public List<ChargeEntity> Search(QueryCondition<ChargeEntity> entity) { CustomDataCommand command = DataCommandManager.CreateCustomDataCommandFromConfig("ChargeSearch"); using (DynamicSqlBuilder sqlBuilder = new DynamicSqlBuilder(command, entity.PagingInfo, "SysNo Desc")) { ChargeEntity query = entity.Condition; sqlBuilder.Conditions.AddCustomCondition(RelationType.AND, " Status <> -1"); if (query != null) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(query.Title)) { sqlBuilder.Conditions.AddCustomCondition(RelationType.AND, " (Title Like'%'+@Title+'%')"); command.AddInputParameter("@Title", DbType.String, query.Title); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(query.InDateCondition) && query.InDateCondition.IndexOf('-') > 0) { sqlBuilder.Conditions.AddCustomCondition(RelationType.AND, " InDate BETWEEN @BeginInDate AND @EndInDate"); command.AddInputParameter("@BeginInDate", DbType.String, query.InDateCondition.Split('-')[0]); command.AddInputParameter("@EndInDate", DbType.String, query.InDateCondition.Split('-')[1]); } } command.CommandText = sqlBuilder.BuildQuerySql(); return command.ExecuteEntityList<ChargeEntity>(); } }
protected override OutputData DoGet(IInputData input) { using (TableResolver resolver = PlugInFactoryManager.CreateInstance<TableResolver>( ResolverPlugInFactory.REG_NAME, "TaxDocument", this)) { MetaDataTableResolver metaResolver = resolver as MetaDataTableResolver; string conditionStr = string.Empty; if (metaResolver != null) { Dictionary<string, string> query = new Dictionary<string, string> { { "Title", input.QueryString["Title"] } }; IParamBuilder builder = metaResolver.GetQueryCondition(new QueryConditionObject(false, query)); if (builder != null) { QueryCondition condition = new QueryCondition(query, builder); conditionStr = "&Condition=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(condition.ToEncodeString()); } } string url = WebUtil.ResolveUrl("~/Library/WebListXmlPage.tkx?Source=Cxcs/FaGui"); return OutputData.Create(url + conditionStr); } }
public FormQueryCondition(QueryCondition qc) { InitializeComponent(); this.SetFormStyle(false, false, false, true); temp = qc; comboBox1.SelectedIndex = 0; comboBox2.SelectedIndex = 0; }
protected override void Initialize() { QueryCondition<ClubMembersEntity> query = new QueryCondition<ClubMembersEntity>(); query.PagingInfo = new PagingInfo() { PageSize = 1000, PageIndex = 1 }; query.Condition = new ClubMembersEntity(); List<ClubMembersEntity> list = ClubMemberFacade.Search(query); BindSmallImage(list); BindBigImage(list); }
public List<ABiPlant> getABiPlant(QueryCondition query) { var result = dbContent.f_getPlant(query.PlantCode); return (from obj in result select new ABiPlant() { ABi_Plant_ID=obj.ABi_Plant_ID.ToString(), PlantCode=obj.PlantCode, PlantName = "<a href='InsertPlant.aspx?ID=" + obj.ABi_Plant_ID + "'>" + obj.PlantName + "</a>" }).ToList(); }
public List<ABiCompany> getABiCompany(QueryCondition query) { var result = dbContext.f_getCompany(query.CompanyName,query.CompanyCode); return (from obj in result select new ABiCompany { ID=obj.ABi_Company_ID.ToString(), CompanyCode=obj.CompanyCode, CompanyName="<a href='InsertCompany.aspx?ID="+obj.ABi_Company_ID+"'>"+obj.CompanyName+"</a>" }).ToList(); }
public string Search(QueryCondition<ProductEntity> query) { try { List<ProductEntity> list = ProductFacade.Search(query); return new JsonSerializer().Serialization(list, typeof(List<ProductEntity>)); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public string Search(QueryCondition<SystemUser_PrivilegeEntity> query) { try { List<SystemUser_PrivilegeEntity> list = SystemUser_PrivilegeFacade.Seach(query); return new JsonSerializer().Serialization(list, typeof(List<SystemUser_PrivilegeEntity>)); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
/// <summary> /// 获取用户信息 /// </summary> /// <param name="query"></param> /// <returns></returns> public List<ABiUsersRoles> getABiUsersRoles(QueryCondition query) { var result = dbContext.f_getUsers(query.UserName, query.Name, query.Status, query.ABi_Admin_Roles_ID); return (from obj in result select new ABiUsersRoles { UserName="******"+obj.ABi_Admin_Users_ID+"'>"+obj.Username+"</a>", Name=obj.Name, DateCreated=obj.DateCreated, Status = this.GetStatusNameByID(obj.Status.ToString()), RoleName=obj.RoleName, ABi_Admin_Users_ID=obj.ABi_Admin_Users_ID }).ToList(); }
public List<ABiPOIV> getPOIV(QueryCondition query) { try { var result = dbContent.f_getPOInvoiceReport(query.CompanyCode, query.CompanyName, query.MeterialNumber, query.VendorCode, query.PONumber, query.GetMinDate(query.DateBegin), query.GetMaxDate(query.DateEnd), query.UserID); return (from obj in result select new ABiPOIV() { CompanyCode = obj.CompanyCode, PlantCode = obj.PlantCode, VendorCode = obj.VendorCode, VendorName = obj.VendorName, PONumber = obj.PONumber, POItemNumber = obj.POItemNumber, GRNumber = obj.GRNumber, GRItemNumber = obj.GRItemNumber, MeterialNumber = obj.MeterialNumber, MeterialName = obj.MeterialName, Quantity = obj.Quantity ?? 0, QuantityUnit = obj.QuantityUnit, TaxRate = obj.TaxCode, NetPrice = obj.NetPrice ?? 0, PriceUnit = obj.PirceUnit, Amount = obj.Amount ?? 0, Currency = obj.Currency, POCreateDate = obj.POCreateDate ?? DateTime.MinValue, DeliveryDate = obj.DeliveryDate ?? DateTime.MinValue, POCreator = obj.POCreator, IVNumber = obj.IVNumber, IVPostDate = obj.IVPostDate ?? DateTime.MinValue, InvoiceNumber = obj.InvoiceNumber, InvoiceDate = obj.InvoiceDate ?? DateTime.MinValue }).ToList(); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.LogError(query, ex); } return new List<ABiPOIV>(); }
public List<ABiPO> getPO(QueryCondition query) { List<ABiPO> result = new List<ABiPO>(); try { var poList = dbContent.f_getPOReprot(query.CompanyCode, query.CompanyName, query.MeterialNumber, query.VendorCode, query.PONumber, query.GetMinDate(query.DateBegin), query.GetMaxDate(query.DateEnd), query.UserID); result = (from obj in poList select new ABiPO() { CompanyCode = obj.CompanyCode, Amount = obj.Amount ?? 0, Currency = obj.Currency, MeterialName = obj.MeterialName, MeterialNumber = obj.MeterialNumber, NetPrice = obj.NetPrice ?? 0, PriceUnit = obj.PirceUnit, PlantCode = obj.PlantCode, POCreateDate = obj.POCreateDate ?? DateTime.MinValue, POCreator = obj.POCreator, PODeliverDate = obj.DeliveryDate ?? DateTime.MinValue, PONumber = obj.PONumber, POItemNumber = obj.POItemNumber, Quantity = obj.Quantity ?? 0, QuantityUnit = obj.QuantityUnit, TaxCode = obj.TaxCode, VendorCode = obj.VendorCode, VendorName = obj.VendorName, POStatus = obj.POStatus, IsReturn = (obj.IsReturn == 1 ? true : false), RoleID = query.RoleID }).ToList(); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.LogError(query, ex); } return result; }
public List<ErrorLogEntity> Seach(QueryCondition<ErrorLogEntity> entity) { CustomDataCommand command = DataCommandManager.CreateCustomDataCommandFromConfig("ErrorLogSearch"); using (DynamicSqlBuilder sqlBuilder = new DynamicSqlBuilder(command, entity.PagingInfo, "SysNo Desc")) { ErrorLogEntity query = entity.Condition; if (query != null) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(query.GlobalName)) { sqlBuilder.Conditions.AddCustomCondition(RelationType.AND, " (GlobalName Like'%'+@GlobalName+'%')"); command.AddInputParameter("@GlobalName", DbType.String, query.GlobalName); //sqlBuilder.Conditions.AddCondition("UserName", DbType.String, "@UserName", query.UserName); } } command.CommandText = sqlBuilder.BuildQuerySql(); return command.ExecuteEntityList<ErrorLogEntity>(); } }
public List<BrowsingHistoryEntity> Search(QueryCondition<BrowsingHistoryEntity> entity) { CustomDataCommand command = DataCommandManager.CreateCustomDataCommandFromConfig("BrowsingHistorySearch"); using (DynamicSqlBuilder sqlBuilder = new DynamicSqlBuilder(command, entity.PagingInfo, "SysNo Desc")) { BrowsingHistoryEntity query = entity.Condition; sqlBuilder.Conditions.AddCustomCondition(RelationType.AND, " Status <> -1"); if (query != null) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(query.PageName)) { sqlBuilder.Conditions.AddCustomCondition(RelationType.AND, " (PageName Like'%'+@PageName+'%')"); command.AddInputParameter("@PageName", DbType.String, query.PageName); } } command.CommandText = sqlBuilder.BuildQuerySql(); return command.ExecuteEntityList<BrowsingHistoryEntity>(); } }
public List<SystemUser_RoleEntity> Search(QueryCondition<SystemUser_RoleEntity> entity) { return ObjectFactory<ISystemUser_RoleDataAccess>.Instance.Search(entity); }
/// <summary> /// Gets the occur. /// </summary> /// <param name="condition">The condition.</param> /// <returns>Returns Lucene Occurrence</returns> protected virtual LuceneSearch.Occur GetOccur(QueryCondition condition) { return condition == QueryCondition.And ? LuceneSearch.Occur.MUST : LuceneSearch.Occur.SHOULD; }
public override OpRes makeQuery(object param, GMUser user, QueryCondition queryCond) { ParamQueryRecharge p = (ParamQueryRecharge)param; int condCount = 0; PlatformInfo pinfo = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p.m_param)) { switch (p.m_way) { case QueryWay.by_way0: // 通过玩家id查询 { int val = -1; if (!int.TryParse(p.m_param, out val)) { return OpRes.op_res_param_not_valid; } Dictionary<string, object> ret = QueryBase.getPlayerProperty(val, user, s_field); if (ret == null) { return OpRes.op_res_not_found_data; } if (!ret.ContainsKey("platform")) { return OpRes.op_res_failed; } // 取玩家ID所在平台 string platName = Convert.ToString(ret["platform"]); queryCond.addQueryCond("PlayerId", val); pinfo = ResMgr.getInstance().getPlatformInfoByName(platName); // 获取服务器ID /*DbServerInfo dbInfo = ResMgr.getInstance().getDbInfo(user.m_dbIP); if (dbInfo != null) { queryCond.addQueryCond("ServerId", dbInfo.m_serverId); }*/ } break; case QueryWay.by_way1: // 通过账号查询 { Dictionary<string, object> ret = QueryBase.getPlayerPropertyByAcc(p.m_param, user, s_field); if (ret == null) { return OpRes.op_res_not_found_data; } if (!ret.ContainsKey("platform")) { return OpRes.op_res_failed; } // 取玩家账号所在平台,然后从相应的平台去查 string platName = Convert.ToString(ret["platform"]); queryCond.addQueryCond("Account", p.m_param); pinfo = ResMgr.getInstance().getPlatformInfoByName(platName); // 获取服务器ID /* DbServerInfo dbInfo = ResMgr.getInstance().getDbInfo(user.m_dbIP); if (dbInfo != null) { queryCond.addQueryCond("ServerId", dbInfo.m_serverId); }*/ } break; case QueryWay.by_way2: // 通过订单号查询 { pinfo = ResMgr.getInstance().getPlatformInfo(p.m_platIndex); queryCond.addQueryCond("OrderID", p.m_param); } break; default: { return OpRes.op_res_failed; } } condCount++; } else { pinfo = ResMgr.getInstance().getPlatformInfo(p.m_platIndex); // 获取服务器ID /*DbServerInfo dbInfo = ResMgr.getInstance().getDbInfo(user.m_dbIP); if (dbInfo != null) { queryCond.addQueryCond("ServerId", dbInfo.m_serverId); }*/ } if (pinfo == null) return OpRes.op_res_need_sel_platform; if (!m_items.ContainsKey(pinfo.m_engName)) return OpRes.op_res_not_found_data; m_rbase = m_items[pinfo.m_engName]; m_platInfo.m_tableName = pinfo.m_tableName; m_platInfo.m_platName = pinfo.m_engName; if (queryCond.isExport()) { queryCond.addCond("table", m_platInfo.m_tableName); queryCond.addCond("plat", m_platInfo.m_platName); } if (p.m_time != "") { DateTime mint = DateTime.Now, maxt = DateTime.Now; bool res = Tool.splitTimeStr(p.m_time, ref mint, ref maxt); if (!res) return OpRes.op_res_time_format_error; condCount++; if (queryCond.isExport()) { queryCond.addCond("time", p.m_time); } else { IMongoQuery imq1 = Query.LT("PayTime", BsonValue.Create(maxt)); IMongoQuery imq2 = Query.GTE("PayTime", BsonValue.Create(mint)); queryCond.addImq(Query.And(imq1, imq2)); } } if (p.m_result > 0) { queryCond.addQueryCond("Process", p.m_result == 1 ? true : false); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(p.m_range)) { if (!Tool.isTwoNumValid(p.m_range)) return OpRes.op_res_param_not_valid; if (queryCond.isExport()) { queryCond.addCond("range", p.m_range); } else { List<int> range = new List<int>(); Tool.parseNumList(p.m_range, range); IMongoQuery timq1 = Query.LTE("RMB", BsonValue.Create(range[1])); IMongoQuery timq2 = Query.GTE("RMB", BsonValue.Create(range[0])); IMongoQuery tmpImq = Query.And(timq1, timq2); queryCond.addImq(tmpImq); } } if (condCount == 0) return OpRes.op_res_need_at_least_one_cond; return OpRes.opres_success; }
///<summary> ///获取列表: ///</summary> /// <param name="qc">查询条件</param> /// <returns>符合条件的数据集合</returns> public Result <List <Epm_TzProjectProposal> > GetTzFirstNegotiationList(QueryCondition qc) { Result <List <Epm_TzProjectProposal> > result = new Result <List <Epm_TzProjectProposal> >(); try { var query = from first in context.Epm_TzFirstNegotiation.Where(p => p.IsDelete == false) join project in context.Epm_TzProjectProposal.Where(p => p.IsDelete == false) on first.ProjectId equals project.Id select new { first.ProjectId, project.ProjectName, project.Nature, project.NatureName, project.StationName, project.StationId, project.ApplyTime, first.State, first.OperateUserName, first.OperateTime, project.CompanyId }; var projectList = query.ToList().Select(c => new Epm_TzProjectProposal { Id = c.ProjectId, ProjectName = c.ProjectName, Nature = c.Nature, NatureName = c.NatureName, StationName = c.StationName, StationId = c.StationId, ApplyTime = c.ApplyTime, State = c.State.Value, //OperateUserName = c.OperateUserName, OperateUserName = c.State != (int)PreProjectState.WaitSubmitted ? c.OperateUserName:"", OperateTime = c.OperateTime, CompanyId = c.CompanyId }).ToList(); if (qc != null && qc.ConditionList.Any()) { foreach (var conditionExpression in qc.ConditionList) { string value = (conditionExpression.ExpValue ?? "").ToString(); string valueName = (conditionExpression.ExpName ?? "").ToString(); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value)) { switch (valueName) { case "name": { projectList = projectList.Where(t => t.ProjectName.Contains(value)).ToList(); break; } case "ProjectNature": { projectList = projectList.Where(t => t.Nature == value).ToList(); break; } case "CompanyId": { long id = Convert.ToInt64(value); projectList = projectList.Where(t => t.CompanyId == id).ToList(); break; } case "StationName": { projectList = projectList.Where(t => t.StationName.Contains(value)).ToList(); break; } case "startTime": { DateTime startTime1 = Convert.ToDateTime(value); projectList = projectList.Where(t => t.ApplyTime >= startTime1).ToList(); break; } case "endTime": { DateTime endTime1 = Convert.ToDateTime(value); projectList = projectList.Where(t => t.ApplyTime <= endTime1).ToList(); break; } case "State": { int state = Convert.ToInt32(value); projectList = projectList.Where(t => t.State == state).ToList(); break; } default: break; } } } } result.AllRowsCount = projectList.Count(); projectList = projectList.OrderByDescending(t => t.OperateTime).Skip((qc.PageInfo.CurrentPageIndex - 1) * qc.PageInfo.PageRowCount).Take(qc.PageInfo.PageRowCount).ToList(); result.Data = projectList; result.Flag = EResultFlag.Success; } catch (Exception ex) { result.Data = null; result.Flag = EResultFlag.Failure; result.Exception = new ExceptionEx(ex, "GetTzFirstNegotiationList"); } return(result); }
public List<ABiIVCompleted> getIVCompleted(QueryCondition query) { try { bool? isTolerance = null; switch (query.IsTolerance) { case "0": isTolerance = false; break; case "1": isTolerance = true; break; } var objList = dbContent.f_getInvoiceCompleted(query.VendorCode, query.CompanyCode, query.InvoiceNumber, isTolerance, query.GetMinDate(query.DateBegin), query.GetMaxDate(query.DateEnd), query.UserID); return (from obj in objList select new ABiIVCompleted() { InvoiceNumber = obj.InvoiceNumber, CompanyCode = obj.CompanyCode, VendorCode = obj.VendorCode, TotalAmount = obj.TotalAmount ?? 0, TaxAmount = obj.TaxAmount ?? 0, InvoiceDate = obj.InvoiceDate ?? DateTime.MinValue, IVNumber = obj.IVNumber, IVPostDate = obj.IVPostDate ?? DateTime.MinValue, Status = obj.InvoiceStatus, IsTolerance = obj.IsTolerance ?? false, InvoiceID = obj.InvoiceID }).ToList(); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.LogError(query, ex); } return new List<ABiIVCompleted>(); }
public bool DeleteEntities(QueryCondition queryCondition) { _dbService.Logger?.Debug(nameof(DeleteEntities)); if (_entityModel.IsView) { _dbService.Logger?.Warning("Deleting rows of view with a query condition is not supported"); _dbService.LastErrorMessage = "Cannot delete entities of a view"; return(false); } lock (_dbService.Lock) { var opened = _dbService.Connection.State != ConnectionState.Open; try { if (opened) { _dbService.Connection.Open(); } var parameters = new Dictionary <string, object>(); var command = new SqlCommand(_dbService.ScriptGenerator.GetDeleteQuery(parameters, queryCondition), _dbService.Connection); if (_dbService.CurrentTransaction != null) { command.Transaction = _dbService.CurrentTransaction; } foreach (var parameter in parameters) { command.Parameters.AddWithValue(parameter.Key, parameter.Value); } _dbService.Logger?.Info(_dbService.GenerateLoggingMessage(command)); command.ExecuteNonQuery(); return(true); } catch (Exception exception) { _dbService.Logger?.Error("Error while executing query", exception); _dbService.LastErrorMessage = exception.Message; if (_dbService.CurrentTransaction != null) { _dbService.Logger?.Info("Rollback transaction and closing connection"); _dbService.CurrentTransaction.Rollback(); _dbService.CurrentTransaction = null; _dbService.Connection.Close(); } return(false); } finally { if (opened) { _dbService.Logger?.Info("Closing connection"); _dbService.Connection.Close(); } } } }
/// 查询油站信息列表 /// </summary> /// <param name="qc"></param> /// <returns></returns> public Result <List <Epm_OilStation> > GetOilStationList(QueryCondition qc) { return(base.Channel.GetOilStationList(qc)); }
///<summary> ///获取列表:短信接口设置 ///</summary> public Result <List <Msg_SMSSetting> > GetSMSSettingList(QueryCondition qc) { return(base.Channel.GetSMSSettingList(qc)); }
///<summary> ///添加: ///</summary> /// <param name="model">要添加的model</param> /// <returns>受影响的行数</returns> public Result <int> AddDangerousWork(Epm_DangerousWork model, List <Base_Files> files) { Result <int> result = new Result <int>(); try { model = SetCurrentUser(model); model.SubmitCompanyId = CurrentCompanyID.ToLongReq(); model.SubmitCompanyName = CurrentCompanyName; model.SubmitUserId = CurrentUserID.ToLongReq(); model.SubmitUserName = CurrentUserName; model.CrtCompanyId = CurrentCompanyID.ToLongReq(); model.CrtCompanyName = CurrentCompanyName; var rows = DataOperateBusiness <Epm_DangerousWork> .Get().Add(model); QueryCondition qc = new QueryCondition() { PageInfo = new PageListInfo() { isAllowPage = false } }; qc.ConditionList.Add(new ConditionExpression() { ExpName = "ProjectId", ExpValue = model.ProjectId, ExpOperater = eConditionOperator.Equal, ExpLogical = eLogicalOperator.And }); qc.ConditionList.Add(new ConditionExpression() { ExpName = "UploadTime", ExpValue = DateTime.Today, ExpOperater = eConditionOperator.Equal, ExpLogical = eLogicalOperator.And }); // 关联危险作业实景 var workRealScenenResult = GetWorkRealSceneList(qc); if (workRealScenenResult.Flag == EResultFlag.Success && workRealScenenResult.Data != null) { List <Epm_SupervisorLogWork> workList = workRealScenenResult.Data.Select(p => new Epm_SupervisorLogWork { WorkId = p.WorkId, LogId = model.Id, WorkUploadId = p.Id, State = p.State }).ToList(); workList.ForEach(p => { SetCurrentUser(p); SetCreateUser(p); }); DataOperateBusiness <Epm_SupervisorLogWork> .Get().AddRange(workList); } AddFilesByTable(model, files); result.Data = rows; result.Flag = EResultFlag.Success; WriteLog(BusinessType.Dangerous.GetText(), SystemRight.Add.GetText(), "新增: " + model.Id); if (model.State == (int)ApprovalState.WaitAppr) { #region 生成待办 var project = DataOperateBusiness <Epm_Project> .Get().GetModel(model.ProjectId.Value); List <Epm_Approver> list = new List <Epm_Approver>(); Epm_Approver app = new Epm_Approver(); app.Title = CurrentUserName + "提报了危险作业单,待审核"; app.Content = CurrentUserName + "提报了危险作业单,待审核"; app.SendUserId = CurrentUserID.ToLongReq(); app.SendUserName = CurrentUserName; app.SendTime = DateTime.Now; app.LinkURL = string.Empty; app.BusinessTypeNo = BusinessType.Dangerous.ToString(); app.Action = SystemRight.Add.ToString(); app.BusinessTypeName = BusinessType.Dangerous.GetText(); app.BusinessState = (int)(ApprovalState.WaitAppr); app.BusinessId = model.Id; app.ApproverId = project.ContactUserId; app.ApproverName = project.ContactUserName; app.ProjectId = model.ProjectId; app.ProjectName = project.Name; list.Add(app); AddApproverBatch(list); WriteLog(BusinessType.Dangerous.GetText(), SystemRight.Add.GetText(), "提交危险作业生成待办: " + model.Id); #endregion #region 消息 //var waitSend = GetWaitSendMessageList(model.ProjectId.Value); //foreach (var send in waitSend) //{ // Epm_Massage modelMsg = new Epm_Massage(); // modelMsg.ReadTime = null; // modelMsg.RecId = send.Key; // modelMsg.RecName = send.Value; // modelMsg.RecTime = DateTime.Now; // modelMsg.SendId = CurrentUserID.ToLongReq(); // modelMsg.SendName = CurrentUserName; // modelMsg.SendTime = DateTime.Now; // modelMsg.Title = CurrentUserName + "提报了危险作业单,待审核"; // modelMsg.Content = CurrentUserName + "提报了危险作业单,待审核"; // modelMsg.Type = 2; // modelMsg.IsRead = false; // modelMsg.BussinessId = model.Id; // modelMsg.BussinesType = BusinessType.Dangerous.ToString(); // modelMsg.ProjectId = model.ProjectId.Value; // modelMsg.ProjectName = model.ProjectName; // modelMsg = base.SetCurrentUser(modelMsg); // modelMsg = base.SetCreateUser(modelMsg); // DataOperateBusiness<Epm_Massage>.Get().Add(modelMsg); //} #endregion #region 发送短信 //Dictionary<string, string> parameterSms = new Dictionary<string, string>(); //parameterSms.Add("UserName", CurrentUserName); //WriteSMS(project.ContactUserId.Value, project.CompanyId, MessageStep.WorkAdd, parameterSms); #endregion } } catch (Exception ex) { result.Data = -1; result.Flag = EResultFlag.Failure; result.Exception = new ExceptionEx(ex, "AddDangerousWork"); } return(result); }
public ActionResult Index(string planName = "", string state = "", string projectName = "", string applyCompanyName = "", int pageIndex = 1, int pageSize = 10) { ViewBag.Title = "监理日志列表"; ViewBag.planName = planName; ViewBag.projectName = projectName; ViewBag.applyCompanyName = applyCompanyName; ViewBag.pageIndex = pageIndex; ViewBag.pageSize = pageSize; ViewBag.state = state; QueryCondition qc = new QueryCondition() { PageInfo = GetPageInfo(pageIndex, pageSize) }; ConditionExpression ce = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(planName)) { ce = new ConditionExpression(); ce.ExpName = "PlanName"; ce.ExpValue = "%" + planName + "%"; ce.ExpOperater = eConditionOperator.Like; ce.ExpLogical = eLogicalOperator.And; qc.ConditionList.Add(ce); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(projectName)) { ce = new ConditionExpression(); ce.ExpName = "ProjectName"; ce.ExpValue = "%" + projectName + "%"; ce.ExpOperater = eConditionOperator.Like; ce.ExpLogical = eLogicalOperator.And; qc.ConditionList.Add(ce); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(applyCompanyName)) { ce = new ConditionExpression(); ce.ExpName = "ApplyCompanyName"; ce.ExpValue = "%" + applyCompanyName + "%"; ce.ExpOperater = eConditionOperator.Like; ce.ExpLogical = eLogicalOperator.And; qc.ConditionList.Add(ce); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(state)) { int statu = (int)Enum.Parse(typeof(ApprovalState), state); ce = new ConditionExpression(); ce.ExpName = "State"; ce.ExpValue = statu; ce.ExpOperater = eConditionOperator.Equal; ce.ExpLogical = eLogicalOperator.And; qc.ConditionList.Add(ce); } Result <List <Epm_PlanDelay> > result = new Result <List <Epm_PlanDelay> >(); using (ClientSiteClientProxy proxy = new ClientSiteClientProxy(ProxyEx(Request))) { result = proxy.GetPlanDelayList(qc); //long projectId = result.Data[0].ProjectId; //bool IsSupervisor = proxy.IsSupervisor(projectId, CurrentUser.UserId); ViewBag.Total = result.AllRowsCount; ViewBag.TotalPage = Math.Ceiling((decimal)result.AllRowsCount / pageSize); ViewBag.UserID = ApplicationContext.Current.UserID; ViewBag.UserName = ApplicationContext.Current.UserName; ViewBag.State = typeof(ApprovalState).AsSelectList(true, state, new List <string>() { ApprovalState.WorkPartAppr.ToString(), ApprovalState.WorkFinish.ToString() }); //ViewBag.IsSupervisor = IsSupervisor; } return(View(result.Data)); }
///<summary> ///获取列表: ///</summary> /// <param name="qc">查询条件</param> /// <returns>符合条件的数据集合</returns> public Result <List <TzTenderingCountView> > GetTzTenderingCountList(QueryCondition qc) { Result <List <TzTenderingCountView> > result = new Result <List <TzTenderingCountView> >(); try { var query = from pp in context.Epm_TzProjectProposal.Where(p => p.IsDelete == false) select new { //pp.Id, //pp.ProjectName, //pp.NatureName, //pp.StationName pp }; var projectList = query.ToList().Select(c => new TzTenderingCountView() //query.ToList().OrderByDescending(p => p.pp.ProjectName).Skip(skip).Take(take).AsEnumerable().Select(c => new TzTenderingCountView() { Id = c.pp.Id, ProjectName = c.pp.ProjectName, StationName = c.pp.StationName, NatureName = c.pp.NatureName, OperateTime = c.pp.OperateTime, counts = GetCounts(c.pp.Id.ToString()) }).ToList(); if (qc != null && qc.ConditionList.Any()) { foreach (var conditionExpression in qc.ConditionList) { string value = (conditionExpression.ExpValue ?? "").ToString(); string valueName = (conditionExpression.ExpName ?? "").ToString(); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value)) { switch (valueName) { case "ProjectName": { projectList = projectList.Where(t => t.ProjectName.Contains(value)).ToList(); break; } case "counts": { projectList = projectList.Where(t => t.counts == Convert.ToInt32(value)).ToList(); break; } default: break; } } } } //int skip = (qc.PageInfo.CurrentPageIndex - 1) * qc.PageInfo.PageRowCount; //int take = qc.PageInfo.PageRowCount; //int total = projectList.Count(); result.AllRowsCount = projectList.Count(); projectList = projectList.OrderByDescending(t => t.OperateTime).Skip((qc.PageInfo.CurrentPageIndex - 1) * qc.PageInfo.PageRowCount).Take(qc.PageInfo.PageRowCount).ToList(); result.Data = projectList; result.Flag = EResultFlag.Success; } catch (Exception ex) { result.Data = null; result.Flag = EResultFlag.Failure; result.Exception = new ExceptionEx(ex, "GetTzTenderingCountList"); } return(result); }
///<summary> ///获取列表:邮件发送记录 ///</summary> public Result <List <Msg_Email> > GetEmailList(QueryCondition qc) { return(base.Channel.GetEmailList(qc)); }
///<summary> ///获取列表:短信模板 ///</summary> public Result <List <Msg_SMSTemplete> > GetSMSTempleteList(QueryCondition qc) { return(base.Channel.GetSMSTempleteList(qc)); }
/// <summary> /// Adds the content sub query. /// </summary> /// <param name="query">The boolean query.</param> /// <param name="key">The field key.</param> /// <param name="value">The field value.</param> /// <param name="matchVariant">The match variant.</param> /// <param name="condition">The condition.</param> /// <param name="isFirst">if set to <c>true</c> [is first].</param> private void AddContentSubQuery(LuceneSearch.BooleanQuery query, string key, string value, MatchVariant matchVariant, QueryCondition condition) { if (matchVariant == MatchVariant.NotEquals) { query.Add(new LuceneSearch.TermQuery(new Term(key, value)), LuceneSearch.Occur.MUST_NOT); return; } LuceneSearch.Occur occurrence = this.GetOccur(condition); LuceneSearch.TermRangeQuery rangeQuery = this.GetRangeQuery(key, value, matchVariant); if (rangeQuery != null) { query.Add(rangeQuery, occurrence); return; } string[] keywords = value.Split(' '); if (keywords.Length > 1) { LuceneSearch.PhraseQuery phraseQuery = new Lucene.Net.Search.PhraseQuery(); foreach (string keyword in keywords) { phraseQuery.Add(new Term(key, keyword)); } query.Add(phraseQuery, occurrence); } else if (matchVariant == MatchVariant.Like) { query.Add(new LuceneSearch.WildcardQuery(new Term(key, value + "*")), occurrence); } else { query.Add(new LuceneSearch.TermQuery(new Term(key, value)), occurrence); } }
public Result <List <Base_VideoManage> > GetVideoManageList(QueryCondition qc) { return(base.Channel.GetVideoManageList(qc)); }
// GET: TzGcGoodsOrdersApply /// <summary> /// 工程甲供物资订单列表 /// </summary> /// <param name="title">标题</param> /// <param name="projectName">项目名称</param> /// <param name="companyName">申请单位</param> /// <param name="companyId">申请单位Id</param> /// <param name="startTime">开始时间</param> /// <param name="endTime">结束时间</param> /// <param name="supplierName">供应商名称</param> /// <param name="materialNumber">物资种类</param> /// <param name="state">状态</param> /// <param name="pageIndex"></param> /// <param name="pageSize"></param> /// <returns></returns> public ActionResult Index(string title = "", string projectName = "", string companyName = "", string companyId = "", string startTime = "", string endTime = "", string supplierName = "", string materialNumber = "", string state = "", int pageIndex = 1, int pageSize = 10) { ViewBag.projectName = projectName; ViewBag.companyName = companyName; ViewBag.pageIndex = pageIndex; ViewBag.startTime = startTime; ViewBag.endTime = endTime; ViewBag.title = title; ViewBag.supplierName = supplierName; ViewBag.materialNumber = materialNumber; ViewBag.state = state; Result <List <TzGcGoodsOrdersItemView> > result = new Result <List <TzGcGoodsOrdersItemView> >(); using (ClientSiteClientProxy proxy = new ClientSiteClientProxy(ProxyEx(Request))) { ViewBag.IsAgencyUser = false; var companyInfo = proxy.GetCompanyModel(CurrentUser.CompanyId).Data; if (companyInfo != null) { //是省公司 if (companyInfo.OrgType == "1" || (companyInfo.PId == 10 && companyInfo.OrgType == "3")) { ViewBag.IsAgencyUser = true; companyId = ""; } else if (companyInfo.OrgType == "2" || (companyInfo.PId != 10 && companyInfo.OrgType == "3")) { companyId = CurrentUser.CompanyId.ToString(); ViewBag.CompanyName = CurrentUser.CompanyName; } } #region 查询条件 QueryCondition qc = new QueryCondition(); ConditionExpression ce = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(title)) { ce = new ConditionExpression(); ce.ExpName = "Title"; ce.ExpValue = title; ce.ExpOperater = eConditionOperator.Like; ce.ExpLogical = eLogicalOperator.And; qc.ConditionList.Add(ce); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(supplierName)) { ce = new ConditionExpression(); ce.ExpName = "SupplierName"; ce.ExpValue = supplierName; ce.ExpOperater = eConditionOperator.Like; ce.ExpLogical = eLogicalOperator.And; qc.ConditionList.Add(ce); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(materialNumber)) { ce = new ConditionExpression(); ce.ExpName = "MaterialNumber"; ce.ExpValue = materialNumber; ce.ExpOperater = eConditionOperator.Like; ce.ExpLogical = eLogicalOperator.And; qc.ConditionList.Add(ce); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(state)) { ce = new ConditionExpression(); ce.ExpName = "State"; ce.ExpValue = state; ce.ExpOperater = eConditionOperator.Like; ce.ExpLogical = eLogicalOperator.And; qc.ConditionList.Add(ce); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(projectName)) { ce = new ConditionExpression(); ce.ExpName = "ProjectName"; ce.ExpValue = projectName; ce.ExpOperater = eConditionOperator.Like; ce.ExpLogical = eLogicalOperator.And; qc.ConditionList.Add(ce); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(companyId)) { ce = new ConditionExpression(); ce.ExpName = "CompanyId"; ce.ExpValue = Convert.ToInt64(companyId); ce.ExpOperater = eConditionOperator.Equal; ce.ExpLogical = eLogicalOperator.And; qc.ConditionList.Add(ce); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(startTime)) { DateTime stime = Convert.ToDateTime(startTime); qc.ConditionList.Add(new ConditionExpression() { ExpName = "ApplyDate", ExpValue = stime, ExpLogical = eLogicalOperator.And, ExpOperater = eConditionOperator.GreaterThanOrEqual }); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(endTime)) { DateTime etime = Convert.ToDateTime(endTime + " 23:59:59"); qc.ConditionList.Add(new ConditionExpression() { ExpName = "ApplyDate", ExpValue = etime, ExpLogical = eLogicalOperator.And, ExpOperater = eConditionOperator.LessThanOrEqual }); } qc.SortList.Add(new SortExpression("OperateTime", eSortType.Desc)); qc.PageInfo = GetPageInfo(pageIndex, pageSize); #endregion result = proxy.GetTzGcGoodsOrdersApplyListAll(qc); ViewBag.Total = result.AllRowsCount; ViewBag.TotalPage = Math.Ceiling((decimal)result.AllRowsCount / pageSize); //根据字典类型集合获取字典数据 List <DictionaryType> subjectsList = new List <DictionaryType>() { DictionaryType.MaterialNumber }; var subjects = proxy.GetTypeListByTypes(subjectsList).Data; // 物资种类 ViewBag.MaterialNumber = subjects[DictionaryType.MaterialNumber].ToSelectList("Name", "No", true); } return(View(result.Data)); }
public Result <List <Epm_Project> > GetIndexProject(QueryCondition qc) { return(base.Channel.GetIndexProject(qc)); }
/// <summary> ///JQResource字段值 /// </summary> /// <param name="field">JQResource字段</param> /// <param name="fieldValue">字段值</param> /// <param name="queryOperator">条件操作类型</param> /// <param name="queryCondition">条件关系</param> public JQResourceWhereFields(JQResourceFields field,object fieldValue, QueryCondition queryCondition,QueryOperator queryOperator) { this.field = field; this.fieldValue = fieldValue; this.queryOperator = queryOperator; this.queryCondition = queryCondition; }
///<summary> ///获取列表: ///</summary> ///<param name="qc">查询条件</param> ///<returns>符合条件的数据集合</returns> public Result <List <Epm_TemplateDetails> > GetTemplateDetailsList(QueryCondition qc) { return(base.Channel.GetTemplateDetailsList(qc)); }
/// <summary> /// 获取消息环节配置列表 /// </summary> /// <param name="qc"></param> /// <returns></returns> public Result <List <Msg_MessageSection> > GetSectionList(QueryCondition qc) { return(base.Channel.GetSectionList(qc)); }
/// <summary> /// 获取新闻列表 /// </summary> /// <param name="qc"></param> /// <returns></returns> public Result <List <Epm_News> > GetNewsList(QueryCondition qc) { return(base.Channel.GetNewsList(qc)); }
/// <summary> /// 获取id /// </summary> /// <param name="query"></param> /// <returns></returns> public int GetId(QueryCondition query) { return(EntityDao.GetId(query)); }
/// <summary> /// 获取广告位列表 /// </summary> /// <param name="qc"></param> /// <returns></returns> public Result <List <Epm_AdTarget> > GetAdTargetListWhr(QueryCondition qc) { return(base.Channel.GetAdTargetListWhr(qc)); }
public List<BrowsingHistoryEntity> Search(QueryCondition<BrowsingHistoryEntity> entity) { return RestClient.Post<List<BrowsingHistoryEntity>>("BrowsingHistoryService/Search", entity); }
/// <summary> /// 获取广告投放列表 /// </summary> /// <param name="qc"></param> /// <returns></returns> public Result <List <Epm_AdPutRecord> > GetAdPutRecordList(QueryCondition qc) { return(base.Channel.GetAdPutRecordList(qc)); }
/// <summary> /// 表单分页查询 /// </summary> /// <param name="startRowIndex"></param> /// <param name="maximumRows"></param> /// <param name="where"></param> /// <param name="orderBy"></param> /// <param name="totalCount"></param> /// <returns></returns> public AppCommonInfoCollection GetFormQueryWithCount(int startRowIndex, int maximumRows, string where, string orderBy, ref int totalCount) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(where)) where = "1 = 1"; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(orderBy)) orderBy = "CREATE_TIME DESC"; if (RolesDefineConfig.GetConfig().IsCurrentUserInRoles("ProcessAdmin") == false) { ConnectiveSqlClauseCollection cscc = WfAclAdapter.Instance.GetAclQueryConditionsByUser(string.Empty); string resourceIDList = string.Format("SELECT RESOURCE_ID FROM WF.ACL WHERE {0}", cscc.ToSqlString(TSqlBuilder.Instance)); where = string.Format("{0} AND ACI.RESOURCE_ID IN ({1})", where, resourceIDList); } //LDM 加上ACI.PROGRAM_NAME as [PROGRAM_NAME1], //兼容远洋地产的查询(表单工作程序里没有对 APPLICATIONFORM_INFO 表插入数据行) string strSelect = @" ACI.APPLICATION_NAME,ACI.[PROGRAM_NAME] as [PROGRAM_NAME_MCS],ACI.RESOURCE_ID,ACI.[SUBJECT],ACI.[EMERGENCY]," + " ACI.URL,ACI.CREATOR_ID, ACI.CREATOR_NAME,ACI.CREATE_TIME,ACI.DRAFT_DEPARTMENT_NAME"; string strfrom = @" WF.APPLICATIONS_COMMON_INFO as ACI (nolock)"; QueryCondition qc = new QueryCondition( startRowIndex, maximumRows, strSelect, strfrom, orderBy, where ); CommonAdapter commonAdapter = new CommonAdapter(ConnectionDefine.SearchConnectionName); DataSet ds = commonAdapter.SplitPageQuery(qc, totalCount < 0); AppCommonInfoCollection FormQueryEntitys = new AppCommonInfoCollection(); foreach (DataRow row in ds.Tables[0].Rows) { AppCommonInfo entity = new AppCommonInfo(); ORMapping.DataRowToObject(row, entity); FormQueryEntitys.Add(entity); } if (ds.Tables.Count > 1) totalCount = (int)ds.Tables[1].Rows[0][0]; HttpContext.Current.Items["UserFormQueryEntityCount"] = totalCount; //当页码超出索引的,返回最大页 if (FormQueryEntitys.Count == 0 && totalCount > 0) { int newStartRowIndex = (totalCount - 1) / maximumRows * maximumRows; totalCount = -1; FormQueryEntitys = GetFormQueryWithCount(newStartRowIndex, maximumRows, where, orderBy, ref totalCount); } return FormQueryEntitys; }
public Result <List <NoticeView> > GetNoticeViewList(QueryCondition qc) { return(base.Channel.GetNoticeViewList(qc)); }
/// <summary> /// Adds the term query. /// </summary> /// <param name="query">The query.</param> /// <param name="subquery">The subquery.</param> /// <param name="condition">The condition.</param> /// <param name="isFirst">if set to <c>true</c> [is first].</param> protected virtual void AddSubQuery(LuceneSearch.BooleanQuery query, SubQuery subquery, QueryCondition condition) { string value = ID.IsID(subquery.Value) ? subquery.Value : subquery.Value.ToLower(); string key = subquery.Key.ToLower(); if (subquery is AttributeQuery) { key = this.MapAttributes(key); } // optimizing search query if (key == Sitecore.Search.BuiltinFields.ID || key == Sitecore.Search.BuiltinFields.Template || key == BuiltinFields.ProductBaseTemplate || key == Sitecore.Search.BuiltinFields.AllTemplates) { this.AddIdQuery(query, key, value, condition); } else { this.AddContentSubQuery(query, key, value, subquery.MatchVariant, condition); } }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="log"></param> public static List<ProductEntity> Search(QueryCondition<ProductEntity> entity) { return RestClient.Post<List<ProductEntity>>("ProductService/Search", entity); }
/// <summary> /// Adds the simple query. /// </summary> /// <param name="query">The boolean query.</param> /// <param name="key">The field key.</param> /// <param name="value">The field value.</param> /// <param name="condition">The condition.</param> /// <param name="isFirst">if set to <c>true</c> [is first].</param> private void AddIdQuery(LuceneSearch.BooleanQuery query, string key, string value, QueryCondition condition) { value = this.GetItemPath(new ID(value)); LuceneSearch.Occur occurrence = this.GetOccur(condition); query.Add(new LuceneSearch.TermQuery(new Term(key, value)), occurrence); }
/// <summary> /// 获取消息发送策略列表 /// </summary> /// <param name="qc"></param> /// <returns></returns> public Result <List <Msg_MessageStrategy> > GetStrategyList(QueryCondition qc) { return(base.Channel.GetStrategyList(qc)); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="log"></param> public static List<ClubMembersEntity> Search(QueryCondition<ClubMembersEntity> entity) { return RestClient.Post<List<ClubMembersEntity>>("ClubMemberService/Search", entity); }
/// <summary> ///Comments字段值 /// </summary> /// <param name="field">Comments字段</param> /// <param name="fieldValue">字段值</param> /// <param name="queryOperator">条件操作类型</param> /// <param name="queryCondition">条件关系</param> public CommentsWhereFields(CommentsFields field,object fieldValue, QueryCondition queryCondition,QueryOperator queryOperator) { this.field = field; this.fieldValue = fieldValue; this.queryOperator = queryOperator; this.queryCondition = queryCondition; }
///<summary> ///获取列表: ///</summary> ///<param name="qc">查询条件</param> ///<returns>符合条件的数据集合</returns> public Result <List <Epm_CheckItem> > GetCheckItemList(QueryCondition qc) { return(base.Channel.GetCheckItemList(qc)); }
///<summary> ///获取列表:历史短信 ///</summary> public Result <List <Msg_SMSHistory> > GetSMSHistoryList(QueryCondition qc) { return(base.Channel.GetSMSHistoryList(qc)); }
public List<ErrorLogEntity> Search(QueryCondition<ErrorLogEntity> entity) { return ObjectFactory<IErrorLogDataAccess>.Instance.Seach(entity); }
///<summary> ///获取列表: ///</summary> /// <param name="qc">查询条件</param> /// <returns>符合条件的数据集合</returns> public Result <List <Epm_Constitute> > GetConstituteList(QueryCondition qc) { return(base.Channel.GetConstituteList(qc)); }
/// <summary> ///Comments字段值 /// </summary> /// <param name="field">Comments字段</param> /// <param name="fieldValue">字段值</param> public CommentsWhereFields(CommentsFields field,object fieldValue) { this.field = field; this.fieldValue = fieldValue; this.queryOperator = QueryOperator.And; this.queryCondition = QueryCondition.Equal; }
/// <summary> /// 获取服务商(根据总批复构成获取关联的服务商) /// </summary> /// <param name="qc"></param> /// <returns></returns> public Result <List <Epm_ConstituteCompanyDetails> > GetConstituteCompanyDetailsList(QueryCondition qc) { return(base.Channel.GetConstituteCompanyDetailsList(qc)); }
/// <summary> ///JQResource字段值 /// </summary> /// <param name="field">JQResource字段</param> /// <param name="fieldValue">字段值</param> public JQResourceWhereFields(JQResourceFields field,object fieldValue) { this.field = field; this.fieldValue = fieldValue; this.queryOperator = QueryOperator.And; this.queryCondition = QueryCondition.Equal; }
/// <summary> /// 获取项目资料列表 /// </summary> /// <param name="qc"></param> /// <returns></returns> public Result <List <Epm_DataConfig> > GetDataConfigListWhr(QueryCondition qc) { return(base.Channel.GetDataConfigListWhr(qc)); }
public List<ABiIV> getIV(QueryCondition query) { try { var objList = dbContent.f_getInvoiceStatus(query.VendorCode, query.CompanyCode, query.InvoiceNumber, query.GetMinDate(query.DateBegin), query.GetMaxDate(query.DateEnd), query.PaymentStatus, query.UserID); return (from obj in objList select new ABiIV() { CompanyCode = obj.CompanyCode, VendorCode = obj.VendorCode, InvoiceNumber = obj.InvoiceNumber, InvoiceDate = obj.InvoiceDate ?? DateTime.MinValue, PaymentStatus = obj.PaymentStatus, DueDate = obj.DueDate ?? DateTime.MinValue, PaymentDate = obj.DatePayment ?? DateTime.MinValue, PayAmount = obj.PayAmount ?? 0, RoleID = query.RoleID, InvoiceID = obj.ABi_Invoice_ID, IsSynced = obj.IsSynced ?? false }).ToList(); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.LogError(query, ex); } return new List<ABiIV>(); }
///<summary> ///获取列表:项目考勤设置表 ///</summary> ///<param name="qc">查询条件</param> ///<returns>符合条件的数据集合</returns> public Result <List <Epm_ProjectAttendance> > GetProjectAttendanceList(QueryCondition qc) { return(base.Channel.GetProjectAttendanceList(qc)); }
public List<ABiIVPending> getIVPending(QueryCondition query) { try { var objList = dbContent.f_getInvoicePending(query.VendorCode, query.VendcorName, query.CompanyCode, query.InvoiceNumber, query.GetMinDate(query.DateBegin), query.GetMaxDate(query.DateEnd), query.Buys, query.UserID); return (from obj in objList select new ABiIVPending() { InvoiceNumber = obj.InvoiceNumber, CompanyCode = obj.CompanyCode, VendorCode = obj.VendorCode, TotalAmount = obj.TotalAmount ?? 0, TaxAmount = obj.TaxAmount ?? 0, InvoiceDate = obj.InvoiceDate ?? DateTime.MinValue, Remark = obj.Remark, InvoiceID = obj.ABi_Invoice_ID, POCreator = obj.POCreator }).ToList(); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.LogError(query, ex); } return new List<ABiIVPending>(); }
public Result <List <Epm_Milepost> > GetMilepostListQc(QueryCondition qc) { return(base.Channel.GetMilepostListQc(qc)); }
///<summary> ///获取列表: ///</summary> /// <param name="qc">查询条件</param> /// <returns>符合条件的数据集合</returns> public Result <List <Epm_WorkMainPoints> > GetWorkMainPointsList(QueryCondition qc) { return(base.Channel.GetWorkMainPointsList(qc)); }
public ActionResult Index(string projectName = "", string companyIds = "", string userName = "", string startTime = "", string endTime = "", string state = "-1", int pageIndex = 1, int pageSize = 10) { ViewBag.projectName = projectName; ViewBag.companyIds = companyIds; ViewBag.userName = userName; ViewBag.startTime = startTime; ViewBag.endTime = endTime; ViewBag.pageIndex = pageIndex; ViewBag.state = state; Result <List <Epm_TzProjectPolit> > result = new Result <List <Epm_TzProjectPolit> >(); using (ClientSiteClientProxy proxy = new ClientSiteClientProxy(ProxyEx(Request))) { QueryCondition qc = new QueryCondition(); ConditionExpression ce = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(projectName)) { ce = new ConditionExpression(); ce.ExpName = "ProjectName"; ce.ExpValue = "%" + projectName + "%"; ce.ExpOperater = eConditionOperator.Like; ce.ExpLogical = eLogicalOperator.And; qc.ConditionList.Add(ce); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(companyIds)) { ce = new ConditionExpression(); ce.ExpName = "CompanyId"; ce.ExpValue = companyIds; ce.ExpOperater = eConditionOperator.In; ce.ExpLogical = eLogicalOperator.And; qc.ConditionList.Add(ce); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userName)) { ce = new ConditionExpression(); ce.ExpName = "CreateUserName"; ce.ExpValue = "%" + userName + "%"; ce.ExpOperater = eConditionOperator.Like; ce.ExpLogical = eLogicalOperator.And; qc.ConditionList.Add(ce); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(startTime)) { DateTime stime = Convert.ToDateTime(startTime); qc.ConditionList.Add(new ConditionExpression() { ExpName = "CreateTime", ExpValue = stime, ExpLogical = eLogicalOperator.And, ExpOperater = eConditionOperator.GreaterThanOrEqual }); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(endTime)) { DateTime etime = Convert.ToDateTime(endTime); qc.ConditionList.Add(new ConditionExpression() { ExpName = "CreateTime", ExpValue = etime, ExpLogical = eLogicalOperator.And, ExpOperater = eConditionOperator.LessThanOrEqual }); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(state) && state != "-1") { ce = new ConditionExpression(); ce.ExpName = "State"; ce.ExpValue = state; ce.ExpOperater = eConditionOperator.In; ce.ExpLogical = eLogicalOperator.And; qc.ConditionList.Add(ce); } qc.PageInfo = GetPageInfo(pageIndex, pageSize); result = proxy.GetProjectApprovalList(qc); ViewBag.Total = result.AllRowsCount; ViewBag.TotalPage = Math.Ceiling((decimal)result.AllRowsCount / pageSize); var compamyList = proxy.GetAreaCompanyList(); //地市公司 ViewBag.CompanyName = compamyList.Data.ToSelectList("Name", "Id", true); //ViewBag.BranchCompany = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(compamyList.Data); } return(View(result.Data)); }