private void InitializeEndpoint() { // Get host addresses for specified host var addresses = Dns.GetHostAddresses(_host); if (addresses.Length == 0) { CH.Exit("Failure", "Unable to retrieve address from specified host."); } // Loop through addresses and use the first IPV4 address for (var i = 0; i < addresses.Length; i++) { if (addresses[i].AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetwork) { _endpoint = new IPEndPoint(addresses[i], _port); break; } } if (_endpoint == null) { CH.Exit("Failure", "Unable to resolve specified host to a valid IP address."); } }
private void GenerateGraph() { // Setup the graph pane var pane = new GraphPane(new RectangleF(0, 0, 1024, 480), "HashPeak", "GPU engine clock (MHz)", "Hashrate (khash/s)"); pane.Y2Axis.Title.Text = "Hardware errors"; // Add the hashrate curve pane.AddCurve("Hashrate", _hashRatePoints, Color.Green, SymbolType.None); ((LineItem)pane.CurveList[0]).Line.Width = 2.0F; ((LineItem)pane.CurveList[0]).Line.IsAntiAlias = true; // Add the HW errors curve pane.AddCurve("Hardware errors", _hwErrorPoints, Color.Red, SymbolType.None); ((LineItem)pane.CurveList[1]).Line.Width = 2.0F; ((LineItem)pane.CurveList[1]).Line.IsAntiAlias = true; pane.CurveList[1].IsY2Axis = true; pane.Y2Axis.IsVisible = true; // Setup scales pane.XAxis.Scale.Min = _minGpuClock; pane.XAxis.Scale.Max = _maxGpuClock; pane.Y2Axis.Scale.Min = 0; // Save as PNG var bitmap = new Bitmap(1, 1); using (var g = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap)) pane.AxisChange(g); try { pane.GetImage(true).Save(string.Format(GraphFilenameFormat, _host, _gpuId, _saveMemClock, _minGpuClock, _maxGpuClock, DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd")), ImageFormat.Png); } catch (Exception) { CH.Exit("An error occurred while saving graph to file {0}. Is the file in use?", string.Format(GraphFilenameFormat, _host, _gpuId, _saveMemClock, _minGpuClock, _maxGpuClock, DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd"))); } }
private double GetStableHashRate() { var currentHashRate = 0d; var hashRateHistory = new List <double>(); // Try for a maximum of AutoDelayMaxWaitSeconds seconds for (var i = 0; i < AutoDelayMaxWaitSeconds; i++) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(1000); var gpuResponse = Send <GpuResponse>(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new Request { Command = "gpu", Parameter = _gpuId.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) })); if (gpuResponse.Gpu == null) { CH.Exit("Failure", gpuResponse.Status[0].Msg); } currentHashRate = gpuResponse.Gpu[0].MhsXs * 1000; // Do we have enough samples? if (hashRateHistory.Count == StabilitySampleCount) { if (HashRateIsStable(currentHashRate, hashRateHistory)) { break; } // Remove the oldest sample hashRateHistory.RemoveAt(0); } // Add a new sample hashRateHistory.Add(currentHashRate); } return(currentHashRate); }
public void ParseCommandLineArgs(string[] args) { var showHelp = false; var delayString = "auto"; // We're using Mono.Options to parse the command line arguments (see Options.cs) var os = new OptionSet { { "host=", "IP or hostname for miner API. Default:", v => _host = v }, { "port=", "Port number for miner API. Default: 4028.", (int v) => _port = v }, { "gpu-id=", "GPU ID to work on. [required]", (int v) => _gpuId = v }, { "min-gpu-clock=", "Lower limit of GPU engine clock frequency range to test. [required]", (int v) => _minGpuClock = v }, { "max-gpu-clock=", "Upper limit of GPU engine clock frequency range to test. [required]", (int v) => _maxGpuClock = v }, { "step=", "Number of MHz to increase GPU engine clock per iteration. Default 1.", (int v) => _step = v }, { "delay=", "Seconds to wait between setting new clock and testing the hashrate. Default: auto (see README).", v => delayString = v }, { "help", "Show this message and exit.", v => showHelp = v != null } }; try { os.Parse(args); } catch (OptionException e) { CH.Exit(e.Message + Environment.NewLine + "Try `HashPeak --help' for more information."); } if (showHelp) { CH.ShowHelp(os); } // Validate parameter values and set defaults if (_host == null) { _host = ""; } if (_port < 0) { _port = 4028; } if (_gpuId < 0) { CH.Exit("The --gpu-id parameter is missing or invalid. Try `HashPeak --help' for more information."); } if (_minGpuClock < 0) { CH.Exit("The --min-gpu-clock parameter is missing or invalid. Try `HashPeak --help' for more information."); } if (_maxGpuClock < 0) { CH.Exit("The --max-gpu-clock parameter is missing or invalid. Try `HashPeak --help' for more information."); } if (_step < 0) { _step = 1; } if (delayString.ToLower() != "auto") { if (!int.TryParse(delayString, out _delay)) { CH.Exit("The --delay parameter is missing or invalid. The paramater must be either `auto' or a delay value in seconds. Try `HashPeak --help' for more information."); } if (_delay < 0) { _delay = 20; } _autoDelayEnabled = false; } }
public T Send <T>(string request) { // Initialize the socket endpoint if (_endpoint == null) { InitializeEndpoint(); } // Setup socket var socket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp) { SendTimeout = 5000, ReceiveTimeout = 5000 }; var sb = new StringBuilder(256); try { // Connect to endpoint and send payload socket.Connect(_endpoint); socket.Send(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(request)); // Receive response var buffer = new byte[65535]; while (true) { var len = socket.Receive(buffer, 65535, SocketFlags.None); if (len < 1) { break; } sb.Append(Encoding.ASCII.GetString(buffer), 0, len); if (buffer[len - 1] == '\0') { break; } } // Tidy up socket.Shutdown(SocketShutdown.Both); socket.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { CH.Exit("Failure", ex.Message); } var response = sb.ToString(); // The property name for the average Mhash varies depending on log interval. Normalize it to "MHS Xs". if (typeof(T) == typeof(GpuResponse)) { response = Regex.Replace(response, "\"MHS [0-9]+s\"", "\"MHS Xs\""); } // Deserialize response var result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <T>(response); if (result == null) { CH.Exit("Failure", "Received unexpected response from API."); } return(result); }
public void Run() { // Query API for version number (verifies connectivity) CH.Write(string.Format(" - Connecting to API on {0}:{1}... ", _host, _port), ConsoleColor.White); var versionResponse = Send <VersionResponse>(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new Request { Command = "version" })); CH.Write("Success", ConsoleColor.Green); CH.Write(string.Format(" ({0})" + Environment.NewLine, versionResponse.Status[0].Description), ConsoleColor.Gray); // The autoDelay feature doesn't make sense when running against cgminer due to the limited API hashrate accuracy if (_autoDelayEnabled && versionResponse.Status[0].Description.StartsWith("cgminer")) { _autoDelayEnabled = false; _delay = 20; CH.Write(" - Detected cgminer. Forcing delay to 20 seconds." + Environment.NewLine, ConsoleColor.White); } // Verify that we have privileged access to the API CH.Write(" - Verifying priviliged access to API... ", ConsoleColor.White); var statusResponse = Send <StatusResponse>(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new Request { Command = "privileged" })); if (statusResponse.Status[0].Status == "E") { CH.Exit("Failure", statusResponse.Status[0].Msg); } CH.Write("Success" + Environment.NewLine, ConsoleColor.Green); // Query API for the specified GPU id CH.Write(string.Format(" - Looking for GPU with id {0}... ", _gpuId), ConsoleColor.White); var gpuResponse = Send <GpuResponse>(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new Request { Command = "gpu", Parameter = _gpuId.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) })); if (gpuResponse.Gpu == null) { CH.Exit("Failure", gpuResponse.Status[0].Msg); } CH.Write("Success", ConsoleColor.Green); CH.Write(string.Format(" ({0} {1}/{2})" + Environment.NewLine, gpuResponse.Gpu[0].Status, gpuResponse.Gpu[0].GpuClock, gpuResponse.Gpu[0].MemoryClock), ConsoleColor.Gray); _saveMemClock = gpuResponse.Gpu[0].MemoryClock; _saveGpuClock = gpuResponse.Gpu[0].GpuClock; // TODO: Only proceed if card is "Alive"? CH.Write(Environment.NewLine + " Starting measurements." + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine, ConsoleColor.White); // Setup _logFilename = string.Format(LogFilenameFormat, _host, _gpuId, _saveMemClock, _minGpuClock, _maxGpuClock, DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd")); var peakHashRate = 0d; var peakGpuClock = 0; var hwErrorsTally = 0; var peakHwErrors = 0; _hashRatePoints = new PointPairList(); _hwErrorPoints = new PointPairList(); // Loop through GPU engine clock range for (var gpuClock = _minGpuClock; gpuClock <= _maxGpuClock; gpuClock += _step) { CH.Write(string.Format(" - Setting GPU engine clock to {0}... ", gpuClock), ConsoleColor.White); statusResponse = Send <StatusResponse>(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new Request { Command = "gpuengine", Parameter = _gpuId + "," + gpuClock })); if (statusResponse.Status[0].Status == "E" || statusResponse.Status[0].Status == "F") { CH.Exit("Failure", statusResponse.Status[0].Msg); } CH.Write("Success" + Environment.NewLine, ConsoleColor.Green); double currentHashRate; if (_autoDelayEnabled) { CH.Write(" - Waiting for hashrate to stabilize... ", ConsoleColor.White); currentHashRate = GetStableHashRate(); CH.Write("Done", ConsoleColor.Green); CH.Write(string.Format(" ({0} khash/s)" + Environment.NewLine, currentHashRate), ConsoleColor.Gray); } else { // Wait _delay seconds and then take the measurement // TODO: Wait longer the first time CH.Write(string.Format(" - Waiting {0} seconds for hashrate to stabilize... ", _delay), ConsoleColor.White); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(_delay * 1000); CH.Write("Done", ConsoleColor.Green); gpuResponse = Send <GpuResponse>(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new Request { Command = "gpu", Parameter = _gpuId.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) })); if (gpuResponse.Gpu == null) { CH.Exit("Failure", gpuResponse.Status[0].Msg); } currentHashRate = gpuResponse.Gpu[0].MhsXs * 1000; CH.Write(string.Format(" ({0} khash/s)" + Environment.NewLine, currentHashRate), ConsoleColor.Gray); } // Check for hashrate peak if (currentHashRate > peakHashRate) { peakHashRate = currentHashRate; peakGpuClock = gpuClock; } // Calculate HW errors delta and check for peak var hwErrorsDelta = gpuResponse.Gpu[0].HardwareErrors - hwErrorsTally; hwErrorsTally = gpuResponse.Gpu[0].HardwareErrors; if (hwErrorsDelta > peakHwErrors) { peakHwErrors = hwErrorsDelta; } // Log to csv file AppendToLog(DateTime.Now, gpuResponse.Gpu[0].MemoryClock, gpuClock, currentHashRate, hwErrorsDelta); // Save data points for graph _hashRatePoints.Add(gpuClock, currentHashRate); _hwErrorPoints.Add(gpuClock, hwErrorsDelta); } CH.Write(string.Format(" - Measurements completed. Resetting GPU engine clock to {0}... ", _saveGpuClock), ConsoleColor.White); statusResponse = Send <StatusResponse>(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new Request { Command = "gpuengine", Parameter = _gpuId + "," + _saveGpuClock })); if (statusResponse.Status[0].Status == "E" || statusResponse.Status[0].Status == "F") { CH.Exit("Failure", statusResponse.Status[0].Msg); } CH.Write("Success" + Environment.NewLine, ConsoleColor.Green); CH.Write(Environment.NewLine + string.Format("Peak of {0} khash/s detected at GPU clock {1} MHz. See {2} for details.", peakHashRate.ToString("F1"), peakGpuClock, _logFilename) + Environment.NewLine, ConsoleColor.White); GenerateGraph(); }