コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Cache all quantities with their Dimensions.
        /// </summary>
        static QuantityDimension()
            Assembly CurrentAssembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();

            Type[] types = CurrentAssembly.GetTypes();

            var QuantityTypes = from QuantityType in types
                                where QuantityType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(BaseQuantity))
                                select QuantityType;


            //storing the quantity types with thier dimensions

            foreach (Type QuantityType in CurrentQuantityTypes)
                //cach the quantities that is not abstract types

                if (QuantityType.IsAbstract == false && QuantityType != typeof(DerivedQuantity <>))
                    //make sure not to include Dimensionless quantities due to they are F0L0T0
                    if (QuantityType.BaseType.Name != typeof(DimensionlessQuantity <>).Name)
                        //store dimension as key and Quantity Type .

                        //create AnyQuantity<Object>  Object container used just for instantiation
                        AnyQuantity <Object> Quantity = (AnyQuantity <Object>)Activator.CreateInstance(QuantityType.MakeGenericType(typeof(object)));

                        //store the Dimension and the corresponding Type;
                        CurrentQuantitiesDictionary.Add(Quantity.Dimension, QuantityType);

                        //store quantity type as key and corresponding dimension as value.
                        CurrentDimensionsDictionary.Add(QuantityType, Quantity.Dimension);

                        //store the quantity name and type with insensitive names
                        CurrentQuantitiesNamesDictionary.Add(QuantityType.Name.Substring(0, QuantityType.Name.Length - 2), QuantityType);