コード例 #1
        public object QueryJackpotInfo(Dictionary <string, object> dicParas)
                XCCloudUserTokenModel userTokenKeyModel = (XCCloudUserTokenModel)dicParas[Constant.XCCloudUserTokenModel];
                string   merchId    = userTokenKeyModel.DataModel.MerchID;
                string   errMsg     = string.Empty;
                object[] conditions = dicParas.ContainsKey("conditions") ? (object[])dicParas["conditions"] : null;

                SqlParameter[] parameters = new SqlParameter[1];
                string         sqlWhere   = string.Empty;
                parameters[0] = new SqlParameter("@MerchId", merchId);

                if (conditions != null && conditions.Length > 0)
                    if (!QueryBLL.GenDynamicSql(conditions, "a.", ref sqlWhere, ref parameters, out errMsg))
                        return(ResponseModelFactory.CreateFailModel(isSignKeyReturn, errMsg));

                string sql = @"select a.* from Data_JackpotInfo a where a.MerchInfo=@MerchId";
                sql = sql + sqlWhere;

                IData_JackpotInfoService data_JackpotInfoService = BLLContainer.Resolve <IData_JackpotInfoService>();
                var data_JackpotInfo = data_JackpotInfoService.SqlQuery <Data_JackpotInfo>(sql, parameters).ToList();

                return(ResponseModelFactory.CreateSuccessModel(isSignKeyReturn, data_JackpotInfo));
            catch (Exception e)
                return(ResponseModelFactory.CreateReturnModel(isSignKeyReturn, Return_Code.F, e.Message));
コード例 #2
        public object QueryPushRule(Dictionary <string, object> dicParas)
                XCCloudUserTokenModel userTokenKeyModel = (XCCloudUserTokenModel)dicParas[Constant.XCCloudUserTokenModel];
                string storeId = (userTokenKeyModel.DataModel as UserDataModel).StoreID;

                string   errMsg     = string.Empty;
                object[] conditions = dicParas.ContainsKey("conditions") ? (object[])dicParas["conditions"] : null;

                SqlParameter[] parameters = new SqlParameter[0];
                string         sqlWhere   = string.Empty;

                if (conditions != null && conditions.Length > 0)
                    if (!QueryBLL.GenDynamicSql(conditions, "a.", ref sqlWhere, ref parameters, out errMsg))
                        return(ResponseModelFactory.CreateFailModel(isSignKeyReturn, errMsg));

                string sql = @"select b.GameID, b.GameName, a.ID, a.MemberLevelName, a.Week, a.Allow_Out, a.Allow_In, a.Coin, a.Level, a.StartTime as ST, a.EndTime as ET from Data_Push_Rule a " +
                             " inner join Data_GameInfo b on a.GameIndexID=b.ID " +
                             " where b.StoreID='" + storeId + "'";
                sql = sql + sqlWhere;
                IData_Push_RuleService data_Push_RuleService = BLLContainer.Resolve <IData_Push_RuleService>();
                var data_Push_Rule = data_Push_RuleService.SqlQuery <Data_Push_RuleList>(sql, parameters).ToList();

                return(ResponseModelFactory.CreateSuccessModel(isSignKeyReturn, data_Push_Rule));
            catch (Exception e)
                return(ResponseModelFactory.CreateReturnModel(isSignKeyReturn, Return_Code.F, e.Message));
コード例 #3
        public object QueryWorkstation(Dictionary <string, object> dicParas)
                XCCloudUserTokenModel userTokenKeyModel = (XCCloudUserTokenModel)dicParas[Constant.XCCloudUserTokenModel];
                string storeId = (userTokenKeyModel.DataModel as UserDataModel).StoreID;

                string   errMsg     = string.Empty;
                object[] conditions = dicParas.ContainsKey("conditions") ? (object[])dicParas["conditions"] : null;

                SqlParameter[] parameters = new SqlParameter[0];
                string         sqlWhere   = string.Empty;

                if (conditions != null && conditions.Length > 0)
                    if (!QueryBLL.GenDynamicSql(conditions, "a.", ref sqlWhere, ref parameters, out errMsg))
                        return(ResponseModelFactory.CreateFailModel(isSignKeyReturn, errMsg));

                string sql = @"select a.* from Data_Workstation a where a.StoreID='" + storeId + "'";
                sql = sql + sqlWhere;
                IData_WorkstationService data_WorkstationService = BLLContainer.Resolve <IData_WorkstationService>();
                var data_Workstation = data_WorkstationService.SqlQuery(sql, parameters).ToList();

                return(ResponseModelFactory.CreateSuccessModel(isSignKeyReturn, data_Workstation));
            catch (Exception e)
                return(ResponseModelFactory.CreateReturnModel(isSignKeyReturn, Return_Code.F, e.Message));
コード例 #4
        public object QueryFreeRule(Dictionary <string, object> dicParas)
                XCCloudUserTokenModel userTokenKeyModel = (XCCloudUserTokenModel)dicParas[Constant.XCCloudUserTokenModel];
                string storeId = (userTokenKeyModel.DataModel as UserDataModel).StoreID;

                string   errMsg     = string.Empty;
                object[] conditions = dicParas.ContainsKey("conditions") ? (object[])dicParas["conditions"] : null;

                SqlParameter[] parameters = new SqlParameter[0];
                string         sqlWhere   = string.Empty;

                if (conditions != null && conditions.Length > 0)
                    if (!QueryBLL.GenDynamicSql(conditions, "a.", ref sqlWhere, ref parameters, out errMsg))
                        return(ResponseModelFactory.CreateFailModel(isSignKeyReturn, errMsg));

                string sql = @"select c.ID, b.GameID, b.GameName, d.MemberLevelName as MemberLevelName, (case c.RuleType when 0 then '模拟机' when 1 then '博彩机' else '' end) as RuleTypeStr, " +
                             " c.NeedCoin, c.FreeCoin, c.ExitCoin, c.StartTime as ST, c.EndTime as ET, c.State from Data_GameFreeRule_List a " +
                             " inner join Data_GameInfo b on a.GameIndexID=b.ID " +
                             " inner join Data_GameFreeRule c on a.RuleID=c.ID " +
                             " left join Data_MemberLevel d on c.MemberLevelID=d.MemberLevelID" +
                             " where b.StoreID='" + storeId + "'";
                sql = sql + sqlWhere;
                IData_GameFreeRuleService data_GameFreeRuleService = BLLContainer.Resolve <IData_GameFreeRuleService>();
                var data_GameFreeRule = data_GameFreeRuleService.SqlQuery <Data_GameFreeRuleList>(sql, parameters).ToList();
                var linq = from a in data_GameFreeRule
                           group a by new { ID = a.ID } into g
                    select new {
                    GameID          = string.Join("|", g.Select(p => p.GameID)),
                    GameName        = string.Join("|", g.Select(p => p.GameName)),
                    MemberLevelName = g.Max(p => p.MemberLevelName),
                    RuleTypeStr     = g.Max(p => p.RuleTypeStr),
                    NeedCoin        = g.Max(p => p.NeedCoin),
                    FreeCoin        = g.Max(p => p.FreeCoin),
                    ExitCoin        = g.Max(p => p.ExitCoin),
                    StartTime       = g.Max(p => p.StartTime),
                    EndTime         = g.Max(p => p.EndTime),
                    State           = g.Max(p => p.State)

                return(ResponseModelFactory.CreateAnonymousSuccessModel(isSignKeyReturn, linq));
            catch (Exception e)
                return(ResponseModelFactory.CreateReturnModel(isSignKeyReturn, Return_Code.F, e.Message));
コード例 #5
ファイル: Merch.ashx.cs プロジェクト: tongxin3267/XCCloud
        public object GetMerchList(Dictionary <string, object> dicParas)
                string   errMsg     = string.Empty;
                object[] conditions = dicParas.ContainsKey("conditions") ? (object[])dicParas["conditions"] : null;
                XCCloudUserTokenModel userTokenKeyModel = (XCCloudUserTokenModel)dicParas[Constant.XCCloudUserTokenModel];

                SqlParameter[] parameters = new SqlParameter[0];
                string         sqlWhere   = string.Empty;
                if (userTokenKeyModel.LogType == (int)RoleType.MerchUser)
                    var merchIdDataModel = userTokenKeyModel.DataModel as MerchDataModel;
                    Array.Resize(ref parameters, parameters.Length + 1);
                    if (merchIdDataModel.MerchType == (int)MerchType.Agent)
                        parameters[parameters.Length - 1] = new SqlParameter("@logId", userTokenKeyModel.LogId);
                        sqlWhere = sqlWhere + " and a.CreateUserID=@logId";
                        parameters[parameters.Length - 1] = new SqlParameter("@merchId", merchIdDataModel.MerchID);
                        sqlWhere = sqlWhere + " and a.MerchID=@merchId";

                if (conditions != null && conditions.Length > 0)
                    if (!QueryBLL.GenDynamicSql(conditions, "a.", ref sqlWhere, ref parameters, out errMsg))
                        return(ResponseModelFactory.CreateFailModel(isSignKeyReturn, errMsg));

                string sql = @"select a.MerchID, a.MerchName, a.Mobil, b.DictKey as MerchTypeStr, a.MerchAccount, d.DictKey as AllowCreateSubStr, a.AllowCreateCount, c.DictKey as MerchStatusStr from Base_MerchantInfo a " +
                             " left join (select b.* from Dict_System a inner join Dict_System b on a.ID=b.PID where a.DictKey='商户类别' and a.PID=0) b on convert(varchar, a.MerchType)=b.DictValue " +
                             " left join (select b.* from Dict_System a inner join Dict_System b on a.ID=b.PID where a.DictKey='商户状态' and a.PID=0) c on convert(varchar, a.MerchStatus)=c.DictValue " +
                             " left join (select b.* from Dict_System a inner join Dict_System b on a.ID=b.PID where a.DictKey='创建子账号' and a.PID=0) d on convert(varchar, a.AllowCreateSub)=d.DictValue " +
                             " where 1=1 ";
                sql = sql + sqlWhere;
                var dbContext         = DbContextFactory.CreateByModelNamespace(typeof(Base_MerchantInfo).Namespace);
                var base_MerchantInfo = dbContext.Database.SqlQuery <Base_MerchantInfoListModel>(sql, parameters).ToList();

                return(ResponseModelFactory.CreateSuccessModel(isSignKeyReturn, base_MerchantInfo));
            catch (Exception e)
                return(ResponseModelFactory.CreateReturnModel(isSignKeyReturn, Return_Code.F, e.Message));
コード例 #6
ファイル: Order.ashx.cs プロジェクト: tongxin3267/XCCloud
        public object GetOrders(Dictionary <string, object> dicParas)
                string   errMsg     = string.Empty;
                object[] conditions = dicParas.ContainsKey("conditions") ? (object[])dicParas["conditions"] : null;
                XCCloudUserTokenModel userTokenKeyModel = (XCCloudUserTokenModel)dicParas[Constant.XCCloudUserTokenModel];
                string merchId = userTokenKeyModel.DataModel.MerchID;

                SqlParameter[] parameters = new SqlParameter[1];
                parameters[0] = new SqlParameter("@merchId", merchId);
                string sqlWhere = string.Empty;

                if (conditions != null && conditions.Length > 0)
                    if (!QueryBLL.GenDynamicSql(conditions, "b.", ref sqlWhere, ref parameters, out errMsg))
                        return(ResponseModelFactory.CreateFailModel(isSignKeyReturn, errMsg));

                string sql = @"select b.ID, a.StoreID, a.StoreName, b.OrderID, b.FoodCount, b.OrderSource, b.CreateTime, b.PayType, b.OrderStatus," +
                             " c.DictKey as OrderSourceStr, d.DictKey as PayTypeStr, e.DictKey as OrderStatusStr, f.FoodName from Base_StoreInfo a " +
                             " inner join Flw_Order b on a.StoreID=b.StoreID " +
                             " left join (select b.* from Dict_System a inner join Dict_System b on a.ID=b.PID where a.DictKey='订单来源' and a.PID=0) c on convert(varchar, b.OrderSource)=c.DictValue " +
                             " left join (select b.* from Dict_System a inner join Dict_System b on a.ID=b.PID where a.DictKey='支付通道' and a.PID=0) d on convert(varchar, b.PayType)=d.DictValue " +
                             " left join (select b.* from Dict_System a inner join Dict_System b on a.ID=b.PID where a.DictKey='订单状态' and a.PID=0) e on convert(varchar, b.OrderStatus)=e.DictValue " +
                             " left join (select top 1 a.ID as OrderFlwID, d.FoodName from Flw_Order a inner join Flw_Order_Detail b on a.ID=b.OrderFlwID " +
                             " inner join Flw_Food_Sale c on b.FoodFlwID=c.ID " +
                             " inner join Data_FoodInfo d on c.FoodID=d.FoodID) f on b.ID=f.OrderFlwID " +
                             " where a.MerchID=@merchId ";
                sql = sql + sqlWhere;
                var dbContext  = DbContextFactory.CreateByModelNamespace(typeof(Flw_Order).Namespace);
                var flw_Orders = dbContext.Database.SqlQuery <Flw_OrdersModel>(sql, parameters).ToList();

                return(ResponseModelFactory.CreateSuccessModel(isSignKeyReturn, flw_Orders));
            catch (Exception e)
                return(ResponseModelFactory.CreateReturnModel(isSignKeyReturn, Return_Code.F, e.Message));
コード例 #7
ファイル: Coupon.ashx.cs プロジェクト: tongxin3267/XCCloud
        public object QueryCouponInfo(Dictionary <string, object> dicParas)
                XCCloudUserTokenModel userTokenKeyModel = (XCCloudUserTokenModel)dicParas[Constant.XCCloudUserTokenModel];
                string merchId = userTokenKeyModel.DataModel.MerchID;
                string errMsg  = string.Empty;

                object[] conditions = dicParas.ContainsKey("conditions") ? (object[])dicParas["conditions"] : null;

                SqlParameter[] parameters = new SqlParameter[1];
                string         sqlWhere   = string.Empty;
                parameters[0] = new SqlParameter("@MerchId", merchId);

                if (conditions != null && conditions.Length > 0)
                    if (!QueryBLL.GenDynamicSql(conditions, "a.", ref sqlWhere, ref parameters, out errMsg))
                        return(ResponseModelFactory.CreateFailModel(isSignKeyReturn, errMsg));

                string sql = @"select a.ID, a.CouponName, b.DictKey as CouponTypeStr, a.PublishCount, (a.PublishCount - isnull(c.UseCount, 0) - isnull(d.UseCount, 0)) as LeftCount, " +
                             " (case when a.StartTime is null or a.StartTime='' then '' else convert(varchar,a.StartTime,23) end) as StartTime, (case when a.EndTime is null or a.EndTime='' then '' else convert(varchar,a.EndTime,23) end) as EndTime, " +
                             " a.Context from Data_CouponInfo a" +
                             " left join (select b.* from Dict_System a inner join Dict_System b on a.ID=b.PID where a.DictKey='优惠券类别' and a.PID=0) b on convert(varchar, a.CouponType)=b.DictValue " +
                             " left join (select a.ID as CouponID, count(c.ID) as UseCount from Data_CouponInfo a inner join Data_CouponList b on a.ID=b.CouponID inner join Flw_CouponUse c on b.ID=c.CouponCode) c on a.ID=c.CouponID " +
                             " left join (select a.ID as CouponID, count(b.ID) as UseCount from Data_CouponInfo a inner join Flw_CouponUse b on a.ID=b.CouponID) d on a.ID=d.CouponID " +
                             " where a.MerchID=@MerchId";
                sql = sql + sqlWhere;

                IData_CouponInfoService data_CouponInfoService = BLLContainer.Resolve <IData_CouponInfoService>();
                var data_CouponInfo = data_CouponInfoService.SqlQuery <Data_CouponInfoModel>(sql, parameters).ToList();

                return(ResponseModelFactory.CreateSuccessModel(isSignKeyReturn, data_CouponInfo));
            catch (Exception e)
                return(ResponseModelFactory.CreateReturnModel(isSignKeyReturn, Return_Code.F, e.Message));
コード例 #8
        public object QueryGoodInventory(Dictionary <string, object> dicParas)
                XCCloudUserTokenModel userTokenKeyModel = (XCCloudUserTokenModel)dicParas[Constant.XCCloudUserTokenModel];
                string storeId = (userTokenKeyModel.DataModel as UserDataModel).StoreID;

                string   errMsg     = string.Empty;
                object[] conditions = dicParas.ContainsKey("conditions") ? (object[])dicParas["conditions"] : null;

                SqlParameter[] parameters = new SqlParameter[0];
                string         sqlWhere   = string.Empty;

                if (conditions != null && conditions.Length > 0)
                    if (!QueryBLL.GenDynamicSql(conditions, "a.", ref sqlWhere, ref parameters, out errMsg))
                        return(ResponseModelFactory.CreateFailModel(isSignKeyReturn, errMsg));

                string sql = @"select a.ID, c.DictKey as InventoryTypeStr, (case when a.InventoryType=1 then d.WorkStation when a.InventoryType=3 then e.HeadName else '' end) as InventoryIndexName, a.InventoryTime, a.UserID, b.RealName, a.InventoryCount, a.Note from Data_GoodInventory a " +
                             " left join Base_UserInfo b on a.UserID=b.UserID " +
                             " left join (select b.* from Dict_System a inner join Dict_System b on a.ID=b.PID where a.DictKey='盘点类别' and a.PID=0) c on convert(varchar, a.InventoryType)=c.DictValue " +
                             " left join Data_Workstation d on a.InventoryType=1 and a.InventoryIndex=d.ID " +
                             " left join Data_Head e on a.InventoryType=3 and a.InventoryIndex=e.ID " +
                             " where a.StoreID='" + storeId + "'";
                sql = sql + sqlWhere;
                IData_GoodInventoryService data_GoodInventoryService = BLLContainer.Resolve <IData_GoodInventoryService>();
                var data_GoodInventory = data_GoodInventoryService.SqlQuery <Data_GoodInventoryList>(sql, parameters).ToList();

                return(ResponseModelFactory.CreateSuccessModel(isSignKeyReturn, data_GoodInventory));
            catch (Exception e)
                return(ResponseModelFactory.CreateReturnModel(isSignKeyReturn, Return_Code.F, e.Message));
コード例 #9
        public object QueryReloadGifts(Dictionary <string, object> dicParas)
                XCCloudUserTokenModel userTokenKeyModel = (XCCloudUserTokenModel)dicParas[Constant.XCCloudUserTokenModel];
                string storeId = (userTokenKeyModel.DataModel as UserDataModel).StoreID;

                string   errMsg     = string.Empty;
                object[] conditions = dicParas.ContainsKey("conditions") ? (object[])dicParas["conditions"] : null;

                SqlParameter[] parameters = new SqlParameter[0];
                string         sqlWhere   = string.Empty;

                if (conditions != null && conditions.Length > 0)
                    if (!QueryBLL.GenDynamicSql(conditions, "a.", ref sqlWhere, ref parameters, out errMsg))
                        return(ResponseModelFactory.CreateFailModel(isSignKeyReturn, errMsg));

                string sql = @"select a.ID, (case when a.RealTime is null or a.RealTime='' then '' else convert(varchar,a.RealTime,23) end) as RealTime, c.HeadName, d.DictKey as ReloadTypeName, b.LogName, a.ReloadCount, a.Note from Data_Reload a " +
                             " left join Base_UserInfo b on a.UserID=b.UserID " +
                             " left join Data_Head c on a.DeviceID=c.ID " +
                             " left join (select b.* from Dict_System a inner join Dict_System b on a.ID=b.PID where a.DictKey='安装类别' and a.PID=0) d on convert(varchar, a.ReloadType)=d.DictValue " +
                             " where b.StoreID='" + storeId + "' and deviceType=2 and ReloadType=3 " +
                             " order by c.HeadName, a.RealTime desc";
                sql = sql + sqlWhere;
                IData_ReloadService data_ReloadService = BLLContainer.Resolve <IData_ReloadService>();
                var data_Reload = data_ReloadService.SqlQuery <Data_ReloadModelList>(sql, parameters).ToList();

                return(ResponseModelFactory.CreateSuccessModel(isSignKeyReturn, data_Reload));
            catch (Exception e)
                return(ResponseModelFactory.CreateReturnModel(isSignKeyReturn, Return_Code.F, e.Message));
コード例 #10
        public object QueryGoodsInfo(Dictionary <string, object> dicParas)
                XCCloudUserTokenModel userTokenKeyModel = (XCCloudUserTokenModel)dicParas[Constant.XCCloudUserTokenModel];
                string storeId = (userTokenKeyModel.DataModel as UserDataModel).StoreID;

                string   errMsg     = string.Empty;
                object[] conditions = dicParas.ContainsKey("conditions") ? (object[])dicParas["conditions"] : null;

                SqlParameter[] parameters = new SqlParameter[0];
                string         sqlWhere   = string.Empty;

                if (conditions != null && conditions.Length > 0)
                    if (!QueryBLL.GenDynamicSql(conditions, "a.", ref sqlWhere, ref parameters, out errMsg))
                        return(ResponseModelFactory.CreateFailModel(isSignKeyReturn, errMsg));

                string sql = @"select a.ID, a.GoodName, a.Price, a.Points, a.Note, c.DictKey as GoodTypeStr from Base_GoodsInfo a " +
                             " left join Base_StoreInfo b on a.MerchID=b.MerchID " +
                             " left join (select b.* from Dict_System a inner join Dict_System b on a.ID=b.PID where a.DictKey='商品类别' and a.PID=0) c on convert(varchar, a.GoodType)=c.DictValue " +
                             " where a.Status=1 and b.StoreID='" + storeId + "'";
                sql = sql + sqlWhere;
                IBase_GoodsInfoService base_GoodsInfoService = BLLContainer.Resolve <IBase_GoodsInfoService>();
                var base_GoodsInfo = base_GoodsInfoService.SqlQuery <Base_GoodsInfoList>(sql, parameters).ToList();

                return(ResponseModelFactory.CreateSuccessModel(isSignKeyReturn, base_GoodsInfo));
            catch (Exception e)
                return(ResponseModelFactory.CreateReturnModel(isSignKeyReturn, Return_Code.F, e.Message));