コード例 #1
    protected void btnSumit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            QuotesTableAdapter quotesAdpt = new QuotesTableAdapter();

            string keywords = string.Empty;
            if (txtKeyWords.Text != string.Empty)
                keywords = txtKeyWords.Text.Trim();

            string quote = txtQuote.Text;

            //check for first quotation mark
            if (quote.Substring(0, 1) == "\"")
                quote = quote.Substring(1);

            //check for ending quotation mark
            if (quote.Substring(quote.Length - 1, 1) == "\"")
                quote = quote.Substring(0, quote.Length - 1);

            //confirm the quote doesn't already exist
            if ((int)quotesAdpt.DoesQuoteExist(quote) > 0)
                throw new ApplicationException("The quote already exists in the archive.");

            //check for super admin
            FormsAuthenticationTicket ticket = FormsAuthentication.Decrypt(HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies[FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName].Value);
            Contributor c = new Contributor(ticket.Name);

            //8ebd9a3c-3993-4f92-993b-261e61e040cf == britton's id
            quotesAdpt.Insert(c.ContributorId, int.Parse(this.ddFounders.SelectedItem.Value), quote, this.txtReferenceInfo.Text, keywords, DateTime.Now, true);

            //this creates a unique url for the page (to ensure that it refreshes properly in the browser)
            Guid g = Guid.NewGuid();
            Response.Redirect("add-quote.aspx?Founder=" + this.ddFounders.SelectedValue + "&g=" + g.ToString().Substring(4, 9));
        catch (Exception ex)
コード例 #2
    //for editing
    protected void btnSaveChanges_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        QuotesTableAdapter quotes = new QuotesTableAdapter();

        CoreDataObjects.QuotesRow r = quotes.GetByQuoteId(int.Parse(QuoteId.Value))[0];

        r.FounderID = ddFounders.SelectedValue.ToInt();
        r.QuoteText = QuoteText.Text;

        if (Request.QueryString["RedirectUrl"] != null)
            Response.Redirect("browse.aspx?q=" + Request.QueryString["q"]);
コード例 #3
        //public void GetAd()
        //    try
        //    {
        //            // Get row with ad data.
        //            SiteAdsTableAdapter tbaAds = new SiteAdsTableAdapter();

        //            AppData.SiteAdsRow rwAdData;

        //            // If an ad has been specified in the query string, pull it. Otherwise pick a random ad.
        //            if(Request.QueryString["ad"] != null)
        //                rwAdData = (AppData.SiteAdsRow)tbaAds.GetDataByID(int.Parse(Request.QueryString["ad"])).Rows[0];
        //            else
        //                rwAdData = (AppData.SiteAdsRow)tbaAds.GetRandomAd().Rows[0];

        //            // Fill in the controls.
        //            litImage.Text = rwAdData.ImageLink;

        //            if (!rwAdData.IsTextLinkNull())
        //                litText.Text = rwAdData.TextLink;

        //            if (!rwAdData.IsAuthorNull())
        //                lblAuthor.Text = rwAdData.Author;
        //    }
        //    catch
        //    {
        //        throw;
        //    }

        public void GetQuote()
            // Reads a random quote from the site_quotes file and displays it
            // as part of the page header section.

            QuotesTableAdapter tbaQuotes;

            AppData.QuotesRow drQuote;

                tbaQuotes     = new QuotesTableAdapter();
                drQuote       = (AppData.QuotesRow)tbaQuotes.GetRandomQuote().Rows[0];
                QuoteBox.Text = QuoteBoxText(drQuote.QuoteText, drQuote.Author);
                QuoteBox.Text = QuoteBoxText("The law of unintended consequences " +
                                             "governs all technological revolutions.", "Arnold J. Toynbee");
コード例 #4
        protected void cmdSaveQuote_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            QuotesTableAdapter tbaQuotes = new QuotesTableAdapter();
            string             quoteID   = Request.QueryString["itemID"];
            int newID;

            //If there is no article ID specified, save a new quote record.  Otherwise, update the specified quote.
                if (quoteID != null)
                    tbaQuotes.Update(textQuote.Text, textAuthor.Text, int.Parse(quoteID));
                    tbaQuotes.Insert(textQuote.Text, textAuthor.Text, out newID);
                    Response.Redirect("adminpanel.aspx?catID=quotes&itemID=" + newID.ToString(), false);
            catch (Exception ex)
                General.ErrorHandler(ex, "Error thrown by adminpanel.aspx.cmdSaveQuote_Click()");