private void AddPreviewText(string text, LineType type) { // InvokeRequired required compares the thread ID of the // calling thread to the thread ID of the creating thread. // If these threads are different, it returns true. if (this.RB_Preview.InvokeRequired) { SetPreviewTextDelegate d = new SetPreviewTextDelegate(AddPreviewText); this.Invoke(d, new object[] { text, type }); } else { RB_Preview.AppendText(text + "\n"); RB_Preview.Select(RB_Preview.Text.Length - text.Length - 1, text.Length); switch (type) { case LineType.Generic: RB_Preview.SelectionColor = _programSettings.Colors.LineColorGeneric; break; case LineType.IrcCommand: RB_Preview.SelectionColor = _programSettings.Colors.LineColorIrcCommand; break; case LineType.ModCommand: RB_Preview.SelectionColor = _programSettings.Colors.LineColorModeration; break; case LineType.SoundCommand: RB_Preview.SelectionColor = _programSettings.Colors.LineColorSoundPlayback; break; default: RB_Preview.SelectionColor = _programSettings.Colors.LineColorGeneric; break; } } }
private void AppendChatLine(string text, LineType linetype) { RB_Preview.AppendText(text + "\n"); RB_Preview.Select(RB_Preview.Text.Length - text.Length - 1, text.Length); switch (linetype) { case LineType.IrcCommand: RB_Preview.SelectionColor = LineColorIrcCommand; break; case LineType.ModCommand: RB_Preview.SelectionColor = LineColorModeration; break; case LineType.SoundCommand: RB_Preview.SelectionColor = LineColorSoundPlayback; break; default: RB_Preview.SelectionColor = LineColorGeneric; break; } }