public static object?Handle( IExecutorContext context, ObjectDefinition objectDefinition, string fieldName, TypeBase fieldType, FieldSelection fieldSelection, object?completedValue, Exception error, NodePath path) { if (error is not QueryExecutionException) { error = new QueryExecutionException( "", error, path, fieldSelection); } if (fieldType is NonNullType) { throw error; } context.AddError(error); return(completedValue); }
public IEnumerable <TResource> EnumerateAll <TResource>(string query, AttributesToFetch attributes = null) where TResource : RmResource { attributes = attributes ?? AttributesToFetch.All; var ctx = LogContext.WithConfigFormat(); Initialize(); try { _log.Debug(ctx.Format("Executing simple enumeration: {0} with attributes {1}"), query, attributes.GetNames().ToJSON()); var results = _defaultClient.Enumerate(query, attributes.GetNames()) .Cast <TResource>() .ToList(); log_query_executed(ctx, "Simple enumeration {0} returned {1} results", query, results.Count); return(results); } catch (Exception exc) { var qee = new QueryExecutionException(query, exc); _log.ErrorException(ctx.Format("Error when trying to execute query " + query), qee); throw qee; } }
public static object Handle( IExecutorContext context, ObjectType objectType, string fieldName, IType fieldType, GraphQLFieldSelection fieldSelection, object completedValue, Exception error, NodePath path) { if (!(error is QueryExecutionException)) { error = new QueryExecutionException( "", error, path, fieldSelection); } if (fieldType is NonNull) { throw error; } context.AddError(error); return(completedValue); }
public DataPage <TResource> EnumeratePage <TResource>(string query, Pagination pagination, SortingInstructions sorting, AttributesToFetch attributes = null) where TResource : RmResource { if (pagination == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("pagination"); } if (sorting == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("sorting"); } try { return(ExecuteAdjustedQuery <TResource>(query, pagination, sorting, attributes)); } catch (Exception exc) { var qee = new QueryExecutionException(query, exc); _log.ErrorException("Error when trying to execute query " + query, qee); throw qee; } }