コード例 #1
        public ActionResult Score()
            if ((Session["User"] == null) || ((bool)Session["Finshed"] == false)) //Checks that a User is logged in and All the questions have been answered.
                return(Redirect("../Home/Index"));                                //return Redirect used instead of return View because Return View simply displays the View without calling the relevant controller method causing the page to be static.
                QuestionDB        questions = (QuestionDB)Session["Questions"]; //The QuestionDB instance is set from the Session Questions
                QuizDBDataContext db        = new QuizDBDataContext();          //Creates a instance of the Database
                tblResult         result    = new tblResult                     //Creates a new instance of tblResult to be saved into the Database
                    PlayerID       = (int)Session["UserID"],                    //Sets the PlayerID from the ID stored in the Session
                    Score          = questions.QuestionRoundScore(),            //Sets the Score for the round as well as the current DateTime stamp
                    ResultDateTime = DateTime.Now

                try     //Try catch used to submit the changes to the Database
                catch (Exception e)

                ViewBag.TotalScore = questions.TotalScore();

コード例 #2
        public ActionResult Register(string Username, string passWord)
            QuizDBDataContext db = new QuizDBDataContext(); //Creates a instance of the Database

            tblPlayer player = new tblPlayer                //Creates a new instance of tblPlayer to be added to the DataBase
                PlayerName     = Username,
                PlayerPassword = passWord


            try                 //Try catch statement used to save the new User into the DataBase
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine(e);       //Writes the Error to the console
            return(Redirect("Login"));      //return Redirect used instead of return View because Return View simply displays the View without calling the relevant controller method causing the page to be static.