private void btnNextPRG_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int i = 1; RBCXMLGen.SCOService.OrchestratorContext context = new RBCXMLGen.SCOService.OrchestratorContext(new Uri(serviceRoot)); context.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(user, password, domain); foreach (object itemChecked in cblPRG.CheckedItems) { try { var runbooks2 = from runbook in context.Runbooks where runbook.Name == itemChecked.ToString() select runbook; foreach (var item in runbooks2) { dictionary.Add(item.Id, item.Name); Label lblLable = new Label(); lblLable.Name = i.ToString(); lblLable.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(439, intVertOffSetPRG); lblLable.Text = itemChecked.ToString(); this.tabPRG.Controls.Add(lblLable); TextBox txtBox = new TextBox(); txtBox.Name = itemChecked.ToString(); txtBox.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(553, intVertOffSetPRG); this.tabPRG.Controls.Add(txtBox); } intVertOffSetPRG += 30; i++; } catch { MessageBox.Show("Error: Runbook has already been added to the CM formatting list. Please uncheck any duplicate Runbooks."); } } }
private void btnFetch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (rb2007.Checked) { genPass = 1; } if (rb2012.Checked) { genPass = 1; } if (genPass == 0) { MessageBox.Show("Select CM Platform"); return; } else { if (rb2012.Checked) { try { RegistryKey rk1 = Registry.LocalMachine.CreateSubKey("Software\\Microsoft\\ConfigMgr10\\Setup"); adminUI = (rk1.GetValue("UI Installation Directory").ToString()); } catch { try { RegistryKey rk2 = Registry.LocalMachine.CreateSubKey("Software\\Wow6432Node\\Microsoft\\ConfigMgr10\\Setup"); adminUI = (rk2.GetValue("UI Installation Directory").ToString()); } catch { MessageBox.Show("Error: CM 2012 Console not found, or the execution account does not have permissions to read from the registry."); this.Close(); } } } if (rb2007.Checked) { try { RegistryKey rk1 = Registry.LocalMachine.CreateSubKey("Software\\Microsoft\\ConfigMgr\\Setup"); adminUI = (rk1.GetValue("UI Installation Directory").ToString()); } catch { try { RegistryKey rk2 = Registry.LocalMachine.CreateSubKey("Software\\Wow6432Node\\Microsoft\\ConfigMgr\\Setup"); adminUI = (rk2.GetValue("UI Installation Directory").ToString()); } catch { MessageBox.Show("Error: CM 2007 Console not found, or the execution account does not have permissions to read from the registry."); this.Close(); } } } } try { serviceRoot = txtURL.Text; user = txtUserName.Text; password = txtPassword.Text; domain = txtDomain.Text; RBCXMLGen.SCOService.OrchestratorContext context = new RBCXMLGen.SCOService.OrchestratorContext(new Uri(serviceRoot)); context.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(user, password, domain); //Gather a list of all Runbooks var runbooks = from runbook in context.Runbooks select runbook; //Gather a list of all Parameters var paramaters = from runbookparameter in context.RunbookParameters select runbookparameter; foreach (var item in paramaters) { if (item.Name == "Computer Name:") { foreach (var item2 in runbooks) { if (item2.Id == item.RunbookId) { cblCOM.Items.Add(item2.Name); } } } if (item.Name == "Collection ID:") { foreach (var item2 in runbooks) { if (item2.Id == item.RunbookId) { cblCOL.Items.Add(item2.Name); } } } if (item.Name == "Program Name:") { foreach (var item2 in runbooks) { if (item2.Id == item.RunbookId) { cblPRG.Items.Add(item2.Name); } } } } } catch { MessageBox.Show("Error: Web Service URL may be entered incorrectly, proper permission has not been established, or credentials have been entered incorrectly."); } }