private bool BuildBatch(int id) { using (RDATContext context = new RDATContext()) { List <TempTestingLog> _logs = context.TempTestingLogs.ToList(); foreach (TempTestingLog log in _logs) { TestingLog _testingLog = new TestingLog(); _testingLog.Test_Type = log.Test_Type; _testingLog.Driver_Id = log.Driver_Id; _testingLog.Driver_Name = log.Driver_Name; _testingLog.Created = log.CreatedDate; _testingLog.Selectiondatealcohol = log.CreatedDate; _testingLog.Selectiondatedrug = log.CreatedDate; _testingLog.Modified = log.ModifiedDate; _testingLog.TestDate = log.CreatedDate; _testingLog.Batch_Id = id; _testingLog.Company_Id = log.Company_Id; _testingLog.Reported_Results = "0"; context.TestingLogs.Add(_testingLog); } context.SaveChanges(); return(true); } return(false); }
public ActionResult Edit(int id, IFormCollection collection) { try { using RDATContext context = new RDATContext(); Company _company = context.Companys.Where(c => c.Id == id).FirstOrDefault(); _company.Name = collection["Company.Name"]; _company.Phone = collection["Company.Phone"]; _company.Fax = collection["Company.Fax"]; _company.AddressLine1 = collection["Company.AddressLine1"]; _company.AddressLine2 = collection["Company.AddressLine2"]; _company.City = collection["Company.City"]; _company.State = collection["Company.State"]; _company.Zip = collection["Company.Zip"]; _company.Email = collection["Company.Email"]; _company.Dot = collection["Company.Dot"]; _company.RepresentativeName = collection["Company.RepresentativeName"]; _company.Status = collection["Company.Status"]; _company.Modified = DateTime.Now; context.Update(_company); context.SaveChanges(); // return data; return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); } catch { return(View()); } }
public ActionResult Create(IFormCollection collection) { try { Company _company = new Company(); // Add Company _company.Name = collection["Company.Name"]; _company.Phone = collection["Company.Phone"]; _company.Fax = collection["Company.Fax"]; _company.AddressLine1 = collection["Company.AddressLine1"]; _company.AddressLine2 = collection["Company.AddressLine2"]; _company.City = collection["Company.City"]; _company.State = collection["Company.Zip"]; _company.Zip = collection["Company.AddressLine1"]; _company.Email = collection["Company.Email"]; _company.Created = DateTime.Now; _company.Modified = DateTime.Now; _company.isDelete = false; _company.Status = "1"; using RDATContext context = new RDATContext(); context.Companys.Add(_company); context.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); } catch { return(View()); } }
public ActionResult Edit(int id, IFormCollection collection) { CreateDriverViewModel _model = new CreateDriverViewModel(); Driver _driver = new Driver(); try { using RDATContext context = new RDATContext(); _driver = context.Drivers.Where(d => d.Id == id).FirstOrDefault(); _driver.DriverName = collection["Driver.DriverName"]; _driver.Phone = collection["Driver.Phone"]; _driver.Fax = collection["Driver.Fax"]; _driver.AddressLine1 = collection["Driver.AddressLine1"]; _driver.AddressLine2 = collection["Driver.AddressLine2"]; _driver.City = collection["Driver.City"]; _driver.State = collection["Driver.State"]; _driver.Zipcode = collection["Driver.Zipcode"]; _driver.Email = collection["Driver.Email"]; _driver.CDL = collection["Driver.CDL"]; _driver.Cell = collection["Driver.Cell"]; if (Int32.TryParse(collection["Driver.Company_id"], out int result)) { _driver.Company_id = Int32.Parse(collection["Driver.Company_id"]); } ; _driver.EnrollmentDate = DateTime.Parse(collection["Driver.EnrollmentDate"]); if (DateTime.TryParse(collection["Driver.TerminationDate"], out DateTime resultDate)) { _driver.TerminationDate = DateTime.Parse(collection["Driver.TerminationDate"]); } context.Update(_driver); context.SaveChanges(); // return data; return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); } catch { using RDATContext context = new RDATContext(); List <SelectListItem> states = context.States.OrderBy(s => s.StateName).Select(a => new SelectListItem { Value = a.Id.ToString(), Text = a.StateName }).ToList(); _model.States = states; _model.Driver = _driver; return(View(_model)); } }
public ActionResult Favorite(int id) { var thisID = id; using RDATContext context = new RDATContext(); Company _company = context.Companys.Where(c => c.Id == id).FirstOrDefault(); _company.isFavorite = !_company.isFavorite; context.Update(_company); context.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); }
private bool ClearTempBatch() { try { using (RDATContext context = new RDATContext()) { List <TempTestingLog> existingEntries = context.TempTestingLogs.ToList(); context.TempTestingLogs.RemoveRange(existingEntries); context.SaveChanges(); return(true); } } catch (Exception) { return(false); } }
public IActionResult UpdateBatch(CreateBatchViewModel model) { // Create Batch Batch _batch = new Batch(); var _tempTestingLog = new List <TempTestingLog>(); using (RDATContext context = new RDATContext()) { // get list of existing test logs _tempTestingLog = context.TempTestingLogs.ToList(); // get active drivers int activeDrivers = context.Drivers.Where(d => d.TerminationDate == null && !d.isDelete).Count(); int numDrug = context.TempTestingLogs.Where(t => t.Test_Type == "Drug").Count(); int numAlcohol = context.TempTestingLogs.Where(t => t.Test_Type == "Alcohol").Count(); float _percentDrug = ((float)numDrug / activeDrivers) * 100; float _percentAlcohol = ((float)numAlcohol / activeDrivers) * 100; ViewBag.percentDrug = _percentDrug.ToString("##"); ViewBag.percentAlcohol = _percentAlcohol.ToString("##"); ViewBag.totalDrivers = numDrug + numAlcohol; ViewBag.activeDrivers = activeDrivers; // Create the Batch _batch.Created = DateTime.Now; _batch.RunDate = DateTime.Now; _batch.Alcohol_Percentage = (int)Math.Round(_percentAlcohol); _batch.Drug_Percentage = (int)Math.Round(_percentDrug); _batch.Alcohol_Tests = numAlcohol; _batch.Drug_Tests = numDrug; _batch.Eligible_Drivers = activeDrivers; context.Batches.Add(_batch); context.SaveChanges(); // Get New Batch ID int batchID = _batch.Id; // Build Batch BuildBatch(batchID); ClearTempBatch(); } return(RedirectToAction("ViewBatch", "Reports")); }
public ActionResult Favorite(int id) { var thisID = id; using RDATContext context = new RDATContext(); try { Driver _driver = context.Drivers.Where(c => c.Id == id).FirstOrDefault(); _driver.isFavorite = !_driver.isFavorite; context.Update(_driver); context.SaveChanges(); } catch (Exception) { throw; } return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Index))); }
public ActionResult saveTestingLog(int id, string propertyName, string value) { var status = false; var message = ""; // Update data to database using (RDATContext context = new RDATContext()) { var _log = context.TestingLogs.Find(id); object updateValue = value; bool isValid = true; if (propertyName == "Reported_Results") { int newResultID = 0; if (int.TryParse(value, out newResultID)) { updateValue = newResultID; //Update value field value = context.Results.Where(a => a.Id == newResultID).First().DisplayName; } else { isValid = false; } } else if (propertyName == "ResultsDate" || propertyName == "TestDate" || propertyName == "ClosedDate") { DateTime mod; if (DateTime.TryParseExact(value, "dd-MM-yyyy", new CultureInfo("en-US"), DateTimeStyles.None, out mod)) { updateValue = mod; } else { isValid = false; } } if (_log != null && isValid) { if (propertyName == "ResultsDate" || propertyName == "TestDate" || propertyName == "ClosedDate") { context.Entry(_log).Property(propertyName).CurrentValue = (DateTime)updateValue; } else if (propertyName == "Specimen_Id") { context.Entry(_log).Property(propertyName).CurrentValue = Convert.ToInt32(updateValue); } else { context.Entry(_log).Property(propertyName).CurrentValue = updateValue.ToString(); } context.SaveChanges(); status = true; } else { message = "Error!"; } } var response = new { value = value, status = status, message = message }; JObject o = JObject.FromObject(response); return(Content(o.ToString())); }
public IActionResult CreateBatch(CreateBatch batchRequest) { CreateBatchViewModel _model = new CreateBatchViewModel(); var driversDrug = new List <Driver>(); var driversAlcohol = new List <Driver>(); var _tempTestingLog = new List <TempTestingLog>(); // Determine whether if (batchRequest == null || batchRequest.AlcoholPercentage == 0 && batchRequest.DrugPercentage == 0) { // Load existing temp log entries using (RDATContext context = new RDATContext()) { // get list of existing test logs _tempTestingLog = context.TempTestingLogs.ToList(); // get active drivers //var activeDrivers = context.Drivers.Where(d => d.EnrollmentDate > d.TerminationDate).Count(); var activeDrivers = context.Drivers.Where(d => d.TerminationDate == null && !d.isDelete).Count(); int numDrug = context.TempTestingLogs.Where(t => t.Test_Type == "Drug").Count(); int numAlcohol = context.TempTestingLogs.Where(t => t.Test_Type == "Alcohol").Count(); float _percentDrug = ((float)numDrug / activeDrivers) * 100; float _percentAlcohol = ((float)numAlcohol / activeDrivers) * 100; ViewBag.percentDrug = _percentDrug.ToString("##"); ViewBag.percentAlcohol = _percentAlcohol.ToString("##"); ViewBag.totalDrivers = numDrug + numAlcohol; ViewBag.activeDrivers = activeDrivers; } } else { // generate new entries float _percentDrug = (float)batchRequest.DrugPercentage / 100; float _percentAlcohol = (float)batchRequest.AlcoholPercentage / 100; double _percentage = 0; ViewBag.percentDrug = batchRequest.DrugPercentage; ViewBag.percentAlcohol = batchRequest.AlcoholPercentage; var activeDrivers = 0; using (RDATContext context = new RDATContext()) { List <TempTestingLog> existingEntries = context.TempTestingLogs.ToList(); // First get rid of old entries context.TempTestingLogs.RemoveRange(existingEntries); activeDrivers = context.Drivers.Where(d => d.TerminationDate == null && !d.isDelete).Count(); int numDrug = (int)(_percentDrug * activeDrivers); int numAlcohol = (int)(_percentAlcohol * activeDrivers); // _percentage = (double)numDrug / activeDrivers; // _percentage = _percentage * 100; ViewBag.percentage = _percentage.ToString("##.##"); ViewBag.activeDrivers = activeDrivers; driversDrug = context.Drivers.Where(d => d.TerminationDate == null && !d.isDelete).OrderBy(d => Guid.NewGuid()).Take(numDrug).ToList(); driversAlcohol = context.Drivers.Where(d => d.TerminationDate == null && !d.isDelete).OrderBy(d => Guid.NewGuid()).Take(numAlcohol).ToList(); foreach (Driver d in driversDrug) { TempTestingLog _tempLog = new TempTestingLog(); _tempLog.Test_Type = "Drug"; _tempLog.Driver_Id = d.Id; _tempLog.Driver_Name = d.DriverName; _tempLog.Company_Id = d.Company_id; _tempLog.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now; _tempLog.ModifiedDate = DateTime.Now; // context.TempTestingLogs.Add(_tempLog); _tempTestingLog.Add(_tempLog); } foreach (Driver d in driversAlcohol) { TempTestingLog _tempLog = new TempTestingLog(); _tempLog.Test_Type = "Alcohol"; _tempLog.Driver_Id = d.Id; _tempLog.Driver_Name = d.DriverName; _tempLog.Company_Id = d.Company_id; _tempLog.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now; _tempLog.ModifiedDate = DateTime.Now; // context.TempTestingLogs.Add(_tempLog); _tempTestingLog.Add(_tempLog); } // Add new records to database var count = _tempTestingLog.Count(); ViewBag.totalDrivers = count; foreach (TempTestingLog log in _tempTestingLog) { context.TempTestingLogs.Add(log); } context.SaveChanges(); }; } _model.tempTestingLogs = _tempTestingLog; _model.batchRequest = new CreateBatch(); // Old model on page was --> IEnumerable<RDAT.Models.Driver> return(View(_model)); }