public static void LoadOKTW() { Q = new Spell(SpellSlot.Q, 625f); W = new Spell(SpellSlot.W, 550f); E = new Spell(SpellSlot.E); R = new Spell(SpellSlot.R, 625f); FR = new Spell(SpellSlot.R, 1000f); Q.SetTargetted(0.25f, 1400f); W.SetSkillshot(0.3f, 80f, float.MaxValue, false, SkillshotType.SkillshotLine); R.SetSkillshot(0.25f, 180f, float.MaxValue, false, SkillshotType.SkillshotCircle); FR.SetSkillshot(0.25f, 180f, float.MaxValue, false, SkillshotType.SkillshotCircle); flash = Player.GetSpellSlot("summonerflash"); drawMenu = Config.AddSubMenu("Draw"); drawMenu.Add("qRange", new CheckBox("Q range")); drawMenu.Add("wRange", new CheckBox("W range")); drawMenu.Add("rRange", new CheckBox("R range")); drawMenu.Add("onlyRdy", new CheckBox("Draw only ready spells")); QMenu = Config.AddSubMenu("Q Config"); QMenu.Add("autoQ", new CheckBox("Auto Q")); QMenu.Add("harrasQ", new CheckBox("Harass Q")); WMenu = Config.AddSubMenu("W Config"); WMenu.Add("autoW", new CheckBox("Auto W")); WMenu.Add("harrasW", new CheckBox("Harass W")); EMenu = Config.AddSubMenu("E Config"); EMenu.Add("autoE", new CheckBox("Auto E stack stun")); RMenu = Config.AddSubMenu("R Config"); RMenu.AddLabel("0 : Normal"); RMenu.AddLabel("1 : Always"); RMenu.AddLabel("2 : Never"); RMenu.AddLabel("3 : Always Stun"); foreach (var enemy in ObjectManager.Get <AIHeroClient>().Where(enemy => enemy.IsEnemy)) { RMenu.Add("UM" + enemy.NetworkId, new Slider(enemy.ChampionName, 0, 0, 3)); } RMenu.AddSeparator(); RMenu.Add("autoRks", new CheckBox("Auto R KS")); RMenu.Add("autoRcombo", new CheckBox("Auto R Combo if stun is ready")); RMenu.Add("rCount", new Slider("Auto R x enemies", 3, 2, 5)); RMenu.Add("tibers", new CheckBox("Tibbers Auto Pilot")); if (flash != SpellSlot.Unknown) { RMenu.Add("rCountFlash", new Slider("Auto flash + R stun x enemies", 4, 2, 5)); } FarmMenu = Config.AddSubMenu("Farm"); FarmMenu.Add("farmQ", new CheckBox("Farm Q")); FarmMenu.Add("farmW", new CheckBox("Lane clear W")); FarmMenu.Add("Mana", new Slider("LaneClear Mana", 60)); Game.OnUpdate += Game_OnGameUpdate; GameObject.OnCreate += Obj_AI_Base_OnCreate; Drawing.OnDraw += Drawing_OnDraw; }
public static void Execute() { menuIni = new Menu("Darius", "Darius#", true); menuIni.Add(new MenuSeparator("note", "Darius The Dank Memes Master!")); menuIni.Add(new MenuSeparator("setting", "Global Settings")); //menuIni.Add("Items", new CheckBox("Use Items?")); menuIni.Add(new MenuBool("Combo", "Use Combo?")); menuIni.Add(new MenuBool("Harass", "Use Harass?")); menuIni.Add(new MenuBool("Clear", "Use Clear?")); menuIni.Add(new MenuBool("Drawings", "Use Drawings?")); menuIni.Add(new MenuBool("KillSteal", "Use KillSteal?")); QMenu = menuIni.Add(new Menu("qset", "Q Settings")); QMenu.Add(new MenuSeparator("qset1", "Q Settings")); QMenu.Add(new MenuBool("Combo", "Q Combo")); QMenu.Add(new MenuBool("Harass", "Q Harass")); QMenu.Add(new MenuSeparator("qset2", "Q LaneClear Settings")); QMenu.Add(new MenuBool("Clear", "Q LaneClear")); QMenu.Add(new MenuSlider("Qlc", "Q On Hit Minions >=", 3, 1, 10)); QMenu.Add(new MenuSeparator("extset", "Extra Settings")); QMenu.Add(new MenuBool("QE", "Always Q Before E", false)); QMenu.Add(new MenuBool("Stick", "Stick to Target while Casting Q")); QMenu.Add(new MenuBool("QAA", "Use Q if AA is in Cooldown", false)); QMenu.Add(new MenuBool("range", "Dont Cast Q when Enemy in AA range", false)); QMenu.Add(new MenuBool("Flee", "Q On Flee (Ignores Stick to target)")); QMenu.Add(new MenuSlider("QFlee", "Cast Q flee When HP is below %", 90)); QMenu.Add(new MenuBool("Qaoe", "Auto Q AoE")); QMenu.Add(new MenuSlider("Qhit", "Q Aoe Hit >=", 3, 1, 5)); WMenu = menuIni.Add(new Menu("wset", "W Settings")); WMenu.Add(new MenuSeparator("w", "W Settings")); WMenu.Add(new MenuBool("Combo", "W Combo")); WMenu.Add(new MenuBool("Harass", "W Harass")); WMenu.Add(new MenuBool("Clear", "W LaneClear")); WMenu.Add(new MenuSeparator("w2", "Extra Settings")); WMenu.Add(new MenuBool("AAr", "W AA Reset")); EMenu = menuIni.Add(new Menu("eset", "E Settings")); EMenu.Add(new MenuSeparator("e1", "E Settings")); EMenu.Add(new MenuBool("Combo", "E Combo")); EMenu.Add(new MenuBool("Harass", "E Harass")); EMenu.Add(new MenuSeparator("e2", "Extra Settings")); EMenu.Add(new MenuBool("Interrupt", "E To Interrupt")); RMenu = menuIni.Add(new Menu("rset", "R Settings")); RMenu.Add(new MenuSeparator("r1", "R Settings")); RMenu.Add(new MenuBool("Combo", "R Combo Finisher")); RMenu.Add(new MenuBool("stack", "Use R On Stacks", false)); RMenu.Add(new MenuSlider("count", "Cast R On Stacks >=", 5, 0, 5)); RMenu.Add(new MenuBool("SaveR", "Dont Ult if target killable with AA", false)); RMenu.Add(new MenuSlider("SR", "Dont Use Ult if target can be kill With X AA", 1, 0, 6)); RMenu.Add(new MenuKeyBind("semiR", "Semi-Auto R", System.Windows.Forms.Keys.T, KeyBindType.Press)); KillStealMenu = menuIni.Add(new Menu("ksset", "KillSteal")); KillStealMenu.Add(new MenuSeparator("k1", "KillSteal Settings")); KillStealMenu.Add(new MenuBool("Rks", "R KillSteal")); if (ObjectManager.Player.Spellbook.Spells.FirstOrDefault(o => o.SData.Name.Contains("SummonerDot")) != null) { KillStealMenu.Add(new MenuBool("IGP", "Ignite + Passive Kill")); KillStealMenu.Add(new MenuBool("IG", "Ignite Only", false)); KillStealMenu.Add(new MenuSeparator("k2", "Iginte + Passive takes in account Max Ignite + Passive dmg")); Ignite = new Spell(ObjectManager.Player.GetSpellSlot("summonerdot"), 600); } ManaMenu = menuIni.Add(new Menu("manaset", "Mana Manager")); ManaMenu.Add(new MenuSeparator("hmana", "Harass")); ManaMenu.Add(new MenuSlider("harassmana", "Harass Mana %", 75)); ManaMenu.Add(new MenuSeparator("lclear", "Lane Clear")); ManaMenu.Add(new MenuSlider("lanemana", "Lane Clear Mana %", 60)); DrawMenu = menuIni.Add(new Menu("drawing", "Drawings")); DrawMenu.Add(new MenuSeparator("d1", "Drawing Settings")); DrawMenu.Add(new MenuBool("Q", "Draw Q")); DrawMenu.Add(new MenuBool("W", "Draw W")); DrawMenu.Add(new MenuBool("E", "Draw E")); DrawMenu.Add(new MenuBool("R", "Draw R")); DrawMenu.Add(new MenuSeparator("d2", "Ultimate Drawings")); DrawMenu.Add(new MenuBool("DrawD", "Draw R Damage")); DrawMenu.Add(new MenuBool("Killable", "Draw Killable")); DrawMenu.Add(new MenuBool("Stacks", "Draw Passive Stacks")); DrawMenu.Add(new MenuSlider("PPx", "Passive Stacks Position X", 100, 0, 150)); DrawMenu.Add(new MenuSlider("PPy", "Passive Stacks Position Y", 100, 0, 150)); DrawMenu.Add(new MenuBool("RHealth", "Draw After R health")); DrawMenu.Add(new MenuSlider("RHx", "After R health Position", 135, 0, 150)); menuIni.Attach(); Q = new Spell(SpellSlot.Q, 400f); W = new Spell(SpellSlot.W, 300f); E = new Spell(SpellSlot.E, 550f); R = new Spell(SpellSlot.R, 475f); E.SetSkillshot(0.25f, 80f, 1000f, false, SkillshotType.Cone); R.SetTargetted(0.5f, 1000f); //AIBaseClient.OnBuffGain += AIBaseClient_OnBuffGain; Game.OnUpdate += OnUpdate; Drawing.OnDraw += OnDraw; Drawing.OnEndScene += OnEndScene; Orbwalker.OnAction += OnAfterAttack; //Orbwalk.OnPostAttack += Orbwalk_OnPostAttack; AIBaseClient.OnProcessSpellCast += AIBaseClient_OnProcessSpellCast; Interrupter.OnInterrupterSpell += Interrupter_OnInterrupterSpell; }
private static void Loading_OnLoadingComplete(EventArgs args) { if (Player.Instance.Hero != ChampionName) { return; } Q = new Spell.Chargeable(SpellSlot.Q, 750, 1450, 1500, 500, int.MaxValue, 100) { AllowedCollisionCount = int.MaxValue }; W = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.W, 1100, SkillShotType.Circular, 250, int.MaxValue, 100) { AllowedCollisionCount = int.MaxValue }; E = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.E, 1000, SkillShotType.Linear, 250, 1600, 70); R = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.R, 3200, SkillShotType.Circular, 600, int.MaxValue, 125) { AllowedCollisionCount = int.MaxValue }; SpellList.Add(Q); SpellList.Add(W); SpellList.Add(E); SpellList.Add(R); Menuini = MainMenu.AddMenu("Xerath", "Xerath"); RMenu = Menuini.AddSubMenu("R Settings"); ComboMenu = Menuini.AddSubMenu("Combo Settings"); HarassMenu = Menuini.AddSubMenu("Harass Settings"); LaneClearMenu = Menuini.AddSubMenu("LaneClear Settings"); JungleClearMenu = Menuini.AddSubMenu("JungleClear Settings"); KillStealMenu = Menuini.AddSubMenu("KillSteal Settings"); MiscMenu = Menuini.AddSubMenu("Misc Settings"); DrawMenu = Menuini.AddSubMenu("Drawings Settings"); ColorMenu = Menuini.AddSubMenu("Color Picker"); RMenu.AddGroupLabel("R Settings"); RMenu.Add("R", new CheckBox("Use R")); RMenu.Add(R.Slot + "hit", new ComboBox("R HitChance", 0, "High", "Medium", "Low")); RMenu.Add("scrybR", new CheckBox("Use Scrybing Orb while Ulting")); RMenu.Add("Rmode", new ComboBox("R Mode", 0, "Auto", "Custom Delays", "On Tap")); RMenu.Add("Rtap", new KeyBind("R Tap Key", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 'S')); RMenu.AddGroupLabel("R Custom Delays"); for (int i = 1; i <= 5; i++) { RMenu.Add("delay" + i, new Slider("Delay " + i, 0, 0, 1500)); } RMenu.Add("Rblock", new CheckBox("Block Commands While Casting R")); RMenu.Add("Rnear", new CheckBox("Focus Targets Near Mouse Only")); RMenu.Add("Mradius", new Slider("Mouse Radius", 750, 300, 1500)); ComboMenu.AddGroupLabel("Combo Settings"); ComboMenu.Add("key", new KeyBind("Combo Key", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 32)); ComboMenu.Add("Q", new CheckBox("Use Q")); ComboMenu.Add(Q.Slot + "hit", new ComboBox("Q HitChance", 0, "High", "Medium", "Low")); ComboMenu.Add("W", new CheckBox("Use W")); ComboMenu.Add(W.Slot + "hit", new ComboBox("W HitChance", 0, "High", "Medium", "Low")); ComboMenu.Add("E", new CheckBox("Use E")); ComboMenu.Add(E.Slot + "hit", new ComboBox("E HitChance", 0, "High", "Medium", "Low")); HarassMenu.AddGroupLabel("Harass Settings"); HarassMenu.Add("key", new KeyBind("Harass Key", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 'C')); HarassMenu.Add("toggle", new KeyBind("Auto Harass", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.PressToggle, 'H')); HarassMenu.Add("Q", new CheckBox("Use Q")); HarassMenu.Add(Q.Slot + "hit", new ComboBox("Q HitChance", 0, "High", "Medium", "Low")); HarassMenu.Add("Qmana", new Slider("Use Q if Mana% > [{0}%]")); HarassMenu.Add("W", new CheckBox("Use W")); HarassMenu.Add(W.Slot + "hit", new ComboBox("W HitChance", 0, "High", "Medium", "Low")); HarassMenu.Add("Wmana", new Slider("Use W if Mana% > [{0}%]")); HarassMenu.Add("E", new CheckBox("Use E")); HarassMenu.Add(E.Slot + "hit", new ComboBox("E HitChance", 0, "High", "Medium", "Low")); HarassMenu.Add("Emana", new Slider("Use E if Mana% > [{0}%]")); LaneClearMenu.AddGroupLabel("LaneClear Settings"); LaneClearMenu.Add("key", new KeyBind("LaneClear Key", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 'V')); LaneClearMenu.Add("Q", new CheckBox("Use Q")); LaneClearMenu.Add("Qmode", new ComboBox("Q Mode", 0, "LaneClear", "LastHit", "Both")); LaneClearMenu.Add("Qmana", new Slider("Use Q if Mana% > [{0}%]")); LaneClearMenu.Add("W", new CheckBox("Use W")); LaneClearMenu.Add("Wmode", new ComboBox("W Mode", 0, "LaneClear", "LastHit", "Both")); LaneClearMenu.Add("Wmana", new Slider("Use W if Mana% > [{0}%]")); LaneClearMenu.Add("E", new CheckBox("Use E")); LaneClearMenu.Add("Emode", new ComboBox("E Mode", 0, "LaneClear", "LastHit", "Both")); LaneClearMenu.Add("Emana", new Slider("Use E if Mana% > [{0}%]")); JungleClearMenu.AddGroupLabel("JungleClear Settings"); JungleClearMenu.Add("key", new KeyBind("JungleClear Key", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 'V')); JungleClearMenu.Add("Q", new CheckBox("Use Q")); JungleClearMenu.Add("Qmana", new Slider("Use Q if Mana% > [{0}%]")); JungleClearMenu.Add("W", new CheckBox("Use W")); JungleClearMenu.Add("Wmana", new Slider("Use W if Mana% > [{0}%]")); JungleClearMenu.Add("E", new CheckBox("Use E")); JungleClearMenu.Add("Emana", new Slider("Use E if Mana% > [{0}%]")); KillStealMenu.AddGroupLabel("KillSteal Settings"); KillStealMenu.Add("Q", new CheckBox("Use Q")); KillStealMenu.Add("W", new CheckBox("Use W")); KillStealMenu.Add("E", new CheckBox("Use E")); MiscMenu.AddGroupLabel("Misc Settings"); MiscMenu.Add("gap", new CheckBox("E Anti-GapCloser")); MiscMenu.Add("int", new CheckBox("E Interrupter")); MiscMenu.Add("danger", new ComboBox("Interrupter Danger Level", 1, "High", "Medium", "Low")); MiscMenu.Add("flee", new KeyBind("Escape with E", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 'A')); var notifi = MiscMenu.Add("Notifications", new CheckBox("Use Notifications")); MiscMenu.Add("autoECC", new CheckBox("Auto E On CC enemy")); MiscMenu.Add("scrybebuy", new CheckBox("Auto Scrybing Orb Buy")); MiscMenu.Add("scrybebuylevel", new Slider("Buy Orb at level [{0}]", 9, 1, 18)); MiscMenu.AddGroupLabel("Anti-GapCloser Spells"); foreach (var spell in from spell in Gapcloser.GapCloserList from enemy in EntityManager.Heroes.Enemies.Where(enemy => spell.ChampName == enemy.ChampionName) select spell) { MiscMenu.Add(spell.SpellName, new CheckBox(spell.ChampName + " - " + spell.SpellSlot)); } foreach (var spell in SpellList) { DrawMenu.Add(spell.Slot.ToString(), new CheckBox(spell.Slot + " Range")); } DrawMenu.Add("Rmini", new CheckBox("Draw R Range (MiniMap)", false)); foreach (var spell in SpellList) { ColorMenu.Add(spell.Slot + "Color", new ColorPicker(spell.Slot + " Color", Color.Chartreuse)); } if (notifi.CurrentValue) { Common.ShowNotification("KappaXerath - Loaded", 5000); } Game.OnUpdate += Game_OnGameUpdate; Drawing.OnDraw += Drawing_OnDraw; Drawing.OnEndScene += Drawing_OnEndScene; Interrupter.OnInterruptableSpell += Interrupter_OnInterruptableSpell; Gapcloser.OnGapcloser += Gapcloser_OnGapcloser; Obj_AI_Base.OnProcessSpellCast += Obj_AI_Base_OnProcessSpellCast; Orbwalker.OnPreAttack += Orbwalker_OnPreAttack; Player.OnIssueOrder += Player_OnIssueOrder; GameObject.OnCreate += GameObject_OnCreate; Spellbook.OnCastSpell += Spellbook_OnCastSpell; }
private static void LoadMenuOKTW() { drawMenu = Config.AddSubMenu("Draw"); drawMenu.Add("onlyRdy", new CheckBox("Draw only ready spells")); drawMenu.Add("wRange", new CheckBox("W Range")); QMenu = Config.AddSubMenu("Q Config"); QMenu.Add("harasQ", new CheckBox("Harass Q")); EMenu = Config.AddSubMenu("E Config"); EMenu.Add("autoE", new CheckBox("Auto E")); RMenu = Config.AddSubMenu("R Config"); RMenu.Add("autoR", new CheckBox("Auto R")); RMenu.Add("Rkscombo", new CheckBox("R KS combo R + W + AA")); RMenu.Add("autoRaoe", new CheckBox("Auto R aoe")); RMenu.Add("autoRinter", new CheckBox("Auto R OnPossibleToInterrupt")); foreach (var enemy in ObjectManager.Get <AIHeroClient>().Where(enemy => enemy.IsEnemy)) { for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { var spell = enemy.Spellbook.Spells[i]; if (spell.SData.TargettingType != SpellDataTargetType.Self && spell.SData.TargettingType != SpellDataTargetType.SelfAndUnit) { RMenu.Add("spell" + spell.SData.Name, new CheckBox(spell.Name, false)); } } } RMenu.Add("useR", new KeyBind("Semi-manual cast R key", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 'T')); List <string> modes = new List <string>(); modes.Add("LOW HP"); modes.Add("CLOSEST"); foreach (var enemy in HeroManager.Enemies) { modes.Add(enemy.ChampionName); } RMenu.Add("Semi-manual", new ComboBox("Semi-manual MODE", 0, modes.ToArray())); foreach (var enemy in ObjectManager.Get <AIHeroClient>().Where(enemy => enemy.Team != Player.Team)) { RMenu.Add("GapCloser" + enemy.NetworkId, new CheckBox("Gapclose R : " + enemy.ChampionName, false)); } harassMenu = Config.AddSubMenu("Harass"); foreach (var enemy in ObjectManager.Get <AIHeroClient>().Where(enemy => enemy.Team != Player.Team)) { harassMenu.Add("haras" + enemy.NetworkId, new CheckBox(enemy.ChampionName)); } FarmMenu = Config.AddSubMenu("Farm"); FarmMenu.Add("farmQ", new CheckBox("Lane clear Q")); FarmMenu.Add("farmW", new CheckBox("Lane clear W")); FarmMenu.Add("Mana", new Slider("LaneClear Mana", 80, 30)); FarmMenu.Add("LCminions", new Slider("LaneClear minimum minions", 3, 0, 10)); FarmMenu.Add("jungleQ", new CheckBox("Jungle clear Q")); FarmMenu.Add("jungleW", new CheckBox("Jungle clear W")); }
private static void SetupMenu() { MainMenu = new Menu("TRUStInMyViktor", "TRUStInMyViktor", true).Attach(); // Combo ComboMenu = MainMenu.Add(new Menu("Combo", "Combo")); ComboMenu.Add(new MenuBool("comboUseQ", "Use Q", true)); ComboMenu.Add(new MenuBool("comboUseW", "Use W", true)); ComboMenu.Add(new MenuBool("comboUseE", "Use E", true)); ComboMenu.Add(new MenuBool("comboUseR", "Use R", true)); ComboMenu.Add(new MenuBool("qAuto", "Dont autoattack without passive")); ComboMenu.Add(new MenuKeyBind("comboActive", "Combo key", System.Windows.Forms.Keys.Space, KeyBindType.Press)); RMenu = MainMenu.Add(new Menu("RMenu", "R config")); RMenu.Add(new MenuList <string>("HitR", "Auto R if: ", new[] { "1 target", "2 targets", "3 targets", "4 targets", "5 targets" })); RMenu.Add(new MenuBool("AutoFollowR", "Auto Follow R")); RMenu.Add(new MenuSlider("rTicks", "Ultimate ticks to count", 2, 1, 14)); RSolo = RMenu.Add(new Menu("RSolo", "R one target")); RSolo.Add(new MenuKeyBind("forceR", "Force R on target", System.Windows.Forms.Keys.T, KeyBindType.Press)); RSolo.Add(new MenuBool("rLastHit", "1 target ulti")); foreach (var hero in GameObjects.EnemyHeroes) { RSolo.Add(new MenuBool("RU" + hero.ChampionName, "Use R on: " + hero.ChampionName)); } TestFeatures = MainMenu.Add(new Menu("TestF", "Test features")); TestFeatures.Add(new MenuBool("spPriority", "Prioritize kill over dmg")); // Harass HarassMenu = MainMenu.Add(new Menu("Harass", "Harass")); HarassMenu.Add(new MenuBool("harassUseQ", "Use Q", true)); HarassMenu.Add(new MenuBool("harassUseE", "Use E", true)); HarassMenu.Add(new MenuSlider("harassMana", "Mana usage in percent (%)", 30)); HarassMenu.Add(new MenuSlider("eDistance", "Harass range with E", maxRangeE, rangeE, maxRangeE)); HarassMenu.Add(new MenuKeyBind("harassActive", "Harass active", System.Windows.Forms.Keys.C, KeyBindType.Press)); // WaveClear WaveClear = MainMenu.Add(new Menu("WaveClear", "WaveClear")); WaveClear.Add(new MenuBool("waveUseQ", "Use Q", true)); WaveClear.Add(new MenuBool("waveUseE", "Use E", true)); WaveClear.Add(new MenuSlider("waveNumE", "Minions to hit with E", 2, 1, 10)); WaveClear.Add(new MenuSlider("waveMana", "Mana usage in percent (%)", 30)); WaveClear.Add(new MenuKeyBind("waveActive", "WaveClear active", System.Windows.Forms.Keys.G, KeyBindType.Press)); WaveClear.Add(new MenuKeyBind("jungleActive", "JungleClear active", System.Windows.Forms.Keys.G, KeyBindType.Press)); // LastHit LastHit = MainMenu.Add(new Menu("LastHit", "LastHit")); LastHit.Add(new MenuKeyBind("waveUseQLH", "Use Q", System.Windows.Forms.Keys.A, KeyBindType.Press)); // Flee FleeMenu = MainMenu.Add(new Menu("Flee", "Flee")); FleeMenu.Add(new MenuKeyBind("FleeActive", "Flee mode", System.Windows.Forms.Keys.Z, KeyBindType.Press)); // Misc MiscMenu = MainMenu.Add(new Menu("Misc", "Misc")); MiscMenu.Add(new MenuBool("rInterrupt", "Use R to interrupt dangerous spells", true)); MiscMenu.Add(new MenuBool("wInterrupt", "Use W to interrupt dangerous spells", true)); MiscMenu.Add(new MenuBool("autoW", "Use W to continue CC", true)); MiscMenu.Add(new MenuBool("miscGapcloser", "Use W against gapclosers", true)); // Drawings DrawMenu = MainMenu.Add(new Menu("Drawings", "Drawings")); DrawMenu.Add(new MenuBool("drawRangeQ", "Q range", true)); DrawMenu.Add(new MenuColor("QRangeC", "Q range", SharpDX.ColorBGRA.FromRgba(0xBF3F3FFF))); DrawMenu.Add(new MenuBool("drawRangeW", "W range", true)); DrawMenu.Add(new MenuColor("WRangeC", "W range", SharpDX.ColorBGRA.FromRgba(0xBFBF3FFF))); DrawMenu.Add(new MenuBool("drawRangeE", "E range", true)); DrawMenu.Add(new MenuColor("ERangeC", "E range", SharpDX.ColorBGRA.FromRgba(0x3FBFBFFF))); DrawMenu.Add(new MenuBool("drawRangeEMax", "E max range", true)); DrawMenu.Add(new MenuColor("ERangeC2", "E max range", SharpDX.ColorBGRA.FromRgba(0xBF7F3FFF))); DrawMenu.Add(new MenuBool("drawRangeR", "R range", true)); DrawMenu.Add(new MenuColor("RRangeC", "R range", SharpDX.ColorBGRA.FromRgba(0xBF3FBFFF))); DrawMenu.Add(new MenuBool("dmgdraw", "Draw dmg on healthbar")); SpellList.Add(Q); SpellList.Add(W); SpellList.Add(E); SpellList.Add(R); }
public static void LoadOKTW() { Q = new Spell(SpellSlot.Q, 870); W = new Spell(SpellSlot.W, 580); E = new Spell(SpellSlot.E, 920); R = new Spell(SpellSlot.R, 600); Q.SetSkillshot(0.25f, 90, 1550, false, SkillshotType.SkillshotLine); E.SetSkillshot(0.25f, 70, 1550, true, SkillshotType.SkillshotLine); missileManager = new MissileReturn("AhriOrbMissile", "AhriOrbReturn", Q); drawMenu = Config.AddSubMenu("Drawings"); drawMenu.Add("noti", new CheckBox("Show notification & line")); drawMenu.Add("onlyRdy", new CheckBox("Draw only ready spells")); drawMenu.Add("qRange", new CheckBox("Q range", false)); drawMenu.Add("wRange", new CheckBox("W range", false)); drawMenu.Add("eRange", new CheckBox("E range", false)); drawMenu.Add("rRange", new CheckBox("R range", false)); drawMenu.Add("Qhelp", new CheckBox("Show Q helper")); QMenu = Config.AddSubMenu("Q Config"); QMenu.Add("autoQ", new CheckBox("Auto Q")); QMenu.Add("harrasQ", new CheckBox("Harass Q")); QMenu.Add("aimQ", new CheckBox("Auto aim Q missile")); WMenu = Config.AddSubMenu("W Config"); WMenu.Add("autoW", new CheckBox("Auto W")); WMenu.Add("harrasW", new CheckBox("Harass W")); EMenu = Config.AddSubMenu("E Config"); EMenu.Add("autoE", new CheckBox("Auto E")); EMenu.Add("harrasE", new CheckBox("Harras E")); foreach (var enemy in ObjectManager.Get <AIHeroClient>().Where(enemy => enemy.IsEnemy)) { EMenu.Add("Eon" + enemy.NetworkId, new CheckBox("E : " + enemy.ChampionName)); } EMenu.AddSeparator(); foreach (var enemy in ObjectManager.Get <AIHeroClient>().Where(enemy => enemy.IsEnemy)) { EMenu.Add("Egapcloser" + enemy.NetworkId, new CheckBox("Gapclose : " + enemy.ChampionName)); } RMenu = Config.AddSubMenu("R Config"); RMenu.Add("autoR", new CheckBox("R KS ")); RMenu.Add("autoR2", new CheckBox("auto R fight logic + aim Q")); harassMenu = Config.AddSubMenu("Harass"); foreach (var enemy in ObjectManager.Get <AIHeroClient>().Where(enemy => enemy.IsEnemy)) { harassMenu.Add("harras" + enemy.NetworkId, new CheckBox(enemy.ChampionName)); } FarmMenu = Config.AddSubMenu("Farm"); FarmMenu.Add("farmQ", new CheckBox("Lane clear Q")); FarmMenu.Add("farmW", new CheckBox("Lane clear W", false)); FarmMenu.Add("Mana", new Slider("LaneClear Mana", 80)); FarmMenu.Add("LCminions", new Slider("LaneClear minimum minions", 2, 0, 10)); FarmMenu.Add("jungleQ", new CheckBox("Jungle clear Q")); FarmMenu.Add("jungleW", new CheckBox("Jungle clear W")); Game.OnUpdate += Game_OnGameUpdate; Interrupter2.OnInterruptableTarget += Interrupter2_OnInterruptableTarget; AntiGapcloser.OnEnemyGapcloser += AntiGapcloser_OnEnemyGapcloser; Drawing.OnDraw += Drawing_OnDraw; GameObject.OnCreate += SpellMissile_OnCreateOld; GameObject.OnDelete += Obj_SpellMissile_OnDelete; }
public static void Execute() { if (Player.Instance.ChampionName != ChampName) { return; } menuIni = MainMenu.AddMenu("KappaDarius", "KappaDarius"); menuIni.AddGroupLabel("Darius The Dank Memes Master!"); menuIni.AddGroupLabel("Global Settings"); menuIni.Add("Items", new CheckBox("Use Items?")); menuIni.Add("Combo", new CheckBox("Use Combo?")); menuIni.Add("Harass", new CheckBox("Use Harass?")); menuIni.Add("Clear", new CheckBox("Use Clear?")); menuIni.Add("Drawings", new CheckBox("Use Drawings?")); menuIni.Add("KillSteal", new CheckBox("Use KillSteal?")); QMenu = menuIni.AddSubMenu("Q Settings"); QMenu.AddGroupLabel("Q Settings"); QMenu.Add("Combo", new CheckBox("Q Combo")); QMenu.Add("Harass", new CheckBox("Q Harass")); QMenu.AddGroupLabel("Q LaneClear Settings"); QMenu.Add("Clear", new CheckBox("Q LaneClear")); QMenu.Add("Qlc", new Slider("Q On Hit Minions >=", 3, 1, 10)); QMenu.AddSeparator(); QMenu.AddGroupLabel("Extra Settings"); QMenu.Add("QE", new CheckBox("Always Q Before E", false)); QMenu.Add("Stick", new CheckBox("Stick to Target while Casting Q")); QMenu.Add("QAA", new CheckBox("Use Q if AA is in Cooldown", false)); QMenu.Add("range", new CheckBox("Dont Cast Q when Enemy in AA range", false)); QMenu.Add("Flee", new CheckBox("Q On Flee (Ignores Stick to target)")); QMenu.Add("QFlee", new Slider("Cast Q flee When HP is below %", 90)); QMenu.Add("Qaoe", new CheckBox("Auto Q AoE")); QMenu.Add("Qhit", new Slider("Q Aoe Hit >=", 3, 1, 5)); WMenu = menuIni.AddSubMenu("W Settings"); WMenu.AddGroupLabel("W Settings"); WMenu.Add("Combo", new CheckBox("W Combo")); WMenu.Add("Harass", new CheckBox("W Harass")); WMenu.Add("Clear", new CheckBox("W LaneClear")); WMenu.AddGroupLabel("Extra Settings"); WMenu.Add("AAr", new CheckBox("W AA Reset")); EMenu = menuIni.AddSubMenu("E Settings"); EMenu.AddGroupLabel("E Settings"); EMenu.Add("Combo", new CheckBox("E Combo")); EMenu.Add("Harass", new CheckBox("E Harass")); EMenu.AddGroupLabel("Extra Settings"); EMenu.Add("Interrupt", new CheckBox("E To Interrupt")); RMenu = menuIni.AddSubMenu("R Settings"); RMenu.AddGroupLabel("R Settings"); RMenu.Add("Combo", new CheckBox("R Combo Finisher")); RMenu.Add("stack", new CheckBox("Use R On Stacks", false)); RMenu.Add("count", new Slider("Cast R On Stacks >=", 5, 0, 5)); RMenu.Add("SaveR", new CheckBox("Dont Ult if target killable with AA", false)); RMenu.Add("SR", new Slider("Dont Use Ult if target can be kill With X AA", 1, 0, 6)); RMenu.Add("semiR", new KeyBind("Semi-Auto R", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive)); KillStealMenu = menuIni.AddSubMenu("KillSteal"); KillStealMenu.AddGroupLabel("KillSteal Settings"); KillStealMenu.Add("Rks", new CheckBox("R KillSteal")); if (Player.Spells.FirstOrDefault(o => o.SData.Name.Contains("SummonerDot")) != null) { KillStealMenu.Add("IGP", new CheckBox("Ignite + Passive Kill")); KillStealMenu.Add("IG", new CheckBox("Ignite Only", false)); KillStealMenu.AddLabel("Iginte + Passive takes in account Max Ignite + Passive dmg"); Ignite = new Spell.Targeted(ObjectManager.Player.GetSpellSlotFromName("summonerdot"), 600); } ManaMenu = menuIni.AddSubMenu("Mana Manager"); ManaMenu.AddGroupLabel("Harass"); ManaMenu.Add("harassmana", new Slider("Harass Mana %", 75)); ManaMenu.AddGroupLabel("Lane Clear"); ManaMenu.Add("lanemana", new Slider("Lane Clear Mana %", 60)); ItemsMenu = menuIni.AddSubMenu("Items"); ItemsMenu.AddGroupLabel("Items Settings"); ItemsMenu.Add("Hydra", new CheckBox("Use Hydra / Timat / Titanic")); ItemsMenu.Add("useGhostblade", new CheckBox("Use Youmuu's Ghostblade")); ItemsMenu.Add("UseBOTRK", new CheckBox("Use Blade of the Ruined King")); ItemsMenu.Add("UseBilge", new CheckBox("Use Bilgewater Cutlass")); ItemsMenu.AddSeparator(); ItemsMenu.Add("eL", new Slider("Use On Enemy health", 65)); ItemsMenu.Add("oL", new Slider("Use On My health", 65)); DrawMenu = menuIni.AddSubMenu("Drawings"); DrawMenu.AddGroupLabel("Drawing Settings"); DrawMenu.Add("Q", new CheckBox("Draw Q")); DrawMenu.Add("W", new CheckBox("Draw W")); DrawMenu.Add("E", new CheckBox("Draw E")); DrawMenu.Add("R", new CheckBox("Draw R")); DrawMenu.AddSeparator(); DrawMenu.AddGroupLabel("Ultimate Drawings"); DrawMenu.Add("DrawD", new CheckBox("Draw R Damage")); DrawMenu.Add("Killable", new CheckBox("Draw Killable")); DrawMenu.Add("Stacks", new CheckBox("Draw Passive Stacks")); DrawMenu.Add("PPx", new Slider("Passive Stacks Position X", 100, 0, 150)); DrawMenu.Add("PPy", new Slider("Passive Stacks Position Y", 100, 0, 150)); DrawMenu.Add("RHealth", new CheckBox("Draw After R health")); DrawMenu.Add("RHx", new Slider("After R health Position", 135, 0, 150)); Q = new Spell.Active(SpellSlot.Q, 400); W = new Spell.Active(SpellSlot.W, 300); E = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.E, 550, SkillShotType.Cone, 250, 666, 100); R = new Spell.Targeted(SpellSlot.R, 460); Game.OnUpdate += OnUpdate; Drawing.OnDraw += OnDraw; Drawing.OnEndScene += OnEndScene; Orbwalker.OnPostAttack += OnAfterAttack; Obj_AI_Base.OnSpellCast += Obj_AI_Base_OnSpellCast; Interrupter.OnInterruptableSpell += OnInterruptableTarget; }
protected override void CreateMenu() { try { #region Mainmenu Menu = MainMenu.AddMenu("UB" + player.Hero, Variables.AddonName + ".MainMenu" + player.Hero, "UB" + player.Hero + " - UBAddons - by U.Boruto"); Menu.AddGroupLabel("General Setting"); Menu.Add(Variables.AddonName + ".Kayle.W.Enable", new CheckBox("Auto W")); Menu.Add(Variables.AddonName + ".Kayle.W.HP", new Slider("When HP", 50)); Menu.Add(Variables.AddonName + ".Kayle.W.ManaLimit", new Slider("Stop when my MP below", 30)); foreach (var champ in EntityManager.Heroes.Allies) { Menu.Add(Variables.AddonName + ".Kayle.W.Enable." + champ.Hero, new CheckBox("Use W on " + champ.ChampionName, champ.IsMe)); } #endregion #region R RMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("R", "UBAddons.RMenu" + player.Hero, "Settings your R saver below"); { string BeginText = Variables.AddonName + "." + Player.Instance.Hero + ".R."; RMenu.Add(BeginText + "Enable", new CheckBox("Use R")); RMenu.AddSeparator(); foreach (var champ in EntityManager.Heroes.Allies) { RMenu.AddGroupLabel(champ.ChampionName); RMenu.Add(BeginText + "Enable." + champ.Hero, new CheckBox("Use on " + champ.ChampionName)); if (champ.IsMe) { RMenu.Add(Variables.AddonName + ".Kayle.R.Turret", new CheckBox("R when turret hit me")); } RMenu.Add(BeginText + "HP." + champ.Hero, new Slider("Use R if " + champ.ChampionName + "'s HP below {0}%", 20, 0, 100)); RMenu.Add(BeginText + "Spell.Damage." + champ.Hero, new Slider("R if enemy spell damage more than", 500, 300, 3000)); RMenu.Add(BeginText + "Priority." + champ.Hero, new Slider(champ.ChampionName + "'s priority", CrazyTargetSelector.GetPriority(champ), 1, 5)); RMenu.AddSeparator(); } } #endregion #region Combo ComboMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Combo", Variables.AddonName + ".ComboMenu" + player.Hero, "Settings your combo below"); { ComboMenu.CreatSlotCheckBox(SpellSlot.Q); ComboMenu.CreatSlotCheckBox(SpellSlot.W); ComboMenu.CreatSlotCheckBox(SpellSlot.E); } #endregion #region Harass HarassMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Harass", Variables.AddonName + ".HarassMenu" + player.Hero, "Settings your harass below"); { HarassMenu.CreatSlotCheckBox(SpellSlot.Q); HarassMenu.CreatSlotCheckBox(SpellSlot.W); HarassMenu.CreatSlotCheckBox(SpellSlot.E); HarassMenu.CreatManaLimit(); HarassMenu.CreatHarassKeyBind(); } #endregion #region LaneClear LaneClearMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("LaneClear", Variables.AddonName + ".LaneClear" + player.Hero, "Settings your laneclear below"); { LaneClearMenu.CreatLaneClearOpening(); LaneClearMenu.CreatSlotCheckBox(SpellSlot.Q, null, false); LaneClearMenu.CreatSlotCheckBox(SpellSlot.E, null, false); LaneClearMenu.CreatManaLimit(); } #endregion #region JungleClear JungleClearMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("JungleClear", Variables.AddonName + ".JungleClear" + player.Hero, "Settings your jungleclear below"); { JungleClearMenu.CreatSlotCheckBox(SpellSlot.Q); JungleClearMenu.CreatSlotCheckBox(SpellSlot.E); JungleClearMenu.CreatManaLimit(); } #endregion #region Lasthit LasthitMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Lasthit", Variables.AddonName + ".Lasthit" + player.Hero, "Settings your unkillable minion below"); { LasthitMenu.CreatLasthitOpening(); LasthitMenu.CreatSlotCheckBox(SpellSlot.Q, null, false); LasthitMenu.CreatManaLimit(); } #endregion #region Misc MiscMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Misc", Variables.AddonName + ".Misc" + player.Hero, "Settings your misc below"); { MiscMenu.AddGroupLabel("Anti Gapcloser settings"); MiscMenu.CreatMiscGapCloser(); MiscMenu.CreatSlotCheckBox(SpellSlot.Q, "GapCloser"); MiscMenu.CreatSlotCheckBox(SpellSlot.W, "GapCloser", false); MiscMenu.AddGroupLabel("Killsteal settings"); MiscMenu.CreatSlotCheckBox(SpellSlot.Q, "KillSteal"); } #endregion #region Drawings DrawMenu = Menu.AddSubMenu("Drawings", Variables.AddonName + ".Drawing" + player.Hero, "Setting your Drawings below"); { DrawMenu.CreatDrawingOpening(); DrawMenu.CreatColorPicker(SpellSlot.Q); DrawMenu.CreatColorPicker(SpellSlot.W); DrawMenu.CreatColorPicker(SpellSlot.E); DrawMenu.CreatColorPicker(SpellSlot.R); DrawMenu.CreatColorPicker(SpellSlot.Unknown); } #endregion DamageIndicator.Initalize(MenuValue.Drawings.ColorDmg); } catch (Exception exception) { Log.Debug.Print(exception.ToString(), Console_Message.Error); } }
public static void LoadOKTW() { Q = new Spell(SpellSlot.Q, 870); W = new Spell(SpellSlot.W, 580); E = new Spell(SpellSlot.E, 950); R = new Spell(SpellSlot.R, 600); Q.SetSkillshot(0.25f, 90, 1550, false, SkillshotType.SkillshotLine); E.SetSkillshot(0.25f, 60, 1550, true, SkillshotType.SkillshotLine); missileManager = new MissileReturn("AhriOrbMissile", "AhriOrbReturn", Q); missileManager = new MissileReturn("AhriOrbMissile", "AhriOrbReturn", Q); drawMenu = Config.AddSubMenu("线圈"); drawMenu.Add("noti", new CheckBox("显示提示 & 线")); drawMenu.Add("onlyRdy", new CheckBox("只显示无冷却技能")); drawMenu.Add("qRange", new CheckBox("Q 范围", false)); drawMenu.Add("wRange", new CheckBox("W 范围", false)); drawMenu.Add("eRange", new CheckBox("E 范围", false)); drawMenu.Add("rRange", new CheckBox("R 范围", false)); drawMenu.Add("Qhelp", new CheckBox("显示 Q助手")); QMenu = Config.AddSubMenu("Q 设置"); QMenu.Add("autoQ", new CheckBox("自动 Q")); QMenu.Add("harrasQ", new CheckBox("骚扰 Q")); QMenu.Add("aimQ", new CheckBox("自动校准 Q 物体")); WMenu = Config.AddSubMenu("W 设置"); WMenu.Add("autoW", new CheckBox("自动 W")); WMenu.Add("harrasW", new CheckBox("骚扰 W")); EMenu = Config.AddSubMenu("E 设置"); EMenu.Add("autoE", new CheckBox("自动 E")); EMenu.Add("harrasE", new CheckBox("骚扰 E")); foreach (var enemy in ObjectManager.Get <AIHeroClient>().Where(enemy => enemy.IsEnemy)) { EMenu.Add("Eon" + enemy.NetworkId, new CheckBox("E : " + enemy.ChampionName)); } EMenu.AddSeparator(); foreach (var enemy in ObjectManager.Get <AIHeroClient>().Where(enemy => enemy.IsEnemy)) { EMenu.Add("Egapcloser" + enemy.NetworkId, new CheckBox("Gapclose : " + enemy.ChampionName)); } RMenu = Config.AddSubMenu("R 设置"); RMenu.Add("autoR", new CheckBox("R 抢头 ")); RMenu.Add("autoR2", new CheckBox("自动 团战R逻辑 + Q 校准")); harassMenu = Config.AddSubMenu("骚扰"); foreach (var enemy in ObjectManager.Get <AIHeroClient>().Where(enemy => enemy.IsEnemy)) { harassMenu.Add("harras" + enemy.NetworkId, new CheckBox(enemy.ChampionName)); } FarmMenu = Config.AddSubMenu("农兵"); FarmMenu.Add("farmQ", new CheckBox("清线 Q")); FarmMenu.Add("farmW", new CheckBox("清线 W", false)); FarmMenu.Add("Mana", new Slider("清线蓝量", 80)); FarmMenu.Add("LCminions", new Slider("清线最低小兵数量", 2, 0, 10)); FarmMenu.Add("jungleQ", new CheckBox("清野 Q")); FarmMenu.Add("jungleW", new CheckBox("清野 W")); Game.OnUpdate += Game_OnGameUpdate; Interrupter2.OnInterruptableTarget += Interrupter2_OnInterruptableTarget; AntiGapcloser.OnEnemyGapcloser += AntiGapcloser_OnEnemyGapcloser; Drawing.OnDraw += Drawing_OnDraw; GameObject.OnCreate += SpellMissile_OnCreateOld; GameObject.OnDelete += Obj_SpellMissile_OnDelete; }
public static bool Init() { try { if (!Player.ChampionName.Equals("Ezreal")) { return(false); } SpellsManager.Init(); switch (Game.MapId) { case GameMapId.SummonersRift: JungleMobs = new[] { "SRU_Dragon_Air", "SRU_Dragon_Earth", "SRU_Dragon_Fire", "SRU_Dragon_Water", "SRU_Dragon_Elder", "SRU_Baron", "SRU_Gromp", "SRU_Krug", "SRU_Razorbeak", "SRU_RiftHerald", "Sru_Crab", "SRU_Murkwolf", "SRU_Blue", "SRU_Red" }; break; case GameMapId.TwistedTreeline: JungleMobs = new[] { "TT_NWraith", "TT_NWolf", "TT_NGolem", "TT_Spiderboss" }; break; case GameMapId.CrystalScar: JungleMobs = new[] { "AscXerath" }; break; default: JungleMobs = new[] { "Nothing" }; break; } MenuIni = new Menu("DarkEzreal", "DarkEzreal", true).Attach(); QMenu = MenuIni.CreateMenu("Q", "Q Settings"); WMenu = MenuIni.CreateMenu("W", "W Settings"); EMenu = MenuIni.CreateMenu("E", "E Settings"); RMenu = MenuIni.CreateMenu("R", "R Settings"); MiscMenu = MenuIni.CreateMenu("MiscMenu", "Misc Settings"); DrawMenu = MenuIni.CreateMenu("DrawMenu", "Drawings Settings"); var Qhit = new Menu("Qhit", "HitChance Settings"); Qhit.Add(new MenuList <string>("hit", "Q HitChance", new[] { "Low", "Medium", "High", "Very High" })); QMenu.Add(Qhit); var Qc = new Menu("Qc", "Combo Settings"); Qc.CreateBool("Q", "Use Q"); Qc.CreateBool("AQ", "AA > Q", false); Qc.CreateSliderButton("mana", "Q ManaManager"); QMenu.Add(Qc); var Qh = new Menu("Qh", "Harass Settings"); Qh.CreateKeyBind("Q", "Use Q", Keys.L, KeyBindType.Toggle); Qh.CreateBool("autoQ", "Auto Q", false); Qh.CreateSliderButton("mana", "Q ManaManager", 60); QMenu.Add(Qh); var Qlh = new Menu("Qlh", "LastHit Settings"); Qlh.CreateKeyBind("Q", "Use Q", Keys.L, KeyBindType.Toggle); Qlh.CreateBool("autoQ", "Auto Q", false); Qlh.CreateBool("Qunk", "Q LastHit Out of AA Range"); Qlh.CreateSliderButton("mana", "Q ManaManager", 60); QMenu.Add(Qlh); var Qlc = new Menu("Qlc", "LaneClear Settings"); Qlc.CreateKeyBind("Q", "Use Q", Keys.L, KeyBindType.Toggle); Qlc.CreateBool("autoQ", "Auto Q", false); Qlc.CreateBool("lhQ", "Q LastHit Only", false); Qlc.CreateBool("Qunk", "Q LastHit Out of AA Range Only"); Qlc.CreateSliderButton("mana", "Q ManaManager", 60); QMenu.Add(Qlc); var Qjc = new Menu("Qjc", "JungleClear Settings"); Qjc.CreateBool("Q", "Use Q"); Qjc.CreateBool("Qprio", "Focus Large Mobs First"); Qjc.CreateSliderButton("mana", "Q ManaManager", 60); QMenu.Add(Qjc); var Qks = new Menu("Qks", "Stealer Settings"); Qks.CreateBool("Q", "Use Q"); Qks.CreateBool("Qjs", "Steal Jungle Mobs"); Qks.CreateBool("Qks", "Steal Champions"); QMenu.Add(Qks); var Whit = new Menu("Whit", "HitChance Settings"); Whit.Add(new MenuList <string>("hit", "W HitChance", new[] { "Low", "Medium", "High", "Very High" })); WMenu.Add(Whit); var Wc = new Menu("Wc", "Combo Settings"); Wc.CreateBool("W", "Use W"); Wc.CreateSliderButton("mana", "W ManaManager", 60); WMenu.Add(Wc); var Wh = new Menu("Wh", "Harass Settings"); Wh.CreateKeyBind("W", "Use W", Keys.H, KeyBindType.Toggle); Wh.CreateBool("autoW", "Auto W", false); Wh.CreateSliderButton("mana", "W ManaManager", 60); WMenu.Add(Wh); var Wks = new Menu("Wks", "Stealer Settings"); Wks.CreateBool("W", "Use W"); Wks.CreateBool("Wks", "Steal Champions"); WMenu.Add(Wks); var Ec = new Menu("Ec", "Combo Settings"); Ec.CreateBool("kiteE", "E Kite Melee", false); Ec.CreateBool("autoE", "Auto E Into W", false); Ec.CreateBool("gapE", "E Gap Close To Target", false); Ec.CreateSliderButton("danger", "Dont E Into X Enemies", 3, 1, 6); Ec.CreateSliderButton("mana", "E ManaManager", 60); EMenu.Add(Ec); var Eh = new Menu("Eh", "Harass Settings"); Eh.CreateBool("autoE", "Auto E Into W", false); Eh.CreateSliderButton("danger", "Dont E Into X Enemies", 3, 1, 6); Eh.CreateSliderButton("mana", "E ManaManager", 60); EMenu.Add(Eh); var Eks = new Menu("Eks", "Stealer Settings"); Eks.CreateBool("E", "Use E"); Eks.CreateBool("Eks", "Steal Champions"); EMenu.Add(Eks); var Rhit = new Menu("Rhit", "HitChance Settings"); Rhit.Add(new MenuList <string>("hit", "R HitChance", new string[] { "Low", "Medium", "High", "Very High" })); RMenu.Add(Rhit); var Rc = new Menu("Rc", "Combo Settings"); Rc.CreateBool("R", "Use R"); Rc.CreateBool("Rcc", "Auto R CC'ed target"); Rc.CreateBool("Rfinisher", "Use R as Finisher"); var Raoe = new Menu("Raoe", "R AoE Settings"); Raoe.CreateBool("target", "Check AoE From Main Target"); Raoe.CreateSliderButton("Raoe", "Use R on X Enemies", 3, 1, 6); Rc.Add(Raoe); Rc.CreateSliderButton("mana", "R ManaManager"); RMenu.Add(Rc); var Rks = new Menu("Rks", "Stealer Settings"); Rks.CreateBool("R", "Use R"); Rks.CreateSlider("range", "[R] Steal Range (0 = Global)", 4000, 0, 10000); Rks.CreateBool("Rjs", "Steal Jungle Mobs", false); Rks.CreateBool("Rks", "Steal Champions"); RMenu.Add(Rks); RMenu.CreateKeyBind("Rkey", "R HotKey", Keys.S, KeyBindType.Press); var Rmin = MiscMenu.CreateSlider("Rmin", "Adjust MIN R Range", 500, 50, 3000); var Rmax = MiscMenu.CreateSlider("Rmax", "Adjust MAX R Range", 2000, Rmin.Value, 15000); Rmin.ValueChanged += delegate { Rmax.MinValue = Rmin.Value + 150; }; Rmax.ValueChanged += delegate { SpellsManager.R.Range = Rmax.Value; }; var stealer = new Menu("steal", "Select JungleMobs"); foreach (var mob in JungleMobs) { stealer.CreateBool(mob, "Steal " + mob); } MiscMenu.Add(stealer); MiscMenu.CreateBool("hooks", "Anti Hooks"); MiscMenu.CreateKeyBind("EW", "E > W KeyBind", Keys.A, KeyBindType.Press); MiscMenu.CreateBool("Egap", "Anti GapClosers"); foreach (var spell in SpellsManager.Spells) { DrawMenu.CreateBool(spell.Slot.ToString(), "Draw " + spell.Slot); } Game.OnUpdate += Modes.ModesManager.GameOnOnUpdate; Drawing.OnDraw += EventsHandler.Drawing_OnDraw; Obj_AI_Base.OnProcessSpellCast += EventsHandler.ObjAiBaseOnOnProcessSpellCast; Obj_AI_Base.OnBuffGain += EventsHandler.Obj_AI_Base_OnBuffAdd; Events.OnGapCloser += EventsHandler.Events_OnGapCloser; return(true); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.ToString("[H:mm:ss") + " - DarkEzreal] ERROR: " + e); return(false); } }
public static void Execute() { if (Player.Instance.ChampionName != ChampName) { return; } menuIni = MainMenu.AddMenu("KappaDarius", "KappaDarius"); menuIni.AddGroupLabel("Darius The Dank Memes Master!"); menuIni.AddGroupLabel("Çeviri tradana"); menuIni.AddGroupLabel("Genel Ayarlar"); menuIni.Add("Items", new CheckBox("İtemleri Kullan?")); menuIni.Add("Combo", new CheckBox("Kombo Kullan?")); menuIni.Add("Harass", new CheckBox("Dürtme KUllan?")); menuIni.Add("Clear", new CheckBox("QSS Kullan?")); menuIni.Add("Drawings", new CheckBox("Göstergeler Aç?")); menuIni.Add("KillSteal", new CheckBox("Killçal?")); QMenu = menuIni.AddSubMenu("Q Settings"); QMenu.AddGroupLabel("Q Ayarları"); QMenu.Add("Combo", new CheckBox("Kombo'da Q")); QMenu.Add("Harass", new CheckBox("Dürtmede Q")); QMenu.AddGroupLabel("Lanetemizleme Ayarı Q için"); QMenu.Add("Clear", new CheckBox("Q İle Lanetemizleme")); QMenu.Add("Qlc", new Slider("Q için en az minyon >=", 3, 1, 10)); QMenu.AddSeparator(); QMenu.AddGroupLabel("Ek Ayarlar"); QMenu.Add("QE", new CheckBox("Her zaman Qdan Önce E", false)); QMenu.Add("Stick", new CheckBox("Q atılacak Hedefe Doğru Yürü")); QMenu.Add("QAA", new CheckBox("Diğer düz vuruşu beklerken Q Kullan", false)); QMenu.Add("range", new CheckBox("Düşman düzvuruş menzilindeyken Q atma", false)); QMenu.Add("Flee", new CheckBox("Kaçarken Q (Hedef Takip Etmeyi Yok Say)")); QMenu.Add("QFlee", new Slider("Kaçarken Q için canım şundan az %", 90, 0, 100)); QMenu.Add("Qaoe", new CheckBox("Alan Hasarı için Otomatik Q")); QMenu.Add("Qhit", new Slider("Q kaç kişiye vuracaksa >=", 3, 1, 5)); WMenu = menuIni.AddSubMenu("W Settings"); WMenu.AddGroupLabel("W Ayarları"); WMenu.Add("Combo", new CheckBox("Komboda W")); WMenu.Add("Harass", new CheckBox("Dürtmede W")); WMenu.Add("Clear", new CheckBox("Lanetemizlemede W")); WMenu.AddGroupLabel("Ek Ayarlar"); WMenu.Add("AAr", new CheckBox("W ile Düzvuruş Resetle")); EMenu = menuIni.AddSubMenu("E Settings"); EMenu.AddGroupLabel("E Ayarları"); EMenu.Add("Combo", new CheckBox("Komboda E")); EMenu.Add("Harass", new CheckBox("Dürtmede E")); EMenu.AddGroupLabel("Ek Ayarları"); EMenu.Add("Interrupt", new CheckBox("Tehlikeli yeteneği bozmak için E kullan")); RMenu = menuIni.AddSubMenu("R Settings"); RMenu.AddGroupLabel("R Ayarları"); RMenu.Add("Combo", new CheckBox("R ile Komboyu bitir(hedefi mahvet)")); RMenu.Add("stack", new CheckBox("R kullanmak için Yük(kanama)", false)); RMenu.Add("count", new Slider("R için Yük Say >=", 5, 0, 5)); RMenu.Add("SaveR", new CheckBox("Eğer hedef düzvuruşla ölecek mesafedeyse R kullanma", false)); RMenu.Add("SR", new Slider("Eğer hedef şu kadar düzvuruşla ölecekse R Kullanma X", 1, 0, 6)); RMenu.Add("semiR", new KeyBind("Yarı Otomatik R", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive)); KillStealMenu = menuIni.AddSubMenu("KillSteal"); KillStealMenu.AddGroupLabel("KillÇalma Ayarları"); KillStealMenu.Add("Rks", new CheckBox("R İle çal")); if (Player.Spells.FirstOrDefault(o => o.SData.Name.Contains("SummonerDot")) != null) { KillStealMenu.Add("IGP", new CheckBox("Tutuştur+Kanamayla öldür")); KillStealMenu.Add("IG", new CheckBox("Sadece Tutuştur", false)); KillStealMenu.AddLabel("Tutuştur ve Kanamanın hasarını hesaplayarak hareket et"); Ignite = new Spell.Targeted(ObjectManager.Player.GetSpellSlotFromName("summonerdot"), 600); } ManaMenu = menuIni.AddSubMenu("Mana Manager"); ManaMenu.AddGroupLabel("Dürtme"); ManaMenu.Add("harassmana", new Slider("En az mana %", 75, 0, 100)); ManaMenu.AddGroupLabel("Lanetemizleme"); ManaMenu.Add("lanemana", new Slider("En az mana %", 60, 0, 100)); ItemsMenu = menuIni.AddSubMenu("Items"); ItemsMenu.AddGroupLabel("İtem Ayarları"); ItemsMenu.Add("Hydra", new CheckBox("Kullan Hydra / Timat / Haşmetli Hydra")); ItemsMenu.Add("useGhostblade", new CheckBox("Kullan Youmuu'nun kılıcı")); ItemsMenu.Add("UseBOTRK", new CheckBox("Mahvolmuş Kılıç Kullan")); ItemsMenu.Add("UseBilge", new CheckBox("BilgeWater Palası Kullan")); ItemsMenu.AddSeparator(); ItemsMenu.Add("eL", new Slider("Kullanmak için düşmanın canı", 65, 0, 100)); ItemsMenu.Add("oL", new Slider("Kullanmak için benim canım", 65, 0, 100)); DrawMenu = menuIni.AddSubMenu("Drawings"); DrawMenu.AddGroupLabel("Gösterge Ayarları"); DrawMenu.Add("Q", new CheckBox("Göster Q")); DrawMenu.Add("W", new CheckBox("Göster W")); DrawMenu.Add("E", new CheckBox("Göster E")); DrawMenu.Add("R", new CheckBox("Göster R")); DrawMenu.AddSeparator(); DrawMenu.AddGroupLabel("Ulti Göstergesi"); DrawMenu.Add("DrawD", new CheckBox("T hasarını Göster")); DrawMenu.Add("Killable", new CheckBox("Ölecek hedefi Göster")); DrawMenu.Add("Stacks", new CheckBox("Pasif Yükü Göster")); DrawMenu.Add("PPx", new Slider("Pasif Yük Pozisyonu X", 100, 0, 150)); DrawMenu.Add("PPy", new Slider("Pasid Yük Pozisyonu Y", 100, 0, 150)); DrawMenu.Add("RHealth", new CheckBox("R den sonraki canı göster")); DrawMenu.Add("RHx", new Slider("Rden sonra Can Pozisyonu", 135, 0, 150)); Q = new Spell.Active(SpellSlot.Q, 400); W = new Spell.Active(SpellSlot.W, 300); E = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.E, 550, SkillShotType.Cone, 250, 666, 100); R = new Spell.Targeted(SpellSlot.R, 460); Game.OnUpdate += OnUpdate; Drawing.OnDraw += OnDraw; Drawing.OnEndScene += OnEndScene; Orbwalker.OnPostAttack += OnAfterAttack; Obj_AI_Base.OnSpellCast += Obj_AI_Base_OnSpellCast; Interrupter.OnInterruptableSpell += OnInterruptableTarget; }
static Xerath() { Scryb = new Item((int)ItemId.Farsight_Alteration, 3500f); Q = new Spell.Chargeable(SpellSlot.Q, 750, 1500, 1500, 500, int.MaxValue, 100) { AllowedCollisionCount = int.MaxValue }; W = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.W, 1100, SkillShotType.Circular, 250, int.MaxValue, 100) { AllowedCollisionCount = int.MaxValue }; E = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.E, 1050, SkillShotType.Linear, 250, 1600, 70) { AllowedCollisionCount = 0 }; R = new Spell.Skillshot(SpellSlot.R, 3200, SkillShotType.Circular, 500, int.MaxValue, 120) { AllowedCollisionCount = int.MaxValue }; SpellList.Add(Q); SpellList.Add(W); SpellList.Add(E); SpellList.Add(R); Menuini = MainMenu.AddMenu("Xerath", "Xerath"); RMenu = Menuini.AddSubMenu("R Settings"); ComboMenu = Menuini.AddSubMenu("Combo Settings"); ComboMenu.AddGroupLabel("Combo Settings"); HarassMenu = Menuini.AddSubMenu("Harass Settings"); HarassMenu.AddGroupLabel("Harass Settings"); LaneClearMenu = Menuini.AddSubMenu("LaneClear Settings"); LaneClearMenu.AddGroupLabel("LaneClear Settings"); JungleClearMenu = Menuini.AddSubMenu("JungleClear Settings"); JungleClearMenu.AddGroupLabel("JungleClear Settings"); KillStealMenu = Menuini.AddSubMenu("Stealer"); KillStealMenu.AddGroupLabel("Stealer Settings"); MiscMenu = Menuini.AddSubMenu("Misc Settings"); DrawMenu = Menuini.AddSubMenu("Drawings Settings"); ColorMenu = Menuini.AddSubMenu("Color Picker"); foreach (var spell in SpellList) { Menuini.Add(spell.Slot + "hit", new ComboBox(spell.Slot + " HitChance", 0, "High", "Medium", "Low")); Menuini.AddSeparator(0); } RMenu.AddGroupLabel("R Settings"); RMenu.Add("R", new CheckBox("Use R")); RMenu.Add("scrybR", new CheckBox("Use Scrybing Orb while Ulting")); RMenu.Add("Rmode", new ComboBox("R Mode", 0, "Auto", "Custom Delays", "On Tap")); RMenu.Add("Rtap", new KeyBind("R Tap Key", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 'S')); RMenu.AddGroupLabel("R Custom Delays"); for (var i = 1; i <= 5; i++) { RMenu.Add("delay" + i, new Slider("Delay " + i, 0, 0, 1500)); } RMenu.Add("Rblock", new CheckBox("Block Commands While Casting R")); RMenu.Add("Rnear", new CheckBox("Focus Targets Near Mouse Only")); RMenu.Add("Mradius", new Slider("Mouse Radius", 750, 300, 1500)); HarassMenu.Add("toggle", new KeyBind("Auto Harass", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.PressToggle, 'H')); foreach (var spell in SpellList.Where(s => s != R)) { ComboMenu.Add(spell.Slot.ToString(), new CheckBox("Use " + spell.Slot)); HarassMenu.Add(spell.Slot.ToString(), new CheckBox("Use " + spell.Slot)); HarassMenu.Add(spell.Slot + "mana", new Slider("Use " + spell.Slot + " if Mana% > [{0}%]")); HarassMenu.AddSeparator(0); LaneClearMenu.Add(spell.Slot.ToString(), new CheckBox("Use " + spell.Slot)); LaneClearMenu.Add(spell.Slot + "mode", new ComboBox(spell.Slot + " Mode", 0, "LaneClear", "LastHit", "Both")); LaneClearMenu.Add(spell.Slot + "mana", new Slider("Use " + spell.Slot + " if Mana% > [{0}%]")); LaneClearMenu.AddSeparator(0); JungleClearMenu.Add(spell.Slot.ToString(), new CheckBox("Use " + spell.Slot)); JungleClearMenu.Add(spell.Slot + "mana", new Slider("Use " + spell.Slot + " if Mana% > [{0}%]")); JungleClearMenu.AddSeparator(0); KillStealMenu.Add(spell.Slot + "ks", new CheckBox("KillSteal " + spell.Slot)); KillStealMenu.Add(spell.Slot + "js", new CheckBox("JungleSteal " + spell.Slot)); KillStealMenu.AddSeparator(0); } MiscMenu.AddGroupLabel("Misc Settings"); MiscMenu.Add("gap", new CheckBox("E Anti-GapCloser")); MiscMenu.Add("int", new CheckBox("E Interrupter")); MiscMenu.Add("Danger", new ComboBox("Interrupter Danger Level", 1, "High", "Medium", "Low")); MiscMenu.Add("flee", new KeyBind("Escape with E", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 'A')); MiscMenu.Add("Notifications", new CheckBox("Use Notifications")); MiscMenu.Add("autoECC", new CheckBox("Auto E On CC enemy")); MiscMenu.Add("scrybebuy", new CheckBox("Auto Scrybing Orb Buy")); MiscMenu.Add("scrybebuylevel", new Slider("Buy Orb at level [{0}]", 9, 1, 18)); foreach (var spell in SpellList) { DrawMenu.Add(spell.Slot.ToString(), new CheckBox(spell.Slot + " Range")); } DrawMenu.Add("Rmini", new CheckBox("Draw R Range (MiniMap)", false)); DrawMenu.Add("damage", new CheckBox("Draw Combo Damage")); DrawMenu.AddLabel("Draws = ComboDamage / Enemy Current Health"); foreach (var spell in SpellList) { ColorMenu.Add(spell.Slot.ToString(), new ColorPicker(spell.Slot + " Color", Color.Chartreuse)); } Drawing.OnEndScene += Drawing_OnEndScene; Interrupter.OnInterruptableSpell += Interrupter_OnInterruptableSpell; Gapcloser.OnGapcloser += Gapcloser_OnGapcloser; Obj_AI_Base.OnProcessSpellCast += Obj_AI_Base_OnProcessSpellCast; Orbwalker.OnPreAttack += Orbwalker_OnPreAttack; Player.OnIssueOrder += Player_OnIssueOrder; GameObject.OnCreate += GameObject_OnCreate; }