コード例 #1
        public void Init()
            GameControl cp = null;

            // Try to load from a save game file if one exists.
            if (File.Exists(saveGameFileName))
                FileStream saveGame = new FileStream(saveGameFileName, FileMode.Open);

                    cp          = DeSerialize(saveGame);
                    guild       = cp.guild;
                    questBoard  = cp.questBoard;
                    heroPool    = cp.heroPool;
                    monsterPool = cp.monsterPool;
                catch (Exception e)
                    WriteLine($"Could not read from file because: {e.Message}");

コード例 #2
        public void NewGame()
            if (File.Exists(saveGameFileName))
            guild       = null;
            questBoard  = null;
            heroPool    = null;
            monsterPool = null;

コード例 #3
        private void SetupQuests()
            if (questBoard == null)
            {             // **** Quests ****
                          // Create a bunch of quests and store them in a QuestPool
                questBoard = new QuestPool();
                questBoard.Add(new Quest("Quest 1: Goblilns on the run!"));
                questBoard.Add(new Quest("Quest 2: How to get away with murder?"));

                foreach (var quest in questBoard.List)
コード例 #4
    public void RegisterQuests()
        //copy the quest list
        QuestPool qpool = Resources.Load("Quests/QuestPool", typeof(QuestPool)) as QuestPool;

        questList = qpool.pool;

        //create completition values
        questCompleted = new bool[questList.Length];

        //copy the metaquest list
        MetaQuestPool mqpool = Resources.Load("MetaQuests/MetaQuestPool", typeof(MetaQuestPool)) as MetaQuestPool;

        metaQuestList = mqpool.pool;
コード例 #5
        public void OnLoadingColony(Colony c, JSONNode n)
            if (!CompletedQuests.ContainsKey(c))
                CompletedQuests.Add(c, new List <string>());

            var saveDir  = GameInitializer.SAVE_LOC + "Quests/";
            var saveFile = saveDir + c.ColonyID + ".json";

            if (!Directory.Exists(saveDir))

            if (File.Exists(saveFile))
                var colonySave = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ColonyQuestingSave>(File.ReadAllText(saveFile));

                CompletedQuests[c] = colonySave.CompletedQuests;

                foreach (var kvp in colonySave.InProgressQuests)
                    if (QuestPool.TryGetValue(kvp.Key, out var quest))
                        quest.Load(kvp.Value.QuestSave, c);

                        foreach (var o in kvp.Value.Objectives)
                            if (quest.QuestObjectives.TryGetValue(o.Key, out var objective))
                                objective.Load(o.Value, quest, c);
コード例 #6
    static void ImportGameData()
        TextAsset   questsData = Resources.Load("GameData", typeof(TextAsset)) as TextAsset;
        XmlDocument xmlDoc     = new XmlDocument();


        //import icons
        Dictionary <string, Texture2D> icons = new Dictionary <string, Texture2D>();
        XmlNodeList listIcons = ((XmlElement)xmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("Icons")[0]).GetElementsByTagName("Icon");
        TexturePool tpool     = (Resources.Load("TexturePools/NPCPortraits") as GameObject).GetComponent <TexturePool>();

        foreach (XmlElement xmlIcon in listIcons)
            string iconName    = xmlIcon.Attributes.GetNamedItem("name").InnerXml;
            string texturePath = xmlIcon.Attributes.GetNamedItem("texture").InnerXml;

            Texture2D texture = tpool.getFromList(texturePath);

            icons.Add(iconName, texture);

        //import dialogs
        Dictionary <string, GameObject> dialogs = new Dictionary <string, GameObject>();
        XmlNodeList listDialogs = ((XmlElement)xmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("Dialogs")[0]).GetElementsByTagName("Dialog");

        foreach (XmlElement xmlDialog in listDialogs)
            string dialogName = xmlDialog.Attributes.GetNamedItem("name").InnerXml;

            //create an empty gameobject but make it inactive
            GameObject go = new GameObject();
            go.active = false;
            Dialog dialog = go.AddComponent <Dialog>();

            //write each message configuration
            XmlNodeList listMessages = xmlDialog.GetElementsByTagName("Message");

            for (int i = 0; i < listMessages.Count; i++)
                DialogMessage dm = new DialogMessage();
                processDialogMessage(icons, ref dm, listMessages[i] as XmlElement, dialogName, i);

            //process the event data
            processEvent(go, xmlDialog.GetElementsByTagName("Event"));

            //add it as a prefab
            string prefabPath     = "Assets/Resources/Dialogs/" + dialogName + ".prefab";
            string prefabFullPath = Application.dataPath + "/Resources/Dialogs/" + dialogName + ".prefab";
            string directory      = prefabFullPath.Substring(0, prefabFullPath.LastIndexOf('/') + 1);

            //create the directory where the prefab will exists if not created
            if (!Directory.Exists(directory))

            Object     p      = PrefabUtility.CreateEmptyPrefab(prefabPath);
            GameObject prefab = EditorUtility.ReplacePrefab(go, p, ReplacePrefabOptions.ConnectToPrefab);


            if (dialogs.ContainsKey(dialogName))
                Debug.Log(dialogName + " already exists");
                dialogs.Add(dialogName, prefab);

        AudioPool QuestThemePool = null;

        GameObject QuestThemes = Resources.Load("Audio/QuestThemes") as GameObject;

        if (QuestThemes != null)
            QuestThemePool = QuestThemes.GetComponent <AudioPool>();

        //import quests
        Dictionary <string, GameObject> quests = new Dictionary <string, GameObject>();
        XmlNodeList listQuests = ((XmlElement)xmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("Quests")[0]).GetElementsByTagName("Quest");

        QuestPool qpool = Resources.Load("Quests/QuestPool", typeof(QuestPool)) as QuestPool;

        qpool.pool = new QuestDependency[listQuests.Count];
        int nQuestsInPool = 0;

        foreach (XmlElement xmlQuest in listQuests)
            string questName = xmlQuest.Attributes.GetNamedItem("name").InnerXml;

            GameObject go = new GameObject();
            go.active = false;

            Quest quest = go.AddComponent <Quest>();

            string     title       = xmlQuest.Attributes.GetNamedItem("title").InnerXml;
            GameObject startDialog = null;

            if (xmlQuest.Attributes.GetNamedItem("startDialog") != null)
                string dialogName = xmlQuest.Attributes.GetNamedItem("startDialog").InnerXml;
                if (dialogs.ContainsKey(dialogName))
                    startDialog = dialogs[dialogName];
                    Debug.Log("Quest " + questName + " uses " + dialogName + " dialog, but it doesn't exist");

            string     backgroundPath = "Prefabs/" + xmlQuest.Attributes.GetNamedItem("background").InnerXml;
            Game.Towns townId         = Game.getTownId(xmlQuest.Attributes.GetNamedItem("town").InnerXml);
            GameObject background     = Resources.Load(backgroundPath) as GameObject;

            quest.title      = title;
            quest.town       = townId;
            quest.background = background;
            if (startDialog != null)
                quest.startDialog = startDialog.GetComponent <Dialog>();

            if (xmlQuest.Attributes.GetNamedItem("award") != null)
                quest.baseCoinsAward = System.Int32.Parse(xmlQuest.Attributes.GetNamedItem("award").InnerXml);

            if (QuestThemes != null && xmlQuest.Attributes.GetNamedItem("music") != null)
                string themeName = xmlQuest.Attributes.GetNamedItem("music").InnerXml;
                foreach (AudioSource src in QuestThemePool.audioPool)
                    if (themeName.ToLower() == src.name.ToLower())
                        quest.audioQuest = src;

            XmlNodeList awardList = xmlQuest.GetElementsByTagName("Award");
            foreach (XmlElement xmlAward in awardList)
                QuestAward qa = go.AddComponent <QuestAward>();
                processAttributes(qa, xmlAward);

            XmlNodeList listKillQuests = xmlQuest.GetElementsByTagName("KillQuest");
            foreach (XmlElement xmlKillQuest in listKillQuests)
                KillQuest kq = go.AddComponent <KillQuest>();
                processAttributes(kq, xmlKillQuest);

            XmlNodeList listLootQuests = xmlQuest.GetElementsByTagName("LootQuest");
            foreach (XmlElement xmlLootQuest in listLootQuests)
                LootQuest lq = go.AddComponent <LootQuest>();
                processAttributes(lq, xmlLootQuest);

            XmlNodeList listRescueQuests = xmlQuest.GetElementsByTagName("RescueQuest");
            foreach (XmlElement xmlRescueQuest in listRescueQuests)
                RescueQuest rq = go.AddComponent <RescueQuest>();
                processAttributes(rq, xmlRescueQuest);

            //process the event data
            processEvent(go, xmlQuest.GetElementsByTagName("Event"));

            XmlNodeList listCinematics = xmlQuest.GetElementsByTagName("Cinematic");
            foreach (XmlElement xmlCinematic in listCinematics)
                string         componentName  = xmlCinematic.Attributes.GetNamedItem("name").InnerXml;
                CinematicEvent cinematicEvent = go.AddComponent(componentName) as CinematicEvent;

                processAttributes(cinematicEvent, xmlCinematic);

            //add it as a prefab
            string resourcePath   = "Quests/" + questName;
            string prefabPath     = "Assets/Resources/" + resourcePath + ".prefab";
            string prefabFullPath = Application.dataPath + "/Resources/" + resourcePath + ".prefab";
            string directory      = prefabFullPath.Substring(0, prefabFullPath.LastIndexOf('/') + 1);

            //create the directory where the prefab will exists if not created
            if (!Directory.Exists(directory))

            //create an empty prefab in the specified path and copy the dialog component to the prefab
            Object     p      = PrefabUtility.CreateEmptyPrefab(prefabPath);
            GameObject prefab = EditorUtility.ReplacePrefab(go, p, ReplacePrefabOptions.ConnectToPrefab);

            //destroy the gameobject

            quests.Add(questName, prefab);
            //qpool.pool[nQuestsInPool] = prefab.GetComponent<Quest>();

            qpool.pool[nQuestsInPool]      = new QuestDependency();
            qpool.pool[nQuestsInPool].name = resourcePath;
            qpool.pool[nQuestsInPool].town = townId;

        //set quests dependencies
        foreach (XmlElement xmlQuest in listQuests)
            string questName  = "Quests/" + xmlQuest.Attributes.GetNamedItem("name").InnerXml;
            int    questIndex = -1;
            for (int i = 0; i < qpool.pool.Length; i++)
                if (qpool.pool[i].name.ToLower() == questName.ToLower())
                    questIndex = i;

            if (questIndex == -1)

            XmlNodeList listDependencies = xmlQuest.GetElementsByTagName("Dependency");
            qpool.pool[questIndex].dependencies = new int[listDependencies.Count];
            int count = 0;
            foreach (XmlElement xmlDependency in listDependencies)
                string dependencyName = "Quests/" + xmlDependency.Attributes.GetNamedItem("name").InnerXml;
                qpool.pool[questIndex].dependencies[count] = -1;
                for (int i = 0; i < qpool.pool.Length; i++)
                    if (qpool.pool[i].name.ToLower() == dependencyName.ToLower())
                        qpool.pool[questIndex].dependencies[count] = i;

        XmlNodeList xmlMetaQuests = ((XmlElement)xmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("MetaQuests")[0]).GetElementsByTagName("MetaQuest");

        MetaQuestPool mqpool = Resources.Load("MetaQuests/MetaQuestPool", typeof(MetaQuestPool)) as MetaQuestPool;

        mqpool.pool = new QuestDependency[xmlMetaQuests.Count];
        int nMetaQuestsInPool = 0;

        foreach (XmlElement mq in xmlMetaQuests)
            string     metaName = mq.Attributes.GetNamedItem("name").InnerXml;
            Game.Towns townId   = Game.getTownId(mq.Attributes.GetNamedItem("town").InnerXml);

            GameObject go = new GameObject();
            go.active = false;

            MetaQuest meta = go.AddComponent <MetaQuest>();

            mqpool.pool[nMetaQuestsInPool]      = new QuestDependency();
            mqpool.pool[nMetaQuestsInPool].name = "MetaQuests/" + metaName;
            mqpool.pool[nMetaQuestsInPool].town = townId;

            //process the attributes
            processAttributes(meta, mq);

            //add the kill quests
            XmlNodeList listKillQuests = mq.GetElementsByTagName("KillQuest");
            foreach (XmlElement xmlKillQuest in listKillQuests)
                MetaKillQuest kq = go.AddComponent <MetaKillQuest>();
                processAttributes(kq, xmlKillQuest);

            //add the lootquests
            XmlNodeList listLootQuests = mq.GetElementsByTagName("LootQuest");
            foreach (XmlElement xmlLootQuest in listLootQuests)
                LootQuest lq = go.AddComponent <LootQuest>();
                processAttributes(lq, xmlLootQuest);

            //add the rescue quests
            XmlNodeList listRescueQuests = mq.GetElementsByTagName("RescueQuest");
            foreach (XmlElement xmlRescueQuest in listRescueQuests)
                RescueQuest rq = go.AddComponent <RescueQuest>();
                processAttributes(rq, xmlRescueQuest);

            //process messages
            XmlNodeList listMessages = ((XmlElement)mq.GetElementsByTagName("Messages")[0]).GetElementsByTagName("Message");
            for (int i = 0; i < listMessages.Count; i++)
                DialogMessage dm = new DialogMessage();
                processDialogMessage(icons, ref dm, listMessages[i] as XmlElement, metaName, i);

            //set dependencies
            XmlNodeList dependencies = mq.GetElementsByTagName("Dependency");
            if (dependencies != null && dependencies.Count > 0)
                mqpool.pool[nMetaQuestsInPool].dependencies = new int[dependencies.Count];
                int nDependencies = 0;
                foreach (XmlElement xmlDependency in dependencies)
                    string dependencyName = ("Quests/" + xmlDependency.Attributes.GetNamedItem("name").InnerXml).ToLower();
                    for (int i = 0; i < qpool.pool.Length; i++)
                        if (qpool.pool[i].name.ToLower() == dependencyName)
                            mqpool.pool[nMetaQuestsInPool].dependencies[nDependencies] = i;

            //add it as a prefab
            string prefabPath     = "Assets/Resources/MetaQuests/" + metaName + ".prefab";
            string prefabFullPath = Application.dataPath + "/Resources/MetaQuests/" + metaName + ".prefab";
            string directory      = prefabFullPath.Substring(0, prefabFullPath.LastIndexOf('/') + 1);

            //create the directory where the prefab will exists if not created
            if (!Directory.Exists(directory))

            //create an empty prefab in the specified path and copy the dialog component to the prefab
            Object p = PrefabUtility.CreateEmptyPrefab(prefabPath);
            /*GameObject prefab = */ EditorUtility.ReplacePrefab(go, p, ReplacePrefabOptions.ConnectToPrefab);


            //destroy the gameobject
コード例 #7
 private void Awake() => pooler = this;