public static void LoadNodes(Quest quest) { bool hasStartTrigger = false; bool hasEndTrigger = false; foreach (QuestTrigger trigger in quest.questTriggers) { new Node(trigger); if (trigger.GetType() == QuestEditor.TranslateType(TRIGGER_TYPES.START)) { hasStartTrigger = true; } if (trigger.GetType() == QuestEditor.TranslateType(TRIGGER_TYPES.END)) { hasEndTrigger = true; } } if (!hasStartTrigger) { Debug.Log("no start trigger"); new Node(quest.gameObject, QuestEditor.TranslateType(TRIGGER_TYPES.START)); } if (!hasEndTrigger) { Debug.Log("no end trigger"); new Node(quest.gameObject, QuestEditor.TranslateType(TRIGGER_TYPES.END)); } }
private void Awake() { questEditor = GetComponent <QuestEditor>(); questResultManager = GetComponent <QuestResultManager>(); resourceManager = FindObjectOfType <ResourceManager>(); notificationManager = FindObjectOfType <NotificationManager>(); }
static void Init() { // Get existing open window or if none, make a new one: QuestEditor editor = (QuestEditor)EditorWindow.GetWindow(typeof(QuestEditor)); editor.minSize = new Vector2(1500, 600); editor.Show(); }
public static void EditQuest(string path) { ValkyrieDebug.Log("Starting Editor" + Environment.NewLine); Destroyer.Destroy(); Game.Get().audioControl.StopMusic(); QuestEditor.Begin(path); }
public void ChangeScript(System.Type type) { if (type != QuestEditor.TranslateType(TRIGGER_TYPES.START) && type != QuestEditor.TranslateType(TRIGGER_TYPES.END) && trigger.GetType() != QuestEditor.TranslateType(TRIGGER_TYPES.START) && trigger.GetType() != QuestEditor.TranslateType(TRIGGER_TYPES.END)) { QuestEditor.selectedQuest.questTriggers.Remove(trigger); QuestTrigger temp = (QuestTrigger)trigger.gameObject.AddComponent(type); Object.DestroyImmediate(trigger); trigger = temp; ChangeTitle(type); QuestEditor.selectedQuest.questTriggers.Add(trigger); } }
public static void Create() { Game game = Game.Get(); if (GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag(Game.DIALOG) != null) { return; } // Menu border UIElement ui = new UIElement(); ui.SetLocation((UIScaler.GetWidthUnits() - 12) / 2, 9, 12, 13); new UIElementBorder(ui); ui = new UIElement(); ui.SetLocation((UIScaler.GetWidthUnits() - 10) / 2, 10, 10, 2); ui.SetText(SAVE); ui.SetFont(game.gameType.GetHeaderFont()); ui.SetFontSize(UIScaler.GetMediumFont()); ui.SetBGColor(new Color(0.03f, 0.0f, 0f)); ui.SetButton(QuestEditor.Save); new UIElementBorder(ui); ui = new UIElement(); ui.SetLocation((UIScaler.GetWidthUnits() - 10) / 2, 13, 10, 2); ui.SetText(RELOAD); ui.SetFont(game.gameType.GetHeaderFont()); ui.SetFontSize(UIScaler.GetMediumFont()); ui.SetBGColor(new Color(0.03f, 0.0f, 0f)); ui.SetButton(delegate { QuestEditor.Reload(; }); new UIElementBorder(ui); ui = new UIElement(); ui.SetLocation((UIScaler.GetWidthUnits() - 10) / 2, 16, 10, 2); ui.SetText(MAIN_MENU); ui.SetFont(game.gameType.GetHeaderFont()); ui.SetFontSize(UIScaler.GetMediumFont()); ui.SetBGColor(new Color(0.03f, 0.0f, 0f)); ui.SetButton(GameStateManager.MainMenu); new UIElementBorder(ui); ui = new UIElement(); ui.SetLocation((UIScaler.GetWidthUnits() - 10) / 2, 19, 10, 2); ui.SetText(CommonStringKeys.CANCEL); ui.SetFont(game.gameType.GetHeaderFont()); ui.SetFontSize(UIScaler.GetMediumFont()); ui.SetBGColor(new Color(0.03f, 0.0f, 0f)); ui.SetButton(Destroyer.Dialog); new UIElementBorder(ui); }
public override void OnGUI(Rect rect) { if ((gameObject = Selection.activeGameObject) == null) { gameObject = QuestEditor.selectedQuest.gameObject; } GUILayout.Label("Créer un noeud (trigger) :", EditorStyles.boldLabel); gameObject = (GameObject)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("GameObject", gameObject, typeof(GameObject), true); triggerType = (TRIGGER_TYPES)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Type du trigger :", triggerType); if (GUILayout.Button("Créer le trigger") && gameObject != null) { new Node(gameObject, QuestEditor.TranslateType(triggerType)); } }
private void OnGUI() { if (GUILayout.Button("Entity Editor")) { EntityEditor.ShowWindow(); } if (GUILayout.Button("Item Editor")) { ItemEditor.ShowWindow(); } if (GUILayout.Button("Quest Editor")) { QuestEditor.ShowWindow(); } }
// Select a quest for editing public void Selection(string key) { Game game = Game.Get(); foreach (GameObject go in GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("dialog")) { Object.Destroy(go); } // Fetch all of the quest data Debug.Log("Selecting Quest: " + key + System.Environment.NewLine); = new Quest(questList[key]); Debug.Log("Starting Editor" + System.Environment.NewLine); QuestEditor.Begin(); }
public void Selection(string key) { Game game = Game.Get(); foreach (GameObject go in GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("dialog")) { Object.Destroy(go); } // In the build the content packs need to go into the build data dir, this is currently manual string contentLocation = Application.dataPath + "/valkyrie-contentpacks/"; if (Application.isEditor) { // If running through unity then we assume you are using the git content, with the project at the same level contentLocation = Application.dataPath + "/../../valkyrie-contentpacks/"; } // Fetch content (in future this will need to be selectable // Find any content packs at the location = new ContentData(contentLocation); // Check if we found anything if ( == 0) { Debug.Log("Error: Failed to find any content packs, please check that you have them present in: " + contentLocation); } // In the future this is where you select which packs to load, for now we load everything. foreach (string pack in {; } // Fetch all of the quest data game.qd = new QuestData(questList[key]); if (game.qd == null) { Debug.Log("Error: Unable to load quest: " + key); Destroyer.MainMenu(); } else { QuestEditor.Begin(); } }
// Select a quest for editing public void Selection(string key) { Game game = Game.Get(); foreach (GameObject go in GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag(Game.DIALOG)) { Object.Destroy(go); } game.audioControl.Music(new List <string>()); // Fetch all of the quest data ValkyrieDebug.Log("Selecting Quest: " + key + System.Environment.NewLine); = new Quest(questList[key]); ValkyrieDebug.Log("Starting Editor" + System.Environment.NewLine); QuestEditor.Begin(); }
public static void Editor() { Game game = Game.Get(); string path =; Destroyer.Destroy(); foreach (string pack in {; } // Stop music game.audioControl.StopMusic(); ValkyrieDebug.Log("Starting Editor" + System.Environment.NewLine); QuestEditor.Begin(path); }
public static void EditCurrentQuest() { var game = Game.Get(); if (!GetCurrentQuestPath(game, out var currentQuestPath)) { // Failsafe. Go to main menu if there's no valid quest loaded MainMenu(); return; } ValkyrieDebug.Log("Starting Editor" + Environment.NewLine); Destroyer.Destroy(); game.audioControl.StopMusic(); QuestEditor.Begin(currentQuestPath); }
public void Test() { var editor = new QuestEditor(); editor.SetState(InitializeStates()); editor.UpdateState(new Block { Command = StandardCommands.MeetCharacter }); editor.UpdateState(new Block { Command = StandardCommands.OpenDialog }); editor.UpdateState(new Block { Command = StandardCommands.DialogOptionThree }); editor.UpdateState(new Block { Command = StandardCommands.ToBeContinued }); editor.UpdateState(); }
public static void Editor() { Game game = Game.Get(); string path =; Destroyer.Destroy(); = new ContentData(game.gameType.DataDirectory()); foreach (string pack in {; } // Stop music game.audioControl.Music(new List <string>()); // Fetch all of the quest data = new Quest(new QuestData.Quest(path)); ValkyrieDebug.Log("Starting Editor" + System.Environment.NewLine); QuestEditor.Begin(); }
public static void Create() { Game game = Game.Get(); if (GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("dialog") != null) { return; } // Menu border DialogBox db = new DialogBox(new Vector2((UIScaler.GetWidthUnits() - 12) / 2, 9), new Vector2(12, 13), StringKey.NULL); db.AddBorder(); db.SetFont(game.gameType.GetHeaderFont()); TextButton tb = new TextButton( new Vector2((UIScaler.GetWidthUnits() - 10) / 2, 10), new Vector2(10, 2f), SAVE, delegate { QuestEditor.Save(); }, Color.white); tb.background.GetComponent <UnityEngine.UI.Image>().color = new Color(0.03f, 0.0f, 0f); tb.SetFont(game.gameType.GetHeaderFont()); tb = new TextButton( new Vector2((UIScaler.GetWidthUnits() - 10) / 2, 13), new Vector2(10, 2f), RELOAD, delegate { QuestEditor.Reload(); }, Color.white); tb.background.GetComponent <UnityEngine.UI.Image>().color = new Color(0.03f, 0.0f, 0f); tb.SetFont(game.gameType.GetHeaderFont()); tb = new TextButton( new Vector2((UIScaler.GetWidthUnits() - 10) / 2, 16), new Vector2(10, 2f), MAIN_MENU, delegate { Destroyer.MainMenu(); }, Color.white); tb.background.GetComponent <UnityEngine.UI.Image>().color = new Color(0.03f, 0.0f, 0f); tb.SetFont(game.gameType.GetHeaderFont()); tb = new TextButton( new Vector2((UIScaler.GetWidthUnits() - 10) / 2, 19), new Vector2(10, 2f), CommonStringKeys.CANCEL, delegate { Destroyer.Dialog(); }, Color.white); tb.background.GetComponent <UnityEngine.UI.Image>().color = new Color(0.03f, 0.0f, 0f); tb.SetFont(game.gameType.GetHeaderFont()); }
// Select a quest for editing public void Selection(string key) { Game game = Game.Get(); // Remove all current components foreach (GameObject go in GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag(Game.DIALOG)) { Object.Destroy(go); } if ( != null) {; } game.audioControl.Music(new List <string>()); // Fetch all of the quest data ValkyrieDebug.Log("Selecting Quest: " + key + System.Environment.NewLine); ValkyrieDebug.Log("Starting Editor" + System.Environment.NewLine); QuestEditor.Begin(questList[key].path); }
public void InitWindows() { Skin = (GUISkin)Resources.Load("GUI/EditorGUI"); //windows init npcEditor = new NPCEditor(Skin, this); armorEditor = new ArmorEditor(Skin, this); arenaEditor = new ArenaEditor(Skin, this); enemyEditor = new EnemyEditor(Skin, this); currencyEditor = new CurrencyEditor(Skin, this); conversationEditor = new ConversationEditor(Skin, this); shopEditor = new ShopEditor(Skin, this); questEditor = new QuestEditor(Skin, this); itemEditor = new ItemEditor(Skin, this); minigameEditor = new MiniGameEditor(Skin, this); serviceEditor = new ServiceEditor(Skin, this); npcQuestEditor = new NPCQuestEditor(Skin, this); townEditor = new TownEditor(Skin, this); badgeEditor = new BadgeEditor(Skin, this); constructionEditor = new ConstructionEditor(Skin, this); loadWindows = false; }
void DisplayData() { // Common objects if (triggerType != (triggerType = (TRIGGER_TYPES)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Type du trigger :", triggerType))) { node.ChangeScript(QuestEditor.TranslateType(triggerType)); } if (GUILayout.Button("Changer GameObject")) { node.ChangeGameObject(Selection.activeGameObject); } node.trigger.isActive = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("is Active", node.trigger.isActive); node.trigger.enabled = node.trigger.isActive; desactiveSelf = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Desactive Self", desactiveSelf); if (desactiveSelf && !node.trigger.triggersToDesactive.Contains(node.trigger)) { node.trigger.triggersToDesactive.Add(node.trigger); } else if (!desactiveSelf) { node.trigger.triggersToDesactive.Remove(node.trigger); } node.trigger.isInteractable = EditorGUILayout.BeginToggleGroup("is Interactable", node.trigger.isInteractable); node.trigger.offsetIcon = EditorGUILayout.Vector2Field("offsetIcon", node.trigger.offsetIcon); EditorGUILayout.EndToggleGroup(); if (node.trigger.tag == "NPC") { node.trigger.offsetIcon = node.trigger.GetComponent <NPC>().offsetIcon; } // Specific node.trigger if (node.trigger.GetType() == typeof(QuestTrigger_Dialogue) || node.trigger.GetType() == typeof(StartQuest_Dialogue) || node.trigger.GetType() == typeof(EndQuest_Dialogue)) { DisplayDialogue(); } else if (node.trigger.GetType() == typeof(QuestTrigger_ItemPickup)) { ((QuestTrigger_ItemPickup)node.trigger).isQuestItem = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Is Quest Item ?", ((QuestTrigger_ItemPickup)node.trigger).isQuestItem); node.trigger.GetComponent <ItemOnObject>().item = (Item)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Item to pickup", node.trigger.GetComponent <ItemOnObject>().item, typeof(Item), false); node.trigger.offsetIcon = node.trigger.GetComponent <ItemOnObject>().item.offsetIcon; /*node.trigger.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().sprite = node.trigger.GetComponent<ItemOnObject>().item.icon; * if (node.trigger.GetComponent<ItemPickup>() != null) * Object.DestroyImmediate(node.trigger.GetComponent<ItemPickup>());*/ } else if (node.trigger.GetType() == typeof(QuestTrigger_Buy)) { DisplayItemsToBuy(); } else if (node.trigger.GetType() == typeof(QuestTrigger_Craft)) { DisplayItemsToCraft(); } else if (node.trigger.GetType() == typeof(RemoveItemAT)) { ((RemoveItemAT)node.trigger).item = (Item)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Item to remove", ((RemoveItemAT)node.trigger).item, typeof(Item), false); } else if (node.trigger.GetType() == typeof(RewardTriggerAT)) { DisplayRewards(); } else if (node.trigger.GetType() == typeof(InstantiateAT)) { ((InstantiateAT)node.trigger).prefab = (GameObject)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Prefab to instantiate", ((InstantiateAT)node.trigger).prefab, typeof(GameObject), false); } }
/// <summary> /// Create a .valkyrie package and associated meta data /// </summary> private static void CreatePackage() { Destroyer.Dialog(); Game game = Game.Get(); // save content before creating the package QuestEditor.Save(); string packageName = Path.GetFileName(Path.GetDirectoryName(; try { string desktopDir = System.Environment.GetFolderPath(System.Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop); string destination = Path.Combine(desktopDir, packageName); int postfix = 2; while (Directory.Exists(destination)) { destination = Path.Combine(desktopDir, packageName + postfix++); } Directory.CreateDirectory(destination); string packageFile = Path.Combine(destination, packageName + ".valkyrie"); using (var zip = new ZipFile()) { zip.AddDirectory(Path.GetDirectoryName(; zip.Save(packageFile); } // Append sha version using (FileStream stream = File.OpenRead(packageFile)) { byte[] checksum = SHA256Managed.Create().ComputeHash(stream); = System.BitConverter.ToString(checksum); } string icon ='\\', '/'); if (icon.Length > 0) { string iconName = Path.GetFileName(icon); // Temp hack to get ToString to output local file = iconName; string src = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(, icon); string dest = Path.Combine(destination, iconName); File.Copy(src, dest); } string manifest =; // Restore icon = icon; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> kv in LocalizationRead.selectDictionary("qst").ExtractAllMatches("")) { manifest += "name." + kv.Key + "=" + kv.Value + System.Environment.NewLine; } foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> kv in LocalizationRead.selectDictionary("qst").ExtractAllMatches("quest.synopsys")) { manifest += "synopsys." + kv.Key + "=" + kv.Value.Replace("\n", "").Replace("\r", "") + System.Environment.NewLine; } foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> kv in LocalizationRead.selectDictionary("qst").ExtractAllMatches("quest.description")) { manifest += "description." + kv.Key + "=" + kv.Value.Replace("\n", "\\n").Replace("\r", "") + System.Environment.NewLine; } foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> kv in LocalizationRead.selectDictionary("qst").ExtractAllMatches("quest.authors")) { manifest += "authors." + kv.Key + "=" + kv.Value.Replace("\n", "\\n").Replace("\\r", "") + System.Environment.NewLine; } foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> kv in LocalizationRead.selectDictionary("qst").ExtractAllMatches("quest.authors_short")) { manifest += "authors_short." + kv.Key + "=" + kv.Value.Replace("\n", "").Replace("\r", "") + System.Environment.NewLine; } File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(destination, packageName + ".ini"), manifest); } catch (System.IO.IOException e) { ValkyrieDebug.Log("Warning: Unable to write to valkyrie package." + e.Message); } }
public static void Create() { if (GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("dialog") != null) { return; } DialogBox db = new DialogBox(new Vector2((UIScaler.GetWidthUnits() - 12) / 2, 9), new Vector2(12, 13), ""); db.AddBorder(); TextButton tb = new TextButton(new Vector2((UIScaler.GetWidthUnits() - 10) / 2, 10), new Vector2(10, 2f), "Save", delegate { QuestEditor.Save(); }, Color.white); tb.background.GetComponent <UnityEngine.UI.Image>().color = new Color(0.03f, 0.0f, 0f); tb = new TextButton(new Vector2((UIScaler.GetWidthUnits() - 10) / 2, 13), new Vector2(10, 2f), "Reload", delegate { QuestEditor.Reload(); }, Color.white); tb.background.GetComponent <UnityEngine.UI.Image>().color = new Color(0.03f, 0.0f, 0f); tb = new TextButton(new Vector2((UIScaler.GetWidthUnits() - 10) / 2, 16), new Vector2(10, 2f), "Main Menu", delegate { Destroyer.MainMenu(); }, Color.white); tb.background.GetComponent <UnityEngine.UI.Image>().color = new Color(0.03f, 0.0f, 0f); tb = new TextButton(new Vector2((UIScaler.GetWidthUnits() - 10) / 2, 19), new Vector2(10, 2f), "Cancel", delegate { Destroyer.Dialog(); }, Color.white); tb.background.GetComponent <UnityEngine.UI.Image>().color = new Color(0.03f, 0.0f, 0f); }
static void Init() { QuestEditor window = (QuestEditor)EditorWindow.GetWindow(typeof(QuestEditor)); window.Show(); }
public void Test() { if (GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag(Game.DIALOG) != null) { return; } QuestEditor.Save(); Game game = Game.Get(); string path =; Destroyer.Destroy(); = new ContentData(game.gameType.DataDirectory()); foreach (string pack in {; } game.testMode = true; // Fetch all of the quest data and initialise the quest = new Quest(new QuestData.Quest(path)); game.heroCanvas.SetupUI(); int heroCount = Random.Range(, + 1); List <HeroData> hOptions = new List <HeroData>(; for (int i = 0; i < heroCount; i++) {[i].heroData = hOptions[Random.Range(0, hOptions.Count)]; hOptions.Remove([i].heroData); } // Starting morale is number of heros"$%morale", heroCount); // Set quest flag based on hero count"#heroes", heroCount); = true; // Clear off heros if not required if (!game.gameType.DisplayHeroes()) { game.heroCanvas.Clean(); } else { game.heroCanvas.UpdateImages(); game.heroCanvas.UpdateStatus(); } // Draw morale if required if (game.gameType is D2EGameType) { new ClassSelectionScreen(); } else { new InvestigatorItems(); } }
private void ChangeTitle(System.Type type) { title = ""; if (QuestEditor.selectedNode == id) { title += "* "; } if (type == QuestEditor.TranslateType(TRIGGER_TYPES.DIALOGUE)) { title += "Dialogue"; } else if (type == QuestEditor.TranslateType(TRIGGER_TYPES.ITEM_PICKUP)) { title += "Item Pickup"; } else if (type == QuestEditor.TranslateType(TRIGGER_TYPES.BUY)) { title += "Buy"; } else if (type == QuestEditor.TranslateType(TRIGGER_TYPES.CRAFT)) { title += "Craft"; } else if (type == QuestEditor.TranslateType(TRIGGER_TYPES.START)) { title += "Start Dialogue"; } else if (type == QuestEditor.TranslateType(TRIGGER_TYPES.END)) { title += "End Dialogue"; } else if (type == QuestEditor.TranslateType(TRIGGER_TYPES.ZONE)) { title += "Zone"; } else if (type == QuestEditor.TranslateType(TRIGGER_TYPES.AT_REMOVE_ITEM)) { title += "Remove Item (AT)"; } else if (type == QuestEditor.TranslateType(TRIGGER_TYPES.AT_REWARD)) { title += "Reward (AT)"; } else if (type == QuestEditor.TranslateType(TRIGGER_TYPES.AT_END_QUEST)) { title += "End Quest (AT)"; } else if (type == QuestEditor.TranslateType(TRIGGER_TYPES.AT_INSTANTIATE)) { title += "Instantiate (AT)"; } else if (type == QuestEditor.TranslateType(TRIGGER_TYPES.AT_ACTIVE_ENNEMI)) { title += "Active Ennemi (AT)"; } else { title = "Trigger"; } if (QuestEditor.selectedNode == id) { title += " *"; } }
public void Test() { if (GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag(Game.DIALOG) != null) { return; } QuestEditor.Save(); Game game = Game.Get(); string path =; Destroyer.Destroy(); // All content data has been loaded by editor, cleanup everything = new ContentData(game.gameType.DataDirectory()); // Load the base content game.ContentLoader.LoadContentID(""); // Load current configuration Dictionary <string, string> packs = + "Packs"); if (packs != null) { foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> kv in packs) { game.ContentLoader.LoadContentID(kv.Key); } } game.testMode = true; // Fetch all of the quest data and initialise the quest = new Quest(new QuestData.Quest(path)); game.heroCanvas.SetupUI(); int heroCount = Random.Range(, + 1); List <HeroData> hOptions = new List <HeroData>( <HeroData>()); for (int i = 0; i < heroCount; i++) {[i].heroData = hOptions[Random.Range(0, hOptions.Count)];"#" +[i].heroData.sectionName, 1); hOptions.Remove([i].heroData); } // Starting morale is number of heros"$%morale", heroCount); // Set quest flag based on hero count"#heroes", heroCount); = true; // Clear off heros if not required if (!game.gameType.DisplayHeroes()) { game.heroCanvas.Clean(); } else { game.heroCanvas.UpdateImages(); game.heroCanvas.UpdateStatus(); } // Draw morale if required if (game.gameType is D2EGameType) { new ClassSelectionScreen(); } else { new InvestigatorItems(); } }