コード例 #1
ファイル: Plotting.cs プロジェクト: gordonwatts/LINQtoROOT
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a TH1F plot from a stream of objects (with a lambda function to give flexability in conversion).
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="TSource">The type of the sequence that the plot will be run over</typeparam>
        /// <param name="source">The sequence over which a plot should be made. There will be one entry per item in the sequence.</param>
        /// <param name="plotName">The histogram will be created with this name</param>
        /// <param name="plotTitle">The histogram will be created with this title</param>
        /// <param name="nbins">Number of bins this histogram should have</param>
        /// <param name="lowBin">The xmin value for this histogram</param>
        /// <param name="highBin">The xmax value for this histogram</param>
        /// <param name="xValue">A lambda that returns the xvalue for each sequence item.</param>
        /// <param name="weight">A lambda that returns the weight for each sequence item. By default every entry has a weight of 1.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static ROOTNET.NTH1F Plot <TSource>
            this IQueryable <TSource> source,
            string plotName, string plotTitle,
            int nbins, double lowBin, double highBin,
            Expression <Func <TSource, double> > xValue,
            Expression <Func <TSource, double> > weight = null)
            using (ROOTLock.Lock())
                if (weight == null)
                    Expression <Func <TSource, double> > constWeight = s => 1.0;
                    weight = constWeight;

                var hParameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof(ROOTNET.NTH1F), "h");
                var vParameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof(TSource), "v");

                // h.Fill(getter(v), weight(v)) is what we want to code up

                var callGetter = Expression.Invoke(xValue, vParameter);
                var callWeight = Expression.Invoke(weight, vParameter);

                var fillMethod = typeof(ROOTNET.NTH1F).GetMethod("Fill", new[] { typeof(double), typeof(double) });
                var callFill   = Expression.Call(hParameter, fillMethod, callGetter, callWeight);

                var lambda = Expression.Lambda <Action <ROOTNET.NTH1F, TSource> >(callFill, hParameter, vParameter);
                var h      = new ROOTNET.NTH1F(plotName, plotTitle.ReplaceLatexStrings(), nbins, lowBin, highBin);
                return(source.ApplyToObject(h, lambda));
コード例 #2
        public async Task TestForSameResultHistosDiffNameTitle()
            var f     = MakeRootFile("TestForSameResultHistosDiffNameTitle");
            var query = MakeQuery(2);

            var inputs = new object[0];

            /// Cache a result

            var h = new ROOTNET.NTH1F("hi", "there", 10, 0.0, 10.0)
                Directory = null

            h.SetBinContent(1, 5.0);

            var q = new QueryResultCache();
            await q.CacheItem(q.GetKey(new Uri[] { f }, "test", inputs, null, query, dateChecker: u => File.GetLastWriteTime(u.LocalPath)), new NTObject[] { h }.AsRunInfoArray());

            /// And make sure the lookup works now - make a different query, which is the same
            /// but with a slightly different query guy.

            var query1 = MakeQuery(4);
            var r      = await Lookup <int>(q, f, "test", new object[0], null, query1, new DummySaver());

            Assert.IsTrue(r.Item1, "Expected a cache hit");
コード例 #3
        public void LocalBashCmdLineSendObjectsToSelector()
            var rootFile = TestUtils.CreateFileOfInt(20);

            // Get a simple query that includes packing over a histogram.
            // The funny way we do the bin content is to make sure the histogram is accessed
            // in a query data dependent way - otherwise the system optimizes the histogram access
            // to the host!
            var q = new QueriableDummy <TestNtupe>();
            var h = new ROOTNET.NTH1F("hi", "there", 1, 0.0, 10.0);

            h.Directory = null;
            h.Fill(5, 3.0);
            var dude  = q.Select(i => h.GetBinContent(i.run != 1 ? 1 : i.run)).Where(i => i > 2.5).Count();
            var query = DummyQueryExectuor.LastQueryModel;

            // Ok, now we can actually see if we can make it "go".
            var exe = new TTreeQueryExecutor(new[] { rootFile.AsLocalBashUri() }, "dude", typeof(ntuple), typeof(TestNtupe));

            exe.CompileDebug = true;
            int result = exe.ExecuteScalar <int>(query);

            Assert.AreEqual(20, result);
コード例 #4
        public async Task TestForFilesInDifferentOrders()
            var f1    = MakeRootFile("TestHitDriver1");
            var f2    = MakeRootFile("TestHitDriver2");
            var query = MakeQuery(0);

            /// Cache a result

            var h = new ROOTNET.NTH1F("hi", "there", 10, 0.0, 10.0)
                Directory = null

            h.SetBinContent(1, 5.0);
            var q  = new QueryResultCache();
            var k1 = q.GetKey(new Uri[] { f1, f2 }, "test", null, null, query, dateChecker: u => File.GetLastWriteTime(u.LocalPath));
            var k2 = q.GetKey(new Uri[] { f2, f1 }, "test", null, null, query, dateChecker: u => File.GetLastWriteTime(u.LocalPath));
            await q.CacheItem(k1, new NTObject[] { h }.AsRunInfoArray());

            // Now, do the lookup, but with files in a different order.

            var r1 = await q.Lookup <int>(k1, new DummySaver(), null);

            var r2 = await q.Lookup <int>(k2, new DummySaver(), null);

            Assert.IsTrue(r1.Item1, "expected hit for same key");
            Assert.IsTrue(r2.Item1, "expected hit for second key with different files");
コード例 #5
        public async Task TestForFileOutOfDateNoCheck()
            var f     = MakeRootFile("TestForFileOutOfDate");
            var query = MakeQuery(0);

            /// Cache a result

            var h = new ROOTNET.NTH1F("hi", "there", 10, 0.0, 10.0)
                Directory = null

            h.SetBinContent(1, 5.0);
            var q = new QueryResultCache();
            await q.CacheItem(q.GetKey(new Uri[] { f }, "test", null, null, query, dateChecker: u => File.GetLastWriteTime(u.LocalPath)), new NTObject[] { h }.AsRunInfoArray());

            /// Modify the file

            using (var w = File.CreateText(f.LocalPath))
                w.WriteLine("fork it!");

            /// And make sure the lookup fails now!

            var r = await Lookup <int>(q, f, "test", null, null, query, new DummySaver());

            Assert.IsTrue(r.Item1, "altered file should not have triggered the re-check");
コード例 #6
        public static ROOTNET.NTH1F Plot <TSource>
            this IQueryable <TSource> source,
            string plotID, string plotTitle,
            int nbins, double lowBin, double highBin,
            Expression <Func <TSource, double> > getter)
            var hParameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof(ROOTNET.NTH1F), "h");
            var vParameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof(TSource), "v");

            /// h.Fill(getter(v)) is what we want to code up

            var callGetter = Expression.Invoke(getter, vParameter);

            var fillMethod = typeof(ROOTNET.NTH1F).GetMethod("Fill", new Type[] { typeof(double) });
            var callFill   = Expression.Call(hParameter, fillMethod, callGetter);

            var lambda = Expression.Lambda <Action <ROOTNET.NTH1F, TSource> >(callFill, hParameter, vParameter);
            var seed   = new ROOTNET.NTH1F(plotID, plotTitle, nbins, lowBin, highBin)
                Directory = null

            return(source.ApplyToObject(seed, lambda));
コード例 #7
        public async Task CacheCycledInteger()
            // A simple query
            var query = MakeQuery(0);
            var f     = new Uri("http://www.nytimes.com");

            // Cache an integer
            var h1 = new ROOTNET.NTH1F("hi", "there", 1, 0.0, 10.0)
                Directory = null

            h1.SetBinContent(1, 5.0);
            var h2 = new ROOTNET.NTH1F("hi", "there", 1, 0.0, 10.0)
                Directory = null

            h2.SetBinContent(1, 2.0);

            var cacheCycles = new NTObject[][] { new NTObject[] { h1 }, new NTObject[] { h2 } };

            var q    = new QueryResultCache();
            var date = DateTime.Now;
            await q.CacheItem(q.GetKey(new Uri[] { f }, "test", null, null, query, dateChecker: u => date), cacheCycles.AsRunInfoArray2D());

            // Now, do the lookup.
            var r = await Lookup <int>(q, f, "test", null, null, query, new DummySaver(), generateAdder : () => new DummyIntAdder());

            Assert.IsTrue(r.Item1, "expected hit");
            Assert.AreEqual(7, r.Item2, "incorrect return value");
コード例 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Given a 2D plot, map to a 1D plot assuming radial distances.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ctx"></param>
        /// <param name="plot"></param>
        /// <returns>1D plot of the 2D plot</returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// - Radial conversion assumes that both coordinates are the same units. For example, if they are x and y distances.
        /// - Overflow & underflow bins are not handled.
        /// - Errors are not properly handled.
        /// </remarks>
        public static ROOTNET.Interface.NTH1 asRadial(IScopeContext ctx, ROOTNET.Interface.NTH2 plot)
            // First, determine the distances
            var xmin = plot.Xaxis.GetBinLowEdge(1);
            var ymin = plot.Yaxis.GetBinLowEdge(1);
            var xmax = plot.Xaxis.GetBinUpEdge(plot.Xaxis.Nbins);
            var ymax = plot.Yaxis.GetBinUpEdge(plot.Yaxis.Nbins);

            var rmin = Math.Sqrt(xmin * xmin + ymin * ymin);
            var rmax = Math.Sqrt(xmax * xmax + ymax * ymax);

            var nbin = Math.Max(plot.Xaxis.Nbins, plot.Yaxis.Nbins);

            var result = new ROOTNET.NTH1F(plot.Name, plot.Title, nbin, rmin, rmax);

            // Loop over, adding everything in.
            for (int i_x = 1; i_x <= plot.Xaxis.Nbins; i_x++)
                for (int i_y = 1; i_y <= plot.Yaxis.Nbins; i_y++)
                    var x = plot.Xaxis.GetBinCenter(i_x);
                    var y = plot.Yaxis.GetBinCenter(i_y);
                    var r = Math.Sqrt(x * x + y * y);

                    result.Fill(r, plot.GetBinContent(i_x, i_y));

コード例 #9
        public void TestNameCombo()
            GeneratedCode gc  = new GeneratedCode();
            var           obj = new ROOTNET.NTH1F("hi", "there", 10, 0.0, 10.0);
            var           n1  = gc.QueueForTransfer(obj);
            var           n2  = gc.QueueForTransfer(obj);

            Assert.AreEqual(n1, n2, "Names should be identical");
            Assert.AreEqual(1, gc.VariablesToTransfer.Count(), "# of variables to move over wire");
コード例 #10
        public void TestQueueForTransferNoNameChange()
            var t = new TypeHandlerROOT();

            var origRootObj = new ROOTNET.NTH1F("hi", "there", 10, 10.0, 20.0);
            var rootObj     = Expression.Constant(origRootObj);

            var gc     = new GeneratedCode();
            var result = t.ProcessConstantReference(rootObj, gc, MEFUtilities.MEFContainer);


            Assert.AreEqual(1, gc.VariablesToTransfer.Count(), "Variables to transfer");
            Assert.AreEqual("hi", origRootObj.Name, "Name of original root object");
            Assert.AreEqual("there", origRootObj.Title, "Title of original root object");
コード例 #11
        static ROOTNET.NTH1F drawHisto <TColor, TDepth>(Mat inImage, int row, int channel, string histoName = "default")
            where TColor : struct, IColor
            where TDepth : IComparable <TDepth>, new()
            var testHisto = new ROOTNET.NTH1F(histoName, histoName, inImage.Width, 0.0, inImage.Width);

            Image <TColor, TDepth> tempImage = inImage.ToImage <TColor, TDepth>();

            for (int pixel = 0; pixel < inImage.Width; pixel++)
                testHisto.Fill(pixel, Convert.ToDouble(tempImage.Data[row, pixel, channel]));

コード例 #12
        public void TestQueueTwice()
            var t = new TypeHandlerROOT();

            var origRootObj = new ROOTNET.NTH1F("hi", "there", 10, 10.0, 20.0);
            var rootObj     = Expression.Constant(origRootObj);

            var gc      = new GeneratedCode();
            var result1 = t.ProcessConstantReference(rootObj, gc, MEFUtilities.MEFContainer);
            var result2 = t.ProcessConstantReference(rootObj, gc, MEFUtilities.MEFContainer);


            Assert.AreEqual(1, gc.VariablesToTransfer.Count(), "Variables to transfer");

            Assert.AreEqual(result1.RawValue, result2.RawValue, "Expected the same raw value for the same object in the same expression");
コード例 #13
        public async Task TestForDiffHistos()
            var f     = MakeRootFile("TestForTreeNameChanges");
            var query = MakeQuery(0);

            /// Histogram that is feed as input

            var hInput = new ROOTNET.NTH1F("ops", "notthere", 10, 0.0, 30.0)
                Directory = null

            hInput.SetBinContent(2, 5.0);

            var inputs = new object[] { hInput };

            /// Cache a result

            var h = new ROOTNET.NTH1F("hi", "there", 10, 0.0, 10.0)
                Directory = null

            h.SetBinContent(1, 5.0);

            var q = new QueryResultCache();
            await q.CacheItem(q.GetKey(new Uri[] { f }, "test", inputs, null, query, dateChecker: u => File.GetLastWriteTime(u.LocalPath)), new NTObject[] { h }.AsRunInfoArray());

            /// And make sure the lookup works now!

            var hInputLookup = new ROOTNET.NTH1F("ops", "notthere", 10, 0.0, 30.0)
                Directory = null

            hInputLookup.SetBinContent(2, 5.5);

            var r = await Lookup <int>(q, f, "test", new object[] { hInputLookup }, null, query, new DummySaver());

            Assert.IsFalse(r.Item1, "Cache should have been there");
コード例 #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Look to see if we can figure out what the hit is on this Uri.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="queryIndex"></param>
        /// <param name="f"></param>
        private async Task TestForCachingOnUri(int queryIndex, Uri f)
            var query = MakeQuery(queryIndex);

            /// Cache a result

            var h = new ROOTNET.NTH1F("hi", "there", 10, 0.0, 10.0)
                Directory = null

            h.SetBinContent(1, 5.0);
            var q = new QueryResultCache();
            var k = q.GetKey(new Uri[] { f }, "test", null, null, query, dateChecker: u => File.GetLastWriteTime(u.LocalPath));
            await q.CacheItem(k, (new NTObject[] { h }).AsRunInfoArray());

            var r = await Lookup <int>(q, f, "test", null, null, query, new DummySaver());

            Assert.IsTrue(r.Item1, "expected hit");
            Assert.AreEqual(5, r.Item2, "incorrect return value");
コード例 #15
        public async Task TestForFileOutOfDate()
            var u     = MakeRootFile("TestForFileOutOfDate");
            var f     = new FileInfo(u.LocalPath);
            var query = MakeQuery(0);

            /// Cache a result

            var h = new ROOTNET.NTH1F("hi", "there", 10, 0.0, 10.0)
                Directory = null

            h.SetBinContent(1, 5.0);
            var q = new QueryResultCache();
            await q.CacheItem(q.GetKey(new Uri[] { u }, "test", null, null, query, dateChecker: uf => File.GetLastWriteTime(uf.LocalPath)), new NTObject[] { h }.AsRunInfoArray());

            /// Modify the file

            using (var w = f.CreateText())
                w.WriteLine("fork it!");
            await Task.Delay(250);

            /// And make sure the lookup fails now!

            var r = await Lookup <int>(q, u, "test", null, null, query, new DummySaver(), checkDates : true);

            Assert.IsFalse(r.Item1, "altered file should have made this fail");

            // Next, update the cache and look to make sure that the cache returns a hit this time!
            await q.CacheItem(q.GetKey(new Uri[] { u }, "test", null, null, query, dateChecker: uf => File.GetLastWriteTime(uf.LocalPath)), new NTObject[] { h }.AsRunInfoArray());

            r = await Lookup <int>(q, u, "test", null, null, query, new DummySaver(), checkDates : true);

            Assert.IsTrue(r.Item1, "altered file should have made this fail");
コード例 #16
        public async Task TestForTreeNameChanges()
            var f     = MakeRootFile("TestForTreeNameChanges");
            var query = MakeQuery(0);

            /// Cache a result

            var h = new ROOTNET.NTH1F("hi", "there", 10, 0.0, 10.0)
                Directory = null

            h.SetBinContent(1, 5.0);
            var q = new QueryResultCache();
            await q.CacheItem(q.GetKey(new Uri[] { f }, "test", null, null, query, dateChecker: u => File.GetLastWriteTime(u.LocalPath)), new NTObject[] { h }.AsRunInfoArray());

            /// And make sure the lookup fails now!

            var r = await Lookup <int>(q, f, "test1", null, null, query, new DummySaver());

            Assert.IsFalse(r.Item1, "different tree should have made this fail");
コード例 #17
        public async Task TestNoStuckInOpenFile()
            // When we load up and return a cache, we are storing a histogram in the file - make sure it comes back w/out errors.
            var f     = MakeRootFile("TestHitDriver");
            var query = MakeQuery(0);

            // Cache a result
            var h = new ROOTNET.NTH1F("hi", "there", 10, 0.0, 10.0)
                Directory = null

            h.SetBinContent(1, 5.0);
            var q = new QueryResultCache();
            await q.CacheItem(q.GetKey(new Uri[] { f }, "test", null, null, query, dateChecker: u => File.GetLastWriteTime(u.LocalPath)), new NTObject[] { h }.AsRunInfoArray());

            // Do the lookup.
            var r = await Lookup <ROOTNET.Interface.NTH1F>(q, f, "test", null, null, query, new DummyHistoSaver());

            Assert.IsTrue(r.Item1, "expected hit");
            Assert.AreEqual("hi", r.Item2.Name, "improper histogram came back");
コード例 #18
        public async Task CacheCycleDuplicateCycles()
            // We cannot give a list of items to cache that have the same
            // cycle number.

            // A simple query
            var query = MakeQuery(0);
            var f     = new Uri("http://www.nytimes.com");

            // Cache an integer
            var h1 = new ROOTNET.NTH1F("hi", "there", 1, 0.0, 10.0)
                Directory = null

            h1.SetBinContent(1, 5.0);
            var h2 = new ROOTNET.NTH1F("hi", "there", 1, 0.0, 10.0)
                Directory = null

            h2.SetBinContent(1, 2.0);

            var cacheCycles = new RunInfo[][] {
                new [] { new RunInfo()
                             _cycle = 0, _result = h1
                         } },
                new [] { new RunInfo()
                             _cycle = 0, _result = h2
                         } }

            var q    = new QueryResultCache();
            var date = DateTime.Now;
            await q.CacheItem(q.GetKey(new Uri[] { f }, "test", null, null, query, dateChecker: u => date), cacheCycles);
コード例 #19
        public async Task CacheWithVeryLongSourceFilename()
            // A simple query
            var query = MakeQuery(0);
            var f     = new Uri("http://www.nytimes.com/mc15_1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111113TeV_304810_MadGraphPythia8EvtGen_A14NNPDF23LO_HSS_LLP_mH400_mS50_lt5m_merge_DAOD_EXOT15_e5102_s2698_r7772_r7676_p2877?nFiles=1");

            // Cache an integer
            var h = new ROOTNET.NTH1F("hi", "there", 1, 0.0, 10.0)
                Directory = null

            h.SetBinContent(1, 5.0);
            var q    = new QueryResultCache();
            var date = DateTime.Now;
            await q.CacheItem(q.GetKey(new Uri[] { f }, "test", null, null, query, dateChecker: u => date), new NTObject[] { h }.AsRunInfoArray());

            // Now, do the lookup.
            var r = await Lookup <int>(q, f, "test", null, null, query, new DummySaver());

            Assert.IsTrue(r.Item1, "expected hit");
            Assert.AreEqual(5, r.Item2, "incorrect return value");
コード例 #20
ファイル: Program.cs プロジェクト: gordonwatts/LINQtoROOT
        /// <summary>
        /// This is used to test PROOF queires. We have it b/c many initial PROOF errors come back
        /// as text printed to the screen. And our test harness can't capture those messages, unfortunately.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args"></param>
        static void Main(string[] args)
            FileInfo runner = new FileInfo("query0.cxx");
            if (!runner.Exists)
                Console.WriteLine("Not able to find query cxx file");

            var targetr = new ProofExecutor();
            var env = CreateSimpleQueryEnvironment();

            // Create the query directory

            var qDir = new DirectoryInfo(".\\query");
            if (qDir.Exists)
                Console.WriteLine("Deleting existing query directory!!");

            File.Copy("query0.cxx", ".\\query\\query0.cxx");
            File.Copy("ntuple_CollectionTree.h", ".\\query\\ntuple_CollectionTree.h");
            File.Copy("junk_macro_parsettree_CollectionTree.C", "query\\junk_macro_parsettree_CollectionTree.C");

            runner = new FileInfo("query\\query0.cxx");

            // Now, the histos we are going to transfer over

            var histos = new Dictionary<string, object>();
            histos["aNTH1F_4"] = new ROOTNET.NTH1F("nothing", "this is it", 100, 0.0, 100.0);
            histos["aNTH1F_8"] = new ROOTNET.NTH1F("nothing1", "this is it", 100, 0.0, 100.0);
            histos["aNTH1F_11"] = new ROOTNET.NTH1F("nothing2", "this is it", 100, 0.0, 100.0);
            histos["aNTH1F_19"] = new ROOTNET.NTH1F("nothing3", "this is it", 100, 0.0, 100.0);
            histos["aNTH1F_27"] = new ROOTNET.NTH1F("nothing4", "this is it", 100, 0.0, 100.0);
            histos["aNTH1F_31"] = new ROOTNET.NTH1F("nothing5", "this is it", 100, 0.0, 100.0);
            histos["aNTH1F_34"] = new ROOTNET.NTH1F("nothing6", "this is it", 100, 0.0, 100.0);
            histos["aNTH1F_42"] = new ROOTNET.NTH1F("nothing7", "this is it", 100, 0.0, 100.0);

            // Finally, run it.

            targetr.Environment = env;
            var r = targetr.Execute(runner, qDir, histos);

            if (qDir.Exists)
                Console.WriteLine("!!! Query directory still exists!");

            if (r == null)
                Console.WriteLine("Hey - nothing came back!");

            Console.WriteLine("# of returned items: {0}", r.Count);
#if false
            Assert.AreEqual("aInt32_1", r.Keys.First(), "Key name incorrect");
            var o = r["aInt32_1"];
            Assert.IsInstanceOfType(o, typeof(ROOTNET.NTH1I), "return histo type");
            var h = o as ROOTNET.NTH1I;
            Assert.AreEqual(2000, (int)h.GetBinContent(1), "Answer from query");
コード例 #21
        public void TestSameHistInCombinedQueries()
            var rootFile = TestUtils.CreateFileOfInt(10);

            /// Generate a proxy .h file that we can use

            var proxyFile = TestUtils.GenerateROOTProxy(rootFile, "dude");

            /// Get two querries we can play with

            var q = new QueriableDummy<TestNtupe>();
            var mainHist = new ROOTNET.NTH1F("hi", "there", 1000, 0.0, 1000.0);
            mainHist.Directory = null;

            var dude1 = from evt in q
                        where mainHist.GetBinContent(evt.run) > 0.0
                        select evt;
            var final1 = dude1.Count();
            var query1 = DummyQueryExectuor.LastQueryModel;

            var dude2 = from evt in q
                        where mainHist.GetBinContent(evt.run) > 0.0
                        select evt;
            var final2 = dude2.Count();
            var query2 = DummyQueryExectuor.LastQueryModel;

            /// Ok, now we can actually see if we can make it "go".

            ntuple._gProxyFile = proxyFile.FullName;
            var exe = new TTreeQueryExecutor(new[] { rootFile }, "dude", typeof(ntuple), typeof(TestNtupe));

            var r1f = exe.ExecuteScalarAsFuture<int>(query1);
            var r2f = exe.ExecuteScalarAsFuture<int>(query2);

            var r1 = r1f.Value;
            var r2 = r2f.Value;

            Assert.AreEqual(0, r1, "r1 Didn't add correctly");
            Assert.AreEqual(0, r2, "r2 Didn't add correctly");
            Assert.AreEqual("hi", mainHist.Name, "histogram name changed");
コード例 #22
        public void TestSameHistoOverTice()
            var rootFile = TestUtils.CreateFileOfInt(10);

            /// Generate a proxy .h file that we can use

            var proxyFile = TestUtils.GenerateROOTProxy(rootFile, "dude");

            /// Get a simple query we can "play" with

            var q = new QueriableDummy<TestNtupe>();
            var mainHist = new ROOTNET.NTH1F("hi", "there", 1000, 0.0, 1000.0);
            mainHist.Directory = null;

            var dude = from evt in q
                       where mainHist.GetBinContent(evt.run) * mainHist.GetBinContent(evt.run) > 0.0
                       select evt;
            var final = dude.Count();
            var query = DummyQueryExectuor.LastQueryModel;

            /// Ok, now we can actually see if we can make it "go".

            ntuple._gProxyFile = proxyFile.FullName;
            var exe = new TTreeQueryExecutor(new[] { rootFile }, "dude", typeof(ntuple), typeof(TestNtupe));
            var result = exe.ExecuteScalar<int>(query);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, result, "Didn't add correctly");
            Assert.AreEqual("hi", mainHist.Name, "histogram name changed");

コード例 #23
        public void TestInitalizerWithROOTVariable()
            const int numberOfIter = 25;
            var rootFile = TestUtils.CreateFileOfInt(numberOfIter);

            /// Generate a proxy .h file that we can use

            var proxyFile = TestUtils.GenerateROOTProxy(rootFile, "dude");

            /// Get a simple query we can "play" with

            var q = new QueriableDummy<TestNtupe>();
            var holder = new ROOTNET.NTH1F("hi", "title", 2, 0.0, 2.0);
            holder.Directory = null;
            var dude = q.ApplyToObject(holder, (h, n) => h.Fill(n.run));
            var query = DummyQueryExectuor.LastQueryModel;

            /// Ok, now we can actually see if we can make it "go".

            ntuple._gProxyFile = proxyFile.FullName;
            var exe = new TTreeQueryExecutor(new[] { rootFile }, "dude", typeof(ntuple), typeof(TestNtupe));
            var result = exe.ExecuteScalar<ROOTNET.Interface.NTH1F>(query);
            Assert.AreEqual(result.Entries, numberOfIter);
            Assert.AreEqual("hi", result.Name, "histogram name");
コード例 #24
        public void TestNameCombo()
            GeneratedCode gc = new GeneratedCode();
            var obj = new ROOTNET.NTH1F("hi", "there", 10, 0.0, 10.0);
            var n1 = gc.QueueForTransfer(obj);
            var n2 = gc.QueueForTransfer(obj);

            Assert.AreEqual(n1, n2, "Names should be identical");
            Assert.AreEqual(1, gc.VariablesToTransfer.Count(), "# of variables to move over wire");
コード例 #25
        static void Main(string[] args)
            List <string> tempFileList = new List <string>();

            //var h = new ROOTNET.NTH1F();

            //File list from Blizz Americas Championship

            fileImageProducer blizzAmericas = new fileImageProducer(tempFileList);

            var newFile = new ROOTNET.NTFile("output.root", "RECREATE");
            //String win1 = "Edge output test"; //Window name
            //CvInvoke.NamedWindow(win1); //Create the window with the name persona 3 style
            Mat outImage = new Mat();

            RegionOfInterest leftBlizz  = new RegionOfInterest(510f / 1280f, 0f / 720f, 100f / 1280f, 20f / 700f);
            RegionOfInterest rightBlizz = new RegionOfInterest(665f / 1280f, 0f / 720f, 100f / 1280f, 20f / 700f);

            var bestRowHisto = new ROOTNET.NTH1I("bestRows", "Top rows by discrimination", 20, 0, 20);

            //Text for comparison. "TEMPO STORM"
            TextSize    textSizeTest    = new TextSize(leftBlizz.getROIImage(blizzAmericas.ElementAt(0).loadedImage));
            PeakPattern peakPatternTest = new PeakPattern(leftBlizz.getROIImage(blizzAmericas.ElementAt(0).loadedImage), 200.0);

            //PeakPattern peakPatternTest2 = new PeakPattern(rightBlizz.getROIImage(blizzAmericas.Last().loadedImage));

            for (int iImage = 0; iImage < blizzAmericas.Count(); iImage++)
                Image testc       = blizzAmericas.ElementAt(iImage);
                Mat   leftRegion  = leftBlizz.getROIImage(testc.loadedImage);
                Mat   rightRegion = rightBlizz.getROIImage(testc.loadedImage);

                List <Tuple <int, int> > rowResult = topThree(entropyList <Bgr, byte>(leftRegion, rightRegion, new byte[] { 180, 180, 180 }));

                ROOTNET.NTH1F tempLeft  = drawHisto <Bgr, double>(leftRegion, rowResult[0].Item1, 0, "left " + iImage);
                ROOTNET.NTH1F tempRight = drawHisto <Bgr, double>(rightRegion, rowResult[0].Item1, 0, "right " + iImage);



                //Console.WriteLine("Row {0} with {1}, row {2} with {3}, row {4} with {5}.",
                //    rowResult[0].Item1, rowResult[0].Item2,
                //    rowResult[1].Item1, rowResult[1].Item2,
                //    rowResult[2].Item1, rowResult[2].Item2);
                Console.WriteLine("File {0}", tempFileList[iImage]);
                //Console.WriteLine("TextSize Probability left {0}, TextSize probability right {1}.",
                //    textSizeTest.ProbabilityMatch(leftRegion),
                //    textSizeTest.ProbabilityMatch(rightRegion));
                Console.WriteLine("PeakPattern cosine left {0}, PeakPattern cosine right {1}.",

            //CvInvoke.Imshow(win1, testMat);
            //TesseractEngine testOCR = new TesseractEngine("langDat", "eng", Tesseract.EngineMode.Default);

            //ImageViewer.Show(outImage, "test");

            //Some numbers from a 720p image in paint for ROI testing.

            //ImageViewer.Show(leftBlizz.getROIImage(blizzAmericas.ElementAt(0).loadedImage), "leftName");
            //ImageViewer.Show(rightBlizz.getROIImage(blizzAmericas.ElementAt(0).loadedImage), "rightName");

            Mat testProcessing      = leftBlizz.getROIImage(blizzAmericas.ElementAt(0).loadedImage);
            Mat testProcessingRight = rightBlizz.getROIImage(blizzAmericas.ElementAt(1).loadedImage);

            System.Drawing.Rectangle textRegion  = ProcessingTools.findTextEdge <Bgr, double>(testProcessing, new double[] { 180.0, 180.0, 180.0 });
            System.Drawing.Rectangle textRegion2 = ProcessingTools.findTextEdge <Bgr, double>(testProcessingRight, new double[] { 180.0, 180.0, 180.0 });

            //CvInvoke.Rectangle(testProcessing, textRegion, new Bgr(0, 0, 255).MCvScalar);
            //ImageViewer.Show(leftBlizz.getROIImage(blizzAmericas.ElementAt(0).loadedImage), "leftName");

            //CvInvoke.Rectangle(testProcessingRight, textRegion2, new Bgr(0, 0, 255).MCvScalar);
            //ImageViewer.Show(testProcessingRight, "rightName");

            //Mat[] leftBlizzChannels = leftBlizz.getROIImage(outImage).Split();
            //Mat[] rightBlizzChannels = rightBlizz.getROIImage(outImage).Split();

            //foreach( Mat iMat in leftBlizzChannels)
            //    ImageViewer.Show(iMat);

            Console.ReadKey(); //Wait for return to finish!