コード例 #1
 // Update the Quickpaste XML in the ImageSetTable and refresh the Quickpaste window to reflect the current contents
 private void QuickPasteRefreshWindowAndXML()
     this.DataHandler.FileDatabase.ImageSet.QuickPasteXML = QuickPasteOperations.QuickPasteEntriesToXML(this.quickPasteEntries);
     if (this.quickPasteWindow != null)
コード例 #2
        // Create a quickpaste entry from the current data controls,
        // add it to the quickpaste entries, and update the display and the ImageSetTable database as needed
        private void QuickPasteEntryNew()
            string          title           = "QuickPaste #" + (this.quickPasteEntries.Count + 1).ToString();
            QuickPasteEntry quickPasteEntry = QuickPasteOperations.TryGetQuickPasteItemFromDataFields(this.DataHandler.FileDatabase, this.DataHandler.ImageCache.CurrentRow, title);

            if (quickPasteEntry == null)

            // Make sure the quickPasteWindow is not topmost, as it may otherwise occlude part of the QuickPaste Editor
            if (this.quickPasteWindow.IsLoaded)
                this.quickPasteWindow.Topmost = false;
            QuickPasteEditor quickPasteEditor = new QuickPasteEditor(quickPasteEntry, this.DataHandler.FileDatabase, this.DataEntryControls)
                Owner = this

            if (quickPasteEditor.ShowDialog() == true)
                quickPasteEntry = quickPasteEditor.QuickPasteEntry;
                if (this.quickPasteEntries == null)
                    // This shouldn't be necessary, but just in case...
                    this.quickPasteEntries = new List <QuickPasteEntry>();

            // Restore the quickPaste window back to its topmost state
            if (this.quickPasteWindow.IsLoaded)
                this.quickPasteWindow.Topmost = true;
コード例 #3
 /// Import QuickPaste Items from a .ddb file
 private void MenuItemQuickPasteImportFromDB_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
     if (Dialogs.TryGetFileFromUserUsingOpenFileDialog("Import QuickPaste entries by selecting the Timelapse database (.ddb) file from the image folder where you had used them.",
                                                       Path.Combine(this.DataHandler.FileDatabase.FolderPath, Constant.File.DefaultFileDatabaseFileName),
                                                       String.Format("Database files (*{0})|*{0}", Constant.File.FileDatabaseFileExtension),
                                                       out string ddbFile) == true)
         List <QuickPasteEntry> qpe = QuickPasteOperations.QuickPasteImportFromDB(this.DataHandler.FileDatabase, ddbFile);
         if (qpe.Count == 0)
             this.quickPasteEntries = qpe;
コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// When folder loading has completed add callbacks, prepare the UI, set up the image set, and show the image.
        /// </summary>
        private async Task OnFolderLoadingCompleteAsync(bool filesJustAdded)

            // Show the image, hide the load button, and make the feedback panels visible
            this.ImageSetPane.IsActive = true;
            this.MarkableCanvas.Focus(); // We start with this having the focus so it can interpret keyboard shortcuts if needed.

            // Adjust the visibility of the CopyPreviousValuesButton. Copyable controls will preview/highlight as one enters the CopyPreviousValuesButton
            this.CopyPreviousValuesButton.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
            this.DataEntryControlPanel.IsVisible     = true;

            // Show the File Player
            this.FilePlayer.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;

            // Set whether detections actually exist at this point.
            GlobalReferences.DetectionsExists = this.State.UseDetections && this.DataHandler.FileDatabase.DetectionsExists();

            // Sets the default bounding box threshold, either by using a default or reading it from the detection database table (if it exists)

            // Get the QuickPasteXML from the database and populate the QuickPaste datastructure with it
            string xml = this.DataHandler.FileDatabase.ImageSet.QuickPasteXML;

            this.quickPasteEntries = QuickPasteOperations.QuickPasteEntriesFromXML(this.DataHandler.FileDatabase, xml);

            // if this is completion of an existing .ddb open, set the current selection and the image index to the ones from the previous session with the image set
            // also if this is completion of import to a new .ddb
            long mostRecentFileID = this.DataHandler.FileDatabase.ImageSet.MostRecentFileID;

            FileSelectionEnum fileSelection = this.DataHandler.FileDatabase.ImageSet.FileSelection;

            if (fileSelection == FileSelectionEnum.Folders)
                // Compose a custom search term for the relative path
                // which sets and only usse the relative path as a search term
            if (filesJustAdded && (this.DataHandler.ImageCache.CurrentRow != Constant.DatabaseValues.InvalidRow && this.DataHandler.ImageCache.CurrentRow != Constant.DatabaseValues.InvalidRow))
                // if this is completion of an add to an existing image set stay on the image, ideally, shown before the import
                if (this.DataHandler.ImageCache.Current != null)
                    mostRecentFileID = this.DataHandler.ImageCache.Current.ID;
                // This is heavier weight than desirable, but it's a one off.

            // PERFORMANCE - Initial but necessary Selection done in OnFolderLoadingComplete invoking this.FilesSelectAndShow to display selected image set
            // PROGRESSBAR - Display a progress bar on this (and all other) calls to FilesSelectAndShow after a delay of (say) .5 seconds.
            await this.FilesSelectAndShowAsync(mostRecentFileID, fileSelection).ConfigureAwait(true);

            // match UX availability to file availability

            // Reset the folder list used to construct the Select Folders menu

            // Trigger updates to the datagrid pane, if its visible to the user.
            if (this.DataGridPane.IsVisible)
                this.DataGridPane_IsActiveChanged(null, null);

            // We have to do this again, to ensure that we have switched to the ImageSetPane
            this.ImageSetPane.IsActive = true;
コード例 #5
 // Delete the quickPaste Entry from the quickPasteEntries
 private void QuickPasteEntryDelete(QuickPasteEntry quickPasteEntry)
     this.quickPasteEntries = QuickPasteOperations.DeleteQuickPasteEntry(this.quickPasteEntries, quickPasteEntry);