.Shutdown(); nodeHandle.shutdown(); ROS.shutdown(); }
private static void _startROS() { if (!ROS.isStarted() && roslock.WaitOne()) { // Make sure we are still the first caller to initialize ros, in case we blocked waiting for the lock if (!ROS.isStarted()) { ROS.Init(new string[0], "unity_test_" + DateTime.Now.Ticks); tf.net.Transformer.LateInit(); } roslock.Set(); } }
public CROS() { ROS.ROS_HOSTNAME = "inin-lab2"; ROS.ROS_MASTER_URI = ""; //ROS.ROS_MASTER_URI = ""; ROS.Init(new string[0], "gis_node_2"); nh = new NodeHandle(); ins_sub = nh.subscribe <Messages.common.InsInfo>("/InsInfo", 10, subCallback); vec_sub = nh.subscribe <Messages.common.TcpGeneral>("/TREK", 10, veh_subCallback); // gis_pub = nh.advertise<Messages.common.GisInfo>("/gis_info", 1); //gis_pub = nh.advertise<Messages.std_msgs.String>("/GIS_TEST", 1); msg_veh.data = new int[256]; }
public MainWindow() { string[] sParam = new string[2]; sParam[0] = "__hostname:=" + GetLocalIP(); sParam[1] = "__master:="; ROS.Init(sParam, "wpf_listener3"); InitializeComponent(); nh = new NodeHandle(); sub = nh.subscribe <Messages.std_msgs.String>("/chatter", 10, subCallback); }
public static void start() { ROS.Init(new string[0], "rosout"); nh = new NodeHandle(); sub = nh.subscribe <Messages.rosgraph_msgs.Log>("/rosout", 10, rosoutCallback); pub = nh.advertise <Messages.rosgraph_msgs.Log>("/rosout_agg", 1000, true); new Thread(() => { while (!ROS.ok) { Thread.Sleep(10); } }).Start(); }
public void StartROS(String master_uri, String hostname, String nodename = "UnityProject") { if (!IsROSStarted) { ROS.ROS_HOSTNAME = hostname; ROS.ROS_MASTER_URI = master_uri; ROS.Init(new String[0], nodename); nh = new NodeHandle(); IsROSStarted = true; Debug.Log("ROS Started, Master: " + master_uri + " Hostname: " + hostname + " Node Name: " + nodename); } else { Debug.LogWarning("Can't start ROS, it is already started"); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Start roscore and ActionServerTesbed.lua and press any key"); while (!Console.KeyAvailable) { Thread.Sleep(1); } Console.WriteLine("Start ROS"); ROS.Init(ref args, "ActionClient"); //(new Program()).Start(1); (new TestActionServerKill()).Start(5); ROS.shutdown(); }