コード例 #1
 private void HelpMessage_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
 {//Show the form help message
     if (helpMessage == "" || helpMessage == null)
         RJMessageBox.Show("No help message has been added for this form", "Message");
         RJMessageBox.Show(helpMessage, "Quick Help");
コード例 #2
ファイル: CTMenuIcon.cs プロジェクト: Wadprog/UTESA_STORE
 private void ShowDropdownMenu()
     try //Show drop down menu
         dropdownMenu.Show(this, DropdownMenuPosition.BottomRight);
     catch (Exception ex)
         RJMessageBox.Show("An error has occurred\n" + ex.ToString());
コード例 #3
 private void ChilFormHelp_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
 {                                                                                 //Show child form help message
     if (activeChildForm.HelpMessage == "" || activeChildForm.HelpMessage == null) //No message
         RJMessageBox.Show("No help message has been added for this form", "Message");
     else//Show help message
         RJMessageBox.Show(activeChildForm.HelpMessage, "Help");
コード例 #4
ファイル: PrintForm.cs プロジェクト: Wadprog/UTESA_STORE
        private void PrintDocument()
            var bmpScreenshot = new Bitmap(pnlDocument.Width, pnlDocument.Height);                                   //Set the bitmap object to the size of the desktop panel

            pnlDocument.DrawToBitmap(bmpScreenshot, new Rectangle(0, 0, bmpScreenshot.Width, bmpScreenshot.Height)); //Draw the document panel on the bitmap
            imgDocument = (Image)bmpScreenshot;                                                                      //Set the screenshot to the document to print
                printDoc.Print();//Start document printing
                //This method calls the PrintPage event ( private void printDoc_PrintPage(object sender, PrintPageEventArgs e))
            catch (Exception ex)
                RJMessageBox.Show("There was a problem trying to print, please try again.\nDetails\n" + ex);
コード例 #5
ファイル: BaseForm.cs プロジェクト: Wadprog/UTESA_STORE
 protected virtual void CloseWindow()
     if (isPrimaryForm)
         var result = RJMessageBox.Show("Seguro quieres cerrar la applicacion?",
                                        "Message", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);
         if (result == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes)
     else//If it is a child form
         this.Close();//Close current form
コード例 #6
        private void CloseAllChildForm()
        {                                                                                 //Close all secondary forms
            var childForms = Application.OpenForms.OfType <ChildForm>().FirstOrDefault(); // Check if there is a secondary form open

            if (childForms != null)                                                       //If there is any form open, close all forms except this form and the main form of the application(e.g. Login form)
                Application.OpenForms.Cast <Form>().Except(new Form[] { this, Program.MainForm }).ToList().ForEach(x => x.Close());
                listChildForms.Clear();//Clear List forms
                pnlMarker.Visible = false;
            else //if there are no open forms show message
                RJMessageBox.Show("No child form is open", "Message");
コード例 #7
ファイル: CTMenuButton.cs プロジェクト: Wadprog/UTESA_STORE
 private void ShowDropdownMenu()
     try                                        //Show the button drop down menu
         dropdownMenu.OwnerIsMenuButton = true; //Indicate to the drop-down menu that its owner is a menu button
         if (this.Width > 100)                  //If the side menu is expanded, show the dropdown menu at the bottom right of the menu button
             dropdownMenu.Show(this, DropdownMenuPosition.BottomRight);
         else //If the side menu is collapsed, show the dropdown menu at the top right of the menu button
             dropdownMenu.Show(this, DropdownMenuPosition.TopRight);
     catch (Exception ex)
         RJMessageBox.Show("An error has occurred\n" + ex.ToString());
コード例 #8
        private void SaveAppearanceSettings()
            //Save appearance settings
            Settings.SettingsManager.SaveAppearanceSettings(rbDarkTheme.Checked ? (int)UITheme.Dark : (int)UITheme.Light, /*Theme*/
                                                            (int)cbStyles.SelectedValue,                                  /*Style*/
                                                            tbmFormBorderSize.Value,                                      /*Form border size*/
                                                            tbColorFormBorder.Checked,                                    /*Color form border*/
                                                            tbChildFormMarker.Checked,                                    /*Child form marker*/
                                                            tbIconMenuItem.Checked,                                       /*Form icon in activated menu item*/
                                                            tbMultiChildForms.Checked);                                   /*Multiple child forms*/
            //Show restart message
            var result = RJMessageBox.Show("Please Restart the application to view changes\nRestart now?",

            if (result == DialogResult.Yes)//Restart application

                /* Note: When executing the application from visual studio, the configuration file is saved
                 * in the folder RJCodeUI_M1.vshost.exe. And when restarting the application the configuration
                 * file is obtained from the C:\Users\YourUsername\AppData\Local\RJCodeUI_M1\RJCodeUI_M1.exe folder,
                 * since after restarting the application it
                 * runs independently of visual studio, so it will not load the settings you established on the
                 * first restart since it will take the file of
                 * C:\Users\YourUsername\AppData\Local\RJCodeUI_M1\RJCodeUI_M1.exe configuration. If you want to
                 * test and apply the settings established when you are developing the application, I recommend
                 * you close the application (or stop debugging) and rerun from visual studio or compile the project
                 * and run the application directly from the project's bin folder.*/
            else //Show restart message label in case you did not reboot from the message box.
                lblRestartApp.Visible = true;
コード例 #9
        protected void OpenChildForm <childForm>(Func <childForm> _delegate, object senderMenuItem, CTMenuButton ownerMenuButton) where childForm : ChildForm
        {                                                                                                                   ///Generic method with a Generic Delegate (Func <TResult>), Menu Button and Menu Item Parameters where the data type is RJChildForm.
            if (ownerMenuButton == null || senderMenuItem == null || senderMenuItem.GetType() != typeof(ToolStripMenuItem)) //validate parameters
                RJMessageBox.Show("Please send valid object, null values ​​are not allowed");

            ChildForm form = Application.OpenForms.OfType <childForm>().FirstOrDefault();//Checks if the child form is already open

            #region - Show Child Form as a New Instance
            if (form == null)                                     //If there is no result, the form is not open, create the instance and display it on the desktop panel
                deactivateFormEvent = false;                      //Don't deactivate form when child form opens

                form                = _delegate();                // Execute the delegate
                form.IsChildForm    = true;
                form.TopLevel       = false;                      //Indicates that the  form is not TopLevel
                form.Dock           = DockStyle.Fill;
                form.MarkerPosition = ownerMenuButton.Location.Y; //Set marker position

                CleanDesktop();                                   //Remove current child form from desktop panel
                if (UIAppearance.MultiChildForms == false)
                    CloseActiveChildForm();    // Close current child form if multiple child forms option is disabled- This does not affect if the secondary form is open in a new window.
                listChildForms.Add(form);      //add FORM to form list
                pnlDesktop.Controls.Add(form); //add FORM to desktop panel
                pnlDesktop.Tag = form;

                form.Show(); //show on desktop panel

                activeChildForm = form;                                            //set FORM as active child form

                SetChildFormItems();                                               //-> Set the Caption, Icon and Options of the child form in the layout of the main form
                ownerMenuButton.Activate(form, (ToolStripMenuItem)senderMenuItem); //-> Activate the menu button and associate
                // a form for the button to remain highlighted until all forms are closed.
                // You can have many associated forms since the menu button shows a drop-down menu.
                // Also activate the menu item and associate it to the form so that the menu item remains
                // highlighted when the form is instantiated.

                deactivateFormEvent = true;//Reset value

            #region - Redisplay Existing Form or Child Form
            else //If the form is already open, just show the form again
                if (form.IsChildForm && form != activeChildForm)
                {                                  //if the form is a child form and the form is different from the active child form add back to the panel and set as active child form
                    CleanDesktop();                //Remove current child form from desktop panel
                    pnlDesktop.Controls.Add(form); //add FORM to desktop panel
                    pnlDesktop.Tag  = form;
                    activeChildForm = form;        //set FORM as active child form
                    SetChildFormItems();           //-> Set the Caption, Icon and Options of the child form in the layout of the main form

                if (form.WindowState == FormWindowState.Minimized)
                    form.WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal;
                form.Show();//show the form on the desktop panel or outside in a new window if the form IS NOT A CHILD FORM