コード例 #1
        public RNews toobj()//获取文章对象的函数
                //List<RNews> listPh = RNewsDAL.m_RNewsDal.GetModel("ID=@Isid", list);//获取文章对象
                List <dbParam> list = new List <dbParam>()
                    new dbParam()
                        ParamName = "@ID", ParamValue = Isid
                    },                                               //泛型 防止sql 注入

                RNews NEW = RNewsDAL.m_RNewsDal.GetModel("ID=@ID and Auditing='true'", list);
            catch (Exception)
コード例 #2

        public string Toaddjiaocheng(string Title, string Abstract, string Download, string Thumbnail)
                if ((string.IsNullOrEmpty(Title) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(Abstract)) && (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Download) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(Thumbnail)))//判断是否为空
                    rm.Success = false;
                    rm.Info    = "必填项不能为空!";
                    string sresult = jss.Serialize(rm);//吧 rm 对象 转换
                    List <dbParam> list = new List <dbParam>()
                        new dbParam()
                            ParamName = "@Title", ParamValue = Title
                        new dbParam()
                            ParamName = "@Abstract", ParamValue = Abstract
                        new dbParam()
                            ParamName = "@Download", ParamValue = Download
                        new dbParam()
                            ParamName = "@Thumbnail", ParamValue = Thumbnail

                    //获取到了这个条件下的一个对象 判断不为空

                    string key = context.Session["userkey"].ToString(); //保存Session key 用户唯一识别码

                    if (key != null)                                    //如果唯一识别码存在 就可以添加 如果不存在 就不能添加
                        //UserInfor user = UserInforDAL.m_UserInforDal.GetModel("UserEmail=@UserEmail and UserPwd=@Pwd", list);

                        RNews news = new RNews();

                        Thumbnail = (Thumbnail == null) ? "/img/Rnews/default_cover.png" : Thumbnail;

                        news.Title       = Title;        //标题
                        news.Abstract    = Abstract;     //简介
                        news.Download    = Download;     //下载地址
                        news.Thumbnail   = Thumbnail;    //缩略图
                        news.Author      = key;          //用户唯一识别码 作者
                        news.IsClass     = "教程软件";       //分类 这里写死了!!
                        news.Tsize       = 10.0;         //大小
                        news.NStatistics = 0;            //下载统计
                        news.lrNumber    = 0;            //浏览数
                        news.IsContents  = null;         //内容
                        news.ReleaseTime = DateTime.Now; //提交时间
                        news.Star        = 2;            //星级
                        news.Auditing    = false;        //默认的审核状态为false
                        RNewsDAL.m_RNewsDal.Add(news);   //添加

                        rm.Success = true;
                        rm.Info    = "提交成功!";
                        string sresult = jss.Serialize(rm);//吧 rm 对象 转换
                        rm.Success = false;
                        rm.Info    = "请先登录!";
                        string sresult = jss.Serialize(rm);//吧 rm 对象 转换
            catch (Exception ex)
                rm.Success = false;
                rm.Info    = "请先登录!!";
                string sresult = jss.Serialize(rm);//吧 rm 对象 转换
コード例 #3
ファイル: Handle.ashx.cs プロジェクト: shaozhu520/yixiangbao
        HttpContext context;                                                //用来获取 Session

        public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
            this.context = context;                               //用来获取 Session
            string parameter = context.Request.Form["parameter"]; //入口

            if (parameter == "adminLogin")
                string UserName = context.Request.Form["newsName"]; //获取name
                string UserPwd  = context.Request.Form["Pwd"];      //获取密码

                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(UserName) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(UserPwd))//判断是否为空
                        rt.Info    = "用户名或者密码不能为空";
                        rt.Success = false;
                        string sresult = jss.Serialize(rt); //吧 rt 对象 转换
                        context.Response.Write(sresult);    //返回
                        List <dbParam> list = new List <dbParam>()
                            new dbParam()
                                ParamName = "@UserName", ParamValue = UserName
                            new dbParam()
                                ParamName = "@pwd", ParamValue = UserPwd

                        //获取到了这个条件下的一个对象 判断不为空

                        admin_table user = admin_tableDAL.m_admin_tableDal.GetModel("admin_Name=@UserName and admin_Pwd=@pwd and state='true' ", list);
                        if (user != null)
                            user.LGtime = DateTime.Now;                   //直接修改上面获取的那个对象
                            admin_tableDAL.m_admin_tableDal.Update(user); //修改登录时间

                            context.Session["token"] = user.admin_Name;//保存Session 当前对象的用户名
                            rt.Info     = "登录成功";
                            rt.Success  = true;
                            rt.Redirect = user.admin_Name;
                            string sresult = jss.Serialize(rt); //吧 rt 对象 转换
                            context.Response.Write(sresult);    //返回
                            rt.Info    = "登录失败";
                            rt.Success = false;
                            string sresult = jss.Serialize(rt); //吧 rt 对象 转换
                            context.Response.Write(sresult);    //返回
                catch (Exception ex)
                    rt.Info    = "系统异常";
                    rt.Success = false;
                    string sresult = jss.Serialize(rt); //吧 rt 对象 转换
                    context.Response.Write(sresult);    //返回

            //验证Token 验证管理登录
            if (parameter == "adminyz")
                    string UserName = context.Request.Form["newsName"];//获取name

                    List <dbParam> Slist = new List <dbParam>()
                        new dbParam()
                            ParamName = "@UserName", ParamValue = UserName

                    admin_table user = admin_tableDAL.m_admin_tableDal.GetModel("admin_Name=@UserName", Slist);

                    if (user.admin_Name == context.Session["token"].ToString())
                        rt.Info    = "验证成功!";
                        rt.Success = true;
                        string sresult673 = jss.Serialize(rt); //吧 rt 对象 转换
                        context.Response.Write(sresult673);    //返回
                        rt.Info    = "请先登录!";
                        rt.Success = false;
                        string sresult671 = jss.Serialize(rt); //吧 rt 对象 转换
                        context.Response.Write(sresult671);    //返回
                catch (Exception)
                    rt.Info    = "系统异常";
                    rt.Success = false;
                    string sresult672 = jss.Serialize(rt); //吧 rt 对象 转换
                    context.Response.Write(sresult672);    //返回


                if (context.Session["token"].ToString() != null)
                    switch (parameter)
                    case "addNEws"://添加

                            string Title       = context.Request.Form["Title"];                        //标题
                            string Author      = context.Request.Form["Author"];                       //作者
                            string IsClass     = context.Request.Form["IsClass"];                      //分类
                            string Abstract    = context.Request.Form["Abstract"];                     //简介
                            double Tsize       = Convert.ToDouble(context.Request.Form["Tsize"]);      //大小  double
                            int    NStatistics = Convert.ToInt32(context.Request.Form["NStatistics"]); //下载统计 int
                            string Download    = context.Request.Form["Download"];                     //下载地址
                            int    lrNumber    = Convert.ToInt32(context.Request.Form["lrNumber"]);    //浏览数 int
                            string IsContents  = context.Request.Form["IsContents"];                   //内容
                            string ReleaseTime = context.Request.Form["ReleaseTime"];                  //发布时间
                            string Thumbnail   = context.Request.Form["Thumbnail"];                    //缩略图
                            int    Star        = Convert.ToInt32(context.Request.Form["Star"]);        //星级 int

                            RNews news = new RNews();
                            news.Title       = Title;
                            news.Author      = "xxxcccvvvbbbnnnmmm";
                            news.IsClass     = IsClass;
                            news.Abstract    = Abstract; //这个估计要写死 不然要死
                            news.Tsize       = Tsize;    //?
                            news.NStatistics = NStatistics;
                            news.Download    = Download;
                            news.lrNumber    = lrNumber;
                            news.IsContents  = IsContents;
                            news.ReleaseTime = Convert.ToDateTime(ReleaseTime);

                            Thumbnail = (Thumbnail == null) ? "/img/Rnews/default_cover.png" : Thumbnail;

                            news.Thumbnail = Thumbnail;
                            news.Star      = Star;
                            news.Auditing  = true;

                            int bp = RNewsDAL.m_RNewsDal.Add(news);

                            rm.Info    = "添加成功!";                 //赋值
                            rm.Success = true;
                            string sresultpp = jss.Serialize(rm); //吧 rm 对象 转换
                            context.Response.Write(sresultpp);    //返回
                        catch (Exception)
                            rm.Info    = "添加失败!";                  //赋值
                            rm.Success = false;
                            string sresultpp1 = jss.Serialize(rm); //吧 rm 对象 转换
                            context.Response.Write(sresultpp1);    //返回


                    case "CheckList"://查询

                        ////int PageNumber = Convert.ToInt32(context.Request.Form["PageNumber"]);//页码

                            string nesclass = context.Request.Form["NEWSclass"];//分类

                            List <dbParam> para = new List <dbParam>()
                                new dbParam()
                                    ParamName = "@NEWSclass", ParamValue = nesclass
                            string ssql = "IsClass=@NEWSclass";

                            List <RNews> list = RNewsDAL.m_RNewsDal.GetList(ssql, 999999999, 1, true, "*", "ID", para); //获取集合
                            rm.Data = list;                                                                             //赋值

                            string sresult = jss.Serialize(rm);                                                         //吧 rm 对象 转换

                            context.Response.Write(sresult);                                                            //返回
                        catch (Exception)
                            rm.Data    = null;                   //赋值
                            rm.Success = false;
                            string sresultB = jss.Serialize(rm); //吧 rm 对象 转换

                            context.Response.Write(sresultB);    //返回


                    case "Auditing"://查询审核的文章

                            string ssql1 = "Auditing='false'";

                            List <RNews> list1 = RNewsDAL.m_RNewsDal.GetList(ssql1, 999999999, 1, true, "*", "ID"); //获取集合
                            rm.Data    = list1;                                                                     //赋值
                            rm.Success = true;                                                                      //赋值
                            rm.Info    = "查询成功!";
                            string sresult11 = jss.Serialize(rm);                                                   //吧 rm 对象 转换

                            context.Response.Write(sresult11);                                                      //返回
                        catch (Exception)
                            rm.Success = false;                    //赋值
                            rm.Info    = "系统异常!";
                            string sresultsss = jss.Serialize(rm); //吧 rm 对象 转换

                            context.Response.Write(sresultsss);    //返回


                    case "AuditingOK"://修改文章审核状态

                            int Lid = Convert.ToInt32(context.Request.Form["id"]);//id

                            List <dbParam> paras = new List <dbParam>()
                                new dbParam()
                                    ParamName = "@ID", ParamValue = Lid

                            RNews Enro = RNewsDAL.m_RNewsDal.GetModel("ID=@ID", paras);//获取要修改的数据对象

                            if (Enro.Auditing == false)
                                Enro.Auditing = true;
                                Enro.Auditing = false;


                            rm.Success = true;                      //赋值
                            rm.Info    = "修改成功!";
                            string sresultsss0 = jss.Serialize(rm); //吧 rm 对象 转换

                            context.Response.Write(sresultsss0);    //返回
                        catch (Exception)
                            rm.Success = false;                     //赋值
                            rm.Info    = "系统异常!";
                            string sresultsss1 = jss.Serialize(rm); //吧 rm 对象 转换

                            context.Response.Write(sresultsss1);    //返回


                    case "deleteRNews"://删除

                            int newid = Convert.ToInt32(context.Request.Form["id"]);//id

                            string sql1 = "ID=@ID";

                            List <dbParam> para1 = new List <dbParam>()
                                new dbParam()
                                    ParamName = "@ID", ParamValue = newid

                            RNewsDAL.m_RNewsDal.Delete(sql1, para1);

                            rm.Success = true;                  //赋值
                            rm.Info    = "删除成功!";
                            string sresulk = jss.Serialize(rm); //吧 rm 对象 转换

                            context.Response.Write(sresulk);    //返回
                        catch (Exception)
                            rm.Success = false;                  //赋值
                            rm.Info    = "系统异常!";
                            string sresulkk = jss.Serialize(rm); //吧 rm 对象 转换

                            context.Response.Write(sresulkk);    //返回


                    case "CheckOne"://查找要修改的对象

                            int id = Convert.ToInt32((context.Request.Form["id"]));//ID

                            List <dbParam> pAra = new List <dbParam>()
                                new dbParam()
                                    ParamName = "@ID", ParamValue = id
                            string ssqlV = "ID=@ID";

                            List <RNews> listV = RNewsDAL.m_RNewsDal.GetList(ssqlV, 999999999, 1, true, "*", "ID", pAra); //获取集合
                            rm.Data    = listV;                                                                           //赋值
                            rm.Success = true;
                            rm.Info    = "查询成功";
                            string sresultV = jss.Serialize(rm); //吧 rm 对象 转换

                            context.Response.Write(sresultV);    //返回
                        catch (Exception)
                            rm.Success = false;                   //赋值
                            rm.Info    = "查询失败";
                            string sresultV1 = jss.Serialize(rm); //吧 rm 对象 转换
                            context.Response.Write(sresultV1);    //返回


                    case "modifyRnews"://修改文章

                            int idS = Convert.ToInt32(context.Request.Form["id"]);                     //ID

                            string Title       = context.Request.Form["Title"];                        //标题
                            string Author      = context.Request.Form["Author"];                       //作者
                            string IsClass     = context.Request.Form["IsClass"];                      //分类
                            string Abstract    = context.Request.Form["Abstract"];                     //简介
                            double Tsize       = Convert.ToDouble(context.Request.Form["Tsize"]);      //大小  double
                            int    NStatistics = Convert.ToInt32(context.Request.Form["NStatistics"]); //下载统计 int
                            string Download    = context.Request.Form["Download"];                     //下载地址
                            int    lrNumber    = Convert.ToInt32(context.Request.Form["lrNumber"]);    //浏览数 int
                            string IsContents  = context.Request.Form["IsContents"];                   //内容
                            string ReleaseTime = context.Request.Form["ReleaseTime"];                  //发布时间
                            string Thumbnail   = context.Request.Form["Thumbnail"];                    //缩略图
                            int    Star        = Convert.ToInt32(context.Request.Form["Star"]);        //星级 int

                            List <dbParam> paras = new List <dbParam>()
                                new dbParam()
                                    ParamName = "@ID", ParamValue = idS

                            RNews news = RNewsDAL.m_RNewsDal.GetModel("ID=@ID", paras);//获取要修改的数据对象

                            //RNews news = new RNews();
                            news.Title = Title;
                            //news.Author = Author;//本来的 这个估计要写死 不然要死 不该作者
                            news.IsClass     = IsClass;
                            news.Abstract    = Abstract;
                            news.Tsize       = Tsize;//?
                            news.NStatistics = NStatistics;
                            news.Download    = Download;
                            news.lrNumber    = lrNumber;
                            news.IsContents  = IsContents;
                            //news.ReleaseTime = Convert.ToDateTime(ReleaseTime); 不该时间

                            Thumbnail = (Thumbnail == null) ? "/img/Rnews/default_cover.png" : Thumbnail;

                            news.Thumbnail = Thumbnail;
                            news.Star      = Star;


                            rm.Success = true;                     //赋值
                            rm.Info    = "修改成功";
                            string sresultV16 = jss.Serialize(rm); //吧 rm 对象 转换
                            context.Response.Write(sresultV16);    //返回
                        catch (Exception)
                            rm.Success = false;                    //赋值
                            rm.Info    = "修改失败";
                            string sresultV16 = jss.Serialize(rm); //吧 rm 对象 转换
                            context.Response.Write(sresultV16);    //返回


                    case "ListLength":                                       //获取文章长度

                        string Nesclass = context.Request.Form["NEWSclass"]; //分类

                        if (Nesclass == "admin_table")                       //获取管理员的个数 5
                            int iLength = admin_tableDAL.m_admin_tableDal.GetCount("1=1");
                            context.Response.Write(iLength); //返回
                        else if (Nesclass == "Rnews")        //查询待审核的文章个数
                            int mLength = RNewsDAL.m_RNewsDal.GetCount("Auditing='False'");
                            context.Response.Write(mLength); //返回
                        else if (Nesclass == "Users")        //查询用户列表个数
                            int mLength = UserInforDAL.m_UserInforDal.GetCount("1=1");
                        else//获取文章类的数量 这里包括 教程软件 唯美头像 线报活动 1-3
                            List <dbParam> para3 = new List <dbParam>()
                                new dbParam()
                                    ParamName = "@NEWSclass", ParamValue = Nesclass
                            string ssql2 = "IsClass=@NEWSclass";

                            int iLength = RNewsDAL.m_RNewsDal.GetCount(ssql2, para3);


                    case "Links"://友情链接查询

                            List <Flink> list1 = FlinkDAL.m_FlinkDal.GetList("1=1", 999999999, 1, true, "*", "ID", null); //获取集合

                            rmLinks.Data = list1;                                                                         //赋值

                            string sresult1 = jss.Serialize(rmLinks);                                                     //吧 rm 对象 转换

                            context.Response.Write(sresult1);                                                             //返回
                        catch (Exception)
                            rmLinks.Info    = "系统异常";                 //赋值
                            rmLinks.Success = false;
                            string sresult1 = jss.Serialize(rmLinks); //吧 rm 对象 转换
                            context.Response.Write(sresult1);         //返回


                    case "deleteLinks"://删除链接

                            int    dleID = Convert.ToInt32(context.Request.Form["id"]);//获取要删除的ID
                            string sql2  = "ID=@ID";

                            List <dbParam> para2 = new List <dbParam>()
                                new dbParam()
                                    ParamName = "@ID", ParamValue = dleID

                            FlinkDAL.m_FlinkDal.Delete(sql2, para2);
                        catch (Exception)
                            rmLinks.Info    = "系统异常";                 //赋值
                            rmLinks.Success = false;
                            string sresult2 = jss.Serialize(rmLinks); //吧 rm 对象 转换
                            context.Response.Write(sresult2);         //返回


                        rmLinks.Info    = "删除成功";                 //赋值
                        rmLinks.Success = true;
                        string sresult3 = jss.Serialize(rmLinks); //吧 rm 对象 转换
                        context.Response.Write(sresult3);         //返回


                    case "AddLinks"://添加友情链接

                            string WebName      = context.Request.Form["WebName"];      //网站名称
                            string WebUrl       = context.Request.Form["WebUrl"];       //URL
                            string CreatedTimeS = context.Request.Form["CreatedTime"];  //添加时间
                            string ContactEMail = context.Request.Form["ContactEMail"]; //站长邮箱

                            Flink News = new Flink();

                            News.Name         = WebName;
                            News.URLLink      = WebUrl;
                            News.tjtime       = Convert.ToDateTime(CreatedTimeS);
                            News.ContactEMail = ContactEMail;

                        catch (Exception)
                            rmLinks.Info    = "添加失败";                  //赋值
                            rmLinks.Success = false;
                            string sresult44 = jss.Serialize(rmLinks); //吧 rm 对象 转换
                            context.Response.Write(sresult44);         //返回

                        rmLinks.Info    = "添加成功";                 //赋值
                        rmLinks.Success = true;
                        string sresult4 = jss.Serialize(rmLinks); //吧 rm 对象 转换
                        context.Response.Write(sresult4);         //返回


                    case "ReviseLinks"://修改友情链接

                            int WEBid = Convert.ToInt32(context.Request.Form["webID"]); //id

                            int sort = Convert.ToInt32(context.Request.Form["sort"]);   //sort

                            string webUrl = context.Request.Form["webUrl"];             //URl

                            string webName = context.Request.Form["webName"];           //名称

                            string webEmail = context.Request.Form["webEmail"];         //邮箱

                            List <dbParam> paras = new List <dbParam>()
                                new dbParam()
                                    ParamName = "@webID", ParamValue = WEBid

                            Flink Links = FlinkDAL.m_FlinkDal.GetModel("ID=@webID", paras); //获取要修改的数据对象

                            Links.Name         = webName;                                   //修改 名称
                            Links.URLLink      = webUrl;                                    //修改 url
                            Links.ContactEMail = webEmail;                                  // 修改 邮箱
                            Links.SerialNumber = sort;                                      //修改排序优先级

                            FlinkDAL.m_FlinkDal.Update(Links);                              //修改

                            rmLinks.Info    = "修改成功";                 //赋值
                            rmLinks.Success = true;
                            string sresult5 = jss.Serialize(rmLinks); //吧 rm 对象 转换
                            context.Response.Write(sresult5);         //返回
                        catch (Exception)
                            rmLinks.Info    = "修改失败";                 //赋值
                            rmLinks.Success = false;
                            string sresult5 = jss.Serialize(rmLinks); //吧 rm 对象 转换
                            context.Response.Write(sresult5);         //返回


                    case "getUserInfor"://用户列表

                            List <UserInfor> list2 = UserInforDAL.m_UserInforDal.GetList("1=1", 999999999, 1, true, "*", "ID", null); //获取集合

                            rtuser.Data    = list2;                                                                                   //赋值
                            rtuser.Success = true;
                            string sresult2 = jss.Serialize(rtuser);                                                                  //吧 rm 对象 转换

                            context.Response.Write(sresult2);                                                                         //返回
                        catch (Exception)
                            rtuser.Data    = null;                    //赋值
                            rtuser.Success = false;
                            string sresult66 = jss.Serialize(rtuser); //吧 rm 对象 转换

                            context.Response.Write(sresult66);        //返回


                    case "TgetEnroll"://报名人员表查询 待审核
                         * try
                         * {
                         *  List<Enroll> list2 = EnrollDAL.m_EnrollDal.GetList("State='true'", 999999999, 1, true, "*", "ID", null);//获取集合
                         *  getEnroll.Data = list2;//赋值
                         *  string sresult2 = jss.Serialize(getEnroll);//吧 rm 对象 转换
                         *  context.Response.Write(sresult2);//返回
                         * }
                         * catch (Exception)
                         * {
                         *  context.Response.Write("很抱歉系统异常");//返回
                         *  throw;
                         * }

                    case "deleteUser"://删除恶意提交的
                         * try
                         * {
                         *  int Nid = Convert.ToInt32(context.Request.Form["id"]);//id
                         *  string sqlH = "ID=@ID";
                         *  List<dbParam> paras = new List<dbParam>() {
                         *      new dbParam(){ ParamName="@ID", ParamValue=Nid}
                         *  };
                         *  EnrollDAL.m_EnrollDal.Delete(sqlH, paras);
                         *  context.Response.Write(true);//返回
                         * }
                         * catch (Exception)
                         * {
                         *  context.Response.Write(false);//返回
                         *  throw;
                         * }

                    case "modifyPwd"://修改管理用户名密码

                            string myName = context.Request.Form["myname"]; //用户名
                            string myPwd  = context.Request.Form["myPwd"];  //旧密码
                            string NewPwd = context.Request.Form["newPwd"]; //新密码

                            List <dbParam> list66 = new List <dbParam>()
                                new dbParam()
                                    ParamName = "@myName", ParamValue = myName
                                new dbParam()
                                    ParamName = "@myPwd", ParamValue = myPwd

                            admin_table admin = admin_tableDAL.m_admin_tableDal.GetModel("admin_Name=@myName and admin_Pwd=@myPwd", list66);//获取要修改的数据对象

                            if (admin == null)
                                getAdmin_table.Success = false;
                                getAdmin_table.Info    = "用户名不存在!";
                                string sresult251 = jss.Serialize(getAdmin_table); //吧 rm 对象 转换

                                context.Response.Write(sresult251);                //返回
                                admin.admin_Pwd = NewPwd;                      //修改

                                admin_tableDAL.m_admin_tableDal.Update(admin); //修改

                                getAdmin_table.Success = true;
                                getAdmin_table.Info    = "修改成功!";
                                string sresult252 = jss.Serialize(getAdmin_table); //吧 rm 对象 转换

                                context.Response.Write(sresult252);                //返回
                        catch (Exception)
                            getAdmin_table.Success = false;
                            getAdmin_table.Info    = "系统异常!";
                            string sresult256 = jss.Serialize(getAdmin_table); //吧 rm 对象 转换

                            context.Response.Write(sresult256);                //返回


                    case "Query_admin"://查询管理员列表

                            //admin_tableDAL.m_admin_tableDALDal.GetList("1=1", 999999999, 1, true, "admin_Name,Sex,Status,Contact,LGtime", "ID", null)
                            List <admin_table> list3 = admin_tableDAL.m_admin_tableDal.GetList("1=1", 999999999, 1, true, "ID,admin_Name,Sex,Status,state,Contact,LGtime", "ID", null); //获取集合

                            getAdmin_table.Data    = list3;                                                                                                                             //赋值
                            getAdmin_table.Success = true;
                            string sresult36 = jss.Serialize(getAdmin_table);                                                                                                           //吧 rm 对象 转换

                            context.Response.Write(sresult36);                                                                                                                          //返回
                        catch (Exception)
                            getAdmin_table.Success = false;
                            string sresult360 = jss.Serialize(getAdmin_table); //吧 rm 对象 转换

                            context.Response.Write(sresult360);                //返回


                    case "add_admin"://添加管理员

                            string admin_Name = context.Request.Form["admin_Name"]; //用户名
                            string admin_Pwd  = context.Request.Form["admin_Pwd"];  //密码
                            string state      = context.Request.Form["state"];      //启用状态
                            string Sex        = context.Request.Form["Sex"];        //性别
                            string Status     = context.Request.Form["Status"];     //职务/身份
                            string Contact    = context.Request.Form["Contact"];    //联系方式

                            List <dbParam> Plist = new List <dbParam>()
                                new dbParam()
                                    ParamName = "@admin_Name", ParamValue = admin_Name

                            admin_table userS = admin_tableDAL.m_admin_tableDal.GetModel("admin_Name=@admin_Name ", Plist);

                            if (userS != null)//如果查询到了这个用户名 那么说明已经存在
                                getAdmin_table.Info    = "该用户已存在!";
                                getAdmin_table.Success = false;
                                string sresult350 = jss.Serialize(getAdmin_table); //吧 rm 对象 转换

                                context.Response.Write(sresult350);                //返回
                                admin_table News = new admin_table();

                                News.admin_Name = admin_Name;               //用户名
                                News.admin_Pwd  = admin_Pwd;                //密码
                                News.LGtime     = DateTime.Now;             //最后登陆时间
                                News.state      = Convert.ToBoolean(state); //启用状态
                                News.Sex        = true;                     //性别
                                News.Status     = Status;                   //职务/身份
                                News.Contact    = Contact;                  //联系方式


                                getAdmin_table.Info    = "添加成功!";
                                getAdmin_table.Success = true;
                                string sresult351 = jss.Serialize(getAdmin_table); //吧 rm 对象 转换

                                context.Response.Write(sresult351);                //返回
                        catch (Exception)
                            getAdmin_table.Info    = "系统异常!";
                            getAdmin_table.Success = false;
                            string sresult311 = jss.Serialize(getAdmin_table); //吧 rm 对象 转换

                            context.Response.Write(sresult311);                //返回


                    case "del_admin"://删除管理员

                            string names = context.Session["token"].ToString();

                            if (names == "admin")
                                int Bid = Convert.ToInt32(context.Request.Form["adminID"]);//id

                                string sqlH = "ID=@ID";

                                List <dbParam> parasS = new List <dbParam>()
                                    new dbParam()
                                        ParamName = "@ID", ParamValue = Bid

                                admin_tableDAL.m_admin_tableDal.Delete(sqlH, parasS);

                                getAdmin_table.Success = true;
                                getAdmin_table.Info    = "删除成功!";
                                string sresult361 = jss.Serialize(getAdmin_table); //吧 rm 对象 转换

                                context.Response.Write(sresult361);                //返回
                                getAdmin_table.Success = false;
                                getAdmin_table.Info    = "您没有删除管理员的权限,只有admin才可以!";
                                string sresult366 = jss.Serialize(getAdmin_table); //吧 rm 对象 转换
                                context.Response.Write(sresult366);                //返回
                        catch (Exception)
                            getAdmin_table.Success = false;
                            getAdmin_table.Info    = "系统异常!";
                            string sresult367 = jss.Serialize(getAdmin_table); //吧 rm 对象 转换

                            context.Response.Write(sresult367);                //返回


                    case "SystemSwitch"://报名系统开关
                         * try
                         * {
                         *  SwitchButton Switch = SwitchButtonDAL.m_SwitchButtonDal.GetModel("IsFunction='报名系统'", null);
                         *  if (Switch.IsOpen)
                         *  {
                         *      Switch.IsOpen = false;//修改
                         *  }
                         *  else
                         *  {
                         *      Switch.IsOpen = true;//修改
                         *  }
                         *  SwitchButtonDAL.m_SwitchButtonDal.Update(Switch);//修改
                         *  context.Response.Write(true);//返回
                         * }
                         * catch (Exception)
                         * {
                         *  context.Response.Write(false);//返回
                         * }


                    case "chaSwitch"://查询开关状态
                         * try
                         * {
                         *  SwitchButton Switch = SwitchButtonDAL.m_SwitchButtonDal.GetModel("IsFunction='报名系统'", null);
                         *  if (Switch.IsOpen)
                         *  {
                         *       context.Response.Write(true);//返回
                         *  }
                         *  else
                         *  {
                         *      context.Response.Write(false);//返回
                         *  }
                         * }
                         * catch (Exception)
                         * {
                         *  context.Response.Write(false);//返回
                         * }
                    rmLinks.Info    = "权限不足!";                 //赋值
                    rmLinks.Success = false;
                    string sresult55 = jss.Serialize(rmLinks); //吧 rm 对象 转换
                    context.Response.Write(sresult55);         //返回

            catch (Exception)
                rmLinks.Info    = "请先登录!";                 //赋值
                rmLinks.Success = false;
                string sresult50 = jss.Serialize(rmLinks); //吧 rm 对象 转换
                context.Response.Write(sresult50);         //返回