public void SelectTriplesBySubjectTest() { var testGraph = new RDFGraph(defaultTriples); var old = new List <RDFTriple>() { defaultTriples[0] }; var res = testGraph.SelectTriplesBySubject(TestModelObject.subRes[0]); var newList = new List <RDFTriple>(); foreach (var triple in res) { newList.Add(triple); } Assert.Equal(old, newList); }
private void WorkingWithRdfModels() { // CREATE RESOURCE var donaldduck = new RDFResource(""); // CREATE BLANK RESOURCE var disney_group = new RDFResource(); // CREATE PLAIN LITERAL // "Donald Duck" var donaldduck_name = new RDFPlainLiteral("Donald Duck"); // CREATE PLAIN LITERAL WITH LANGUAGE TAG // "Donald Duck"@en-US var donaldduck_name_enusLiteral = new RDFPlainLiteral("Donald Duck", "en-US"); // CREATE TYPED LITERAL // "85"^^xsd:integer var mickeymouse_age = new RDFTypedLiteral("85", RDFModelEnums.RDFDatatypes.XSD_INTEGER); // CREATE TRIPLES // "Mickey Mouse is 85 years old" RDFTriple mickeymouse_is85yr = new RDFTriple( new RDFResource(""), new RDFResource(""), new RDFTypedLiteral("85", RDFModelEnums.RDFDatatypes.XSD_INTEGER)); // "Donald Duck has english (US) name "Donald Duck"" RDFTriple donaldduck_name_enus = new RDFTriple( new RDFResource(""), new RDFResource(""), new RDFPlainLiteral("Donald Duck", "en-US")); // CREATE EMPTY GRAPH var another_graph = new RDFGraph(); var waltdisney_filled = new RDFGraph(); // CREATE GRAPH FROM A LIST OF TRIPLES var triples = new List <RDFTriple> { mickeymouse_is85yr, donaldduck_name_enus }; var waltdisney = new RDFGraph(triples); // SET CONTEXT OF A GRAPH waltdisney.SetContext(new Uri("")); // GET A DATATABLE FROM A GRAPH var waltdisney_table = waltdisney.ToDataTable(); // GET A GRAPH FROM A DATATABLE var waltdisney_newgraph = RDFGraph.FromDataTable(waltdisney_table); // ITERATE TRIPLES OF A GRAPH WITH FOREACH foreach (var t in waltdisney) { Console.WriteLine("Triple: " + t); Console.WriteLine(" Subject: " + t.Subject); Console.WriteLine(" Predicate: " + t.Predicate); Console.WriteLine(" Object: " + t.Object); } // ITERATE TRIPLES OF A GRAPH WITH ENUMERATOR var triplesEnum = waltdisney.TriplesEnumerator; while (triplesEnum.MoveNext()) { Console.WriteLine("Triple: " + triplesEnum.Current); Console.WriteLine(" Subject: " + triplesEnum.Current.Subject); Console.WriteLine(" Predicate: " + triplesEnum.Current.Predicate); Console.WriteLine(" Object: " + triplesEnum.Current.Object); } // GET COUNT OF TRIPLES CONTAINED IN A GRAPH var triplesCount = waltdisney.TriplesCount; // MULTIPLE SELECTIONS var multiple_selections_graph = waltdisney.SelectTriplesBySubject(new RDFResource("")) .SelectTriplesByPredicate(new RDFResource("")); // SET OPERATIONS var set_operations_graph = waltdisney.IntersectWith(waltdisney_filled).UnionWith(another_graph); /* * var ntriplesFormat = RDFModelEnums.RDFFormats.NTriples; * // READ N-TRIPLES FILE * var graph = RDFGraph.FromFile(ntriplesFormat, "C:\\file.nt"); * // READ N-TRIPLES STREAM * var graph = RDFGraph.FromStream(ntriplesFormat, inStream); * // WRITE N-TRIPLES FILE * graph.ToFile(ntriplesFormat, "C:\\newfile.nt"); * // WRITE N-TRIPLES STREAM * graph.ToStream(ntriplesFormat, outStream); */ /* * var turtleFormat = RDFModelEnums.RDFFormats.Turtle; * // READ TURTLE FILE * var graph = RDFGraph.FromFile(turtleFormat, "C:\\file.ttl"); * // READ TURTLE STREAM * var graph = RDFGraph.FromStream(turtleFormat, inStream); * // WRITE TURTLE FILE * graph.ToFile(turtleFormat, "C:\\newfile.ttl"); * // WRITE TURTLE STREAM * graph.ToStream(turtleFormat, outStream); */ /* * var xmlFormat = RDFModelEnums.RDFFormats.RdfXml; * // READ RDF/XML FILE * var graph = RDFGraph.FromFile(xmlFormat, "C:\\file.rdf"); * // READ RDF/XML STREAM * var graph = RDFGraph.FromStream(xmlFormat, inStream); * // WRITE RDF/XML FILE * graph.ToFile(xmlFormat, "C:\\newfile.rdf"); * // WRITE RDF/XML STREAM * graph.ToStream(xmlFormat, outStream); */ // CREATE NAMESPACE var waltdisney_ns = new RDFNamespace("wd", ""); // USE NAMESPACE IN RESOURCE CREATION var duckburg = new RDFResource(waltdisney_ns + "duckburg"); var mouseton = new RDFResource(waltdisney_ns + "mouseton"); RDFNamespaceRegister.AddNamespace(waltdisney_ns); // Retrieves a namespace by seeking presence of its prefix (null if not found). Supports var ns1 = RDFNamespaceRegister.GetByPrefix("dbpedia", false); //local search var ns2 = RDFNamespaceRegister.GetByPrefix("dbpedia", true); //search service if no result // GET DEFAULT NAMESPACE var nSpace = RDFNamespaceRegister.DefaultNamespace; // SET DEFAULT NAMESPACE RDFNamespaceRegister.SetDefaultNamespace(waltdisney_ns); //new graphs will default to this context // ITERATE NAMESPACES OF REGISTER WITH FOREACH foreach (var ns in RDFNamespaceRegister.Instance) { Console.WriteLine("Prefix: " + ns.NamespacePrefix); Console.WriteLine("Namespace: " + ns.NamespaceUri); } // ITERATE NAMESPACES OF REGISTER WITH ENUMERATOR var nspacesEnum = RDFNamespaceRegister.NamespacesEnumerator; while (nspacesEnum.MoveNext()) { Console.WriteLine("Prefix: " + nspacesEnum.Current.NamespacePrefix); Console.WriteLine("Namespace: " + nspacesEnum.Current.NamespaceUri); } // CREATE TRIPLES WITH VOCABULARY FACILITIES // "Goofy Goof is 82 years old" RDFTriple goofygoof_is82yr = new RDFTriple( new RDFResource(new Uri("").ToString()), RDFVocabulary.FOAF.AGE, new RDFPlainLiteral("82") ); // "Donald Duck knows Goofy Goof" RDFTriple donaldduck_knows_goofygoof = new RDFTriple( new RDFResource(new Uri("").ToString()), RDFVocabulary.FOAF.KNOWS, new RDFResource(new Uri("").ToString()) ); // CREATE TYPED LITERALS var myAge = new RDFTypedLiteral("34", RDFModelEnums.RDFDatatypes.XSD_INT); var myDate = new RDFTypedLiteral("2017-01-07", RDFModelEnums.RDFDatatypes.XSD_DATE); var myDateTime = new RDFTypedLiteral("2017-01-07T23:11:05", RDFModelEnums.RDFDatatypes.XSD_DATETIME); var myXml = new RDFTypedLiteral("<book>title</book>", RDFModelEnums.RDFDatatypes.RDF_XMLLITERAL); var myLiteral = new RDFTypedLiteral("generic literal", RDFModelEnums.RDFDatatypes.RDFS_LITERAL); /* * The given list of items may be incomplete. * A container is semantically opened to the possibility of having further elements * * Alt: unordered semantic, duplicates not allowed; * Bag: unordered semantic, duplicates allowed; * Seq: ordered semantic, duplicates allowed; */ // CREATE CONTAINER AND ADD ITEMS RDFContainer beatles_cont = new RDFContainer(RDFModelEnums.RDFContainerTypes.Bag, RDFModelEnums.RDFItemTypes.Resource); beatles_cont.AddItem(new RDFResource("")); beatles_cont.AddItem(new RDFResource("")); beatles_cont.AddItem(new RDFResource("")); beatles_cont.AddItem(new RDFResource("")); /* * The given list of items may not be incomplete. * A collection is semantically closed to the possibility of having further elements */ // CREATE COLLECTION AND ADD ITEMS RDFCollection beatles_coll = new RDFCollection(RDFModelEnums.RDFItemTypes.Resource); beatles_coll.AddItem(new RDFResource("")); beatles_coll.AddItem(new RDFResource("")); beatles_coll.AddItem(new RDFResource("")); beatles_coll.AddItem(new RDFResource("")); // ADD CONTAINER/COLLECTION TO GRAPH waltdisney.AddContainer(beatles_cont); waltdisney.AddCollection(beatles_coll); // REIFY TRIPLE AND MERGE IT INTO A GRAPH RDFGraph reifGraph = goofygoof_is82yr.ReifyTriple(); waltdisney = waltdisney.UnionWith(reifGraph); // ASSERT SOMETHING ABOUT REIFIED TRIPLE waltdisney.AddTriple(new RDFTriple( new RDFResource(""), new RDFResource(""), goofygoof_is82yr.ReificationSubject )); var existingGraph = new RDFGraph(); // REIFY CONTAINER existingGraph.AddContainer(beatles_cont); existingGraph.AddTriple(new RDFTriple( new RDFResource(""), RDFVocabulary.FOAF.GROUP, beatles_cont.ReificationSubject )); // REIFY COLLECTION existingGraph.AddCollection(beatles_coll); existingGraph.AddTriple(new RDFTriple( new RDFResource(""), RDFVocabulary.FOAF.GROUP, beatles_coll.ReificationSubject )); // WORKING WITH RDF STORES // CREATE CONTEXT FROM STRING var wdisney_ctx = new RDFContext(""); // CREATE CONTEXT FROM URI var wdisney_ctx_uri = new RDFContext(new Uri("")); // CREATE DEFAULT CONTEXT (DEFAULT NAMESPACE) var wdisney_ctx_default = new RDFContext(); // CREATE QUADRUPLES // "From Mickey Mouse is 85 years old" RDFQuadruple wk_mickeymouse_is85yr = new RDFQuadruple( new RDFContext(""), new RDFResource(""), RDFVocabulary.FOAF.AGE, new RDFTypedLiteral("85", RDFModelEnums.RDFDatatypes.XSD_INTEGER) ); // "From Mickey Mouse is 85 years old" RDFQuadruple wd_mickeymouse_is85yr = new RDFQuadruple( new RDFContext(""), new RDFResource(""), RDFVocabulary.FOAF.AGE, new RDFTypedLiteral("85", RDFModelEnums.RDFDatatypes.XSD_INTEGER) ); // "From Donald Duck has english name "Donald Duck"" RDFQuadruple wk_donald_duck_name_enus = new RDFQuadruple( new RDFContext(""), new RDFResource(""), RDFVocabulary.FOAF.NAME, new RDFPlainLiteral("Donald Duck", "en") ); // CREATE EMPTY MEMORY STORE var wdStore = new RDFMemoryStore(); // CREATE MEMORY STORE FROM A LIST OF QUADRUPLES var quadruples = new List <RDFQuadruple> { wk_mickeymouse_is85yr, wk_mickeymouse_is85yr }; var wdStoreFilled = new RDFMemoryStore(); foreach (var q in quadruples) { wdStoreFilled.AddQuadruple(q); } // GET A DATATABLE FROM A MEMORY STORE (any kind of store can be exported to datatable) var wdStore_table = wdStoreFilled.ToDataTable(); // GET A MEMORY STORE FROM A DATATABLE var wdStore_new = RDFMemoryStore.FromDataTable(wdStore_table); // ITERATE QUADRUPLES OF A MEMORY STORE WITH FOREACH foreach (var q in wdStore) { Console.WriteLine("Quadruple: " + q); Console.WriteLine(" Context: " + q.Context); Console.WriteLine(" Subject: " + q.Subject); Console.WriteLine(" Predicate: " + q.Predicate); Console.WriteLine(" Object: " + q.Object); } // ITERATE QUADRUPLES OF A MEMORY STORE WITH ENUMERATOR var quadruplesEnum = wdStore.QuadruplesEnumerator; while (quadruplesEnum.MoveNext()) { Console.WriteLine("Quadruple: " + quadruplesEnum.Current); Console.WriteLine(" Context: " + quadruplesEnum.Current.Context); Console.WriteLine(" Subject: " + quadruplesEnum.Current.Subject); Console.WriteLine(" Predicate: " + quadruplesEnum.Current.Predicate); Console.WriteLine(" Object: " + quadruplesEnum.Current.Object); } var nquadsFormat = RDFStoreEnums.RDFFormats.NQuads; // READ N-QUADS FILE //var myStore = RDFMemoryStore.FromFile(nquadsFormat, "C:\\file.nq"); // READ N-QUADS STREAM //var myStore = RDFMemoryStore.FromStream(nquadsFormat, inStream); // WRITE N-QUADS FILE wdStoreFilled.ToFile(nquadsFormat, @"C:\TEMP\newfile.nq"); // WRITE N-QUADS STREAM //myStore.ToStream(nquadsFormat, outStream); var trixFormat = RDFStoreEnums.RDFFormats.TriX; // READ TRIX FILE //var memStore = RDFMemoryStore.FromFile(trixFormat, "C:\\file.trix"); // READ TRIX STREAM //var memStore = RDFMemoryStore.FromStream(trixFormat, inStream); // WRITE TRIX FILE wdStoreFilled.ToFile(trixFormat, @"C:\TEMP\newfile.trix"); // WRITE TRIX STREAM //myStore.ToStream(trixFormat, outStream); // CONNECT TO SQLSERVER STORE WITH CONNECTION STRING //var sqlServer = new RDFSQLServerStore(sqlServerConnectionString); // CREATE EMPTY FEDERATION var fed = new RDFFederation(); /* * // CREATE FEDERATION FROM A LIST OF STORES * var stores = new List<RDFStore>{ waltDisneyStore, waltDisneyStoreFilled }; * var fedFilled = new RDFFederation(); * foreach(var store in stores) * { * fedFilled.AddStore(store); * } */ // ITERATE STORES OF A FEDERATION foreach (var s in fed) { Console.WriteLine("Store: " + s); Console.WriteLine(" Type: " + s.StoreType); } }
/// <summary> /// Updates the previously detected restrictions to their specific types /// </summary> internal static void RefineRestrictions(RDFGraph ontGraph, RDFOntology ontology) { var changeLog = new Dictionary<Int64, RDFOntologyClass>(); foreach (var c in ontology.Model.ClassModel) { if (c.IsRestrictionClass()) { #region CardinalityRestriction Int32 minC = 0; var crMin = ontGraph.SelectTriplesBySubject((RDFResource)c.Value) .SelectTriplesByPredicate(RDFVocabulary.OWL.MIN_CARDINALITY) .FirstOrDefault(); if (crMin != null && crMin.TripleFlavor == RDFModelEnums.RDFTripleFlavors.SPL) { if (crMin.Object is RDFPlainLiteral) { if (Regex.IsMatch(crMin.Object.ToString(), @"^[0-9]+$")) { minC = Int32.Parse(crMin.Object.ToString()); } } else { if (((RDFTypedLiteral)crMin.Object).Datatype.Category == RDFModelEnums.RDFDatatypeCategory.Numeric) { if (Regex.IsMatch(((RDFTypedLiteral)crMin.Object).Value, @"^[0-9]+$")) { minC = Int32.Parse(((RDFTypedLiteral)crMin.Object).Value); } } } } Int32 maxC = 0; var crMax = ontGraph.SelectTriplesBySubject((RDFResource)c.Value) .SelectTriplesByPredicate(RDFVocabulary.OWL.MAX_CARDINALITY) .FirstOrDefault(); if (crMax != null && crMax.TripleFlavor == RDFModelEnums.RDFTripleFlavors.SPL) { if (crMax.Object is RDFPlainLiteral) { if (Regex.IsMatch(crMax.Object.ToString(), @"^[0-9]+$")) { maxC = Int32.Parse(crMax.Object.ToString()); } } else { if (((RDFTypedLiteral)crMax.Object).Datatype.Category == RDFModelEnums.RDFDatatypeCategory.Numeric) { if (Regex.IsMatch(((RDFTypedLiteral)crMax.Object).Value, @"^[0-9]+$")) { maxC = Int32.Parse(((RDFTypedLiteral)crMax.Object).Value); } } } } if ((minC > 0 || maxC > 0) && !changeLog.ContainsKey(c.PatternMemberID)) { var restr = new RDFOntologyCardinalityRestriction(((RDFOntologyRestriction)c).OnProperty, minC, maxC); restr.Value = c.Value; restr.PatternMemberID = c.PatternMemberID; restr.DirectSubClasses = c.DirectSubClasses; restr.DirectSuperClasses = c.DirectSuperClasses; restr.DisjointClasses = c.DisjointClasses; restr.EquivalentClasses = c.EquivalentClasses; changeLog.Add(restr.PatternMemberID, restr); } #endregion #region HasValueRestriction var hvRes = ontGraph.SelectTriplesBySubject((RDFResource)c.Value) .SelectTriplesByPredicate(RDFVocabulary.OWL.HAS_VALUE) .FirstOrDefault(); if (hvRes != null) { var hvFct = ontology.Data.SelectFact(hvRes.Object.ToString()); if (hvFct != null) { if (!changeLog.ContainsKey(c.PatternMemberID)) { var restr = new RDFOntologyHasValueRestriction(((RDFOntologyRestriction)c).OnProperty, hvFct); restr.Value = c.Value; restr.PatternMemberID = c.PatternMemberID; restr.DirectSubClasses = c.DirectSubClasses; restr.DirectSuperClasses = c.DirectSuperClasses; restr.DisjointClasses = c.DisjointClasses; restr.EquivalentClasses = c.EquivalentClasses; changeLog.Add(restr.PatternMemberID, restr); } } else { throw new RDFSemanticsException("Cannot create hasValue restriction '" + c.Value + "' from graph, because its required fact '" + hvRes.Object + "' has not been found in the ontology data."); } } #endregion #region ValuesFromRestriction var avfRes = ontGraph.SelectTriplesBySubject((RDFResource)c.Value) .SelectTriplesByPredicate(RDFVocabulary.OWL.ALL_VALUES_FROM) .FirstOrDefault(); if (avfRes != null) { var avfCls = ontology.Model.ClassModel.SelectClass(avfRes.Object.ToString()); if (avfCls != null) { if (!changeLog.ContainsKey(c.PatternMemberID)) { var restr = new RDFOntologyValuesFromRestriction(((RDFOntologyRestriction)c).OnProperty, RDFSemanticsEnums.RDFOntologyValuesFromRestrictionCategory.AllValuesFrom, avfCls); restr.Value = c.Value; restr.PatternMemberID = c.PatternMemberID; restr.DirectSubClasses = c.DirectSubClasses; restr.DirectSuperClasses = c.DirectSuperClasses; restr.DisjointClasses = c.DisjointClasses; restr.EquivalentClasses = c.EquivalentClasses; changeLog.Add(restr.PatternMemberID, restr); } } else { throw new RDFSemanticsException("Cannot create allValuesFrom restriction '" + c.Value + "' from graph, because its fromClass '" + avfRes.Object + "' has not been found in the ontology model."); } } var svfRes = ontGraph.SelectTriplesBySubject((RDFResource)c.Value) .SelectTriplesByPredicate(RDFVocabulary.OWL.SOME_VALUES_FROM) .FirstOrDefault(); if (svfRes != null) { var svfCls = ontology.Model.ClassModel.SelectClass(svfRes.Object.ToString()); if (svfCls != null) { if (!changeLog.ContainsKey(c.PatternMemberID)) { var restr = new RDFOntologyValuesFromRestriction(((RDFOntologyRestriction)c).OnProperty, RDFSemanticsEnums.RDFOntologyValuesFromRestrictionCategory.SomeValuesFrom, svfCls); restr.Value = c.Value; restr.PatternMemberID = c.PatternMemberID; restr.DirectSubClasses = c.DirectSubClasses; restr.DirectSuperClasses = c.DirectSuperClasses; restr.DisjointClasses = c.DisjointClasses; restr.EquivalentClasses = c.EquivalentClasses; changeLog.Add(restr.PatternMemberID, restr); } } else { throw new RDFSemanticsException("Cannot create someValuesFrom restriction '" + c.Value + "' from graph, because its fromClass '" + svfRes.Object + "' has not been found in the ontology model."); } } #endregion } } foreach (var cl in changeLog) { ontology.Model.ClassModel.Classes[cl.Key] = cl.Value; } }
//source: static void Main(string[] args) { //create resource from string RDFResource donaldduck = new RDFResource(""); //create resource from uri RDFResource goofygoof = new RDFResource(new Uri("").ToString()); //create plain literal // "Donald Duck" RDFPlainLiteral donaldduck_name = new RDFPlainLiteral("Donald Duck"); //create typed literal // "85"^^xsd:integer RDFTypedLiteral mickeymouse_age = new RDFTypedLiteral("85", RDFModelEnums.RDFDatatypes.XSD_INTEGER); //create triples // "Mickey Mouse is 85 years old" RDFTriple mickeymouse_is85yr = new RDFTriple(new RDFResource(""), new RDFResource(""), mickeymouse_age); // "Donald Duck has English-US name "Donald Duck"" RDFTriple donaldduck_name_enus_triple = new RDFTriple(donaldduck, new RDFResource(""), donaldduck_name); // "Goofy Goof is 82 years old" RDFTriple goofygoof_is82yr = new RDFTriple(goofygoof, RDFVocabulary.FOAF.AGE, new RDFPlainLiteral("82")); // "Donald Duck knows Goofy Goof" RDFTriple donaldduck_knows_goofygoof = new RDFTriple(donaldduck, RDFVocabulary.FOAF.KNOWS, goofygoof); //create graph from a list of triples List <RDFTriple> triples = new List <RDFTriple> { mickeymouse_is85yr, donaldduck_name_enus_triple, goofygoof_is82yr, donaldduck_knows_goofygoof }; RDFGraph waltdisney = new RDFGraph(triples); //set context of a graph waltdisney.SetContext(new Uri("")); //iterate triples of a graph foreach (RDFTriple t in waltdisney) { Console.WriteLine($"Triple: {t}\n"); Console.WriteLine($"Subject: {t.Subject}"); Console.WriteLine($"Predicate: {t.Predicate}"); Console.WriteLine($"Object: {t.Object}"); } //compose multiple selections RDFGraph triples_by_subject_and_predicate = waltdisney.SelectTriplesBySubject(donaldduck) .SelectTriplesByPredicate(new RDFResource("")); Console.WriteLine("Number of triples where the subject is Donald Duck and the predicate is foaf:name: " + triples_by_subject_and_predicate.TriplesCount); Console.WriteLine(); //create namespace RDFNamespace waltdisney_ns = new RDFNamespace("wd", ""); //set default namespace RDFNamespaceRegister.SetDefaultNamespace(waltdisney_ns); //new graphs will default to this context //iterate namespaces foreach (RDFNamespace ns in RDFNamespaceRegister.Instance) { Console.WriteLine($"Prefix: {ns.NamespacePrefix}\n"); Console.WriteLine($"Namespace: {ns.NamespaceUri}\n"); } Console.ReadKey(); }
/// <summary> /// Loads the class taxonomies from the given graph into the given ontology /// </summary> internal static void LoadClassTaxonomies(RDFGraph ontGraph, RDFOntology ontology) { foreach (var c in ontology.Model.ClassModel) { #region Hierarchy foreach (var t in ontGraph.SelectTriplesBySubject((RDFResource)c.Value) .SelectTriplesByPredicate(RDFVocabulary.RDFS.SUB_CLASS_OF)) { //Check conditions to accept the class var superClass = ontology.Model.ClassModel.SelectClass(t.Object.ToString()); if (superClass != null) { c.AddSuperClass(superClass); } else { throw new RDFSemanticsException("Cannot load taxonomy of class '" + c.Value + "', because its superclass '" + t.Object + "' has not been found in the ontology model."); } } #endregion #region Equivalence foreach (var t in ontGraph.SelectTriplesBySubject((RDFResource)c.Value) .SelectTriplesByPredicate(RDFVocabulary.OWL.EQUIVALENT_CLASS)) { //Check conditions to accept the class var equivClass = ontology.Model.ClassModel.SelectClass(t.Object.ToString()); if (equivClass != null) { c.AddEquivalentClass(equivClass); } else { throw new RDFSemanticsException("Cannot load taxonomy of class '" + c.Value + "', because its equivalent class '" + t.Object + "' has not been found in the ontology model."); } } #endregion #region Disjointness foreach (var t in ontGraph.SelectTriplesBySubject((RDFResource)c.Value) .SelectTriplesByPredicate(RDFVocabulary.OWL.DISJOINT_WITH)) { //Check conditions to accept the class var disjClass = ontology.Model.ClassModel.SelectClass(t.Object.ToString()); if (disjClass != null) { c.AddDisjointClass(disjClass); } else { throw new RDFSemanticsException("Cannot load taxonomy of class '" + c.Value + "', because its disjoint class '" + t.Object + "' has not been found in the ontology model."); } } #endregion } }
/// <summary> /// Loads the enumerate classes from the griven graph into the given ontology /// </summary> internal static void LoadEnumerates(RDFGraph ontGraph, RDFOntology ontology) { var changeLog = new Dictionary<Int64, RDFOntologyClass>(); foreach (var c in ontology.Model.ClassModel) { #region Enumerate var onOf = ontGraph.SelectTriplesBySubject((RDFResource)c.Value) .SelectTriplesByPredicate(RDFVocabulary.OWL.ONE_OF) .FirstOrDefault(); if (onOf != null) { var nilFound = false; var itemRest = (RDFResource)onOf.Object; while (!nilFound) { #region rdf:first var first = ontGraph.SelectTriplesBySubject(itemRest) .SelectTriplesByPredicate(RDFVocabulary.RDF.FIRST) .FirstOrDefault(); if (first != null) { var enMemb = ontology.Data.SelectFact(first.Object.ToString()); if (enMemb != null) { if (!changeLog.ContainsKey(c.PatternMemberID)) { var ontEClass = new RDFOntologyEnumerateClass(enMemb.IsObjectFact() ? RDFSemanticsEnums.RDFOntologyEnumerateClassCategory.ResourceEnumeration : RDFSemanticsEnums.RDFOntologyEnumerateClassCategory.LiteralEnumeration); ontEClass.Value = c.Value; ontEClass.PatternMemberID = c.PatternMemberID; ontEClass.AddEnumerateMember(enMemb); changeLog.Add(c.PatternMemberID, ontEClass); } else { if ((((RDFOntologyEnumerateClass)changeLog[c.PatternMemberID]).Category == RDFSemanticsEnums.RDFOntologyEnumerateClassCategory.ResourceEnumeration && enMemb.IsObjectFact()) || (((RDFOntologyEnumerateClass)changeLog[c.PatternMemberID]).Category == RDFSemanticsEnums.RDFOntologyEnumerateClassCategory.LiteralEnumeration && enMemb.IsLiteralFact())) { ((RDFOntologyEnumerateClass)changeLog[c.PatternMemberID]).AddEnumerateMember(enMemb); } } } else { throw new RDFSemanticsException("Cannot load enumerate class '" + c.Value + "' from graph, because its enumerate fact member '" + first.Object + "' has not been found in the ontology data."); } #region rdf:rest var rest = ontGraph.SelectTriplesBySubject(itemRest) .SelectTriplesByPredicate(RDFVocabulary.RDF.REST) .FirstOrDefault(); if (rest != null) { if (rest.Object.Equals(RDFVocabulary.RDF.NIL)) { nilFound = true; } else { itemRest = (RDFResource)rest.Object; } } #endregion } #endregion } } #endregion } foreach (var cl in changeLog) { ontology.Model.ClassModel.Classes[cl.Key] = cl.Value; } }
/// <summary> /// Loads the restrictions from the given graph into the given ontology /// </summary> internal static void LoadRestrictions(RDFGraph ontGraph, RDFOntology ontology, RDFGraph rdfType) { foreach (var t in rdfType.SelectTriplesByObject(RDFVocabulary.OWL.RESTRICTION)) { #region onProperty var p = ontGraph.SelectTriplesBySubject((RDFResource)t.Subject) .SelectTriplesByPredicate(RDFVocabulary.OWL.ON_PROPERTY) .FirstOrDefault(); if (p != null) { var onProp = ontology.Model.PropertyModel.SelectProperty(p.Object.ToString()); if (onProp != null) { var ontRestr = new RDFOntologyRestriction(onProp); ontRestr.Value = t.Subject; ontRestr.PatternMemberID = t.Subject.PatternMemberID; ontology.Model.ClassModel.AddRestriction(ontRestr); } else { throw new RDFSemanticsException("Cannot load restriction '" + t.Subject + "' from graph, because its applied property '" + p.Object + "' has not been found in the ontology model."); } } #endregion } }
/// <summary> /// Loads the composite classes from the given graph into the given ontology /// </summary> internal static void LoadComposites(RDFGraph ontGraph, RDFOntology ontology) { var changeLog = new Dictionary<Int64, RDFOntologyClass>(); foreach (var c in ontology.Model.ClassModel) { #region Union var unOf = ontGraph.SelectTriplesBySubject((RDFResource)c.Value) .SelectTriplesByPredicate(RDFVocabulary.OWL.UNION_OF) .FirstOrDefault(); if(unOf != null) { if (unOf.TripleFlavor == RDFModelEnums.RDFTripleFlavors.SPO) { var nilFound = false; var itemRest = (RDFResource)unOf.Object; while (!nilFound) { #region rdf:first var first = ontGraph.SelectTriplesBySubject(itemRest) .SelectTriplesByPredicate(RDFVocabulary.RDF.FIRST) .FirstOrDefault(); if( first != null) { var compClass = ontology.Model.ClassModel.SelectClass(first.Object.ToString()); if (compClass != null) { if (!changeLog.ContainsKey(c.PatternMemberID)) { var ontUClass = new RDFOntologyUnionClass(); ontUClass.Value = c.Value; ontUClass.PatternMemberID = c.PatternMemberID; ontUClass.AddCompositingClass(compClass); changeLog.Add(c.PatternMemberID, ontUClass); } else { ((RDFOntologyUnionClass)changeLog[c.PatternMemberID]).AddCompositingClass(compClass); } } else { throw new RDFSemanticsException("Cannot load union class from graph, because its compositing class '" + first.Object +"' has not been found in the ontology model."); } #region rdf:rest var rest = ontGraph.SelectTriplesBySubject(itemRest) .SelectTriplesByPredicate(RDFVocabulary.RDF.REST) .FirstOrDefault(); if(rest != null) { if (rest.Object.Equals(RDFVocabulary.RDF.NIL)) { nilFound = true; } else { itemRest = (RDFResource)rest.Object; } } #endregion } #endregion } } } #endregion #region Intersection var inOf = ontGraph.SelectTriplesBySubject((RDFResource)c.Value) .SelectTriplesByPredicate(RDFVocabulary.OWL.INTERSECTION_OF) .FirstOrDefault(); if (inOf != null) { if (inOf.TripleFlavor == RDFModelEnums.RDFTripleFlavors.SPO) { var nilFound = false; var itemRest = (RDFResource)inOf.Object; while (!nilFound) { #region rdf:first var first = ontGraph.SelectTriplesBySubject(itemRest) .SelectTriplesByPredicate(RDFVocabulary.RDF.FIRST) .FirstOrDefault(); if (first != null) { var compClass = ontology.Model.ClassModel.SelectClass(first.Object.ToString()); if (compClass != null) { if (!changeLog.ContainsKey(c.PatternMemberID)) { var ontIClass = new RDFOntologyIntersectionClass(); ontIClass.Value = c.Value; ontIClass.PatternMemberID = c.PatternMemberID; ontIClass.AddCompositingClass(compClass); changeLog.Add(c.PatternMemberID, ontIClass); } else { ((RDFOntologyIntersectionClass)changeLog[c.PatternMemberID]).AddCompositingClass(compClass); } } else { throw new RDFSemanticsException("Cannot load intersection class from graph, because its compositing class '" + first.Object + "' has not been found in the ontology model."); } #region rdf:rest var rest = ontGraph.SelectTriplesBySubject(itemRest) .SelectTriplesByPredicate(RDFVocabulary.RDF.REST) .FirstOrDefault(); if (rest != null) { if (rest.Object.Equals(RDFVocabulary.RDF.NIL)) { nilFound = true; } else { itemRest = (RDFResource)rest.Object; } } #endregion } #endregion } } } #endregion #region Complement var cmOf = ontGraph.SelectTriplesBySubject((RDFResource)c.Value) .SelectTriplesByPredicate(RDFVocabulary.OWL.COMPLEMENT_OF) .FirstOrDefault(); if (cmOf != null) { if (cmOf.TripleFlavor == RDFModelEnums.RDFTripleFlavors.SPO) { var compClass = ontology.Model.ClassModel.SelectClass(cmOf.Object.ToString()); if (compClass != null) { if (!changeLog.ContainsKey(c.PatternMemberID)) { var ontCClass = new RDFOntologyComplementClass(compClass); ontCClass.Value = c.Value; ontCClass.PatternMemberID = c.PatternMemberID; changeLog.Add(c.PatternMemberID, ontCClass); } } else { throw new RDFSemanticsException("Cannot load complement class from graph, because its complemented class '" + cmOf.Object + "' has not been found in the ontology model."); } } } #endregion } foreach (var cl in changeLog) { ontology.Model.ClassModel.Classes[cl.Key] = cl.Value; } }
/// <summary> /// Loads the property taxonomies from the given graph into the given ontology /// </summary> internal static void LoadPropertyTaxonomies(RDFGraph ontGraph, RDFOntology ontology) { foreach (var p in ontology.Model.PropertyModel) { #region Hierarchy foreach (var t in ontGraph.SelectTriplesBySubject((RDFResource)p.Value) .SelectTriplesByPredicate(RDFVocabulary.RDFS.SUB_PROPERTY_OF)) { //Check conditions to accept the property var superProp = ontology.Model.PropertyModel.SelectProperty(t.Object.ToString()); if (superProp != null) { p.AddSuperProperty(superProp); } else { throw new RDFSemanticsException("Cannot load taxonomy of property '" + p.Value + "', because its super property '" + t.Object + "' has not been found in the ontology model."); } } #endregion #region Equivalence foreach (var t in ontGraph.SelectTriplesBySubject((RDFResource)p.Value) .SelectTriplesByPredicate(RDFVocabulary.OWL.EQUIVALENT_PROPERTY)) { //Check conditions to accept the property var equivProp = ontology.Model.PropertyModel.SelectProperty(t.Object.ToString()); if (equivProp != null) { p.AddEquivalentProperty(equivProp); } else { throw new RDFSemanticsException("Cannot load taxonomy of property '" + p.Value + "', because its equivalent property '" + t.Object + "' has not been found in the ontology model."); } } #endregion #region Inverse if (p.IsObjectProperty()) { foreach (var t in ontGraph.SelectTriplesBySubject((RDFResource)p.Value) .SelectTriplesByPredicate(RDFVocabulary.OWL.INVERSE_OF)) { //Check conditions to accept the property var invProp = ontology.Model.PropertyModel.SelectProperty(t.Object.ToString()); if (invProp != null) { if (invProp.IsObjectProperty()) { ((RDFOntologyObjectProperty)p).AddInverseProperty((RDFOntologyObjectProperty)invProp); } else { throw new RDFSemanticsException("Cannot load taxonomy of property '" + p.Value + "', because its inverse property '" + t.Object + "' is not an object property."); } } else { throw new RDFSemanticsException("Cannot load taxonomy of property '" + p.Value + "', because its inverse property '" + t.Object + "' has not been found in the ontology model."); } } } #endregion } }
internal static void LoadOntology(RDFGraph ontGraph, RDFOntology ontology, RDFGraph rdfType, RDFGraph owlVersInfo, RDFGraph rdfsComment, RDFGraph rdfsLabel, RDFGraph rdfsSeeAlso, RDFGraph rdfsIsDefBy, RDFGraph customAnnot) { var o = rdfType.SelectTriplesByObject(RDFVocabulary.OWL.ONTOLOGY) .FirstOrDefault(); if (o != null) { ontology.Value = o.Subject; ontology.PatternMemberID = o.Subject.PatternMemberID; #region Annotations #region VersionInfo foreach (var t in owlVersInfo.SelectTriplesBySubject((RDFResource)ontology.Value)) { if (t.TripleFlavor == RDFModelEnums.RDFTripleFlavors.SPL) { var fact = ontology.Data.SelectFact(t.Object.ToString()); //If the literal fact is not found in the ontology data, update the ontology data if (fact == null) { fact = new RDFOntologyFact((RDFLiteral)t.Object); ontology.Data.AddFact(fact); } ontology.AddVersionInfo(fact); } } #endregion #region Comment foreach (var t in rdfsComment.SelectTriplesBySubject((RDFResource)ontology.Value)) { if (t.TripleFlavor == RDFModelEnums.RDFTripleFlavors.SPL) { var fact = ontology.Data.SelectFact(t.Object.ToString()); //If the literal fact is not found in the ontology data, update the ontology data if (fact == null) { fact = new RDFOntologyFact((RDFLiteral)t.Object); ontology.Data.AddFact(fact); } ontology.AddComment(fact); } } #endregion #region Label foreach (var t in rdfsLabel.SelectTriplesBySubject((RDFResource)ontology.Value)) { if (t.TripleFlavor == RDFModelEnums.RDFTripleFlavors.SPL) { var fact = ontology.Data.SelectFact(t.Object.ToString()); //If the literal fact is not found in the ontology data, update the ontology data if (fact == null) { fact = new RDFOntologyFact((RDFLiteral)t.Object); ontology.Data.AddFact(fact); } ontology.AddLabel(fact); } } #endregion #region SeeAlso foreach (var t in rdfsSeeAlso.SelectTriplesBySubject((RDFResource)ontology.Value)) { if (t.TripleFlavor == RDFModelEnums.RDFTripleFlavors.SPO) { var fact = ontology.Data.SelectFact(t.Object.ToString()); //If the resource fact is not found in the ontology data, update the ontology data if (fact == null) { fact = new RDFOntologyFact((RDFResource)t.Object); ontology.Data.AddFact(fact); } ontology.AddSeeAlso(fact); } } #endregion #region IsDefinedBy foreach (var t in rdfsIsDefBy.SelectTriplesBySubject((RDFResource)ontology.Value)) { if (t.TripleFlavor == RDFModelEnums.RDFTripleFlavors.SPO) { var fact = ontology.Data.SelectFact(t.Object.ToString()); //If the resource fact is not found in the ontology data, update the ontology data if (fact == null) { fact = new RDFOntologyFact((RDFResource)t.Object); ontology.Data.AddFact(fact); } ontology.AddIsDefinedBy(fact); } } #endregion #region Custom Annotations foreach (var ap in customAnnot) { var annotationProp = (RDFOntologyAnnotationProperty)ontology.Model.PropertyModel.SelectProperty(ap.Subject.ToString()); foreach (var t in ontGraph.SelectTriplesBySubject((RDFResource)ontology.Value) .SelectTriplesByPredicate((RDFResource)annotationProp.Value)) { var fact = ontology.Data.SelectFact(t.Object.ToString()); //If the resource fact is not found in the ontology data, update the ontology data if (fact == null) { if (t.TripleFlavor == RDFModelEnums.RDFTripleFlavors.SPO) { fact = new RDFOntologyFact((RDFResource)t.Object); } else { fact = new RDFOntologyFact((RDFLiteral)t.Object); } ontology.Data.AddFact(fact); } ontology.AddCustomAnnotation(annotationProp, fact); } } #endregion #endregion #region Versioning #region Imports foreach (var t in ontGraph.SelectTriplesByPredicate(RDFVocabulary.OWL.IMPORTS) .SelectTriplesBySubject((RDFResource)ontology.Value)) { if (t.TripleFlavor == RDFModelEnums.RDFTripleFlavors.SPO) { var fact = ontology.Data.SelectFact(t.Object.ToString()); //If the object fact is not found in the ontology data, update the ontology data if (fact == null) { fact = new RDFOntologyFact((RDFResource)t.Object); ontology.Data.AddFact(fact); } ontology.ImportOntology(new RDFOntology((RDFResource)fact.Value, false)); } } #endregion #region BackwardCompatibleWith foreach (var t in ontGraph.SelectTriplesByPredicate(RDFVocabulary.OWL.BACKWARD_COMPATIBLE_WITH) .SelectTriplesBySubject((RDFResource)ontology.Value)) { if (t.TripleFlavor == RDFModelEnums.RDFTripleFlavors.SPO) { var fact = ontology.Data.SelectFact(t.Object.ToString()); //If the object fact is not found in the ontology data, update the ontology data if (fact == null) { fact = new RDFOntologyFact((RDFResource)t.Object); ontology.Data.AddFact(fact); } ontology.AddBackwardCompatibleWith(fact); } } #endregion #region IncompatibleWith foreach (var t in ontGraph.SelectTriplesByPredicate(RDFVocabulary.OWL.INCOMPATIBLE_WITH) .SelectTriplesBySubject((RDFResource)ontology.Value)) { if (t.TripleFlavor == RDFModelEnums.RDFTripleFlavors.SPO) { var fact = ontology.Data.SelectFact(t.Object.ToString()); //If the object fact is not found in the ontology data, update the ontology data if (fact == null) { fact = new RDFOntologyFact((RDFResource)t.Object); ontology.Data.AddFact(fact); } ontology.AddIncompatibleWith(fact); } } #endregion #region PriorVersion foreach (var t in ontGraph.SelectTriplesByPredicate(RDFVocabulary.OWL.PRIOR_VERSION) .SelectTriplesBySubject((RDFResource)ontology.Value)) { if (t.TripleFlavor == RDFModelEnums.RDFTripleFlavors.SPO) { var fact = ontology.Data.SelectFact(t.Object.ToString()); //If the object fact is not found in the ontology data, update the ontology data if (fact == null) { fact = new RDFOntologyFact((RDFResource)t.Object); ontology.Data.AddFact(fact); } ontology.AddPriorVersion(fact); } } #endregion #endregion } }
/// <summary> /// Loads the object properties from the given graph into the given ontology /// </summary> internal static void LoadObjectProperties(RDFGraph ontGraph, RDFOntology ontology, RDFGraph rdfType) { #region Explicit ObjectProperty foreach (var t in rdfType.SelectTriplesByObject(RDFVocabulary.OWL.OBJECT_PROPERTY)) { var objProp = new RDFOntologyObjectProperty((RDFResource)t.Subject); ontology.Model.PropertyModel.AddProperty(objProp); #region FunctionalProperty var fp = rdfType.SelectTriplesBySubject((RDFResource)objProp.Value) .SelectTriplesByObject(RDFVocabulary.OWL.FUNCTIONAL_PROPERTY) .FirstOrDefault(); if (fp != null) { objProp.SetFunctional(); } #endregion #region InverseFunctionalProperty var ifp = rdfType.SelectTriplesBySubject((RDFResource)objProp.Value) .SelectTriplesByObject(RDFVocabulary.OWL.INVERSE_FUNCTIONAL_PROPERTY) .FirstOrDefault(); if (ifp != null) { objProp.SetInverseFunctional(); } #endregion #region SymmetricProperty var sp = rdfType.SelectTriplesBySubject((RDFResource)objProp.Value) .SelectTriplesByObject(RDFVocabulary.OWL.SYMMETRIC_PROPERTY) .FirstOrDefault(); if (sp != null) { objProp.SetSymmetric(); } #endregion #region TransitiveProperty var tp = rdfType.SelectTriplesBySubject((RDFResource)objProp.Value) .SelectTriplesByObject(RDFVocabulary.OWL.TRANSITIVE_PROPERTY) .FirstOrDefault(); if (tp != null) { objProp.SetTransitive(); } #endregion } #endregion #region Implicit ObjectProperty #region InverseFunctionalProperty foreach (var t in rdfType.SelectTriplesByObject(RDFVocabulary.OWL.INVERSE_FUNCTIONAL_PROPERTY)) { var ivfProp = ontology.Model.PropertyModel.SelectProperty(t.Subject.ToString()); if(ivfProp == null) { ivfProp = new RDFOntologyObjectProperty((RDFResource)t.Subject); ontology.Model.PropertyModel.AddProperty(ivfProp); #region FunctionalProperty var fp = rdfType.SelectTriplesBySubject((RDFResource)ivfProp.Value) .SelectTriplesByObject(RDFVocabulary.OWL.FUNCTIONAL_PROPERTY) .FirstOrDefault(); if (fp != null) { ivfProp.SetFunctional(); } #endregion } ((RDFOntologyObjectProperty)ivfProp).SetInverseFunctional(); } #endregion #region SymmetricProperty foreach (var t in rdfType.SelectTriplesByObject(RDFVocabulary.OWL.SYMMETRIC_PROPERTY)) { var symProp = ontology.Model.PropertyModel.SelectProperty(t.Subject.ToString()); if (symProp == null) { symProp = new RDFOntologyObjectProperty((RDFResource)t.Subject); ontology.Model.PropertyModel.AddProperty(symProp); #region FunctionalProperty var fp = rdfType.SelectTriplesBySubject((RDFResource)symProp.Value) .SelectTriplesByObject(RDFVocabulary.OWL.FUNCTIONAL_PROPERTY) .FirstOrDefault(); if (fp != null) { symProp.SetFunctional(); } #endregion } ((RDFOntologyObjectProperty)symProp).SetSymmetric(); } #endregion #region TransitiveProperty foreach (var t in rdfType.SelectTriplesByObject(RDFVocabulary.OWL.TRANSITIVE_PROPERTY)) { var trnProp = ontology.Model.PropertyModel.SelectProperty(t.Subject.ToString()); if (trnProp == null) { trnProp = new RDFOntologyObjectProperty((RDFResource)t.Subject); ontology.Model.PropertyModel.AddProperty(trnProp); #region FunctionalProperty var fp = rdfType.SelectTriplesBySubject((RDFResource)trnProp.Value) .SelectTriplesByObject(RDFVocabulary.OWL.FUNCTIONAL_PROPERTY) .FirstOrDefault(); if (fp != null) { trnProp.SetFunctional(); } #endregion } ((RDFOntologyObjectProperty)trnProp).SetTransitive(); } #endregion #endregion }
/// <summary> /// Loads the datatype properties from the given graph into the given ontology /// </summary> internal static void LoadDatatypeProperties(RDFGraph ontGraph, RDFOntology ontology, RDFGraph rdfType) { foreach (var t in rdfType.SelectTriplesByObject(RDFVocabulary.OWL.DATATYPE_PROPERTY)) { var dtProp = new RDFOntologyDatatypeProperty((RDFResource)t.Subject); ontology.Model.PropertyModel.AddProperty(dtProp); #region FunctionalProperty var fp = rdfType.SelectTriplesBySubject((RDFResource)dtProp.Value) .SelectTriplesByObject(RDFVocabulary.OWL.FUNCTIONAL_PROPERTY) .FirstOrDefault(); if (fp != null) { dtProp.SetFunctional(); } #endregion } }
/// <summary> /// Loads the annotations from the given graph into the given ontology /// </summary> internal static void LoadAnnotations(RDFGraph ontGraph, RDFOntology ontology, RDFGraph rdfType, RDFGraph owlVersInfo, RDFGraph rdfsComment, RDFGraph rdfsLabel, RDFGraph rdfsSeeAlso, RDFGraph rdfsIsDefBy, RDFGraph customAnnot) { #region Classes foreach (var c in ontology.Model.ClassModel) { #region VersionInfo foreach (var t in owlVersInfo.SelectTriplesBySubject((RDFResource)c.Value)) { if (t.TripleFlavor == RDFModelEnums.RDFTripleFlavors.SPL) { var fact = ontology.Data.SelectFact(t.Object.ToString()); //If the literal fact is not found in the ontology data, update the ontology data if (fact == null) { fact = new RDFOntologyFact((RDFLiteral)t.Object); ontology.Data.AddFact(fact); } c.AddVersionInfo(fact); } } #endregion #region Comment foreach (var t in rdfsComment.SelectTriplesBySubject((RDFResource)c.Value)) { if (t.TripleFlavor == RDFModelEnums.RDFTripleFlavors.SPL) { var fact = ontology.Data.SelectFact(t.Object.ToString()); //If the literal fact is not found in the ontology data, update the ontology data if (fact == null) { fact = new RDFOntologyFact((RDFLiteral)t.Object); ontology.Data.AddFact(fact); } c.AddComment(fact); } } #endregion #region Label foreach (var t in rdfsLabel.SelectTriplesBySubject((RDFResource)c.Value)) { if (t.TripleFlavor == RDFModelEnums.RDFTripleFlavors.SPL) { var fact = ontology.Data.SelectFact(t.Object.ToString()); //If the literal fact is not found in the ontology data, update the ontology data if (fact == null) { fact = new RDFOntologyFact((RDFLiteral)t.Object); ontology.Data.AddFact(fact); } c.AddLabel(fact); } } #endregion #region SeeAlso foreach (var t in rdfsSeeAlso.SelectTriplesBySubject((RDFResource)c.Value)) { if (t.TripleFlavor == RDFModelEnums.RDFTripleFlavors.SPO) { var fact = ontology.Data.SelectFact(t.Object.ToString()); //If the resource fact is not found in the ontology data, update the ontology data if (fact == null) { fact = new RDFOntologyFact((RDFResource)t.Object); ontology.Data.AddFact(fact); } c.AddSeeAlso(fact); } } #endregion #region IsDefinedBy foreach (var t in rdfsIsDefBy.SelectTriplesBySubject((RDFResource)c.Value)) { if (t.TripleFlavor == RDFModelEnums.RDFTripleFlavors.SPO) { var fact = ontology.Data.SelectFact(t.Object.ToString()); //If the resource fact is not found in the ontology data, update the ontology data if (fact == null) { fact = new RDFOntologyFact((RDFResource)t.Object); ontology.Data.AddFact(fact); } c.AddIsDefinedBy(fact); } } #endregion #region Custom Annotations foreach (var ap in customAnnot) { var annotationProp = (RDFOntologyAnnotationProperty)ontology.Model.PropertyModel.SelectProperty(ap.Subject.ToString()); foreach (var t in ontGraph.SelectTriplesBySubject((RDFResource)c.Value) .SelectTriplesByPredicate((RDFResource)annotationProp.Value)) { var fact = ontology.Data.SelectFact(t.Object.ToString()); //If the resource fact is not found in the ontology data, update the ontology data if (fact == null) { if (t.TripleFlavor == RDFModelEnums.RDFTripleFlavors.SPO) { fact = new RDFOntologyFact((RDFResource)t.Object); } else { fact = new RDFOntologyFact((RDFLiteral)t.Object); } ontology.Data.AddFact(fact); } c.AddCustomAnnotation(annotationProp, fact); } } #endregion } #endregion #region Properties foreach (var p in ontology.Model.PropertyModel) { #region VersionInfo foreach (var t in owlVersInfo.SelectTriplesBySubject((RDFResource)p.Value)) { if (t.TripleFlavor == RDFModelEnums.RDFTripleFlavors.SPL) { var fact = ontology.Data.SelectFact(t.Object.ToString()); //If the literal fact is not found in the ontology data, update the ontology data if (fact == null) { fact = new RDFOntologyFact((RDFLiteral)t.Object); ontology.Data.AddFact(fact); } p.AddVersionInfo(fact); } } #endregion #region Comment foreach (var t in rdfsComment.SelectTriplesBySubject((RDFResource)p.Value)) { if (t.TripleFlavor == RDFModelEnums.RDFTripleFlavors.SPL) { var fact = ontology.Data.SelectFact(t.Object.ToString()); //If the literal fact is not found in the ontology data, update the ontology data if (fact == null) { fact = new RDFOntologyFact((RDFLiteral)t.Object); ontology.Data.AddFact(fact); } p.AddComment(fact); } } #endregion #region Label foreach (var t in rdfsLabel.SelectTriplesBySubject((RDFResource)p.Value)) { if (t.TripleFlavor == RDFModelEnums.RDFTripleFlavors.SPL) { var fact = ontology.Data.SelectFact(t.Object.ToString()); //If the literal fact is not found in the ontology data, update the ontology data if (fact == null) { fact = new RDFOntologyFact((RDFLiteral)t.Object); ontology.Data.AddFact(fact); } p.AddLabel(fact); } } #endregion #region SeeAlso foreach (var t in rdfsSeeAlso.SelectTriplesBySubject((RDFResource)p.Value)) { if (t.TripleFlavor == RDFModelEnums.RDFTripleFlavors.SPO) { var fact = ontology.Data.SelectFact(t.Object.ToString()); //If the resource fact is not found in the ontology data, update the ontology data if (fact == null) { fact = new RDFOntologyFact((RDFResource)t.Object); ontology.Data.AddFact(fact); } p.AddSeeAlso(fact); } } #endregion #region IsDefinedBy foreach (var t in rdfsIsDefBy.SelectTriplesBySubject((RDFResource)p.Value)) { if (t.TripleFlavor == RDFModelEnums.RDFTripleFlavors.SPO) { var fact = ontology.Data.SelectFact(t.Object.ToString()); //If the resource fact is not found in the ontology data, update the ontology data if (fact == null) { fact = new RDFOntologyFact((RDFResource)t.Object); ontology.Data.AddFact(fact); } p.AddIsDefinedBy(fact); } } #endregion #region Custom Annotations foreach (var ap in customAnnot) { var annotationProp = (RDFOntologyAnnotationProperty)ontology.Model.PropertyModel.SelectProperty(ap.Subject.ToString()); foreach (var t in ontGraph.SelectTriplesBySubject((RDFResource)p.Value) .SelectTriplesByPredicate((RDFResource)annotationProp.Value)) { var fact = ontology.Data.SelectFact(t.Object.ToString()); //If the resource fact is not found in the ontology data, update the ontology data if (fact == null) { if (t.TripleFlavor == RDFModelEnums.RDFTripleFlavors.SPO) { fact = new RDFOntologyFact((RDFResource)t.Object); } else { fact = new RDFOntologyFact((RDFLiteral)t.Object); } ontology.Data.AddFact(fact); } p.AddCustomAnnotation(annotationProp, fact); } } #endregion } #endregion #region Facts var changeLog = new Dictionary<Int64, RDFOntologyFact>(); foreach (var f in ontology.Data) { if (f.IsObjectFact()) { #region VersionInfo foreach (var t in owlVersInfo.SelectTriplesBySubject((RDFResource)f.Value)) { if (t.TripleFlavor == RDFModelEnums.RDFTripleFlavors.SPL) { var fact = ontology.Data.SelectFact(t.Object.ToString()); //If the literal fact is not found in the ontology data, update the ontology data if (fact == null) { fact = new RDFOntologyFact((RDFLiteral)t.Object); if (!changeLog.ContainsKey(fact.PatternMemberID)) { changeLog.Add(fact.PatternMemberID, fact); } } f.AddVersionInfo(fact); } } #endregion #region Comment foreach (var t in rdfsComment.SelectTriplesBySubject((RDFResource)f.Value)) { if (t.TripleFlavor == RDFModelEnums.RDFTripleFlavors.SPL) { var fact = ontology.Data.SelectFact(t.Object.ToString()); //If the literal fact is not found in the ontology data, update the ontology data if (fact == null) { fact = new RDFOntologyFact((RDFLiteral)t.Object); if (!changeLog.ContainsKey(fact.PatternMemberID)) { changeLog.Add(fact.PatternMemberID, fact); } } f.AddComment(fact); } } #endregion #region Label foreach (var t in rdfsLabel.SelectTriplesBySubject((RDFResource)f.Value)) { if (t.TripleFlavor == RDFModelEnums.RDFTripleFlavors.SPL) { var fact = ontology.Data.SelectFact(t.Object.ToString()); //If the literal fact is not found in the ontology data, update the ontology data if (fact == null) { fact = new RDFOntologyFact((RDFLiteral)t.Object); if (!changeLog.ContainsKey(fact.PatternMemberID)) { changeLog.Add(fact.PatternMemberID, fact); } } f.AddLabel(fact); } } #endregion #region SeeAlso foreach (var t in rdfsSeeAlso.SelectTriplesBySubject((RDFResource)f.Value)) { if (t.TripleFlavor == RDFModelEnums.RDFTripleFlavors.SPO) { var fact = ontology.Data.SelectFact(t.Object.ToString()); //If the resource fact is not found in the ontology data, update the ontology data if (fact == null) { fact = new RDFOntologyFact((RDFResource)t.Object); if (!changeLog.ContainsKey(fact.PatternMemberID)) { changeLog.Add(fact.PatternMemberID, fact); } } f.AddSeeAlso(fact); } } #endregion #region IsDefinedBy foreach (var t in rdfsIsDefBy.SelectTriplesBySubject((RDFResource)f.Value)) { if (t.TripleFlavor == RDFModelEnums.RDFTripleFlavors.SPO) { var fact = ontology.Data.SelectFact(t.Object.ToString()); //If the resource fact is not found in the ontology data, update the ontology data if (fact == null) { fact = new RDFOntologyFact((RDFResource)t.Object); if (!changeLog.ContainsKey(fact.PatternMemberID)) { changeLog.Add(fact.PatternMemberID, fact); } } f.AddIsDefinedBy(fact); } } #endregion #region Custom Annotations foreach (var ap in customAnnot) { var annotationProp = (RDFOntologyAnnotationProperty)ontology.Model.PropertyModel.SelectProperty(ap.Subject.ToString()); foreach (var t in ontGraph.SelectTriplesBySubject((RDFResource)f.Value) .SelectTriplesByPredicate((RDFResource)annotationProp.Value)) { var fact = ontology.Data.SelectFact(t.Object.ToString()); //If the resource fact is not found in the ontology data, update the ontology data if (fact == null) { if (t.TripleFlavor == RDFModelEnums.RDFTripleFlavors.SPO) { fact = new RDFOntologyFact((RDFResource)t.Object); } else { fact = new RDFOntologyFact((RDFLiteral)t.Object); } if (!changeLog.ContainsKey(fact.PatternMemberID)) { changeLog.Add(fact.PatternMemberID, fact); } } f.AddCustomAnnotation(annotationProp, fact); } } #endregion } } foreach (var cl in changeLog) { ontology.Data.AddFact(cl.Value); } #endregion }
/// <summary> /// Loads the "rdfs:domain" and "rdfs:range" informations from the given graph into the given ontology /// </summary> internal static void LoadPropertyDomainRange(RDFGraph ontGraph, RDFOntology ontology) { foreach (var p in ontology.Model.PropertyModel) { #region Domain var d = ontGraph.SelectTriplesBySubject((RDFResource)p.Value) .SelectTriplesByPredicate(RDFVocabulary.RDFS.DOMAIN) .FirstOrDefault(); if (d != null) { var domainClass = ontology.Model.ClassModel.SelectClass(d.Object.ToString()); if (domainClass != null) { p.SetDomain(domainClass); } else { throw new RDFSemanticsException("Cannot load domain class '" + d.Object + "' of property '" + p.Value + "', because it has not been found in the ontology model."); } } #endregion #region Range var r = ontGraph.SelectTriplesBySubject((RDFResource)p.Value) .SelectTriplesByPredicate(RDFVocabulary.RDFS.RANGE) .FirstOrDefault(); if (r != null) { var rangeClass = ontology.Model.ClassModel.SelectClass(r.Object.ToString()); if (rangeClass != null) { p.SetRange(rangeClass); } else { throw new RDFSemanticsException("Cannot load range class '" + r.Object + "' of property '" + p.Value + "', because it has not been found in the ontology model."); } } #endregion } }
/// <summary> /// Gets an ontology representation of the given graph /// </summary> internal static RDFOntology FromRDFGraph(RDFGraph ontGraph) { RDFOntology ontology = null; if (ontGraph != null) { ontology = new RDFOntology(new RDFResource(ontGraph.Context)); #region Prefetch var versionInfo = ontGraph.SelectTriplesByPredicate(RDFVocabulary.OWL.VERSION_INFO); var comment = ontGraph.SelectTriplesByPredicate(RDFVocabulary.RDFS.COMMENT); var label = ontGraph.SelectTriplesByPredicate(RDFVocabulary.RDFS.LABEL); var seeAlso = ontGraph.SelectTriplesByPredicate(RDFVocabulary.RDFS.SEE_ALSO); var isDefinedBy = ontGraph.SelectTriplesByPredicate(RDFVocabulary.RDFS.IS_DEFINED_BY); var imports = ontGraph.SelectTriplesByPredicate(RDFVocabulary.OWL.IMPORTS); var bcwcompWith = ontGraph.SelectTriplesByPredicate(RDFVocabulary.OWL.BACKWARD_COMPATIBLE_WITH); var incompWith = ontGraph.SelectTriplesByPredicate(RDFVocabulary.OWL.INCOMPATIBLE_WITH); var priorVersion = ontGraph.SelectTriplesByPredicate(RDFVocabulary.OWL.PRIOR_VERSION); var rdfType = ontGraph.SelectTriplesByPredicate(RDFVocabulary.RDF.TYPE); var subclassOf = ontGraph.SelectTriplesByPredicate(RDFVocabulary.RDFS.SUB_CLASS_OF); var subpropOf = ontGraph.SelectTriplesByPredicate(RDFVocabulary.RDFS.SUB_PROPERTY_OF); var equivclassOf = ontGraph.SelectTriplesByPredicate(RDFVocabulary.OWL.EQUIVALENT_CLASS); var equivpropOf = ontGraph.SelectTriplesByPredicate(RDFVocabulary.OWL.EQUIVALENT_PROPERTY); var disjclassWith = ontGraph.SelectTriplesByPredicate(RDFVocabulary.OWL.DISJOINT_WITH); var domain = ontGraph.SelectTriplesByPredicate(RDFVocabulary.RDFS.DOMAIN); var range = ontGraph.SelectTriplesByPredicate(RDFVocabulary.RDFS.RANGE); var onProperty = ontGraph.SelectTriplesByPredicate(RDFVocabulary.OWL.ON_PROPERTY); var oneOf = ontGraph.SelectTriplesByPredicate(RDFVocabulary.OWL.ONE_OF); var unionOf = ontGraph.SelectTriplesByPredicate(RDFVocabulary.OWL.UNION_OF); var intersectionOf= ontGraph.SelectTriplesByPredicate(RDFVocabulary.OWL.INTERSECTION_OF); var complementOf = ontGraph.SelectTriplesByPredicate(RDFVocabulary.OWL.COMPLEMENT_OF); var inverseOf = ontGraph.SelectTriplesByPredicate(RDFVocabulary.OWL.INVERSE_OF); var allvaluesFrom = ontGraph.SelectTriplesByPredicate(RDFVocabulary.OWL.ALL_VALUES_FROM); var somevaluesFrom= ontGraph.SelectTriplesByPredicate(RDFVocabulary.OWL.SOME_VALUES_FROM); var hasvalue = ontGraph.SelectTriplesByPredicate(RDFVocabulary.OWL.HAS_VALUE); var cardinality = ontGraph.SelectTriplesByPredicate(RDFVocabulary.OWL.CARDINALITY); var mincardinality= ontGraph.SelectTriplesByPredicate(RDFVocabulary.OWL.MIN_CARDINALITY); var maxcardinality= ontGraph.SelectTriplesByPredicate(RDFVocabulary.OWL.MAX_CARDINALITY); var sameAs = ontGraph.SelectTriplesByPredicate(RDFVocabulary.OWL.SAME_AS); var differentFrom = ontGraph.SelectTriplesByPredicate(RDFVocabulary.OWL.DIFFERENT_FROM); #endregion #region Load #region Ontology if (!rdfType.ContainsTriple(new RDFTriple((RDFResource)ontology.Value, RDFVocabulary.RDF.TYPE, RDFVocabulary.OWL.ONTOLOGY))) { var ont = rdfType.SelectTriplesByObject(RDFVocabulary.OWL.ONTOLOGY).FirstOrDefault(); if (ont != null) { ontology.Value = ont.Subject; ontology.PatternMemberID = ontology.Value.PatternMemberID; } } #endregion #region OntologyModel #region PropertyModel #region AnnotationProperty foreach (var ap in rdfType.SelectTriplesByObject(RDFVocabulary.OWL.ANNOTATION_PROPERTY)) { ontology.Model.PropertyModel.AddProperty(new RDFOntologyAnnotationProperty((RDFResource)ap.Subject)); } #endregion #region DatatypeProperty foreach (var dp in rdfType.SelectTriplesByObject(RDFVocabulary.OWL.DATATYPE_PROPERTY)) { var dtp = new RDFOntologyDatatypeProperty((RDFResource)dp.Subject); ontology.Model.PropertyModel.AddProperty(dtp); #region DeprecatedProperty if (ontGraph.ContainsTriple(new RDFTriple((RDFResource)dtp.Value, RDFVocabulary.RDF.TYPE, RDFVocabulary.OWL.DEPRECATED_PROPERTY))) { dtp.SetDeprecated(true); } #endregion #region FunctionalProperty if (ontGraph.ContainsTriple(new RDFTriple((RDFResource)dtp.Value, RDFVocabulary.RDF.TYPE, RDFVocabulary.OWL.FUNCTIONAL_PROPERTY))) { dtp.SetFunctional(true); } #endregion } #endregion #region ObjectProperty foreach (var op in rdfType.SelectTriplesByObject(RDFVocabulary.OWL.OBJECT_PROPERTY)) { var obp = new RDFOntologyObjectProperty((RDFResource)op.Subject); ontology.Model.PropertyModel.AddProperty(obp); #region DeprecatedProperty if (ontGraph.ContainsTriple(new RDFTriple((RDFResource)obp.Value, RDFVocabulary.RDF.TYPE, RDFVocabulary.OWL.DEPRECATED_PROPERTY))) { obp.SetDeprecated(true); } #endregion #region FunctionalProperty if (ontGraph.ContainsTriple(new RDFTriple((RDFResource)obp.Value, RDFVocabulary.RDF.TYPE, RDFVocabulary.OWL.FUNCTIONAL_PROPERTY))) { obp.SetFunctional(true); } #endregion #region SymmetricProperty if (ontGraph.ContainsTriple(new RDFTriple((RDFResource)obp.Value, RDFVocabulary.RDF.TYPE, RDFVocabulary.OWL.SYMMETRIC_PROPERTY))) { obp.SetSymmetric(true); } #endregion #region TransitiveProperty if (ontGraph.ContainsTriple(new RDFTriple((RDFResource)obp.Value, RDFVocabulary.RDF.TYPE, RDFVocabulary.OWL.TRANSITIVE_PROPERTY))) { obp.SetTransitive(true); } #endregion #region InverseFunctionalProperty if (ontGraph.ContainsTriple(new RDFTriple((RDFResource)obp.Value, RDFVocabulary.RDF.TYPE, RDFVocabulary.OWL.INVERSE_FUNCTIONAL_PROPERTY))) { obp.SetInverseFunctional(true); } #endregion } #region SymmetricProperty foreach (var sp in rdfType.SelectTriplesByObject(RDFVocabulary.OWL.SYMMETRIC_PROPERTY)) { var syp = ontology.Model.PropertyModel.SelectProperty(sp.Subject.ToString()); if (syp == null) { syp = new RDFOntologyObjectProperty((RDFResource)sp.Subject); ontology.Model.PropertyModel.AddProperty(syp); #region DeprecatedProperty if (ontGraph.ContainsTriple(new RDFTriple((RDFResource)syp.Value, RDFVocabulary.RDF.TYPE, RDFVocabulary.OWL.DEPRECATED_PROPERTY))) { syp.SetDeprecated(true); } #endregion #region FunctionalProperty if (ontGraph.ContainsTriple(new RDFTriple((RDFResource)syp.Value, RDFVocabulary.RDF.TYPE, RDFVocabulary.OWL.FUNCTIONAL_PROPERTY))) { syp.SetFunctional(true); } #endregion } ((RDFOntologyObjectProperty)syp).SetSymmetric(true); } #endregion #region TransitiveProperty foreach (var tp in rdfType.SelectTriplesByObject(RDFVocabulary.OWL.TRANSITIVE_PROPERTY)) { var trp = ontology.Model.PropertyModel.SelectProperty(tp.Subject.ToString()); if (trp == null) { trp = new RDFOntologyObjectProperty((RDFResource)tp.Subject); ontology.Model.PropertyModel.AddProperty(trp); #region DeprecatedProperty if (ontGraph.ContainsTriple(new RDFTriple((RDFResource)trp.Value, RDFVocabulary.RDF.TYPE, RDFVocabulary.OWL.DEPRECATED_PROPERTY))) { trp.SetDeprecated(true); } #endregion #region FunctionalProperty if (ontGraph.ContainsTriple(new RDFTriple((RDFResource)trp.Value, RDFVocabulary.RDF.TYPE, RDFVocabulary.OWL.FUNCTIONAL_PROPERTY))) { trp.SetFunctional(true); } #endregion } ((RDFOntologyObjectProperty)trp).SetTransitive(true); } #endregion #region InverseFunctionalProperty foreach (var ip in rdfType.SelectTriplesByObject(RDFVocabulary.OWL.INVERSE_FUNCTIONAL_PROPERTY)) { var ifp = ontology.Model.PropertyModel.SelectProperty(ip.Subject.ToString()); if (ifp == null) { ifp = new RDFOntologyObjectProperty((RDFResource)ip.Subject); ontology.Model.PropertyModel.AddProperty(ifp); #region DeprecatedProperty if (ontGraph.ContainsTriple(new RDFTriple((RDFResource)ifp.Value, RDFVocabulary.RDF.TYPE, RDFVocabulary.OWL.DEPRECATED_PROPERTY))) { ifp.SetDeprecated(true); } #endregion #region FunctionalProperty if (ontGraph.ContainsTriple(new RDFTriple((RDFResource)ifp.Value, RDFVocabulary.RDF.TYPE, RDFVocabulary.OWL.FUNCTIONAL_PROPERTY))) { ifp.SetFunctional(true); } #endregion } ((RDFOntologyObjectProperty)ifp).SetInverseFunctional(true); } #endregion #endregion #endregion #region ClassModel #region Class foreach (var c in rdfType.SelectTriplesByObject(RDFVocabulary.OWL.CLASS)) { var ontClass = new RDFOntologyClass((RDFResource)c.Subject); ontology.Model.ClassModel.AddClass(ontClass); if (ontGraph.ContainsTriple(new RDFTriple((RDFResource)ontClass.Value, RDFVocabulary.RDF.TYPE, RDFVocabulary.OWL.DEPRECATED_CLASS))) { ontClass.SetDeprecated(true); } } #endregion #region DeprecatedClass foreach (var dc in rdfType.SelectTriplesByObject(RDFVocabulary.OWL.DEPRECATED_CLASS)) { var ontClass = new RDFOntologyClass((RDFResource)dc.Subject); ontClass.SetDeprecated(true); ontology.Model.ClassModel.AddClass(ontClass); } #endregion #region Restriction foreach (var r in rdfType.SelectTriplesByObject(RDFVocabulary.OWL.RESTRICTION)) { #region OnProperty var op = onProperty.SelectTriplesBySubject((RDFResource)r.Subject).FirstOrDefault(); if (op != null) { var onProp = ontology.Model.PropertyModel.SelectProperty(op.Object.ToString()); if (onProp != null) { var restr = new RDFOntologyRestriction((RDFResource)r.Subject, onProp); ontology.Model.ClassModel.AddClass(restr); } else { //Raise warning event to inform the user: restriction cannot be imported from //graph, because definition of its applied property is not found in the model RDFSemanticsEvents.RaiseSemanticsWarning(String.Format("Restriction '{0}' cannot be imported from graph, because definition of its applied property '{1}' is not found in the model.", r.Subject, op.Object)); } } #endregion } #endregion #region DataRange foreach (var dr in rdfType.SelectTriplesByObject(RDFVocabulary.OWL.DATA_RANGE)) { ontology.Model.ClassModel.AddClass(new RDFOntologyDataRangeClass((RDFResource)dr.Subject)); } #endregion #region Composite #region Union foreach (var u in unionOf) { if (u.TripleFlavor == RDFModelEnums.RDFTripleFlavors.SPO) { var uc = ontology.Model.ClassModel.SelectClass(u.Subject.ToString()); if (uc != null) { #region ClassToUnionClass if (!(uc is RDFOntologyUnionClass)) { uc = new RDFOntologyUnionClass((RDFResource)u.Subject); ontology.Model.ClassModel.Classes[uc.PatternMemberID] = uc; } #endregion #region DeserializeUnionCollection var nilFound = false; var itemRest = (RDFResource)u.Object; while (!nilFound) { #region rdf:first var first = ontGraph.SelectTriplesBySubject(itemRest) .SelectTriplesByPredicate(RDFVocabulary.RDF.FIRST) .FirstOrDefault(); if (first != null && first.TripleFlavor == RDFModelEnums.RDFTripleFlavors.SPO) { var compClass = ontology.Model.ClassModel.SelectClass(first.Object.ToString()); if (compClass != null) { ontology.Model.ClassModel.AddUnionOfRelation((RDFOntologyUnionClass)uc, compClass); } else { //Raise warning event to inform the user: union class cannot be completely imported //from graph, because definition of its compositing class is not found in the model RDFSemanticsEvents.RaiseSemanticsWarning(String.Format("UnionClass '{0}' cannot be completely imported from graph, because definition of its compositing class '{1}' is not found in the model.", u.Subject, first.Object)); } #region rdf:rest var rest = ontGraph.SelectTriplesBySubject(itemRest) .SelectTriplesByPredicate(RDFVocabulary.RDF.REST) .FirstOrDefault(); if (rest != null) { if (rest.Object.Equals(RDFVocabulary.RDF.NIL)) { nilFound = true; } else { itemRest = (RDFResource)rest.Object; } } #endregion } else { nilFound = true; } #endregion } #endregion } } } #endregion #region Intersection foreach (var i in intersectionOf) { if (i.TripleFlavor == RDFModelEnums.RDFTripleFlavors.SPO) { var ic = ontology.Model.ClassModel.SelectClass(i.Subject.ToString()); if (ic != null) { #region ClassToIntersectionClass if (!(ic is RDFOntologyIntersectionClass)) { ic = new RDFOntologyIntersectionClass((RDFResource)i.Subject); ontology.Model.ClassModel.Classes[ic.PatternMemberID] = ic; } #endregion #region DeserializeIntersectionCollection var nilFound = false; var itemRest = (RDFResource)i.Object; while (!nilFound) { #region rdf:first var first = ontGraph.SelectTriplesBySubject(itemRest) .SelectTriplesByPredicate(RDFVocabulary.RDF.FIRST) .FirstOrDefault(); if (first != null && first.TripleFlavor == RDFModelEnums.RDFTripleFlavors.SPO) { var compClass = ontology.Model.ClassModel.SelectClass(first.Object.ToString()); if (compClass != null) { ontology.Model.ClassModel.AddIntersectionOfRelation((RDFOntologyIntersectionClass)ic, compClass); } else { //Raise warning event to inform the user: intersection class cannot be completely imported //from graph, because definition of its compositing class is not found in the model RDFSemanticsEvents.RaiseSemanticsWarning(String.Format("IntersectionClass '{0}' cannot be completely imported from graph, because definition of its compositing class '{1}' is not found in the model.", i.Subject, first.Object)); } #region rdf:rest var rest = ontGraph.SelectTriplesBySubject(itemRest) .SelectTriplesByPredicate(RDFVocabulary.RDF.REST) .FirstOrDefault(); if (rest != null) { if (rest.Object.Equals(RDFVocabulary.RDF.NIL)) { nilFound = true; } else { itemRest = (RDFResource)rest.Object; } } #endregion } else { nilFound = true; } #endregion } #endregion } } } #endregion #region Complement foreach (var c in complementOf) { if (c.TripleFlavor == RDFModelEnums.RDFTripleFlavors.SPO) { var cc = ontology.Model.ClassModel.SelectClass(c.Subject.ToString()); if (cc != null) { var compClass = ontology.Model.ClassModel.SelectClass(c.Object.ToString()); if (compClass != null) { cc = new RDFOntologyComplementClass((RDFResource)c.Subject, compClass); ontology.Model.ClassModel.Classes[cc.PatternMemberID] = cc; } else { //Raise warning event to inform the user: complement class cannot be imported //from graph, because definition of its complemented class is not found in the model RDFSemanticsEvents.RaiseSemanticsWarning(String.Format("Class '{0}' cannot be imported from graph, because definition of its complement class '{1}' is not found in the model.", c.Subject, c.Object)); } } else { //Raise warning event to inform the user: complement class cannot be imported //from graph, because its definition is not found in the model RDFSemanticsEvents.RaiseSemanticsWarning(String.Format("Class '{0}' cannot be imported from graph, because its definition is not found in the model.", c.Subject)); } } } #endregion #endregion #endregion #endregion #region OntologyData #region Fact foreach (var c in ontology.Model.ClassModel) { foreach (var t in rdfType.SelectTriplesByObject((RDFResource)c.Value)) { var f = ontology.Data.SelectFact(t.Subject.ToString()); if (f == null) { f = new RDFOntologyFact((RDFResource)t.Subject); ontology.Data.AddFact(f); } ontology.Data.AddClassTypeRelation(f, c); } } #endregion #endregion #region Finalization #region Restriction var restrictions = ontology.Model.ClassModel.Where(c => c.IsRestrictionClass()).ToList(); foreach (var r in restrictions) { #region Cardinality Int32 exC = 0; var crEx = cardinality.SelectTriplesBySubject((RDFResource)r.Value).FirstOrDefault(); if (crEx != null && crEx.TripleFlavor == RDFModelEnums.RDFTripleFlavors.SPL) { if (crEx.Object is RDFPlainLiteral) { if (Regex.IsMatch(crEx.Object.ToString(), @"^[0-9]+$")) { exC = Int32.Parse(crEx.Object.ToString()); } } else { if (((RDFTypedLiteral)crEx.Object).Datatype.Category == RDFModelEnums.RDFDatatypeCategory.Numeric) { if (Regex.IsMatch(((RDFTypedLiteral)crEx.Object).Value, @"^[0-9]+$")) { exC = Int32.Parse(((RDFTypedLiteral)crEx.Object).Value); } } } } if (exC > 0) { var cardRestr = new RDFOntologyCardinalityRestriction((RDFResource)r.Value, ((RDFOntologyRestriction)r).OnProperty, exC, exC); ontology.Model.ClassModel.Classes[r.PatternMemberID] = cardRestr; continue; } Int32 minC = 0; var crMin = mincardinality.SelectTriplesBySubject((RDFResource)r.Value).FirstOrDefault(); if (crMin != null && crMin.TripleFlavor == RDFModelEnums.RDFTripleFlavors.SPL) { if (crMin.Object is RDFPlainLiteral) { if (Regex.IsMatch(crMin.Object.ToString(), @"^[0-9]+$")) { minC = Int32.Parse(crMin.Object.ToString()); } } else { if (((RDFTypedLiteral)crMin.Object).Datatype.Category == RDFModelEnums.RDFDatatypeCategory.Numeric) { if (Regex.IsMatch(((RDFTypedLiteral)crMin.Object).Value, @"^[0-9]+$")) { minC = Int32.Parse(((RDFTypedLiteral)crMin.Object).Value); } } } } Int32 maxC = 0; var crMax = maxcardinality.SelectTriplesBySubject((RDFResource)r.Value).FirstOrDefault(); if (crMax != null && crMax.TripleFlavor == RDFModelEnums.RDFTripleFlavors.SPL) { if (crMax.Object is RDFPlainLiteral) { if (Regex.IsMatch(crMax.Object.ToString(), @"^[0-9]+$")) { maxC = Int32.Parse(crMax.Object.ToString()); } } else { if (((RDFTypedLiteral)crMax.Object).Datatype.Category == RDFModelEnums.RDFDatatypeCategory.Numeric) { if (Regex.IsMatch(((RDFTypedLiteral)crMax.Object).Value, @"^[0-9]+$")) { maxC = Int32.Parse(((RDFTypedLiteral)crMax.Object).Value); } } } } if (minC > 0 || maxC > 0) { var cardRestr = new RDFOntologyCardinalityRestriction((RDFResource)r.Value, ((RDFOntologyRestriction)r).OnProperty, minC, maxC); ontology.Model.ClassModel.Classes[r.PatternMemberID] = cardRestr; continue; } #endregion #region HasValue var hvRes = hasvalue.SelectTriplesBySubject((RDFResource)r.Value).FirstOrDefault(); if (hvRes != null) { if (hvRes.TripleFlavor == RDFModelEnums.RDFTripleFlavors.SPO) { var hvFct = ontology.Data.SelectFact(hvRes.Object.ToString()); if (hvFct != null) { var hasvalueRestr = new RDFOntologyHasValueRestriction((RDFResource)r.Value, ((RDFOntologyRestriction)r).OnProperty, hvFct); ontology.Model.ClassModel.Classes[r.PatternMemberID] = hasvalueRestr; continue; } else { //Raise warning event to inform the user: hasvalue restriction cannot be imported //from graph, because definition of its required fact is not found in the data RDFSemanticsEvents.RaiseSemanticsWarning(String.Format("Restriction '{0}' cannot be imported from graph, because definition of its required fact '{1}' is not found in the data.", r.Value, hvRes.Object)); } } else { var hasvalueRestr = new RDFOntologyHasValueRestriction((RDFResource)r.Value, ((RDFOntologyRestriction)r).OnProperty, new RDFOntologyLiteral((RDFLiteral)hvRes.Object)); ontology.Model.ClassModel.Classes[r.PatternMemberID] = hasvalueRestr; continue; } } #endregion #region AllValuesFrom var avfRes = allvaluesFrom.SelectTriplesBySubject((RDFResource)r.Value).FirstOrDefault(); if (avfRes != null && avfRes.TripleFlavor == RDFModelEnums.RDFTripleFlavors.SPO) { var avfCls = ontology.Model.ClassModel.SelectClass(avfRes.Object.ToString()); if (avfCls != null) { var allvaluesfromRestr = new RDFOntologyAllValuesFromRestriction((RDFResource)r.Value, ((RDFOntologyRestriction)r).OnProperty, avfCls); ontology.Model.ClassModel.Classes[r.PatternMemberID] = allvaluesfromRestr; continue; } else { //Raise warning event to inform the user: allvaluesfrom restriction cannot be imported //from graph, because definition of its required class is not found in the model RDFSemanticsEvents.RaiseSemanticsWarning(String.Format("Restriction '{0}' cannot be imported from graph, because definition of its required class '{1}' is not found in the model.", r.Value, avfRes.Object)); } } #endregion #region SomeValuesFrom var svfRes = somevaluesFrom.SelectTriplesBySubject((RDFResource)r.Value).FirstOrDefault(); if (svfRes != null && svfRes.TripleFlavor == RDFModelEnums.RDFTripleFlavors.SPO) { var svfCls = ontology.Model.ClassModel.SelectClass(svfRes.Object.ToString()); if (svfCls != null) { var somevaluesfromRestr = new RDFOntologySomeValuesFromRestriction((RDFResource)r.Value, ((RDFOntologyRestriction)r).OnProperty, svfCls); ontology.Model.ClassModel.Classes[r.PatternMemberID] = somevaluesfromRestr; continue; } else { //Raise warning event to inform the user: somevaluesfrom restriction cannot be imported //from graph, because definition of its required class is not found in the model RDFSemanticsEvents.RaiseSemanticsWarning(String.Format("Restriction '{0}' cannot be imported from graph, because definition of its required class '{1}' is not found in the model.", r.Value, svfRes.Object)); } } #endregion } #endregion #region Enumerate foreach (var e in oneOf) { if (e.TripleFlavor == RDFModelEnums.RDFTripleFlavors.SPO) { var ec = ontology.Model.ClassModel.SelectClass(e.Subject.ToString()); if (ec != null && !ec.IsDataRangeClass()) { #region ClassToEnumerateClass if (!ec.IsEnumerateClass()) { ec = new RDFOntologyEnumerateClass((RDFResource)e.Subject); ontology.Model.ClassModel.Classes[ec.PatternMemberID] = ec; } #endregion #region DeserializeEnumerateCollection var nilFound = false; var itemRest = (RDFResource)e.Object; while (!nilFound) { #region rdf:first var first = ontGraph.SelectTriplesBySubject(itemRest) .SelectTriplesByPredicate(RDFVocabulary.RDF.FIRST) .FirstOrDefault(); if (first != null && first.TripleFlavor == RDFModelEnums.RDFTripleFlavors.SPO) { var enumMember = ontology.Data.SelectFact(first.Object.ToString()); if (enumMember != null) { ontology.Model.ClassModel.AddOneOfRelation((RDFOntologyEnumerateClass)ec, enumMember); } else { //Raise warning event to inform the user: enumerate class cannot be completely imported //from graph, because definition of its fact member is not found in the data RDFSemanticsEvents.RaiseSemanticsWarning(String.Format("EnumerateClass '{0}' cannot be completely imported from graph, because definition of its fact member '{1}' is not found in the data.", e.Subject, first.Object)); } #region rdf:rest var rest = ontGraph.SelectTriplesBySubject(itemRest) .SelectTriplesByPredicate(RDFVocabulary.RDF.REST) .FirstOrDefault(); if (rest != null) { if (rest.Object.Equals(RDFVocabulary.RDF.NIL)) { nilFound = true; } else { itemRest = (RDFResource)rest.Object; } } #endregion } else { nilFound = true; } #endregion } #endregion } else { if (ec == null) { //Raise warning event to inform the user: enumerate class cannot be imported //from graph, because its definition is not found in the model RDFSemanticsEvents.RaiseSemanticsWarning(String.Format("EnumerateClass '{0}' cannot be imported from graph, because its definition is not found in the model.", e.Subject)); } } } } #endregion #region DataRange foreach (var d in oneOf) { if (d.TripleFlavor == RDFModelEnums.RDFTripleFlavors.SPO) { var dr = ontology.Model.ClassModel.SelectClass(d.Subject.ToString()); if (dr != null && !dr.IsEnumerateClass()) { #region ClassToDataRangeClass if (!dr.IsDataRangeClass()) { dr = new RDFOntologyDataRangeClass((RDFResource)d.Subject); ontology.Model.ClassModel.Classes[dr.PatternMemberID] = dr; } #endregion #region DeserializeDataRangeCollection var nilFound = false; var itemRest = (RDFResource)d.Object; while (!nilFound) { #region rdf:first var first = ontGraph.SelectTriplesBySubject(itemRest) .SelectTriplesByPredicate(RDFVocabulary.RDF.FIRST) .FirstOrDefault(); if (first != null && first.TripleFlavor == RDFModelEnums.RDFTripleFlavors.SPL) { ontology.Model.ClassModel.AddOneOfRelation((RDFOntologyDataRangeClass)dr, new RDFOntologyLiteral((RDFLiteral)first.Object)); #region rdf:rest var rest = ontGraph.SelectTriplesBySubject(itemRest) .SelectTriplesByPredicate(RDFVocabulary.RDF.REST) .FirstOrDefault(); if (rest != null) { if (rest.Object.Equals(RDFVocabulary.RDF.NIL)) { nilFound = true; } else { itemRest = (RDFResource)rest.Object; } } #endregion } else { nilFound = true; } #endregion } #endregion } else { if (dr == null) { //Raise warning event to inform the user: datarange class cannot be imported from //graph, because its definition is not found in the model RDFSemanticsEvents.RaiseSemanticsWarning(String.Format("DataRangeClass '{0}' cannot be imported from graph, because its definition is not found in the model.", d.Subject)); } } } } #endregion #region Domain/Range foreach (var p in ontology.Model.PropertyModel) { #region Domain var d = domain.SelectTriplesBySubject((RDFResource)p.Value).FirstOrDefault(); if (d != null && d.TripleFlavor == RDFModelEnums.RDFTripleFlavors.SPO) { var domainClass = ontology.Model.ClassModel.SelectClass(d.Object.ToString()); if (domainClass != null) { p.SetDomain(domainClass); } else { //Raise warning event to inform the user: domain constraint cannot be imported from graph, //because definition of required class is not found in the model RDFSemanticsEvents.RaiseSemanticsWarning(String.Format("Domain constraint on property '{0}' cannot be imported from graph, because definition of required class '{1}' is not found in the model.", p.Value, d.Object)); } } #endregion #region Range var r = range.SelectTriplesBySubject((RDFResource)p.Value).FirstOrDefault(); if (r != null && r.TripleFlavor == RDFModelEnums.RDFTripleFlavors.SPO) { var rangeClass = ontology.Model.ClassModel.SelectClass(r.Object.ToString()); if (rangeClass != null) { p.SetRange(rangeClass); } else { //Raise warning event to inform the user: range constraint cannot be imported from graph, //because definition of required class is not found in the model RDFSemanticsEvents.RaiseSemanticsWarning(String.Format("Range constraint on property '{0}' cannot be imported from graph, because definition of required class '{1}' is not found in the model.", p.Value, r.Object)); } } #endregion } #endregion #region PropertyModel Relations foreach (var p in ontology.Model.PropertyModel) { #region SubPropertyOf foreach (var spof in subpropOf.SelectTriplesBySubject((RDFResource)p.Value)) { if (spof.TripleFlavor == RDFModelEnums.RDFTripleFlavors.SPO) { var superProp = ontology.Model.PropertyModel.SelectProperty(spof.Object.ToString()); if (superProp != null) { if (p.IsObjectProperty() && superProp.IsObjectProperty()) { ontology.Model.PropertyModel.AddSubPropertyOfRelation((RDFOntologyObjectProperty)p, (RDFOntologyObjectProperty)superProp); } else if (p.IsDatatypeProperty() && superProp.IsDatatypeProperty()) { ontology.Model.PropertyModel.AddSubPropertyOfRelation((RDFOntologyDatatypeProperty)p, (RDFOntologyDatatypeProperty)superProp); } } else { //Raise warning event to inform the user: subpropertyof relation cannot be imported //from graph, because definition of property is not found in the model RDFSemanticsEvents.RaiseSemanticsWarning(String.Format("SubPropertyOf relation on property '{0}' cannot be imported from graph, because definition of property '{1}' is not found in the model.", p.Value, spof.Object)); } } } #endregion #region EquivalentProperty foreach (var eqpr in equivpropOf.SelectTriplesBySubject((RDFResource)p.Value)) { if (eqpr.TripleFlavor == RDFModelEnums.RDFTripleFlavors.SPO) { var equivProp = ontology.Model.PropertyModel.SelectProperty(eqpr.Object.ToString()); if (equivProp != null) { if (p.IsObjectProperty() && equivProp.IsObjectProperty()) { ontology.Model.PropertyModel.AddEquivalentPropertyRelation((RDFOntologyObjectProperty)p, (RDFOntologyObjectProperty)equivProp); } else if (p.IsDatatypeProperty() && equivProp.IsDatatypeProperty()) { ontology.Model.PropertyModel.AddEquivalentPropertyRelation((RDFOntologyDatatypeProperty)p, (RDFOntologyDatatypeProperty)equivProp); } } else { //Raise warning event to inform the user: equivalentproperty relation cannot be imported //from graph, because definition of property is not found in the model RDFSemanticsEvents.RaiseSemanticsWarning(String.Format("EquivalentProperty relation on property '{0}' cannot be imported from graph, because definition of property '{1}' is not found in the model.", p.Value, eqpr.Object)); } } } #endregion #region InverseOf if (p.IsObjectProperty()) { foreach (var inof in inverseOf.SelectTriplesBySubject((RDFResource)p.Value)) { if (inof.TripleFlavor == RDFModelEnums.RDFTripleFlavors.SPO) { var invProp = ontology.Model.PropertyModel.SelectProperty(inof.Object.ToString()); if (invProp != null && invProp.IsObjectProperty()) { ontology.Model.PropertyModel.AddInverseOfRelation((RDFOntologyObjectProperty)p, (RDFOntologyObjectProperty)invProp); } else { //Raise warning event to inform the user: inverseof relation cannot be imported //from graph, because definition of property is not found in the model RDFSemanticsEvents.RaiseSemanticsWarning(String.Format("InverseOf relation on property '{0}' cannot be imported from graph, because definition of property '{1}' is not found in the model.", p.Value, inof.Object)); } } } } #endregion } #endregion #region ClassModel Relations foreach (var c in ontology.Model.ClassModel) { #region SubClassOf foreach (var scof in subclassOf.SelectTriplesBySubject((RDFResource)c.Value)) { if (scof.TripleFlavor == RDFModelEnums.RDFTripleFlavors.SPO) { var superClass = ontology.Model.ClassModel.SelectClass(scof.Object.ToString()); if (superClass != null) { ontology.Model.ClassModel.AddSubClassOfRelation(c, superClass); } else { //Raise warning event to inform the user: subclassof relation cannot be imported //from graph, because definition of class is not found in the model RDFSemanticsEvents.RaiseSemanticsWarning(String.Format("SubClassOf relation on class '{0}' cannot be imported from graph, because definition of class '{1}' is not found in the model.", c.Value, scof.Object)); } } } #endregion #region EquivalentClass foreach (var eqcl in equivclassOf.SelectTriplesBySubject((RDFResource)c.Value)) { if (eqcl.TripleFlavor == RDFModelEnums.RDFTripleFlavors.SPO) { var equivClass = ontology.Model.ClassModel.SelectClass(eqcl.Object.ToString()); if (equivClass != null) { ontology.Model.ClassModel.AddEquivalentClassRelation(c, equivClass); } else { //Raise warning event to inform the user: equivalentclass relation cannot be imported //from graph, because definition of class is not found in the model RDFSemanticsEvents.RaiseSemanticsWarning(String.Format("EquivalentClass relation on class '{0}' cannot be imported from graph, because definition of class '{1}' is not found in the model.", c.Value, eqcl.Object)); } } } #endregion #region DisjointWith foreach (var djwt in disjclassWith.SelectTriplesBySubject((RDFResource)c.Value)) { if (djwt.TripleFlavor == RDFModelEnums.RDFTripleFlavors.SPO) { var disjWith = ontology.Model.ClassModel.SelectClass(djwt.Object.ToString()); if (disjWith != null) { ontology.Model.ClassModel.AddDisjointWithRelation(c, disjWith); } else { //Raise warning event to inform the user: disjointwith relation cannot be imported //from graph, because definition of class is not found in the model RDFSemanticsEvents.RaiseSemanticsWarning(String.Format("DisjointWith relation on class '{0}' cannot be imported from graph, because definition of class '{1}' is not found in the model.", c.Value, djwt.Object)); } } } #endregion } #endregion #region Data Relations #region SameAs foreach (var t in sameAs) { if (t.TripleFlavor == RDFModelEnums.RDFTripleFlavors.SPO) { var subjFct = ontology.Data.SelectFact(t.Subject.ToString()); if (subjFct != null) { var objFct = ontology.Data.SelectFact(t.Object.ToString()); if (objFct != null) { ontology.Data.AddSameAsRelation(subjFct, objFct); } else { //Raise warning event to inform the user: sameas relation cannot be imported //from graph, because definition of fact is not found in the data RDFSemanticsEvents.RaiseSemanticsWarning(String.Format("SameAs relation on fact '{0}' cannot be imported from graph, because definition of fact '{1}' is not found in the data.", t.Subject, t.Object)); } } else { //Raise warning event to inform the user: sameas relation cannot be imported //from graph, because definition of fact is not found in the data RDFSemanticsEvents.RaiseSemanticsWarning(String.Format("SameAs relation on fact '{0}' cannot be imported from graph, because its definition is not found in the data.", t.Subject)); } } } #endregion #region DifferentFrom foreach (var t in differentFrom) { if (t.TripleFlavor == RDFModelEnums.RDFTripleFlavors.SPO) { var subjFct = ontology.Data.SelectFact(t.Subject.ToString()); if (subjFct != null) { var objFct = ontology.Data.SelectFact(t.Object.ToString()); if (objFct != null) { ontology.Data.AddDifferentFromRelation(subjFct, objFct); } else { //Raise warning event to inform the user: differentfrom relation cannot be imported //from graph, because definition of fact is not found in the data RDFSemanticsEvents.RaiseSemanticsWarning(String.Format("DifferentFrom relation on fact '{0}' cannot be imported from graph, because definition of fact '{1}' is not found in the data.", t.Subject, t.Object)); } } else { //Raise warning event to inform the user: differentfrom relation cannot be imported //from graph, because its definition is not found in the data RDFSemanticsEvents.RaiseSemanticsWarning(String.Format("DifferentFrom relation on fact '{0}' cannot be imported from graph, because its definition is not found in the data.", t.Subject)); } } } #endregion #region Assertion foreach (var p in ontology.Model.PropertyModel) { foreach (var t in ontGraph.SelectTriplesByPredicate((RDFResource)p.Value)) { var subjFct = ontology.Data.SelectFact(t.Subject.ToString()); if (subjFct != null) { if (p.IsObjectProperty()) { if (t.TripleFlavor == RDFModelEnums.RDFTripleFlavors.SPO) { var objFct = ontology.Data.SelectFact(t.Object.ToString()); if (objFct != null) { ontology.Data.AddAssertionRelation(subjFct, (RDFOntologyObjectProperty)p, objFct); } else { //Raise warning event to inform the user: assertion relation cannot be imported //from graph, because definition of fact is not found in the data RDFSemanticsEvents.RaiseSemanticsWarning(String.Format("Assertion relation on fact '{0}' cannot be imported from graph, because definition of fact '{1}' is not found in the data.", t.Subject, t.Object)); } } else { //Raise warning event to inform the user: assertion relation cannot be imported //from graph, because object property links to a literal RDFSemanticsEvents.RaiseSemanticsWarning(String.Format("Assertion relation on fact '{0}' cannot be imported from graph, because object property '{1}' links to a literal.", t.Subject, p)); } } else if (p.IsDatatypeProperty()) { if (t.TripleFlavor == RDFModelEnums.RDFTripleFlavors.SPL) { ontology.Data.AddAssertionRelation(subjFct, (RDFOntologyDatatypeProperty)p, new RDFOntologyLiteral((RDFLiteral)t.Object)); } else { //Raise warning event to inform the user: assertion relation cannot be imported //from graph, because datatype property links to a fact RDFSemanticsEvents.RaiseSemanticsWarning(String.Format("Assertion relation on fact '{0}' cannot be imported from graph, because datatype property '{1}' links to a fact.", t.Subject, p)); } } } else { //Raise warning event to inform the user: assertion relation cannot be imported //from graph, because definition of fact is not found in the data RDFSemanticsEvents.RaiseSemanticsWarning(String.Format("Assertion relation on fact '{0}' cannot be imported from graph, because definition of the fact is not found in the data. Ensure its classtype relation is specified.", t.Subject)); } } } #endregion #endregion #region Annotations #region Ontology #region VersionInfo foreach (var t in versionInfo.SelectTriplesBySubject((RDFResource)ontology.Value)) { if (t.TripleFlavor == RDFModelEnums.RDFTripleFlavors.SPL) { ontology.AddVersionInfoAnnotation(new RDFOntologyLiteral((RDFLiteral)t.Object)); } else { //Raise warning event to inform the user: versioninfo annotation on ontology //cannot be imported from graph, because it does not link a literal RDFSemanticsEvents.RaiseSemanticsWarning(String.Format("VersionInfo annotation on ontology '{0}' cannot be imported from graph, because it does not link a literal.", ontology.Value, t.Object)); } } #endregion #region Comment foreach (var t in comment.SelectTriplesBySubject((RDFResource)ontology.Value)) { if (t.TripleFlavor == RDFModelEnums.RDFTripleFlavors.SPL) { ontology.AddCommentAnnotation(new RDFOntologyLiteral((RDFLiteral)t.Object)); } else { //Raise warning event to inform the user: comment annotation on ontology //cannot be imported from graph, because it does not link a literal RDFSemanticsEvents.RaiseSemanticsWarning(String.Format("Comment annotation on ontology '{0}' cannot be imported from graph, because it does not link a literal.", ontology.Value, t.Object)); } } #endregion #region Label foreach (var t in label.SelectTriplesBySubject((RDFResource)ontology.Value)) { if (t.TripleFlavor == RDFModelEnums.RDFTripleFlavors.SPL) { ontology.AddLabelAnnotation(new RDFOntologyLiteral((RDFLiteral)t.Object)); } else { //Raise warning event to inform the user: label annotation on ontology //cannot be imported from graph, because it does not link a literal RDFSemanticsEvents.RaiseSemanticsWarning(String.Format("Label annotation on ontology '{0}' cannot be imported from graph, because it does not link a literal.", ontology.Value, t.Object)); } } #endregion #region SeeAlso foreach (var t in seeAlso.SelectTriplesBySubject((RDFResource)ontology.Value)) { if (t.TripleFlavor == RDFModelEnums.RDFTripleFlavors.SPL) { ontology.AddSeeAlsoAnnotation(new RDFOntologyLiteral((RDFLiteral)t.Object)); } else { RDFOntologyResource resource = ontology.Model.ClassModel.SelectClass(t.Object.ToString()); if (resource == null) { resource = ontology.Model.PropertyModel.SelectProperty(t.Object.ToString()); if (resource == null) { resource = ontology.Data.SelectFact(t.Object.ToString()); if (resource == null) { resource = new RDFOntologyResource(); resource.Value = t.Object; resource.PatternMemberID = t.Object.PatternMemberID; //Raise warning event to inform the user: seealso annotation on ontology //has been imported from graph, but linking an unknown generic resource RDFSemanticsEvents.RaiseSemanticsWarning(String.Format("SeeAlso annotation on ontology '{0}' has been imported from graph, but linking an unknown generic resource '{1}'.", ontology.Value, t.Object)); } } } ontology.AddSeeAlsoAnnotation(resource); } } #endregion #region IsDefinedBy foreach (var t in isDefinedBy.SelectTriplesBySubject((RDFResource)ontology.Value)) { if (t.TripleFlavor == RDFModelEnums.RDFTripleFlavors.SPL) { ontology.AddIsDefinedByAnnotation(new RDFOntologyLiteral((RDFLiteral)t.Object)); } else { RDFOntologyResource isDefBy = ontology.Model.ClassModel.SelectClass(t.Object.ToString()); if (isDefBy == null) { isDefBy = ontology.Model.PropertyModel.SelectProperty(t.Object.ToString()); if (isDefBy == null) { isDefBy = ontology.Data.SelectFact(t.Object.ToString()); if (isDefBy == null) { isDefBy = new RDFOntologyResource(); isDefBy.Value = t.Object; isDefBy.PatternMemberID = t.Object.PatternMemberID; //Raise warning event to inform the user: isdefinedby annotation on ontology //has been imported from graph, but linking an unknown generic resource RDFSemanticsEvents.RaiseSemanticsWarning(String.Format("IsDefinedBy annotation on ontology '{0}' has been imported from graph, but linking an unknown generic resource '{1}'.", ontology.Value, t.Object)); } } } ontology.AddIsDefinedByAnnotation(isDefBy); } } #endregion #region BackwardCompatibleWith foreach (var t in bcwcompWith.SelectTriplesBySubject((RDFResource)ontology.Value)) { if (t.TripleFlavor == RDFModelEnums.RDFTripleFlavors.SPO) { ontology.AddBackwardCompatibleWithAnnotation(new RDFOntology((RDFResource)t.Object)); } else { //Raise warning event to inform the user: backwardcompatiblewith annotation on ontology //cannot be imported from graph, because it does not link a resource RDFSemanticsEvents.RaiseSemanticsWarning(String.Format("BackwardCompatibleWith annotation on ontology '{0}' cannot be imported from graph, because it does not link a resource.", ontology.Value, t.Object)); } } #endregion #region IncompatibleWith foreach (var t in incompWith.SelectTriplesBySubject((RDFResource)ontology.Value)) { if (t.TripleFlavor == RDFModelEnums.RDFTripleFlavors.SPO) { ontology.AddIncompatibleWithAnnotation(new RDFOntology((RDFResource)t.Object)); } else { //Raise warning event to inform the user: incompatiblewith annotation on ontology //cannot be imported from graph, because it does not link a resource RDFSemanticsEvents.RaiseSemanticsWarning(String.Format("IncompatibleWith annotation on ontology '{0}' cannot be imported from graph, because it does not link a resource.", ontology.Value, t.Object)); } } #endregion #region PriorVersion foreach (var t in priorVersion.SelectTriplesBySubject((RDFResource)ontology.Value)) { if (t.TripleFlavor == RDFModelEnums.RDFTripleFlavors.SPO) { ontology.AddPriorVersionAnnotation(new RDFOntology((RDFResource)t.Object)); } else { //Raise warning event to inform the user: priorversion annotation on ontology //cannot be imported from graph, because it does not link a resource RDFSemanticsEvents.RaiseSemanticsWarning(String.Format("PriorVersion annotation on ontology '{0}' cannot be imported from graph, because it does not link a resource.", ontology.Value, t.Object)); } } #endregion #region Imports foreach(var t in imports.SelectTriplesBySubject((RDFResource)ontology.Value)) { if (t.TripleFlavor == RDFModelEnums.RDFTripleFlavors.SPO) { ontology.AddImportsAnnotation(new RDFOntology((RDFResource)t.Object)); } else { //Raise warning event to inform the user: imports annotation on ontology //cannot be imported from graph, because it does not link a resource RDFSemanticsEvents.RaiseSemanticsWarning(String.Format("Imports annotation on ontology '{0}' cannot be imported from graph, because it does not link a resource.", ontology.Value, t.Object)); } } #endregion #region CustomAnnotations var annotProps = ontology.Model.PropertyModel.AnnotationPropertiesEnumerator; while (annotProps.MoveNext()) { foreach (var t in ontGraph.SelectTriplesBySubject((RDFResource)ontology.Value) .SelectTriplesByPredicate((RDFResource)annotProps.Current.Value)) { if (t.TripleFlavor == RDFModelEnums.RDFTripleFlavors.SPL) { ontology.AddCustomAnnotation((RDFOntologyAnnotationProperty)annotProps.Current, new RDFOntologyLiteral((RDFLiteral)t.Object)); } else { RDFOntologyResource custAnn = ontology.Model.ClassModel.SelectClass(t.Object.ToString()); if (custAnn == null) { custAnn = ontology.Model.PropertyModel.SelectProperty(t.Object.ToString()); if (custAnn == null) { custAnn = ontology.Data.SelectFact(t.Object.ToString()); if (custAnn == null) { custAnn = new RDFOntologyResource(); custAnn.Value = t.Object; custAnn.PatternMemberID = t.Object.PatternMemberID; //Raise warning event to inform the user: custom annotation on ontology //has been imported from graph, but linking an unknown generic resource RDFSemanticsEvents.RaiseSemanticsWarning(String.Format("Custom annotation '{0}' on ontology '{1}' has been imported from graph, but linking an unknown generic resource '{2}'.", annotProps.Current.Value, ontology.Value, t.Object)); } } } ontology.AddCustomAnnotation((RDFOntologyAnnotationProperty)annotProps.Current, custAnn); } } } #endregion #endregion #region Classes foreach (var c in ontology.Model.ClassModel) { #region VersionInfo foreach (var t in versionInfo.SelectTriplesBySubject((RDFResource)c.Value)) { if (t.TripleFlavor == RDFModelEnums.RDFTripleFlavors.SPL) { ontology.Model.ClassModel.AddVersionInfoAnnotation(c, new RDFOntologyLiteral((RDFLiteral)t.Object)); } else { //Raise warning event to inform the user: versioninfo annotation on class //cannot be imported from graph, because it does not link a literal RDFSemanticsEvents.RaiseSemanticsWarning(String.Format("VersionInfo annotation on class '{0}' cannot be imported from graph, because it does not link a literal.", c.Value, t.Object)); } } #endregion #region Comment foreach (var t in comment.SelectTriplesBySubject((RDFResource)c.Value)) { if (t.TripleFlavor == RDFModelEnums.RDFTripleFlavors.SPL) { ontology.Model.ClassModel.AddCommentAnnotation(c, new RDFOntologyLiteral((RDFLiteral)t.Object)); } else { //Raise warning event to inform the user: comment annotation on class //cannot be imported from graph, because it does not link a literal RDFSemanticsEvents.RaiseSemanticsWarning(String.Format("Comment annotation on class '{0}' cannot be imported from graph, because it does not link a literal.", c.Value, t.Object)); } } #endregion #region Label foreach (var t in label.SelectTriplesBySubject((RDFResource)c.Value)) { if (t.TripleFlavor == RDFModelEnums.RDFTripleFlavors.SPL) { ontology.Model.ClassModel.AddLabelAnnotation(c, new RDFOntologyLiteral((RDFLiteral)t.Object)); } else { //Raise warning event to inform the user: label annotation on class //cannot be imported from graph, because it does not link a literal RDFSemanticsEvents.RaiseSemanticsWarning(String.Format("Label annotation on class '{0}' cannot be imported from graph, because it does not link a literal.", c.Value, t.Object)); } } #endregion #region SeeAlso foreach (var t in seeAlso.SelectTriplesBySubject((RDFResource)c.Value)) { if (t.TripleFlavor == RDFModelEnums.RDFTripleFlavors.SPL) { ontology.Model.ClassModel.AddSeeAlsoAnnotation(c, new RDFOntologyLiteral((RDFLiteral)t.Object)); } else { RDFOntologyResource resource = ontology.Model.ClassModel.SelectClass(t.Object.ToString()); if (resource == null) { resource = ontology.Model.PropertyModel.SelectProperty(t.Object.ToString()); if (resource == null) { resource = ontology.Data.SelectFact(t.Object.ToString()); if (resource == null) { resource = new RDFOntologyResource(); resource.Value = t.Object; resource.PatternMemberID = t.Object.PatternMemberID; //Raise warning event to inform the user: seealso annotation on class //has been imported from graph, but linking an unknown generic resource RDFSemanticsEvents.RaiseSemanticsWarning(String.Format("SeeAlso annotation on class '{0}' has been imported from graph, but linking an unknown generic resource '{1}'.", c.Value, t.Object)); } } } ontology.Model.ClassModel.AddSeeAlsoAnnotation(c, resource); } } #endregion #region IsDefinedBy foreach (var t in isDefinedBy.SelectTriplesBySubject((RDFResource)c.Value)) { if (t.TripleFlavor == RDFModelEnums.RDFTripleFlavors.SPL) { ontology.Model.ClassModel.AddIsDefinedByAnnotation(c, new RDFOntologyLiteral((RDFLiteral)t.Object)); } else { RDFOntologyResource isDefBy = ontology.Model.ClassModel.SelectClass(t.Object.ToString()); if (isDefBy == null) { isDefBy = ontology.Model.PropertyModel.SelectProperty(t.Object.ToString()); if (isDefBy == null) { isDefBy = ontology.Data.SelectFact(t.Object.ToString()); if (isDefBy == null) { isDefBy = new RDFOntologyResource(); isDefBy.Value = t.Object; isDefBy.PatternMemberID = t.Object.PatternMemberID; //Raise warning event to inform the user: isdefinedby annotation on class //has been imported from graph, but linking an unknown generic resource RDFSemanticsEvents.RaiseSemanticsWarning(String.Format("IsDefinedBy annotation on class '{0}' has been imported from graph, but linking an unknown generic resource '{1}'.", c.Value, t.Object)); } } } ontology.Model.ClassModel.AddIsDefinedByAnnotation(c, isDefBy); } } #endregion #region CustomAnnotations annotProps = ontology.Model.PropertyModel.AnnotationPropertiesEnumerator; while (annotProps.MoveNext()) { foreach (var t in ontGraph.SelectTriplesBySubject((RDFResource)c.Value) .SelectTriplesByPredicate((RDFResource)annotProps.Current.Value)) { if (t.TripleFlavor == RDFModelEnums.RDFTripleFlavors.SPL) { ontology.Model.ClassModel.AddCustomAnnotation(c, (RDFOntologyAnnotationProperty)annotProps.Current, new RDFOntologyLiteral((RDFLiteral)t.Object)); } else { RDFOntologyResource custAnn = ontology.Model.ClassModel.SelectClass(t.Object.ToString()); if (custAnn == null) { custAnn = ontology.Model.PropertyModel.SelectProperty(t.Object.ToString()); if (custAnn == null) { custAnn = ontology.Data.SelectFact(t.Object.ToString()); if (custAnn == null) { custAnn = new RDFOntologyResource(); custAnn.Value = t.Object; custAnn.PatternMemberID = t.Object.PatternMemberID; //Raise warning event to inform the user: custom annotation on class //has been imported from graph, but linking an unknown generic resource RDFSemanticsEvents.RaiseSemanticsWarning(String.Format("Custom annotation '{0}' on class '{1}' has been imported from graph, but linking an unknown generic resource '{2}'.", annotProps.Current.Value, c.Value, t.Object)); } } } ontology.Model.ClassModel.AddCustomAnnotation(c, (RDFOntologyAnnotationProperty)annotProps.Current, custAnn); } } } #endregion } #endregion #region Properties foreach (var p in ontology.Model.PropertyModel) { #region VersionInfo foreach (var t in versionInfo.SelectTriplesBySubject((RDFResource)p.Value)) { if (t.TripleFlavor == RDFModelEnums.RDFTripleFlavors.SPL) { ontology.Model.PropertyModel.AddVersionInfoAnnotation(p, new RDFOntologyLiteral((RDFLiteral)t.Object)); } else { //Raise warning event to inform the user: versioninfo annotation on property //cannot be imported from graph, because it does not link a literal RDFSemanticsEvents.RaiseSemanticsWarning(String.Format("VersionInfo annotation on property '{0}' cannot be imported from graph, because it does not link a literal.", p.Value, t.Object)); } } #endregion #region Comment foreach (var t in comment.SelectTriplesBySubject((RDFResource)p.Value)) { if (t.TripleFlavor == RDFModelEnums.RDFTripleFlavors.SPL) { ontology.Model.PropertyModel.AddCommentAnnotation(p, new RDFOntologyLiteral((RDFLiteral)t.Object)); } else { //Raise warning event to inform the user: comment annotation on property //cannot be imported from graph, because it does not link a literal RDFSemanticsEvents.RaiseSemanticsWarning(String.Format("Comment annotation on property '{0}' cannot be imported from graph, because it does not link a literal.", p.Value, t.Object)); } } #endregion #region Label foreach (var t in label.SelectTriplesBySubject((RDFResource)p.Value)) { if (t.TripleFlavor == RDFModelEnums.RDFTripleFlavors.SPL) { ontology.Model.PropertyModel.AddLabelAnnotation(p, new RDFOntologyLiteral((RDFLiteral)t.Object)); } else { //Raise warning event to inform the user: label annotation on property //cannot be imported from graph, because it does not link a literal RDFSemanticsEvents.RaiseSemanticsWarning(String.Format("Label annotation on property '{0}' cannot be imported from graph, because it does not link a literal.", p.Value, t.Object)); } } #endregion #region SeeAlso foreach (var t in seeAlso.SelectTriplesBySubject((RDFResource)p.Value)) { if (t.TripleFlavor == RDFModelEnums.RDFTripleFlavors.SPL) { ontology.Model.PropertyModel.AddSeeAlsoAnnotation(p, new RDFOntologyLiteral((RDFLiteral)t.Object)); } else { RDFOntologyResource resource = ontology.Model.ClassModel.SelectClass(t.Object.ToString()); if (resource == null) { resource = ontology.Model.PropertyModel.SelectProperty(t.Object.ToString()); if (resource == null) { resource = ontology.Data.SelectFact(t.Object.ToString()); if (resource == null) { resource = new RDFOntologyResource(); resource.Value = t.Object; resource.PatternMemberID = t.Object.PatternMemberID; //Raise warning event to inform the user: seealso annotation on property //has been imported from graph, but linking an unknown generic resource RDFSemanticsEvents.RaiseSemanticsWarning(String.Format("SeeAlso annotation on property '{0}' has been imported from graph, but linking an unknown generic resource '{1}'.", p.Value, t.Object)); } } } ontology.Model.PropertyModel.AddSeeAlsoAnnotation(p, resource); } } #endregion #region IsDefinedBy foreach (var t in isDefinedBy.SelectTriplesBySubject((RDFResource)p.Value)) { if (t.TripleFlavor == RDFModelEnums.RDFTripleFlavors.SPL) { ontology.Model.PropertyModel.AddIsDefinedByAnnotation(p, new RDFOntologyLiteral((RDFLiteral)t.Object)); } else { RDFOntologyResource isDefBy = ontology.Model.ClassModel.SelectClass(t.Object.ToString()); if (isDefBy == null) { isDefBy = ontology.Model.PropertyModel.SelectProperty(t.Object.ToString()); if (isDefBy == null) { isDefBy = ontology.Data.SelectFact(t.Object.ToString()); if (isDefBy == null) { isDefBy = new RDFOntologyResource(); isDefBy.Value = t.Object; isDefBy.PatternMemberID = t.Object.PatternMemberID; //Raise warning event to inform the user: isdefinedby annotation on property //has been imported from graph, but linking an unknown generic resource RDFSemanticsEvents.RaiseSemanticsWarning(String.Format("IsDefinedBy annotation on property '{0}' has been imported from graph, but linking an unknown generic resource '{1}'.", p.Value, t.Object)); } } } ontology.Model.PropertyModel.AddIsDefinedByAnnotation(p, isDefBy); } } #endregion #region CustomAnnotations annotProps = ontology.Model.PropertyModel.AnnotationPropertiesEnumerator; while (annotProps.MoveNext()) { foreach (var t in ontGraph.SelectTriplesBySubject((RDFResource)p.Value) .SelectTriplesByPredicate((RDFResource)annotProps.Current.Value)) { if (t.TripleFlavor == RDFModelEnums.RDFTripleFlavors.SPL) { ontology.Model.PropertyModel.AddCustomAnnotation(p, (RDFOntologyAnnotationProperty)annotProps.Current, new RDFOntologyLiteral((RDFLiteral)t.Object)); } else { RDFOntologyResource custAnn = ontology.Model.ClassModel.SelectClass(t.Object.ToString()); if (custAnn == null) { custAnn = ontology.Model.PropertyModel.SelectProperty(t.Object.ToString()); if (custAnn == null) { custAnn = ontology.Data.SelectFact(t.Object.ToString()); if (custAnn == null) { custAnn = new RDFOntologyResource(); custAnn.Value = t.Object; custAnn.PatternMemberID = t.Object.PatternMemberID; //Raise warning event to inform the user: custom annotation on property //has been imported from graph, but linking an unknown generic resource RDFSemanticsEvents.RaiseSemanticsWarning(String.Format("Custom annotation '{0}' on property '{1}' has been imported from graph, but linking an unknown generic resource '{2}'.", annotProps.Current.Value, p.Value, t.Object)); } } } ontology.Model.PropertyModel.AddCustomAnnotation(p, (RDFOntologyAnnotationProperty)annotProps.Current, custAnn); } } } #endregion } #endregion #region Facts foreach (var f in ontology.Data) { #region VersionInfo foreach (var t in versionInfo.SelectTriplesBySubject((RDFResource)f.Value)) { if (t.TripleFlavor == RDFModelEnums.RDFTripleFlavors.SPL) { ontology.Data.AddVersionInfoAnnotation(f, new RDFOntologyLiteral((RDFLiteral)t.Object)); } else { //Raise warning event to inform the user: versioninfo annotation on fact //cannot be imported from graph, because it does not link a literal RDFSemanticsEvents.RaiseSemanticsWarning(String.Format("VersionInfo annotation on fact '{0}' cannot be imported from graph, because it does not link a literal.", f.Value, t.Object)); } } #endregion #region Comment foreach (var t in comment.SelectTriplesBySubject((RDFResource)f.Value)) { if (t.TripleFlavor == RDFModelEnums.RDFTripleFlavors.SPL) { ontology.Data.AddCommentAnnotation(f, new RDFOntologyLiteral((RDFLiteral)t.Object)); } else { //Raise warning event to inform the user: comment annotation on fact //cannot be imported from graph, because it does not link a literal RDFSemanticsEvents.RaiseSemanticsWarning(String.Format("Comment annotation on fact '{0}' cannot be imported from graph, because it does not link a literal.", f.Value, t.Object)); } } #endregion #region Label foreach (var t in label.SelectTriplesBySubject((RDFResource)f.Value)) { if (t.TripleFlavor == RDFModelEnums.RDFTripleFlavors.SPL) { ontology.Data.AddLabelAnnotation(f, new RDFOntologyLiteral((RDFLiteral)t.Object)); } else { //Raise warning event to inform the user: label annotation on fact //cannot be imported from graph, because it does not link a literal RDFSemanticsEvents.RaiseSemanticsWarning(String.Format("Label annotation on fact '{0}' cannot be imported from graph, because it does not link a literal.", f.Value, t.Object)); } } #endregion #region SeeAlso foreach (var t in seeAlso.SelectTriplesBySubject((RDFResource)f.Value)) { if (t.TripleFlavor == RDFModelEnums.RDFTripleFlavors.SPL) { ontology.Data.AddSeeAlsoAnnotation(f, new RDFOntologyLiteral((RDFLiteral)t.Object)); } else { RDFOntologyResource resource = ontology.Model.ClassModel.SelectClass(t.Object.ToString()); if (resource == null) { resource = ontology.Model.PropertyModel.SelectProperty(t.Object.ToString()); if (resource == null) { resource = ontology.Data.SelectFact(t.Object.ToString()); if (resource == null) { resource = new RDFOntologyResource(); resource.Value = t.Object; resource.PatternMemberID = t.Object.PatternMemberID; //Raise warning event to inform the user: seealso annotation on fact //has been imported from graph, but linking an unknown generic resource RDFSemanticsEvents.RaiseSemanticsWarning(String.Format("SeeAlso annotation on fact '{0}' has been imported from graph, but linking an unknown generic resource '{1}'.", f.Value, t.Object)); } } } ontology.Data.AddSeeAlsoAnnotation(f, resource); } } #endregion #region IsDefinedBy foreach (var t in isDefinedBy.SelectTriplesBySubject((RDFResource)f.Value)) { if (t.TripleFlavor == RDFModelEnums.RDFTripleFlavors.SPL) { ontology.Data.AddIsDefinedByAnnotation(f, new RDFOntologyLiteral((RDFLiteral)t.Object)); } else { RDFOntologyResource isDefBy = ontology.Model.ClassModel.SelectClass(t.Object.ToString()); if (isDefBy == null) { isDefBy = ontology.Model.PropertyModel.SelectProperty(t.Object.ToString()); if (isDefBy == null) { isDefBy = ontology.Data.SelectFact(t.Object.ToString()); if (isDefBy == null) { isDefBy = new RDFOntologyResource(); isDefBy.Value = t.Object; isDefBy.PatternMemberID = t.Object.PatternMemberID; //Raise warning event to inform the user: isdefinedby annotation on fact //has been imported from graph, but linking an unknown generic resource RDFSemanticsEvents.RaiseSemanticsWarning(String.Format("IsDefinedBy annotation on fact '{0}' has been imported from graph, but linking an unknown generic resource '{1}'.", f.Value, t.Object)); } } } ontology.Data.AddIsDefinedByAnnotation(f, isDefBy); } } #endregion #region CustomAnnotations annotProps = ontology.Model.PropertyModel.AnnotationPropertiesEnumerator; while (annotProps.MoveNext()) { foreach (var t in ontGraph.SelectTriplesBySubject((RDFResource)f.Value) .SelectTriplesByPredicate((RDFResource)annotProps.Current.Value)) { if (t.TripleFlavor == RDFModelEnums.RDFTripleFlavors.SPL) { ontology.Data.AddCustomAnnotation(f, (RDFOntologyAnnotationProperty)annotProps.Current, new RDFOntologyLiteral((RDFLiteral)t.Object)); } else { RDFOntologyResource custAnn = ontology.Model.ClassModel.SelectClass(t.Object.ToString()); if (custAnn == null) { custAnn = ontology.Model.PropertyModel.SelectProperty(t.Object.ToString()); if (custAnn == null) { custAnn = ontology.Data.SelectFact(t.Object.ToString()); if (custAnn == null) { custAnn = new RDFOntologyResource(); custAnn.Value = t.Object; custAnn.PatternMemberID = t.Object.PatternMemberID; //Raise warning event to inform the user: custom annotation on fact //has been imported from graph, but linking an unknown generic resource RDFSemanticsEvents.RaiseSemanticsWarning(String.Format("Custom annotation '{0}' on fact '{1}' has been imported from graph, but linking an unknown generic resource '{2}'.", annotProps.Current.Value, f.Value, t.Object)); } } } ontology.Data.AddCustomAnnotation(f, (RDFOntologyAnnotationProperty)annotProps.Current, custAnn); } } } #endregion } #endregion #endregion #endregion #endregion } return ontology; }